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Cruising to Healthy


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Brooke - We are not doing the biggest loser anymore but I keep the scale at the office and people weigh themselves and are still keeping track.


As for your blog, You made it. You could think of a nice creative way of expressing how you feel about those poo poo heads. When you told me about your blog it reminded me of Julie & Julia. No matter what comments she got - she kept going and she made it her blog...no matter what anyone else though it was her own personal goal and she made it through even when she had a rough day or whatever she would blog about it.

I know how people are and they will do anything to take others down for their own pleasure. Don't give them that satisfaction Brooke. There are still many others who enjoy it. ;)


I'm at work but when I get to my parents I'll be able to see your blog and pics. :)

Edited by Jesscap5
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sun L- 1/2 ham sandwich w/ mustard, green tea, 1 mini twix

sun D- 1 hard, 1 soft taco lettuce, cheese, FF sour cream, 1 spoonful corn casserole, 2 cookies, green



mon B- coffee, 1 scambled egg, 1 turkey sausage

mon L- 2 left over hard tacos cheese, FF sour cream

mon D- linguine with chicken (my favorite) my mom made but i need to stay away from cream sauces, 2 dinner rolls.


I wish I could pay someone to train me and tell me what to eat - like fix it for me LOL

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Brooke - We are not doing the biggest loser anymore but I keep the scale at the office and people weigh themselves and are still keeping track.


As for your blog, You made it. You could think of a nice creative way of expressing how you feel about those poo poo heads. When you told me about your blog it reminded me of Julie & Julia. No matter what comments she got - she kept going and she made it her blog...no matter what anyone else though it was her own personal goal and she made it through even when she had a rough day or whatever she would blog about it.

I know how people are and they will do anything to take others down for their own pleasure. Don't give them that satisfaction Brooke. There are still many others who enjoy it. ;)


I'm at work but when I get to my parents I'll be able to see your blog and pics. :)


Thanks Jess...just what I needed.:D

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sun L- 1/2 ham sandwich w/ mustard, green tea, 1 mini twix

sun D- 1 hard, 1 soft taco lettuce, cheese, FF sour cream, 1 spoonful corn casserole, 2 cookies, green



mon B- coffee, 1 scambled egg, 1 turkey sausage

mon L- 2 left over hard tacos cheese, FF sour cream

mon D- linguine with chicken (my favorite) my mom made but i need to stay away from cream sauces, 2 dinner rolls.


I wish I could pay someone to train me and tell me what to eat - like fix it for me LOL




I'm sorry. You've seemed to be having a hard time lately and I feel like I haven't given any encouragement.


I think your choices are great. You seem to know how to balance a "treat" and good food and not overly indulge at one time. I wish I had that kind of balance in my life especially with the kind of hours you work.


I too wish I had a personal chef or someone to cook for me at every meal. Believe it or not...I do much better on a cruise b/c the food is served to me in portions and I get so busy having fun, that there is not time for snacking. I wish I had that all the time. The only bad thing is those darn "Kiss on the lips." I can only imagine the sugar content in those!!!:D

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Kimmers- I am with you. I wish I had someone who could do the work for me lol.


Brooke- I am trying to remember which one of the blogs I read when I noticed some people putting comments on there that I thought were out of line or just plain stupid.


I don't understand why people read, join groups, become fans of stuff they don't like just to bad mouth it. I see it on facebook all the time and I want to scream NO ONE IS MAKING YOU READ OR WATCH IT. If you disagee with it why waste your time>??? Do you ever feel like that or is it just me??


Anyway spent lots of time cleaning around the house and I am worn out. Good choices food wise and got 2 miles in.


Carrie concert is this Sunday and as excited as I am the closer it is the more I seem to break down thinking about my Nana. I am sure I have mentioned that she was going to go to the concert with me. There are so many memories that keep flooding me about Nana, Carrie, and I. Of course there are other memories but with the ACM awards, her singing on Idol, now the concert it jsut seems to be overwhelming. I am hoping that by the time Sunday gets here I will be gotten it all out but I guess only time will tell.

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Kimmers- I am with you. I wish I had someone who could do the work for me lol.


Brooke- I am trying to remember which one of the blogs I read when I noticed some people putting comments on there that I thought were out of line or just plain stupid.


I don't understand why people read, join groups, become fans of stuff they don't like just to bad mouth it. I see it on facebook all the time and I want to scream NO ONE IS MAKING YOU READ OR WATCH IT. If you disagee with it why waste your time>??? Do you ever feel like that or is it just me??


Anyway spent lots of time cleaning around the house and I am worn out. Good choices food wise and got 2 miles in.


Carrie concert is this Sunday and as excited as I am the closer it is the more I seem to break down thinking about my Nana. I am sure I have mentioned that she was going to go to the concert with me. There are so many memories that keep flooding me about Nana, Carrie, and I. Of course there are other memories but with the ACM awards, her singing on Idol, now the concert it jsut seems to be overwhelming. I am hoping that by the time Sunday gets here I will be gotten it all out but I guess only time will tell.


Trust me, you are not the only one who feels that way. But I found something great out of it. One of the ppl today just happened to be a fb friend and when I found that I out, I was outraged! I de-friended her and everything. Then she made another comment to reflect that I de-friended her and that she wished me the best in my weight loss, but hoped that I lost the chip on my shoulder.


Lets say, that I seethed for a few hours and then after Jess and thinking for a while. I sent her a message on fb explaining what made me so mad. That I felt that she was saying that my blog and thoughts and therefore I was irrelvant and it hurt even more that I knew her and we had known each other since second grade. Not only that, she had a weight problem in middle school too. I told her that I knew I fired back, but I couldn't help it when I felt attacked or belittled and that I had had many more comments of even more cruelity before hers. But that I wished her well in her life.


Needless to say, she wrote me back. She said she felt bad about how I felt and that she had never intended for that to be the case. That she had recently came back from Cambodia and had seen such bad things that she finds herself getting overly upset over what she considers Americanized ie: commercials (such as the lane bryant one that was banned). But she validated my feelings and apologized.


I then did the same. And thus re-friending her.


God was with me today. He said I needed a lesson in acceptance and patience and that is exactly what I got. I hope I don't forget.


I'm so glad you are going to get to honor your Nana in this way. Its a very positive and fond way to remember her and I know you wish she could be there, but I know she will be.

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Thanks for letting me vent about my childish issues.


Weigh in today. I weight exactly the same as last week. But after the week I had.....I'm sooooo lucky.


Chiro, put me back to normal and told me to get back on the horse, lol.


Did 30 mins at the high pace last night for exercise while I watched Netflix Season 1 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, lol. Oh, 1990's why did we ever think we should dress like that? And the make up on the vampires...hahahahahahahaha. The over dramatic acting and campy lines......priceless.


I meet with my trainer today for a our goals and exercise prescription...well I guess my goals, lol. I have to think about this. What do I think I should be able to accomplish by the end of the summer, which is pretty much the end of August....so four months. I guess I will need to decide.


I'm going to workout this evening...its gonna be hard since I've been off for so long. I hate starting over again.


Last night I had lean hamburgers with tater tots, then cereal.


This morning I had fiber cereal (extra b/c I wanted to finish it off) and a skinny latte.

Lunch: Seriously, mom has bought like 20 million lean pockets, so I have to eat them down and plus its getting expensive to eat subway all the time. So, I MUST eat them! w/ a fruit cup

Snack: Strawberries (gotta add some veggies in here somewhere.

Dinner: ???




They are given away Carrie Underwood tickets on my radio station this morning by making people sing "their story" country songs. I thought of you. Hahah.


Good Choices

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Hello You guys are always positive to me so don't think you are not helping me! I just feel I am in a slump this week and don't know why. I try to make good choices. I tried some clothes on that I thought would fit and nope was wrong so maybe that is why I am in a funk :(


Brooke I agree with you when I am on a cruise I usually take the stairs and have so much going on I forget the snacks and since they serve me I get the right portions also. Maybe we should just live on a cruise ship and work from the ocean LOL - -a true dream!!! :)


This is only Tuesday so I need to live-in up.


tue B-Mcdonalds pancake egg sausage biscuit with coffee

tue snack- yogurt

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Yippee Grapes are starting to taste yummy again. I hate that time of year when they taste yuck. But they were wonderful this morning as I was walking 3 miles!! I did it at 3.5 mph but I would like to get to 4 miles per hour and get 5 miles in this summer so we will see.



Brooke they had some kind of contest where you could do a Carrie Underwood video for our local station and I really tried to get my brother to do one. He really can sing but it would have been funny. He has done Jesus, Take the wheel before for a contest on sing snap and did well but I told him he should do something girly like "Before He Cheats" and we would convince my husband to let him beat the mess out of his truck. I am sure we would have won. They didn't go for it though. Go figure.:rolleyes:


Kimmers- I myself feel like I am in a funk. I can't seem to fully complete anything right now. I tried to find dresses for church Sunday and it was very very depressing. One dress so made me look pregnant. NOT COOL AT ALL:( I hope yours passes quickly.


good luck today everyone

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Hi Everyone!


Annette - Grapes are even better when the price goes down :D


Kimmer - I love that you account for everything you eat and I think that's a great thing. Maybe it will suprise you (clothes fitting) when you least expect it.


Well I got good news and not so good news.


My car is offically paid off as of today and the bank is sending back my title!!!! I have learned a lesson however in getting a car loan...Don't do a 6 year loan. lol


The other not so good news is that my supervisor is going to be gone for the next three days and the owner/big boss is relying on me to do some tasks that I've never done on my own before. I do web stuff so if I mess up - that's it. I'm confident that I'll be fine but it is kind of nerve-wracking.


Anyway heading home now - hope everyone has a good night!

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Certain fruit is only good a certain times. I can't eat a even semi mushy grape to save my life. They have to be hard, but ripe. If that makes sense. I've been doing strawberries since mom has been buying them.




It always happens when you aren't expecting it. Every time I went to purposely try on clothes for weight loss......never happened. When my boss gave me her pants I thought for sure I would be embarrassed b/c they wouldn't fit........totally fit.




I'm sure your boss wouldn't leave you in that position unless they thought you were capable.


Yay! car paid off! I wish my was...I have like 2 more years......I did a 5 year loan...:rolleyes:


Last night I had taco salad with of course deer hamburger, low sodium seasoning, lettuce, tomato, some cheese, light sour cream and chips.

Then some cereal and a low cal ice cream bar.



BK-Shredded wheat

Snack:I have to go to our bookstore and get some stuff, I didn't have time to get stuff together this morning.

Lunch: Lean pocket



Talked to my trainer yesterday. We are going to do 2 sessions a week for an hour. He already has a plan worked out for me in weeks. It looks and sounds very doable and promising. Going to get started this evening. I hate that I will have to tell him to take it slightly easy b/c I tried the treadmill last night for 30 mins and the impact def. made my back hurt. I'm still sore from being put back in place. It should be gone by the end of the week. I think its so funny b/c I wrote my goals and he did his and while he was more detailed we had the same ideas. He wants me to workout during the week and take Sat. & Sun off other than maybe some casual walking or light stretches. This will help my body heal from any small damages that could occur.


I'm going to do other things on my own during lunch and in the evenings we don't work together.


I have to go to the dentist on mon. I'm having problems with my crowns hurting, so I want to take care of it b/c the cruise just in case its an infection or something. Probably going to cost me a pretty penny, but such is life.


I have to be in early tomr. Well, not early for me, but everyone else. The president of our college wants to have a breakfast meeting with us. I guess it has something to do with our VP leaving......I hope. I'll probably post late.


Good Choices

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Jess- congrats on the car:D That is a big goal reached in itself. Hope the days at work will be much easier then you fear.


Brooke- I am so jealous of your trainer time. Its nice to have someone who has been thinking about you and your goals. I would do the same as far as the dentist because of fear of what could happen on the ship. lol I too am an overpacker even with meds. I took anything that I thought might be needed so I wouldn't have to worry about it.


Ellen (9 year old) may drive us all crazy before the cruise. We have around 600 days still and that is all she talks about. We did mention it to my dad last night and he seems interested. We have till next Oct to cancel it if we need to but I think he will be able make it.


Walked another 3 miles today but the last mile was at 4 miles per hour so another step closer to my goal for the summer.


Have a wonderful day!

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I'm just glad I have the time and money to have one. Since he isn't certif. I don't have to pay him like 20-25, but only like 15 an hour. Which for my healthy, is a bargain.


Oh, no. If she is bugging you about the cruise now, I can only imagine what it will be like all summer when she is out of school and isn't distracted, lol.


I know how she feels though. I'm dying at 50 days. It can't get here soon enough. I'm so distracted by it.


Did my training last night. He def. pushed me harder. We did 15 lb weights and did 3 reps of 10 each, one standing and one sitting back at an angle on one of those benches. I thought I was going to drop one more than once. He had me do my jogging and side steps and knee lifts to half court this time and we added the bike in and treadmill along with the core exercises. I was wiped out by the time I got out of there.


I went home and mom had fixed bacon and eggs for a sandwich. I grabbed more egg than bacon on light bread, not even an ounce of chips and then had some cereal at the end. I was in bed by 8:30.


Oh, yea. I had a salad from subway instead of lean pocket. I just had grilled chicken breast, some shredded cheese, tomato, cucumber, shredded lettuce and some spinach with ranch dressing on the side, which I then dipped my fork in. It was the most bland salad I ever ate. Just being honest. Maybe next time I'll do more than one chicken breast.


So, we had breakfast with our president this morning, just wanted to tell us it will be okay, they are searching for our dept VP replacement now and will have one in no latter than June.


Breakfast was over indulged though. I had a very small biscuit, 1/4 cup of scrambled egg, one small pancake with just a bit of butter on it, 3 little smokie sausages, a bagel, and a triangle hashbrown with a diet spirit. I know I overloaded on carbs. But they are my favorite bk foods. I'll just have to adjust the rest of my day accordingly.


Snack: I scored two small apples from the cafeteria ;)

Lunch: Lean pocket that I keep putting off

Dinner:??? Maybe soup b/c we have some leftover.


Working out on my own for the rest of the week. 2wice today and 2wice tomr. Then I'll start back with the trainer on Mon. & Wed.


3 more lbs and I'm at 10% and 35lbs.......come on 3lbs!


Good Choices

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WOW I have been on here to read posts I thought I had replies since Tues LOL

tues L- ham and cheese toasted on rye, water

tues D- pork chops, stuffed potato w/ cheese, red beets, green tea and a piece of homemade strawberry rhubard pie


wed B- fiber one cereal & milk

wed L- leftover tacos (2)

wed D- steak on grill, mushrooms, french fries, another piece of pie, green tea


thurs B- one egg, one sausage, coffee

thurs L- ?


I feel better when I have my cereal for snack instead of breakfast. I love my eggs in the morning. The clothes I was referring to was my uniform in the closet. I went to wear one since the current ones were in the wash. Needless to say I needed to hand wash one to wear as the ones in the back closet did not fit.


I appeciate all the positives. I weighed at home and look like I lost 1 lb. it is probably water weight but I am going to take it. Also the girl I like at Curves is to be there tomorrow so will do a weigh in there. I have been skipping them because the girl I don't get along with since she makes my blood pressure rise, I don't want her doing my weighin but I have to be accountable.

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Girl, I have those pants. I did the same thing this morning. A pair my boss gave me and I swore I wore them last week, but when I went to put them on, they were majorly tight. Same size as the others that fit......weird. Didn't do much for my confidence though.:rolleyes:


I think you're doing the right thing. Just think every time you show up and weigh it just means you are putting in the effort and I'm sure it that gets under that girls skin. I always use dislikes as a positive. It must really piss them off that I'm losing weight and putting myself first and actually ignoring them to do so. HA! Take that mean ppl!


Had subway again yesterday. Ugh, I was going to get pizza, no lie. But Papa Johns was closed.........so subway it was. I guess I was saved from myself again.


Then I did my workout after work. I did an hour. 30 mins on the Elliptical!!!!! Then 2 reps with the 15lb weights, then back to 20 mins on the treadmill. It felt good. I didn't do lunch. Frankly, I was tired yesterday and I laid my head down for half of lunch b/c I just needed a power nap. I ate that carb loaded breakfast and that was it. But I found that it was easier for me to not fight about going to workout and I felt more energetic when I did start the workout. Something to think about.



BK-Fiber cereal/skinny latte

Snacks-Fruit cup/snack mix

Lunch-I guess I have to do the lean pocket, lol



Oh, I had grilled cheese and a little bowl of soup. Then I snacked for a bit. Like 2 potato chips/ice cream bar/tbsp of peanuts........I had a slice of pizza that mom had fixed for her and dad. Yea, I was peckish........I shouldn't have been, but I was, so I just used flex points to get it out of my system.


I'm sure most of you read this on fb. I left my car running when I got home last night. I guess between Fat Dog coming up to greet me, trying to remember to take my ipod in, getting my bad, the lawn mower going......I just didn't realize I left the keys in the ignition and it on. Fixed supper, took a shower and came out and dad was like, "Why is your car running?" LOL. Blonde moment and darn it I had just dyed my roots. Oh well, good think I have great gas mileage on my car and good test for my battery.


Gotta get up at the butt crack on Sat. LOL, well the butt crack of dawn for a Sat. Booked my car for an oil change and check up at 8:20. But that was b/c I knew I needed to go into the city next to us to pick up my order from Lane Bryant.


BTW, did you guys get your free panty coupons? Well, if you can fit into lane Bryant sizes. go to http://www.lanebryant.com/free. I hope its still up. U can print a coupon for a free pair of panties. We called the store and they said they were just the plain old white panties, but free is good to me since their panties are normally $12-14.


Going to the gym this evening.


Good Choices.

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Thanks Brooke for the link when I get home I'll check it out.


I was so worried about my supervisor being gona and me working directly with the owner as I felt I would surely forget something ot mess something up but everything went great. I got extra work and I even finished that early so I'm pretty proud of myself for that.


Tonight I'm leaving with my sister and parents and we are going to the famously haunted Mt. Washington Hotel. lol We are not going because it's haunted though. We are going for a conference for people who are gurdians/caretakers of individuals with physical/mentally disabilities (my sister) and they have workshops and so fourth..so I'll be hopefully learning a lot while I am there (it will be all weekend) and I'll try to be on my best food wise and make good choices.


Does anyone watch Ghost Hunters? aka T.A.P.S? Well they have done a investigation at the Mt. Washington hotel plenty of times, also Jason and Grant own a Inn about 15 min away from the hotel and that's haunted as well. Speaking of Ghost Hunters - my mom was driving home from work and she saw there vans and watched them go to an restaurant and Inn that is supposedley haunted. My mom said she saw the camera crew there as well.


Last year I was suppose to go with a friend to the restaurant - there was a group of people who were going to get together and go through the history of the building (it's old) and talk about the hauntings but I never ended up going because they sold out before I could get tickets...so I will be excited to see this episode on Ghost Hunters when it comes out.


oh btw- when my parents went to this meeting last year at the Mt. Washington hotel- my mom said she woke up out of a sound sleep because she thought my dad was playing with the blankets. When she woke up my dad was sleeping and she looked down at her feet and saw the top blanket slow rise up a bit on it's own. She said she freaked out and put her legs between my dad's and held on tight to him the rest of the night. lol


Sorry - we don't get too much excitement up here in the mountains. lol


I hope everyone has a great, healthy weekend!

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thurs L-1/2 ham sandwich w/ mustard, green tea, 2 mini snickers

thurs D- 4 homemade ravoli, salad, some onion loaf, water - took parents and sister and B-I-L to eat for anniversaries


fri B - 1 egg, bacon, rye toast, coffee

fri L- apple, cheese & crackers, green tea

fri D- steak & shake we don't have one in our area so had some grease LOL


sat B- water, apple, donut

sat L- salad, water

sat D- chicken, chips, green tea


sun B-1 egg, bacon, biscuit, coffee

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If I had cable I would watch Ghost Hunters all the time!!!! I watch them on Netflix though. That's why we went to Eastern State Pen b/c they had been there and got a thermal image.


I hope you and your sister had a blast and learned a few things too. Its nice to be with people who have the same situation as you.




Okay overachiever....reporting on a weekend, lol. Good Job!




Was the concert this weekend? How did it go?


My week has been full of good and bad choices. Although I did try on a pair of 26 capris (not Right Fit from lane bryant, but the reg. stretch) and they were snug, but they fit. I have to fix a torn seam, but that's all. I weeded out my cruise clothes some more, but added some more too, lol. I put new pictures up with shoes and jewelry to go with. I got my car checked, my sunglasses came in and I ordered a new GPS (didn't want to but they don't make mine anymore and so no USB cord to buy to update my maps). Then I spent more money at the dentist. He said he thinks my gums are just inflamed and gave me stuff to put on them. If that doesn't work I have to go back to the person who did the root canal b/c they may have missed some smaller nerves in the very top. I hope not.


My brother's new puppy had to go to the emergency vet this weekend. They thought it was his blood sugar, but now they say he had a parasite and b/c he is so small it caused him to have seizes and such. They have decided to board him and the other chi wa wa and just leave me with the dober, husky, and pekineses.


So, its training day. It's raining so I'm glad I don't have to do a lunch workout today. I'm looking forward to getting a nice workout and starting a new week and really pushing myself since my back has stopped being sore. I think I've lost a lb. I weighed this morning and that's what it said. But I'll wait for the official weigh in day.



BK: 2 sets of Arnold's thin wheat buns with 1 tsp of butter spread among

Lunch: I came in late b/c of the dentist, so I grabbed a grilled chicken wrap from DQ and I got one for a boost before I go to exercise.

Snack: Milk

Dinner: Umm, I have to fix it b/c mom is meeting with the Dr. they hired for my granddad to discuss what he needs to do to live a better life. I'm thinking grilled cheese and tomato soup.


I hope everyone is having a great start to their week!


Good Choices:)

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So, today is weigh in day, but i refuse to count it. Yesterday at the same time I weighed and it said I lost 1lb and today, at the same time, I weighed and it said I gained almost 3! Now tell me how you gain almost 3lbs over night. There has got to be an issue here. I haven't made up my mind on weighing tomr. and seeing what it says. Plenty of reasons to delude myself into thinking its not true.


Worked out with the trainer yesterday. He always puts me through the ringer, in a good way. Those 15lb weights are killing me. And just think the two of those 15lb weights make 30lbs......two less lbs than what I've lost.


Going to go this evening for my workout. I plan on doing the elliptical again and then the treadmill and some resistance training.


Last night I went to training and mom called me asking where I was b/c she thought I was going to fix dinner for dad. LOL, well....I got the message and then called dad and he said that he'd already fixed himself something, so I didn't worry about it. I stopped to get more cereal and notice that they had these new Skinny Cow ice cream cups. I mean a cup, maybe a half a cup. But they are 150 calories, 2 grams of fat, and 4 grams of fiber. I got a cookies and cream one. It was just enough to cure my sweet tooth.


Stuck with my grilled cheese, but had an ounce of doritos instead of soup....too muggy.



BK: Frosted Shredded wheat

Snack: Light popcorn, fruit cup

Lunch: Ham and cheese lean pocket



So, this weekend......I was re-packing, again, and I had bought some sunscreen and aloe and was making sure it was secure to put in the bad. I also wanted to make sure when the Walmart brand sunscreen said it was non-greasy it was true. So I opened it and put some on and of course that mean't I had to try out the aloe too. I put my hand up to my nose to smell them (everyone hates stinky sunscreen) and as soon as the smell hit my nose tears came to my eyes. I mean there was just a flood of emotion. I was totally taken off guard. Memories of my grandmother flooded my mind as I remembered how every summer we went to the beach for a week or more. I remembered waking up in the RV and finding we had made it to the beach camping grounds while I was asleep. I remember waking up early morning and stepping out the front door and smelling the salt water in the air. I remember the piles of sunscreen mom and grandma used to rub me down with b/c I used to blister in the sun and the aloe that grandma used to use when I'd get burnt. She'd rub it on so softly so not to hurt me and then she would blow on it to help the cooling work faster. Its funny how you block those things out of your head b/c ultimately they are happy memories, but painful too. One simple smell brought all that emotion back. Then I remembered, April. April 18th 11 years ago is when she left us. I have to think that she was just popping in to say hello.


See Annette, it doesn't matter the time that passes it will always be hard, but a good kind of hard.....a hard that will not let you forget what that person brought to your life.


Now, if you excuse me I had to put allergy drops in my eyes so my co-workers don't think I was crying.


Good Choices.

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ugh!! My post didn't go through yesterday. . .


sun L- cannot remember - -and i burnt my papers last night LOL

sun D- hamburger on grill, baked chips, water, small brownie


mon B-one burrito, coffee

mon L- spaghetti, one breadstick, 8 oz milk

mon snack-fiber one bar

mon D - vegetable soup, crackers, cheese, water


tue B-one burrito, water

tue snack- fiber one bar, more water

tue L-


You're right Brooke no matter what we never forget our loved ones. Just the scent through you off. My grandmas birthday was April 29th the same day as my parents and sisters anniversary so there were moments that night for me.

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Hi ladies!


Yesterday I went to a weight loss surgery support group because I haven't been in a couple months. Of course it's usually just me there and this time the Psychiatrist was out also so it was just me and the nutrionist. We talked about my new apartment, eating habits and since I needed to go grocery shopping anyway, we made a grocery list for myself. I do need to get more fruits and veggies in though but otherwise I'm doing good making my own meals and I have cut down alot in portions.


The other good news is that I met a new friend at Fashion Bug. My mom (who had drove me down too the meeting) were in town for the meeting an hour early so we hit up Fashion Bug and I met a girl there who is about my size and I was having a hard time finding things but this girl gave me all kinds of suggestions and she said she's a shoppaholic and loves clothes and has tried everything on in the store (she works at fashion bug). So when I said "oh these didn't look good on me" and she was like "ok first that's not the right cut, you need this" and she seemed to know what she was talking about and soon we needed to leave but I told her I would come back after the meeting.


When I got back she had gone through the whole store and compiled tons of clothes for me to try on (and I HATE trying on clothes) but she made me feel totally at ease and by goodness she knew just what to get. The things she picked out (and I was one size smaller then I was assuming I was) fit great and looked great and layed on my body proportionately. We ended up talking a lot and exchanged info..she may start going to the meetings as well. I usually hate clothes shopping but it went well and I totally needed some summer outfits.


As far as work is going this week - yeah I won't go there :rolleyes:


Hopefully I'll have a relaxing night and get plenty of sleep because I feel exhausted from the humidity, lack of sleep and me not getting home until 11-11:30 every night.


Have a good one girls!


PS BROOKE- I told a couple girls about your great blog - hope you don't mind.

Edited by Jesscap5
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Loss is so hard and those reminders can be the hardest. My aunt hates Christmas b/c it was her sister's favorite holiday and it makes her miss her.




Sounds like you found a local fashionista! Its sad that the people in our local Lane Bryant know me by name, lol. I have a friend who works at our Catos and she often goes around and pulls things for me and puts it in the dressing room. Its nice to have a personal shopper, lol.


And I don't mind at all that you shared my blog.


Last night I had sloppy joes and some doritos, then cereal for dessert or whatever, lol.


I did 30 mins on the elliptical. Boy, that thing makes me sweat. I don't really burn more calories than the treadmill, but I just feel like I get a better workout. I got my heart rate up to 153 by the end of it. My trainer was having trouble getting my heart rate up on the bike. We think its b/c I was biking at home. But now I can tell him the elliptical can def. get my heart rate to 150.


I got home and mom had went for groceries, so I fixed dinner. About the time it was ready dad's friend showed up and they went down to their "hunting place" and messed about. So, mom got home and grabbed some dinner then we went over to see my brother's new puppy, Tator. Tator had to be taken to the vet all weekend and part of the week. He had a parasite that caused his sugar to drop and caused seizes. Poor little fellow only weighs 1.5 lbs. Good thing they are going to board the two smaller dogs this go round.



BK: Shredded Wheat

Snacks: Banana, Grapes, Fruit cup, Light popcorn

Lunch: Lean Pocket



Training this afternoon. He works me up so much that by the end my glasses are steaming up from the heat coming off of me. Oh yea, I'm working it.


Good choices!

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tues L- cheeseburger, catchup, mustard, one hanful chips, 8 oz milk

tues snack-fiber one bar

tues D- fiber one cereal -wasn't that hungry

tues snack-water, pork rinds


wed B- sausage burrito, water

wed snack-pepsi - I have not had one in forever and was craving it for some reason

wed L- ?


Jess- I am so happy you found someone to help you. I always hate trying on clothes too. I have to phych myself up to go. I usually buy online so I can try on at home but the clothes don't appeal to me. I still have a gift card to JJill but I have not found anything that I like. I did find some at JCPenney.


Brooke -You are right about reminders

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So, today is weigh in day, but i refuse to count it. Yesterday at the same time I weighed and it said I lost 1lb and today, at the same time, I weighed and it said I gained almost 3! Now tell me how you gain almost 3lbs over night. There has got to be an issue here. I haven't made up my mind on weighing tomr. and seeing what it says. Plenty of reasons to delude myself into thinking its not true.


Brooke, I am guessing that you are on WW and if I am not mistaken, they only weigh in. If your trainer does so, have you had them measure you and do a caliper test to check your BMI? You may be building up some muscle with the training that you are doing, which is a good thing! I went for a while not losing a pound but the BMI test and measurments showed that I was losing inches and body fat like crazy. You may want to look into having those two things assessed.



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