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Hello, I'm new. I thought I'd just jump right in.


I am wanting to go on a cruise in the future, but will need to save up the money for it. In the meantime, I would like to plan it all out.


I have been on a cruise once before--Royal Caribbean's "Splendour of the Seas" in November of 2007 for my honeymoon. It started in Venice and ended in Lisbon.


I liked Royal Caribbean well enough, but I want to be "wowed." But I have no idea what cruise line would be best! I wasn't especially "wowed" on the Splendour.


Here's some things that might help: I like food (I would really like the wow factor in this regard); don't really like kids very much; am not a smoker or a drinker; have little patience for crowds or lines (the Splendour was pretty good in this regard); and get a little seasick if the seas are very rough, as they were for part of my honeymoon! Also, dramamine (Gravol) has the opposite effect on me than intended and makes me nauseous. :(


So I guess I want gourmet food, a relaxing atmosphere, good organization, and calm seas. Oooh, and I LOVE to swim! So the pool(s) are important.


My husband is much the same as me (except for the dramamine allergy). I'm thinking Caribbean, as I don't want another 10-hour plane trip.


Sooo...any suggestions for a cruise line to choose? How about time of year (for weather and calm seas)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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You may like Celebrity. The food is a bit better than Royal Caribbean, but it's a bit more subdued in terms of overall atmosphere.


On the M-class ships (we have sailed on Summit & Constellation in this class) they have a Thalassotherapy pool - which is a big pool that is heated and heavily salinated and cholorinated. If you like the water, this pool is fantastic because you can just float and roll with the ocean. We absolutely love going up there in the evening and looking up at the starts while floating in the pool (it is in a glass topped solarium).


We did a 10-night southern Caribbean on Constellation two years ago and it was a good cruise. Lots of interesting ports, but plenty of days to enjoy the ship. That cruise departed from San Juan, PR, but there are others that depart from Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Keep in mind that Westjet has direct non-stop flights now from Calgary to Orlando and Fort Lauderdale.


I, too, get very seasick, so we tend to stay in cabins that are mid-ship on a lower deck. Of course hurricane season (June through November) has the highest risk of rough seas, but we've experienced them more at other times of the year (luck perhaps?). But have you checked out the trans derm scopolomine patch? That's what I use and I have none of the problems associated with Gravol. BTW - Gravol is a completely different medication from meclizine or Bonine or Less Drowsy Dramamine. You may find that meclizine works well for you. It just makes me sleepy. But the transderm patch is available over the counter in Canada. I buy it at Shoppers. You may want to give it a test run at home in case you have any issues with side effects. I do not, but many others do.


If you look at Celebrity and find that it isn't up to your liking then it sounds like you're heading more towards an upscale line like Crystal or Seabourn, none of which I've been on.


Good luck with your savings!


Janine <<<< Calgary girl lost in Florida

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I had a reply all written out, but when I went to post it I lost it. *sigh*


Anyway, thanks, Janine, for your response. It was really helpful! I hadn't thought about Celebrity too much...I was leaning towards Holland American because I read that their food was good. Do you have any insight on Holland America?


That Thalassotherapy pool sounds wonderful. Is there an extra cost to use it?


I'm confused about seasickness medications. I thought that Gravol=Dramamine. No? Because I had bad experiences with Gravol, I'm afraid to try any motion sickness medicine. Are the other ones you mentioned totally different than Gravol? Also, I had heard (from the CEO at the last company I worked for) that you can't get the patch in Alberta. Not true?


As much as I would love to take an upscale cruise, I don't think it will ever be in my budget unless I win the 6/49! (Which I won't because I hardly ever play)! I'm all excited about getting a balcony room this time!


Does Calgary have direct flights to Miami, by any chance? I learned from my Venice experience that I would like to stay two nights before the cruise in the departure city. So it would be nice if it was an interesting city. Miami sounds glamourous, but I don't really know. Is Fort Lauderdale interesting? Do any of the cruises leave from Orlando?


Have you heard of those cruises advertised in the "Good Morning News" where you get a week at Disneyworld, and then a week-long cruise? I've always been interested but I could never find out much information about them.


Thanks for your help!

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So, you don't like lines, kids, large waves, don't drink, don't smoke. That really narrows your choices. However, my wife and I just got off of the Celebrity Century. It was the smallest/oldest boat we have been on and we were totally WOWed by not only the food (and you must try MURANOs) and the service. However, as with most smaller ships (1700 passengers) larger waves will cause the boat to sway a little bit, but nothing was falling off tables. There isn't much for kids to do on this boat, so kids are far and few between. It was a very relaxing and classy experience.

Another great ship was the Royal Caribbean Voyager of the Seas. Nice, big ship that uses the newer Pod System that does well to maintain the levelness of the ship in higher seas. There will be more kids on a Royal Caribbean ship, but it's geared towards a lot of travellers.

I hope that helps. If not...a ritzy hotel weekend near the beach might be best.:)

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Okay, it's not like I despise kids and I'm going to be throwing them overboard if they so much as look at me the wrong way. I just don't want constant screaming children. I read a review of a Disney ship where the guy said that next time he'd go on a cruise where there wouldn't be enough kids to mutiny and gang up on the adults, so that's when I decided Disney wasn't for me (although the rest of it sounds really fun!). As for the drinking, I'm just not interested in it. I don't care what other people do. It's not a draw for me, that's all.


I like the sound of this Pod system of which you speak...I was surprised that my husband and I felt any motion sickness at all, as it's not a problem either of us has had very often. Although I had been sick from what appeared to be food poisoning on the days leading up to the rough seas, so I'm sure that didn't help. If I can find a good motion sickness drug that doesn't make it worse, I'm sure I'd have no problems.


I found the organization for embarking and disembarking on RCCL to be pretty good. I heard Carnival (I think?) was a nightmare. I just don't want a nightmare.

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Celebrity would be a good choice. Good food and service, they have fixed dining which seems to lead to a much better dining experience.

Azamara has smaller ships, which means they can stop at some smaller ports and you can explore (often by foot, not expensive tours:() by foot. Our experience was very early in the Az fleet, but I heard they have improved a lot. Don't expect much nightlife.

Explore the stops of each line, read the posts for a few cruise lines, reading between the lines of cheerleaders and those who "Won't ever cruise them again".

Remember to save enough for;

ticket, specialty restaurants, sightseeing and snacks ashore, port fees, 'hotel service charge' or whatever they call the auto tip(?),air including baggage charges, surcharges that might go into effect if oil prices rise, hotel including meals and sightseeing before cruise, and snack at the airport waitng for the plane home. :eek:

Add 5 or 10% for anything I forgot. :confused:

When you get home, anything left can be the start of your saving for the next cruise, don't get caught paying for years for the memory of the past while the CC co. is going on a cruise with your interest!:cool:

Have a great chuise!

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I'd say Celebrity or Princess.

Celebrity can still have quite a few kids in the summer months but on Princess they have a maximum number of kids they allow on per trip. Both have very good service and great food. I found that princess' food was plated a little prettier but celebrity was up to par.

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We are HAL cruisers and like them because we feel they have better overall service and a higher quality of food than some of the other lines we have been on. We splurge for a deluxe verandah suite which comes with concierge service and a lot of other nice perks but it's not THAT much more than a regular balcony room so you won't have to sell an organ to afford it. As far as kids go, we have 2 and take them with us. But, HAL sails smaller ships without rock climbing walls or ice skating rinks so while there will be some kids on there, there are not a ton of them like on RCCL or Carnival. Our family tends to be very active so we are up early and not up really late so the lack of late night activities doesn't bother us. I would rather go to our balcony after dinner for a cocktail and watch the sky and water-very relaxing. If you really want to minimize kids, plan the time you go for when most schools are in session and take longer trips-10 day if you can swing it. Also, as far as seasickness goes, we have been on the Zuiderdam (medium size) and the Veendam (smallish) and had no issues and my son has to use the patch or sea bands. Happy saving-you'll love cruising!

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Here's some things that might help: I like food (I would really like the wow factor in this regard); don't really like kids very much; am not a smoker or a drinker; have little patience for crowds or lines (the Splendour was pretty good in this regard); and get a little seasick if the seas are very rough, as they were for part of my honeymoon! ...


So I guess I want gourmet food, a relaxing atmosphere, good organization, and calm seas. Oooh, and I LOVE to swim! So the pool(s) are important...


Sooo...any suggestions for a cruise line to choose? How about time of year (for weather and calm seas)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Think beyond mass market lines if you truly want the experience you describe. Try Windstar: gourmet dining, world class service, does not market to families with kids, no lines or crowds, lots of water sports including a water sports platform that opens from the back of the ship. The weather is unpredictable no matter what ship you are on, but chances are good that the Caribbean will be calm.


The ships have sails, but use power when needed. The guest capacity is from 148 to 312.


Oceania, Crystal, and Seabourn also cruise in the Caribbean and would give you an exceptional experience.

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Hi Lainey,


The Thalossotherapy pool didn't have an additional charge on Summit or Constellation. On some other Celebrity ships it does have an additional charge - so it's worth checking the specifics with your travel agent or Celebrity before booking.


We haven't sailed Holland America. Friends have and they say it is comparable to Celebrity. Celebrity has an older average age - especially on the longer cruises - and I have heard that HAL is even older. So if you're in your 20s you will definitely be younger than most passengers.


I don't know if I'd rule out Disney if you're looking for good food & service. Several people I know sail on Disney & they don't have kids. There is an adult only restaurant that is supposed to be really good, and there isn't the focus on drinking. They don't even have a casino! But Disney is more expensive and you could have a really nice balcony cabin on HAL or Celebrity for the same fare or less. Disney offers the vacation & sail deals, but I haven't seen that offered for other cruiselines.


Westjet has directs to Fort Lauderdale - which is about 30 minutes north of the Miami port, and 5 minutes from Port Everglades (the Fort Lauderdale port). The Miami area is just this huge mass of city. I haven't stayed there, but my husband has stayed in the South Beach area and it's hopping. Orlando has Disney cruises, Royal Caribbean and Carnival. Orlando & the attractions are about an hour from Port Canaveral. Westjet has been starting the direct flights to Florida in October or November and they run through May --- but they may have extended this to year-round.


You CAN get the patch in Alberta! My mom brought me down 3 packs last month. She buys them at Shoppers. They're behind the counter so you have to ask the druggist for them (transderm scopolomine). Gravol is dimenhydrenate ... the same thing I take when I want to knock myself out after an allergy attack.


Hope this helps! And did yesterday's snow stop! :eek:



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We're going on a Holland America cruise in October with our son (age 5). We've heard amazing things about the cruise line and the ship (Eurodam).


The things that are important to us are:

- Good food and nice food options. On the Eurodam, you have traditional dining in the main dining room but the more casual Lido Restaurant also offers almost the exact same menu (buffet, but entrees are cooked to order). They now also offer "As You Wish" dining which allows you to be much more flexible about when you eat in the dining room. On top of that, they have two premium restaurants that are supposed to be amazing. The Pinnacle Grill (northwest menu, including seafood and steaks for $20 surcharge/person) and Tamarind (pan-asian cuisine for $15/person).

- Nice staterooms. We needed a stateroom with a bathtub. On most other lines,that would have meant upgrading to a junior suite, which was beyond our very, very, very tight budget. On Holland America, most rooms have tub/shower combo, and with the deal we got through our TA, we were able to afford a mid-priced verandah stateroom. The beds are supposed to be incredible, and the whole ship has more of a "boutique hotel" vibe than some of the brighter colours you'll find on other ships.

- Good options for itineraries. HA cruises in many places - some exotic, some more common like Alaska and the Caribbean, with short to very long trips possible.

- Interesting people. From what I've read, and from everyone I've chatted with here on this site on the Holland America boards, it seems that the people who cruise on HA are of varied age, varied backgrounds and seem like a very interesting bunch of people. I don't go on a cruise to make a new best friend, or to party or drink but it is nice to meet people from all over who are fun to talk to.

- Somethings for our son to do. As our son is only 5 and he's pretty shy, we expect he'll stay with us most of the time, and that's actually how we prefer things as he's just so much fun to be around. We've travelled a fair bit with him, so we know he'll be fine in the restaurants and with new places. I like that the Club HAL (kids club) usually has smaller groups - I've read it offers more personalized services. Some of the other cruise lines have tons to offer kids and active adults - I just don't know how much of it we'd actually use.

- The Eurodam also offers different perks depending on the type of stateroom or if you pay extra for some things. For example, they offer two different types of cabanas onboard, which gives you your own special little place to relax and hang out if you want to. If we were in an inside cabin, we'd seriously consider one of the retreat cabanas. As I'm sensitive to the sun, we're looking into one of the Lido cabanas.


While HA has a reputation for having a much older demographic, I've read that things have changed a lot in the past 10 years or so. While they still do get a lot of older passengers, those passengers tend to be very active, very sophisticated and very well-travelled. They also have many younger passengers, or young families and everything in between.


For us - that's a better fit for our family. When our son is older, we might want to do one of the bigger ships on something like RCCL, but for now, HA is the perfect option for us and I couldn't be more excited.

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Hello, I'm new. I thought I'd just jump right in.


I am wanting to go on a cruise in the future, but will need to save up the money for it. In the meantime, I would like to plan it all out.


I have been on a cruise once before--Royal Caribbean's "Splendour of the Seas" in November of 2007 for my honeymoon. It started in Venice and ended in Lisbon.


I liked Royal Caribbean well enough, but I want to be "wowed." But I have no idea what cruise line would be best! I wasn't especially "wowed" on the Splendour.


Here's some things that might help: I like food (I would really like the wow factor in this regard); don't really like kids very much; am not a smoker or a drinker; have little patience for crowds or lines (the Splendour was pretty good in this regard); and get a little seasick if the seas are very rough, as they were for part of my honeymoon! Also, dramamine (Gravol) has the opposite effect on me than intended and makes me nauseous. :(


So I guess I want gourmet food, a relaxing atmosphere, good organization, and calm seas. Oooh, and I LOVE to swim! So the pool(s) are important.


My husband is much the same as me (except for the dramamine allergy). I'm thinking Caribbean, as I don't want another 10-hour plane trip.


Sooo...any suggestions for a cruise line to choose? How about time of year (for weather and calm seas)? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


I would recommend Celebrity or one of the Luxury Cruise Lines such as Oceania or Cunard.

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Hi Lainey ~

I would recommend for you to try Celebrity.

I have sailed on Carnival, Celebrity, RCI and Princess.


Celebrity has some new ships sailing very soon...

and new is always WOW !


I put a deposit on a Celebrity sailing today,

and the deposit for two people was only $200. total.


RCI's Oasis of the Seas will sail for the first time later this year.

It will certainly be a WOW !

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Don't rule out Holland America. I've sailed that line and it is fabulous. We even went during spring break time a couple years ago and I was very surprised that there didn't seem to be alot of children on board. They were definitely there....but we rarely saw them. The food was excellent, as was the service. You can hang out in any lounge (the piano bar was by far our favorite) and just sip sodas. Never saw any smokers as they have their own areas, which we were never around. And the entertainment was fantastic! I've only sailed on the Zuiderdam so can't speak for the other ships. It never once felt like we were on a large ship, and we never felt crowded ever.


Have fun, whatever you decide on!

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Hi Lainey ~

I would recommend for you to try Celebrity.

I have sailed on Carnival' date=' Celebrity, RCI and Princess.


Celebrity has some new ships sailing very soon...

and new is always WOW !


I put a deposit on a Celebrity sailing today,

and the deposit for two people was only $200. total.


RCI's Oasis of the Seas will sail for the first time later this year.

It will certainly be a WOW ![/quote']



I think Oasis is going to have lots of kids. For pampering and wow factor, I would definitely recommend the Celebrity Solstice or Equinox.

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