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kids cruise contract

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I think this contract is great! I'll be cutting and pasting for one of my own as well. My kids have been on many cruises but this is the first since DD is a teen (14yo) and able to come and go as she pleases from the kids program (now the teen club). I really like the drink one, hadn't thought of that one but it's very important in this setting!! I will add a curfew, 11 on nights we have port the next day and 12 on the nights prior to sea days. Both will be adjusted on an individual basis, if needed (ahead of time and in person).


My biggest concern is keeping in touch. We have not found walkie-talkies very useful on ships and usually use our phones. But since we'll be in Europe, that won't work. I'll have to bring post-its I guess. The other issue is time. My DD is VERY allergic to nickle and can't wear a watch. She just uses her phone as a watch, but again, she won't have it with her..... any suggestions?

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Just a follow up on my last post :) This seems a little rediculous, having both of your teens glued at the hip. I'm sure your teens would not want to hang out with their brother or sister the entire trip, I am sure that could get old. I believe in the buddy system, but as long as your child is with another teen, it would be acceptable.



Sorry - those are our rules, and the kids live by them for the priviege of cruising. Then we know with whom they are spending their time.

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can we have a similar one for certain adults was on oceana last year and never had one ounce of trouble with any of the children on board but a couple of the adults gave the impression kids where an inferior species to be stepped on, pushed out the way, or hit with the door etc etc.

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I think this contract is great! I'll be cutting and pasting for one of my own as well. My kids have been on many cruises but this is the first since DD is a teen (14yo) and able to come and go as she pleases from the kids program (now the teen club). I really like the drink one, hadn't thought of that one but it's very important in this setting!! I will add a curfew, 11 on nights we have port the next day and 12 on the nights prior to sea days. Both will be adjusted on an individual basis, if needed (ahead of time and in person).


My biggest concern is keeping in touch. We have not found walkie-talkies very useful on ships and usually use our phones. But since we'll be in Europe, that won't work. I'll have to bring post-its I guess. The other issue is time. My DD is VERY allergic to nickle and can't wear a watch. She just uses her phone as a watch, but again, she won't have it with her..... any suggestions?

I think you can set the phone to flight mode and then you wont be getting any calls or texts coming through. but she would still be able to keep it turned on and watch the time. But it may be different for each kind of phone. Our kids have iphones so I know I have to make sure that it is in flight mode and data roam is off. I was able to get this information off of CC.

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What a great idea. We've cruised with our kids since they were 5 and 7. They are now 28 and 30. We always had rules and they understood there were consequences for breaking them. And I really didn't care if other parents didn't have rules.


We explained that as they got older and demonstrated responsibility and maturity, the rules would change.


Much different than a friend of mine who is still bailing out (literally) his 45 year old "kid".


Smooth sailin'

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Just a follow up on my last post :) This seems a little rediculous, having both of your teens glued at the hip. I'm sure your teens would not want to hang out with their brother or sister the entire trip, I am sure that could get old. I believe in the buddy system, but as long as your child is with another teen, it would be acceptable.

Hawaiian Princess,

I just noticed you are on the same cruise as us!!! Join our roll call! So far we are the youngest on there (and the only one with teenagers!) It'd be great to have another group with kids at the M&G!

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Thank you everybody for all your input. I am very surprised at all the positive feedback from this post! I thought that I would have more people tell me how overprotective I am being. I am just trying to remind them that we are on vacation and to have fun but the rules still stand! I thank you for all the suggestions. I have copied and pasted the edited version with the important suggestions. I can't remember who mentioned it but I am very thankful for the reminder to add being respectful of the crew! They do so much for us to make it enjoyable.

Yes, I would like to believe my children are well behaved. Though, sometimes things they would never consider doing on their own, may become a possibility if they are in a group. When they go out with friends, I tell them I love them and to make good choices. Those are the last 2 things they hear from me as they walk out the door or exit the car. REINFORCEMENT NEVER HURTS!



This needs to be an exciting and educational trip for all. We want you to have fun, and at the same time be safe, and courteous to others on the ship. We want to bring you home in the same happy health condition in which you board the ship. We have set up a few rules that must be followed. Any bending of these rules, or stretching the interpretation of these rules will result in the remainder of the cruise spent with none other than your loving parents. Final say will always be your parents. Remember, we will be on this ship as well, and you never know when our paths will cross.

1) The meeting the first night in the teen club is required. Most teens from what I have been reading do not hang out there but chose that as a meeting point. The first meeting is required as that is when the parents sign informational papers for each child for you to participate. It is also when and where the introductions take place of fellow teen cruisers and the staff inside the teen club. This information must be filled out if you happen to decide to take part in any of the teen activities organized by the cruise ship.

2) Under no circumstances are you to go to anybody’s cabin nor is anybody allowed to come to ours.

3) You will not go through any of the cabin areas/hallways. There is absolutely no reason for you to be in any of these locations except to return to your own cabin.

4) You will not be playing around on the elevators. For example: pushing the buttons to every floor.

5) You do not accept a drink of any kind from anybody other than your parents or one that you have ordered and is brought to you by cruise ship staff. Nor will you leave your drink unattended. If it is left unattended you are required to order another one.

6) You will be required to check in at a specific time set by your parents and different intervals throughout the day. You will also tell us where you are going, what you will be doing and who you will be with. This is so if plans change for us we can find you to tell you.

7) If you are in our cabin alone or the 2 of you together, you will be required to have the do not disturb sign posted. Not even crew members (room steward) are to be in there when you are by yourselves.

8) You will be required to join us for all meals in the dining room. We have the early seating so you will be required to be back to the cabin and ready to go at the assigned time. Make sure you allow enough time to get ready.

9) If you decide to swim, you will be courteous to the adults in the pool. No splashing or “cannon balls” to be cute. Be courteous of adults swimming laps for exercise. Stay out of their way.

10) You will not be obnoxious whether we are with you or you are without us. We expect you to be well mannered using please, thank you, and excuse me at all times. Hold the doors for adults that are passing through at the same time as you, allow people to get off of the elevator before you step on. Just because somebody is rude does not give you the right to be rude.

11) Absolutely no running on the ship!

12) No butting in line at the buffet. And do not take more than you can eat. If you are still hungry you can go back for more. There is plenty of food. I’m sure they plan for people with bigger appetites than yours.

13) . Good handwashing is a must! If unable to wash your hands with soap and water, you will always have hand sanitizer available either provided by the ship or a small bottle for each of you to carry that was brought with us. USE IT!

14) Absolutely no cell phone use on the ship (or in Vancouver) It will be set to airplane mode and turned off at all times as well as locked up in the safe. When we are in port, you will be allowed to have them but they are to be returned to us in airplane mode and turned off for return to the safe. You may have them back when we are on the land tour portion of our trip. If I find that you have been using your phone on the ship you will be responsible for the additional charges. It will not be cheap! NO ARGUMENTS!

15) The curfew will be decided on each day. It will vary depending on the organized activities that are planned on the ship for the teens, and what time we need to start the next day.

16) Treat the ship crew members with respect. They are there to make your cruise enjoyable, do not make it miserable for them. If you make a mess be willing to clean it up! Yes that is their job, but they did not make the mess!

17) We will be purchasing the ultimate drink card for each of you. That will be the only purchase that you will be allowed to make on your ship card unless approved by us.

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Hawaiian Princess,

I just noticed you are on the same cruise as us!!! Join our roll call! So far we are the youngest on there (and the only one with teenagers!) It'd be great to have another group with kids at the M&G!


okay sounds great! how do I join? I really hope their are other teens on here their age so they have some people to interact with! ;)

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okay sounds great! how do I join? I really hope their are other teens on here their age so they have some people to interact with! ;)

OK. This is the type of things my children do for kicks and giggles! My 15 y/o DD just told me that she is Hawaiian Princess:cool:! So, it looks like we still don't know who the other 153 kids are on our cruise!

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I think it is a great contract. I am going to cut and paste it if you don't mind. I have been creating rules for everyday use framing them and hanging them on the wall since my children were young so this contract would be no surprise to them. However, how will you know if they will be hanging out in the elevator or halls if your not around. No doubt that they would probably be on their best behavior if it were just them. But, when you add the other elements you never know what will happen. My kids know right from wrong but they have also told me stories about what goes on in these groups of teens. They may not instigate the bad behavior but the fact that they are at the scene of the crime makes them an accomplice. So, if you have a secrete on how to enforce the rules if your not actually there please share them with me.


We are leaving in 2 weeks without the kids this time. I don't know if it's worse worring about the kids being with us or worrying about them being at home with Grandma and Grandpa. I know I will have to reprogram them when I get home. Has anyone else noticed that when your own parents become grandparents the rules are not the same as when they were raising you?

No secret on how to enforce the rules. All I can do is remind them that we are on the same cruise and never know when they will run into us! So to act as though we are right around the corner!

I understand completely about the reprograming when they come home from Grandma and Grandpa's. They are absolutely different rules from when we grew up. But we don't have the luxury of having them close enough to stay with them if we travel during the school year. But they don't mind staying with their friends.

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The other issue is time. My DD is VERY allergic to nickle and can't wear a watch. She just uses her phone as a watch, but again, she won't have it with her..... any suggestions?


Sometimes watches bother me and I've found that covering the metal back with clear fingernail polish helps... but if her allergy is severe, this might not be enough. You might also look for a watch where the fabric band goes all the way around and the watch face sits on top, separating the metal from her skin. I've had sports-style watches like this in the past. Maybe not as fashionable as she might like, but functional. Otherwise, maybe an inexpensive watch that she can carry but not wear. Sometimes I loop my watch through a belt loop on my pants or just carry it in my pocket.


Hope this helps. I had more trouble with watch rashes when I was a kid, not so much now as an adult, but then I suddenly had a rash a couple of weeks ago out of the blue. Got out the fingernail polish and now I'm fine.

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Three things -

We always key the curfew to the time of the last organized teen activity as posted in the daily paper...even if she isn't participating that is the latest she can be out. We also take any early morning excursions into consideration.


We do not use walkie talkies...here's why...you can walkie talkie from anywhere and say you are somewhere else. However, most ships have caller id on the room phones so if she says she is in the teen center and the caller id says 7th floor hallway, she is busted!


We also ask the room steward for an extra set of the teen schedules so that we always have one and she has one.


Have fun!

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Now that I know you are a teen and subject to "the contract" let me explain why I insist that my 19 year olds be "joined at the hip" after dinner for the balance of the evening. First, dinner is 8 ish, so until we finish, it's almost 10 pm. They aren't off to the teen club for the evening, they are too old for that, so they usually head up to Skywalkers or the entertainment venue of their choice - their mutual choice.


I wouldn't let a 19 year old young lady go out on the town at night alone anywhere, the middle of NYC, or on a cruise ship. It's not that I don't trust her, I just don't want anyone slipping her a mickey in her drink, or in any way threatening her. It can happen to a young lady out on her own - no point inviting trouble. It can also happen to young man out on his own. So, the two of them are free to be free of us in the evening after dinner if they choose, but they act as chaperones for one another. It's a matter of safety and common sense. They are also expected to conduct themselves like the well mannered, considerate individuals they have been brought up to be. Hence, we don't give them a curfew, we insist they chaperone each other. Since we generally retire for the evening betweeen 10 and 11, and they are night owls, its a compromise that works for everyone.


During the day, they don't have to stay together all the time, but we are awake and stay tuned into their activities and general whereabouts. At night, we sleep....they go to MUTS, or Skywalkers or a show.

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can we have a similar one for certain adults was on oceana last year and never had one ounce of trouble with any of the children on board but a couple of the adults gave the impression kids where an inferior species to be stepped on, pushed out the way, or hit with the door etc etc.

I have witnessed this as well. And of all places, it was Disney World! If you aren't allowed to be a kid at DW then I don't know where they are supposed to go!?! In the perfect world (Ha!) Kids (and adults) would be on their best behavior and be considerate to everybody. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Maybe many were raised that children should be seen and not heard. All I can do is instill the behavior that I expect from my children and hope and pray that they listen.

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