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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi Ladies!

I just now got done reading all of your posts. It took me a while and it was like reading a book!

Your all so positive and have come a long way since the beginning of this post. I've enjoyed reading the posts and everyone's ups and downs and getting to know a bit about each of you.

I have and continue to struggle with weight and food. Last February I started my weight loss journey. I started at 218 and got down to 150. My biggest downfall is the sweets, chocolate and mexican food. Starting around Halloween, I started to slip and didn't get back on track and got back up to 175 (weight from two weeks ago). I got back on track and I'm now at 167. I watch what I eat and I walk on my treadmill and use my elipitical. Jeez, keeping the weight off is always a struggle.


Brooke- Did you ever post your blog? I was interested in reading it. Did you and your mom tell your dad about the cruise? You are doing such a good job with your weight loss, keep up the good work. Youve inspired me with keeping positive. (actually, you all have)


Annette - I am so sorry about the loss of your Aunt. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


My family (hubby and two daughters) planned a cruise about a year and a half ago on the Legend in August. Last October, my husband lost his job and still has not found one. Soooo... we have to make the decision next month whether to cancel the cruise or not. UGH! decisions, decisions!

Good Choices to all!!

BTW...my name is Annette too! :-)

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Brooke, I am so impressed with your perseverance. And good for you for getting a trainer...I know hiring one made all the difference for me. One tip that he gave me is to eat more protein. He suggested 100 g a day (I was 150 at my heaviest) on days I worked out. Once I made this change, the weight fell off. I lost 18 pounds in 10 weeks. You're doing great though...keep up the good work!


PS...I see I got off the Freedom the same day you got on. My mom and I are doing a cruise a month from today...can't wait! Enjoy your cruise!


A trainer def. makes me feel more confident and I feel like I work harder too. I'm thinking that when the students leave for the summer I need to hire a trainer to help me push through and keep up. I'll talk to the professor of the class and find out if she knows anyone, who isn't that expensive, that I could work with.


We probably passed each other in the process and didn't even know it! 6 degrees of seperation!

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Hi Ladies!

I just now got done reading all of your posts. It took me a while and it was like reading a book!

Your all so positive and have come a long way since the beginning of this post. I've enjoyed reading the posts and everyone's ups and downs and getting to know a bit about each of you.

I have and continue to struggle with weight and food. Last February I started my weight loss journey. I started at 218 and got down to 150. My biggest downfall is the sweets, chocolate and mexican food. Starting around Halloween, I started to slip and didn't get back on track and got back up to 175 (weight from two weeks ago). I got back on track and I'm now at 167. I watch what I eat and I walk on my treadmill and use my elipitical. Jeez, keeping the weight off is always a struggle.


Brooke- Did you ever post your blog? I was interested in reading it. Did you and your mom tell your dad about the cruise? You are doing such a good job with your weight loss, keep up the good work. Youve inspired me with keeping positive. (actually, you all have)


Annette - I am so sorry about the loss of your Aunt. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


My family (hubby and two daughters) planned a cruise about a year and a half ago on the Legend in August. Last October, my husband lost his job and still has not found one. Soooo... we have to make the decision next month whether to cancel the cruise or not. UGH! decisions, decisions!

Good Choices to all!!

BTW...my name is Annette too! :-)


Annette- Oh geeze that's going to be confusing, lol.

You must have done a heck a lot of reading, haha. I can't believe we have 45 pages of thread already. I'm long winded, what can I say.


Thanks for all the feed back. These girls keep me going and its always inspiring when new poeple join us.


No, we haven't told him yet. Mom is trying to hold off until her bday in May. She did get to tell one of her bf's today and I think she got a little excited. And she bought her two elegant night dresses and a sun dress at a great discount.




This is my Fat Girl blog, but I have a travel blog and photo blog too. The links are on the profile page under the link above. I wasn't sure which blog you wanted. I have to warn you though. Its not all about being healthy. Just mostly things I think about b/c I'm Fat, but some of my friends really like it.


I hate that you might have to cancel the cruise, especially if you've waited so long for it. Have you already paid for most of it? If so, I would still go, lol. Good Networking tool, maybe someone would help you out. If people can meet their husbands or wives........surely people can meet a boss, lol. But I understand. Mom is trying not to worry too much about the money, even though I paid for the cruise part. She is nervous about traveling expenses and such. I hope you get to go and your husband finds a job soon.


BTW, you weight loss is amazing!!!!!! So, you just cut calories and exercise or do you do high protein, low sugar, no carbs, veggie, balanced meals?????? I'm always curious what works for others, never know when I might need to change things up.

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Hi! Yes! It was a lot of reading! I would read about 2-3 pages a day and write down the next page number to start with. Seriously, you have really come a long way since the beginning of this thread!

Oh the cruise….we booked it under Early Saver and we put the down payment of $1,000. We got a balcony and have gotten $80 taken off due to price drops. Final payment is due on June 1st. I would have to cancel by the end of May and I would lose $200 and the rest of the $800 would go towards a future cruise to be taken within 2 yrs. We have to decide what to do. I just wish that airfare wasn’t so expensive…we’ll see.

Thank you for posting that link to your blog. I understand what it’s like to be fat.


I started my journey on February 1st 2009. My “moments” that got me to start was that whenever I walked up the 11 stairs in my house I was out of breath and wheezing, I had a hard time bending over to tie my shoes cuz my tummy was so big, I was tired all of the time AND I was helping a customer in my office at work (I work in a Bank) and she asked me “When is your baby due?” Well, I wasn’t pregnant, and I just laughed it off and told her I was just fat. She was mortified, embarrassed, and apologetic. So after that, I vowed to get the weight off and be healthy. My weight loss is a little different than what you do with WW, and I completely believe in what you wrote in your past posts that you do what works for you.


For exercise – I have a mini gym in my basement (treadmill, free weights, weight machine, elliptical). When I decided to lose the weight, I went at this at full force and kept focused. For the treadmill, I do no less than 2miles at 3.4-3.6 miles per hour with a 4-5% incline, and I usually walk for 45 min or more 4-5 days a week. (I haven’t tried to run in fear of falling off of the darn machine…scary thought!) and then I hop on the elliptical for 20-30 min, then I lift free weights every other day. I’ve become addicted to exercise.


For Food – this is where I go a bit different from WW. I always eat 3 meals a day, watch my portion size, be strict on what I put in my mouth and only eat snacks if I’m hungry, and I don’t eat past 7pm. I watch my sugar intake and some of the food I stick to is chicken, salads, oatmeal, turkey burgers, yogurt (Activa), turkey sandwiches on whole wheat bread, baked chips, 100 cal snacks, and Subway turkey on wheat (6in) with lots of veggies. I very rarely eat greasy, high calorie foods. When I do, I only eat half. Doing all of this, the weight came off pretty quick. I also believe that this is all a “psychological” in a way that if you are not in the right mindset, you will fail. When I gained some of my weight back, I was not in the right mindset.


Many years ago, I joined WW and based on your weight you get your daily points for food and you really can eat a lot of food. It was too much for me to figure out the points and gauge how much to eat. AND those flex points confused the heck out of me! LOL! That’s where my laziness came in with WW.


What I really liked about this thread, is how positive everyone is and the reinforcement that is given. You’ve done a really good job with your weight loss Brooke, keep up the good work!

Oh! To make it easier for the names, I could go by ANN.

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Ruby Tuesday - 1/2 of a 6 oz steak, all broccoli and 1/2 baked potato, water


sat breakfast - 1 egg, 2 slices bacon, rye toast, coffee

sat lunch- chips and salsa

sat snack - carmel

sat dinner - salad and chicken breast, pink lemonade


sun breakfast- 2 frozen breakfast burritos, coffee

sun lunch-??

sun dinner-??


Welcome Annette2 - must have had a lot of time on your hands to read the entire post LOL


Jess - glad you got your apartment. I can see where the food gets cut when bills have to be paid. The smart ones are not that bad.

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Ann (tehe),


That's a wonderful story! And you are so right when you say it has to work for you. Some ppl LOVE WW and some HATE it. I liked the sparkpeople page a lot when I was using it, but often cheated myself b/c I could. In that sense ww works for me.


Well, I guess if you have to cancel the cruise you can still look forward to re-booking it in the next year. I def. hope that your husband finds a job though, he might need a vacation after all the stress.




I ate out this weekend too.........maybe one too many times. You did good though.


What a weekend! I ended my Friday by going to our campus Relay for Life event. I decided if I was going to walk, I might as well do it for a good cause. I couldn't stay the whole event, but I stayed until they lit the candles for remembrance. I walked with a co-worker (she is 4 months preggers). We did a total of almost an hour of walking with on break. It was about that time that I was having some serious pain in my calf and ankle. I'm not sure why, but it was good timing. I got some good pictures too.


Bad news is that I had pizza for dinner. I bought my sorority girls some pizza to eat while they worked the reg. table and I had about three slices. Okay, here comes the really bad part. I don't know if I was feeling emotional b/c of the Relay thing and all my memories from my loved ones I lost kind of came back to me. But I turned off my straight path (literally) and went into the McD's drive through and ordered a chicken nugget meal. I KNOW, after the pizza, after the hard work I put in this week, I'm gonna ruin it all. I guess I used my two fried foods up for the month though. But you can't dwell, you must move on.


Got up the next day and my mom's friend called and wanted to go shopping, so off we went. I had ate bk (toast/cereal) around 8:30. We stopped at a few places on our way to shopping, so by the time we got to where we were going I was starving and so we stopped by Texas Steak House. Well, TSH doesn't have a "healthy" menu. They only had one thing with grilled chicken, so that's what I got. It came with honey mustard, but I don't eat that, and I didn't want mayo, so I asked for the chipolata ranch-on the side. It also had swiss cheese and bacon, but I pulled it off and gave it to my mom's friend. I also ordered a house salad with ranch on the side. I dipped my fork instead of pouring the ranch on. I had two small rolls. The dish came with fried baked potatoes. I know, lol.....so stupid. Then we had a Texas brownie....they melt a whole Hershey bar on top on it..mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We shared though, so I only ate a third of it. I did go online and look up all this and counted the points and calories.


We went shopping and they have a JcPenny return store at the mall and a JcPenny outlet. The return store is AWESOME. If you got one nearby, go to it! We bought mom's two formal dresses for the cruise for $40.00 for both. And I got another one too b/c you can never have too many little black dresses. Mom finally told her b/f about the cruise. I had asked before we went shopping if she was going to, but she said no b/c her husband is my dad's friend and she was afraid that her friend would let it slip and her husband won't keep secrets. Well, after trying to avoid the question of why mom needed these dresses, mom cracked. I knew she would, lol. You know you can't keep stuff from your b/f! Mom is trying so hard not to get excited and stay calm, but it sneaks up on her. She even went out this week (Spring Break for her) and bought a new bathing suit. 66 more days!


So, I have training today at lunch and then I'm going to go after work for a last chance workout, lol.


I thought that I had ruined all my hard work this week with bad choices, but I weighed this morning, just to see if a last chance workout would make a diff. Well, I was down to 321.4 from the 323.4 last week. I might can squeeze a .4 out on the treadmill tonight and at least make it to 320.8, lol. I thought since I wasn't getting in the 100 some mins at night on the bike, that I would make a diff. But I suppose it must be the change in exercise and the intensity. So....keep it up I say, lol.




Snack-Carrots/2 fruit cups

Lunch-Subway turkey with double meat (I think the protein really really helps) w/ apples and water



Good Choices!

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My husband booked us a cruise for this Friday and I'm getting excited. We aren't last minute type people but the last few months have taken a toll on me and he feels that a vacation away from everything is a good idea (going away other than for surgery in Cinci). The price wasn't bad and plus, I get to join by bff for her bday and 'end of school' celebration!

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SOOOOO jealous. Wish I could do last min. like that, but really you guys have been planning for a cruise that actually already passed, so you should be perfect. You do deserve a vacation so def. enjoy being with your husband and bff!


Well, I thought I could push to 320, but I didn't, but that still is a 2lb loss. 321.4.


I worked out at lunch with my trainer. He is real good. He always has something new to incorporate into the reg. stuff we do, so that I don't get board or overdo certain exercises. The nerve in my back is hurting a bit, but it seems to work itself out, so I'm not going to worry about it at this point, plus I'm doing everything I did before when it was a real pain, so nothing new I can do. I went to the gym after work too and did 30 mins on the treadmill at intervals and I did the elliptical for 15 mins!!!! That thing was so hard last time probably b/c of the soreness in my legs from squats, but I went from 5 mins to 15, so I'm proud of that.


I also asked the professor teaching the class what she thought about me finding someone to cont. my training for the summer and she said just to ask my current trainer b/c he is local. She said, since they aren't certified, that she wouldn't suggest anymore than $15 a hour or per session. I can handle that. We will see. I think I can lose more weight with someone helping me and changing things up.


Last night,


Came home around 7pm and mom had pizza in the oven. I was too hungry to worry about finding something else. I just felt lucky that they were both thin crust. One was chicken ceasar. Mom said I should eat that one........umm....mom....caesar dressing....better than.....tomato sauce.....??????? Maybe not. I don't know if I ate it too fast or my stomach just didn't like it, but I felt nauseous the rest of the night.




BK: oatmeal/skinny latte

Snacks: a snack pack that has apples/grapes/cheese/pretzels in it/fruit cup/some leftover carrots if they are still good b/c i left them on my desk last night.

Lunch: Turkey/chedder/broccoli whole wheat lean pocket



Workout at lunch and after work today too. I bought some new workout pants last night b/c having to remember to wash the two pair every other day was too much.


Good Choices.

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Sun lunch- carrots & celery w/ cream cheese, green tea

Sun snack- 1/4 cup nuts

Sun Dinner- BBQ chicken on grill yummy!, baked beans and salad


Mon breakfast- 1 egg scrambled, 1 turkey sausage patty, whole wheat english muffin, coffee

Mon snack- veggie sticks

mon lunch- leftover hamburger, green bean potato casserol, green tea, minture snicker bar

mon dinner- Out with a friend local restaurant. had angel hair spaghetti w/ olive oil and veggies with fettucine sauce on side. I never had their helthy option and was skeptical to get it but it has now became my favorite. had salad and 2 breadsticks, ice water with lemon.


tue breakfast- froze burritto with scrambled egg, turkey sausage pieces, lemonade

tue snack- one bite size butterfinger

tues lunch- peanut butter & jelly sandwich, 18 bbq chips

tues dinner- chicken salad with grapes


Kim- so happy for you that you live in Florida and can pick up and go on a cruise. Yes I'm jealous only because I'm not in your luggage LOL. Tommy must be a very special guy to let you get away for a weekend on a CRUISE!


Brooke- Congratulations on your 2 lb loss. You worked so hard this week.

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Hi Ann, nice of you to join! :)


Kim - you are so lucky to be going on a cruise so soon and lucky to have a great husband! ;)


Brooke - Congrats on the weight loss! :D Your doing great!


I had to put my gym membership on hold until I could figure out if it would be something I could afford, now that I have an apartment. The trainer I had was part owner of the gym and they decided they didn't want her there anymore even though she was the most friendly energetic trainer there. I feel terrible that I can't afford the gym right now but the weather is nice and walking is free PLUS my parents have an elliptical and I have a Total gym Fitness so I'm not out of options...just gotta do it.


Here's what I had today:


B - 1 bowl fiber cereal (forgot the name) with bananna


L -1 salad (Cobb with less then 300 cal)


S - Peanut butter with a couple crackers


D- I'm planning on making a English Muffin Pizza (whole wheat) haven't made them in years.


I have noticed that since I have to buy my own groceries I eat a lot less. I'm busy cleaning and fixing up things and have no internet so it keeps me away from thinking about food.

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Thanks. Have you got the hang of Facebook yet?




I think moving is the hard part, but decorating is worth it. I love to take an empty space to something pretty and homey. I get the gym membership. I had to give up my YMCA one b/c of money. But I'm glad you have already thought of alternatives.




Still jealous.


So, I did my afternoon and evening exercise and then went home and had breakfast for dinner. I didn't eat the extra lean pockets, so when I got home I had like 23 points to eat. Good thing....breakfast can be heavy on the points.



BK: Oatmeal

Snacks: Grapes/strawberries

Lunch: Subway turkey sub



I have my trainer today and I'm going to ask him about cont. into the summer.


Gosh, there was something I was going to share and I totally forgot. Dang it. Oh well, maybe later.


Good Choices!

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wed B-frozen burrito, water with lemon

wed L- don't know

wed D- mom turn to cook unknown


Brooke- I am still trying but I sure can keep up with friends and family that live far away. My godchild lives in Idaho and I din't see him much so at times can get emotional when I see pictures.


Jess-glad to see you on here. I'm glad everything is working out for you. I have never made pizza from and english muffin maybe I will try.

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Hello All~

Well we got some pretty good news...my hubby has an interview on Friday! He applied at a company on Sunday and forwarded his resume to 5 contacts that he knows that works there (he used to work with these people at a previous company). On Tuesday, he got a call from someone in the company and had a phone interview, then he called back later and scheduled him for two interviews on Friday!!! All fingers and toes are crossed and I'm starting to see palm trees, ocean and DOD's!!! Alright, I can't count the chickens before they hatch, as they say... but I'm doing alot of daydreamin about going on the cruise! Hubby has a really good feeling that he'll get the job.

So! when my hubby called to tell me at work about the phone interview (first interview in 6mths), I went out and celebrated, just me, myself and I... and ya know what we had??? A beef sandwich with sweet peppers on a crossoint, large fry and large diet coke at a place called Portillos (not sure if you've ever heard of it, it's pretty popular in the suburbs of Chicago) and oooohhh was it ever soooo good!!! It's been a long time since I've had a beef sandwich. Did I feel guilty? Nope! But I'm back on track today. That's all that matters! right?


Have a fabulous day everyone! good choices to all!

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I know, I have to help my mom when she logs in like once a month. We have a fried who is deployed in Afghanistan and she tries to keep us updated on Facebook. I'm also telling my mom stuff and she is like, "How do you know that?" "Facebook, mom." Lol.




That is soooo wonderful! A second interview is always a good sign! I know how your husband feels. I got laid off a job, just as the recession hit and went 8 months having to work for my aunt p/t until I found this job. It really wears you down and can be depressing when you think that people don't think you are valuable. I hope he gets this job. Just goes to prove too, its not what you know, but who you know. I got this job b/c I was an alum from here and a friend of mine worked as a student under my current boss and told her to hire me, lol.




I forgot to say yesterday, thanks for proving a theory I had. I figured if I moved out of my parents that I would eat less and I think you have proved my theory.


I didn't go to the gym after work. This is kind gross, but I have blisters on my two little toes on one foot (now I'm getting one on my big toe). I know its b/c my body isn't use to me walking on the treadmill, but they are nasty. It started with just a water blister on the inside of my little toe, which I drained and put a bandaide on. Then I noticed the bottom of my toe had this white skin on it and when I pushed it around the skin broke and pulled off down to the raw...ewww. Doctored that up only to find yet another blister/callus thing on the inside of the next little toe, which it came off, but bleed. Needless to say my feet were in no mood for being squished yesterday. Thought I'd give them a night off to toughen up and then hit it again today.


I did circuit training with my trainer yesterday and now I know why they say that is a good workout. It really pushed me. I'm still shy about hurting my back, so I'm still pausing sometimes, but I think I'm getting better. I iced my back last night b/c I could feel the swelling. Good news is that he agreed to help me train during the summer. He said he was going to ask me if I needed the help, so it works out. I think he can really help push me to the next level and keep me safe. I'm probably going to request that he def. talk to my chiro if we are going to cont. and I'm going to be paying him. Its too hard trying to be monkey in the middle between the two of them giving advice.


Going to the gym today at lunch. I'm going to do the treadmill for 30 at intervals, I'm going to try for 20 mins. on the elliptical and then throw some squats and weights in the middle.


I'm going to shoot for 30 mins on the treadmill after work, but a old college friend is in from Ireland and our friend who she is staying with (who came back to school here) had a death in the family and had to leave for a couple days. So, I have to kind of entertain our foreign friend for a while, which I will love, but I feel bad b/c I have to work during the day. Hopefully, she can visit some old professors.


Last night I had grilled cheeses with veggie soup mom made. I'm not sure how to count the veggie soup. Mom puts corn beef in it and uses our canned (home) tomatoes with some canned (store) mixed veggies. I know the beef has to be counted for at least 1 point for a serving (of the soup), but the veggie servings and the tomato juice confuses me. I counted 2 points per bowl and I had two servings (it was good). I did have an oatmeal cookie last night. Don't know why I wanted it....hadn't thought about the cookie jar for two weeks now.


Then I had this dream last night. I call it a Fat Girl dream. I dreamed that we had a school competition between our classes and the students sent me in to spy on the other team. When I did, they were in the cafe eating all these desserts. I mean everything you can think of! I said, "Wow, I heard of carb loading before sports, but I thought it was healthier than this." hahahahahah. Anyway, then I started picking things up. Chocolate muffin, some kind of fried cake thing, a big piece of double chocolate cake with whole milk......and as i was doing this I was thinking......I have to count these points then tell the girls on the cruise board about what I ate. Oh boy, how your mind plays tricks.



BK: Oatmeal (See, told you I'd try eating oatmeal, can't do the fruit sweetner though......bleh) Skinny latte

Snack: Its the pretzel,cheese,grapes, and apple tray from sheetz. I think its well balanced and the servings are very small.

Lunch: Lean pocket and fruit cup



Oh, I'm a little excited b/c i booked an excursion for us. I heard so much about this Nachi Cocom beach resort in Cozumel and then one of my roll call board people booked it. I read some reviews and just couldn't pass it up. I think mom will like it. Getting waited on, 3 course meal, all the drinks you want, beach and peace and quiet. They only allow 100 ppl in, so it won't be as crowded. Its $49 for that plus your cab fare. I didn't ask mom, but I figure I'd pay for this one. I just had to put $12 down for both of us and then pay the rest when I go. Plus, this is hopefully the one port we won't miss. If we do, they said we would be refunded our deposit. They have a swim up bar!!!!!


Okay, I gotta get to work......I have two back to back webinars today.


Good Choices.

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wed L- chicken salad, pickle, small watermelon slush

wed snack- 2 graham crackers

wed D- bbq chicken breast, 1/2 baked potato, iced green tea

wed snack- wine - -needed to de-stress get back on track, wine always releaxes me


thurs B- frozen burritto, coffee

thurs L- peanut butter & jelly, iced green tea

thurs D- Olive Garden (Christmas Present from Friends) this was the first we could all get

together 12 of us. Smart Choices I've been looking at menu on-line


Can't wait for tomorrow going to see Wicked in Theatre production. Today is my Friday and loving every minute.

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So, I worked out at lunch, but didn't get an evening workout b/c I was suppose to meet up with my Irish friend, but we didn't communicate well and that didn't end up happening and by the time that came together I was starving too much to go over and workout out.


Mom got subway, lol........I'm gonna be subway'd out. Oh well.


I told her we'd do lunch, but I forgot i have training today, so I guess tonight we will see each other. She is here for 2 weeks, so I'm sure I'll see her.


My sweet tooth is getting back to old ways....bad sweet tooth. I'm gonna try to push it back into submission


TGIF and I get paid next Tuesday, so i can pay off my credit card of all the "cruise" stuff, lol. I'm racking up some nice reward points though.





Lunch-I guess subway again, lol



Good Choices.

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I posted on here several times a few months ago & just wanted to report in. I am 5 ft 7 and started dieting to get ready for my cruise on Carnival Dream last August. We booked this cruise in Feb 09. I had a goal of losing 100 pounds by May 1. I`m disappointed to say that I did not meet my goal & not likely to as we cruise in 2 weeks. However I did lose 84 pounds & am now 176. I`m wearing 14 lee jeans & xl capris in the junior dept. At aga 60 I am thrilled. As with all of us this will have to be a lifestyle change & upmost in my mind from now on if I`m gonna keep it off.Except during my cruise I plan on forgetting all diets but using stairs & track. Single most important thing I`ve learned & will share.... Weigh DAILY!! It keeps you motivated & on track. If you cheat one day get right back on track the next & u prob will see no affects from it. Good Luck to all!

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Sardisgrandma - Congrats on all that weight loss! and thanks for sharing that tip!


I am so happy today is friday (Pay day for me!) not sure what I'm making for dinner tonight or if my parents will already have something.


Yesterday I went home to pick up a few things and they had a plate all ready for me. It was chicken and roasted cherry tomatoes, zucchini, onions, carrots...it was really good - but I was wondering how they even knew I was coming over anyway? :confused:


Today I had:


B - a couple peanut butter crackers and a yogurt

L: Smart one lasagna



I didnt eat much today mostly because I forgot.


Brooke - I really struggle with my sweet tooth. For me that is the hardest thing for me to control. I'm gonna try hard to steer clear of it...especially on the weekends.


Have a great weekend everyone! :)

Edited by Jesscap5
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I posted on here several times a few months ago & just wanted to report in. I am 5 ft 7 and started dieting to get ready for my cruise on Carnival Dream last August. We booked this cruise in Feb 09. I had a goal of losing 100 pounds by May 1. I`m disappointed to say that I did not meet my goal & not likely to as we cruise in 2 weeks. However I did lose 84 pounds & am now 176. I`m wearing 14 lee jeans & xl capris in the junior dept. At aga 60 I am thrilled. As with all of us this will have to be a lifestyle change & upmost in my mind from now on if I`m gonna keep it off.Except during my cruise I plan on forgetting all diets but using stairs & track. Single most important thing I`ve learned & will share.... Weigh DAILY!! It keeps you motivated & on track. If you cheat one day get right back on track the next & u prob will see no affects from it. Good Luck to all!

Wow! You should be so proud of yourself!! What a great accomplishment! I have been reading the posts here and am so impressed with everyone's commitment and focus. When I am feeling lazy and read that some of you are doing TWO workouts a day, it gets me off my butt :). Thanks for the inspiration!

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I posted on here several times a few months ago & just wanted to report in. I am 5 ft 7 and started dieting to get ready for my cruise on Carnival Dream last August. We booked this cruise in Feb 09. I had a goal of losing 100 pounds by May 1. I`m disappointed to say that I did not meet my goal & not likely to as we cruise in 2 weeks. However I did lose 84 pounds & am now 176. I`m wearing 14 lee jeans & xl capris in the junior dept. At aga 60 I am thrilled. As with all of us this will have to be a lifestyle change & upmost in my mind from now on if I`m gonna keep it off.Except during my cruise I plan on forgetting all diets but using stairs & track. Single most important thing I`ve learned & will share.... Weigh DAILY!! It keeps you motivated & on track. If you cheat one day get right back on track the next & u prob will see no affects from it. Good Luck to all!


That is WONDERFUL! Such an accomplishment.


Sardisgrandma - Congrats on all that weight loss! and thanks for sharing that tip!


I am so happy today is friday (Pay day for me!) not sure what I'm making for dinner tonight or if my parents will already have something.


Yesterday I went home to pick up a few things and they had a plate all ready for me. It was chicken and roasted cherry tomatoes, zucchini, onions, carrots...it was really good - but I was wondering how they even knew I was coming over anyway? :confused:


Today I had:


B - a couple peanut butter crackers and a yogurt

L: Smart one lasagna



I didnt eat much today mostly because I forgot.


Brooke - I really struggle with my sweet tooth. For me that is the hardest thing for me to control. I'm gonna try hard to steer clear of it...especially on the weekends.


Have a great weekend everyone! :)


Jess, Parents just know these things. Although, mom was off tonight, she ate a sandwich instead of waiting to see when I got home and we could have went out and had something since dad was going turkey hunting.


I wanted a 99 cent ice cream cone sooo bad today.


Wow! You should be so proud of yourself!! What a great accomplishment! I have been reading the posts here and am so impressed with everyone's commitment and focus. When I am feeling lazy and read that some of you are doing TWO workouts a day, it gets me off my butt :). Thanks for the inspiration!


Hahah, that is sooo funny. I sooooo didn't want to go workout this evening, but I knew I had put that I was this morning on here and didn't want to break what I said.


Glad we can help.


Because I feel the same way.

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When I started walking on the treadmill, my toes got blisters too just like you got. I would just put bandaids on the blisters until they healed. I thought I was getting the blisters because of the gym shoes I was wearing, brand new Nikes, so I went out and bought New Balance and I stopped getting blisters. But I don't know really if the blisters were from the shoes or not being used to the treadmill.


My husband's interviews went very well and he thinks he got the job, he interviewed with 4 people and the HR person referred him as to already having the job. So, he will know probaly Mon or Tues if he has the job. But in the mean time, I'm researching flights, hotels, and excursions. We're going out of Tampa and going to Cozumel, Grand Cayman, Roatan and Belize. I just don't want to get my hopes up either. So, we'll see.


Have a nice weekend!

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SardisGrandma- CONGRATULATIONS! Even though you did not meet your goal it must be a nice feeling to have accomplish what yiou did and feel so much better. How did you do it? by yourself or with the help of WW/Nutisystem etc....


Jess- Parents always know what you need. They are always there to help you out. See dinner was not much, but to you it was everything.


Karti1955- Welcome! I am glad we encourage you.


Brooke- Glad you had a special guest to show around. Even with all your busy schedule, you managed to get your workouts in. SO PROUD OF YOU!


thurs D- Olive Garden - had salad, stuffed chicken, came with potatoes but filled on salad di not eat them and only 1/2 the chicken.


fri B- 1 egg, bacon, rye toast, coffee

fri L- 15 pork rinds - in know not the best but was in a hurry was working outside since it was nice

fri D- went to LongHorn before seeing Wicked well it was 1/2 baked potato and 1/2 chicken breast - -so I have leftovers to eat this week. and they have that homemade honey wheat bread warm - -omg could not resist.


sat B-1 egg, bacon, reye toast, coffee

sat L- boiled egg

sat snack- 2 pieces of nephews beef jerky

sat D- Mexican friends in town one chimichanga chicken, salsa & chips


sun B- 1 frozen burrito, water w/ lemon


have to cool it ate out 3 nights in a row. but this is the start of a new week :)

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I hope your husband did get the job...so you can take your cruise!


And the blisters are starting to heal b/c they are itching. That usually means they are healing. I wore sandals or went barefoot this weekend to "air" them out. I put a bandaide back on today b/c I will have workouts. And I have new balance shoes, but maybe I need wide width.




I hate that I missed two evening workouts and then this weekend other than walking around shopping for 30 mins and then I got up and vacuumed and cleaned on Sunday, but no formal exercise. I don't want to feel guilty for not exercising on the weekends. Its nice to have two days off.


You did really well eating out! No french fries for you!


We got a late start on going out on Sat. We didn't get out until like 1 or 2pm, lol. We had to stop a few places on our way into "town." I put in for some prescription sunglasses. I found a frame for $5.00!!! And now I have to pay like $100 for the lenses, which I think isn't that bad. They have to call my eye doctor for my prescription today and then it will be about a week. We had such a late start by the time we got into our shopping "city" that it was like 3pm. Our friend wanted us to come over for dinner for Chicken and dumplings, so we didn't want to eat too much, but we were really hungry.


So we went to Chic fil a. Mom got a fried tenders kids meal and I got a Chicken Ceasar wrap (dressing on the side) with waffle fries. I ate about half the wrap and then the fries. I used the dip sparingly. Then we shopped and walked around for a while and then went back to our friend's house for chicken and dumplings. I had about 5oz, but then she had these cream cheese squares...mmmmm. I had one of those. Then I stuck to Coke Zero the rest of the night to ignore my sweet tooth (b/c I could have eaten 10 of those things).


Sunday I got up and fixed dad and I some biscuits, eggs, and lunch meat ham fried up (not in oil or anything, just crisp it in the pan). Then I went straight to the vacuum, then washing clothes, cleaning my room, and sewing some of my cruise clothes (I had to take in some a little!). I had the 2nd half of the ceasar wrap for lunch with a few tortilla chips. Dad brought back some of these off brand chocolate cookies from turkey hunting and they are wonderful! I tried to stay away from them as much as possible.



BK-Fiber one cereal

Snacks-banana,strawberries, fruit cup

Lunch-Subway double turkey with apples

Dinner-Lasagna, salad, bread sticks.


I have training today, I'm going to try and get in maybe an hour this evening too. I was up a lb this morning and was shocked, but I've made some caloric choices this weekend, but stayed in my points, so I guess we will see, but maybe a little extra this evening will push me over the edge.


I think this is my last week of student training, so I will have to workout something with my trainer for after. I think we are going to start doing it after work b/c we won't be restricted by lunch hours. Then I'll just do some workouts during lunch on my own.


Good Choices.

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Hey everyone! We're back from our mini-cruise and it was so nice!!! Nice little getaway, that I didn't want to end, lol!!! Boy did the stair climbing kick my butt!!


Today's breakfast was a banana and 2 orange juices. I woke up with a stuffy nose and I certainly don't need to get sick before surgery on Thursday!


Lunch is a salad with some chicken I made last night. I'm going to have to find some dressing though :(


Dinner tonight is steak and boiled baked potatoes.


Last night we made pasta cabonera...instead of using heavy cream, we used milk, butter and flour.....turned out terrific!!!! And sooooo much healthier (Country Crock light and fat free milk).

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