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NCL Freestyle not so Free.


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:( It is sad to see that people came back from a cruise and keep complaining how you have to pay for this and that instead of saying how wonderfull and so much fun that they had. We've been on 20 cruises and were on the NCL Gem last year and will be going on the GEM again this Saturaday 4/11/09 out of New York. Although the upcoming cruise is free thanks to the NCL casino department, We only pay taxes and port charges. we found NCL provided the best values and services as comparing to all other cruise lines.


Yes, we did have to pay for $100 per week using the private spa which is a lot larger than the spas by the poolside. Besides, the spa jet is better, less crowded, and you get heated marble lounge chairs. So it's worth the $ 100 which you can easily donate to the slot machines. LOL. We are looking forward to be on the GEM again this Saturaday for the good food, shows, etc..... We don't care if we don't get to get off the boat. LOL


HAPPY EASTER WEEK and think positive, you will livea a lot longer !!

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It really is a huge problem here on CC with a handful of regular posters, being regularly negative, sarcastic and downright mean at times. And it is scary as a new cruiser and new poster to write on here for fear of what is to come.


I know that when I had something controversial to post, I hesitated for months before I posted it, and wrote it many times, canceling it after I wrote it -- all for fear of being attacked. In fact, I considered even creating an account to post the one post! There is a certain venom and viscousness that posts like that are met with, more so on the NCL boards than any other. I did not have an agenda, like some have suggested. I simply had something controversial to say.


Now with that said, when I finally did post it, the attacks were not as bad as I suspected. Granted, there were some very negative responses, but only a handful of those were personal attacks.

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Well said Mooder. And we all know why. Agenda.




You keep mentioning that some have an agenda. What in the world does that mean? If someone spends thousands of $ on a cruise and has issues with food or service or amenities, what possible agenda would they have? Maybe, just maybe, they are trying to educate others by their experiences. No agenda, just participating on a board that is called "cruise critic". So please stop tagging anyone with a negative review has having an agenda. Most people are just not that into NCL to have an agenda for goodness sake.

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Cruisin Gram and Bermuder:


From what I have read, it appears that you need to place certain "posters" on your ignore list. Your posts have been well written, positive and factual unfortunately it is a shame that not everyone can recognize the value of your cruising experiences and stop nitpicking every single word you write.


Thanks for the nice words NoRed. :)


I don't however think that anything I say is more factual or that anyone should pay any more attention to what I say then to what anyone else has to say. We all have our individual opinions and CC is the place to state them. We all have something to learn by reading others postings. I know I learn something new almost every day here. :D


As far as the ignore list, I don't regularly use it and actually only have 1 person on it who continually harrassed me. I think that open discussion and disagreements is a good thing. I just wish that more people felt that way and didn't take offense every time someone disagreed with their opinion.



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You keep mentioning that some have an agenda. What in the world does that mean? If someone spends thousands of $ on a cruise and has issues with food or service or amenities, what possible agenda would they have? Maybe, just maybe, they are trying to educate others by their experiences. No agenda, just participating on a board that is called "cruise critic". So please stop tagging anyone with a negative review has having an agenda.


Millie, you've suggested several times for people to go back and read this thread. So I will now say the same to you. Please go back and read my posts. If you do, you will understand exactly what I am saying. I never referred to anyone that posted their cruise review or their opinion....positive or negative....as having an agenda...never.



Most people are just not that into NCL to have an agenda for goodness sake.


Now you are catching on. Perhaps it is those who aren't into NCL that may have an agenda (ie: another purpose in posting)



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I know that when I had something controversial to post, I hesitated for months before I posted it, and wrote it many times, canceling it after I wrote it -- all for fear of being attacked. In fact, I considered even creating an account to post the one post! There is a certain venom and viscousness that posts like that are met with, more so on the NCL boards than any other. I did not have an agenda, like some have suggested. I simply had something controversial to say.


Now with that said, when I finally did post it, the attacks were not as bad as I suspected. Granted, there were some very negative responses, but only a handful of those were personal attacks.


And that is what I hate most about some of the long time posters who live on this board intimidating others. it's wrong and I would hope that the powers that be on this board take care of that problem. Maybe this thread will wake up someone and get back to basics. this is not a private chat room for a few that believe they run this board. this is a public board to post the good, the bad and the ugly. Hey, maybe we made some progress here and hopefully those that are in this group will think twice about being mean and insulting to those they disagree with.

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Well said Mooder. And we all know why. Agenda.




Sorry, CG. I usually agree with you, but I can't on this one. I don't think I could say that the negative people have any more of an agenda than those of us who love NCL do. I don't want that label, so I won't put it on anyone.


I know that when I had something controversial to post, I hesitated for months before I posted it, and wrote it many times, canceling it after I wrote it -- all for fear of being attacked. In fact, I considered even creating an account to post the one post! There is a certain venom and viscousness that posts like that are met with, more so on the NCL boards than any other. I did not have an agenda, like some have suggested. I simply had something controversial to say.


Now with that said, when I finally did post it, the attacks were not as bad as I suspected. Granted, there were some very negative responses, but only a handful of those were personal attacks.


I remember your post and it was a shame that you took as long to post as you did. Keep in mind, that I have to worry about my posts too. Being accused of being a shill is no fun either.


And that is what I hate most about some of the long time posters who live on this board intimidating others. it's wrong and I would hope that the powers that be on this board take care of that problem. Maybe this thread will wake up someone and get back to basics. this is not a private chat room for a few that believe they run this board. this is a public board to post the good, the bad and the ugly. Hey, maybe we made some progress here and hopefully those that are in this group will think twice about being mean and insulting to those they disagree with.


Maybe that's the agenda CG is worried about? I'm not sure but it struck me that your post answered my question about what the agenda she refers to might be.


My opinion is that most of the negative posts reflect a different personality. A difference between half-full and half-empty people and then insecurity and misunderstanding leads to attacks.

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I guess I should stop being so vague and say it outright, instead of just hinting around. I cannot and will not use names, as I have no desire to get into trouble on CC or in a spitting match with someone else.


The agenda that Terry spoke about back in post #115, and I completely agree with, is those that dispise either 1) NCL or 2) some of the regular posters here. They will come out in support of anything that is negatively said about NCL and will jump at the chance to jump on anyone (and some posters in particular) who DARE post a response with a different opinion. They constantly make snarky comments and digs in order to stir the pot, constantly talk about the NCL cheerleaders, etc. It is their agenda on these boards to constantly belittle others who they dislike, or belittle NCL at every opportunity. It is fine in their mind for them to post their critical views of NCL and fellow posters on this board, yet if someone dares to post their opinion, they are a cheerleader, rude, bully, etc.


Let me make it perfectly clear (as I thought I did before) that in general, posters who post negative reviews of an NCL sailing that they went on (like Ralph) are NOT the posters that I consider to have an agenda.


Let me also make it perfectly clear that I am also NOT referring to people who feel that reviews are sometimes answered harshly. That is truly the way you feel, and you have no hidden agenda in stating such...unlike a few others.


For those who think I'm wrong, just do some reading around the boards. Check out some reviews, and some of the Epic threads, and some of the tipping threads. You will quickly identify those that Terry & I are speaking of.



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I guess I should stop being so vague and say it outright, instead of just hinting around. I cannot and will not use names, as I have no desire to get into trouble on CC or in a spitting match with someone else.


The agenda that Terry spoke about back in post #115, and I completely agree with, is those that dispise either 1) NCL or 2) some of the regular posters here. They will come out in support of anything that is negatively said about NCL and will jump at the chance to jump on anyone (and some posters in particular) who DARE post a response with a different opinion. They constantly make snarky comments and digs in order to stir the pot, constantly talk about the NCL cheerleaders, etc. It is their agenda on these boards to constantly belittle others who they dislike, or belittle NCL at every opportunity. It is fine in their mind for them to post their critical views of NCL and fellow posters on this board, yet if someone dares to post their opinion, they are a cheerleader, rude, bully, etc.


Let me make it perfectly clear (as I thought I did before) that in general, posters who post negative reviews of an NCL sailing that they went on (like Ralph) are NOT the posters that I consider to have an agenda.


Let me also make it perfectly clear that I am also not referring to people who feel that reviews are sometimes answered harshly. That is truly the way you feel, and you have no hidden agenda in stating such...unlike a few others.


For those who think I'm wrong, just do some reading around the boards. Check out some reviews, and some of the Epic threads, and some of the tipping threads. You will quickly identify those that I & Terry are speaking of.




You are absolutely correct. I just wanted to clarify that we are not talking about any negative post. I know you appreciate them all.


Thanks for that explanation, CG!!

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This is like a crash course in Sociology 101.

On one of my first posts (seems so long ago) I interpreted a snarky (great word) comment as a personal attack. It actually ruined my day (shame on me). Upon reflection I decided to ignore the snarks (is that right?) and come to the aid/defense of snarked (?!) posters so they do not think that the snarkism is the universal opinion of CC. People are people. The only person I can control is myself.

Maybe if regulars chimed in with non-resnark remarks defending the snarkee instead of resnarking the snarker the entire tone of this board (which I find fascinating on many levels) would improve.



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:( It is sad to see that people came back from a cruise and keep complaining how you have to pay for this and that instead of saying how wonderfull and so much fun that they had. We've been on 20 cruises and were on the NCL Gem last year and will be going on the GEM again this Saturaday 4/11/09 out of New York. Although the upcoming cruise is free thanks to the NCL casino department, We only pay taxes and port charges. we found NCL provided the best values and services as comparing to all other cruise lines.


Yes, we did have to pay for $100 per week using the private spa which is a lot larger than the spas by the poolside. Besides, the spa jet is better, less crowded, and you get heated marble lounge chairs. So it's worth the $ 100 which you can easily donate to the slot machines. LOL. We are looking forward to be on the GEM again this Saturaday for the good food, shows, etc..... We don't care if we don't get to get off the boat. LOL


HAPPY EASTER WEEK and think positive, you will livea a lot longer !!

Bon Voyage! I hope the weather is beautiful and the seas calm! Happy Easter to you too.

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You are absolutely correct. I just wanted to clarify that we are not talking about any negative post. I know you appreciate them all.


Thanks for that explanation, CG!!


No problem Muder. When I saw that you disagreed with me I knew I was saying it wrong somehow. :) Sometimes my brain just can't explain to my fingers what it wants to say. LOL



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This is like a crash course in Sociology 101.

On one of my first posts (seems so long ago) I interpreted a snarky (great word) comment as a personal attack. It actually ruined my day (shame on me). Upon reflection I decided to ignore the snarks (is that right?) and come to the aid/defense of snarked (?!) posters so they do not think that the snarkism is the universal opinion of CC. People are people. The only person I can control is myself.

Maybe if regulars chimed in with non-resnark remarks defending the snarkee instead of resnarking the snarker the entire tone of this board (which I find fascinating on many levels) would improve.




Funny post!!!!!! Loved it. :D:D

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This is like a crash course in Sociology 101.

On one of my first posts (seems so long ago) I interpreted a snarky (great word) comment as a personal attack. It actually ruined my day (shame on me). Upon reflection I decided to ignore the snarks (is that right?) and come to the aid/defense of snarked (?!) posters so they do not think that the snarkism is the universal opinion of CC. People are people. The only person I can control is myself.

Maybe if regulars chimed in with non-resnark remarks defending the snarkee instead of resnarking the snarker the entire tone of this board (which I find fascinating on many levels) would improve.




I didn't know "snark" could be used in so many different ways...that was enjoyable. :)

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This is like a crash course in Sociology 101.

On one of my first posts (seems so long ago) I interpreted a snarky (great word) comment as a personal attack. It actually ruined my day (shame on me). Upon reflection I decided to ignore the snarks (is that right?) and come to the aid/defense of snarked (?!) posters so they do not think that the snarkism is the universal opinion of CC. People are people. The only person I can control is myself.

Maybe if regulars chimed in with non-resnark remarks defending the snarkee instead of resnarking the snarker the entire tone of this board (which I find fascinating on many levels) would improve.




I didn't know "snark" could be used in so many different ways...that was enjoyable. :)


Me too. You nearly converted me to snarkism. :)

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I always find myself defending the "snarked" which in turn gets me snarked. In this case Ralph was snarked and I am glad to see so many on this board defend him. Free flow of ideas is a good thing and I hope that Ralph ignores those that insulted him and continues to provide feedback on this forum. For those snarkers, it's time go grow up, high school is over. It's no longer funny to be a bully and make people feel bad for having a different opinion than you.


Nuff said.

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I guess I should stop being so vague and say it outright, instead of just hinting around. I cannot and will not use names, as I have no desire to get into trouble on CC or in a spitting match with someone else.


The agenda that Terry spoke about back in post #115, and I completely agree with, is those that dispise either 1) NCL or 2) some of the regular posters here. They will come out in support of anything that is negatively said about NCL and will jump at the chance to jump on anyone (and some posters in particular) who DARE post a response with a different opinion. They constantly make snarky comments and digs in order to stir the pot, constantly talk about the NCL cheerleaders, etc. It is their agenda on these boards to constantly belittle others who they dislike, or belittle NCL at every opportunity. It is fine in their mind for them to post their critical views of NCL and fellow posters on this board, yet if someone dares to post their opinion, they are a cheerleader, rude, bully, etc.


Let me make it perfectly clear (as I thought I did before) that in general, posters who post negative reviews of an NCL sailing that they went on (like Ralph) are NOT the posters that I consider to have an agenda.


Let me also make it perfectly clear that I am also NOT referring to people who feel that reviews are sometimes answered harshly. That is truly the way you feel, and you have no hidden agenda in stating such...unlike a few others.


For those who think I'm wrong, just do some reading around the boards. Check out some reviews, and some of the Epic threads, and some of the tipping threads. You will quickly identify those that Terry & I are speaking of.




Thank you CrusinGram for expressingso clearly what I have long felt. Anyone who does a search of past posts will know exactly what you mean.


To the OP:

Believe me a somewhat negative review like yours with a few points that one might disagree with is OK and really NOT a problem for most of us (Although we do reserve the right to disagree). Snarky rudeness and name-calling on the part of

some self-identified "defenders of the view that reviews should go undisagreed with" are the problem.

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Thank you CrusinGram for expressingso clearly what I have long felt. Anyone who does a search of past posts will know exactly what you mean.


To the OP:

Believe me a somewhat negative review like yours with a few points that one might disagree with is OK and really NOT a problem for most of us (Although we do reserve the right to disagree). Snarky rudeness and name-calling on the part of

some self-identified "defenders of the view that reviews should go undisagreed with" are the problem.


Let's see if I understand you correctly. You think it's ok to tell Ralph not to let the door hit him on the way out, to call him a whiner and more or less diminish him as a contributor to this board. But those that defend his post as his opinion and call out those that are rude are the problem? Didn't see any name calling for those that tire of the insults made to others but if that is how you see it, that is how you see it.

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Let's see if I understand you correctly. You think it's ok to tell Ralph not to let the door hit him on the way out, to call him a whiner and more or less diminish him as a contributor to this board. But those that defend his post as his opinion and call out those that are rude are the problem? Didn't see any name calling for those that tire of the insults made to others but if that is how you see it, that is how you see it.


How very odd - I don't remember saying anywhere that that is is OK to name-call anyone or that it is wrong for someone to defend the OP's post if one agrees with him. Your "interpretation" of my words is "interesting".

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Guess what - I'm leaving on my cruise Sunday and since I truly believe that it's all about me, the mods should shut down this thread because it's become a circular argument and that's upsetting to me:D. Like every "family" (we're a family of cruise lovers) there are times that we give the word "dysfunctional" new meaning. Strong positions are staked out and held, snide/snarky comments begin to fly and it's all downhilll from there.


There's always room for constructive criticism, discussion etc and hope that it can be done in a positive tone without attitude on either side. It's time to shut down down now - some posters are continuing to rehash what had already been hashed.


Instead of telling each other to grow up and stop this or stop that, what say we try leading by example, huh?


I just hate it when things deteriorate to this point........


Have a great cruise!

I cant wait to hear all about it when you get back:)

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An Affair to Remember. Ahhhhhhhhh. I loved Grand Mere (or whatever her name was). The song in playing in my head as I type.




What a great movie to show aboard.... For free!

(Put that in so it would 'go' with the OP. - still a newbie but on the 'curve.)

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