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Hi Ladies! (and any secret guys checking in)lol


Isn't it so neat to see that we can all be having the same feelings when we all have such different lifes? I think that is neat.


Well so far so good the last few days with the dieting. I have not managed to get real exercise in but I have been doing a lot of running around, cleaning, moving furniture so I think I probably burned some calories. I do not feel as bloated and miserable so that is a plus and I have managed to turn down many foods that I normally would love to have. I know that the holidays are going to be hard but I am going to try and stick to making good choices (thanks Brooke). I already know that I am going to be the one to make the pumpkin pies and I do plan on doing that with some of the fat free choices. I am not going to tell the others and they will never know. LOL Throwing a shower this weekend but its with a bunch of people I don't know and I am going to be helping Brittany "host" clean etc co I think it will not be that hard to skip the party food.


Brittany is turning 15 Sat.:eek: No cake though because she is going to be going to a lock in on Friday night and then we will have some cake at the shower.


Gotta run ladies the laundry needs to be folded and I am going to do that before I go pick up JC.

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Morning ladies


I'm in a funk this week with my body and I'm not sure why. I haven't been craving the foods I normally do but I eat them anyway out of habit. :confused:

Then I wasn't hungry at all last night and almost drank a half gallon of iced tea. :confused: Really weird for me. Anyway I haven't been to kickboxing this week yet either. Sometimes I feel like it's only ok to eat whatever when I'm not excercising. Weird thought because I know it's not suppose to be like that. I have been running out on groceries too and need to think up some recipes. Brooke I think I'm going to incorporate your idea for next week and think up some good healthy recipes and stick to getting up early or staying up a little late to fix them or even prepare them ahead of time so I don't have to fuss with it.

I was very proud when I lost 3lbs a few weeks ago and I only made what seemed like a small change. I ate less (especially for dinner and I didn't snack before bed), incorporated a little more veggies in my meals and excercised hard oh and I got good sleep. It made me feel more energised and actually didn't feel so out of breath that week when doing kickboxing. So I need to get into that mind set I had that week. Something was working there and I still ate what I liked just tweaked it a little.


Small changes can make big suprises...just have to stick too it. :D


Good work ladies! Have a great day!

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Hey ladies. Sorry I haven't been on today. I'm sick with a sore throat and fever... :( Yuck. The only good thing I can see about this is that I have no appetite..... but, this isn't exactly the way I wanted to lose weight. :P


Hope you all are doing well! I'll post more when I start feeling better.

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Hey ladies. Sorry I haven't been on today. I'm sick with a sore throat and fever... :( Yuck. The only good thing I can see about this is that I have no appetite..... but, this isn't exactly the way I wanted to lose weight. :P


Hope you all are doing well! I'll post more when I start feeling better.



Hope you feel better soon! I also can not remember your name. LOL



Yesterday was yuck and today it seems the hits keep coming but I haven't went to any of my comfort foods:) I am going to just keep saying Jesus Jesus Jesus because I know that at the mention of His name the enemies will have to leave.


Hope everyone has a great day!

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Ashley I hope you feel better soon!!


Went to kickboxing last night. Can't go tonight because I am having company over and have to pick my place up, clean and do other things before the weekend comes.


Not much else to say except sitting at my desk in this office makes me feel fatter. I wish I was walking around more, instead I literally sit at my desk for 4 hours at a time, then get 1 hour lunch and another 4 hours at my desk. I have to ask someone to come down and take my place if I have to go to the bathroom. It's not just the sitting though, this chair sits low and I can feel my stomach touching the desk and I HATE that feeling. I just want to rip my stomach off. lol


Have a good day everyone!

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Its a war isn't it.




I know the feeling. If it wasn't for going up and down the stairs for bathroom breaks I would sit pretty much all day. Yea, my keyboard pulls out and hits my stomach first, bleh.


I nixed exercise last night to give my knee some rest and I'm going back to the chiro tomr. to make sure its healing. I'll have to make it up this week sometime.


Going to see HP at midnight tonight, I will have to take a nap when I get home, lol. I'm too old not to now. Then I'll take off to see the grandparents for a night. Nervous about driving by myself for the first time to my grandparents, mainly b/c of the backroads. I'll get there though.


Back to the grind.


Good Choices.

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How far is the drive Brooke?


My grandparents live an hour and a half away and it's all backroads too.


Well Matt (the guy I've been seeing) wants to go see the new HP..except I told him I haven't seen HP before. :eek: I wanted to watch HP in the past but wanted to start from the first movie and go in order. Well he wont go with me if I don't watch the other ones. So the past two nights I've been trying to watch a HP movie. I thought I could watch 2 in one night but they are long movies. lol The movie places were closed so I couldn't rent them on monday or tuesday and I was like whatever I'll just go to Walmart and buy the movies. I bought 2. I will probably try to hit the movie rental store after work to get the others. I don't know if I will be able to finish the other 4 movies before Saturday (when we planned on going). LOL


Let me know how you like it Brooke!

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Thanks for the get better wishes, ladies :) Unfortunately, I still feel really yuck and had to call in sick to work today (have a fever).... and it's a terrible time to get sick as work is REALLY busy right now. Speaking of work, I was thinking this the other day. What kind of work do you ladies do? I'm in social work... I work for an agency that is a child abuse/neglect prevention program. I go into the homes on a weekly basis and ensure that the mom/baby are bonding and safe.... It's rewarding, but draining. I've been doing this for 4 years. My degree is in Psychology/Sociology.. however, I am going to start on Master's in January for Elementary Education to get into the school system. Emough about me- what do you ladies do?!?



It's okay you forgot my name. :) It's Ashley. It sounds like you did remember the most important name of all though.... Jesus. There really is no sweeter name that I know. :)



Drive safe to your grandparents!! How far away are they?? Enjoy your movie! I haven't gotten into the HP movies.... I've never watched any. But everyone says they are addictive. :)



You are having quite the movie marathon!! haha. Are you enjoying the movies so far?? How long have you been dating this guy? Wish you the best :)


Have a WONDERFUL day, ladies!!!! Remember that you are WORTH it!

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You are having quite the movie marathon!! haha. Are you enjoying the movies so far?? How long have you been dating this guy? Wish you the best :)




Yeah they are pretty good. I've seen bits and pieces before so I had an idea what kind of movies they are.

I've only been seeing him for about a month and taking it slow as friends right now. :)

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That's cool, Jess! I actually like alot of those fantasy type movies... (Lord of the Rings, Twlight, etc...) but just never did get around to seeing HP!


That's exciting about you and your friend :) It's nice to have someone at the end of the day that you can call. Taking things slow is always best... as is being friends first :) At least that was the case in my relationship with my now husband. As I said before, wish you the best!!!

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Ashley- Sorry I forgot your name and hopefully it won't happen again. lol


Brooke- Drive carefully and enjoy your grandparents,. I am really missing mine right now. I was in such a mood yesterday that I just drove to the cemetary and had a good cry. The holidays will be rough but I know they are hard for my Mom and her sibings too.


Jess- Good luck with the manfriend. LOL I can not imagine trying to watch all the movies at the same time. My husband took Brittany and a couple friends to meet a boy at the movies with his friends and since she can't really date he stayed at the movies. It was onbe of the HP (by the way it took me a while to figure out what you were talking about and realize it was not a computer:o) It was one of the HP movies that came out in the summer of 2009 and he was miserable. He kept going out the theater and playing games or calling me to tell me how much he hated the movie. He is not into those kind of movies but I can get him to watch "chick flicks" with me so I am going to keep him.


Today was another rough one. I could sit and list all my gripes but I won't but I will say how much having the children on medicaid aggrevates me. I am thankful that they have coverage because I haven't in like 4 years. BUt they make me so mad. First I find out that Brittany has a TMJ disorder this was the very same day that she was realeasd from the doctor after her shoulder surgury. Well I start calling around to find a dr that a)takes medicaid and b)handles TMJ I finally reach someone who tells me that medicaid will no longer cover anything dealing with TMJ so not I have to watch my child be in pain because we can not afford the large fee for a dr to help her. That is not fun and now she has developed migraines and I can't help but think they are related. 2) Natalie's dr changed her medicines and she had a 2 week sample kit that built up to the milligram that she needed. I called the dr we talked about what to keep her on and then they were going to call in the meds. This was on Tuesday. Yesterday afternoon I call the pharmacy and they tell me they don't have anything for Natalie. Fine she would just not get her meds this morning I would call the dr today and all will be well. I call talk to a young lady who said she would check into it. Calls me back to tell me that Medicaid is denying the med until the dr shows them that it is needed. That really makes me mad. They said it could take weeks before they decide so now Natalie is off all meds and she is very hyped up. It just makes me mad that someone in an office that most likely doesn't have medical training can decide what my child needs without see her. I am trying to remember to be grateful but today has really put me in a mood.


My honey had to make a trip tp MD and will get home late tonight and I am really looking forward to his hug when he gets home.

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Hope everyone had a great weekend. I did fairly well, no getting lost and I enjoyed the time alone with my grandparents. I did splurge on food though, but tried to keep up with my calories at least. Back to planning things out this week. Although, I'm kinda giving up on Thanksgiving. I know I always make plans to do "this" or "that" and then the food and family get there and its all down hill. Hopefully, since we are going out for Thanksgiving this year then I can't cont. go back all day to get food. Then flop down for a nap, lol.


I do have the menu, so I know what I like and what I will want to eat, so maybe just that will be enough. Its kinda a fancy eating place, so if they "dress" the food up too much I won't eat it anyway.


Oh, weigh in day. 317.6 this morning. That's not a loss, but not a gain either. And switching my diet so drastically in the last two weeks I think I will def. take that as a win.


With my knee giving me problems I couldn't exercise last week, but I think I can get back to it this week if I don't go over board. So I will use the bike so to keep the weight off my knee. That should help the weightloss along a bit.


Here is hoping for the best.


Good choices.

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I am (sadly) back from my cruise, but we had a wonderful time. We are already looking to book another one (yes, the same theme!) for next year. I gained 3 lbs this week, more than likely due to alchohol consumption! I did not go overboard (no pun intended) with the food. All of my new cute cruise clothes fit and I had a lot more confidence. I just have to get back on the right track and continue my weight loss voyage.


We were on the Destiny - which is an older ship, but it is fine for me. The staff are great! We had our first balcony cabin. I can't go back from that!! It was so nice to have to fresh air and to have your own private sailaway parties as we left each port.


We had stops in:

Nassau where we had a beach party excursion (a Rick Springfield party) at the British Colonial Hilton.


Half Moon Cay - the most unbelievable beach I have ever been to


Grand Turk - another beachy stop


Our on-board schedule was full with Rick Springfield events and late nights, so we really took it easy at the ports.


I did do the water slide on the ship!! So much fun!! Just climbing the many steps up there was great exercise.


I will have to read through to see how everyone is doing, but I hope well.



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Kim- Glad that you had a great time! Welcome back.


Brooke-It's always fun to hang out with the Grandparents. I know I miss mine. I have 1 grandparent left and don't really get to hang out with her much because my uncles or either on drugs or alcholics and whenever we go over their are tons of people that we don't know, enough smoke to kill us all, it's almost like a fog in there. I hate that things aren't different but there is not much we can do. We did take a box of food and a turkey over there for them to cook for Thanksgiving.


Jess- How are things going this week? I hope you are feeling better.


What is everone's plans for Thanksgiving? We are going to go down to the firestation and serve meals to the needy for a couple hours then we are having dinner at my Mom's. There is some family drama this year so if you would pray that everything goes peacefully it would be great.


I have not had a coke in over a week. I worked out for the 3rd morning in a row and have been making good choices this last week. It feels nice just saying that. I am still planning to be strong on Thanksgiving and on Friday its right back to my normal routine.


Have a great day!:D

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Kim-WELCOME BACK! 3lbs is ALL! You did great, most people gain 5-7lbs, so you are doing better than the average. Once you get back to more normal eating (and drinking :o) the 3lbs will be off in a week.




That's wonderful that you volunteer on Thanksgiving. We are going out for Thanksgiving, but Christmas we plan to get some gifts for older people at the nursing home in our area. You are doing great btw. Its the little things right? I have seemed to pick up your coke habit. I got addicted to the caff. again during that carb diet thingy, I'm trying to wing back down, but so far I'm only doing like 2 coke zeros a day and not on the weekends




I hope you are having a good week!


Last work day of the week for me...........


Good Choices and Happy Thanksgiving!

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Good Morning everyone. Today we start the chore of cleaning out the kids rooms:eek: I pray to have a very very productive day so that we will have all this behind us. I keep telling Brittany we have to start with a good attitude or it will just make it worse.


Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving! Please no one get attacked in the black Friday shopping trips. I do not plan to be apart of it:cool:

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Hello Everyone


I had a very bad weekend (family trouble) and didn't sleep at all. I literally was up for over 24 hours straight. :( Sunday wasn't great either and Monday I had the day off from work (thank god I did too) so I could go to the dentist and 2 doctors appointments, I was drilled, poked and proded all day. Doctors said I didn't look good so she gave me antibiotics just in case I was feeling worse. I went to bed early Monday but woke up with a migraine yesterday and feeling like I was half dead. Went to work and was falling asleep and vomitting. Went to my parents house and slept for 8 hours straight until dinner. Got my antibiotics and feeling much better today.

I don't know if stress made me sick or what. But my doctor recommened I give personal counseling another try, especially after the traumatic weekend I just had. :( My grandfather was just released from the hospital and thankgoodness they finally ruled out cancer as they thought he had it. But he's gone way down hill from working part time to not even being able to get dressed all in a week. The doctors did blood work and scans and couldn't figure out what's wrong with him..guess it's just old age? Seems kind of sudden to be able to do everything for yourself one day and work and they next day your having accidents in your pants and not being able to get off the chair or get dressed. So tomorrow we are all going to my grandparents to have Thanksgiving there.


Hope everyone else is doing well and has a great Thanksgiving.

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Hey ladies! I have not forgotten about you all... It's been a busy few days and I've been battling some kind of respiratory infection... yuck. Thankfully, I am starting to feel much better. My family celebrated Thanksgiving over the weekend since everyone spreads out on Thanksgiving Day (in Virginia and North Carolina). However, it's my mom's birthday tomorow as well as Thanksgiving, so we will be taking her out for dinner and just enjoying each other's company.


Brooke- Glad you had fun at your grandparent's. That's awesome that you haven't gained any from switching diets!


Cruisingagain- I haven't had a chance to meet you, but hi! My name is Ashley. Glad you enjoyed your cruise :) I've never been on one... but my husband and I are doing our research before booking our first! I'm excited.


Annette- That is so awesome of you volunteering on Thanksgiving Day! What a great way to show God's love.


Jess- I am so sorry you had a rough weekend and week.... I hope things start turning around for you really soon.


Have a VERY Happy Thanksgiving ladies!!!!!

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Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. We have been cleaning like crazy to get the kids room and the clothes out of the attic. :eek: Not fun at all but it is almost complete. I just wanted to check in real quick and say hey.


I didn't do as good as I wanted but overall I still did pretty good with the foods around me. I also did my workout every morning!:D

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Ashley - Thanks, it has gotten better! ;)


Annette- Hi! Great job keeping your workouts in!


Brooke - I voted for the black and white swimsuit. Also your work outfits are really stylish and they flatter you!


I had a very good thanksgiving and really didn't do much black friday shopping because we'll I have no money. Guess that's what happens when you get your own place and you get a huge phone bill. :rolleyes: I have been getting creative though and trying to make my own gifts. At least it's from the heart that counts. :)

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I'm glad someone is getting a workout in..........so annoying with my knee lately.




Thanks! The black and white is so less expensive, but at this point I don't know if I can get either...........stupid bills. So I feel your pain.




I weighed this morning, reluctantly, I think I was 317.4 or something last time and I'm 318 flat this time. So I guess that isn't bad for practically an entire weekend of massive food amounts.


I did my meal plan though today and I will have to find time to plan the rest of the week out. Mother Nature is about a week away and I hope she is nice to me. Mom told me the other day I should go off my pills b/c they can keep weight on........BAH! They also give me 3months in row without cravings and hormone going crazy. Ummm, I think I'll stick with them.


Question for you guys? My website tells me to eat between 1560-1910 calories a day. Do you think it's wise to plan to eat up to the most (I leave about 50-100 calories for wiggle room and wrong amounts) or to just put in what you know you will eat and add more if you need it? I want my body to get used to less calories, I don't want it to get used to 1850 and want to stay there. I eventually want to be on the lower end. What do you think?

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Brooke - If you want to get serious about counting calories, I wouldn't eat up to the highest amount they tell you. I weight about 67lbs more then you and my nutritionist tells me too eat between 1200-1500 calories a day...granted I haven't seen her in awhile and really I haven't been getting serious about it. You know what's best for you. Either way it's not easy that's for sure!


I also am taking the pill but starting this week (cause I have mother nature) I am going to be getting the shots instead. I am not good at taking my pills on schedule (I forget sometimes) so this will just be easier for me. You get the shot once every 3 months and no mother nature..Also you do have a risk of gaining weight but my doctor said it's only a handful of people out of hundreds who actually end up gaining weight.

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Brooke did you see where weight watchers is changing up some of their points esp on things like fruits and veggies? Sounds interesting! Your cruise is coming up soon!


Jess- I hope things have settled down for you and your family. I know what you mean about stress with family. This is a strange year to say the least.


Kimmers- Where you at girl???


Ashley- Are you feeling better? I know some around hear are keeping this junk for a while.


Kim- Are you back in the swing of reality or does your mind still seem to dream of the ship?

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