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Nude art - please help us get excited again!!!


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We (I, wife and 2 sons - 12 & 9, as of last week) are scheduled for the Pride on 6/6. This was our 7th cruise - 3rd for the boys (Carnival Conquest/Galveston and Disney). We were on the 6/7 Splendor out of Long Beach, but decided to change after Carnival changed their itinerary to go to Victoria, Vancouver and Oregon because of the Swine flu. We had done a lot of research, read a lot of reviews, etc. (I always do this) to make sure this was the right trip for us. We were very excited and looking forward to the Splendor. We made the change because this was our annual summer trips (after a long school year) for the boys. They were looking forward to beaches, pools, etc. so we couldn't see taking them up north this time of the year. It was a tough decision. Especially since we had to find another cruise, change air for 4, etc. all within 3 days (this was all the time Carnival gave us to change). Since we only had 3 days to do it and we had to go that week (for other personal reasons - scheduling, child care, summer camp etc.), we were not able to do a lot of research and we only could find 2 ships that we could change to (for several reasons). Now to my questions - Now that we have made the change and got some time to research a little, we heard about the nude art. When we read about it last week we sort of said to ourselves, "it can't be that bad". Then we saw several photos from recent (last 2 weeks) Pride cruises now we are wondering if we made the right decision. We are also considering changing our cruise. We do not want to expose our sons to this type of stuff. From what I can see, this is the same stuff I'm blocking from their computers. My 12 year old would probably be OK, but my youngest son (just turned 9 last week) is very observant. He doesn't miss anything. Once he sees it these things never leave his mind. I really can't describe him in words. Just to give you some example, every time he sees someone smoking he repeats it over and over and over..."daddy look, that man/woman shouldn't be smoking". I try to explain things to him, but sometimes it just takes time for him to get it of his mind.



Are the photos really that bad?

Are there ways to bypass them?

We will be on the verandah deck. Are there any nude photos on that deck? What about on the deck where the kids club is located?


Obviously we will not pick this ship again, but since we were forced into this decision and don't have many options this late, I'm just trying to see if I can get some info to calm my wife and I nerves and see if we can get excited again. Of course we have not discussed this with the boys.


I'm sorry about typing so much, but I just wanted to explain.



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We (I, wife and 2 sons - 12 & 9, as of last week) are scheduled for the Pride on 6/6. This was our 7th cruise - 3rd for the boys (Carnival Conquest/Galveston and Disney). We were on the 6/7 Splendor out of Long Beach, but decided to change after Carnival changed their itinerary to go to Victoria, Vancouver and Oregon because of the Swine flu. We had done a lot of research, read a lot of reviews, etc. (I always do this) to make sure this was the right trip for us. We were very excited and looking forward to the Splendor. We made the change because this was our annual summer trips (after a long school year) for the boys. They were looking forward to beaches, pools, etc. so we couldn't see taking them up north this time of the year. It was a tough decision. Especially since we had to find another cruise, change air for 4, etc. all within 3 days (this was all the time Carnival gave us to change). Since we only had 3 days to do it and we had to go that week (for other personal reasons - scheduling, child care, summer camp etc.), we were not able to do a lot of research and we only could find 2 ships that we could change to (for several reasons). Now to my questions - Now that we have made the change and got some time to research a little, we heard about the nude art. When we read about it last week we sort of said to ourselves, "it can't be that bad". Then we saw several photos from recent (last 2 weeks) Pride cruises now we are wondering if we made the right decision. We are also considering changing our cruise. We do not want to expose our sons to this type of stuff. From what I can see, this is the same stuff I'm blocking from their computers. My 12 year old would probably be OK, but my youngest son (just turned 9 last week) is very observant. He doesn't miss anything. Once he sees it these things never leave his mind. I really can't describe him in words. Just to give you some example, every time he sees someone smoking he repeats it over and over and over..."daddy look, that man/woman shouldn't be smoking". I try to explain things to him, but sometimes it just takes time for him to get it of his mind.



Are the photos really that bad?

Are there ways to bypass them?

We will be on the verandah deck. Are there any nude photos on that deck? What about on the deck where the kids club is located?


Obviously we will not pick this ship again, but since we were forced into this decision and don't have many options this late, I'm just trying to see if I can get some info to calm my wife and I nerves and see if we can get excited again. Of course we have not discussed this with the boys.


I'm sorry about typing so much, but I just wanted to explain.




Its art not pornography.


We sailed on the Pride and the art is no differnt then works of art you would see in the Louvre in Paris or the Metropolitian Muesem of Art in NYC. Two world class musesems that millions of children go too.


Granted i dont have kids so i may see it differntly, but why not use it as a forum to talk about Art.

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Ever been to a museum? Renaissance Period art? Nudes, romantics etc..


It's art.. It's not gratuitous nudity for the sake of stimulation:rolleyes:


If you have concerns regarding this, I would cancel.. You dont know when a Botticelli may turn up unexpectedly around the corner..


I dont think the Pride is suitable for you.. Its your right to censor what your children see and hear.. perhaps Disney would be a better choice, but remember, Donald Duck is always bottomless.

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I am not sure who really has the problem here, you or your son.


What you see on the ship is not pornography it is art.


They are not photographs, they are portraits.


Have you ever been to a museum? Have you ever taken your children to a museum? Have you explained to your children the difference between pornography and art? You are the parent here. Use this as an educational experience.


If you still cant get past the decor of the ship might I suggest you spare yourself the agony and cancel your cruise.

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I've never been on the pride but have seen many pictures and read reviews and I don't think you are going to be able to completely avoid the artwork. I would do a search on here and read the reviews. The majority of people all agree that the work is tasteful, even parents of children. My suggestion to you would be to discuss this with your children before you go. Explain to them that this is art and even show them some pictures you can find on the internet or get a art book from the local library. This way they are prepared. I think if you attempt to hide this from your children, you are going to have a miserable cruise always on edge looking to shield them from it.

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Thanks to all for your feedback.

Max, I do look for opportunities to educate my boys, but as a responsible parent I can't see trying to teach an early 9 year old boy about art with a penus and nipples staring him in the face.


Trock, as I mentioned in my update, we did take them to Disney 4 years ago and they had a ball.


At ages 9 and 12, the boys have travelled a lot (US and international). We have taken advantage of many opportunities to educuate them. As I said before, if we had know (or were given the opportunity to do so sooner) then we would have not scheduled this ship (it would have been a no brainer for me), but since Carnival was forced to change their itinerary (I don't blame them) and they forced us to make a decision in 3 days, we didn't have much time to research. We basically spent 2 day trying to find an availbale cruise.


BTW, I was not able to get to the link.

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My family was on the pride 5 years ago, my youngest was 10 at the time and my oldest 15. The art did not bother my kids in the least. They had seen most of it before when studying about art. You really can't avoid it. Just learn about it before you go so the kids will understand what they are seeing. If you don't seem uncomfortable about it, then it probably won't bother them either.

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Thanks to all for your feedback.

Max, I do look for opportunities to educate my boys, but as a responsible parent I can't see trying to teach an early 9 year old boy about art with a penus and nipples staring him in the face.


Trock, as I mentioned in my update, we did take them to Disney 4 years ago and they had a ball.


At ages 9 and 12, the boys have travelled a lot (US and international). We have taken advantage of many opportunities to educuate them. As I said before, if we had know (or were given the opportunity to do so sooner) then we would have not scheduled this ship (it would have been a no brainer for me), but since Carnival was forced to change their itinerary (I don't blame them) and they forced us to make a decision in 3 days, we didn't have much time to research. We basically spent 2 day trying to find an availbale cruise.


BTW, I was not able to get to the link.



Nevermind... not worth it..

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I've never been on the pride but have seen many pictures and read reviews and I don't think you are going to be able to completely avoid the artwork. I would do a search on here and read the reviews. The majority of people all agree that the work is tasteful, even parents of children. My suggestion to you would be to discuss this with your children before you go. Explain to them that this is art and even show them some pictures you can find on the internet or get a art book from the local library. This way they are prepared. I think if you attempt to hide this from your children, you are going to have a miserable cruise always on edge looking to shield them from it.


Thanks for the feedback. Now this is helpful. This is why I come to these boards. I know I can find some people out there who can respect people question, comments, etc. and give their honest opinions without all o the extras. I know I can't hide it. We've been places where there is 1 nude picture or something like that, but from some of the reveiws and photos I've seen, it looks like there are spot with a whole wall of nude art. That is what caused us to be concern. That is why I asked which floors are the majority of the art on. For the most part the boys will be with the kids club so if we can minimize the exposure then that would be good. I do appreciate the suggestion of maybe showing them some of the art photos and set expectations before we go.



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as a mom of 3 daughters- 12 and 10 yo twins I wouldn't worry about art , but it's your right to decide


obnoxious PDAs (tongue kissing and groping etc) get responses from my kids (ewwwwww gross), or stupid drunk people or people blowing smoke near my kids- that bothers me, but not pictures, we are frequent museum visitors and have a David statue and some cherubs in our garden


but my husband and I are fairly relaxed and weren't raised in the US so different attitude I guess


we have been to many all-inclusives (our first cruise is this July) where topless sunbathing occurs and my kids didn't care - but my friend's teen son was a little embarassed and stayed closer to the pool where topless wasn't allowed


sounds like you were rushed into choosing an alternate cruise and not quite in your comfort zone but you will have a great trip!

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I completely understand your concern. You know your children better then anyone. If you dont' think they are ready to view nude art you shouldn't be bashed for making that decision.


Like you I would think nothing of a painting on a wall but a whole wall of them or a ship full is not what I or my children go on a cruise to see wether it's considered fine art or not.

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as a responsible parent I can't see trying to teach an early 9 year old boy about art with a penus and nipples staring him in the face.


With the responsible parent comment your implying that there is something irresponsible or reckless about exposing your children to art. No offense but with that line of thinking I don't think you understand the difference between pornography and art.

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Thanks to all for your feedback.

Max, I do look for opportunities to educate my boys, but as a responsible parent I can't see trying to teach an early 9 year old boy about art with a penus and nipples staring him in the face.


I guess he'll be better off learning about those types of things on the street corner instead of from his parents........:eek:

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My family was on the pride 5 years ago, my youngest was 10 at the time and my oldest 15. The art did not bother my kids in the least. They had seen most of it before when studying about art. You really can't avoid it. Just learn about it before you go so the kids will understand what they are seeing. If you don't seem uncomfortable about it, then it probably won't bother them either.


We too have cruised the Pride. I agree you really can not avoid the art - it is the theme of the ship. But as others have already stated - it is tasteful and classic renaissance art - including a very large statue of David in the lobby area.


That being said - in our party we had our DS (14 at the time) and my nieces who were probably 8. It really was not an issue...there were a couple of comments when we first boarded and our response was "it is art" and that was the end of it.


I really do not think it will be an issue - unless you make it an issue.

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I think the only problem children have with nudity is the thoughts we put in their little heads. If your comfortable with it and view it as art, so will they.




VERY well said! Even the laws in the United States are blurry surrounding pornography. It's one of those things that 'you know it when you see it'. That being said, most people can distinguish between classic art that has inspired for centuries and smut bought in a corner store.... I think.


ETA; I didn't mean my post to sound harsh against the OP. I totally respect that some people may not want to expose their children to nude art at a young age. It's each parents decision, but this could be a wonderful opportunity to expose children to cultural differences.

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I think the only problem children have with nudity is the thoughts we put in their little heads. If your comfortable with it and view it as art, so will they.



Well said......;)


We too have cruised the Pride. I agree you really can not avoid the art - it is the theme of the ship. But as others have already stated - it is tasteful and classic renaissance art - including a very large statue of David in the lobby area.


That being said - in our party we had our DS (14 at the time) and my nieces who were probably 8. It really was not an issue...there were a couple of comments when we first boarded and our response was "it is art" and that was the end of it.


I really do not think it will be an issue - unless you make it an issue.



Nudity ( and sex) are part of nature.. Make it dirty and taboo.. and it becomes dirty and taboo.. explain that it's beauty and art.. and there is a different perspective in the mind.. Even to a 9 yr old.. I am sure he is familiar with his anatomy-

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VERY well said! Even the laws in the United States are blurry surrounding pornography. It's one of those things that 'you know it when you see it'. That being said, most people can distinguish between classic art that has inspired for centuries and smut bought in a corner store.... I think.



if larry flynt starts decorating carnival ships, then I would start being concerned

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The Pride was our first cruise, and we LOVED it! It is the most beautiful of the 3 Carnival ships I've been on. Very elegant.


I agree with happy cruzin.....if you don't make a big deal out of the art, your kids may not even notice it. They'll be too busy running around and hanging out at Camp Carnival to worry about what is on the walls.

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Nudity ( and sex) are part of nature.. Make it dirty and taboo.. and it becomes dirty and taboo.. explain that it's beauty and art.. and there is a different perspective in the mind.. Even to a 9 yr old.. I am sure he is familiar with his anatomy-


Good point....well said!!

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The Pride was our first cruise, and we LOVED it! It is the most beautiful of the 3 Carnival ships I've been on. Very elegant.


I agree with happy cruzin.....if you don't make a big deal out of the art, your kids may not even notice it. They'll be too busy running around and hanging out at Camp Carnival to worry about what is on the walls.


or playing video games in the arcade.. shooting the 'bad guys'...;)

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