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How to set up Meet and Greet?


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Within a few weeks before the cruise, send an email to groupeventXXXX@ncl.com (xxxx= ship name) stating that you would like to have a Meet and Greet and the approximate number of people attending. They will get back to you with a time and place.


Haven't seen a template around, from what I've heard each group kind of does their own thing!:)

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In both of my prior M&G, many of the CC members were hesitant to give out their real names. I made up flourescent labels with their screen names on them in advance and those were attached to name tags that were hand-written at the M&G as people checked in.


The last M&G had the location changed that morning, and many members did not find the new location....next time I would have someone go to the original location with a hand-made sign telling people about the changed location and how to get there. NCL did put up a sign, but it got moved to where it could not be seen, by the art auction folks who took our original location.


One disappointment that I had the last time was that no one in the M&G had any questions to ask of the officers.....it seemed like a waste to have them there if we were not interested. So....have some questions ready in case your group is silent like my last one.

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My wife made up her own template for the name tags, using Avery labels she got at Staples, and her office printer. She said she went to www.avery.com, used style 5160 address labels and followed the directions. They had a template with a logo appropriate to NCL. DW also says the Avery labels are far better than the generic Staples brand.


We had a very active group on our roll call and had over a hundred folks sign up for the M&G. The Jade was very helpful. They provided snacks, coffee, tea, and juice and the entire senior staff, including the captain, showed up. If you'd like, send me your email address and I'll send you an example of our roster and the tip sheet we sent out to our group. Carnac767 at cox dot net.

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We had a master roster of attendees which included their cabin numbers, which was a good thing because our meeting placed was changed the night before the M & G. That was because we had so many people and the original venue--Le Bistro--was too small for us. Because I had the cabin numbers, I was able to call everyone and tell them about the new location. But the group event coordinator also stayed at Le Bistro to direct everyone to Alizar, just in case they didn't get the word.


We found it useful to put everyone's name AND CC ID on the name tags because so many people knew the group members solely by their CC ID. We didn't have anyone reluctant to give out their name, however.


I asked the group to think of questions beforehand because I've been at other M&G where there's been lots of awkward silence. What's the occupancy rate for this cruise, what do we do if we get injured on a tour, what if we're late getting back--will you really leave us, what's NCL doing to reduce its environmental impact, do you recycle, how fast do we normally cruise, is the TV on the ship satellite or cable (okay, I'm making that one up, but you get the idea).

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In both of my prior M&G, many of the CC members were hesitant to give out their real names. I made up flourescent labels with their screen names on them in advance and those were attached to name tags that were hand-written at the M&G as people checked in.


The last M&G had the location changed that morning, and many members did not find the new location....next time I would have someone go to the original location with a hand-made sign telling people about the changed location and how to get there. NCL did put up a sign, but it got moved to where it could not be seen, by the art auction folks who took our original location.


One disappointment that I had the last time was that no one in the M&G had any questions to ask of the officers.....it seemed like a waste to have them there if we were not interested. So....have some questions ready in case your group is silent like my last one.


Good idea to remind everybody to come with at least one question for the officers.



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Good idea about what to do if the meeting is moved.


What types of questions do you ask? I thought about asking how often the bed linens are changed.


I'm not for sure what you mean. Do you mean during the week you are on the ship how often do they switch out the bed linens for fresh clean ones or do you mean how often do they get a new batch of linens for each ship.




For those who say you have encouraged your M&G group to come up with questions before hand, please stress this is not a time to ask attacking questions of the officers. I read recently where that happened at a M&G and not only did it make 1/2 the people in the room very uncomfortable, but it makes the rest of us look bad...like we will not be taken seriously, etc.

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I just had a successful meet and greet on the Pearl in February.


I bought Lanyards and made tags to hang off of the clip - one side was a picture of the ship, sailing date, and sailing itinerary. The other side was the CC Logo and the M&G location, date and time (although that changed after I had them laminated). It made a nice souvenior.


I also ordered cards similar to Holiday Photo Cards at Sam's Club with a picture of the ship and it had the date, location, and time for the M&G. I "addressed" each envelope (gold lined) with the cabin numbers and delivered them the night before. I asked the members of our Roll Call to email me with the cabin numbers, so as not to post them on a public forum and I also emailed my cabin number to each of them.


We had a good time, the invitation made for a souvenior as well as the Lanyards. I made some nice friends on that sailing thanks to the M & G.


Have fun with yours.

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Oh shoot I almost forgot, our Roll Call group made a group donation of supplies to a school in Belize. I posted a link to the list that the school had posted on the web in our Roll Call. Everyone bought items to the M & G for the donation box that I brought. My DH and I met with customs on the ship in Belize and got approval to take it off and we saw to it that the school received everything.


It was a nice group effort and everyone was pretty generous.

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nclLOGO_less-text.GIF.141e672fcad054c7e005f941c0e586b5.GIFMOST EXCELLENT THREAD!!! I posted these questions in the Name Tag thread hoping for some M&G organizing vets, But HERE your are LOL!


I'd really hate to flub this up but am really flying 'blind." I have the event coordinator e-mail already for the Spirit but wonder if you folks have any advice for a newbie squared (educated CC cruising x M&G).


My roll call (Spirit June 5 to Boston to Bermuda) doesn't have oodles of folks in it. I'm hoping for more 'cause I'd like to go to a M&G and if nobody else 'steps up' I'll try to organize it.


This is what I THINK I know:

  • NAME TAGS. I love name tags. I wish EVERYBODY wore name tags ALL THE TIME. I'd like to add Home City - ice-breaker...
  • Door Signs
  • List w/ cabins, CC ID's and hopefully real names and home city/region.
  • There are usually 2 crew members/officers who attend. They really try to make the M&G.
  • The M&G is on the first sea day, usually around 11 AM or Noon.
  • The ship will provide coffee and danish.
  • I e-mail the event coordinator the week of (a week before?) my sailing to give her a final head count.
  • Even if there are only a few of us we should still do it.

General questions:

  • RSVP... folks just say whether they plan to attend in the Roll Call - before they know where/when?
  • When I might expect a day/time/place for the event?
  • Is all communication with the Event Coordinator done by e-mail or might I speak to her, as well?
  • Will she be on the Spirit or is she a landlubber?

That's all the questions I can think of... I probably FORGOT to ask the most important things LOL. Can't wait to see what else comes up hers.


Attached are two NCL logos - one with text the other just the wavy thing... no text that I found in my 'travels' that some of you might find handy.


Thanks in advance!

Many thanks to AWINKLER


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All I can speak of is from my own experience on Jade. The group event coordinator I corresponded with was not the same woman I dealt with on the ship. On the ship I worked with the Group Services Coordinator. We received initial notification about the date/time/place about two weeks before we sailed. Our M&G was on the first at-sea day at 11:00 a.m. On the Sun it was at 1:00, again on the first at-sea day.


We had about 30 people signed up for the M&G until about five weeks before we sailed and then the list suddenly exploded. I sent an updated head count (with an attached roster) to the Event Coordinator about three or four times.


We also had a couple of people offer to take photos at the M&G and they posted them after the cruise. I've also seen some groups have a last-night get-together for dinner. The group services coordinator can set that up for you, if you're interested.


Have a great time.

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All I can speak of is from my own experience on Jade. The group event coordinator I corresponded with was not the same woman I dealt with on the ship. On the ship I worked with the Group Services Coordinator. We received initial notification about the date/time/place about two weeks before we sailed. Our M&G was on the first at-sea day at 11:00 a.m. On the Sun it was at 1:00, again on the first at-sea day.


We had about 30 people signed up for the M&G until about five weeks before we sailed and then the list suddenly exploded. I sent an updated head count (with an attached roster) to the Event Coordinator about three or four times.


We also had a couple of people offer to take photos at the M&G and they posted them after the cruise. I've also seen some groups have a last-night get-together for dinner. The group services coordinator can set that up for you, if you're interested.


Have a great time.


You are exactly correct. The person you email and who sets it up for you is not the same person who will assist you onboard the ship. I do have to say when we set the one up for our cruise last October that we did not actually meet the person who did the physical setting up until the M&G itself.


Maggie.. generally most people like having the M&G on the first full sea day right before or right after lunch time. When you email the events person you might want to give them a few choices. Like tell them you would like to have it on the first sea day at 11AM and if that is unavailable then you would like to have it the first sea day at 2PM,etc etc.


I hope you have a nice turn out. We had between 25 and 30 people at ours and it was a joy to meet them all and to see them around the ship during the cruise. Was like you were cruising with friends and family.. 8-)


Hi to every one who might read this that was at our M&G on the Pearl in Oct.

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I'm not for sure what you mean. Do you mean during the week you are on the ship how often do they switch out the bed linens for fresh clean ones or do you mean how often do they get a new batch of linens for each ship.




For those who say you have encouraged your M&G group to come up with questions before hand, please stress this is not a time to ask attacking questions of the officers. I read recently where that happened at a M&G and not only did it make 1/2 the people in the room very uncomfortable, but it makes the rest of us look bad...like we will not be taken seriously, etc.


That's an EXCELLENT point. Thanks for that reminder. These officers are being generous with their time to join us, and they are our friends!

My question about the bed linens is how often do they change the sheets on the beds? Of course, I can ask the room steward, but I thought everyone would be interested in that.

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I asked the group to think of questions beforehand because I've been at other M&G where there's been lots of awkward silence. What's the occupancy rate for this cruise, what do we do if we get injured on a tour, what if we're late getting back--will you really leave us, what's NCL doing to reduce its environmental impact, do you recycle, how fast do we normally cruise, is the TV on the ship satellite or cable (okay, I'm making that one up, but you get the idea).


Great questions. Thanks. I would not have thought about any of those.

I just thought of one I'm going to consider: When we send laundry, is it sorted by color? washed in hot water, etc? That question comes up on these boards from time to time.

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I appreciate the ideas that have been posted here as I am setting up our Meet and Greet for Sunday 4/12/09.




I got the following recommendations from this board last month and:

  • Sent a reminder flyer to everyone last night
  • Have everyone's cabin number and will be putting a reminder under their door the night before the meet & greet
  • Made name tags for everyone so they can put their name and home town/state on it during the M&G (see attachment)
  • List of questions for the Officers per the recommendation on this thread

Any other suggestions?


Also - does anyone have a guesstimate of how many people actually attend that said they'd be there? I currently have a headcount of 63 (with teens and children). Do I just give that count to the NCL coordinator and he takes it from there?





meet and greet label.pdf

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I have set up the Meet & Greet for the May 17th cruise to Bermunda and the process was relatively simple. As stated by a previous poster, you just contact NCL and request a M & G and give them a current count of attendees. I also said that we would welcome any Officers who would like to stop by and chat. They responded with a time and location. The week before the cruise I will contact them with an updated number of attendees.


Very simple procedure. I like the name tag idea...I will ask our group what they think and if they agree, I will print some out. Thanks for the idea.


Our group has also agreed to wear Mardi Gras beads when boarding so we can easily identify another Cruise Critic Members. I can hardly wait for our cruise and to meet other Cruise Critics on board!

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That's an EXCELLENT point. Thanks for that reminder. These officers are being generous with their time to join us, and they are our friends!


My question about the bed linens is how often do they change the sheets on the beds? Of course, I can ask the room steward, but I thought everyone would be interested in that.


If anyone finds out I know I would be interested in that answer as well.


I appreciate the ideas that have been posted here as I am setting up our Meet and Greet for Sunday 4/12/09.





I got the following recommendations from this board last month and:

  • Sent a reminder flyer to everyone last night
  • Have everyone's cabin number and will be putting a reminder under their door the night before the meet & greet
  • Made name tags for everyone so they can put their name and home town/state on it during the M&G (see attachment)
  • List of questions for the Officers per the recommendation on this thread

Any other suggestions?


Also - does anyone have a guesstimate of how many people actually attend that said they'd be there? I currently have a headcount of 63 (with teens and children). Do I just give that count to the NCL coordinator and he takes it from there?






Deb.. how many people will actually show up is a tough one. It could be all 63 or it could be 20. I would suggest you advise them of the number that has signed up to attend. They have a lot of experience with these meetings so they know a lot of times people do not show up that said they would. But just in case every one does show up you will have done your part by letting the ships crew know. Don't think too badly of those that might not show up. 8-) Doug and I have said before we were going to go and got on a winning streak in the casino and missed the M&G.ehehhehehe

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Great questions. Thanks. I would not have thought about any of those.


I just thought of one I'm going to consider: When we send laundry, is it sorted by color? washed in hot water, etc? That question comes up on these boards from time to time.


If you do the Behind the Scenes tour, you get to see the laundry. I think the washers are something like 200lb load capacity. They answer any questions and show you a fascinating operation. Imagine keeping track of uniforms for all the staff and crew, and passengers clothes, and getting them back to the right people

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If you do the Behind the Scenes tour, you get to see the laundry. I think the washers are something like 200lb load capacity. They answer any questions and show you a fascinating operation. Imagine keeping track of uniforms for all the staff and crew, and passengers clothes, and getting them back to the right people



Yes it is funny to think some people think there is someone washing just their load in a little washing machine somewhere on board., LOL, NOT!

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I had the same misconception that the person I was emailing to set up the M&G was actually on the ship. I went to the reception desk and asked for her (I wanted to confirm the meeting and other info) and they looked at me with a blank stare because they had no one by that name. I then told them what I wanted and they called the group coordinator for me. He was the one who set up everything, so I did get to meet him the day before the party. The funny thing is, while I was at the reception desk waiting for him, he had levt us voice mail in our cabin confirming everything, so we joked about being on the same wavelink during the cruise.


We did not have specific questions to ask the crew, and they really sort of mingled with everyone. They walked around introducing themselves (and soem handed cards out). They were interested who had cruised before, if we'd cruised with NCL before, and what we thought so far. Our group was diverse enough that we all had questions for most of them specific to their duties, and sometimes just about life on board a ship and being away from family.


We had such a good time, and a few of them really helped make our first NCL cruise very special, so we booked another NCL cruise for next March's spring break.

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Also - does anyone have a guesstimate of how many people actually attend that said they'd be there? I currently have a headcount of 63 (with teens and children). Do I just give that count to the NCL coordinator and he takes it from there?






Deb, we have a hundred RSVP and 89 show up for the M&G. Some of the ones who didn't make it later told me they were still so jet-lagged from their USA to Barcelona flight that they overslept.

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