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Cruising to Healthy


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Its great to have someone to hold you accountable. My work is trying to get WW to start a chapter at our college. It would help me go to the meetings more b/c they would be right there on campus. I haven't been to a meeting yet. They are on Mondays and I've had something to do for the past 4 weeks (?) and that's not an excuse. Chiro apts. and other things for work.


I weighed today about a 10th of a lb gain. Which is great! I thought for sure I'd gained more back from my emotional eating weekend. I'm glad I'll be gone for the week, so all that junk food in our house can have time to disappear, I hope. And you are right Sardis (sorry I didn't look to see if you gave a name) that you have to start back right away after a bad choice. My Sunday was horrible, but that night I got on my bike and did my exericse knowing that it wouldn't help what I just did, but it would make the rest of the week a little better.


Boston Tomr. I hope I make good choices since I'll be eating out all week. If anyone is spiritual, a few prays wouldn't hurt for the food and the flights.


Breakfast: Fiber One cereal, 1% milk, banana, Fiber one Yogurt

Snack: Two 100 calorie snacks (honey grahams)

Lunch: Lean Cuisine Penne Pasta with Grilled Chicken ( I dumped the baked apple pie dessert in the trash can before I nuked it.) 94% ff popcorn.

Dinner: Grilled Chicken Sandwich (DQ) with fries and diet coke.


Dinner is where I failed. I left myself get too hungry inbetween and this is the result. However, I'm happy I made the grilled chicken choice instead of a hamburger like I wanted. And I had the points to cover it all. I wanted a blizzard or a frosty too, but felt I could better control ice cream at home and save money. I have a skinny cow in the fridge, which I think I will go after tonight after packing.


Talk to you guys when I get back.

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Hey everyone!!! Last night was a good workout - 3.5 miles in an hour. Today so far I've had cereal and 8oz of my Bolthouse Coffee, then had a wrap (same as yesterday)....now I'm drinking Diet Lipton Sparkling Green Tea.

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Great photos Kim looks like you had a good time. I added you on facebook. Me, brooke and jess are all on there :) No time to type tonight I am quiet sick and should get into bed before work tomorrow. I already left work early today : /

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Hi everyone! I just joined the forums and read through your stories. I have been trying to lose weight too for the past few months, but it is hard, especially when I am at work and everyone goes out for lunch. It is hard to figure out how many calories you're consuming when you aren't the one making the food. Anyways, I am leaving for a cruise in 3 weeks and have lost 10 lbs, but would like to lose a few more. I noticed one of you said you have the bender bell, which I just purchased the other day. Is it a good work out? Sometimes I feel like I'd rather stay home and do that than drive to the gym.

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Great photos Kim looks like you had a good time. I added you on facebook. Me, brooke and jess are all on there :) No time to type tonight I am quiet sick and should get into bed before work tomorrow. I already left work early today : /


I haven't gotten your friend request.:confused:

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Hi everyone! I just joined the forums and read through your stories. I have been trying to lose weight too for the past few months, but it is hard, especially when I am at work and everyone goes out for lunch. It is hard to figure out how many calories you're consuming when you aren't the one making the food. Anyways, I am leaving for a cruise in 3 weeks and have lost 10 lbs, but would like to lose a few more. I noticed one of you said you have the bender bell, which I just purchased the other day. Is it a good work out? Sometimes I feel like I'd rather stay home and do that than drive to the gym.


Hello Hawks!!! What do you have for lunch that you're not able to calculate calories? If I had a gym membership I'd be going there each day to get my money's worth and also it would force me to workout rather than sit in front of the tv.

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Hi everyone!


I've been soo busy this week and this weekend..starting tomorrow will be a busy but interesting one.


Kim I haven't been able to look at your pics yet (not able to see them here at work) but I'll remind myself when I get home.


Eating for me this week has been OK. Hope everyone is staying cool! :cool:

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Hello all, I must say I starting reading your threads it will be 2 months on Sat. and you have all been an inspiration to me. You are like a book, can't put it down I am addicted even more to cruise critic because I want to see who posted today. I can look at this site at work but cannot post so today I made an effort to log on my home computer to post. I am 39 yoa and weigh 260lbs. I am 5'3. I have been heavy all my life but never this heavy and I have been trying to loose and agree the older you get the harder it is to lose.


Brooke I wanted to say I tried your southwest chicken salad and never thought a salad could taste so good.


Keep up the good work all of you! I have lost 5 lbs since I have been reading this board but I have not been strict enough as I have had some stressfull situations in my life and I EAT....


Brroke thanks for creating this post that everyone comes too. I will try posting more in the future


Kim from OHio

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Welcome Kimmer and Hawks


Hawks - I have a bender ball. It is a good work out for your mid drift and abs. You dont even have to push too hard to feel it. You wont feel it during the workout but after youll hurt!!!


Kimmer - Congrats on the weight you have lost every little bit is something to celebrate!


Now then meals today for me were cereal for breakfast and I made chicken quesadillas for lunch/dinner. I use low fat cheeses and a TON of chicken in it with some onions and spices and a little bbq sauce its YUM!!!! I have a new cookbook that is all heart association approved recipes. LOW calories and HIGH on the protiens. I will post some if I like what they turn out as. A friend recently taught me that plain yogurt and applesauce can replace things like oils and butter in most recipes and you cant even tell. Just a tip. I have a dinner tonight with the girls from work at a hibachi bar so we will see what I rack up then. I LOVE green tea ice cream! I wish I could get that in the local grocery stores :( Maybe I can find a recipe and make it myself.


I tried on some old shorts that I have been saving that are a size 16 I fit in them with another inch of space!!! So I am probably at a size 14 atm. If I get to 12 I will be more then happy with myself!


Kim - I will try to add you again on Facebook if not my user name is NCeremuga I think.

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Welcome Kimmer and Hawks


Hawks - I have a bender ball. It is a good work out for your mid drift and abs. You dont even have to push too hard to feel it. You wont feel it during the workout but after youll hurt!!!


Kimmer - Congrats on the weight you have lost every little bit is something to celebrate!


Now then meals today for me were cereal for breakfast and I made chicken quesadillas for lunch/dinner. I use low fat cheeses and a TON of chicken in it with some onions and spices and a little bbq sauce its YUM!!!! I have a new cookbook that is all heart association approved recipes. LOW calories and HIGH on the protiens. I will post some if I like what they turn out as. A friend recently taught me that plain yogurt and applesauce can replace things like oils and butter in most recipes and you cant even tell. Just a tip. I have a dinner tonight with the girls from work at a hibachi bar so we will see what I rack up then. I LOVE green tea ice cream! I wish I could get that in the local grocery stores :( Maybe I can find a recipe and make it myself.


I tried on some old shorts that I have been saving that are a size 16 I fit in them with another inch of space!!! So I am probably at a size 14 atm. If I get to 12 I will be more then happy with myself!


Kim - I will try to add you again on Facebook if not my user name is NCeremuga I think.



OMG that's awesome!! You must be soo excited about that. Must make you want too keep going! Are you exercising as well? or have you just changed your eating habits?

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Hey everyone! Today was a crazy busy day!

B: Cereal and 8oz coffee

L: little bag of pretzels

D: homemade pizza (pillsbury pizza dough, Ragu pizza sauce, 2% mozzarella cheese, Hormel Turkey pepperoni's, diced onions and green peppers)


I'm about to go see my bff in a few. No workout tonight.

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Jess I have been going to the YMCA regularly. I usually go about 3-4 times a week for 1 hour and 30 minutes. I do some exercising at home including Bender Ball and Wiifit :) But I have been watching what I eat of course as you see in this thread. I stopped eating out at fast food places. Only eating out is done for dinner at like restaurants (I am a sucker for sushi), No more soda and no more pastries from the case at work :P

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hello all

since everyone else here puts there meal plan I thought I would too to make me accountable.

Breakfast steel cut oats and a bananna 125 calories

Snack Quaker dark chocolate cherry bar 90 calories

Lunch homemade vegetable pizza (pillsburry cresent crust, light chive & onion cream cheese, vegetables out of my garden and mozzerella, 16 oz glass green tea, Dannon light & fit peach yogert total calories 390

Snack 1/4 cup nuts 140 calories

Dinner 2 corn on the cob, 1 big bowl Homemade green bean & potato soup w/ bacon, 32 oz water calories 410

Snack Quaker oatmeal raisin bar 90 calories


I usually eat the same breakfast & lunch and change things up for dinner. Sometimes though I like cold cereal so then I will change. I just am not seeing reseluts as fast as I would like I am trying though. I walk at least 3 X a week and go to Curves 3 X a week


NCERMEMUGA - Great job on your pants size. Keep up the good work and you'll be down another size shortly


Thanks guys for listening

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Hi ladies! I too have been reading this, and I've been reluctant to say anything because I don't have much to lose. I've lost 9 and want to lose 7 more. However, that doesn't mean I don't struggle. A year ago I weighed what I'm trying to get to. I spent 3 months losing that weight, and then work travels, a stressful family situation, etc, got in the way, and I gained back a good portion of the weight I lost. I'm 5'4" and my heaviest was 157, I got to 135, got back up to 151, and I'm currently at 142. My goal is to get to 135 again. I follow Weight Watchers, and I work out about 10 hours a week. A person in my range would normally get 20 points a day, but because I work out so much, I would consume about 24 points a day. I reached a plateau, and the leader said because work out so much (1.5-2 hours at HIGH intensity) I needed to INCREASE my food intake. She recommending increasing to 26 points a day. In a week of doing this, I dropped 3 pounds! I'm working out with a trainer that said those extra points should be in the form of protein. My point is, sometimes you have to eat more. I know we all want to lose and lose NOW, but you can't starve your body - you still need to eat. Kimmer1, I added up your calories, and you're only consuming 1245 calories a day. Maybe add 100 or so calories and see what happens? I know the typical calorie range for losing weight is 1200-1500, but everybody is different. I consumed 1500-1600 calories each day this week and lost. When I get done losing, I have to continue to eat the way I have been, or else I will gain it back. This is how I have to eat. When I eat this way, I stay thing; when I get sidetracked, I gain.


For those of you that cook and are looking for a yummy, healthy, quick meal, I offer this recipe. It would be 5-6 points depending on the size of the chicken breast. The recipe serves 4, but since I live by myself, I divide it in quarters...very easy.


4 boneless chicken breasts

4 teaspoons sesame seeds

1 teaspoon paprika

4 teaspoons butter/margarine, divided

2 cups Corn Flakes


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.


In plastic bag, crush Corn Flakes. Add sesame seeds and paprika. Add chicken and shake to coat (some people might want to dip the breasts in milk first). Place coated breasts on baking sheet and add 1 tsp margarine to each breast. Bake for 20 minutes; salt and pepper to taste.


You might be tempted to skip the margarine to save the calories (or at least I was), but it tastes soooo much better when you put it on.

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CHI..OMG..How ARE you ? I was just thinknig about us gals from Brenda's thread! Hope you are well...Menina


Hi ladies! I too have been reading this, and I've been reluctant to say anything because I don't have much to lose. I've lost 9 and want to lose 7 more. However, that doesn't mean I don't struggle. A year ago I weighed what I'm trying to get to. I spent 3 months losing that weight, and then work travels, a stressful family situation, etc, got in the way, and I gained back a good portion of the weight I lost. I'm 5'4" and my heaviest was 157, I got to 135, got back up to 151, and I'm currently at 142. My goal is to get to 135 again. I follow Weight Watchers, and I work out about 10 hours a week. A person in my range would normally get 20 points a day, but because I work out so much, I would consume about 24 points a day. I reached a plateau, and the leader said because work out so much (1.5-2 hours at HIGH intensity) I needed to INCREASE my food intake. She recommending increasing to 26 points a day. In a week of doing this, I dropped 3 pounds! I'm working out with a trainer that said those extra points should be in the form of protein. My point is, sometimes you have to eat more. I know we all want to lose and lose NOW, but you can't starve your body - you still need to eat. Kimmer1, I added up your calories, and you're only consuming 1245 calories a day. Maybe add 100 or so calories and see what happens? I know the typical calorie range for losing weight is 1200-1500, but everybody is different. I consumed 1500-1600 calories each day this week and lost. When I get done losing, I have to continue to eat the way I have been, or else I will gain it back. This is how I have to eat. When I eat this way, I stay thing; when I get sidetracked, I gain.


For those of you that cook and are looking for a yummy, healthy, quick meal, I offer this recipe. It would be 5-6 points depending on the size of the chicken breast. The recipe serves 4, but since I live by myself, I divide it in quarters...very easy.


4 boneless chicken breasts

4 teaspoons sesame seeds

1 teaspoon paprika

4 teaspoons butter/margarine, divided

2 cups Corn Flakes


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.


In plastic bag, crush Corn Flakes. Add sesame seeds and paprika. Add chicken and shake to coat (some people might want to dip the breasts in milk first). Place coated breasts on baking sheet and add 1 tsp margarine to each breast. Bake for 20 minutes; salt and pepper to taste.


You might be tempted to skip the margarine to save the calories (or at least I was), but it tastes soooo much better when you put it on.

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Today I was pretty good with food:

Breakfast - Starbucks Mocha Light Frap & Turkey Bacon sandwich....Nicole how bad was this!?!?!

Lunch - Olive Garden Linguine Marinera (it had a low fat symbol next to it)

Dinner - Light Oscar Meyer Hot Dogs, Mac N Cheese and Baked Beans.....not the best in the world but I plan to work it off tomorrow


I really need to exercise tomorrow!!!

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What size frapp? If it was a grande it was 140 calories and 1 gram of fat. If you had whipped cream thats another 70 calories and 7 grams of fat.


The sandwich you had was 330 calories and 11 grams of fat.


So with just breakfast your look at about 470 calories give or take a few. Depends on the amount of ice they used, if you drank/ate it all. Stuff like that


Hope this helped!

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CHI..OMG..How ARE you ? I was just thinknig about us gals from Brenda's thread! Hope you are well...Menina


I guess that thread is pretty much dead, huh? I've been well. Things didn't work out with that guy from college. We tried, but it just isn't happening. Glad we tried it though. Since we broke up in college, I always wondered "what if." Now I know. I have a new guy I have my eyes on. I'm also working out with a trainer that's very nice eye candy :) How have you been?

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Hi, good good..I am still trying to forever lose that "last ten pounds", and it's taken like a good year it seems. I've been well..a sweetheart from long ago (pre-Dogboy) and I got back together..the one I probalby should have married long ago. We are doing well and making future plans, trying to figure out how to live between Florida and Jamaica. I am going to be working in a consultant role with the ministry of health there, but lots of immigration stuff to navigate through.


What I can say is when I'm "living" over there, I can pretty much eat whatever I want because of all the walking I have to do..so I can still eat rice, beans, fish, fruits, veggies.. none of the fast food and processed crappy food that is in the USA....It's alot like Brazil. I am travleing there once a month (to Jamaica, not home to Brazil).





I guess that thread is pretty much dead, huh? I've been well. Things didn't work out with that guy from college. We tried, but it just isn't happening. Glad we tried it though. Since we broke up in college, I always wondered "what if." Now I know. I have a new guy I have my eyes on. I'm also working out with a trainer that's very nice eye candy :) How have you been?
Edited by Gathina
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What size frapp? If it was a grande it was 140 calories and 1 gram of fat. If you had whipped cream thats another 70 calories and 7 grams of fat.


The sandwich you had was 330 calories and 11 grams of fat.


So with just breakfast your look at about 470 calories give or take a few. Depends on the amount of ice they used, if you drank/ate it all. Stuff like that


Hope this helped!


Yes I always get a Grande but never with whipped cream....that'll go straight to the thighs, lol. I didn't realize the sandwich was so much, but at least it was in the morning and I worked it off all day.


Thanks Nicole!!!

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You can't believe how much I wanted to talk to you guys all week.


Jess, I got ur message, but I was so exhausted from the classes all week. I didn't call anyone back, so don't think I ignored you. I'm gonna call you back ASAP.


I'd love to type my saga, but I will have to do it tomr morning after my dreaded weighin (lonnnnnnnnggggg story, but nothing we've never heard before.) Lessons learned, lets say.


Talk to you guys tomr.



And welcome to all the new Pps!

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