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One day in Seattle - Too Much??


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Have you booked your Underground Tour online? I noticed that some of the tour had already sold out during the 2 days that we will be in Seattle. We booked the last tour of the day. I think it looks like it will be a good tour.

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I think s/he Googled it and found it in my secret hiding place, so to speak. Thanks for being so helpful.


I can not find it :(:(:( and I looked :rolleyes:

please someone send it to me autumnsam at aol dot com



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Have you booked your Underground Tour online? I noticed that some of the tour had already sold out during the 2 days that we will be in Seattle. We booked the last tour of the day. I think it looks like it will be a good tour.


When are you going? Is the last tour of the day the best??? I checked quickly yesterday for my dates 5/22 and 5/23 and it looked like most slots were still listed.


I guess I should book online, any tips as to which time or tour is best?

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Have you booked your Underground Tour online? I noticed that some of the tour had already sold out during the 2 days that we will be in Seattle. We booked the last tour of the day. I think it looks like it will be a good tour.


I did not book my tour yet - I won't be in Seattle til September. I will probably book it 2 or 3 weeks in advance in hopes of making sure my flight schedule doesn't change too drastically and affect my plans between now and then. I called them yesterday and they highly recommend booking ahead of time to ensure there's space on the tour when you want to go. However, if you miss your tour for some reason and you booked/prepaid, they will let you switch to a different time IF there is space available (no guarantees).

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When are you going? Is the last tour of the day the best??? I checked quickly yesterday for my dates 5/22 and 5/23 and it looked like most slots were still listed.


I guess I should book online, any tips as to which time or tour is best?


We are going to do the Underground Tour on 5/28. Our flight comes in around noon. We didnt pick the last tour based on anything other than our flight time, time to get our rental car, settled in the hotel and may take a nap prior to the tour. My dh noticed that a few of the time slots for the days that we are going to be there were not available....

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I did not book my tour yet - I won't be in Seattle til September. I will probably book it 2 or 3 weeks in advance in hopes of making sure my flight schedule doesn't change too drastically and affect my plans between now and then. I called them yesterday and they highly recommend booking ahead of time to ensure there's space on the tour when you want to go. However, if you miss your tour for some reason and you booked/prepaid, they will let you switch to a different time IF there is space available (no guarantees).



I am sure you have pleanty of time to pick a tour.

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So glad you started this thread :) Sounds like we have very similar plans to yours, except that we arrive a little earlier in the morning, and I hadn't really planned to spend a lot of time in the waterfront area - we live in the Central Coast area of CA, I grew up in Santa Cruz, dh in San Francisco, so w/ the limited time, we figured it would be fun to do all the touristy things for a change :) and we're spending quite a bit of time on the water during shore excursions during our cruise.


We will be there 5/22, when the special fesitval is going on ... when I contacted the Underground Tour people and gave them a brief description of our schedule for the day, they recommended the 5pm tour because the ysaid we could head straight from their to the Space Needle (I am a little concerned if we will have time to get there w/o rushing though w/ it being a special event & holiday weekend) ... I did make dinner reservations @ the Needle even though many people say there are better places for less $, but I also found quite a few people who said that the food quality has improved the last few years ... if it's a real dreary day, I may change my mind and cancel dinner there, but I think it would be fun down the line watching movies that have the Space Needle to say "remember when we ate there?"


I'll try to remember to come back here and let you know what we think of the things we do since we'll be there the end of this month, if I forget, feel free to email me at dfitz0321@ aol.com (take the space out between the @ and aol)


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Isn't the rule that you can't post a link unless someone specifically asks for it?


Can someone post the link to Karen--Seattle CruiseLover's blog?

I'm emailing leona for a copy of the mkt place walking tour, but in case she doesn't have it, would love to have the link :)

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Isn't the rule that you can't post a link unless someone specifically asks for it?


Can someone post the link to Karen--Seattle CruiseLover's blog?

I'm emailing leona for a copy of the mkt place walking tour, but in case she doesn't have it, would love to have the link :)


I can't give you the link to the original, but I can give you the link to the one here on Cruise Critic, and here it is:




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Denise, we are there the same time and have much of the same concerns. Doing most of the same things you and bqkali are doing. We have 2 days as we board on the 24th. This post has been much helpful.


I'm now trying to get a sort of schedule planned and get tickets online for a few things Duck Tour, Underground tour and maybe Tillicum Village if we can fit it in our schedule. This seems to be the hard part deciding what time to get each tickets for. :)


As for the Space Needle, I have read if you buy tickets ahead you can skip the longer line. Is this true? Is there away or a better time to beat the crowds for this weekend?


We have 3 things we want to do by the Settle Center "I think that's what it's called" the Neeedle, the Ducks and EMP. I have Fri 22nd and Sat 23rd.


How would you arrange these 3 things? Would Fri be better then Sat? Do all three on the same day as they are in the same are. I'm thinking the Ducks First, Needle and then EMP.


What's everyone's thoughts on this?


Then the other things we want to fit in is Pike Place Market, Underground Tour and Maybe Smith's Tower, Klondike Rush, don't think it's open when we are there, not sure website is unclear. If time permits Olympic Sculpture Pk.


Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions how to fit this schedule into the 2 days.

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How would you arrange these 3 things? Would Fri be better then Sat? Do all three on the same day as they are in the same are. I'm thinking the Ducks First, Needle and then EMP.


Just a thought but since both the Ducks and EMP are only open til 5, do the Needle last since it is open til 11pm. I'd do the ducks first since it is a set amount of time. Then do EMP - if you do an early-ish duck tour (10 or 11?) then you'll have the afternoon at EMP after lunch. and can spend just an hour or two or wait until they kick you out at closing :p You can hit the needle whenever you are done at EMP. Since sunset in Seattle isn't til 8:30-8:45pm, you can choose to go up the Space Needle in full daylight as soon as EMP closes, or wait for sunset or wait for after dark. Or you can buy the combo ticket to go up twice if you desire. Not sure which day works better - that's a Seattle expert opinion.


Then the other things we want to fit in is Pike Place Market, Underground Tour and Maybe Smith's Tower, Klondike Rush, don't think it's open when we are there, not sure website is unclear. If time permits Olympic Sculpture Pk.


Not sure about which order to do those things in, but Underground Tour, Smith's Tower, and Klondike Rush are all in the same vicinity so it would make sense to do all three in a row (but not sure which order). The Klondike Rush center is open 10-5 daily; it's just their interpretive program schedule that changes. So if you're interested in that, make sure you get there before 5. Smith's Tower closes at sunset.


I'm guessing if you are out the door by 9, you could probably do both Pike Place Market & Olympic Sculpture Park by 2 or 3, which would then give you time for the Klondike Rush before it closes at 5 and a 5/6/7 time slot for the Underground Tour. Depending on your tour time, you might have time for Smith Tower as well. BUT only you know your family's limits - I am good at eating on the run (and don't mind it one bit) so I don't need to allow a lot of time for meals which can make a big difference. If you need more time to slow down and rest, skip one or two of the things on this day.

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Denise, we are there the same time and have much of the same concerns. Doing most of the same things you and bqkali are doing. We have 2 days as we board on the 24th. This post has been much helpful.


I'm now trying to get a sort of schedule planned and get tickets online for a few things Duck Tour, Underground tour and maybe Tillicum Village if we can fit it in our schedule. This seems to be the hard part deciding what time to get each tickets for. :)


As for the Space Needle, I have read if you buy tickets ahead you can skip the longer line. Is this true? Is there away or a better time to beat the crowds for this weekend?


We have 3 things we want to do by the Settle Center "I think that's what it's called" the Neeedle, the Ducks and EMP. I have Fri 22nd and Sat 23rd.


How would you arrange these 3 things? Would Fri be better then Sat? Do all three on the same day as they are in the same are. I'm thinking the Ducks First, Needle and then EMP.


What's everyone's thoughts on this?


Then the other things we want to fit in is Pike Place Market, Underground Tour and Maybe Smith's Tower, Klondike Rush, don't think it's open when we are there, not sure website is unclear. If time permits Olympic Sculpture Pk.


Thanks in advance for any tips and suggestions how to fit this schedule into the 2 days.


Since you are going to be here over Memorial Day weekend, you have to take Folklife into account if you are making any plans for Seattle Center, the Duck Tour or anything in that area. The attendance is usually in the multiple 10's of thousands of people per day. This affects Seattle Center, the Space Needle, the Duck Tour, and public transit in both Belltown and downtown in general (because that is where the buses come to and from). Plan extra time accordingly, as the buses are usually twice capacity and often do not stop to pick up pax along 3rd, 4th and 2nd Avenues. You may have to walk, and you WILL have to wait in longer than normal lines.




I don't have the option of staying away, since I only live six blocks from Seattle Center, but you do. Festival runs from Friday to Monday, minimum of 11 am to 6 pm, and often later.

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Could you give me some more information about the view from Queen Anne Hill? Is it easy to get there and is there anything to do there other than simply the view?


How far is the park (viewing area) at Queen Anne Hill from the Space Needle? Should we walk or would taxis be available at the Space Needle? (FYI, a couple mile walk even uphill is OK with us)

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Hi JudyF, this thread is super helpful, isn't it!


Karen's walking tour looks like something we'll enjoy, so we'll probably start w/ that, and after looking at the thread she's posted about the FolkLife Festival (thank you Karen!), we actually might end up checking that out a little. I did make dinner reservations at the Space Needle at 7pm specifically so that we could have a leisurely dinner and watch the sunset, plus being able to avoid the lines. I need to go back over suggestions on this thread and take more notes, do a little more research and finalize, I think we're still going to fit the Underground Tour in, but keep hearing about the Duck Tour too. Have to go to work a little while this morning, but will be back and researching soon :p


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Just a thought but since both the Ducks and EMP are only open til 5, do the Needle last since it is open til 11pm. I'd do the ducks first since it is a set amount of time. Then do EMP - if you do an early-ish duck tour (10 or 11?) then you'll have the afternoon at EMP after lunch. and can spend just an hour or two or wait until they kick you out at closing :p You can hit the needle whenever you are done at EMP. Since sunset in Seattle isn't til 8:30-8:45pm, you can choose to go up the Space Needle in full daylight as soon as EMP closes, or wait for sunset or wait for after dark. Or you can buy the combo ticket to go up twice if you desire. Not sure which day works better - that's a Seattle expert opinion.




Not sure about which order to do those things in, but Underground Tour, Smith's Tower, and Klondike Rush are all in the same vicinity so it would make sense to do all three in a row (but not sure which order). The Klondike Rush center is open 10-5 daily; it's just their interpretive program schedule that changes. So if you're interested in that, make sure you get there before 5. Smith's Tower closes at sunset.


I'm guessing if you are out the door by 9, you could probably do both Pike Place Market & Olympic Sculpture Park by 2 or 3, which would then give you time for the Klondike Rush before it closes at 5 and a 5/6/7 time slot for the Underground Tour. Depending on your tour time, you might have time for Smith Tower as well. BUT only you know your family's limits - I am good at eating on the run (and don't mind it one bit) so I don't need to allow a lot of time for meals which can make a big difference. If you need more time to slow down and rest, skip one or two of the things on this day.


Thanks some great ideas I will use.


I'm thinking due to the Folklife festival, I kept calling it folklore :o that we will do the 3 things we want to do by the Seattle Center on Friday as IMO I think some might have to work Fri. and then they will arrive on Sat, which will be even more crowded.


I'm using your plan Ducks, EMP and Needle then whatever.


Then Sat. the other areas. and yes we do NOT plan a lot of time to eat, we want to see and do things and will eat and grabs things along the way on the road, whatever. I will eat on the ship :D:rolleyes::eek:

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Since you are going to be here over Memorial Day weekend, you have to take Folklife into account if you are making any plans for Seattle Center, the Duck Tour or anything in that area. The attendance is usually in the multiple 10's of thousands of people per day. This affects Seattle Center, the Space Needle, the Duck Tour, and public transit in both Belltown and downtown in general (because that is where the buses come to and from). Plan extra time accordingly, as the buses are usually twice capacity and often do not stop to pick up pax along 3rd, 4th and 2nd Avenues. You may have to walk, and you WILL have to wait in longer than normal lines.




I don't have the option of staying away, since I only live six blocks from Seattle Center, but you do. Festival runs from Friday to Monday, minimum of 11 am to 6 pm, and often later.


Okay, so I should plan to walk if the buses are full. How long a walk is it to the Seattle Center from Red Lion Inn? About how long will it take? We don't want to be late for our Duck Tour I plan to book tonight after work.


One more question, if we want to go to the water front after the Seattle Center things what would be the best option?

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Hi JudyF, this thread is super helpful, isn't it!


Karen's walking tour looks like something we'll enjoy, so we'll probably start w/ that, and after looking at the thread she's posted about the FolkLife Festival (thank you Karen!), we actually might end up checking that out a little. I did make dinner reservations at the Space Needle at 7pm specifically so that we could have a leisurely dinner and watch the sunset, plus being able to avoid the lines. I need to go back over suggestions on this thread and take more notes, do a little more research and finalize, I think we're still going to fit the Underground Tour in, but keep hearing about the Duck Tour too. Have to go to work a little while this morning, but will be back and researching soon :p



Yes, it is, thanks to the OP for starting it. Has helped me a lot!!!


Dinner at the Space Needle is a good idea even for the price as you are there relaxing and get to go for the view without waiting. Might be the smarest idea this weekend.


Does any one have a link to the menu? I read about it through the months of searching but didn't think we would even think of it, still might not just a good idea ending the day there seeing the sunset and just chilling after a long day.


Thanks again to everyone!

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Does any one have a link to the menu? I read about it through the months of searching but didn't think we would even think of it, still might not just a good idea ending the day there seeing the sunset and just chilling after a long day.




Minimum suggested amount per person for lunch is $25; dinner is $35 - about the price of one entree.

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bqkali, Thanks for posting the menu link :) I had looked at it a while back, preferred the dinner menu to lunch, plus get the sunset weather permitting, and figured (like someone else mentioned) the price of a Space Needle ticket alone is $16/adult ... so if we pick one of the items that is $40 or less, it's like a $24 plate ... and we get to go to the front of the line :) We don't normally order appetizers, desserts anyway, so should be able to eat out for about $120 (the Needle tickets alone would cost us almost $50) ... and sometimes, just have to do the tourist sites ... dh grew up in San Francisco, and me not to far from it, yet we never saw all the tourist sites til a couple years ago! it was fun :)


judfyf, I'm thinking w/ all the extra people in town for the folk fest, everything is going to be busier ... you can book the Space Needle Restaraunt on line and I don't recall having to do any kind of credit card ... it was just like making a dinner reservation anywhere, but you will get an email confirmation which I plan to take w/ us.

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How far is the park (viewing area) at Queen Anne Hill from the Space Needle? Should we walk or would taxis be available at the Space Needle? (FYI, a couple mile walk even uphill is OK with us)


Trust me, you don't want to walk up THAT hill, it is about 30% grade. Taxis will, eventually, come to the Space Needle if you are patient enough after calling them.

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Okay, so I should plan to walk if the buses are full. How long a walk is it to the Seattle Center from Red Lion Inn? About how long will it take? We don't want to be late for our Duck Tour I plan to book tonight after work.


One more question, if we want to go to the water front after the Seattle Center things what would be the best option?


About 1.5 miles straight down 5th Av under the monorail tracks (stay away from that, too. Even more packed than the buses). I generally walk it in about 20 minutes (and I saunter, not scurry).


On the waterfront, the Olympic Sculpture Park (there is a walking tour for that, too); the Aquarium; and lots of good places to eat.

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