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My Thanksgiving Week on the Sun - Day By Day Account


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I just about died laughing when I read your cave tubing ordeal. Mostly because I vividly remember missing one of those cave tubing adventures with you...when we DID spend too much time dancing, laughing, and imbibing the night before.


Better I wasn't with you this time though....I'd have taken total advantage of your fear...and spent the entire hour freaking the heck right out of you!




Can't wait to be on your side of the world again! 21 Days and counting!!

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This is without a doubt the best trip story/review I have ever read. I am simply "transported right to the scene" of each episode! Reality TV has got nothing on you, girl! Keep the story coming - I'm laughing, I'm crying, I'm off in another world completely. This is just amazing.

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Shoreguy, Cozumel is coming! It just was not the same without you there! At least there were no blackmail pictures this time!


Balkan Soul, you KNOW if you were there with me that I would not have been afraid! Instead, the two of us would have been scaring all the little ones together who answered me, "I am not afraid...this is cool!"


Thank you Waldo and cruising! I will continue!



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Shoreguy.....blackmail....of course not. Besides, I thought we had a ceremonially buring of those photos on the New Years Eve cruise. Or was that just something else that got burnt. Remember folks....what happens at "Carlos & Charlie's" stays at Carlos & Charile's.


Boy did I miss out on this cruise.



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I was on the last tender back to the ship after cave tubing. I sat with an intoxicated elderly woman who ditched her sister somewhere along their "Beer and Belize City Tour." She said the tour was great until another "buzzed" cruiser said they just took a cab to the Beer Brewery Plant and drank all day for free there. I tried Biliken beer during my previous visits but it does not compare to Roatan's Port Royal!


Once I was back on ship I thought to myself what I had not yet ever done on the Sun before. Hmmmm, I never ate a hamburger or fries in the Great Outdoor Cafe before. Frankly, I have never eaten a hamburger or fries on a cruise ship ever. So I went up and sat outside in the back at my little table for one and thought that the hamburger and fries were pretty good! Of course, I am sure that anything tastes good once you almost meet your maker! I thanked God to be alive and to be so lucky as I sat at that little table for one, smoking a cigarette, watching the sun set and the moon rise. Oh my gosh...It was a full moon. Funny things happen to me when I am in the middle of a glorious sunset and a glorious moonrise!


I returned to my cabin and found a plate of pastries with fruit filling. Oh, if I only had not eaten the burger...My New York friend left a message to meet up later for dinner. I visited the photo gallery to dispose of all pictures taken of me. Hid the evidence in the bin provided. I found the New Yorkers solo picture getting on the ship. A family behind her took her under their wings and offered to be photographed with her when getting on board. There she was, right in the middle beaming, with Uncle Fred and Aunt Mable on her left, Brother Bill and his wife on her right, and little Susie in the baby carriage with a pacifier in her mouth. You had to be there to see it.


The Weakest Link, 50's and 60's classics, James Taylor Tribute, Karaoke, and Beatlemania, and the $5,000 fleetwide progressive jackpot bingo were taking place while we went to dinner. We ate in the aft dining room at about 9:40pm. The Food and Beverage Director recommended the Sea Bass. I thought it was yummy. I like seabass and did not want to eat beef that night because with a full moon and all, there was going to be some dancing! No way was I going to end up like the Miami gal! The Director's table sent us over a complimentary bottle. We ordered a Pinot Grigio (both of our favorites) and it was a hoot to thank them afterwards for the bottle of Dom Pergnon (sp?) that we pretended we ordered!


We made it to the last half of the sock hop dance party. We arrived in time to see three passengers getting stuffed with balloons. The winner had 37. Without giving it away, I took delight in knowing that I still hold the NCL Sun record at 43. Well, I think I take delight in that...


The New Yorker and I perched ourselves on the bar stools in Dazzles to get a good view of THE SHIP N MALES ADULT MALE REVUE. This is definitely something not to miss. It is a fun show where the waiters and other crew come out and strip/dance for the women. The 20-somethings and the 90-somethings enjoyed placing dollars into their scantily clad underwear. I will admit some of them were pretty buff...and I mean the 90 year olds!


If you are a guy, you should go too. There is no strict enforcement because it is really a fun, no-harm show for all and I am sure it improves the crew morale! They also make some pretty good tips! Besides, I never met a dumb guy in a stip club for women! One gentleman cruiser at the bar asked me if I was going to go up and put some money in the g-strings. I replied, "Honey, where I come we do not pay for anything that we can get for free!" At the show's end, the New Yorker and I made the German go up and dance/strip when the all-call came for the male passengers to partake. We concluded while watching him that he certainly missed his calling in life.


After the male revue, the disco stayed hopping from midnight onward. I must say that this cruise had the best all around group of cruisers who liked to stay up and out all evening every night of the week! There was a perfect blend of 2 to 92 year olds and everyone was having fun everywhere throughout the week. The officers and staff made mention earlier that overall, the entire ship's passengers were a happy lot to serve! Just as we compare from week to week, so do they.


I danced for the rest of the night, er morning. The New Yorker, the German, and a bunch of other die-hards danced all night long too. I drink a lot of water when I dance. One song and I am soaking wet with perspiration. About half-way through I showered, changed clothes, and started all over again! Now I could not do THAT on a land vacation! Of course, this probably would not happen if I did not have the philosophy that dancing is really " a four hour workout routine" for me!


Towards the end of the evening, the New Yorker and I were still gabbing and laughing and enjoying how similar we were in just about every way possible. As we sat on our bar stools at 3am, discussing the same book we brought to read, smoking the same cigarettes, drinking the same cocktail, comparing the same life-philosophies, a middle-aged woman stumbled upon us.


She was schnaukered and had a 1/2 grin and 1/2 scowl on her face. She moved slow and stumbled a bit as she took another sip of her cocktail from her left hand. Her dress strap fell off her shoulder when she took a long drag of her cigarette from her right hand and exhaled it. Little drops of alcohol indiscreetly splattered the bottom of her dress from her glass as she continued fumbling onwards. She ricocheted from the chairs to the stools as she slowly disappeared from the disco.


The New Yorker and I were dead silent. Neither of us moved. She was in deep thought and so was I. Finally, I turn to the New Yorker and questioned, "You suppose we look like that?" She replied that she was wondering the exact same thing. I confirmed that she did not look like that and she confirmed that I did not look that. So, we made arrangements to meet for breakfast and then we got the hell out of there.



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This is so funny. If I remember correctly we usually find at least one person that we find ourselves staring at.....either thinking or saying out loud. My gosh do we do that .... or .... do we look like that. Isn't life a hoot.


Coka....please keep the story's coming. Can't wait to read more.



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(Ocean, it is more like "Do we look like that when we do that?!!!") hahaha


The Sun docks in Cozumel and I was up bright and early and enjoyed a ham and cheese omelette from the omelette station man! I never waited in a line for an omelette. I would get my omelette first and then go through the breakfast buffet. A nice new touch added by the NCL staff is that a coffee gal goes around with a coffee cart and refills people's cups. They certainly have thought of everything!


I felt bad for the cruisers who were planning on beaching it as The NYer, the German and I had discussed as an option. It was hot but cloudy. I do not mind a cloudy day when I know there are a lot cruisers in port, especially in Cozumel! It can get very crowded with 7 or 8 ships in port at the same time!We decided instead to go shopping and then hit Carlos and Charlies. Neither of them had been there before so I was ready to "order them a couple of shots" if you know what I mean!


We ended up going to the dollar-for-a-karona bar right by the ship to get us psyched for the crowds and for shopping. To give you a perspective on how much fun these two were and how similar the New Yorker was to me, was when I tried a hammock chair in some fancy store with knick-knacks all about me. I sit down and the hammock crashes down to the floor. I fall backwards and into the arms of a 4'8" Mexican woman who is protecting her shelves of knick-knacks set up behind the hammock. It is amazing how strong one becomes when they are protecting their investment! Instead of helping me or asking if I am okay, the NYer and German are laughing their butts off, shouting for me to stay right there and not move as they got their cameras out! Okay, so there are some blackmail pictures out there!


Afterwards, we went over to Carlos and Charlies but it was not really hopping yet. Well, people were there but it was only 1pm. I said I never went to Senor Frogs upstairs from C and C's so we tried it out. We stayed and danced there for 3 and 1/2 straight.


Senor Frogs was much more fun, more clean, and more room than C and C's. They had a band along with a DJ and they had more entertainment/contests for the crowd. We ordered the tall frozen margarita drink thingies and nursed them the entire time. Good thing we went to the "dollar 4 karona bar" before as the drinks were about 12 dollars each. The three of us decided to entertain ourselves and the crowd so we perched ourselves on the two-level stage and danced in sync until late afternoon!


We did the YMCA, Paradise by the Dashboard Light, and basically sweated off about 10 pounds each. People of all ages were enjoying themselves and our little side stage show. One woman (who was having a great time of her own) came over to dance with us. I asked her what grade and what subject she taught. She questioned how I knew she was a teacher and I told her that I could a spot a teacher on vacation a mile away!


We headed back to the ship around 4:30 and I told the others that I was going to C and C's because I just had to finish the day dancing on the third tier staging there. There was a good crowd in Carlos and Charlies as there were many ships in port. No way was I staying on the dance floor as it tends to be a "free-grab-for-all" if you know what I mean. So, I protected myself by being the solo dancer on the 3rd tier. I had a great view of the entire bar and the dancers below. I got my fill of dancing that day as I stayed another hour until I just could not dance one more song. I was getting hungry.


I concluded I had a great day dancing and I walked slowly back to the ship so I could chuckle at all the intoxicated passengers stumbling their way back to the ship. I learned a long time ago to never do the shots they pour down your throat and to never have more than one of the jumbo frozen drink thingies...You tend to lose an entire day when you do that! The best line of the day came from a woman at the dinner buffet line around 6pm when she slurred to me, "I had a gud time @ Charlos and Carlies...did yu go there?"


I was too full to enjoy the shrimp surprise in my cabin. I should have gone back to cabin first instead of heading up to snack at the buffet!


That evening I met the NYer and the German at East Meets West. I was not interested in the turkey dinner in the dining rooms since Thanksgiving 2003 was my dad's last supper. Even though it was not a formal night, I dressed up anyways to honor him. My mother gave me a crystal necklace to wear...it was one that he gave her when they went to Jack Kennedy's inaugural ball.


I dined on the rice wine marinated sea scallops and the sancho peppered veal t-bone. The Ny'er had all of the appetizers and the German had the sizzling szechwan encrusted beef tenderloin steak. I was glad because I never ate there before. The atmosphere was nice, the service was on top, and the company was great!


The only Jean-Ann Ryan show I watched was "Que-Noche" at 9:30pm although I have seen it before. I liked the dancing of course! NCL does a special thing at the end of it and everyone says you must go to see it. A major improvement from years past is the song. Very international and very much the Norwegian way.


After the show I could have selected Karaoke or the Liars Club or the Disco party, but I opted out for the casino. If you never saw the Liars Club, then it is a must see. Since I was thinking about my dad (who died one year ago today), I went to the casino to spend the rest of evening there.


My dad taught me poker, blackjack, spades, hearts, cribbage, roulette, craps, and to always put the maximum amount of coins into the slot machines. As I watched everyone play, I reminisced about our trips to Las Vegas, Atlantic City, Montreal Casino, Foxwoods, and other reservations. Had he been alive that evening, I am positive that he would have been at the TEXAS HOLD 'EM table. Yes, the Sun has a Texas Hold Em table. I did not play because they had limits. Give me the no-limit any day! Even so, I think NCL is one of the few companies that has realized the national craze over this poker game!


I finished the evening by taking myself to the Promenade deck Aft to watch the waves and to listen. I reflected on how lucky I was to have had a mother and father and ten older brothers and sisters who ship-shaped me into who I am today. As I touched the crystal necklace, I concluded that the only thing more fun than this week's cruise was the weeklong Irish-Catholic funeral that celebrated the life of my father one year ago.



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Ok, I've done my share of crying, and laughing, while reading the story of the cruise. Heck, I did quite a lot of it during this last installment. But - nothing got to me like the mention of your father, and his passing, and when it happened. I have to tell you - my father passed away 12 years ago. After being in a coma for nearly three weeks, he passed away exactly seven days before Christmas. I went home to Philadelphia and spent the next ten days there with my huge Catholic family (I'm 11 of 11). Each year after that I found a reason not to go home for Christmas. I just couldn't do it. This year my husband and I are going to Philadelphia, and the whole family will be there, and finally after eleven years of staying away, I am ready and eager to go. Losing a parent ( or a child ) around a holiday just changes that holiday, and it's just amazing how long it can take to adjust. I was glad to read the segment where you went out on the Promenade deck to reflect. It's exactly where I would have gone - first because there are so few people out there in the evening and I never cry in public; and secondly because there is just something about wind - I can cast my hurts into the wind and physically feel them blowing away and cleansing me. I wonder if it's the same for you.

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WaldosPepper, There is our connection! I celebrate his memory each and every day because he lives on within me. My mom taught me to count my blessings and when I do miss him, I just think how lucky I am to have known him for 40 years and to have spent his last 20 years retirement hanging out with him! I know too many teen-agers who have lost a parent or are currently losing a parent as I type and I feel bad they know them for only a short while. My dad was 82 and he lived a fabulous life.


I did not cry this time on the cruise but I did last year on the Sky's New Year's sailing. I was in Dazzles and in walked a tall, handsome, silver-haired gentleman with his beautiful wife. They reminded me of my parents style, grace, class and beauty. The band started singing "Crazy" by Patsy Cline, one of my dad's favorite songs. I asked the gentleman if he would oblige me in a dance as my father passed away only three weeks prior. I promised I would not cry on his shoulder. By the time the song was over, the guy's tuxedo was drenched! I know my dad's spirit was right there on the dance floor me with me! I will never forget that moment as long as I live.


You are going to have a wonderful, connected, and spirited holiday this year. Some of my brothers and sisters have returned over the years after being away a long time and it was as though they only left the day before. Know also that your dad will be right by your side the entire way home!



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Like the others, I too am facinated and moved by your stories. You have to tell me....did you keep a journal every day on the ship? LOL.....I'm submitting your name for the new host of "Discovery - Traveler"!!


Strange the "Six Degrees of Separation"....I am the 7th of 11 Children, and I lost my father last year before I could return home from the Balkans for a short Holiday. (So horrible being so far away trying to save the world, only to loose something that meant so much to me).


The only thing that kept me going.....the open and loving arms of all my brothers and sisters. When I look into the eyes of my siblings, I see the true greatness of my parents legacy.

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Coka, I'm hoping to connect "off the boards" so we could chat more without polluting the thread with more "off-topic" chat. Heaven knows I've done enough of that in my last post. The e-mail feature on the boards is shut off, so I'll provide mine below. If you're interested in further discussion drop me a line at:

waldopeppers@metrocast.net . Looking forward to hearing from you!


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The only thing more exciting then reading "Coka's" reviews is cruising with her. Maybe on our next cruise we should title it "Come join Coka on......"

I'm glad you enjoyed your time in Senor Frog's.......but you know me....I'm not a big follower of C & C. Dying to hear how your last days went.

(must have more......please Coka give us more)

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[quote name='thebrat99']I second that opinion! Both Coka and Ocean are GREAT people to cruise with and I might jump at the opportunity to do it ONE MORE TIME! Great story Coka, enjoying every minute of it!

Sign me up - just name the ship and date - please now the rest of the story :cool:
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(Ocean and I are looking at the Majesty to Bermuda or the Dawn next summer. We should get a big group going! That would be a hoot! Waldospepper, I will email you!)

I woke up bright and early and ready to eat breakfast by 9:00am. It was the last full day on the beautiful SUN. I was going to lay out in the sun and just soak in her rays all day long! No need to search out chairs as you can always find "one" somewhere! I realized upon taking my tray of food outside that it was cloudy. Clouds clouds everywhere. I looked west, north, south, and east. Not a ray in sight!

No problem! There were plenty of activities going on throughout the day. There were tournaments, classes, demonstrations, workshops, and so on to keep everyone happy. Since the sun was not shining, I decided to do everything inside. I did laugh to myself A LOT when I walked out by the pool bar and witnessed the cruisers laying out in their chairs all covered up with towels, freezing, but by-golly I give them credit! They must live further north than I do!

I brought the New Yorker a gift from Vermont as she made my cruise week and we made plans to meet up later for our final dinner at the Bistro.

I then walked through the art auction preview to see if there was anything to compliment the Peter Max's, Salvadore Dali's, and Tarkay's hanging in my home. Art auctions on NCL ships are rather amazing. I attended some during past sailings and I conclude buyers must truly know what they are doing. I also conclude that there are a lot of rich people cruising who are getting some tremendous deals on artwork! Lastly, if you want to find a way to hide your money from a significant other who is now insignificant, then purchase a lot of paintings on an NCL cruise ship and let a relative hang them in their home for a few years. Just ask my sister! Her paintings look great in my house!

I started packing for the journey home during the early afternoon and figured out how to put my suitcases inside my suitcases. The beer and gifts weighed a ton and my cruise clothes weighed about 10 pounds. I just had to re-adjust them all to equal out 50 pounds or less in each and keep space for the liquor coming later that night. Then I rememberd to stock up on cigarettes. The ship sells a carton for 19 dollars. So off to the ship's store I went!

The ship's store is one of the finer ones seen. They had just about everything you could possibly forget on your trip, some decent clothes and cruisewear, and the jewelry looked just as good as the ports jewelry stores. An improvement from last sailing was that all of the departments had their sales going on during sea day. For example, I love the Alterna products from the ship's spa and could buy some of my favorites for 20 to 50% off. I was checking out the sale products and THERE I SAW HIM...

...The Master. The Artist. The Creator. The Genius. His name is Russell and he is from the Phillipines. He is the best hair stylist that ever touched my head. He cut my hair when I was sailing the Sky for New Year's 2003. Ironically, he remembered me too and I immediately made an appointment. I arrived early just to see his work on other people! If you have never had your hair cut on ship, then it is a must do (pun intended)! European stylists must go to school for four to five years before they can touch a human head as opposed to American stylists who go for 8 months. My NewYorker friend had hers cut too...and she loved the results!

At about 3pm I was getting hungry so I went to go get something for lunch. I saw a bunch of passengers walking around with chocolate treats on paper plates. OH my gosh, the secret chocolate buffet was taking place! I even looked for it in the freestyle daily as I read on cruisecritic that it takes place secretly somewhere on the last day at sea. I asked the passengers, "Where is the secret chocolate buffet?" They whispered, "In the mid-ship dining room."

I decided to have chocolate for lunch. I arrived at the entrance to beautiful ice sculptures and beautiful chocolate sculptures that had signs, "Do not touch." The 12 year old in line behind me and I decided that we would not tell anyone if we touched it quickly. I dared her to take a piece but she would not bite...literally. We concluded the fancy sculptures were cholocate painted paper mache's. Still, it was quite beautiful. Also at the entrance were passengers using the ship's telephones. They were calling their loved ones in the cabins reporting out that the secret chocolate buffet was taking place and they had better come down fast.

By the time I was done the secret chocolate buffet line, I had about 12 servings of all sorts of secret chocolate treats on my plate. No way could I sit alone in the dining room and eat this! Gluttony loves company so I selected a passenger and asked to sit with her. We had a lovely conversation as we ate the secret chocolate treats. She reported that her husband thought she was somewhere else on the ship but that stumbled upon the secret chocolate buffet too and was sucked in. We were the last to leave. I never had chocolate for lunch before so I was either happy or a little buzzed.

Upon being the last to leave the secret chocolate buffet, I wanted a cocktail to counteract the chocolate high. The JAVA Cafe! I never had a coffee drink on the Sun before! So, I ordered a Decaffeinated Columbian Godfather. Had I known how many interesting flavors/drinks the Java Cafe had, then I would have visited every day prior! Just check out the menu.

I went back to my cabin later in the afternoon to finish packing and to take a nap before my haircut appointment. I was not eating in the Bistro until 8:30pm. I was really looking forward to my last treat that I was going to find in my cabin that afternoon. The unexpected surprises of fancy afternoon snacks really added to my vacation! My hands were a little shaky as I inserted the key card into the lock. I flung open the door and whisked over to the fancy decorated plate of surprise. I lift up the cover and there it was...a full plate of chocolates.

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Oh. My. God.

I just have to say: as a long-time newspaper reporter, a long-time writer and a long-time lurker of these boards (for I love to read of people's cruise experiences) I have never, ever read as wonderful a "rolling review" as I am reading on this thread.

Coka, you take the cake -- er, chocolate. You have had me smiling, almost weeping, marveling at how you have taken your experience and elevated it. You really, really need to write for a travel magazine. But no; no, no, no, that is an insult. Your writing would be wasted on travel magazines. It is absolutely superior to that.

I marvel.
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BRAVO!!!! What a marvelous review. DH and I have cruised on the Sun and agree with you. I realize the last installment is soon to come. Ohhhh......well.... all good things must come to an end.

Post when you plan to cruise next.....I think you should get a Cruise Critic Group Cruise going. Sign us up!!

Thanks so much for taking time to write a wonderful, lengthy review and sharing a part of your life with us.

Happy cruising, Kathy
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[quote name='DavidNDC']Oh. My. God.

Coka, you take the cake -- er, chocolate. You have had me smiling, almost weeping, marveling at how you have taken your experience and elevated it. You really, really need to write for a travel magazine. But no; no, no, no, that is an insult. Your writing would be wasted on travel magazines. It is absolutely superior to that.

I marvel.[/QUOTE]

We all marvel but Coka does something absolutely superior with her talent and that is share it with the next generation of authors :)

[quote name='Kathyh1313']

Post when you plan to cruise next.....I think you should get a Cruise Critic Group Cruise going. Sign us up!!

Happy cruising, Kathy[/QUOTE]

Been there done that :) Have the pictures to prove it :eek: If you are looking for a quiet relaxing vacation you would be on the wrong ship.

If you a looking to get the most out of every day and own several pairs of dancing shoes you have found the right ship

Just listen for laughter and music and you will find coka enjoying every moment. Best of all she takes the time to share it with all of us. :)
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[I]"I am totally dumbfounded that with all the people going through that ship each week, each month, and each year"[/I]
I had this experience qwith a team of movers. Used them in 1973 to go from our first apt to our first home and then again in 1976 to a larger single family home. They walked in in 1976 took one look at our furniture and said "Oh no, not you again." Late hubby & I collect antique carved furniture and have several "distinctive pieces", read large, heavy (hall tree, chima cabinet, S curve roll top, desk).

I have very much enjoyed your current report and would love to do NCL again (did Dream 2002). Had booked Dream NO-Western for 1/03 but hubby passed away 8/03 and Mom passed away the day we would have embarked. Also, I really love the western ports. Suspect I would really enjoy traveling with you. The "themes" you have discussed on the fashion board have been wonderful. However, I am NOT a niteowl. Generally, I call it a nite by 9 at home (start work between 6-7am) and 12M on vacation.
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She is on the move again....

I just received my phone call from Coka who is in Montreal for the weekend. The purpose of her trip was the "Cher" concert with the real "Village People" opening for Cher. Unfortunately the concert was canceled. This just means that she will have 3 more hours of dancing. Coka will be back on Sunday and hopefully by Monday we will read more of her wonderful adventure.

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