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Using a mobile phone on QM2


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I know this may sound stupid, I have always thought that once a ship had left

port and any possible relay stations, that it is not possible to use a mobile.


However, on an NCL ship a year ago, we were two days out of Boston in the Atlantic and a man was chatting away on his phone, I would like to keep in touch with my office if I can, so is it possible that somehow a signal can be received from the ships own equipment or satellite?


Thanks for your help.

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It's tough to get a straight answer on this one. Yes, the QM2 has a cell tower. Some people said it worked well, others not so well. All agree it's expensive.


I get onboard on Friday, so I can let you know when I return. ;-)



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Thanks everyone, I really need to accept calls first, then I will have to reply,so do I take it that my phone will ring as normal?


Yes and you will win the popularity competition, mobile phones ringing on board. What next.

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Yes and you will win the popularity competition, mobile phones ringing on board. What next.


Don't be so harsh Cap'n, they are deserving of our compassion poor things.

I often think that being tethered to a mobile phone must feel rather like being a dog on the end of a leash constantly having your head jerked around. We've all seen them in restaurants and trains, the first thing they do is place the object of their devotion reverently on the table then they glance at it at 3 second intervals. Again rather like the mutt tied up outside the supermarket anxiously awaiting its masters reappearance.

Be charitable Cap'n, they are held in thrall to their shouting machines.

A Mellow Gari


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Don't be so harsh Cap'n, they are deserving of our compassion poor things.

I often think that being tethered to a mobile phone must feel rather like being a dog on the end of a leash constantly having your head jerked around. We've all seen them in restaurants and trains, the first thing they do is place the object of their devotion reverently on the table then they glance at it at 3 second intervals. Again rather like the mutt tied up outside the supermarket anxiously awaiting its masters reappearance.

Be charitable Cap'n, they are held in thrall to their shouting machines.

A Mellow Gari




What the hell have you done to Mr Goun, A mellow Gari is an anagram of Gellow Maria... he is trying to send a message. Release him or we will leave him with you.

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Thanks everyone, I really need to accept calls first, then I will have to reply,so do I take it that my phone will ring as normal?


Just be considerate of others who do not wish to hear your conversation. Nothing is more annoying than being subjected to another person on a cell phone call. I, too, use my phone for most of my business and even I find it annoying so I always excuse myself from the company of others when answering it. And I keep it on silent when in the company of others--a little buzz never hurts anyone.!

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Whilst l understand that folk 'need' to keep in touch via the horrid little buggars, l would hope that conversations....discussions....etc or whatever':rolleyes:...........

would be restricted to taking place in one's cabin, if only for the sanity of fellow passengers.


Just my thoughts :cool:


Jackie :)

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Thanks for your replies.


Of course I would always leave any company, just as I do at home, not all phone users are ignorant, you know!


I know, but we are unfortunately, a very small group! :) The rudeness of most cell phone users is absolutely astonishing and disgusting to me.

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I used both my European GSM phone and my American Verizon phone on board. Calling on the European phone was quite expensive, but it worked well. Calling on my Verizon phone sometimes worked, sometimes not so well. I don't know about how much it cost me, because when I checked my "current usage" none of the calls were showing up. Also, the phone only seems to work one way. I can't seem to get calls or even text messages, like I am in some weird, one-way cell phone black hole.


Yes, I am one of those poor souls tethered to their cell phones. That or I travel by myself and I like to stay in touch with the home front. And, shockingly, I only used my phone in the privacy of my own stateroom, before anyone gets all judgmental.

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Just got off QM2, in the Chart Room one morning there was a very inconsiderate person, she talked for 30minutes in a very LOUD VOICE on that annoying piece of plastic.


The entire room heard every word of a very personal family call, not one word was in fact necessary (meaning it was not an "emergency" call, just chat ) Realizing that the entire room was getting very uptight with her LOUD VOICE and inane chatter she also started making snide remarks like "I am getting the evil eye from some of the ******* people here but if I want to make a phone call I WILL MAKE A PHONE CALL and to H*** with the rest of the miserable s***" !


Please all of you who cannot live without that "tether" do remember that the rest of us do not need to know ALL YOUR PERSONAL details - nor do we need to know your business calls. May I suggest that you have a schedule set up before you leave and that you are in your stateroom at that time and initiate the call yourself rather than have someone call you as and when they feel like it.


After all you too are supposed to be "on vacation"

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Please remember that some of us have family members - in our case a daughter - who have long term illnesses and we need to keep in touch - often.


It isn't that there's a desperate emergency, when I would hope those of you who complain would be tolerant, but with severe mental health problems, she needs to talk to us sometimes.


I always go somewhere as far away from others as I can manage - believe me, I don't want you listening to my conversation any more than you want to listen to it!

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Please all of you who cannot live without that "tether" do remember that the rest of us do not need to know ALL YOUR PERSONAL details - nor do we need to know your business calls. After all you too are supposed to be "on vacation"


Please remember that some of us have family members - in our case a daughter - who have long term illnesses and we need to keep in touch - often. I always go somewhere as far away from others as I can manage


Here are the two sides of the issue. I dislike mobile 'phones but they are a fact of modern life. As is outlined above, some calls are important even when not an emergency, everyone would agree that these calls are vital. Phones can be both a blessing and a menace.


If only people would think of others before making or taking that call. Only making calls from their cabin. Or, for incoming calls, noting who's 'phoned without answering, and then going to their cabin before returning the call.

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Here are the two sides of the issue. I dislike mobile 'phones but they are a fact of modern life. As is outlined above, some calls are important even when not an emergency, everyone would agree that these calls are vital. Phones can be both a blessing and a menace.


If only people would think of others before making or taking that call. Only making calls from their cabin. Or, for incoming calls, noting who's 'phoned without answering, and then going to their cabin before returning the call.


I think the issue is that people blame the cell phone, when it is not the tool that makes the user rude or inconsiderate.


I am a VERY quiet and private person. As such, I am exceptionally sensitive to other people's loudness. Pretty much every single day I am amazed at people who don't seem to understand the concept of an "inside voice" and are quite willing to share an entire personal conversation with complete strangers in some public setting. These conversations can be face to face or on the phone, it really does not matter. It must just be a personality trait, and these people are the opposite of me, when it comes to that sort of thing. I would be absolutely mortified if a stranger overheard a personal conversation I was having.


Now here is a persone who comes to these boards with a legitimate question about cell phone use aboard a ship, and people just unload with all their assumptions and accusations. None of us know what this persons reasons for making phone calls on board might be, and even if we did, who are we to decide if those reasons are "legitimate" or not?


It's like everyone is assuming that just because this person has a cell phone, he/she was planning on making loud phone calls in public. All the reminders here to "please use the cell phone in private" are seemingly based on the assumption he/she was not already planning on NOT being obnoxious and are really quite offensive. As are the comments about cell phone users being on a leash or not understanding the concept of "vacation". We all define "vacation" differently and I think it is quite presumptuous to judge other people's definitions of vacation as "lesser" than one's own.


If people are loud/rude/obnoxious, they are going to be loud/rude/obnoxious regardless of whether they carry a cell phone on board.

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My point was and is that the phone call either from or to someone else is PRIVATE , no matter what the content.


We all have a stateroom, a private area for us alone, where we can say, or do whatever we wish.


If someone phones and the person receiving the call is is a very public area such as the Chart Room, Dining room etc. that person can easily return the call saying, "I will call you right back from my stateroom in just five minutes"


The woman mentioned in my previous post actually initiated the call whilst in the Chart Room, and it very clearly was not only very personal but very obviously NOT an emergency.


Yes such a person will be obnoxious at all times, but frankly it is becoming the norm for someone to think THEY are the ONLY people who MATTER, that the rest of us should either leave the room, (or store aisle), or accept the situation.


By the way I believe that the original question was made because the writer wanted to keep in touch with his/her office. If his/her work so consumes their life that they cannot wait five minutes to go to their stateroom, perhaps they should not take a cruise until they retire.


I am not being insensitive, is it too much to expect that my right to enjoy my vacation in peace be respected?

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My point was and is that the phone call either from or to someone else is PRIVATE , no matter what the content.


We all have a stateroom, a private area for us alone, where we can say, or do whatever we wish.


If someone phones and the person receiving the call is is a very public area such as the Chart Room, Dining room etc. that person can easily return the call saying, "I will call you right back from my stateroom in just five minutes"


The woman mentioned in my previous post actually initiated the call whilst in the Chart Room, and it very clearly was not only very personal but very obviously NOT an emergency.


Yes such a person will be obnoxious at all times, but frankly it is becoming the norm for someone to think THEY are the ONLY people who MATTER, that the rest of us should either leave the room, (or store aisle), or accept the situation.


By the way I believe that the original question was made because the writer wanted to keep in touch with his/her office. If his/her work so consumes their life that they cannot wait five minutes to go to their stateroom, perhaps they should not take a cruise until they retire.


I am not being insensitive, is it too much to expect that my right to enjoy my vacation in peace be respected?


Jimsgirl, I was not arguing that the person you described was NOT annoying. Like I said in my previous post, I am very sensitive to other people's loudness. I would definitely have noticed this person, and I would definitely have been somewhat annoyed. (By "somewhat" I mean I would have been annoyed for the duration of the phone call. I would probably have forgotten all about it as soon as it ended just because I constantly notice loud people all around me and it takes a bit more to get me really riled up :p)


My point was just that everyone immediately assumed the original poster was going to be annoying just because they asked a question about cell phone use on board. He/she never implied they would not be calling from their private room. He/she never implied they would not be able to wait five minutes to return a call. I just think that someone asking such a question deserves the benefit of the doubt. I do not wish to speak for the original poster, but I could very easily have come here to ask the same sort of question, and I would have been offended and hurt by the replies.


As for being on vacation: aside from not everyone defining vacation in the same way as I noted in my previous post, I don't think everyone on the ship is necessarily on vacation. Cruise ships DO have meeting rooms and such, I can only assume they must be used for something other than vacationing. That is just an assumption though, I have never used such a room or seen them used. I think that on a transatlantic crossing in particular, you will find people who are not there just for the cruise. Some people might just be trying to get from one place to another without having to get on a plane. Others might just find a nice day at sea to be inspiring. Personally I got quite a bit of work done in the peace and quiet of my recent ocean crossing. None of it required use of a cell phone, though ;)


No one is saying that your right to enjoy your vacation in peace should not be respected. I quite enjoy peace and quiet myself. I just think that the original poster's right to ask a simple question without getting flamed should also be respected, as well as anyone's right to carry a cell phone onto a cruise ship for whatever reason. Many cruise ships provide cell phone service, and I would imagine a great many passengers carry cell phones, it's just that we only ever notice the annoying ones.

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Jimsgirl, I was not arguing that the person you described was NOT annoying. ........................etc.



A well balanced and pertinent reply I think.


However, (there's that word again) among my friends and aquaintences I do not number any obnoxious, loud,or insensitive people. BUT where mobile phones are concerned a totally different set of rules seem to apply. How many times does someones phone ring while you are having lunch or a quiet drink and they say something like 'Oh must take this, do you mind?' and leave you to pretend you are not hearing a one-sided conversation. Or if the phone rings and they don't answer it they are obviously so uncomfortable that you have to say ' Oh why don't you get that while I ....' It is not an exageration to call it a tether. Ordinairy, normal, well mannered people have been suborned into using a totally different set of social parameters by the absolute neccessity of being constantly at other peoples beck and call. In the main it boils down not to communication but to displacement activity. Having said all that I fear that Luddites such as I must, if not joining in, at least accept that this is the way things are and we cannot squeeze the toothpaste back in the tube.

I am constantly being harangued by my nearest and dearest about my mobile phone manners, mainly because it is usually languishing in my desk drawer when they want to speak to me. I have enough stuff in my pockets with the bits of string and blue tack and the odd screw or two, not to mention wallet, keys, penknife, two half inch shower head washers, assorted coins of various denominations and currencies and sundry bits of paper with hieroglypihcs on them. Makes me wonder how I managed my pipe, tobacco, lighter and that tool thingy for clearing it out plus matches - just in case.


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Hi Jimsgirl,


I did not see you on the recent Wbound 2 May CC meeting on the 3 May -did you make the crossing in the end? It was a great trip.



Kind Regards,




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