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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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Didn't see that either. I was too busy trying to fathom why someone would bring an inflatable pool on board. I'm sure on my next cruise, not only will I see someone with such a pool, but an electric air compressor, their own deck chair and their own sand... the latter of which is a really good idea, because as we all know, beach sand contains dangerous microorganisms. (Yes, it's true, but that's meant flippantly.)


And to head someone off at the pass, I did not see whether or not these people used their own towels or brought their own.


I have read where some families bring them that have babies in diapers, but most of them put it on their balcony.

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We were on a cruise a couple years ago and I notice this guy sitting by himself all the time at the poolside bar. Since DW was busy, I decided to go have a drink at the bar.


Being nice, I strike up a conversation with the guy. He then starts telling me his whole life story, how he's travelling solo, how much of a bad time he is having, how terrible the food is, yadda, yadda,yadda.


I couldn't get away frome him fast enough. Well, you know how these things go, we seemed to run into him everywhere we went. We would go gey an elevator and he's right there when the door opens. He acts like he is my best buddy and starts with his constant complaining. The 1st time DW had the pleasure of meeting him, her only response after we escaped from him was, "Who in the hell is that guy?? I hope you don't plan on him hanging around"


It seems that you have a hard time finding the people you meet that are nice but runb into the weirdos at every corner. SPOOKY!!

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We were on a cruise a couple years ago and I notice this guy sitting by himself all the time at the poolside bar. Since DW was busy, I decided to go have a drink at the bar.


Being nice, I strike up a conversation with the guy. He then starts telling me his whole life story, how he's travelling solo, how much of a bad time he is having, how terrible the food is, yadda, yadda,yadda.


I couldn't get away frome him fast enough. Well, you know how these things go, we seemed to run into him everywhere we went. We would go gey an elevator and he's right there when the door opens. He acts like he is my best buddy and starts with his constant complaining. The 1st time DW had the pleasure of meeting him, her only response after we escaped from him was, "Who in the hell is that guy?? I hope you don't plan on him hanging around"


It seems that you have a hard time finding the people you meet that are nice but runb into the weirdos at every corner. SPOOKY!!


We had a strange person on a cruise years ago, we were on the same bus with him going to our hotel.

He was by himself, and the second day he said that there was something wrong with the ship's water, he said that he ran it for 10 minutes, but it would not go cold!

The next day he claimed that there was something wrong with his toilet, 'Would we please come and listen to it!!!' Forget it!!!:rolleyes:



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We had a strange person on a cruise years ago, we were on the same bus with him going to our hotel.

He was by himself, and the second day he said that there was something wrong with the ship's water, he said that he ran it for 10 minutes, but it would not go cold!

The next day he claimed that there was something wrong with his toilet, 'Would we please come and listen to it!!!' Forget it!!!:rolleyes:


Wow!! Your guy sounds creepier than mine:p Makes you wonder how some people get through life:confused:

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I went with two girlfriends on the Fantasy in 2001. It was our last spring break before graduating, and we were looking forward to a crazy cruise. We were 22, single, and ready to mingle.


I was happy to hear some guys shout my name the first day by the pool. Turns out there was a group of guys I knew from our college. I thought that was great, we'd have some people to hang out with. Well of course, there was a graduating high school senior trip on board as well. Our college guys wanted nothing to do with us, and only wanted to hang out with the underage high school girls!


Apparently, the same was true for one of the girls I was with. She actually made a little love connection with one of the 17 year old high school boys!! My other friend and I were so annoyed. The last thing we wanted was some immature boy following us around. He wasn't even old enough to drink!


The funny part is, my friend actually kept in touch with this guy. When he turned 18, he actually visited us in our apartment in Tallahassee!!

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I went with two girlfriends on the Fantasy in 2001. It was our last spring break before graduating, and we were looking forward to a crazy cruise. We were 22, single, and ready to mingle.


I was happy to hear some guys shout my name the first day by the pool. Turns out there was a group of guys I knew from our college. I thought that was great, we'd have some people to hang out with. Well of course, there was a graduating high school senior trip on board as well. Our college guys wanted nothing to do with us, and only wanted to hang out with the underage high school girls!


Apparently, the same was true for one of the girls I was with. She actually made a little love connection with one of the 17 year old high school boys!! My other friend and I were so annoyed. The last thing we wanted was some immature boy following us around. He wasn't even old enough to drink!


The funny part is, my friend actually kept in touch with this guy. When he turned 18, he actually visited us in our apartment in Tallahassee!!


As a father this is one reason my DD would NEVER take a HS cruise without ME going. You know 16 will get you 20!

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As a father this is one reason my DD would NEVER take a HS cruise without ME going. You know 16 will get you 20!


This has been going on for years, Bob. I am 55, and I remember my ex sister-in-law whose good friend went to Myrtle Beach with a bunch of gal pals spring break, her senior year in high school. The girls hooked up with boys around their age, (back then you could buy alcohol at 18) all were drunk out of their skulls for the week.


Well my ex SIL's friend found out she was pregnant, and all she knew about her child's father was his first name and that he was from North Carolina. So, the winter after graduation, she had a baby boy. This guy would be near 40 now, and has no idea who his father is. But even sadder, there is a nearly 60 year old man who has idea about his son.


Anyway, my point, I guess, is the older generation did this, and so they really can't say much to the younger can they?( Except maybe, they would say they want to save them from some grief.) You are concerned about your daughter, and that is understandable, but if you behaved this way in your youth,you could have a daughter or a son you know nothing about.

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Anyway, my point, I guess, is the older generation did this, and so they really can't say much to the younger can they?( Except maybe, they would say they want to save them from some grief.) You are concerned about your daughter, and that is understandable, but if you behaved this way in your youth,you could have a daughter or a son you know nothing about.



I got to tell you, you have a huge set of brass ba**s to accuse any one of that.


I find in many of your post you seem to have a supeior moral judgement on other posters that find just plain rude.


Anyway my point is worry about your own house before worrying about everybodys else's

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Anyway, my point, I guess, is the older generation did this, and so they really can't say much to the younger can they?( Except maybe, they would say they want to save them from some grief.) You are concerned about your daughter, and that is understandable, but if you behaved this way in your youth,you could have a daughter or a son you know nothing about.

First of all you have no info about me or my life... sorry you are ashamed of yours...


Regardless of what I DID, I have concerns for my children and would NEVER allow them to go.... NOT on a cruise with a bunch of other 17-19 year olds. As I said the only way would be me going also... and you can take that to the bank.

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First of all you have no info about me or my life... sorry you are ashamed of yours...


Regardless of what I DID, I have concerns for my children and would NEVER allow them to go.... NOT on a cruise with a bunch of other 17-19 year olds. As I said the only way would be me going also... and you can take that to the bank.


I am with you Bob!!!

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What I never understood is how these kids can AFFORD to travel on their own... I mean what 17 year old has $2000 to spend on a cruise?


Somebody's footin' the bill...


When I was in college I paid my own way and so work took up a lot of my time when I wasn't in class, rather than Beer 101...

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I am with you Bob!!!



Sometimes you just wonder... you know what I mean?


What I never understood is how these kids can AFFORD to travel on their own... I mean what 17 year old has $2000 to spend on a cruise?

When I was 18 I went all over the world in planes, ships, boats, trucks, etc. It was called the Air Force...:D

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What I never understood is how these kids can AFFORD to travel on their own... I mean what 17 year old has $2000 to spend on a cruise?


Somebody's footin' the bill...


When I was in college I paid my own way and so work took up a lot of my time when I wasn't in class, rather than Beer 101...

Actually my daughter saved for a couple of years to go on her senior spring break trip. She was going to take a cruise, but at the last minute, the only cruise line to allow 18yo's, changed their policy. She ended up doing a Breezes all inclusive in the Bahamas. I didn't pay 2 cents for her. She paid her flight. Her flight had an overnight delay in Georgia and she paid for the hotel, all her own tips, and anything else that went along with the trip. While I recognize that this may not be the case with most teens, you did ask what 17/18yo has the $2K to spend on a cruise. MY teen!!! And I'm very proud of her.:p

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Actually my daughter saved for a couple of years to go on her senior spring break trip. She was going to take a cruise, but at the last minute, the only cruise line to allow 18yo's, changed their policy. She ended up doing a Breezes all inclusive in the Bahamas. I didn't pay 2 cents for her. She paid her flight. Her flight had an overnight delay in Georgia and she paid for the hotel, all her own tips, and anything else that went along with the trip. While I recognize that this may not be the case with most teens, you did ask what 17/18yo has the $2K to spend on a cruise. MY teen!!! And I'm very proud of her.:p


Good for her-it's nice to hear about a responsible teen making her own way in the world. You must be a proud parent!

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Key words...

responsible teen


There are a number of teens out there, more than we would know about, that are good, responsible teens and can be trusted to "do the right thing"..


It's the "other" group we always read about the paints the rest of the teens with a broad brush of irresponsibility.

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Good for her-it's nice to hear about a responsible teen making her own way in the world. You must be a proud parent!

I am...in so many ways. :)




Key words...

responsible teen

There are a number of teens out there, more than we would know about, that are good, responsible teens and can be trusted to "do the right thing"..


It's the "other" group we always read about the paints the rest of the teens with a broad brush of irresponsibility.

No matter what, she is a teen. She goes to college and I know she does her fair share of drinking, but she's "responsible" about it. Am I of the disillusion, that my child would never do anything stupid...HE!! no!! ;) But I do think/know she could go on a cruise without being a nuisance to others and without crossing the line of of going in the hot tub naked or baring her chest because she's too drunk or some other such thing.

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I can't imagine this happening now due to security but many years ago on a carnival cruise we heard a couple about two doors down fighting and yelling. That night when we returned to our cabin the guy was asleep in the hall. The next evening he was asleep with a blanket on and the next evening he even had a pillow. By now we heard from others that they were newlyweds and the ship was completely sold out. I did not see this but a friend said he even had a toothbrush with him. The news of this guy sleeping out in the hall spread like wildfire. The last three nights of the cruise we heard so much foot traffic coming down our hall and all the laughing would wake us up.

What a way to start a marriage!

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Couple gems from my last cruise.


I joined my brother to the first night of the teen club on a recent Celebrity Xmas cruise. There were maybe 20 kids there from 12-17 (I met very few my own age which was 18 at the time). Anyway, we say our names during the initial icebreaker. After it was over some girl came up to my brother and I and asks "Are you Tom and Phil?" we go "yeah" she responds "Some fat guy in an elevator was with his friend and when he saw me he went 'wow you need to find my sons Tom and Phil' I couldn't tell if he was drunk of not." Turns out he wasn't which made it even more embarrassing.


Another night I was in the nightclub and after bumming quite a few drinks some other 18 year old I had been talking to says "Hey let's go ask those girls over there if they want to dance". We walk over and they definitely weren't girls. He walks a blond over to the dancefloor before I even get there. I just sit and talk to her friend and after a couple minutes she asks me how old we are. I reply 18. She goes "Ok well I'm over 30. Hold on I need to rescue my stepmom from your friend". I looked over and the 18 year old and a woman who had to have been at least 55 were hardcore making out on the otherwise empty dancefloor. The woman stumbles over and says "God bless you young guys" before her step daughter walked her out for the night.

Edited by mahimahi1414
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I can't imagine this happening now due to security but many years ago on a carnival cruise we heard a couple about two doors down fighting and yelling. That night when we returned to our cabin the guy was asleep in the hall. The next evening he was asleep with a blanket on and the next evening he even had a pillow. By now we heard from others that they were newlyweds and the ship was completely sold out. I did not see this but a friend said he even had a toothbrush with him. The news of this guy sleeping out in the hall spread like wildfire. The last three nights of the cruise we heard so much foot traffic coming down our hall and all the laughing would wake us up.

What a way to start a marriage!


You would have thought he would have went up to the Lido and used a lounger, or if it was cold, found a sofa in the atruim.

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First of all you have no info about me or my life... sorry you are ashamed of yours...


Regardless of what I DID, I have concerns for my children and would NEVER allow them to go.... NOT on a cruise with a bunch of other 17-19 year olds. As I said the only way would be me going also... and you can take that to the bank.



You know you are the one that brought this subject up-not me.


No, I was not talking about me. It was a friend of my former sister-in-law who is 3 years older than me. I had no senior trip, and I was extremely shy and bumbling as teen, what other teens today call a geek. With life's experience behind me, I am now glad I was a geek, I am sure this saved me from making a lot of mistakes, being the kid the other kids made fun of and did not want to "hang" with.


I wasn't actually pointing fingers, I was giving a "what if" with an example I knew that actually happened. I only meant this has been happening for ages. Perhaps I was wrong in my wording to you, but to be honest with this reaction to my post especially, I can not help but wonder why you are so fearful for your daughter,unless she has given you reason.


Sorry, I hit a nerve. I just hate double standards, and I felt you gave one. Girls must be models of virtue, but boys can have fun with no consequences. That attitude is just plain wrong.


If you are a loving father who has given his daughter guidance on her friends, associates, and boundaries such as curfews, but are not overly strict, you should not have any worries.


I do hope you realize, you may can legally prevent a 17 year old, or perhaps refuse to give an 18 year old the funds for such a trip, but an 18 year old that has paid her own way, I doubt you could prevent, unless you plan to lock her in a closet.


That is when you can only pray and hope, that your parenting of teaching her good values, will keep her from making foolish mistakes. Believe me, good parenting is best and works the best long run. Unfortunately, even many legal over 21 adults make regrettable mistakes. I would not want a 21, 30 ,or even 50 year old daughter OR son acting such away either. (see above post of the 50 year old step mother, she was SOMEONE'S daughter)

Edited by momofmeg
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You would have thought he would have went up to the Lido and used a lounger, or if it was cold, found a sofa in the atruim.


I left out he spent the nights softly knocking, begging, pleading, crying and telling her how beautiful she was!!

He rarely left the hall, and the weird thing was he was very cheerful during the day.

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I left out he spent the nights softly knocking, begging, pleading, crying and telling her how beautiful she was!!

He rarely left the hall, and the weird thing was he was very cheerful during the day.


I bet the making up was really good! :D

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