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4/26/09 Live from Carnival Splendor !!!


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As this thread has just captured my free time the last few days. I feel like I have lived on the cruise with you folks. Thank you for all your fun updates and getting me all excited for our upcoming Alaska cruise.




You're not alone. This whole thing has been a magnetic soap opera playing out live, sometimes so much being posted I couldn't keep up. I'm sort of sorry this cruise is almost coming to an end. I hope the "outbreak" does at the same time.


It certainly HAS livened up the Carnival board.

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1. I guess I never thought spending 8 hours a day, while on a cruise, on the internet updateing all of us about every little detail would be worth my time, but maybe you or Fred find that kind of thing kind of fun. 2. I was just trying to find out why someone would replace cruise time for internet time as worth the effort, but to each their own. Rude is your own opinion, mine was a question and example. 3. Happy Crusin' Mr. Cheerleader.


1. then don't. do your own thing.

2. it looks like you may have to continue your quest in researching your topic, as your query went flat here, thanks to your own tone.

3. that attack was completely unnecessary. i sincerely hope it bought you whatever fundamental happiness you needed in your life.


to fred: i have come across your posts for some time now on cc. i am not going to invest the many hours it would take to wade through this entire thread. i just wanted to let you know that you are in my opinion a trooper and a fine example. i cannot say i would have gracefully been in as high of spirits as you if my ports were cancelled on my upcoming first cruise. thank you for taking your time to update the community with a firsthand account of what it was like.

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i sincerely doubt fred is spending 8 hrs a day on the internet... that's preposterous. and as noted, it's not really that hard to post a reply from the boat or on land... did your post take an hour to write? because that's approximately the proportion of time you would so suggest... and again, i just would assert that you shouldn't judge anyone for what they decide and will to do.


mr cheerleader? ok, i guess that's a cc 'threshold' - never been called that before and don't believe it to be true... i was just saying that imo, you're being rude and frankly, are not contributing anything of substance to this dialogue, mr. cynical / grumpy / whiner / downer / stick in the mud - it's not hard to call names, but assuming you object to any of the above, i assume you'd also agree it's not very productive, or accurate... unless you would classify yourself as cynical / grumpy / whiner / downer or a stick in the mud.


i'd really like to not have to respond to this again, i'm not looking for a debate here - it's not appropriate for this thread. i've said what i wanted to, and so did you - and both of the above were our personal opinions, which we're entitled to. i just don't agree with you and do think your post was rude / mean spirited / judgmental, which is my opinion. happy cruisin' to you, too.


best of everything to the 'lemonade cruisers'... that is, after all, what this thread is all about.

Rah Rah Falk, many others agree with your assessment of the situation.


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Um...yeah. Isn't that what we're all doing here at CC in every post?


I am...it is like listening to the news of a friend...think facebook and twitter. I read what I am interested in and make comments accordingly, or I decide to go on to the next thing. Negatively rarely adds anything to the conversation, even I happen to think of such a thing. I enjoy responding with help or pictures; little acts of kindness can be fun and positive. Thanks to all you "Lemonaders"!

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We DID give our wait staff and housekeeping extra gratuities. They deserved it.


While I was in the extremely long line to sign up for early debarkation, there were a couple of people walking down the line advising others to remove the gratuities.


I told the lady that I wasn't going to do that. It wasn't right.



Hey Fred~~~~did you guys ask to move to our cabin ??? 7434 ;)




I am wondering, was that your cabin? If it was, how was it. We are scheduled there in a month. Still debating on what we are going to do. Although, any vacation is better than working. :)

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Would it be possible to check the arcade and see if they provide machines that you could put paper money in and get back coins for the arcade games. I would like to provide my grandchildren with paper money so they would not have to have it put on their S & S cards. My other question is about the casino. Can you still use paper money in the slot machines like on the Elation? Do the slots dispense coins that can be exchanged at the cashier? If we were not sailing in July, we would certainly jump on this revised itinerary. We have never been north of San Fran.

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Hey Jeff and Kim, I'm David and my Wife is Melissa. We'll also have our 5 year old Daughter Haley with us. This will be our 10th Carnival Cruise, so we will officially be Platinum. The free laundry will be nice. See your 43 years old, we're just under ya at 42/40. We'll be on the Empress Deck Interior Cabin, but who knows, if there are a bunch of people elect not to cruise, might try to upgrade. Actually, we will be just a couple of cabins away from where Fred is now. We're close to the elevator that goes straight to Camp Carnival. Our daughter loves it. This will be her 7th Carnival Cruise. Anyway, we are pretty excited about the Northwest Route. Hope it sticks for a few weeks. Hey, just 22 days to go.


Hey DavidT...


Perfect...we have a 3yr old son (who most ppl think is 4 or 5), and we're really looking forward to taking him on his first cruise and making some use of Camp Carnival. He's in preschool and already used to mommy and daddy dropping him off, so I think he'll have a blast.


At this point, we're in room 1337, but like you, we're hoping to upgrade once a bunch of people cancel. Still hoping for things to clear up for the ship to head south.

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I only got the 250 Minuite Internet plan, and when I write its offline then I log on, and it only takes no more then 2 minutes to post and refresh the Cruise Critic Live thread and then log off to read the many pages. I still have 65 minutes left of internet time. The WIFI on this ship has been great, no hang ups and its been moving alot faster then with other ships. The 280.00 OBC we got paid for the Internet and Coffee.


When I am home working, I work an additional 80 hours of over time on top of the 160 hour work week, so thats alot of hours with little sleep. So when I get on a cruise ship, my typical routine is Sleep, Breakfast, Coffee, Casino, Nap, Lunch, Nap, Dinner, Show, Sleep. So you see I spend more time in my cabin relaxing. And now with this R2D2 Swine Flue virus, I am spending even more time watching the news. We get CNN here on the ship, I watch Fox News at home.


Since Im a Carnival Vacation Club member and also Platinum Member they keep bringing us treats, we have had more Chocolate dipped Strawberries to last us 2 cruises as well as the other Treats we get so forget about ordering room service. We also got 2 Thermos as gifts, We are giving those away to our Tablemates, we have alot of those already.


And from the amount of post I have on Cruise Critic, I do enjoy posting Live from the Ships so I do not have to write a long review when I get home.


The ride down to Long Beach has been a Smooth one so far, its 7:58am and Im going back to sleep, Breakfast at 9am in the dining room.


Today is the Platinum VIP galley tour, it starts at 10:30am this time, I invited a few CC members to come down and check it out, they will not turn anyone away.


Today is also our Cruise Critic Party at one of the lounges, that starts at 5pm and goes for 1 hours. Hope everyone shows up. Its will be the second time we have met, but the first real party with the group. We had so much planned out in Mexico but that was all squashed.



World of Warcraft the next 2 weeks since I am still on vacation while Wendy spends time in Vegas !!! Or should I get on another Cruise???




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Never been on the Splendor but I believe we had Imade as a waiter on one of our cruises? Not sure which ship now but he was GREAT!!! Enjoy the food - and yes a good idea to always order the beef a grade 'rarer' than usual.....


have some smoked salmon for me!!!



Imade very popular name, we had 2 Imades last cruise.

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Hi Fred! Hope you enjoy your last sea day. Don't worry about our good old Carnival Curmugeon. You know who I'm talking about....the one who trots out the only tired phrase he seems to know (Carnival Cheerleader) at every opportunity...... He really is very redundant.


The rest of us are really enjoying your thread, and we appreciate you taking the time to post.


Folks, let's not let one bad apple throw this fun thread off into a ditch. Ignore Mr. Carnival Curmudgeon so the thread doesn't get pulled.


Happy Sea Day, Fred! :D

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Imade very popular name, we had 2 Imades last cruise.


LOL - I discovered that it's kind of like the Indonesian version of Michael here - there are lots of Imades out there! Another common one seems to be Iketut.

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I will check the Arcade today, I know where it is and I walk right by it all the time, the Arcade was always empty on this ship.

As far as the Casino, on this ship yes you can use Cash into the Slots Machines BUT you have to insert your Sail and Sign card to move your money onto the card and then you take your card to the cashier to cash in. Its kinda wierd, you have to insert the card and initiate a password to start. You can keep the money on the card and use it on other machines, you insert the card in the cardslot and you press the key that says from Players Bank, then you press the keys of how much money you want to deposit onto the machine.

The Casino Bank is totally separate from the Sail & Sign account. So be sure to draw out any money from the Casino Account. You will not get another check from the regular Sail & Sign account.

I will also check on the prices of Cigs today too.


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I want to sail with Fred!


I am one of those people who would make lemonade out of this situation.


For me I would figure, it's paid for, I have used my vacation time, lets have fun no matter what happens, but that's just me.


I would use this cruise to sleep in, eat great food and do some things on board that I have never done before.



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My husband and I were in the crowd that left the ship in LB. We are very active people and were taking our first cruise to see if it was a viable option for our family. We did not complain, but when the option to leave presented itself we took it, to salvage our vacation. We did not sign up for 7 days at sea. We like to be very active and after two days at sea we needed a break. If carnival had change our itinary to San Diego, Catalina and another port we would have stayed. But the entire energy of the ship changed after the annoucement. The crew was not smiling and yes, they were complaining. We encountered a few who voiced their feelings to us. So my husband and I spent the day Diving in San Diego( It's not Cabo or PV but much better than being held captive on the ship)and laying by a pool that did not have 1000 other people around it. Cruising is NOT for us. We need to get out and move around and there are just so many times you can walk the decks of a ship. Don't get me wrong, we did participate in stuff, towle folding, dancing, kareoke. There were highlights to our cruise. Mainly the other passangers we encountered. I don't know, cruising maybe more fun if you go with a group, but this was our time alone to relax and we found that hard to do. We had some good meals, The duck on the second night was out of the world, and the lamb was great. The sugar free desserts on the other hand need some help. This we told to the F&B manager and he agreed, he said the desserts are being worked on and new ones should be out in 2010.


So we have learned our lessons. First Carnival probablly puts out a fair product if nothing goes wrong, but they have no compassion when something does, upper management hid away and would not talk to us, EXCEPT BRAD and he was WONDERFUL. Second, if you do go on a cruise, go with a bunch of friends, my husband and I absolutly LOVE our alone vacations, but we usually have stuff planned to do not just sitting around reading. Third, if you do go on a cruise choose one with LOTS of days in port and pray they don't change. Forth, Cruising is just not for us. I wish it were, my parents love it and we were talking about going together soon but I don't think we will now.


As for those that say we need to read the contract. Missing a port is one thing, you don't like it but, hey, things happen. We did not just miss a port. We paid for a 7 nihgt cruise with 3 ports, as advertised. It was to warm and SUNNY Mexico. They changed it to 1 port to cold and rainy San Francisco. I did not receive the product I purchased. But Carnival does not care, nor do you. So the way I made the best of it was to leave the ship.


Sorry this was so long.


Hope all that stayed had fun. Thanks to the folks at HILTON we did.

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If I cover something that Fred already had, I apologize. The minutes rack up REAL fast here and I eventually had to stop trying to catch up. I'll try and pick up after my last report day before yesterday.


After posting, I headed topside to watch the disembarkation at Long Beach. Host Joe was going to perform a headcount of those leaving the ship -- really just for fun. It was a beautiful, sunny morning and we were enjoying being outside.


He carefully counted 525 passengers leaving the ship. Turns out the final total was 600 (per Brad the cruise director). Nice work, Host Joe! I have to say I was surprised that so many pax left the ship -- I had estimated about half of that myself (just based on my own opinion and not any scientific knowledge of what is in people's heads).


After they all left the ship, we had a very leisurely day. Many of us headed for some lounge chairs to load up on some sunshine. It was a beautiful and restfull afternoon.


Upon heading back to my cabin there was a message that my Pinnacle dinner reseration was able to be changed! YAY! We were originally scheduled for Friday night at 8pm; but since we'd didn't want to miss any San Fran time, I was able to change it to Thursday night at 7pm. Worked just great as we were having a cocktail party for the hosts at 6pm (at which Brad the CD joined us for a bit). It was looking up to be a great night!


We found out late afternoon that Carnival would be treating everyone to two, hour long open bars Thurs night as well. Not a big deal to me because I don't drink at all, but it certainly lifted the spirits of those who stayed on board.


OK, now on to the FOOD. Our dinner in Pinnacle was outstanding. This is really not to be missed. We had two tables near each other -- a five and a six top. One item to mention is the selection of bread items available. Pesto bread, foccaccia, breadstraws -- lots of different choices. Our waitress came over to the table to show us the selections of meat available for dinner tonight.


At our table, everyone had the Lobster Bisque soup -- excellent. However, service was a bit -- how should I say -- quirky would be a good word. I was served my soup, the others at the table got some appetizers -- Host Graham getting the crabcake. I assumed they weren't getting soup at first. However, when ALL OF THEM were served their soup *I* got my crabcake". Really quirky as I say. Couldnt' figure that one out. We all had the Surf and Turf...and they encouraged us to order sides, such as Creamed Spinach and Sauteed Mushrooms. Perfect meal.


Where this ship shines is in its desserts across the board. And it's no different in the supper club. I'll admit to not understanding what some of the dessert choices were. One was a long list that they guys ended up ordering as the "Chocolate Tart". Hmm. I don't remember that on my list (I ordered cheesecake). Well, this chocolate tart was unbelivable! Served in four small clear glasses, it was a assortment of creams and chocolates w/ various toppings. They LOVED LOVED it! Top this off with cappuccinio we're all in heaven.


I never last too long (because I'm an early riser -- love ships early in the morning!) so I headed off to bed.


We were all excited about San Francisco -- I've been here but some of our party had never been! I'm not going to say we weren't extremely disapointed with the weather yesterday -- it was raining -- sometimes very hard and very chilly. Still we set out -- two of our party had no jackets at all -- no one had umbrellas. Many people were out there with only sandals. Did I say it was CHILLY? I did have a denim jacket and my sneakers. Well, I was quickly drenched on the walk from the ship over to Pier 39. The t-shirt people were freezing. We all ended up buying jackets and umbrellas so that we could enjoy our day. And on that note -- WE REALLY DID ENJOY OURSELVES in San Francisco. Yes, I know we weren't supposed to be here. Yes, I know it was cold and rainy. But we had SO MUCH FUN together -- it was a blast. All the hosts and SO's met for lunch at a restaurant on Pier 39 (can't remember the name -- Host Joe or Host Anne what was it??). Very nice. We then separated and my smaller party (Host Graham and his SO) and I traipsed all over the city -- literally. Cable car ride -- Cable Car Museum (which was FREE and interesting -- you cannot believe what is under all those streets) -- Chinatown, hopped a cab and got a mini tour -- saw the famous Castro theater! Finally ended up back at Ghiardelli Sq for our chocolate fix. On the way back to the ship we stopped in a few art galleries, and finally boarded at close to 9pm I believe. WOW. We walked miles! This is one of the world's great cities. Just before getting back on board, a reporter from NBC San Fran interviewed the guys. She admitted her station was just jumping in on this "story" and really did her darndest to get them to "diss" Carnival and even San Fran! It was really hard to do, because we had just finished up a fabulous day together. Suffice to say it would have been nice to have been in a warm climate -- but she didn't get the story she wanted from us.


So, here I sit in the Internet Cafe once again, probably for the last time on this cruise. I haven't sailed on Carnival in many moons. You know what? That was a mistake. Not for any particular reason, mind you. The opportunity just never presented itself, plus I'm a Royal Caribbean diamond member and you tend to gravitate to what you know.


I have to say -- I've really enjoyed this cruise. My cabin was spacious and impeccably kept by my cabin steward. They are constantly spiffing up the ship -- it still smells brand new! (they show that "new ship smell" commercial alot ). There are many places to discover where you can sit and enjoy the passing ocean view. As I've mentioned before, the food is simply OUTSTANDING and the portions aren't designer sized, as many ships are starting to do. I hate that. Really.


The design of the ship confuses me a bit, I keep getting lost w/ the dining room in the center. My only really head scratcher is the placement of this internet cafe, called THE WEB. You have no choice but to cut through the cigar bar. One word: stinkypoo.


Speaking of stinky, I think the ship does a good job at dispersing cigarette smoke (for you non-smokers). I won't lie and say it doesn't linger around some. However, when I mention it to someone they say they don't smell it. I must be extra sensitive.


The passenger mix on this sailing was, well, really mixed. I would have to say no one group was over represented. To me, that is a good thing. Lots of sizes, colors, ages and shapes from all walks makes life interesting - and great for people watching.


We have a final group cocktail party today, at which I'll probably meet some of Randy's group for the first time. Once the Team Splendor shirts come off, we're like ships passing in the night on board. If you had your lanyard on, I said hello. If you didn't and I didn't recognize you -- I apologize but please say hello tonight. To everyone sailing on this really funky, one port, six sea day cruise -- it was great sailing with you! No one can say we won't have stories to tell.


And to Brad the CD, you did a wonderful job on your first official cruise as a CD. Your professional demeanor plus your compassion for the pax was clearly visible at all times. And to the rest of the crew on Carnival Splendor -- thank you for helping to make this understandably difficult- at- times cruise wonderful -- your smiling faces and attention to detail did not go unnoticed.


I will be sailing Carnival again -- hopefully very soon.


Take care and see you on the boards,




On a less happy note, our hearts go out to the family of the person who had a heart attack yesterday upon disembarkation. How sad.

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I am wondering, was that your cabin? If it was, how was it. We are scheduled there in a month. Still debating on what we are going to do. Although, any vacation is better than working. :)


This is my first post here, I have been following this post for 2 days and I am addicted!


AZbaby we will be on the same cruise. ( :) )


This will be my honeymoon. At first I was upset that we might not get to go to Mexico, but we decided that our cruise/honeymoon will be what we make it and we will have a good time no matter where we go!



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Oh, one other thing.


We are ROCKIN AND A ROLLIN this morning! Swaying slowly from side to side. LOVE IT.


And we're sailing in a very dense fog!



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And we're sailing in a very dense fog!


I was going to say something really snarky, but then realized that you probably meant the *ship* was in the fog. :rolleyes:
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I did not receive the product I purchased. But Carnival does not care, nor do you.



I think you are still missing the point, Mexico has a Killer Virus, more then 150 people are now dead in Mexico, Carnval Head Quarters out of Miami had no choice to make that move. There were only going with what the CDC has posted. I prefer to be healthy and still alive. We can always go back to mexico another. One poor lady off a cruise ship, possibly Elation out of San Diego is now sick with the Swine Flu.


So when you say, Carnival does not Care? Thats a bunch of BS, They do care about me and my family. They made the right choice.


I will be sending Carnival a letter thanking them for keeping me, my family and the whole crew safe from this Swine Flu.





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I've been enjoying reading this thread off and on. I was telling my husband about all the folks who got off at Long Beach and he asked me which day that was. I'm getting confused now with all of the different itinerieres floating around. What days were the actual stops on this cruise?

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Carnival does not care

Wow. :eek:


How would you have reacted if Carnival had made the scheduled port calls and *YOU* contracted H1N1 flu? :confused: Let me guess, you'd be here posting in a thread how Carnival does not care and endangered your life. Seems to me that Carnival was in a no-win situation in your world.


I'm just sayin...

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World of Warcraft the next 2 weeks since I am still on vacation while Wendy spends time in Vegas !!!




You're cooler than I gave you credit Fred.... Unless you play Alliance on a PvE server, in which case I take it all back. :) :) :)

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I think you are still missing the point, Mexico has a Killer Virus, more then 150 people are now dead in Mexico, Carnval Head Quarters out of Miami had no choice to make that move. There were only going with what the CDC has posted. I prefer to be healthy and still alive. We can always go back to mexico another. One poor lady off a cruise ship, possibly Elation out of San Diego is now sick with the Swine Flu.


So when you say, Carnival does not Care? Thats a bunch of BS, They do care about me and my family. They made the right choice.


I will be sending Carnival a letter thanking them for keeping me, my family and the whole crew safe from this Swine Flu.






Fred, this is true grace and appreciation for the things that matter. Thanks for sharing and I hope you continue your relaxation and good attitude during the rest of your vacation. For some people, I fear, it all comes down to the money spent, and when things don't go "right", they expect someone else to pay. Keep making lemonaid....

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