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More questions from a newbie!


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Hello everyone!


Let me start by saying thanks so much for those of you that posted responses to our first set of questions 2 weeks ago. We have learned so much from that, and I've spent hours reading posts on this board. It's amazing how much there is to a cruise. So, I have a few more questions as we leave in two weeks on the Inspiration out of Tampa for a 5 day cruise.


1. We have definately decided to do the Stingray City in Grand Caymans. Our second stop is Cozumel. What is the MUST DO excursion there that you can think of? I like adventure, I like ruins, I like seeing cool stuff.


2. For dinner, I plan on wearing khaki slacks nice hawaiian shirts, unless you guys tell me that too casual. For the "formal" night, how formal does our 10 year old son have to be? Should he wear a coat and tie, or just a tie, or can he get by with a nice polo and khakis? I plan on wearing a sportcoat.


3. My wife and I love to play bingo, but I've not found much on it on the boards here. Can someone tell me a little about it? do they play every day, do they play multiple games? Is it easy to find on the ship?


4. Believe it or not, i fell this weekend and sprained my ankle, (possible hairline fracture). How accomidating are the ships to someone on crutches?


5. The Monday we leave for the cruise, it tells us to be there close to 2 for a 4 departure. I've read some posts about being there at 10:30 and getting on really early and messing around on the ship for a while. Is that possible? What time should we "really" get there if we want to get on the ship as soon as possible?


6. I just want to stop and say thanks for reading this far and helping us to have an awesome cruise! THANKS!


7. Does anyone know if there is a movie theater on the Inspiration? I see people talking about movies, but I've never seen which ship it is.


8. I just have to know, what the heck is a "Ship on a stick"?


9. In a previous post, you guys answered my question about a place to smoke cigars on the ship. Can you tell me if they sell cigars on the ship too? or should I bring my own?


Ok, I know those are some pretty darn odd questions. I really appreciate everyone that can help us out. I'm one of those "gotta research" our vacation to death before we actually go. I hate not knowing stuff. Anyway, thanks again in advance for any help you guys can provide our family. We are looking so forward to this adventure, and I know it's giong to be amazing.



The Griffins from NC

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Hello everyone!


In the Caymans I would do the Sting Ray City and Island Tour, this package covers it all. From going to Hell and Back, check out the must see Green Turtle Farm which is located across the street from the old location and newly renovated and also the Rum Cake store.


What you are wearing for Casual is just fine. As for the boys a nice shirt and tie would be ok on formal nights.


Bingo is played every day, especially right before the mains shows at night. They also have day sessions too. The price is usually 3 cards for $20. and or 1 card for $10. You need to check the Capers (info guide) to times and types of Bingo events like the black out etc.


Ships are not too accomidating to people with leg injuries. there are many places especially up on Lido deck where the floors are extremely slippery and in many cases you have to take stairs up or down because the elevators are in use by the crew. During the Life Boat drill the Elevators are not working.


No Movie Theaters onboard that ship.


Ship on the stick is a golden plastic trophy that you win if you partake in a event. They hardly give them out anymore.


The Ships store had tons of Cigarettes, I don't remember seeing Cigars. And Im not sure if you can take them at that time.


You can board the ship as early as 11:30am





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Your son can be as dressed up or not as you like. However, there are picture locations all over the place and this would be a good time to get a dressy family portrait made. I like to see the kids dressed up, but you do what you think is best.


When they talk about movies on the ship, there are two places to watch them: in your cabin on the TV and on the huge new screen on the Lido deck. The play movies in the evening out there, and most of them are kid friendly.


In relation to your injury, Carnival employees might help you board, in the buffet, and disembarking, but I'm not sure about anything else. Especially since you have a small child for the mother to look after. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

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I am not as experienced as some, however I have been on 5 cruises and always arrive around noon. Then we go thru the line and eat lunch on board, we enjoy touring the ship early and usually room check in is announced and I have always found it to be at @1pm.


As far as bingo, it is posted in the daily newsletter they deliver to your stateroom . It is usually only on the days at sea, when I have cruised. They play multiple games and you can play multiple cards, usually a better deal if you buy a packet of cards.

They have some jackpots that are larger near the last day of the cruise.


Hope that helps a bit.


By the way, we did a private stingray city tour with , http://www.sotoscruises.com/ It was nice to not be in a circle of 100 people, we were just a few of us. If you need more info on that let me know. They even picked us up near the dock. Time change there so we were an hour early. It was a highlite for sure.



Enjoy your trip!!!!!

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Hello everyone!


Let me start by saying thanks so much for those of you that posted responses to our first set of questions 2 weeks ago. We have learned so much from that, and I've spent hours reading posts on this board. It's amazing how much there is to a cruise. So, I have a few more questions as we leave in two weeks on the Inspiration out of Tampa for a 5 day cruise.


1. We have definately decided to do the Stingray City in Grand Caymans. Our second stop is Cozumel. What is the MUST DO excursion there that you can think of? I like adventure, I like ruins, I like seeing cool stuff. We did the royal swim with the dolphins in Cozumel when we went this past June, there is no feeling in the world like being pushed by a dolphin, you will absolutely love it. Words cannot describe it. They take pics & video for you for a nice price of course, but the video was well worth it to us. You don't have to buy the pics, if you don't want to stick around for the sell afterwards, you don't have to.


2. For dinner, I plan on wearing khaki slacks nice hawaiian shirts, unless you guys tell me that too casual. For the "formal" night, how formal does our 10 year old son have to be? Should he wear a coat and tie, or just a tie, or can he get by with a nice polo and khakis? I plan on wearing a sportcoat.He could get by with all of the above, depends on how "formal" you want to go.


3. My wife and I love to play bingo, but I've not found much on it on the boards here. Can someone tell me a little about it? do they play every day, do they play multiple games? Is it easy to find on the ship?You will see bingo listed in the capers for different days. It's always in the main theatre where they do all of the shows. You get paper cards, but when you punch them, don't punch out the numbers or your winning bingo could quickly turn into a loser. Just bend them enough to know you have that number. It's based on a computerized game, but still fun no less. Sometimes they do play multiple games, and have some pretty good jackpots as well.


4. Believe it or not, i fell this weekend and sprained my ankle, (possible hairline fracture). How accomidating are the ships to someone on crutches?Never had to deal with crutches, I know the decks can be very slippery at times, and the lifeboat drills require climbing stairs, other than that, I wish I could be more help.


5. The Monday we leave for the cruise, it tells us to be there close to 2 for a 4 departure. I've read some posts about being there at 10:30 and getting on really early and messing around on the ship for a while. Is that possible? What time should we "really" get there if we want to get on the ship as soon as possible?It's 100% possible, we have been at a port in Fort Lauderdale by 10:30, and some of the 1st onboard between then & 11:00. We got there between 10 & 10:30. Just stay close to your luggage until you hand it over to the porter making sure he understands you are getting on, not off the ship.


6. I just want to stop and say thanks for reading this far and helping us to have an awesome cruise! THANKS!You're most welcome!:)


7. Does anyone know if there is a movie theater on the Inspiration? I see people talking about movies, but I've never seen which ship it is.Can't really help on that one, never been on the Inspiration, sorry.


8. I just have to know, what the heck is a "Ship on a stick"?It's a little trophy that's really a gold plastic ship mounted onto a base that has the name of the ship on it at the base of it. You could probably do a search or google it & find pics


9. In a previous post, you guys answered my question about a place to smoke cigars on the ship. Can you tell me if they sell cigars on the ship too? or should I bring my own?Never looked or paid attention to the cigars, maybe someone else can help ya on that one, sorry.


Ok, I know those are some pretty darn odd questions. I really appreciate everyone that can help us out. I'm one of those "gotta research" our vacation to death before we actually go. I hate not knowing stuff. Anyway, thanks again in advance for any help you guys can provide our family. We are looking so forward to this adventure, and I know it's giong to be amazing.



The Griffins from NC


Hope you guys have an awesome time!

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1)All my Cozumel excursions have involved a lot of drinking so w/ your son traveling w/ you, I can't help ya with this one. And how adventurous are you going to be on crutches!!!! tsk tsk tsk. Don't make me confine you to your cabin! LOL

2) your son will be fine w/ khaki's and a nice shirt on formal (cruise elegant) night. He won't need a tie if he doesn't want to. Dress slacks and dress shirt is fine.

3) they play Bingo at least once a day. Even your son can play. It's well advertised in the Carnival Capers. They often play it during the day and then usually before the show.

4) Crutches? Not very. Lots of raised thresholds and damp decks. But you'll survive!!

5) 10:30 is on the early side. But 11:30 isn't. No need to wait for 2PM. Of course if the ship is late getting in or late getting all the passengers off, then all bets are off.

7) don't know about the Lido deck theater. No inside theater. Movies run on your TV all day.

8) A highly coveted cheap-o plastic ship that you can win for things like trivia and other contests.

9) I can't remember if they sell cigars on the ship. I know ppl buy them in port including Cubans, which must be smoked on board as the fine for bringing them into the US is STEEEEEEEP if you get caught.

Hope this helps.

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getting ready to leave for work but wanted to make a suggestion real quick.

In Grand Cayman, we booked our Reef, Rays and RumPoint excursion through Nativeway.com

I have been on 19 cruises and this was THE very best excursion that I have ever been on. Please go to the ports of call boards and check it out.



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1. We have definately decided to do the Stingray City in Grand Caymans. Our second stop is Cozumel. What is the MUST DO excursion there that you can think of? I like adventure, I like ruins, I like seeing cool stuff.


The Mayan ruins in Tulum would be a good excursion for ruins and they are cool. The Tulum ruins sit on a beautiful spot on the coast. The downside is that it will take up your entire time in Cozumel and the ferry to the mainland is pretty bumpy.


9. In a previous post, you guys answered my question about a place to smoke cigars on the ship. Can you tell me if they sell cigars on the ship too? or should I bring my own?


I've seen cigars for sell on the ship. I don't know anything about the quality or value, but I've seen them.

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Im a newbie too. I read your post,all your questions and everyones answers. I have no wisdom to share with you,as Im in the same boat as you.Pun intended,but not literally the same boat,lol. Anyway. I agree TOTALLY with you! The folks here are soooo super helpful! And the experienced ones seem more than willing to help us out. But I wanted to say thanks for your questions. Some apply to me,some not yet .{not cruising first time with the kids,but I have 2 of em,so Im sure the day will come,ad boys,so the attire question and answers were GREAT!}. So thanks for asking the silly questions,and thanks to everyone else for being patient with us PO OLE land locked,but not for long would be cruisers!!!

Have a Great Cruise!

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Hello everyone!


4. Believe it or not, i fell this weekend and sprained my ankle, (possible hairline fracture). How accomidating are the ships to someone on crutches?



The Griffins from NC


I was on a cruise with a broken foot 2 years ago. Yes, at times the decks can be a little slick, but I had no problem getting around. Many people were very accomidating (from holding the elevator to getting an end seat at the table games in the casino). Take your time, and you will be just fine.

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Thanks everyone! for the responses. Once again, you guys did an incredible job of helping us get ready for the big trip.


About my ankle, I went to the orthopedist today and found out that I tore the ligament/tendons on the left side of my ankle. Not a break, but more painful I understand. I have one of those frankenstien boots to wear now, but that means I probably wont have to have crutches on the ship!!!!! Woo Hoo!


Thanks again!

The Griffins from NC

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Hi, we are from NC too, near Winston Salem, going on the Inspiration April 11, first time on Carnival. Hope we all have a good time!



We live in Mooresville, not too far from WS. We are going the week before you are. We debark on the Saturday before the 11th. Hope you have a great time too!



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Hello everyone!


9. In a previous post, you guys answered my question about a place to smoke cigars on the ship. Can you tell me if they sell cigars on the ship too? or should I bring my own?



The Griffins from NC


Hi! Enjoy your cruise!


Regarding cigars - my hubby is planning on bringing one or two from home that he knows he enjoys. There is a cigar bar onboard somewhere (actually one bar where they allow cigar smoking), and he remembers that there is not a big selection for sale on the ship.


He received advice to go to the higher end hotels in town and purchase good cigars there (although supposedly even the 5 star hotels are selling knock-off cubans).


Last year we were in Nassau and stumbled upon a cigar factory in an old hotel - really cool to watch them being rolled the old fashioned way by really old guys....and of course purchase a few.


We're heading to Grand Cayman next week - I'll let you know if he finds any good cigar sources there....


Have fun!


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