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~WeightWatchers Support~


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LOL...I was going to say Weight Watchers...but, then I realized that you didn't mean that program, hehehe:o

You can make them with Photoshop.:)


WW - LOL good one.:D


I have photoshop. Did you make animated GIF's?





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Hi all,

Just me checking in. Of course I lost 1 lb. this week. I think the scale knows when I'm coming and automatically registers 1 lb. lost!

That's Ok though....I'm 12 lbs. down. I'm starting to see some small changes. Woo Hoo!!


WHO-HOO!! YAY Sheryl!!! As long as the scale keeps giving you one pound...take it!! (Also, I know you're working hard for your 1 pound...the scale isn't really 'giving' it to you!!)



HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!:D Weigh in Weds and down 1.5!!! Yipppeeee!!!

Sheryl, I figure one pound down is one pound gone!!! I have been doing this since Feb. But there are people in my class that have been doing this for over a year...they are determined to get to their goal...Remember slow but sure wins the race!! Have a great 4th weekend and remember to "chew and spit" That's my new motto!!!!:)


SW 169.5

CW 141.0

GW 135.0 (only six more to go)



And another WHO-HOO!! 1.5 is good too!!


Hi to all, hope everyone had a nice 4th of July.

I was down another .6 this week. So a total of 49. Seems to be taking a long time to get the 50! Maybe next week, haha

Welcome to Sheila. You will find lots of encouragement and support from everyone here. And lots of tips too.

Congrats to all the weight losses last week. Remember any loss or stay the same is much much better than a gain.

I have had to buy a few new clothes, to keep me from looking like a frump with all those baggy clothes. It is so nice to be in the smaller sizes, and not PLUS sizes! And I love it when people say how good I look and how much weight I've lost.

We are still having rain everyday. 10 days out of the last 14.

I have switched my weigh in day to Friday for the summer so if it ever stops raining we can go camping on the weekends and not have to worry about missing my weigh ins.

Good luck to everyone this week with eating healthy and eating all the recommended foods.


SW 264

CW 215


WHO-HOO!! for .6!! YAY!! Any loss is a great loss!!


Hi Gang!:)


I am cruising in 70 days...need to drop a boatload of weight, lol:o:eek:


Can I join the club?


WELCOME SHEILA!! Thanks for joining us!

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Guest Crazeecat5
LOL...I was going to say Weight Watchers...but, then I realized that you didn't mean that program, hehehe:o


You can make them with Photoshop.:)

Hi Sheila,

I just joined Photoshop and I can't figure out where to go to make the beautiful countdown clocks you have. Can you help me out?

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We love to cruise and do about 3 or so a year. It's really hard to ever lose when you cruise a lot. This January I decided to join Weight Watchers.


I started at 233, and now I"m at 206. 27lbs so far. My goal is 165. I'm finally out of the plus department, and this weight loss even includes a 3 week trip to Spain(16 nights of which was a cruise).


I've been stuck since June 16, so I've started water areobics 3-5 times a week. I really want to be down 50lbs by Nov. for our next TA cruise.


I;ll be checking in often, as I can use as much help as possible! Helaine

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Good evening ladies,


Weigh in today was the same. I'll take it, not like I have a choice in the matter. :rolleyes:


I didn't get to the gym as much as I would have liked and then there was the 4th. I behaved if I don't mind saying so myself. Even had a naked hamburger.


Back to work for me this week. Summer school for two weeks then Alaska.


I'm not going to weigh in again until next month. I put my WW membership on hold for the month.


Skinny vibes to everyone this week.



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Guest Crazeecat5

We love to cruise and do about 3 or so a year. It's really hard to ever lose when you cruise a lot. This January I decided to join Weight Watchers.


I started at 233, and now I"m at 206. 27lbs so far. My goal is 165. I'm finally out of the plus department, and this weight loss even includes a 3 week trip to Spain(16 nights of which was a cruise).


I've been stuck since June 16, so I've started water areobics 3-5 times a week. I really want to be down 50lbs by Nov. for our next TA cruise.


I;ll be checking in often, as I can use as much help as possible! Helaine

Welcome Helaine! Great loss so far. You came to the right place. Plenty of support here. 50lbs by Nov....no problem! You can do it!

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We love to cruise and do about 3 or so a year. It's really hard to ever lose when you cruise a lot. This January I decided to join Weight Watchers.


I started at 233, and now I"m at 206. 27lbs so far. My goal is 165. I'm finally out of the plus department, and this weight loss even includes a 3 week trip to Spain(16 nights of which was a cruise).


I've been stuck since June 16, so I've started water areobics 3-5 times a week. I really want to be down 50lbs by Nov. for our next TA cruise.


I;ll be checking in often, as I can use as much help as possible! Helaine


Welcome Helaine!! Congrats on the 27 so far & we'll do everything we can to help you with the rest!!


Good evening ladies,


Weigh in today was the same. I'll take it, not like I have a choice in the matter. :rolleyes:


I didn't get to the gym as much as I would have liked and then there was the 4th. I behaved if I don't mind saying so myself. Even had a naked hamburger.


Back to work for me this week. Summer school for two weeks then Alaska.


I'm not going to weigh in again until next month. I put my WW membership on hold for the month.


Skinny vibes to everyone this week.





Good job on the 4th, even if the scale didn't want to budge. At least you stayed steady and hopefully the loss will show next month!!

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I am not a happy dancer!!! I feel fat and bloated and know for sure I have been a very bad girl this past week!!! I can only hope for a "stay the same" tomorrow, but I fear a gain!!!:eek: I was fine till Friday then had fried shrimp, Saturday TWO barbeques...ate three pieces of cake...Sunday a lunch buffet...Monday a Wine and Cheese Party and tonight Bunko with no regard for my diet!!! Plus I bought a bag of twizlers and ate it...the entire bag!! I had Fiber One cereal this morning hoping I would get the runs, but that didn't help!!! Plus I need a tummy tuck and a boob lift! Other than that I have had a pretty good week.

Let this be an example to you ladies out there...don't do what I did...you'll feel terrible!

Seems like everyone else is doing pretty good out there with your losses.

Denise, according to the WW book at your height 146 is your max and 117 your minimum...My minimum is 109...I'll never see that unless they take off my legs and butt before weighing me!:D

Well, tomorrow am is my weigh-in and I better go to bed before I put more stuff in my mouth....I'll check back tomorrow if I haven't exploded:(


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I am not a happy dancer!!! I feel fat and bloated and know for sure I have been a very bad girl this past week!!! I can only hope for a "stay the same" tomorrow, but I fear a gain!!!:eek: I was fine till Friday then had fried shrimp, Saturday TWO barbeques...ate three pieces of cake...Sunday a lunch buffet...Monday a Wine and Cheese Party and tonight Bunko with no regard for my diet!!! Plus I bought a bag of twizlers and ate it...the entire bag!! I had Fiber One cereal this morning hoping I would get the runs, but that didn't help!!! Plus I need a tummy tuck and a boob lift! Other than that I have had a pretty good week.

Let this be an example to you ladies out there...don't do what I did...you'll feel terrible!

Seems like everyone else is doing pretty good out there with your losses.

Denise, according to the WW book at your height 146 is your max and 117 your minimum...My minimum is 109...I'll never see that unless they take off my legs and butt before weighing me!:D

Well, tomorrow am is my weigh-in and I better go to bed before I put more stuff in my mouth....I'll check back tomorrow if I haven't exploded:(



You are too funny. :) Good luck tomorrow!

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Hi everyone,

I just joined WW (for the umpteenth time) and need motivation bad. May I join the group? I'm looking forward to learning from you all, everyone here seems to have a lot to share and you seem to have a lot of fun.

We are cruising in about 7 months and I have 40 lbs. to lose. I'm having more of a challenge this time because of medications I'm on - they seem to keep the weight glued to my very fluffy body, and when I have a hard time losing I can't get motivated and then the vicious cycle begins.

Anyway, it will be wonderful to have company and support on this journey.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Welcome Susan! Of course, you can join us. We are all in the same boat (pun intended!)


Judi....this was a tough weekend for me too! I am also hoping for the stay the same bit. Just don't get to hard on yourself....you know where that can lead to!:(


Hi to all...have a great day!:)

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I am not a happy dancer!!! I feel fat and bloated and know for sure I have been a very bad girl this past week!!! I can only hope for a "stay the same" tomorrow, but I fear a gain!!!:eek: I was fine till Friday then had fried shrimp, Saturday TWO barbeques...ate three pieces of cake...Sunday a lunch buffet...Monday a Wine and Cheese Party and tonight Bunko with no regard for my diet!!! Plus I bought a bag of twizlers and ate it...the entire bag!! I had Fiber One cereal this morning hoping I would get the runs, but that didn't help!!! Plus I need a tummy tuck and a boob lift! Other than that I have had a pretty good week.

Let this be an example to you ladies out there...don't do what I did...you'll feel terrible!

Seems like everyone else is doing pretty good out there with your losses.

Denise, according to the WW book at your height 146 is your max and 117 your minimum...My minimum is 109...I'll never see that unless they take off my legs and butt before weighing me!:D

Well, tomorrow am is my weigh-in and I better go to bed before I put more stuff in my mouth....I'll check back tomorrow if I haven't exploded:(



Judi -- you crack me up! Other than worrying yourself into a dither, I think you sound like you're doing fine.


Sorry all for my absence lately (if you've missed me); I've just felt really... blah. Finally took of my 1.8 lbs I picked up on my cruise in May and have not made much progress since then. Felt some letdown from the cruise, I think, and then... I don't know. Just have been feeling like the extra bites of yummy, caloric food were worth more than pounds I could have lost. I'm still on a downward path, just very, very slowly. On the upside, I know why: it's because I've eaten too much.


I've gotten my mojo up a bit the past few days... have a weigh in tomorrow so we'll if it shows on the scale yet -- if not, I'm hoping I can keep my mojo up enough to see a result next week.


Cheers & hope you're all riding a strong wave right now!

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Guest Crazeecat5
Judi -- you crack me up! Other than worrying yourself into a dither, I think you sound like you're doing fine.


Sorry all for my absence lately (if you've missed me); I've just felt really... blah. Finally took of my 1.8 lbs I picked up on my cruise in May and have not made much progress since then. Felt some letdown from the cruise, I think, and then... I don't know. Just have been feeling like the extra bites of yummy, caloric food were worth more than pounds I could have lost. I'm still on a downward path, just very, very slowly. On the upside, I know why: it's because I've eaten too much.


I've gotten my mojo up a bit the past few days... have a weigh in tomorrow so we'll if it shows on the scale yet -- if not, I'm hoping I can keep my mojo up enough to see a result next week.


Cheers & hope you're all riding a strong wave right now!

Hi Lani,

So glad you found your way back on track and here to us on this thread! Please don't be too hard on yourself. You did it and now it's over. You can keep it up, you've done it before. Remember we are here for you......

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We've all been there and done that. You fell of the horse. Now get back up.


At WW on Monday we had a discussion about falling of the wagon and changing up what we eat. You kicked your metabolism into over drive and hopefully it worked overtime.


Thanks for letting me know the weight range for my height.



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Hi to all,

welcome to Susan from Ohio, now we have 2 Susan's. You will find lots of support and great suggestions from everyone here.

Judi- don't be too hard on yourself. We all have good days and bad days, or good weeks and bad weeks. The important thing is to recognize it, know where you went wrong and get back on track. No one said it was going to be easy, and as I said a few posts back, it seems life has a way of getting in the way of our best intentions, but thats what helps us learn our weaknesses. It would be terrible if we thought we could never eat any of those things again. So we eat them and enjoy them and then stay away from them again for awhile.

Welcome back Lani. Congrats to you for finding your way back to us.

We are finally having sunny weather, but its not hot. We have a frost warning tonight.

Good luck to everyone this week.

Susan from NS Canada

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Okay, so I went this morning and......UP 2 POUNDS:eek::eek:...that's two weeks of work down the drain, or should I say esophagus!! Starting tomorrow I promise to get back on track (too late for today, spaghetti (with my home made sauce) and peanut butter cups (three of them)but they are gone now)!! I did have fresh fruit for dessert so I will end the evening on a good foot. Beginning tomorrow I will track every bite and spit and every morsel I devour!! Tomorrow I have a Birthday Luncheon at noon, a Bingo buffet at 6 and Friday is our Friday Night Dinner at the Club, but I promise to be good and make healthy choices!! Who thought retirement would be so hard!! Also, I must tell you I have not been drinking my water. Instead of sipping on flavored water all day, I have been snacking! Some candy here, a few pretzels there, some flip side crackers of there and here I am...2 pounds up!! I think I should get some of that citrus of magnesium the doctor gives for a colonoscopy and clean myself out and start over...doesn't sound good though..my butt hurts just thinking of it...

Hey Lani good to see you back...now if we could just get LisaD back...she's been missing since May... Let's both get those Mojo's working and hopefully I'll lose 3 pounds next week:p


SW 169.5

LW 141

CW 143:eek::eek:

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Judi, you are so funny! I have to take that liquid magnesium citrate about once a week because I am permanently blocked up if you know what I mean. That and an awful prescription liquid called Enulose. If I could ever get cleared out I swear I would be 20 lbs. lighter!;) Kinda gross I know but it's something I just have to deal with.

I did my first full day of WW today and I'm really hungry tonight. I'm sure I'll get adjusted, it will just take time.


Have a good night everyone.



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Susan, one trick I use when I'm ready to gnaw through the chains around the cabinets is to drink a FULL glass of water and have a banana. It really fills you up and only 2 points. If you're a vegetable person, do the same with the water and eat a cucumber or two tomatoes. You really do get full. ;)


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Great idea! Thanks. I do drink a lot of water during the day, I don't know why I never thought of adding a fruit or veggies with it. I mostly get the bad hungries late at night; I do fine during the day.

I did ok with my points yesterday, I had forgotten how aware writing it all down makes you of what you are eating, I'm really glad I didn't have to do that the day before I started - I ate everything that wasn't nailed down. That was my preparation for starting my lifestyle change (I hate the "D" word). Does anyone else do that?

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I think I should get some of that citrus of magnesium the doctor gives for a colonoscopy and clean myself out and start over...doesn't sound good though..my butt hurts just thinking of it...


Thanks for the visual.:rolleyes:


My butt hurts thinking of it now.



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Guest Crazeecat5

Ok so I am going to get weighed in now. The holiday weekend got to me....don't think I'll even lose my usual "1" pounder. Oh well, I'm back on track, that's all that matters!!

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Sorry Denise...sometimes the "rant" side of my brain takes over the "reason" side of my brain:o....anyway, I'm not gonna do it (citrus stuff):p ...

Go Sheryl......Stay the same if you can't lose that pound!!!


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Guest Crazeecat5

OMG! I lost 1 1/2 lbs! Can't believe I lost more than when I try harder! Go figure. Hey, I'm happy.......:D


CW283 1/2

GW 145ish

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