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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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A very short Caucasian woman (the "he") dressed in basketball shorts and basketball sleeveless top with a large # on it and a very large, very dark black woman, at least 18" taller than "he", dressed in a VERY tight skirt and a blouse showing her midriff...

What planet are you from? a lesbian couple is just that, a lesbian couple. There is no "he."


Here I always thought that travel broadened the mind.

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What planet are you from? a lesbian couple is just that, a lesbian couple. There is no "he."


Here I always thought that travel broadened the mind.


Hmmm... interesting observation. I have to ask my lesbian friends about that. :confused: I know when a guy dresses in drag he is referred to as "she."

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We were on our very first cruise (Celebrity Summit) and my DH had NOT gone willingly, one of the things he had insisted on was that we have a "table for two" ONLY for dinner. My DH is the Director of Inpatient and Outpatient Psychiatry at our local Hospital System where we work and he said "I am NOT having dinner with more mental patients when I am on vacation!". I said "you are so silly, but that is no problem I would rather dine with just you anyway." Well, we went to dinner the first evening and we did have our table for two, and at the next table (a four top)was a lovely young couple. We heard them talking to their waiter and they were on their honeymoon. AND THEN in come the couple that were to join them. A very short Caucasian woman (the "he") dressed in basketball shorts and basketball sleeveless top with a large # on it and a very large, very dark black woman, at least 18" taller than "he", dressed in a VERY tight skirt and a blouse showing her midriff. Well I though the young couple and I were going to fall right on the floor! The four of them introduced themselves to each other and then not another word was spoken for the rest of the meal. The next night was formal night and "he" came in a tuxedo and she wore a very bright yellow ball gown but the other young honeymooners were never seen again. I hope that they did not hide in their room, I hope they knew to move to another table.


The that type of dress is called a "hot mess." While some of those styles can be wild, they are irrespective of race or sexual orientation. Try to leave out the sexual orientation and race next time and your post would've been a hoot!

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We were on our very first cruise (Celebrity Summit) and my DH had NOT gone willingly, one of the things he had insisted on was that we have a "table for two" ONLY for dinner. My DH is the Director of Inpatient and Outpatient Psychiatry at our local Hospital System where we work and he said "I am NOT having dinner with more mental patients when I am on vacation!". I said "you are so silly, but that is no problem I would rather dine with just you anyway." Well, we went to dinner the first evening and we did have our table for two, and at the next table (a four top)was a lovely young couple. We heard them talking to their waiter and they were on their honeymoon. AND THEN in come the couple that were to join them. A very short Caucasian woman (the "he") dressed in basketball shorts and basketball sleeveless top with a large # on it and a very large, very dark black woman, at least 18" taller than "he", dressed in a VERY tight skirt and a blouse showing her midriff. Well I though the young couple and I were going to fall right on the floor! The four of them introduced themselves to each other and then not another word was spoken for the rest of the meal. The next night was formal night and "he" came in a tuxedo and she wore a very bright yellow ball gown but the other young honeymooners were never seen again. I hope that they did not hide in their room, I hope they knew to move to another table.

I think your post was very funny IMHO. Just ignore the other folks flaming you as they are obviously 'trying' to be "politically correct" as they say.


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The craziest thing I have ever seen on a cruise, A man walking around the ship with a stupied stuffed bird on his shoulder, with a stick hanging down from the bird so that he could make the head move around!! What an awful joke that was!!! He must of thought it was funny, but everyone else thought it was very dumb!!!!!

I can't believe what some people will do to be noticed..

I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THAT! I would talk to the bird.

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There was a crazy dancing guy on my first cruise. First caught a glimpse of him at the sail away party. He was busy clearing the dance floor/deck with an insane series of enthusiastic dance moves. Not real dance moves, but more like athletic interpretive dance. He was doing his seizure/gymnastics routine to the tune of Red Red Wine by Neil Diamond.


At the time I thought this was just a coincidence, I was wrong. From then on I witnessed his dance styling’s at least twice a day, almost always to Red Red Wine, which he must have been requesting. No matter what the venue the Red Red Wine Guy was always there, spinning leaping, and sliding on his knees across the floor. It was fun to watch for the first minute or so, unless you wanted to dance. He was also blackout drunk for a good portion of this, as far as I could tell anyway.


Happy sailing -0utpost


PS: He was also shirtless about half the time.


This is why I am afriad to dance. Wife talking me into it. I dont wanna be this guy. LOL I used to be a frontman for a punk band so my dancing will probably be as graceful as to elephants juggling in a bucket

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I think some of the things people do on cruise are just them knowing they won't see these people again and so they just cut lose and have a great time. Some of them would be mortified when they sober up at what they do but some seem to be blowing off steam that has been building up and they have a great time and cause tremendous entertainment for the rest of us. Maybe someday I'll wear something that is ridiculous and get my picture on here (nothing offensive-I am overweight) like a stuffed bird or coconut bra on top of my blouse or big red fluffy slippers all over the ship. Maybe I'll do it with my daughter (over 30 years) with me and see if she joins in. Sounds like fun

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I can't believe I am actually sharing this here....I half expected someone else to have witnessed it and already posted it.


First cruise was over halloween. I decided to dress up like Mary Catherine Gallagher from SNL (she was an awkward, funny catholic school girl). Unfortunately, I didn't really think about the "school girl" thing beforehand...and hadn't planned to be the "sexy school girl". Anyway, I made friends with a guy who was dressed as a priest.


I generally don't drink much, but I felt less inhibited that night, for some reason, and got a bit drunk. Mid night, I thought it was a great idea to grab onto my priest friend, wrap my legs around his waist and flip over backwards :eek::eek:(with the whole piano bar watching). In the process of this now humiliating event, the side of my dress ripped all the way up to my waist.


Then, as I swerve out of the bar, holding my dress on, I walk straight into a glass wall, and hit my face against the glass. :confused:


Not my most shining moment, although, quite the crowd pleaser!

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I can't believe I am actually sharing this here....I half expected someone else to have witnessed it and already posted it.


First cruise was over halloween. I decided to dress up like Mary Catherine Gallagher from SNL (she was an awkward, funny catholic school girl). Unfortunately, I didn't really think about the "school girl" thing beforehand...and hadn't planned to be the "sexy school girl". Anyway, I made friends with a guy who was dressed as a priest.


I generally don't drink much, but I felt less inhibited that night, for some reason, and got a bit drunk. Mid night, I thought it was a great idea to grab onto my priest friend, wrap my legs around his waist and flip over backwards :eek::eek:(with the whole piano bar watching). In the process of this now humiliating event, the side of my dress ripped all the way up to my waist.


Then, as I swerve out of the bar, holding my dress on, I walk straight into a glass wall, and hit my face against the glass. :confused:


Not my most shining moment, although, quite the crowd pleaser!

Thanks for sharing this. I needed to laugh and you caused me to spray my screen. I love it.

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That sounds exactly like something Mary Catherine Gallagher would do! For your sake, I hope it was the last night of the cruise, I'd hate for you to walk around for a week with everyone pointing and saying, "Look, it's the girl who....."....Maureen

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We were on the Spirit last year and on one of the days at sea they had a contest where women had to go into the pool and carry out as much floating fruit as they could in their bathing suits. I mean there were pineapples, grapfruit, oranges, bananas, apples, etc...not just grapes! We'll one young lady had apprently decided she was going to win this thing but was wearing a rather skimmpy suit. She kept stuffing things in and they kept coming out. The bigger the fruit the more points so she fought to find ways to make her bounty stay inside the suit. Finally, she started out of the pool and it was obvious she would win if she could make out of the water.


She stood up and raised her arms as the winner when fruit came tumbling out of her top...along with her left breast!! We were already laughing until it hurt but that was the topper. The deck exploded with roars, oos, ahhs and more laughter. She quickly reinserted the "natural fruit" and just laughed with the rest of us.


Not a sight I'll ever forget!




Note to self, ask where the fresh fruit has been......

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On one of our cruises (I believe it was Holland-America but don't quote me on it), a woman was rather loudly telling everyone about the

"TOWEL- AY-PEA-AY" she had for dinner. We both were very polite and carefully listened to her without laughing. She had tilapia for dinner.

Edited by apollobeach
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  • 4 weeks later...
I found out I needed glasses one day when calling and speaking lovingly to my black cat, "Blackie," only to find out I was talking to my black sweat pants I'd left on the floor.



I laughed so long my stomach hurts! Funniest thing I've heard in a long time!

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I'm still in the planning stages of our first cruise, but I will share with you an event that is legend and gets re-told often in our family.


My Aunt and Uncle were going on a cruise for their anniversary. They were having my Grandparents babysit my two cousins, one whom was a baby and a six-year old boy.


My Aunt and Uncle took my Grandparents out for dinner pre-cruise to thank them. My Aunt was paying for the bill and everyone else walked out of the restaurant onto the sidewalk in front.


My Uncle felt something wet and smelt something. He pulled my cousin away from his chest to see that her diaper had leaked all down the front of his suit and white shirt. My Grandpa who was standing beside him, turned and saw this and immediately lost his dinner onto the sidewalk.


My six-year-old cousin -who to this day is totally a sympathetic puker - saw my Grandpa throw up and he too lost his meal on the curb.


By this time my Uncle and my Grandma are killing themselves laughing. My Grandma sits down on the sidewalk and literally pees herself and her dress and coat laughing.


My Aunt came walking out of the restaurant onto this scene and stood there with her mouth open trying to figure out what could have happened in the few minutes since she had last seen them!

  • Haha 1
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I was on a cruise (can't remember which one but I think it was a Norwegian ship) and took a kitchen tour. The blond crewmember giving the tour spoke English as a second language. He was giving the statistics on how much food was used during a typical cruise. He was reading from a paper and listing things like gallons of milk, dozens of eggs and 20,000 lips of chicken, 40,000 lips of cheese, 5000 lips of butter. We couldn't figure out what he was saying until we read our handouts where it said 20,000 lbs. of chicken, etc. I suppose I should have told him that was an abbreviation for pounds!


More recently, my boyfriend and I went on a cruise to Antarctica. He wakes earlier than me and goes out to get some coffee. I didn't crack an eye when he left but when he came back, I looked up. He was in his boxers and a T-shirt! I couldn't believe he went to get coffee like that! He swears no one was up to see him but my cruise this month is solo!



OK, I had to cover my mouth on the "lips of cheese", etc., as I'm trying to read this quietly at work during lunchtime. The people in the cubes around me probably hear me laughing, and think I've completely lost it.

Third cruise in a couple weeks. Nothing bizarre I recall from the first 2.

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I'm still in the planning stages of our first cruise, but I will share with you an event that is legend and gets re-told often in our family.


My Aunt and Uncle were going on a cruise for their anniversary. They were having my Grandparents babysit my two cousins, one whom was a baby and a six-year old boy.


My Aunt and Uncle took my Grandparents out for dinner pre-cruise to thank them. My Aunt was paying for the bill and everyone else walked out of the restaurant onto the sidewalk in front.


My Uncle felt something wet and smelt something. He pulled my cousin away from his chest to see that her diaper had leaked all down the front of his suit and white shirt. My Grandpa who was standing beside him, turned and saw this and immediately lost his dinner onto the sidewalk.


My six-year-old cousin -who to this day is totally a sympathetic puker - saw my Grandpa throw up and he too lost his meal on the curb.


By this time my Uncle and my Grandma are killing themselves laughing. My Grandma sits down on the sidewalk and literally pees herself and her dress and coat laughing.


My Aunt came walking out of the restaurant onto this scene and stood there with her mouth open trying to figure out what could have happened in the few minutes since she had last seen them!



OMG I'm literally CRYING laughing so hard at this! Almost joined your Grandma at peeing! :eek::D

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not super crazy, but we went on a cruise last february on the norwegian sun, and there was a couple in there 60's that were SUPER SUPER tan....like disgustingly. They were both in relatively good shape, and both wore tiny tiny swimsuits. The thing is, when you tan so much, any part of your body that hangs over will become white...like the man boobs on the guy, and the cheek line of the butts on both of them, and the lady had various ones all up and down her from where her skin would fold over.


Well, I have a 7 year old sister, and I would usually bring her to the pool in the morning, and about half way through the cruise, she asked me, "Laura, why do those people have stripes."


I replied, trying to be funny "because they are of zebra descent."


Well, as you well know, that age has no shame, and she went up to the lady and man and said "hi, i've never met zebra people before."


I was mortified...


I just fell off my chair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D


This is the BEST thread in the history of online boards!!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

As like so many other posts, playing the Quest game on RC, I ended up at the end of the game in nothing but my boxers on the center stage with the rest of the guys. Well in the course of running around, the button on the front of my boxers was open and I was hanging there for the whole lounge to see....


Also during the game of the previous years cruise, not listening to the directions, the CD called for the ladies to show a "thong," (preferrably thong sandals) since noboby in our group had one, using her red sheer boy short type panties, she proceeeded to give herself a self induced wedgie to give the appearance of a thong, for the rest of the cruise she was known as #49, our team card number!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wife and I were on the Coral Princess doing a Panama Canal transit....wife has little interest in taking pictures so she didn't need to be at the front and as close to the glass panels as possible. I went up and worked my way forward along with a folding seat used by handicapped (as I am) folks. I reached as far as I could and then the last couple were leaving a bit of space so I could get my camera between the panels. I stayed there for a while and really didn't pay much attention to the couple that allowed me to get ahead of them.


After a bit the woman of that couple asked me if I was in the candy sale business!!!!! Yes, I had been before retirement. Turning around now, I looked at this couple and they are our cousins!


Need I say, we then had additional buddies for the rest of the trip.:p

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This isn't really wild in a funny way, but more of a wild in 'I'm shocked he remembered - what are the chances' type way...


My first cruise was with my mom in 2003 for my HS graduation on the Celebrity Constellation. One day we were lounging on one the deck above the pool looking down at the pool games when I saw a waiter walking around with drinks that I thought was kind of cute. Of course in the Caribbean sun I had my sunglasses on, so I don't think he knew I had been looking at him. Anyway, after awhile I didn't see him anymore so I figured he was done with his shift (he had been staying in the same area serving drinks for as long as I had been out there). Out of nowhere I am covered in strawberry daquiri and I look up to find none other but the cute waiter with the most embarrassed look on his face, he mumbled I am so sorry and ran away!!!!!!! Now I am a VERY low maintenance girl. I can laugh at myself and silly situations I find myself in, so I was cracking up about it.

Fast forward to a year later when I am on the Zenith with my aunt and the first nite at dinner someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and there is mr cute waiter with a strawberry daquiri, he set it down next to me and said " I think I owe you this miss!"

I couldn't believe it!

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This isn't really wild in a funny way, but more of a wild in 'I'm shocked he remembered - what are the chances' type way...


My first cruise was with my mom in 2003 for my HS graduation on the Celebrity Constellation. One day we were lounging on one the deck above the pool looking down at the pool games when I saw a waiter walking around with drinks that I thought was kind of cute. Of course in the Caribbean sun I had my sunglasses on, so I don't think he knew I had been looking at him. Anyway, after awhile I didn't see him anymore so I figured he was done with his shift (he had been staying in the same area serving drinks for as long as I had been out there). Out of nowhere I am covered in strawberry daquiri and I look up to find none other but the cute waiter with the most embarrassed look on his face, he mumbled I am so sorry and ran away!!!!!!! Now I am a VERY low maintenance girl. I can laugh at myself and silly situations I find myself in, so I was cracking up about it.

Fast forward to a year later when I am on the Zenith with my aunt and the first nite at dinner someone taps me on the shoulder, I turn around and there is mr cute waiter with a strawberry daquiri, he set it down next to me and said " I think I owe you this miss!"

I couldn't believe it!



WOW! Amazing! :D



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