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Cruising to Healthy


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Annette - Have fun in Charlotte and good luck finding a doctor for your dd.


Kimmers- I'm really sorry your having a tough time. :( I know how you feel. Thanks for all your replies on facebook by the way! and thanks for the recipe, looks really good.


Not sure what the plans are for the weekend but I'm sure I will be out and about! I'm gonna try that banana bread for the third time. It comes out mushy in the middle and I overcook it on the time so maybe I will try the mini loaf pans? Well see, hopefully my night will go better then it did last night though. lol

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I FEEL YOUR PAIN. I have a constant burning in the top of my stomach and my dreams are getting worse and worse b/c my poor brian is trying to work things out in my sleep. Although I have to admit that I might have some good screenplay ideas out of them, lol. I guess we all go through these times and we just have to get through and wait for better times.




Good luck!




I might just sleep the whole weekend, lol



PS- My trainer had me hiking through our trails on campus.......IN THE WOODS! My ankles are covered in mosiqto (sp) bites, lol. But I got a good workout.

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Try Old navy for some summer dresses.........online they have up to size 30 and if you catch a sale, you can rack up. I got two maxi's from there and a pink ruffle sun dress, a black sundress, and recently a purple dress for work. All jersey, but throw a necklace on there and you just made it formal looking, lol.


I got my dresses from Target and they are perfect! I bought the size 2 and they are plenty roomy (they might even be a little large by cruise time). I did look at Old Navy, too. I didn't see any dresses that would work for me (I have 2 issues - my calves are big and I like a longer dress and I am 41 and sometimes the clothes are a bit young for me - like I could never pull off strapless!), but I did see some t-shirts I want to order for the cruise.


Down 1/2 lb this morning. As long as the scale keeps going down, I am happy. I leave in 99 days!!


Have a great weekend,


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Hey ladies! Sorry I've been totally MIA! I am desperately trying to get back on track of vigorously working out, rather than just a measily evening walk/jog with the hubby, lol! I just need to find the motivation and I don't seem to know where it is.


I would really like to tone up my abs and lose a few pounds for our Sept cruise, and also be able to fit nicely in my formal dresses for our Feb cruise.


Help me ladies, please! :)

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Hi everyone, and good luck in your weight loss quest. In case it provides motivation, I wanted to tell my story. I am 56 and have been overweight off and on for most of my life. When I reached 270 pounds, I had had enough and decided to have lapband surgery. My insurance doesn't cover it so I paid myself - $12,500. Everything went well, and I lost 35 pounds. One morning a year and a half ago 6 months after the surgery), I was getting ready to go to work and very suddenly got sick - throwing up, a terrible pain in my abdomen. It was so bad we went to the ER via ambulance. It turns out I had a severe case of acute pancreatitis, caused by 4 tiny gallstones that got stuck in a duct. I was hospitalized for 4 months straight, and another 2 months, had a total of 7 operations (with 1 more still to go, to reverse the ileostomy I have), had kidney and lung failure (was put on dialysis and on a ventilator), blood clots in both legs, was fed intraveneously for months (I couldn't even have water - nothing by mouth!) etc. I am quite lucky to be alive as my surgeon said very few people survive who were as sick as I was.

All of this was ultimately caused by obesity and poor eating habits. I did lose the lapband due to the pancreatitis, and also lost 70 pounds in the hospital so I am average size now (I went from a size 22 to a size 12).

I was doing pretty well, when I was diagnosed a few months ago with uterine cancer, most likely also partly due to obesity. That entailed another operation (hopefully it cured me).

I am currently doing pretty good, but the abdominal wound from my last operation opened and I hav to wear a wound vac. Hopefully it will be taken off next week. As soon as I recover from my ileostomy reversal, my husband and I are cruising, hopefully in January.

Now, I am a fanatic about exercising and eating right. Nothing like going 4 months without taking a bite to build self-control! I very rarely put anything into my mouth that is unhealthy and have found that there is always a healthy alternative to something I am craving. I stop as soon as I

get the least bit full. I will never again risk my health just for the sake of "a party in my mouth." When we cruise, it will be the first out of 6 cruises I have taken as a thin person, and I intend to enjoy it enormously!

Best wishes to all of you who are trying to get healthy by eating properly and exercising!

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You can do this. You just needed some time to recover and enjoy being able to breath. Now all you have to do is set a goal and work towards it.




Thanks for those words. I think we all want to think that lapband or surgeries are an easy route, but don't always fully know what could happen. I think that's why we are all here, to do things the natural way and hopefully succeed.




Well, I gonna start over. I feel like I've lost my original motivation and need to get back there before I completely derail. So, I'm gonna try a few things. Like starting my WW weight over at my current rate and starting with a 0 pounds lost. I know, sounds like a depressing thing to do, but its also a clean slate and a new motivation to get more lbs lost again. I think I might try a different weigh in day, so that my points re-start at a different time as well and that might change how I eat. I gotta get back to more exercise and of course make better choices.


Here goes nothing.


Good choices

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Brooke, I thought you were doing good on the WW when you first started it? Granted I haven't been on here in a while to keep up with everyone, and again I apologize for that.


Annette, Kimmers, Kim, Jess, I hope you all are still doing good!


I can't tell you how wonderful it is to finally be able to breath without getting so winded. I should be jogging miles and miles right now, lol, but can only do so much. I've got some dvd's I've ordered to try out. I'll be letting you know how it goes.


Thanks for the encouraging words Brooke!

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Nyllrap - Thanks for sharing your story!


Kim - Welcome back! Good luck with the excercising!


Brooke - At least your giving yourself another chance. Sometimes when one route doesn't work- we have to try another.


Well I am happy to say that I think I'll be getting a bike in a week or two. This past weekend on Saturday my brother, sister in law, niece , mom, dad and sister went up north and we stopped at a shop that sells skies and bikes and since my brothers family is obssesed with skiing and they were having a sale, we stopped in to look. Just after a few minutes I saw a bike that looked awesome and I knew I could be able to get on it with ease and the seat was larger too! I hesitated but my dad convinced me to try it out in the parking lot. Well once I got on the bike it was all over. I think I was looking like this :D going around in circles in the parking lot and when I got off the bike I already had felt the workout in my legs.

Only problem? It was $369 :eek: the guy said he would give me an additional 10% discount so that's good but I still didn't the money to play with at the moment. I'm selling my Coach bags LOL and hopefully gonna have a yardsale either this weekend or next. I'm getting that bike!!!

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hi ladies,

I have read a lot of your thread and just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm Rachel (obviously by my screen name) :D and 29 years old. I'm currently trying to lose the 30 pounds (ish) I've gained since I was married almost 3 years ago. I lost those 30 pounds right before the wedding by doing WW and also this thing called Buff Brides (the book). The book tells you exactly what weight/resistance exercises to do which is very helpful for me since I didn't want to pay for a personal trainer. Also, I can do them at home in front of the TV. ;) It also has a cardio goal for the week (like 60 minutes cardio for the week, which increases over time, etc.) which was a good guideline for me. Anyway, I found that by doing the hand weights it really helped me build some lean muscle mass that burned my metabolism faster and lost 27 pounds (the ones which have since come back :rolleyes:). So check if you think it might help, you can always check it out from a library for free or something. You need hand weights and an exercise ball and that's pretty much it. But I have truly found that lifting light weights really helps, you burn calories later on without having to do a thing! :D Me likey!


Since starting this recent journey I am only down 1.4 pounds, so just wanted to thank you all for your inspirational posts. You have really come a long way - go back and read some old posts if you want, and it might help you to see how far you have really come! Very impressive and keep it up ladies.


As far as eating - I need to be a bit more strict with myself, but my main problem is social situations. It seems like I always have something going on - happy hour w/co-workers celebrating a birthday, bridal showers, weddings, etc. We have 6 weddings to attend this year! I know alcohol is useless calories but I really love wine. :o I'm trying to limit it to just a glass at a time and only a few times a week. It's fine if I am by myself, but the social situations thing... people split a bottle out a restaurant and it's really hard for me to say no. I live in the city and don't have a car, so I can't say that I am a designated driver or use that as an excuse.


My main problem is that I get really embarrassed telling people that I am trying to lose weight... so I just try to do it on the down-low, which can backfire. I need to get over that, as I have many people around me that would support me, but it's just my own little mental issue... like I don't like to admit that I messed up. So that is where you ladies are an inspiration, especially Brooke who started this whole thread - I appreciate that you really put yourself out there!


Anyway, that about sums me up. I do pretty good with the exercise. On Friday I went on a 2-hour bike ride which was over 100 Chicago city blocks. I wasn't too tired at the end, but my butt hurt from sitting on the bike seat! Haha. The nice thing about not having a car is that I have to walk everywhere - to go get groceries, etc. which can be HEAVY, also limits me as to what I can buy. We are also part of a local CSA (community supported agriculture) which provides a box of farm-grown fruit/veggies every week (whatever is in season) for 20 weeks (you pay up-front in spring). I love it. I also love cooking and baking and don't eat out a ton unless I "have" to for social situations. In fact I prefer to cook at home for people. So if I can think of any quick and healthy recipes/tips I will try to post them. :)


Anyway, just wanted to say hi, sorry this post is like a book! Just wanted to introduce myself and say keep on going ladies, I will try to check back in often.


P.S. No cruise booked, but we have a BIG trip planned to go to France in November and I want to be able to wear some cute clothes and maybe even go shopping in France (where at most stores, they barely even stock a size 14 at MOST, and usually very few). Also I want to look back at my pictures from the trip and feel really good about how I look. I look back at my honeymoon pictures and LOVE how I look, so I want to get back there.

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There are SO many Kims on this thread now! I feel badly that I have added another one.


Brooke - I think your new ideas are good ones. Make a fresh start. Do you weigh in once/week at WW or do you weigh in at home as well?


I weigh myself at home daily (even though I always tell myself I should not). But, it seems to be helping me keep on track more than I have in 10 years (when I was able to lose lbs). I have lost 28 since March 1, 2010. 15 of those pounds have been since July 5 when I got serious about my efforts again. I still have a very long journey ahead of me. Ideally, I would like to lose 100 more (it's so hard to type that, never mind admit that). My goal for right now is 22 more by November 15.


Welcome to RachieLnnn! I completely relate that when you said that you didn't want to tell anyone you were trying to lose weight. I know that can backfire - everyone wants to know how much you want to lose, how much you have lost, what you want to weigh, how are you doing it, etc. etc. etc. I had to tell a few people. I told my husband, my parents, a couple of friends that are also going on my cruise and found some online support here and on Spark People.


Kim M.

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My trainer tells me that too many people just try and push to full speed right off the bat, but your body can't function like that. Gradual increases are the way to go b/c if you push all the way to full speed from the get go, then where do you go from there?




I looked into bikes when you said that, but geez bikes are $$$. My SIL has one that her and my bro were gonna start riding together. They've already got away from it, so I wonder if I wait she might sell me hers at a discount, lol.




Welcome, and we are glad to be of help. We like to help each other out here with positive motivation and support. No one is a failure here. You book sounds great. If I didn't have back issues it might be a good thing for me, but I def. need someone to make sure I'm not going to hurt myself.




I know, too many Kims, lol. At least I can find a "Kim" name for each of you, but one day I know I will mess up and write one Kim's notes under another, lol.


I weigh at home. I don't do meetings b/c I don't have a time that I can go.


Um, so officially starting over at 322. Another 30lbs is my goal for the year b/c that's what my Dr. says is good. My next mini goal is 5% of my weight, which will be 305 (Techncially, 15% overall, but I'm trying to start fresh). so 17lbs. I'm not gonna worry about how long it takes me.


I don't think I will log my food daily here anymore, simply b/c I get confused on if I logged here or on WW. But I will def. tell about my food choices.


Good Choices, I have lots of work to do.

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Brooke - We have bikes here, my old one I used when I was around 12 and we just had it restored for my niece but she's not big enough for it. My mom just won I bike that I mentioned before. Although I love it, it has it's challenges for me such as the seat not being comfortable or wide enough and I'd have to get a new one and the face that it's too tall for me and the bar in the middle is so high that I can only get on the bike if I stand on something...so it's not going to work. It's exspensive but it beats gym membership fees and I want to start biking like I used to when I was a kid...before I had a drivers license! I'll have to show you a picture, it's really cute.


Last night I invited my parents to come over for dinner and my dad and I made a nice dinner and taught me a little bit of lessions on cooking. lol

It was good we had grilled chicken, rice and steamed mixed veggies.


I started tracking my food intake on a journal/weight tracker I had made myself a couple months ago. Day 2 and although the food choices are not perfect..I know that I'm starting to make small changes again like cutting out Soda! I do need to stop going to Dunkin Donuts..I did today I will admit but I just need to get up early enough for work and make my lunches and drinks ahead of time. That is my two goals and I have already sold a bunch of stuff..on my way to getting that bike and I'm not using a credit card!


Thank you all and even the newcomers who have shared your stories and given us even more encouragement to lose weight and keep going, I hope we can do the same for you! :)

Edited by Jesscap5
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Oh boy I am going to try and not mess this up.


Brooke- Love your new ideas as always. I know how depressing it can be to have been on track to stopped on the track to me who is looking for the track again. lol (a little railroad humor)


Kim #1- Thats what I am going to refer to the old kim that had the surgury for breathing problems. So glad to see you back. We are really growing on here. Are you still planning your baby making cruise??


Kim #2- Thats what I am going to call the Kim who is going on cruise in Nov, the latest Kim to join us, married with children I believe.


Kimmers-I have always called you Kimmers anyway lol


Rach- Glad you came aboard. (pun intended lol) I have a photo of a time when I was really happy with myself and I think I am going to blow it up and post it on my fridge.


nyllrap- I know how hard dealing with long term health issues can be. I am glad that something good has come out of it for you. Although I will admit that I would rather stay off the track then have to go with that many health problems as I am sure you are as well. My hubby quit smoking 6 years ago right before he had surgury so I just look at that as an added blessing for us.


Jess-Did your family enjoy the meal you cooked for them? Anytime I try something healthy they do not go for it unless I can keep it a secret what I did. :p


Well I have started buying a few food items that are more natural and plan to add a few in at a time and slowly get my kids on to better eating. They do love the veggies and fruit though. Our first was buying natural peanut butter. First it was Smart Balance brand then we found a JIF naturals brand and it meets everyone's approval. I also tried an Orval Redenbauchers Natural Popcorn with 50% less fat and it tasted much better then the other one to me. I have also found that I really really like the "Smart Water" although I can't really afford to go to just that but it tastes really pure which I know sounds crazy because it water but I love it whenever I get it.

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Hello, Kimmers is fine to call me thats what my family calls me, hence the screen name LOL


Have been eating out of the garden and enjoying every minute of it -fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet corn, pumpkin blossoms, green beans, green peppers. Add a hamburger here and a chicken breast there.


Have not been writing things down nor weighed in but I am getting more compliments. My Mom says I was trying or praying to hard to lose inches and weight that she says when you don't think about it is when the weight falls off. So since I've been lazy I haven't done either of those things and my clothes feel loose.


Stress wise I am feeling better spent Monday at the Spa for 5 hours pampering myself, actually my sister gave me a gift certificate at Christmas, just now using. LOL :)


I'm glad you're all doing well. Thanks Nylrap for your story. Those lapbands scare me.


Well time to get back to work - -Have a great Day :)

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If it makes it any easier, you guys can reference me as Mrs.C.....


Annette, yes that is still our plan, to start trying during/after this cruise in Feb. We have a short one planned for September, but we still need to wait until after October to get the okay from my airway doc. That's already scheduled and booked. We're crossing our fingers.

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kimmers- A spa day sounds wonderful. I am off to Charlotte again on Friday and my body feels ROUGH! Isn't your cruise comig up as well?


Kim #1- I will try and remember that so Mrs C for now!!! I am jealous of a Sept cruise :( Have a great time.

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I might talk to SIL when we are going into my grandparents this weekend. At least I can just borrow it. If I can remember how to ride one that actually moves, lol.




Um, so I remembered what I said about that show.....lol. I was upset b/c they girl came back as fat and (to her) that was punishment. And the show was saying b/c she was such a bad person (skinny) that she came back as a fat person.........but they didn't say punishment......more like Karma. But I was upset b/c if someone didn't make that distinction they could be promoted more fat self loathing. But some of my friends watch it and say its not that way.




Sometimes you think about losing weight so much that you actually hinder the weight loss.


Mrs. C, (lol)


That's great! A little one running around.......good thing you got your breath now, lol.


Okay, so I worked out on my own last night b/c my trainer is out of town for the rest of the week. I can get one in tonight, but Thursday I have a bridal shower for my boss and Friday we have a Dept. meeting, Dept. lunch and then a team building activity in town, so I'm not driving all the way back to workout. I might try the bike at home, but I can't seem to be motivated at home.


Last night I threw up for no good reason. I finished eating and then........yea. And I thought maybe I ate too fast, but I felt queezy all night and I still feel a bit queezy. One of those mysteries of life


I had fries and a mini blizzard yesterday. I know. Not doing so well on getting better. But I brought fruit for snacks today, so I think I'll do better.


We get to go bowling for team building on Friday! lol. Bowling food........my new VP was all excited about the junk food, of course she weighs all of 11lbs after having 5 kids.


Good choices.

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My DH and I just started on a weight loss journey of our own. We are both over 300 lbs, and we have a lot of weight to lose. Everyone laughs at me when I tell them I need to lose an entire person, but I'm dead serious.


We are in a program through my insurance company for weight management. We meet with a trainer twice per week for three months, have 24/7 gym access, and have access to a dietitian. I'm scared of what will happen after the three months when we lose our trainer, but for now I'm focused on getting healthy.


We've drastically changed our diet - including cutting out all soda - and have changed our sedentary lifestyle. Our goal is to be able to parasail next year when we visit Half Moon Cay, which is 9 months away.


I've always enjoyed writing, so yesterday I started a blog. I hope it keeps me motivated to keep up with the hard work. I can honestly say that I am motivated by results, and the scale read 0 lbs. lost yesterday which was disappointing. It's my first time ever writing in a blog, so I hope it's easy to follow for the readers.


Good luck to everyone. :D

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There are new "faces" on the board - exciting stuff!


Welcome Amy! I can totally relate to having to lose an entire person. I always say that I need to lose the weight of my two sons (one is 80 lbs and the other is 36). I have lost the weight of a 2 year old so far! I read your blog and I laughed at your descriptions of your exercising and its after-effects. I have been there, but not for a very long time! Your new program sounds really great.


I have the hungry horrors right now. :eek: I thought if I would check in here, they would subside. The afternoon is so hard for me if I am home. When I am working, I never think about food.



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Yippie to new people!!!!!


I am hoping that my husband and I can get motivated together. We had a contest last year before our cruise and I stomped him!!!!! I really need to get it together. I have been TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM going to do better. JC will have afternoon session for 4k but I am praying that I will still get in a good workout routine without the other kids home. I want to lose 20-40 lbs by next Dec 2011. I know its managable but I just have to get to it.


Brooke maybe we could try you slapping me again??? Or Mrs C I think you may be the one that lives the closest to me so would you mind taking a really long jog and come here and slap me back to reality.:p

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Annette, yes I'm the closest to you so when I leave I'll let you know so you can expect me in about a week, lol! I saw your pictures from your last cruise and you look great! I know you can get back on track!


Brooke, I wonder if it was what you ate that made you throw up.

Once, I ate dinner, and literally like 30 minutes later, it all came back up. Then I felt horrible afterwards. And to top it off, it was shortly after we got home from being in Cinci, so it didn't feel the best on my throat. I am guessing it was from what I ate for dinner.


Welcome new peeps!!!

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There are new "faces" on the board - exciting stuff!


Welcome Amy! I can totally relate to having to lose an entire person. I always say that I need to lose the weight of my two sons (one is 80 lbs and the other is 36). I have lost the weight of a 2 year old so far! I read your blog and I laughed at your descriptions of your exercising and its after-effects. I have been there, but not for a very long time! Your new program sounds really great.


I have the hungry horrors right now. :eek: I thought if I would check in here, they would subside. The afternoon is so hard for me if I am home. When I am working, I never think about food.




I'm trying to find the fun in the situation, because right now my entire body hurts from the exercises. I know that means it's working - but dang it's bad. I'm going to try and update my blog everyday with my adventures, so we'll see how that goes. I did update this morning with my fun time at ZUMBA last night. :)


I have the food cravings everyday, and I can't wait for them to go away. It's not like we have a large selection of great restaurants in my tiny town, but I just really like all those foods that are bad for you. And to make matters worse, our state fair is held in my town - and it starts tomorrow! DH and I used to go just to hit our favorite food spots, so we will be skipping that this year.


I've heard that if you can do something for 21 days that it becomes a habit...well I sure hope so!

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I'm pretty sure if I mention everyones name I will forget one. But I am reading all the posts. Zumba sounds likes fun Carey I have never tried it. When you say you need to lose an entire person..it's true for me too although I could lose an entire overweight person!! :eek: It's awful for me to think about, but I'm try to stay positive.


Today outside my window at work I see a bunch of bikers and they have a tent setup for refreshments..watching them come in and out makes me want that bike even more.

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