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what is the wildest,craziest thing you've ever seen on a cruise?


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I was on a Princess cruise once that stopped in St. Thomas. We went on an excursion to Maegan's Bay. We were transported in these oversized mini buses and if you've ever been to the island the roads are very narrow and curvy. Well after our time at Maegan's Bay we are set to leave and our driver starts up the road. One of his fellow drivers passes by us and, in a fit of excitement presumably for seeing a friend, our driver abruptly slams on the brakes. This was funny in itself because it was as if he forgot he even had passengers, but what happened next was like out of a movie. Our driver proceeded to put the vehicle in reverse and, without looking at all, floor it. Of course there happened to be a poor woman in a small car almost right behind us (I'm sure the abrupt stop was why she was less than a foot away). I heard a loud crunch and everyone on the bus kinda screamed. I look back and our bus has literally mounted the hood of the car behind us. We're a good 2 feet onto the hood. The frightened driver of the car gets out to assess the damage. The best part of all? Our driver jogs over to his friend driving the other bus to say hello. After talking to him he comes back to the bus, starts it up, hits the gas (as we not so smoothly come down off the woman's bumper) and proceed up the road never having talked at all with the woman! Our driver not only never made reference to the accident (as if it never happened) but proceeded to drive like a bat out of hell! We survived and he even asked us when we got back to the dock whether we had a nice time or not!


A true story...

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What a story Jaggie! Some of the people on these islands, especially drivers, my gosh.


We were in Ocho Rios a few years back and had a cab driver that took us on a private tour. Was great until towards the end. He took us up this residential road up the hill that led to Mick Jagger's house (signs at the bottom and along the way saying no cabs or public access, he went anyway). Part way up these men with guns step out in the middle of the road in front of us. They told the driver to get out and went to the far side of the road to talk. They weren't very friendly sounding, although they weren't speaking English so not sure what was said. We figured they would be coming to take all our money, etc...but never did. Made him get back in and he continued up the road. Never had any explanation, never even mentioned it. Acted like nothing happened at all!


I've seen a lot of strange things, but one of the more interesting (and annoying) ones was on the Crown Princess on the "listing" voyage. There was this man, mid 60's maybe, who would save seats (both at a table w/ chairs and loungers) with a big blow up doll. She was clad (part of the plastic, not actual clothing) with a very skimpy bikini and even had big boobs. This thing was a good 4 1/2 - 5 ft tall at least. Every day she was lying in a lounger. He also had this little bear or something that was connected to a toilet. You push a button and it pulls down it's pants and sits on the toilet. This often saved a second lounger. He had one more not as interesting, seat saving toy. He was rarely there himself, just left the stuff to save, and I never saw anyone with him. He also wore those HUGE plastic, colorful glasses all the time. Never saw this myself, but on the same cruise someone would save loungers (6 in a row) with little teddy bears. Gives new meaning to chair hogs....just plain ridiculous!

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What a story Jaggie! Some of the people on these islands, especially drivers, my gosh.


We were in Ocho Rios a few years back and had a cab driver that took us on a private tour. Was great until towards the end. He took us up this residential road up the hill that led to Mick Jagger's house (signs at the bottom and along the way saying no cabs or public access, he went anyway). Part way up these men with guns step out in the middle of the road in front of us. They told the driver to get out and went to the far side of the road to talk. They weren't very friendly sounding, although they weren't speaking English so not sure what was said. We figured they would be coming to take all our money, etc...but never did. Made him get back in and he continued up the road. Never had any explanation, never even mentioned it. Acted like nothing happened at all!


I've seen a lot of strange things, but one of the more interesting (and annoying) ones was on the Crown Princess on the "listing" voyage. There was this man, mid 60's maybe, who would save seats (both at a table w/ chairs and loungers) with a big blow up doll. She was clad (part of the plastic, not actual clothing) with a very skimpy bikini and even had big boobs. This thing was a good 4 1/2 - 5 ft tall at least. Every day she was lying in a lounger. He also had this little bear or something that was connected to a toilet. You push a button and it pulls down it's pants and sits on the toilet. This often saved a second lounger. He had one more not as interesting, seat saving toy. He was rarely there himself, just left the stuff to save, and I never saw anyone with him. He also wore those HUGE plastic, colorful glasses all the time. Never saw this myself, but on the same cruise someone would save loungers (6 in a row) with little teddy bears. Gives new meaning to chair hogs....just plain ridiculous!


OMG, that is so funny! That about takes the cake! Leaving this bikini clad woman on lounge chairs at the pull to save chairs?? Boy, I would have loved to have been cruising with you bc I am the first person who would have seen this and sat down with her and had a front row seat! I too have no shame! I love when people do this, it gives me a great seat. What were these people thinking?


I sure hope he is on my Elation cruise in Sept. I could use a great seat there too!

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Tuna, I just had to say thanks for the great laugh. :p The mental image of seeing all that at once was priceless... I think there is a Mastercard commercial in there somewhere...


Stuffed bird - $40.00

Life jacket - $100.00

Burger King crown - $1.00

Wig - $150.00


Seeing a man with a stuffed bird on the shoulder of his life jacket, trying to keep his Burger King crown on with one hand and a wig coming at his face from nowhere.... priceless...


Oh my gosh! I am sitting here at my computer laughing out loud!! Thanks for making my day!!

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OK, similar incidents like this have been posted, but I couldn't help myself!


This past February, my mother, younger sister and I sailed on a "Girls only Getaway" on the Carnival Inspiration.


The three of us were sunbathing on the lido deck, when we decided to head into the buffet area to get a drink and an ice cream cone.


Each of us got all our treats and then met up to head back to our chairs.


We were walking along together and chatting, with hands full, when all of a sudden my mother's halter-styled swimsuit top fell down, exposing herself :eek: . She didn't even notice until I yelled "mom.......your top!". She screamed "Help, Help!". But the funny part was that we all had ice cream cones and ice water in our hands, so we couldn't help her right away. We were scurrying around trying to find a spot to set down our treats. But she kept holding her ice cream and screaming!


Luckily, for her, we just passed the last occupied buffet table and no one else was coming down the hallway. We laughed all night long. Still laughing, actually.

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We were cruising the Mediterranean and I had signed up to do magic during the passenger talent show. That evening the seas were angry and only about 20% made it to dinner. Those of us not sick were having a grand time and at 10 pm I showed up in the lounge for the scheduled show. The crew asked who I was and I explained and they suddenly looked relieved. They told me 13 people had signed up to compete but only me and one other person were well enough and had showed up----and now I was scheduled to go on first! Then they explained most of the audience were Spanish and so they assigned me a waiter that looked like Manuel in Fawlty Towers and had him translate for me. To this day I have no dea what he said!

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I've seen a lot of strange things, but one of the more interesting (and annoying) ones was on the Crown Princess on the "listing" voyage. There was this man, mid 60's maybe, who would save seats (both at a table w/ chairs and loungers) with a big blow up doll. She was clad (part of the plastic, not actual clothing) with a very skimpy bikini and even had big boobs. This thing was a good 4 1/2 - 5 ft tall at least. Every day she was lying in a lounger.


So are you saying that I shouldn't take my inflatable friends with me on the next cruise?? I thought it was a great idea!

I am cruising solo and paying the single supplement and one of my co-workers said I should get an inflatable boyfriend to take-then I would have a dinner companion and someone to save my seat. I thought it was a great idea! Now, I'm not so sure.....

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I've seen a lot of strange things, but one of the more interesting (and annoying) ones was on the Crown Princess on the "listing" voyage. There was this man, mid 60's maybe, who would save seats (both at a table w/ chairs and loungers) with a big blow up doll. She was clad (part of the plastic, not actual clothing) with a very skimpy bikini and even had big boobs. This thing was a good 4 1/2 - 5 ft tall at least. Every day she was lying in a lounger.


So are you saying that I shouldn't take my inflatable friends with me on the next cruise?? I thought it was a great idea!

I am cruising solo and paying the single supplement and one of my co-workers said I should get an inflatable boyfriend to take-then I would have a dinner companion and someone to save my seat. I thought it was a great idea! Now, I'm not so sure.....

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In August 2006 we were in port in Montego Bay. It's always fun to hang out on the balcony and watch the kids play their instruments (they have gotten better through the years). It's also fun to watch all the drunks make their way back to the ship. As were enjoying the music we see a woman (about 50) being pushed to the ship on a cart simular to those you see in Home Depot - you know the large orange ones. The woman was filling it nicely and she passed out cold. A Jamacian gentleman was pushing the cart and her husband (I'm guessing) was following behind carrying her purse. It took 4 people to get her up the gangplank - I hope they had a wheelchair waiting for her.


That woman must have had a great time at Margaritaville.

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I was not there for this one, but it is a running family joke. My parents and another couple they were with were waiting for the elevator. The door opened and the hubby from the other couple walked into the elevator first. While the rest of the group were entering, the hubby in first proceeded to fart in the elevator. As quickly as the all entered, they all exited right back out and into another elevator that had just opened. Once they got in to the other elevator, all in hysterics, the wife of the 'stinky' man, was laughing so hard she peed her pants!! They of course then had to go right back to the room so she could change. Like I said, this immediatly became a family joke and at that christmas, they had found (and altered with paint) a t-shirt that showed a person in an elevator farting with everyone running out. It was and still is hillarious. The bad thing is that me and my BF will be on a cruise with them in a couple months!!! :eek:

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Ok, I know I already posted one on this board but I just thought of another funny one. It was on our first cruise one day durning the middle of the trip we were eating dinner, my family had a great table right next to a big window. Durning dinner we kept hearing these strange noises, well being our first cruise we were all a little un-easy about this so we asked the waiter what it was and he explained that it was the ship speeding up or slowing down or some such things so we went back to enjoying our meal. Well a few minutes latter we saw lights from another boat coming right at us, and rather fast at that. My sister, (who usually is the most classy compussed one of our group) called the wiater over and asked him what that was. Well the waiter looked at her then slowly turned his head to look out the window then slowly turned his head to look back at her and said, "It is a boat". Well fear must have really did something to my sister because she yelled for the whole dining room to hear, "NO SH*T IT'S A BOAT! I THOUGHT IT WAS A GOD D@MN BUS. I WANT TO KNOW WHY IT IS CHARGING AT US!" :eek: Well the whole room went quite and our poor waiter's face was bright red. It was all I could do to keep from laughing. My sister NEVER speeks like that, she is always nice to everyone and hates to be embarressed and boy was she ever embarressed! Well after she made such a scene our waiter explained that someone on the ship had had a heart attack and that boat was coming to meet our ship to take the man to a hospital in freeport. For rest of the trip people were talking about it.

this story may not seem too funny but trust me, my classy sister making such a scene was one of the funnest things i habe ever seen. I'm still laughing about it.:D



On the contrary I thought this was one of the funniest posts on here...The visual is hysterical. My BF keeps looking @ me like I'm crazy eveytime I laugh out loud

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  • 3 weeks later...

this was the funiest!!! A drunk best man form an onboard wedding who went down the slide on a Carnival ship in his tux! I imaginehe had to buy that tux!!!!


Now I have had some unpleasant obnoxious drunk passenger stories too-but this one was just funny!!!!

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Hubby and were on the Norwegian Majesty in November 05--our first cruise--when we heard that familiar sound. Apparently a woman and her daughter planted a remote-controlled FART machine in a plant pot near the main staircase and watching everybody's reactions.

These two guys who looked like something out of the movie DELIVERANCE--shabby ball caps, grungy, more toes than teeth, passed by the plant pot and the lady hit the button. One guy looked at the other for a second and said, "Aw hell, I can do one better'n that!"


Not one minute later this nice Indonesian stewart came through cleaning things and picked up the FART machine, looking at it sort of confused, while it was still going BLAAAAAT! BLAAAAAAT! right at him. He cleaned it and put it back in the plant pot and kept cleaning as though nothing happened. I was crying with laughter right about then. The bartenders nearby were watching the whole thing and almost had an accident,they were laughing so hard!

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When my husband and I booked our honeymoon cruise on the Carnival Paradise, we had no idea that there was a Red Hatter's convention sailing with us. Super nice ladies and they provided a lot of giggles, but the topper was while we were disembarking...


The atrium was full to overflowing with people (including 250 Red Hatters). A lady standing near us suddenly realized that all her travel papers were in her friend, Sylvia's bag. She began yelling out "SYLVIA!!" at the top of her lungs (and she had quite a set of lungs)! Turning from side to side, she kept calling very loudly, with her hands cupped, and turned to one side and yelled for "SYLVIA!!" right in the purser's ear. The poor man cringed and politely offered to help her find Sylvia. "Oh, you can't miss her," the lady said (in her same booming voice), "She's wearing a red hat!" (Yeah! Her and 250 other ladies!)


The entire Atrium just lost it! That was two years ago and we still get a good laugh remembering that lady. Often wonder whether the purser ever got his hearing back!




Carnival Paradise - Mexico -04

Carnival Victory - Eastern Caribbean -06

Norwegian Star - Alaska - 07

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Majesty of the Seas, June 2006


Last night of the cruise and I'm sitting at a 3 card poker table.


The table is full and we're having a great time. This lady that most of us have seen before walks up and stands behind one of the players. She's very unfriendly and seemed to be in a sour mood every time we were at the same table.


She's now been waiting about 20 minutes when one gentlemen at the table asks his wife if she would like to play (she had been watching him play) and she said "yes". As she sits down sour lady gets upset and makes a few comments about the fact that she has been waiting and that she should get his seat. The guy explains nicely that she is his wife and that he didn't want to quit but was trying to be nice to his wife and let her play for a little while. The lady continues to make comments so the guys wife gets up and tells her husband to play.


No more then 10 minutes pass before sour lady gets a seat at the table. Of course she's even more sour after having to wait even longer.


As we play everyone at the table is joking and congratulating each and just having a good time, of course sour lady is just sitting there being "sour".


The guy that sour lady was arguing with earlier was sitting in the last seat (right of the dealer) and sour lady was sitting in the middle seat (in front of the dealer). The guy takes a drink from his bottle of beer and it goes down the wrong way, he coughs, and spits the beer all over the table, with most of it going all over sour lady. :eek:


Of course we're all concerned for him, but sour lady makes a couple of comments about having beer all over her and on her cards and starts asking for something to clean it off with.


Myself and the lady next to me were doing everything we could to not laugh at the fact that sour lady got drenched with spit/beer. :D This had to be one of the best feelings I have had in relation to people with bad attitudes. :cool:


The guy was fine, but I could tell that he was really embarrassed, so to lighten things up I made the comment "if anyone gets a 4-of-a-kind or straight flush on this hand, I'm going to make you do it again". Everyone at the table laughed including the guy and his wife, but sour lady just keep wiping the spit/beer off.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I found this quy to be quite amusing! We kept seeing him around the ship wearing different things.




On a different cruise, our first, we were in one of the lounges listing to a band. All of a sudden some drunk guy walks up to the band and starts playing the large bongos. It took them a good 10 minutes to get the guy to stop playing. He was going to town. About an hour after that we were walking to our cabin and saw the same guy laying on the floor. One of the crew members was trying to ask him where his cabin was. He said he didn't know and was going to sleep right there. The drunk ones are always so amusing.

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I agree it was hilarious but please do not post just to say how funny it was. You might not realize it but many of us are subscribed to this thread. That means we get an e-mail every time someone posts to it. And we don't get anymore e-mail notifications until we go to the thread.


This means when two people respond by just putting "that is really funny" all those of us who are subscribing to e-mail alerts must visit the thread again or we don't get any more notifications.


So please, stop making comments unless you have a great story to add.

Now that's funny.
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My sister and I had just boarded the Fascination in Puerto Rico for a Southern Caribbean cruise back in 1997. We made our way up to the Lido Deck for the Welcome Aboard Party. We went out and looked over the balcony to see what we could see there in PR. We looked down at the stone walls below the ship and, I kid you not, there was a naked man walking along the top of the walls. He couldn't be seen from the ground level, only people up on the ship could see, so I know he did it for our "viewing pleasure"! For some reason we had left our cameras in the cabin, never dreaming we'd be having such sights to photograph before we ever left the port!!!

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Well we have a few funny stories:


story 1. this biker couple had just gotten married on the ship, we were on our way to dinner that night and there were several crew members carrying the bride and the groom back to their cabins.........they were slammed and could not walk at all! Mind you it was only since right before the ship left port to fthe first seating of dinner! They celebrated big time and apparently slept through their honeymoon night LOL!


story 2. We were on the first night of our 7 day cruise, we again were on our way to 1st seating dinner and we come across a couple that were screaming at each other , profanities, ugly words, etc and she marched off. After dinner we saw her at the pursers desk, she was demanding another room, he apologized and said the ship was full and they had to available rooms to give her. She continued to insist and he contined to politely insist there were no rooms available.........she stood their defiant so he finally told her that their was a singles party on the lido deck at 9pm that night, and maybe she could meet up with someone there that wouldn't mind sharing a room...........we were hysterical, and the purser was trying very hard not to loose it either!!


Story 3. We had just come back from a port excursion and had gone to the pool to relax and cool off befor getting ready for dinner, my husband and I were in the pool relaxing when we noticed a man "resting" his entire body on the thick ledge of the pool, one leg and one arm were dangling in the water , all of a sudden we saw the man roll off into the water and start sinking!!!! As it turns out he was stone drunk, my husband went under and picked him up to the edge and others around the pool side assisted to get him up onto the deck.........he woke out of his drunken slumber and his wife assited him back to the room! CRAZY!!!!!!


I like a good drink as well as the next guy but gees, get a grip, can't be enjoying the cruise if you can't remember anything about it!

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Talk about lost...Last year on NCL to Bermuda my DH left me near the stairs while he skipped down one flight to get the camera from our room before we headed to Karaoke. The elevator doors opened and out came a vary tall elderly gentleman dressed only in not-so-tighty whiteys and a tank undershirt. He looked left, then right, then slowly wandered down the hall towards the rooms. He didn't appear to notice me, or maybe was avoiding eye contact. Why is it you never have the camera when you need it?

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:) hi! stephanie and dan here.......i was just wondering what is the most bizarre or wild craziest thing you have ever seen on a cruise?.....dan and i were on the conquest last april the sun was going down and we watched a woman come up an aft staircase and when she got to the top......mind you we were going 23 knots :rolleyes: :) when all of the sudden her wig flew off and went off the back of the ship!!!:eek: ....oh my god:eek: .......i almost choked....i had to run off the other way....trying to keep a straight face sure hope she brought an xtra one.........................stephanie and dan
: Did you ever think that this woman was recovering from cancer? Maybe she wasn't but I have a cousin in IOWA that is a cancer survivor & her hair never grew back after her surgery. She is a lovely woman in her early 50's. Can you imagine how she must of felt? Sorry, but maybe you haven't had anyone in your family that had cancer & survived or died. It just struck home to me how cruel people can be at others expense. Forgive me for going on but .... not a very funny story.
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Sorry, but I DO have cancer, and one of the chemo regimens I was on about a year and a half ago DID cause me to lose my hair. I never let anyone (except DH) see me without a wig on, even though I knew it LOOKED like a wig, not my real hair. Would I have been devastated if that woman had been me? Yes. But would it still have been funny? Yes. I can see it from both angles, and believe me, it helps if you can laugh at yourself. But thanks for the story! I'm probably going to lose my hair with this next regimen the doctors are planning, and I guess I'll have to remember to bring a spare wig when we cruise next summer!


BTW - on our last cruise, we spent a day pre-cruise in San Juan and a few days post-cruise there. The morning we were going to board our ship, we met a lovely couple who were also sailing out that day, but on another ship. The wife had on a sun hat, very stylish and pretty. She was between rounds of chemotherapy and was completely bald. They were planning on enjoying their cruise to the fullest. Maybe she had the right idea! An extra hat would be a lot less expensive than an extra wig!

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...so I was walking down to the restaurant with my stuffed bird on the shoulder of my life jacket, trying to keep my Burger King crown on with one hand, when this wig comes at my face from nowhere....:D


when all of a sudden it landed in front of my date who immedately slipped and fell under his blue suade shoes...

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