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Just wanted to check back in again. Today is really hot outside. We are having a heat advisory because the heat index is over 100. Ugh. Good thing is, when it is so hot outside, sometimes I don't even want to eat. Anything hot, anyway. :) But I think I might go swimming after work to cool off. Or maybe just tread some water, etc. I'm not a very fast swimmer. :o


I have to get in 75 minutes of cardio this week, and so far all I've done is 35 minutes of an elliptical. I am going as fast as I can for one minute, then slow for one minute. My doctor told me this burns more fat. It's worth a try I guess. ;)


I have a bunch of tomatoes, jalepenos, and avocados, so I think I'm going to make salsa and some guacamole tonight. I know avacados can have a lot of calories, though, even though they are full of "healthy fat", so I'll have to watch it. We also have some grass-fed ground beef so I might make tacos tonight - maybe we can eat them as a salad instead of tacos to cut some calories.


Yesterday was a little bump - we stopped at an apple picking place and I shared an apple donut. SOO good. I can't wait until fall. Although I did buy a peck of tomatoes and some sweet cherries instead of an apple pie, etc. It was tempting though! I had a burger for dinner and only ate half. For my sides I had a salad and some baked cinnamon apples - I thought maybe that would cure my apple pie craving. :cool: Didn't get fries though! I guess it's the small changes!


Good luck everyone! Weekend coming up! :D

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Rachel - Stay out of the heat! :eek: For NH this summer has been pretty hot and humid too. I can say that this week as been more of a relief then other weeks this summer.


I wanted to come back and say that my mom made lunch for me today and it was tukey pastrami with cheese - she put it in a pan and heated it and then put it in a pita pocket. I added not even a teaspoon of mayo and mustard. It was very good!


Tonight I do have a lean cuisine meal that can be heated on the stove (tonight will be a more lazy night with cooking so I can relax).


I have cut out soda (none this week!) and sticking to water and I have the Sobe lifewater that I also bring to work.


Today I really wanted an iced coffee at dunkin donuts with the usual bagel but I didn't so that's a +. I have continued this week to journal and so far that has helped.


Thanks ladies (new and existing) for sharing your stories and everyday challenges. It's amazing how support can help you achieve your goals!

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Wow new people join everyday, I feel I cannot keep up. We've been busy at work lately and tonight I have a breather so far.


Good Luck to all - Hope this board helps motivate you.


Annette - the spa day was awesome. Yes I am leaving for my cruise on Sept 25th to Hawaii. I have been planning this cruise for almost 2 years now. Cannot believe it is almost here.


Brooke - love your 11 lb comment LOL -sometimes skinny people don't understand.

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Quick b/c I'll be in meetings and team building all day.


Gained a lb this week. But seeing how I made some bad choices and I haven't been counting my points the last couple of weeks, its not wonder, lol.


But today is my start over day, so I'm gonna do good next week!


Thanks you guys for all the support. You guys never fail to give off positive energy when I need it.:D


Good Choices

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Hi all,

Well, I weighed myself this morning, and I stayed exactly the same this week. Grrr. It's not a total surprise though. Although I've been really good on the exercise front, I did some random grazing this week of stuff that I shouldn't have. Just off the top of my head - I had a can of pop one day, an apple cider donut from a local apple picking place, 2 beers yesterday, some wine, a cupcake, a family-style lunch at an italian resturant for a bridal shower, etc. I think I need to start really keeping track and staying accountable, or else treats just somehow find their way into my mouth! :rolleyes:


I did make a tasty dinner last night and thought I would share. It was tacos but with lots of extra veggies snuck in. I cooked up some grass-fed ground beef, then took it out of the pan. In the little bit of fat left in the pan, I cooked some onion and green pepper and a carrot chopped up small (I had it leftover and wanted to use it up ;)). Then I added a can of rinsed black beans and let them cook for awhile, then smashed them up with a potato masher. Then I added half the meat back in, with taco seasoning, etc. I will save the other half of the meat to add to marinara sauce with lots more veggies or something. I like to cut out some of the meat and sneak veggies/beans in, totally filling with lots of protein and fiber too.


I also made fresh tomato salsa and added some sweet corn we got from the farmer. We added lots of that to our tacos... and a little bit of mashed up avocado with some lime juice, salt, garlic, and pepper in it instead of sour cream.


I found organic corn taco shells from Trader Joe's - they are only 160 calories (I think) for 2, and that was what I had. Oops but then the mexican beer with a lime probably ruined some of my healthiness, but it was really hot out and a long day at work, and I wanted something refreshing to sip... Could of been worse I guess, at least it wasn't a margarita.


I try to cook at home a lot, not just for calories but also to save money. For comparison if I had gone out to a mexican restaurant I definitely wouldn't have gotten the extra veggies, and there would have been chips and salsa (a weakness of mine) and lots of cheese to deal with. I also definitely would have ordered a high-cal margarita instead of a beer so... I guess that's a step in the right direction.


My goal for this week is to write down my calories, whether it is on spark people or fitday or just on a pad of paper. Will report back - hopefully it will help make a difference.


Have a great weekend all!!!

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Haha, my husband kind of gave me a weird look (like this :confused:) when I was chopping the carrot up, and I told him he wouldn't even notice it because it would be really small pieces. With all the extra salsa, etc. it was ok, plus I let it cook for awhile so it softened. Luckily he will eat whatever I make him. :p

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Morning ladies!!:) Today is the kids first day of school. They got up way to early and Natalie is already getting hyped up.:mad: I hope the excitement wears off a little bit and she can settle down.


I am going to start doing some workouts today. My goal right now is just 30 mins everyday. I am going to start walking later on in the year but not right now. Hopefully the routine with school will help me get on a schedule myself. Lord knows I need it something awful:(.


Have a good day and be safe.

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Well, I had a major setback on Saturday. My husband's friend was in town, so we hung out with him all day. I didn't get my exercise in and I hate HORRIBLY. I had lots of wine and beer and a pulled chicken sandwich out at restaurant - WITH fries. :mad:


However, yesterday I woke up and didn't want to be too down on myself so I wrote down everything I ate the day before and worked out. I also went shopping for a new dress to wear to a wedding we are going to on Labor Day. It's cute but just slightly snug so my goal is to drop at least a few pounds by then so that I am more confident in it. I tried on at least 20-25 dresses at 3 different stores!


By the time I got home, worked out, and did some laundry it was like 9 p.m. and I was starving. I started making some potatoes so that I could make some mashed to have with some leftover pork... but then I was so hungry I just didn't want to wait for them to cook so I had a bowl of cereal. :o I make the mashed potatoes but just put them in the fridge to have for later this week.

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I know i've been doing it a lot lately, but quick check in.


We are doing "musical offices" again. Thank God I dont' have to move again, but my boss and co-workers are moving up to me, so I'm helping them move stuff. I think I will need my chiro this week.


You guys are doing great.......just remember...you only fail if you give up.

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Afternoon Ladies.


Well I can say I didn't do so well this weekend...especially saturday night when we hung out around the fire and had smores which I hadn't had in a few years. We got pizza at our local italian place on Friday and went out to breakfast on Sunday :eek: Now I feel more awful about it now that I typed it out. I really didn't do much this weekend. Mom and I went to some yard sales on Saturday and I found a few really old books and poems and they are awesome and got 4 of them for $5..some were as old as from the 1800's and in great condition! My parents had gotten up early that morning and went to a few yard sales and one of them they hit was a guy who claimed he was a millionaire and just recently lost everything and has too forclose on his "emergency home". My grandfather bought a 61 inch tv for $400, the guy said he paid $2600 for it. I went to the house later to help with the tv and this guy likes to talk. LOL he was into medicine and herbs and recommends goat milk..so we were thinking about ordering the powder stuff he was talking about.


He has two round cherry end tables with a drawer in excellent condition only asking for $25 for each so I think I'm going to call him back and pick them up..they would like nice in my apartment.


The other great thing my mom found was a excercise bike. It's the kind you sit down and has the back to it..looked brand new and the guy said he only used it a couple times...she paid $5.00!! :eek: The wife was not happy, but hey he marked the price for it and told her $5 bucks. lol


I tried it and it works great, it will also be good for my mom's knee which she also goes to physical therapy for.


Good relaxing kind of weekend, our small garden is growing vegtables really fast so we are excited about that and I'm thinking of hitting a farmers market on Saturday if I can find one to get some local fresh produce

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Misery loves company and I am miserable about the food that I consumed yesterday. My son had an event at our AAA baseball team stadium yesterday. We were there for 7 hours between the event and then staying for the game. In that 7 hours, I ate 2 hot dogs, a bag of chips, lemonade and big dish of ice cream. We then went out for dinner where I had chicken, pasta and salad. I got on the scale this morning and gained 2 lbs. I deserved it!


But, I was super good so far today! I may have to have an Italian ice later, but that's it. I am proud that I did not throw in the towel as I normally did. In reality, in the whole scope of things, I would have normally eaten a LOT more than what I did eat yesterday. So, I am still ahead of the game! :rolleyes:


Kim #2

Edited by cruisingagaininnov2008
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Brooke, I can't believe you are moving office again... is it making your back hurt? You mentioned the Chiro. Hope you feel better soon!


Kim #2, I totally understand... it's so hard when you are out all day and have to rely on food choices that may not be so great. I know everyone says to pack stuff, but we all know that doesn't always happen. You 2 pounds might just be from sodium from the chips, etc. It makes you hold onto water so hopefully it's not "real" weight. It may have been more food than normal, but it wasn't THAT much. Hang in there. Good for you for not throwing in the towel.


You know I was upset with myself on Sunday from my Saturday splurge. I went up 1.8 pounds from it. But I hung in there Sunday and yesterday, and now I am back down that plus an additional 0.8! (I know we are not supposed to weigh everyday, but I do to keep accountable. I usually just report the weekly number though).


Jess, wow! What a lot of great deals!!! That's awesome. The bike will be great once winter comes, too. The furniture sounds lovely. Did you find a farmer's market? We have one, but it's just on Saturdays.


RAR, I'm sorry I forgot your real name. I have a bad memory. :o Good job on the workouts. I can't believe it is school time already!


Have a great day ladies! I'm off to track what I ate last night for dinner. I made marinara with some farm fresh tomatoes. Not sure how to track it, so I might put it into a recipe builder on Spark people. I lam tracking on fitday, though. I like that it tells me all my nutrition and if I'm getting the vitamins I need, etc. So far I am getting most of my calories from carbs, with fat in second place. I really need to work on getting more protein.

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Hey guys,


Late again today.


My boss came back today, her finance's dad died last Friday, so she is still dealing with that.




I'm not moving again, Thank GOD! But my boss and another co-worker are moving upstairs to us and then my other co-worker had to move over an office. So I was helping empty these offices upstairs so we could get them moved up. It was a good workout though.




I have a recumbent bike too. My chiro says they are good for cardio and don't hurt your knees, and back as bad as the reg. ones.




Just a little at a time. My trainer says ppl try and overdo it at step one and then they just hurt themsleves or leave no where to go. Good Job.


Gosh, who am I forgetting..........so many people now!


I have my trainer workout today, so I should feel nice and sore again tomr, lol. I'm making better food choices, but not the best. I still have to work on getting back to my journal, but I'm getting better at remembering my points in my head again. My job is getting a little less stressful, for NOW. I'll keep you updated on "As the Office Turns."


For now, I have to go see my boss and update her on a few things.


Good Choices.

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My baseball game weight is gone, plus a pound. (up to 29 lbs :)) I do agree that it may have just been the sodium. It is so hard to stay on track when you are out and about. In this instance, that was the ONLY choice of food - hot dogs and chips. It was a freebie lunch so of course that somehow gives you permission to also eat more.


I think I am at the 90 day mark. 21 lbs in 90 days is certainly an attainable goal!! I have a busy couple of weeks coming up - a party, a girls night out, back to school, a trip to Newport, RI. Lots of temptations I am sure, but I need to make good choices!!

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Hi girls


I haven't been feeling myself lately, I don't know if it's because I haven't had my med's in a few days or what. My best friend got married on Satuday and although I'm happy for her I'm feeling a bit down on my own personal life. :( It's hard to be struggling with so much and see everyone around be so happy and moving forward with their own lives. Brooke you might understand just as well as me what I mean.


I'm trying to really keep focused and stay positive but it is very hard right now.


I did make the chicken cakes last night. It was pretty good and just finished the rest for lunch today. If you want the recipe I can post it here.


Tonight I have to run errands after work..by the time I get home to have dinner it will be time for bed. uhhh life, I miss being a kid when things were so simple and less complicated. lol

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Chicken cakes? I don't know what they are, but they sound great! Yes, please post the recipe.


I am sorry that you are feeling down. We all have periods like that. I went through a very similar time in my life. Basically all my friends were getting married and having babies. I got really tired of going to the weddings, showers and often pretending to be happy for then. I was miserable and without a supportive person in my life. It took me a long time to find someone who truly cared about me despite my size. But, in the meantime, I did manage to do a lot of things my already-married friends could not - travel, go out whenever I wanted, plunge into my career. I got married at 31 and had my first son at 33 and my second son at 37.


Right now, you are taking care of yourself and that is what is important! ;)

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I originally came on here to post a small victory today... someone came over to my desk at work and wafted fresh croissants, muffins, and bagels under my nose, asking if I wanted one (they were leftover from a breakfast meeting). I successfully turned them down, saying I had fresh home-made much healthier blueberry oat muffins at home to eat up (which was true). The smell was quite tempting though! I usually would have been all over that (free food!)


But it's almost time to go home, I have to work out tonight before some friends come over. Yay!


Anyway, when I came on here I saw more posts from other people too. Jess I totally understand what you are feeling too... I think many of us have felt like that in the past. Hang in there!! Also, I am interested in chicken cakes, are they like crab cakes?

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Wow, haven't said that in a while.




I do know what you are saying. Its crap when all your friends are at least in a happy relationship. I play the part of the bitter single friend fairly well most of the time, but then I realize there are things I can do that they can't. When you are married you get responsibilities that single ppl don't. You may get 2x the income coming in, but you have at least that much going out too. Then add kids in the mix and it isn't even about you and your spouse anymore, its about the kids. Still, it'd be nice to have someone to share things with. It'd be nice not to have to beg my single friends or try to pry my dating friends away from their spouses for a cruise.


I really Really Really, have to start logging my food again. Its just that I just don't remember to do it. It got out of routine and now Its gonna be hard to put it back in.


Workout last night, now chiro today and workout again tomr.


Good Choices

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I was on here yesterday and posted it must have went to la la land.


Brooke I agree I need to get back into a routine and jot things down like we used to. I've got out of the habit by being lazy and packing the pounds back on and feel miserable. I guess with the new school year beginning means I should start over too.


Jess- sorry you are so miserable.


Thanks girls for all the positives, just being lazy and figuring out my life. It has been so stressful lately.

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The Chiro said I was jut a little out of wack, but then he popped my ear......it was the weirdness thing EVER! But I don't think it helped. I still feel foggy in that ear. I can't figure out what is wrong, but it doesn't hurt too bad, so I don't want to go to the dr. for it.




That's what I did or trying to do. Just start fresh. I started my weight over, my weigh day over........now I just gotta get the good habits to follow. I have to get on a plane at the end of Oct. so I want to be a little smaller. I think 5lbs isn't too much to ask by the end of Oct.


I forgot to go back a page and look at what people said......argh.




How is Brittany? Is she back to normal?




Did you go back and get those tables?




Congrats on the new Nephew!




OMG........I'm so confused right now............




I'm so glad you joined us.......you have some good advice and positive energy.




I haven't made it to your blog yet, but then again.......I haven't seen my own blog in a month.


Workout with the trainer tonight.


Good Choices.

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Morning everyone. Taking the easy way out and saying ditto to everything Brooke said. She's so smart.



Brittany's arm is fine but has been diagnoised with a TMJ disorder and we are having trouble with getting a dr because the insurance no longer covers anything for a TMJ disorder. Who decided that a child in pain has to deal with it because they don't want to cover it. It's not plastic surgury or anything. Seems stupid to me but I have a feeling its going to get a lot worse. I think soda and sugar are bad for you but I think it is against our freedom to have an pay a special tax for them. They have not started that in my state but I am sure it will get around to everyone. One day you will probably have to pay a special tax on going to the bathroom. Sorry just a little rant because I am frustrated about the stupidity of them not covering something that is painful for a child but we have tax money going to a study about monkeys on crack???? Who cares it's an illegal drug if you break the law and use it find out on your on dime what will happen to you.


Richard and I have talked about maybe getting some chickens and raising them for eggs but that will be a while before we make that move.


Have a great day everyone.

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Annette, sorry to hear about the TMJ treatment, that is so frustrating on so many levels. :( I'm really sorry. On an unrelated note, at the end of your post, you mentioned getting chickens. That would be really awesome, especially with the recent recall in the news about egg safety. You would really know where your food was coming from! We could eggs through our CSA farmer, a dozen each week or every other week. I think we will definitely sign up for them next year. I like to hard boil a bunch to have with a quick breakfast or in salads for some protein.


Brooke, thank you for the welcoming words. How on earth did your Chiro pop your ear? I always have trouble with the changing air pressure on airplanes and have to keep chewing gum. I think tracking your food intake will help alot. I've been doing it for free on fitday.com, but I think I might switch to Sparkpeople because they seem to have more foods pre-entered and a nice calorie calculator for recipes. The only problem is, I think sparkpeople looks more suspicious when I have it up at work, with all the ads and stuff. :p Fitday is more "clean" looking so I can log on really quickly to input food without people noticing. :o However, I've been logging my food for almost a week now, and it is interesting to look back onto everything I ate and what I should try to cut back on. For me, it's sweets, chips at lunch, and wine! I can't believe how many calories I was typically getting from wine. It all really adds up. :cool:


Anyway, I weigh in on Fridays so I will post my weight tomorrow. I think it's been a good week so fingers crossed (after not losing anything last week). I always weigh in first thing in the morning, after going to the bathroom but right before I take a shower (no clothes on). It's the best way for me to make sure my clothes/etc. aren't skewing my results.

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I hate insurance companies. My Dr. office used my old group number, but filed with my new insurance, so I got a bill for $350 from the lab work. So, I had to do the calling and fixing. Its so silly, ppl deserve to be healthy.........it def. is a right.




I wrote on your wall........but congrats on passing the audit. They have those around here too, but I don't have to deal with them.




Umm, he grabbed my ear on the inside and out and yanked it. I head a cartledge like popping sound and it was over. I dont think it helped, but it could take a few days to drain my ear, we will see.


Today is weight and................320.8. Yay........I'm doing some things good apparently. Now, 1 more lb this month and I'll be on target for my weight loss.


good choices and good weekend.

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