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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey ladies!!! Today was Free pastry day at Starbucks. NOT GOOD!! I totally snuck a cinnamon scone. BUT I only ate half of it then threw it out. For breakfast I had a bowl of rice crispies and my protien drink. Lunch was a hungarian golash that one of the coworkers brought in and oatmeal. And dinner was a chicken quesadilla. I didnt snack too much I did have a yogurt at my 10 minute break and an ice coffee. I needed the coffee today 8:30-5:00 and it was busy the WHOLE time. Tomorrow I have a 6:30-3:00 day so it is getting wearing on me. I didnt workout today but I was sooo tired at the end of the day I just couldnt even stand anymore. Tomorrow I will push to get to the gym :)

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Kept my promise and did my 35 mins of exercise, even though my nerve in my back starting hurting with five mins left to go. I'm still having a problem with my throat. I'm beginning to think its an allergic reaction and not something stuck in my esophagus. My ear hurts with it too, it feel swollen, but I can breath I just don't want to go to the dr. for something stupid. I googled the symptoms and most said it sounded like GERD. But with all the sheet rock dust in my house I wonder if that's it.


Today I'm gonna have leftover meatball casserole with my usual snacks.


Last night I had leftover spagehtti with corn and some toast. I made myself a brownie dessert with my leftover points. Homemade small brownie with 1/2 cup of ice cream and two tbsp of ff whipped cream.

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Morning girls!


Brooke - I totally forgot to send you a message last night.


Turns out my father is not going to be having a job in a couple weeks and unfortunatley nobody can go on the cruise in January and I'm not going by myself. :(


I have no plans in April so I'm offering myself to you if you like and have nobody else.:)


Nicole - good for you for throwing have that scone out. I never have the will power to do that will something I LOVE. Good thing I don't live near a starbucks.


The pool people I think called me yesterday so I'm gonna call them back today..hopefully I'll get started on that right away! I just took my thyroid meds so I have to wait an hour before I eat. I will probably go too dunkin donuts and get an english muffin and eat half with 1/2oz peanut butter.

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Hey Ladies,


Jess, I replied to your FB message :).


So, last night was deer tenderloin and mashed potatoes with toast. Then I had some cereal and bananas for dessert and to finish off my points. Then I did 20 mins of exercise b/c that's all my back could handle. I'm going to try two session of 20 mins tonight so I can catch up.


This morning I had cereal, yogurt, banana. I have a Lean Cus. for lunch, but if my back feels up to it and its not raining I think I might walk over to our subway and grab something.


Grandparents and my aunt are coming in this weekend. My grandmother had a stroke so she isn't mobile except for one half of her body, but she also has Osteoporosis. We have to use a rollable lift thingy to move her around and such. But she still likes to feel like she can get out, so they come to visit us a couple times a year. unfortunately, with my back I can't do much to help with her, but I do paint her nails and stuff. I'll be doing the cooking this weekend since mom is going to be gone, so I really hope I can stick with WW. Family are such bad influences. I think I might take a personal day tomr. I need to get my oil changed and my tires rotated and such plus I'm still not feeling well, so.


Another day to come.

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What the heck is wrong with you Brooke?!?! Get better will ya? :p


Good luck with your family this weekend. I like that you paint her nails :D That's sweet of you to do for your grandmother.


I like that you post what your eating because it makes me feel bad of what I'm eating LOL..in fact I think I'll buy some steamer things and couple lean cuisines for lunch.


Hope you girls have a great day!

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The Dr. said a cold virus in my throat. I'm not so sure, but I guess she is the Dr.


Yea, I get my fingers and nails from her side of the family, so I figure the least I can do is keep hers looking nice, since she blessed me with pretty fingers, lol.


Don't feel guilty about what you eat verses me. Like I said, I had a brownie and ice cream dessert the other night, haha. But that's why I like WW b/c I can. The steamers are really good. They taste so fresh like something you cook at home unlike the other frozen ones. You inspired me to eat better when you were talking about your morning snack of yogurt. I knew I could eat better, like you, if I tried.


Let's get through this one day at a time. lol.

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Hi Brooke and Jess: I don't post on this thread but have been reading it quite a bit. While I was never a big as you girls, I was up to 250 lbs and have lost 80 of those with the help of WW. (Well, my adapted version of WW) One thing I noticed was that my body did not process the processed foods as well as whole foods. When I cut out all of the lean cuisines and such as well as fast food, including Subway, I lost more weight easier than I ever had in the past and I am 47 yrs old now. It helps that I cook for myself and husband and he is all for my new lifestyle because he lost weight along with me by cleaner eating. I found by eating protein with breakfast really helped me along with dairy. Greek yogurt has 3 times the amount of protein than regular yogurt. Adding berries and a little Splenda to sweeten it is a great afternoon snack. Really filling and so much better than the small yogurt cups. Do either of you keep a food diary? It might help with tracking what foods satisfy you the best. It would also help your nutritionist guide you better.


A real time-saver for me is a George Forman grill. You can grill up a couple chicken breast in 6-8 mins depending on the thickness. The chicken tenders even quicker.


Hope I was able to give you a couple good tips and my hat's off to you for trying to get healthy.

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Hi Bellfry,


You have some good suggestions. I can't speak for Jess, but I know that for me cooking is hard. I never know what goes with what and such. I guess I'm a product of the microwave generation. I don't mind waiting for my mom too cook something, but I have a hard time coming up with things I like and then actually cooking them. I'm trying to add more fruits and veggies to my diet, fresh. Actually from our garden while they last, so that's one of my goals for now. Maybe I'll making learning how to cook one of the ones down the line. A cooking class as a reward for losing 25lbs.


Went with subway for lunch. 6inch turkey on wheat, got the packets to add my own condiments and apples for my side. I think I came out well on this deal. Plus I got a nice little walk in, even though it kind hurt.

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Hello Bellfree


First of all - thanks for your suggestions. I will have to look into that greek yogurt.


I am also in the same boat as Brooke when it comes to cooking. I seriously need to learn..I know this will probably sound like an excuse but by the time I get home I have to take my walk, eat and then bed..because I have to be up early for work and now that I'm going to be starting swim therapy..I have to be up even earlier. So Cooking is hard to do right now..expecially since I live with my parents and 9 times out of 10 dinner is on the table right when I walk in and my plate is there waiting. It's hard to say no also because they wait for me to eat..but I can usually pick and choose what I eat.


Tonight I will probably pick up Thai tonight which is chicken, broccoli, garlic sauce and side of rice.


Lunch will be subway and I have to hurry up and go make my car payment at lunch time as well and after work I am going to pick up my meds and pick up a few things at the grocery store..but I also have to go home first.


Did I mention that I literally live 30 minutes from everything? From work it takes me 20min to get home..then from home I need to go too the pharmacy which is 30 minutes..so yeah by the time I get home it's bed time.


Everyone has their own ways of trying to see what works for them. I would love to just be able to eat strictly from the ground and love it. At this point though, I haven't gotten that far. Because I am so big and need to lose weight..I've been told that if I'm at least keeping my intake down and my exercise up along with plenty of water..then I'm on my way to being healither.


My nutrionist said it's okay to have a Lean Cuisine once a day but not like for breakfast, lunch and dinner.


It's okay to eat subway as long as you make the right choices. They do have veggies there and those are not processed.


Brooke- BTW when I was at WW a few years ago the leader said you could get a 6" Subway Club on Honey Oat, W/ No Cheese, Honey Mustard and whatever veggies you like a water and baked chips or apples and the points I think is like 6 or 7 for all. So that's another great option right there.


Subway IMO is much better then getting a value meal at McDonalds because there fries are processed but apples from subway are not.


It's not just avoiding all types of resturants or anything (which Bellfree or others may do and that's fine..like I said everyone is different) but to me it's about choices. Small ones can be big ones, I don't see the point in trying to avoid what our soceity has but rather trying to adjust to a healither lifestyle and making work by ordering different, making requests, asking...If one place doesn't work..fine I'll try a different one but I'm not gonna stay home all the time if my friends ask me to go out to dinner even if it is at a subway or a fancy resturant.


Okay off from that point...


As far as Journaling. Uhh I have tried and tried. I'll do a couple days here and there and eventually forget all together. I don't measure or weight every single thing I put in my mouth either. I have shown my nutritionst though and we work on that or if I have something new I tell her. I'm very honest when I see her. I'll try again soon to journal the foods but it's a PITA. LOL



P.S- Sorry for all the mis spellings..this post is long enough as it is. lol

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Hello Bellfry, I agree greek yogurt is AMAZING!!! Thats one of the snacks I love. Some greek yogurt with a little honey to sweeten it a bit. I am looking into getting a george foreman grill to make some sandwiches on, that sounds yum!!


How you girls doing? Keeping on track I hope. I did my protien shake this morning for breakfast and a yogurt for a snack. I had panera for lunch which was half a turkey sandwich and mushroom soup. yum!


We bought a new car a 2010 Subaru Outback so I am feeling pretty motivated in my real life and such!! That always helps making the food choices go well.


Brooke- have you found anyone for your cruise yet? I wish we could go : / Cant go that close to the honeymoon unfortunatly. We should all plan one sometime together! :)


Jess - I agree the Subway is the better choice if you were faced with Mcdonalds or subway.

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I had panera for lunch which was half a turkey sandwich and mushroom soup. yum!

You are sooo lucky you have a panera..closest one too me is 1 hour away!:(


We bought a new car a 2010 Subaru Outback so I am feeling pretty motivated in my real life and such!! That always helps making the food choices go well.

Wow that is awesome! You should take pics! I love Subaru's. I'm trying to make double payments and get my car paid off so I can start looking for another one.

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Hey ladies,


I have to say you guys inspire me. I try and check the board every night, so that if I'm about to make a bad decision or need help you guys are always here. I wasn't going to exercise tonight b/c of my back and I can only do 20 mins now. But I read your post and I bucked up and got on the bike even just for 20 mins. So Thanks!


Nicole, I think me and Jess are in talks now about us going in April, so we will see. :o


Tacos tonight. This time I made the plate smaller, so the portion had to be smaller. Like I said we have my grandparents and aunt coming in so mom bought some "junk" food.......donuts. I really wanted one, but then I looked at the calories....310! geez. I had the points, but nah. I had some chips and cheese instead for less calories. Then I had like some grazes of the spoon across the ice cream and a Chocolate and oats Fiber One bar. I saved all my flex points for this weekend b/c my family can be a bad influence.


No work tomr, and I have a list mile long that I really need to do in the 4 hours before my grandparents will be here tomr. Oh, did I mention my blood pressure was up the other day...140/90, not good. Of course I was stressing all morning. I need some "me" time, lol.


I'll try to log on tomr. sometime. Nights.

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Oh, did I mention my blood pressure was up the other day...140/90, not good. Of course I was stressing all morning. I need some "me" time, lol.


Brooke- Have you been checking your BP regulary? I would start doing that..if you notice it's still high- you need to see your doctor. My doctors were pissed at me because I kept thinking I didn't need meds or anything and my blood pressure was a lot like yours. So finally I started taking meds and it was too low after awhile..now I'm on 20mg instead of 10mg...so PLEASE keep en eye on that!


High blood pressure runs really badly on my father's side so I was just a ticking time bomb for that but I know about 80% of that is because of my weight! :(


Check it a couple more times for a few days..but give yourself like 5-10 minutes of just relaxing because if you were just walking or doing anything..it can raise your BP.


Keep us up too date on that. ;)

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High BP runs on both sides of my family! So it might be inevitable as well. You know come to think of it. I walked over to the clinic and with my back it takes twice the energy to walk a long distance like that. Maybe thats why it was up. It might be that and eating too many of those frozen meals with their high sodium content. I need to get a blood pressure machine. I can't read those manual ones to save my life.


Got up and put some dishes away, put dirty ones in the dishwasher, cleaned the counters off, put a load of laundry in, made up the guest bedroom, had a banana, and played with out outdoor kitty for a bit. Now I'm getting some more laundry from my room to do.


I just ate the banana, b/c I haven't actually had a hunger pain yet, so I'm waiting, but I know I needed something in my stomach so my sugar won't drop.


Wish me luck......I'm gonna need it.

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Good I am glad you got a friend to go with, its such a good price its hard to pass up. Jeff hopefully is getting a new job which means if he gets it once a month for a week he will be flying to Florida. That would kinda suck : ( I will be LONELY. Thats when I eat the most. We went to the store today got alot of health foods. Sandwichs for lunchs and some red meats for dinner this week. We almost went to ice cream tonight but once the place didnt take credit cards we left and went home instead. I might have a bowl of cereal later or something but thats it.

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Hey everyone! I'm back! We had a lot of great times!!! Played some volleyball, bocce ball, caught some waves and lots of sun. I'll post pictures later.


Right now I'm too mad to do anything fun, lol. I had a trip plan to go to SD to meet some friends from another forum. Well now they are backing out, after I've purchased a ticket. I've met 2 of the 3, but they are all close since they live close to one another. I guess I should've known. I'm just so mad right now because it'll cost me $100 to change the ticket when I've already paid for it. At least I'm able to do that though, instead of lose the whole ticket. They've told me repeatedly they're looking forward to having the meet up and then Thursday I get a text from one of them saying it's been moved to February so that another girl can meet up, otherwise, if she can't, it's all a no-go. Umm, okay, nice to leave me hanging like that after you all told me it was for sure, which is why I booked my ticket. GGRRRRRR!!!

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Finally!!!! A wt site for me.I'm not young, 58 so I thought maybe the post menopausal site was for me but the more I read...Well I know wt loss is hard for all of us & admittedly harder the older we get. But I'm talking serious weight loss. I'm 5'7'' & 265 lbs.Losing 5 oz. some week does not inspire me.I lost 95 lbs in 2007 & swore that would be my last time to ever have that much weight to lose. ( I've done this several times & true each time is harder)I was motivated by a cruise my son had given me for Christmas. I started dieting & walking 6 days a week in February 07 & by Sept. 07 ,95 lbs gone. But here I am again. Now my Daughter & I are going on the New Carnival Dream May 1 2010. Its suppose to be the largest ship in their fleet. Cardiologist says he wants me at 140. lolol He's a real joker!! I decided that most any diet works for about 2 wks. So what I did was follow a different diet every 2 wks. It changed things up & bored I wasn't.I must admit the walking is what really did it. I found I was doing 5 miles a day alternating walking & a slow jog. My favorite saying is "Skinny is wasted on skinny people...You gotta be fat first to really appreciate it" Even at 58 you tend to have a little more bounce in your step when you reach 170. Now if only I could get started . I go to bed every night saying tomorrow

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Welcome SardisGrandma!!! You story rings true here. I am sure its 100 times harder to lose weight at your age. Thats why I am pushing now so hard. I am only 26 I have time i think to get back to a normal size. Not that I ever was. BUT you know what I mean. There are days where I say tomorrow I will eat healther or tomorrow I will go to the gym instead. I decided that you really need to say tomorrow isnt ever going to get here. I have taught myself to just go and do it as soon as it pops into my head. If i say "I should go to the gym" I get and go that instant I dont give myself time to justify it to another time or day. Once your in the car to the gym its that much easier to go and do it. Then before I know it its 1hour and 30 minutes in and I actually want to stay longer!!!!


I do run into issues with going at "that time of the month" I just cant get myself to go on those days... Anyone have tips for that kind of an issue???


Sardis - Whats your real name so we know ^_^ We seem to be keeping real names here instead of user names. Mine is Nicole.


Kim - Sounds like you had a blast!!! Glad your back.


Making some good choices girls?? I had carnation instant breakfast and extra protien mixed in, plain yogurt with blueberries and strawberries, pasta with shrimp and a lemon basil cream sauce for lunch. Nothing for dinner yet. Its late now and I am still not hungry I might have some cereal or something but nothing serious.

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Welcome Back Kim! Glad you had a great vacation.sos osososososoos sorry about the rude people. I know how that feels. I can never make def. plans with my friends ahead of time. I know people like living on the fly, but planning has it's benefits!


Hello Sardis,


An experienced dieter, and a success at it, like yourself could help us out a lot.



I'll hit you up on FB tomr. I've been oh so busy and haven't had a chance to reply.


Well, like I said I was soooo busy this weekend. My grandparents and my aunt were in. I spent Friday morning cleaning and about the time I went to sit down to rest my back for a moment, poof, they arrived. My grandma is a stroke victim, so she is not mobile, but in certain areas. An arm, her mouth, part of her leg, etc. So they have a special rolling lift kinda crane like thing that moves her around and two wheelchairs. My poor aunt is going through early menopause and she is also overweight like me (probably a little smaller) she also has Fibermialga(sp). She worries to death about my grandmother and doesn't sit down for than five mins, she makes me nervous. The next day my aunt and I took her to walmart b/c she wanted to buy shoes for my grandpa (she still has a very sharp mind and wants to do things for her husband who is in constant care of her, both in their 70s). My aunt and I unloaded her ourselves at walmart. This entails taking the chair off the lift of the van (she can't bend her head down far enough to be on the van lift on the wheelchair on the van.) Putting the crane thing back together, lifting her out of the front of the van, putting her in the chair, taking the crane back apart and putting it back in the van. Same thing for leaving walmart. It probably wouldn't have been so bad, but it was 90 degrees and the air conditioner on the van was broke. Then we tried to go home and my grandma's door wouldn't shut, so we had to sit in the HOT van for 15 mins while my dad and grandpa drove over to fix it. Then of course repeat it all to get her in the house. Did I mention that they also take care of things like bed pan needs. How my 70 some yearld old grandpa that can't weigh but 120 lbs can roll her over and lift on her I will never know. It must be love.


This is emotional for me b/c I don't do well with "sick" people b/c of my mother's mother who died of cancer when I was 13. It brings up very painful memories for me and I tried really hard not to use food as my drug of choice. It didn't help that mom had to buy all this junk food, that we really didn't need before she left. Donuts, snack cakes, ice cream, pie, soda..........argh. I tried my best, but I failed a few times and especially today.


But, I got back up on the horse or the bike. I did 3 fast paced 10 mins workouts, which I read is actually very effective and more so than a straight 30. I head to Boston this week and promised myself I will workout in the gym they have and behave with my eating. I weigh tomr. so I will see what the damage was.


Here's a little Ruby inspiration for you:


"When dealing with alcohol or drugs, you have to completely go cold turkey to beat it. With food, we cannot go cold turkey. We have to eat to live! We have to beat our addiction and still taste our addiction. Do you think, if you were to tell an alcoholic, "You still have to drink this every day"—could they beat it?"

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Welcome back Kim! Sorry your other online friends stood you up like that, I would be pissed too. :(


Welcome SardisGrandma! :)


Nicole- I am at that "time of the month" too and I too feel the same..this week I NEED to push myself to see if I can lose at least a couple lbs considering I've been bad most of July and just haven't been focused. I get weighed in next week and I am super nervous.



Brooke- I know what your talking about in regards to the lift. I was an LNA once in a nursing home and we had all kinds of lifts to use and they are a PITA. I can't imagine being in a car with no air conditioning at 90F :eek:.

I too am a victim of emotional eating. I had certain issues that have just come up in my life that I thought I was done with..with family and it's been tough and I have to make a decision this week that I really don't want to make. :( Yesterday my mom, dad, sister and I were going to see my Aunt who's dying of cancer..well it's my dad's sister and he's been wanting to see her for the longest time but he's been having bad back pain and suddenly..yesterday it got worse. He couldn't even go, stand, barely walk..so he stayed home and we even had a 800mg motrin and that didn't help..This morning he was laying on his bad and I had to get him something to drink and then he was getting dizzy spells :eek: and because he's a diabetic I made him check his blood sugar. It was a bit high but nothing too serious plus he hadn't taken that med yet. Soo he was able to get an appointment in today but not sure how he made out just getting in the car because I know he couldn't yesterday. He's had all kind of health problems since his mid 40's ..so I'm just really worried about him. :(


Anyway I will try to be making healthier choices this week, no soda, less snacking, more fruits, veggies, yogurt and WALKING! My swim pool therapy doesn't start until next week!


Hope everyone's day goes well!

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Here's a little Ruby inspiration for you:


"When dealing with alcohol or drugs, you have to completely go cold turkey to beat it. With food, we cannot go cold turkey. We have to eat to live! We have to beat our addiction and still taste our addiction. Do you think, if you were to tell an alcoholic, "You still have to drink this every day"—could they beat it?"



Thanks Brooke for the Ruby Quote..I would always tell my mom this because I complained about her smoking she would put the weight issue on me in defense and say "Why can't you quit eating?" :rolleyes: and this is something similar I would say to her. LOL


I heart Ruby! :D

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. Sorry that all of you are having those "time of the month" issues. Thats the one great thing about growing old. That time is GONE!!!!!I've done,WW ( both the point sys. as well as the older system), grapefruit diet, atkins, SB, diet pills,tomato & cabbage soup diet, OA, joined a gym, smootie diet, all vegetables, all proteins, you name it & i've done it. But, the sad but true fact remains....You got to take end less calories than you use..period. No one likes counting calories but all the diet plans out there, when it comes right down to it has you doing just that. If I've learned anything the 2 most important tricks to use when trying to lose weight are: Weigh every day & write down everything you put into your mouth!!. If you start a diary begin with the date, your wt,your measurements( the real ones)Then write down every morsel that goes in your mouth & its calorie content every meal.(snacks too) Don't forget that cough drop & breath mint!!At the beginning of the next week check your progress & record it. Before starting its a good idea to write it all down for about 3 days then look back at it. I did this & was really shocked only I didnt weigh except once a week. Now all of you have inspired me. I'm gonna get out that composition book & start.

I did ok on ww, but soon found out I was like an alcoholic I had to go to the meetings or I'd backslide. I've been known to fast the day b4 weigh in. Course I guess I could use you guys to hold me accountable. Oh yeah one more piece of advice then you can tell me to hush. When you cheat on diet, don't let it stress you out just go right back to it. Nothing you eat in one day is going to affect your loss, if the other 6 you remain steadfast.

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Thanks for the welcome everyone. Sorry that all of you are having those "time of the month" issues. Thats the one great thing about growing old. That time is GONE!!!!!I've done,WW ( both the point sys. as well as the older system), grapefruit diet, atkins, SB, diet pills,tomato & cabbage soup diet, OA, joined a gym, smootie diet, all vegetables, all proteins, you name it & i've done it. But, the sad but true fact remains....You got to take end less calories than you use..period. No one likes counting calories but all the diet plans out there, when it comes right down to it has you doing just that. If I've learned anything the 2 most important tricks to use when trying to lose weight are: Weigh every day & write down everything you put into your mouth!!. If you start a diary begin with the date, your wt,your measurements( the real ones)Then write down every morsel that goes in your mouth & its calorie content every meal.(snacks too) Don't forget that cough drop & breath mint!!At the beginning of the next week check your progress & record it. Before starting its a good idea to write it all down for about 3 days then look back at it. I did this & was really shocked only I didnt weigh except once a week. Now all of you have inspired me. I'm gonna get out that composition book & start.


This is totally and completely true!!! This is EXACTLY how I lost my weight, and kept it off for over a year now. I plan to continue to do so for the rest of my life.....and I don't call it a diet, I call it my new lifestyle. It truly is a new lifestyle. It's all simply just adding something new to my daily routine. Eating better couldn't have helped me any better....weight loss has helped me in so many ways - self-esteem, more energy and overall feeling great!!! And I think my husband is a better inspiring weight loss success story than I, haha!!! He's lost 90pounds and has kept it off...this all started a year ago today!


My food for today was:

Breakfast:1 cup of Kellogg's Red Berries with half cup of FF milk, SB Mocha Frap Light (I froze it from yesterday's $2 off Grande:D)

Lunch: sliced chicken deli meat, lettuce, and 1/8cup of 2% milk shredded mexican cheese all wrapped in a Light original Flatout wrap

Snack: Dannon Light & Fit Strawberry & Banana Yogurt

Dinner: Pork mixed with Asian Side Teriyaki noodles


Exercise: 2 mile walk with hubby and am about to walk some more while watching DVR.


Now for pics from vacation......


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