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Cruising to Healthy


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Soooo............okay I went back to WW. It was a MUST. I think I have the exercise down. Exercise doesn't bother me. But my food intake is out of control. I don't think its so much eating bad foods as it is eating too much of food. WW for some reason seems to help me control that, at least for a time. I signed up this morning after the scale said:




10lbs gained back since I lost the 32lbs. I'd probably be fine if I wasn't losing, but gaining back is not an option. I'm praying this will work. If fact I did pray about it last night and when I saw the scale I knew it was a sign. The WW system has changed, but I think I like it. From what I know about nutrition and the way they explain it.....they don't actually count calories into their formula. What they are doing is giving you lower points for foods that are higher in protein and fiber, lower in fat and non complex carbs. So, they are essentially encouraging you to eat filling foods with better nutrients. Of course all fruits are 0 points now and "most" vegetables. The point values have changed too.......they have increased things a bit, but I guess its b/c they changed the formula. Its a 3 month online membership. I want to know what I can do in 3 months and if I can do well, then I'll go for another 3 months...........then I'll take a break for about 3 months......and probably go back. I think I just have to keep re-starting my motivation and system.


My aunt really motivated me. She told us this weekend how her dr. is all over her to change and even suggesting surgery, but I still saw her fill her 72oz cup up with diet soda. I mean I stuffed my mouth this past weekend, but I KNEW I was doing it. She was talking to me about it and had we not been interrupted every time I tried to talk to her I might have helped her. But that's what happens when you are caring for a bed ridden mother and a house full of people :D. Anyway, her complaint was they wanted her to give up so much stuff at one time. She just didn't have the mind or willpower to think about all the stuff she had to give up. Sugar, soda, low calorie, low fat, add in exercise (she works two jobs and her husband is no help at home though he is disabled (ms)) , lower salt........etc.


I know how she feels being overwhelmed with so many aspects of nutrition. I think this is why so many people turn to diet programs. Diet programs give you a structure to follow and take away a lot of the "thinking" part of it. Just like I said........WW is basically giving me a healthy diet plan without me having to think......okay......I need high protein, high fiber, low fat, low carb and low calories.............they do that thinking for me by saying: "This has lower points........


I'm hoping they will send me one of those cards "for a friend." I will send it to my aunt and try not to offend her by doing so.


BK-2 oz of dried oatmeal with 1/2 cup of 1% milk


Extra-Sugar free stride gum


Snack-Banana (E-Eaten), apple, orange


L-4 oz slice of ham, 1/2 cup of green beans, 1 cup of corn


D-Mom said we had to filter out all the food we prepared over the weekend. Hmmmmm.


The gym was closed yesterday....well it didn't open til 7pm. That's a little late for me to be waiting. I went home. Today it should be open b/c students are back for a week of exams, so I'll go in today. Zumba is tomr. and then I'll do Thursday too.


Good choices.




Okay, I'm frustrated. This is so silly. I'm not losing weight at all. I stayed the same this week. I did over indulge, I exercised.....I should be seeing results. I've got these thoughts:


1. I'm seriously messing up WW and don't know it


2. WW's new program doesn't work for me


3. I'm not exercising enough


4. I don't think so, but maybe this Zija is having a adverse effect on my diet


I don't know. I just don't know. I know people will say, "stop eating fast food." That makes me so mad. I'm eating within the points system of WW and the whole thing is that if I do that I SHOULD lose weight. Just like that lady who went on the McDonalds diet to counter Super Size Me and lost weight. It was about calorie intake. She chose salads, fruit, smaller portions and lost weight. I don't understand why I'm following the protocol and I'm not losing. I have one more month on WW and if I'm not seeing results I'm quitting. I'm not paying for something that is NOT working. I will just go back to Sparkpeople and try to count calories again.


This is sooooooooooo silly and I thought my stress was over for the week b/c I got the proposal done (at the last min.), but this is NOT helping.


Good Choices



I know that, in the past, people have come onto your thread and tried to talk with you... and you rejected their input and/or advice...


I've been reading your posts, on occasion, and I just feel like "popping in" and talking with you a little bit. I'm not an expert on nutrition... and I'm not an expert on WW... but I do quite a bit of research and I know that I've done some things in my past that have worked for me.


One of the things that I did was to really watch my sugar intake. I'm not talking about the "white" stuff or the "brown" stuff that you can sprinkle over your oatmeal in the morning. I'm talking about the sugar in gms that are put into a lot of things that we're unaware of... ketchup, YOGURT (a big sugar hit), MILK (huge sugar hit), mustard... just things that you don't normally associate with sugar. When I did this, it became easier for me to lose weight.


I was surprised when I saw your sentence that WW lets you have all the fruit that you want, because fruit is loaded with sugar. It might be "natural" sugar... but it's one of the sugars that you really need to watch in order to lose weight.


I was talking to someone in my Zumba class this morning. She said that she was on WW. I said that I was surprised that the new WW point system let you have all the fruit that you wanted. She said that I was misinformed.... fruit is a huge point hit... it's vegetables that are almost "free" because they are only 1 point.


So, based upon her comment, maybe you should take a look at the instructions again, Brooke, and see whether fruit is, in fact, the 0 points that you think it is. Because you seem to really enjoy eating quite a bit of fruit, and that might be one of the issues that is holding you back from the weight loss that you want and deserve.


I'm not trying to be a butt-insky. I'm really just trying to give some information to you that was provided to me. I hope this might help you.

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I am not trying to but in either, but I was curious about what you just said so I googled the WW website and found this interesting bit of info:

<<<How much 0 PointsPlus values fruit is too much?

We’ll say it again: Yes, fruits and vegetables aren’t magically calorie-free just by dint of us making most of them free of PointsPlus values. We took this step to encourage people to eat more fruits and vegetables; foods that are nutritious, satisfying and help to encourage you to make healthy, lasting choices that will lead to weight loss.

If you’re concerned that you’re eating “too much fruit," ask yourself if you’re enjoying what you’re eating, or if you’re honestly stuffing yourself with bananas because they’re “free." Or maybe you’re blending pounds of berries and bananas with ice into big-gulp smoothies.

If you’re using fruit and veggies as a way to stuff yourself in lieu of stuffing yourself with less healthy foods, then it’s possible that you may be reaching the point of “too much." If you’re eating more than you used to, but you’re using them for healthy snacks, to bulk up your meals or as a tide-me-over when you’re down to the last few PointsPlus values for the day or week, then you’re probably OK.

The bottom line? Let your hunger, and your weight loss, be your guide.



I know that, in the past, people have come onto your thread and tried to talk with you... and you rejected their input and/or advice...


I've been reading your posts, on occasion, and I just feel like "popping in" and talking with you a little bit. I'm not an expert on nutrition... and I'm not an expert on WW... but I do quite a bit of research and I know that I've done some things in my past that have worked for me.


One of the things that I did was to really watch my sugar intake. I'm not talking about the "white" stuff or the "brown" stuff that you can sprinkle over your oatmeal in the morning. I'm talking about the sugar in gms that are put into a lot of things that we're unaware of... ketchup, YOGURT (a big sugar hit), MILK (huge sugar hit), mustard... just things that you don't normally associate with sugar. When I did this, it became easier for me to lose weight.


I was surprised when I saw your sentence that WW lets you have all the fruit that you want, because fruit is loaded with sugar. It might be "natural" sugar... but it's one of the sugars that you really need to watch in order to lose weight.


I was talking to someone in my Zumba class this morning. She said that she was on WW. I said that I was surprised that the new WW point system let you have all the fruit that you wanted. She said that I was misinformed.... fruit is a huge point hit... it's vegetables that are almost "free" because they are only 1 point.


So, based upon her comment, maybe you should take a look at the instructions again, Brooke, and see whether fruit is, in fact, the 0 points that you think it is. Because you seem to really enjoy eating quite a bit of fruit, and that might be one of the issues that is holding you back from the weight loss that you want and deserve.


I'm not trying to be a butt-insky. I'm really just trying to give some information to you that was provided to me. I hope this might help you.

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Thanks for the heads up. You shouldn't be offended if I don't take advice. I always take it into consideration, I just may not think it works with me.


In my point tracker I put in 10 cups of grapes........it still said "0' points. But Gathina is right, eating too much fruit can be harmful b/c it does have calories. I don't think I'm eating too much fruit though. I usually actually eat about maybe 2-3 servings a day. When I put snacks: Fruit........I actually don't usually eat the snack. In fact, I bought 6 tubs of Kroger fresh fruit bowls (about 2 cups of fruit each) this week and I had two leftover. I'm using the fruit to supplement a meal. Like I would eat the ham and egg biscuit (I KNOW) and a tub of the fresh fruit. When I do that, I have no need for a mid-morning snack I can make it to lunch perfectly.


But, you have a point and I will experiment with lower my fruit for sugar sake and increase the veggies for a while and see if that makes a difference.


I'm going to dual track too. Use Sparkpeople to track calories and WW for points and just see what I'm in taking nutritionally and not just in points.


I asked my chiropractor about the ingredients in my nutrional supplement I've been taking and he says it doesn't look like it has anything in it that would cause weight problems. I will ask at my exam on Monday too with the Dr. I actually think this supplement has reduced my cravings. If I can just deal with my emotional eating I might have a chance.


Thanks for the advice.

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I was talking to someone in my Zumba class this morning. She said that she was on WW. I said that I was surprised that the new WW point system let you have all the fruit that you wanted. She said that I was misinformed.... fruit is a huge point hit... it's vegetables that are almost "free" because they are only 1 point.



The person you spoke with is misinformed. ALL fresh/frozen fruit is 0 points as long as it's just the fruit (no added sugar, juices, etc). However, just because it's 0 points doesn't mean it's all you can eat fruit. Many WW members start counting fruit after 3 servings a day. In the old program, a banana was 2 points and a pack of 100 calorie cookies was 2 points. Same point value, but the banana has a much bigger nutritional punch. By making fruit 0 points, they are hoping more people will bypass the 100 calorie pack and eat the banana.


As for vegetables, they are also zero points in most cases. Some of the starchy vegetables, like corn, peas, etc are one point per serving.

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The person you spoke with is misinformed. ALL fresh/frozen fruit is 0 points as long as it's just the fruit (no added sugar, juices, etc). However, just because it's 0 points doesn't mean it's all you can eat fruit. Many WW members start counting fruit after 3 servings a day. In the old program, a banana was 2 points and a pack of 100 calorie cookies was 2 points. Same point value, but the banana has a much bigger nutritional punch. By making fruit 0 points, they are hoping more people will bypass the 100 calorie pack and eat the banana.


As for vegetables, they are also zero points in most cases. Some of the starchy vegetables, like corn, peas, etc are one point per serving.


I think some people are still on the old point system and that system made you count even one serving. I actually thought about going back to the original system myself, but I can remember all the points and I wouldn't know my points as I went down in them. But I think you are right. If I have more than 3 servings of fruit I need to count it and be more diverse in fruits and veggies. I've been ignoring vegetables. The fiber alone in vegetables will be good for me.


Thanks for all the help :D

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Thanks for the heads up. You shouldn't be offended if I don't take advice. I always take it into consideration, I just may not think it works with me.


Thanks for the advice.



See, the point is that I just don't want to offend YOU. And I'm glad that the post I made brought out all the posters who actually know about the WW point system... as well as Gathina who is in the medical field and knows so much about nutrition.. which is why I wanted to say something.


Like I said, I'm by no means an expert in WW or in nutrition.. I'm just a researcher and a talker. OMG! I will talk to anybody. So I wanted to pass along a comment... which is all that happened... a comment... to see if it had any validity.


I'm glad that we had this ensuing conversation. You are so sincere in your weight loss efforts and I think that your progress would be so much more significant if you just tweaked some things. I'm not saying that I know what YOU should tweak, but you are putting out an effort that should show some rewards. I just wanted to tell you something that ultimately worked for me.


All of our bodies are different, and things happen that defy science... Like, for me, my doctor has told me that it's physically "impossible" to gain 3 lbs overnight. My scale can say different! Based upon a huge intake of salt, restaurant eating, alcohol... I have physically gone up 3 lbs one day to the next... it usually takes me about 3 to 4 days to get my body system back to its normal (before extreme indulgence) state and start over again.


It will be interesting for you to track calories from SparkPeople and to use the WW point system, as well. Maybe if you have the time to do that for a week or so, you could see a pattern that would give you the information you need to make the WW point system work for you. I know that counting calories, nutritional information, etc. on your own is a LOT of work and that the WW system has taken some of that work off your shoulders. So it would be nice if you could just use the point system... as you've already explained.


Your idea to eat more vegetables sounds great. Vegetables are your friends! Do you like vegetables? So many people have childhood memories of eating those horrible, mushy, salty canned vegetables so they steer away from eating the fresh, wonderful, crunchy vegetables in the produce section. Do you need any good vegetable recipes? What are your favorite vegetables, if you have any?

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The other thing I'll add to your comment about the fruits/vegetables is that some vegetables have more water content and/or fiber than others..the ones that have a lot of fiber can be more filling and help with elimination.


From my own experience (speaking ony from MY experience, nobody else) is that when I stick to green vegetables they have more of diruetic effect due to the water content.asparagus is a good one, as is zucchini squash. Watermelon is another one..has a lot of natural sugar but also a ton of "water" content in it.


If it were me, I would vary the types of fruits and vegetables I eat..I would stick with green ones that have a lot of water content and for same for the fruits.



See, the point is that I just don't want to offend YOU. And I'm glad that the post I made brought out all the posters who actually know about the WW point system... as well as Gathina who is in the medical field and knows so much about nutrition.. which is why I wanted to say something.


Like I said, I'm by no means an expert in WW or in nutrition.. I'm just a researcher and a talker. OMG! I will talk to anybody. So I wanted to pass along a comment... which is all that happened... a comment... to see if it had any validity.


I'm glad that we had this ensuing conversation. You are so sincere in your weight loss efforts and I think that your progress would be so much more significant if you just tweaked some things. I'm not saying that I know what YOU should tweak, but you are putting out an effort that should show some rewards. I just wanted to tell you something that ultimately worked for me.


All of our bodies are different, and things happen that defy science... Like, for me, my doctor has told me that it's physically "impossible" to gain 3 lbs overnight. My scale can say different! Based upon a huge intake of salt, restaurant eating, alcohol... I have physically gone up 3 lbs one day to the next... it usually takes me about 3 to 4 days to get my body system back to its normal (before extreme indulgence) state and start over again.


It will be interesting for you to track calories from SparkPeople and to use the WW point system, as well. Maybe if you have the time to do that for a week or so, you could see a pattern that would give you the information you need to make the WW point system work for you. I know that counting calories, nutritional information, etc. on your own is a LOT of work and that the WW system has taken some of that work off your shoulders. So it would be nice if you could just use the point system... as you've already explained.


Your idea to eat more vegetables sounds great. Vegetables are your friends! Do you like vegetables? So many people have childhood memories of eating those horrible, mushy, salty canned vegetables so they steer away from eating the fresh, wonderful, crunchy vegetables in the produce section. Do you need any good vegetable recipes? What are your favorite vegetables, if you have any?

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Hitting on both of your post. I do like vegetables, but my experience with vegetables has always been with something on them, sauce or something. I'll eat a few veggies raw. I will eat cooked green beans plain (just boiled down in water with maybe a bit of salt and pepper-green beans are my favorite), broccoli, carrots, tomatoes. I'll eat other veggies if they are mixed in with other veggies. When I do veggies I've been getting those steamable ones from the store and not fresh. Its easier. They are a bit mushy sometimes though. I make a good stir fry with the Asian veggies from Bird's eye (it has some seasoning so I do have to count points for it).


I'm not good with cooking veggies. I don't have any creativity with them. I don't have much creativity with cooking in general. Its gonna be hard this week b/c I'm at my brother's and I'm kinda eating what he has available. He has some decent stuff though. Some frozen veggies, some lean meats.


He has a mega box of Maria Calendar chicken pot pies.......those things are 650 calories!!!!!!! I haven't touched them.


I don't know if you read that I found a blog that has some great low calorie recipes and they list the WW points. This month has been too much for me to deal with trying those recipes, but I think it would be a good challenge in July.


So far Sparkpeople is telling me the past three days has had me in the 2500-2700 calorie range. I have been using some weekly WW points on top of the daily, so that may be it. Sparkpeople says I need to be at 1800-2200 and burn 1000 a week to lose 28lbs in my time frame. It will be interesting to see if WW is allowing for that.

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Unforuntatly I'm the wrong person to ask about vegetables as I was raised on natural foods/fruits/vegetables so it's hard for me to understand how anyone cannot like them..LOL..


Some ideas:


I don't know on your program if you are allowed nuts or anything, but sometimes a teaspoon of slivered almonds with steamed green beans can add a lot of flavor. Or chopped garlic. Or, you can steam summer squash with some water and a little bit of chicken boullion and a teaspoon of onions. If you can become aquainted with fresh herbs, steaming some of those with veggies can make a difference. Like anything, I think for some veggies are an acquired taste.


I would guess the weight watchers website probably has some good ideas. I never used that program, but several of my friends do and have had great results. I did peruse the website and found it very informative.


There are other types of condiments you can use for veggies that have no salt.."crazy salt' is an example, Mrs. Dash, etc. Roasting vegetables can be quite yummy..you can spray them with olive oil, sprinkled with garlic powder, onion powder, etc..or grill them. I make an eggplant dip called "babaganoush"..you simply bake the egg plant whole, then mash it with the spices in the recipe and it's a good alternative if you want it with a cracker or something or even as a spread.


Where we live in Southern FLA we have good access to fruits/veggies from all over south/central america and the caribbean...when I moved here years ago I made it a point to "try" an different type of fruit/veggie every week. One thing I like al ot if yucca..and can make it with a garlic/lime "sauce" that has virtually no calories (mojo)

Hitting on both of your post. I do like vegetables, but my experience with vegetables has always been with something on them, sauce or something. I'll eat a few veggies raw. I will eat cooked green beans plain (just boiled down in water with maybe a bit of salt and pepper-green beans are my favorite), broccoli, carrots, tomatoes. I'll eat other veggies if they are mixed in with other veggies. When I do veggies I've been getting those steamable ones from the store and not fresh. Its easier. They are a bit mushy sometimes though. I make a good stir fry with the Asian veggies from Bird's eye (it has some seasoning so I do have to count points for it).


I'm not good with cooking veggies. I don't have any creativity with them. I don't have much creativity with cooking in general. Its gonna be hard this week b/c I'm at my brother's and I'm kinda eating what he has available. He has some decent stuff though. Some frozen veggies, some lean meats.


He has a mega box of Maria Calendar chicken pot pies.......those things are 650 calories!!!!!!! I haven't touched them.


I don't know if you read that I found a blog that has some great low calorie recipes and they list the WW points. This month has been too much for me to deal with trying those recipes, but I think it would be a good challenge in July.


So far Sparkpeople is telling me the past three days has had me in the 2500-2700 calorie range. I have been using some weekly WW points on top of the daily, so that may be it. Sparkpeople says I need to be at 1800-2200 and burn 1000 a week to lose 28lbs in my time frame. It will be interesting to see if WW is allowing for that.

Edited by Gathina
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Well, I'm not good at veggies, but I'll try anything. I'm pretty against red and green peppers though an no raw onions.


But i went with a 4oz tiliapia in the skillet w/ some spices and a tsp of olive oil. I also had a cups of Bird's Eye roasted red potatoes with butter/onion/chive sauce (its light) and Bird's Eye green beans. It was really good actually and way filling.


Today I came in under my daily points by 4 points and that equals about 2100 calories. So it looks like WW is asking me to eat 2200 calories a day, which is my max for Sparkpeople in order to lose 28lbs by Oct. 27th.


I got in 30 mins on the bike at a moderate level and did some reps of hand weights. This week will not be letting up on me, but hopefully won't be as stressful, but exercise may suffer b/c of my work schdl. I did bring my bathing suit with me though b/c my work open the pool back up for the summer (they renovated) and I might get up enough nerves to do some laps.

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I understand the point system basics, but do you have to use ALL the points? What if you aren't hungry and you have 3 points left, do you still have to eat to use up all the points even if you don't feel like eating? It wouldnt be logical in my thinking, to keep eating if you aren't hungry..but then again, I don't know how the whole program works.


Also, in the WW program can you eat the starchy carbs earlier in the day...the potatoe, rice, bread...the reason why I'm asking is because I know from chemistry that its better to eat the starchy carbs earlier in the day and not after 6 or 7pm so they have time to digest..


Just wondering..happy for you that you had a good day with your choices..all you can do is get on the horse and keep riding..


Well, I'm not good at veggies, but I'll try anything. I'm pretty against red and green peppers though an no raw onions.


But i went with a 4oz tiliapia in the skillet w/ some spices and a tsp of olive oil. I also had a cups of Bird's Eye roasted red potatoes with butter/onion/chive sauce (its light) and Bird's Eye green beans. It was really good actually and way filling.


Today I came in under my daily points by 4 points and that equals about 2100 calories. So it looks like WW is asking me to eat 2200 calories a day, which is my max for Sparkpeople in order to lose 28lbs by Oct. 27th.


I got in 30 mins on the bike at a moderate level and did some reps of hand weights. This week will not be letting up on me, but hopefully won't be as stressful, but exercise may suffer b/c of my work schdl. I did bring my bathing suit with me though b/c my work open the pool back up for the summer (they renovated) and I might get up enough nerves to do some laps.

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Had my yearly this morning, so I discussed my weight with my Nurse practitioner. She said that she has always been a proponent of WW and still is, but she said her husband went on the new system and hated it and didn't do well either. I wish I could use the old system, but she told me not to give up yet. Just give my body some time to adjust and normalize after my period and the stress. She said to give it the full three months that I signed up for and see how it goes. I weighed 328 on the scale this morning (but I usually weigh with the bare needed on and I have a big hippie skirt on today), so I think that I was probably about 327. My BP was wonderful though 110/70. Wow, why can't I get that number with my reg. doctor that wants to always put me on BP meds.


I think my exercise will be lacking this week just because of my schedule, but I will try to make up for it as much as possible. The NP said that if I'm cutting calories, then exercise is kind of a bonus. But I think I need it anyway, just to keep me motivated.




The WW system does ask that you eat all your points for the day. Supposedly its the amount of points you need just to function on a daily basis (according to your body weight and 'activity" level ie: I sit most of the day at work). Weekly points are there to help when you really need them, some people distribute them throughout the week evenly. I try to use them when I have "emotional moments" or eat out or family gatherings etc. After you use your weekly points you can earn points with exercise. They don't recommend you use the exercise points, but you can.


Okay Food:


BK: I know we said sugar to a lower level........but I was a little behind for my apt. b/c I forgot I'd have to get up and take care of my brother's dogs this morning. But I went to my apt. for (didn't feel hungry) and stop by and for went the biscuit for a brown sugar oatmeal and smoothie.


L: I had some homemade (frozen) general tso's chicken the other night, so trying to get rid of stuff I packed the rest of it (no rice, just the chicken and sauce) and then I'll add the potatoes from last night and green beans.


S: I have some carrots and I did bring some fruit, but the smoothie counts for 2 servings, so I can only have one more today.


D: Umm, there was some steamable pasta stuff in a bag in the fridge I remember and I think there was some frozen chicken breast in the deep freeze.........I can make like a chicken alfredo. (the bag says "light" sauce for the steamable pasta.) Then I have some broccoli florets......I can add for more veggies.


W: I have to leave work early to pick up a rental car for a trip tomr. so I won't hit the work gym today. I really shouldn't be riding the rental around too much for my personal use, so I'm debating on whether to make a trip home, wait for the a/c to cool down my room, and get a bike round in or just reschedule some exercise later this week.


Good Choices.

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Lots of activity on here lately, I love it!!! A lot of good advice, too.


I agree that roasting veg is a great way to get a lot of flavor. A bit of olive oil, salt, and pepper, 375 degrees or so, for maybe 15-20 minutes (depending on the vegetable). I've done asparagus, chunks of zucchini/bell pepper/onion, cherry tomatoes, butternut squash, carrots, everything! You could do frozen veg that way, but I would maybe thaw it in the fridge first. I'm not sure.


Brooke, do you like salads at all? I find that having everything chopped up and ready to go makes having a salad really quick and easy. Since we are getting so much lettuce lately, we're trying to have a salad for lunch or dinner everyday. Or even as a snack if we're going to have dinner late.


Another quick/easy idea would be to cook the frozen veggies you like, which come with a light sauce, and toss in some pre-cooked shredded chicken, which you can do in the crock pot. You can also add in some pasta or brown rice. Since the veggies already come with a sauce you would be good to go!


Glad that your appt went well.


Have a great week everyone!

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Interesting..I don't know if I could eat all the food because I 'had" to, even if I wasn't hungry..different strokes for different folks..for myself, and only for myself..the problem I would have with that is that to me it would encourage needless eating...this is my training in behavioral medicine kicking in..


Brooke: Another useful trick (I like smoothies too)..is to make them ahead of time, then it's "grab and go" in the morning if I am in a rush..I freeze them ahead of time, take them out the night before, etc....I use a lot of watermelon..again, because of the high water content and for me acts as a diruetic..but you could maybe measure out your fruits, etc and make single serving smoothie sizes..if you could have two a day, then there's one for breakfast and one for a snack..


I think the more you can plan ahead, the easier it is..it does take a little work..but you can remind yourself that 2 hours of maybe prep work on a Sat. or Sunday is worth it, when you compare it to being healthy for the rest of your life..I am someone who can binge on a whole bag of chips with zero remorse..but I tell myself when I want to do that, I have the rest of my life to eat like that and I don't need that today.You have to look at progress as staying steadfast on your plan, even if the numbers don't budge. If we looked at the circumstances of life all the time, we'd never move ahead.


Best of luck to all on their journeys to health..




Had my yearly this morning, so I discussed my weight with my Nurse practitioner. She said that she has always been a proponent of WW and still is, but she said her husband went on the new system and hated it and didn't do well either. I wish I could use the old system, but she told me not to give up yet. Just give my body some time to adjust and normalize after my period and the stress. She said to give it the full three months that I signed up for and see how it goes. I weighed 328 on the scale this morning (but I usually weigh with the bare needed on and I have a big hippie skirt on today), so I think that I was probably about 327. My BP was wonderful though 110/70. Wow, why can't I get that number with my reg. doctor that wants to always put me on BP meds.


I think my exercise will be lacking this week just because of my schedule, but I will try to make up for it as much as possible. The NP said that if I'm cutting calories, then exercise is kind of a bonus. But I think I need it anyway, just to keep me motivated.




The WW system does ask that you eat all your points for the day. Supposedly its the amount of points you need just to function on a daily basis (according to your body weight and 'activity" level ie: I sit most of the day at work). Weekly points are there to help when you really need them, some people distribute them throughout the week evenly. I try to use them when I have "emotional moments" or eat out or family gatherings etc. After you use your weekly points you can earn points with exercise. They don't recommend you use the exercise points, but you can.


Okay Food:


BK: I know we said sugar to a lower level........but I was a little behind for my apt. b/c I forgot I'd have to get up and take care of my brother's dogs this morning. But I went to my apt. for (didn't feel hungry) and stop by and for went the biscuit for a brown sugar oatmeal and smoothie.


L: I had some homemade (frozen) general tso's chicken the other night, so trying to get rid of stuff I packed the rest of it (no rice, just the chicken and sauce) and then I'll add the potatoes from last night and green beans.


S: I have some carrots and I did bring some fruit, but the smoothie counts for 2 servings, so I can only have one more today.


D: Umm, there was some steamable pasta stuff in a bag in the fridge I remember and I think there was some frozen chicken breast in the deep freeze.........I can make like a chicken alfredo. (the bag says "light" sauce for the steamable pasta.) Then I have some broccoli florets......I can add for more veggies.


W: I have to leave work early to pick up a rental car for a trip tomr. so I won't hit the work gym today. I really shouldn't be riding the rental around too much for my personal use, so I'm debating on whether to make a trip home, wait for the a/c to cool down my room, and get a bike round in or just reschedule some exercise later this week.


Good Choices.

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That's a great idea - making smoothies ahead of time. That way, you can control what is in it. I have done that before. I usually use greek yogurt, a bit of orange juice, half a banana, and frozen berries to make it chilled. Or you could use a whole banana and make double. It's a great snack around 3 p.m. (or for breakfast). I like it because you get the protein from the yogurt, and vitamins and fiber from the fruit.


I have to say, though, I calculated the calories in it, and it was a bit higher than I thought it would be. Maybe over 200 or so? But at least it wouldn't have any added sugars. And you could tweak it so that it was the way you like it. A lot of people even add spinach to it (say you can't taste it), although I haven't tried that yet.

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Well, here's a sobering thought..who knew? "Food for thought"..no pun intended! Interesting what the guy said about protein, too...


<<McDonald's Smoothies: More Calories Than A Cheeseburger?


Posted on Jul 14th 2010 2:00PM by Martha Edwards

Filed Under: Diet & Weight Loss







As fast food chains become the scapegoat of the obesity crisis, McDonald's has been doing its fair share to change its reputation as an artery-clogging, obesity-inducing hamburger chain. So the recent introduction of smoothies to their menu shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


McDonald's smoothies, marketed as being made with "real fruit," have already hit many of the McCafe locations of the chain, and are reportedly selling better than expected, particularly among their target audience: women. As such, the golden arches now have big plans to launch the beverages in all of their 14,000 US locations.


And why not? Isn't a fruity drink better for you than a soda?


Here's the reality: McDonald's smoothies are full of sugar, and sugar equals calories. In fact, a small strawberry banana smoothie has 210 calories -- about the same as a small order of French fries or a medium Coca-Cola. The large smoothie has more calories than a cheeseburger -- 330 calories to be exact. And there's 70 grams of sugar in that one. Wondering where all that sugar is coming from? According to McDonalds' ingredients list, these smoothies contain sugar from pureed fruits and fruit juice, as well as added sugar. That's a lot of sweetness for one beverage.


"These smoothies are very high in sugar and there are way too many calories to have as your beverage choice with a meal," said Keri Gans, a spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association. Enjoying a smoothie with your quarter-pounder meal is a no-no, but what about a smoothie as a meal on its own? Gans balked at this idea, too. "They have very little protein, which is important to keep a person satiated until their next meal."


Still, they're far from the worst thing on the menu. "If you're on the run and you really have no other choice than one of these smoothies, choose a small one," Gans added. And they're a much better choice than the strawberry shake, which has 570 calories and 17 grams of fat in a small, but that's not saying much.


The moral of the story? Smoothies are one food you need to be careful with -- In fact, they can have up to 1,500 calories.



69 Comment

Tags: added sugar, calories, fat, keri gans, mcdonalds, mcdonalds smoothies, mcdonalds strawberry banana smoothie calories, mcdonalds wildberry smoothie calories, strawberry

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Was traveling yesterday so I didn't get to post. It was a day of a lot of driving and of course limited food choices b/c I was on the go. I'm trying to make up for exercise today. I brought my workout clothes and plan on hitting the gym or maybe the pool..........


I did hit Fast food yesterday, it was crappy choices b/c I was driving so it had to be something I could eat while driving. The good thing was though I had plenty of time to think. I think Gathina is right about, "I have my whole life to eat ___." However, I'm not at that point yet. I would bet I'm well over what Gathina weighs, so I'm in a totally different thought process and my issues with food are more substantial. But I thought about this yesterday. "I have the whole 'day' to eat, why do I have to eat it all NOW." That is where I'm at right now. Point in case.


I went to the trusty golden arches for my lunch on my way back, not able to stop b/c I had to get the rental car back at a certain time. I ordered easy to handle food. 10 piece chicken nuggets and they gave me a large fry b/c I ordered a large unsweet tea (I just wanted them to upsize the tea, not the fries, but they did anyway). Tempting to eat all those fries down in one gulp. In fact to everything without thinking.


Another point. Where normal people order food at a restr. and get a huge plate of food, they probably sit there and think or say.......look at all that food. Where I skip that part. I simply pick up a fork and start eating and think about it later when I'm bloated and feeling too full b/c I just dug in.


Back to my first point. So, it was probably easier for me being in the car and having to pay attention to the road and not food, but I tried to measure out the fries to about a small order as I ate and then stopped. Then I waited and I ate 5 chicken nuggets. Then I made sure I finished my large unsweet tea (my chiro says sometimes we confuse hunger pain with thirst and I hadn't got much in that day b/c I was driving and didn't want to pull over every 5 mins.). I ate that much and stopped. I drove the rest of the way without eating anymore. I did finish it when I got home, but I actually had 21 points to eat after counting that full meal anyway. I got home around 3:30. So, I waited until I felt hungry, then started cooking. I cooked another chicken breast with seasoning and had another one of those lightly sauced pasta steamables with broccoli. Serving size of course.


Did I mention I came home to my brothers older dog.........he had a accident......all over himself and his bed and then tracked it through the house before I realized that it was all over him. That was fun to clean up.


Thanks for the article Gathina. I know it has sugar in it, but is 32 grams that much sugar for one drink? I don't know, maybe it is. I just read an article too about myths about diets. It said that the myth that all calories are created equal is wrong. That the calories you get from a 600 calorie burger is not comparable to a 600 calorie salad b/c of what the ingredients are. This is something I've been asking for a while and I'm glad I got a answer. I will re-think my smoothies though. I tried making one with a frozen mix that all you needed was milk, but it was horrible....it got all frothy and it was way sweeter than the MCd's. I guess maybe I'll try making my own when I get back home.


Gotta get my water in today and then some. Maybe go for 100oz to try and catch up from yesterday.


I think I will go for a salad today. I can make a good salad from subway.


Good Choices.

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You know, that's really cool..you were mindful about what you did with the eating..I think regardless of what any of us weigh, we've all struggled and each has different ideas about what may work or not work for them..and the even cooler thing is you thought hard about why you were about to eat everything...we each have our own battles..


The thing I got from the smoothie article is that it seems they are not using fruit the way you or I would..as in fresh fruit..it seems like they are maybe using the syrupy fruit..like fresh fruit and then they kill it by adding the syrup..32 grams of sugar..I think there is something like 4 g in a teaspoon..if that's true, then the smoothie would have close to a 1/4 cup of sugar in it.and that sounds a whole lot more dangerous than 4g!! When you said the scale wasn't budging, I was wondering if maybe the smoothies had some hidden sugar in it somwhere..I like panera bread, and they make a really healthy veggie sandwich, but when I saw the sugar content in the bread I was horrified and that killed it for me.!


Smoothies: The best ones I make for myself is by freezing the fruit ahead of time, and using crystal light for the liquid part..I don't use yogurt but if you want the thickness of yogurt you could maybe measure out a 1/4 cup which wouldn't be alot..smoothies are kinda individual..you have to use whatever it is you like..I like to use almond milk because it has a lot of protein in it, but again, not sure what your WW program says.


Not to depress anyone, but I found this link to how much sugar is in some stuff..an eye opener..http://www.sugarstacks.com/beverages.htm


Keep up the good work, I think its wonderful that you are riding the horse and tweaking where you need to tweak.




Was traveling yesterday so I didn't get to post. It was a day of a lot of driving and of course limited food choices b/c I was on the go. I'm trying to make up for exercise today. I brought my workout clothes and plan on hitting the gym or maybe the pool..........


I did hit Fast food yesterday, it was crappy choices b/c I was driving so it had to be something I could eat while driving. The good thing was though I had plenty of time to think. I think Gathina is right about, "I have my whole life to eat ___." However, I'm not at that point yet. I would bet I'm well over what Gathina weighs, so I'm in a totally different thought process and my issues with food are more substantial. But I thought about this yesterday. "I have the whole 'day' to eat, why do I have to eat it all NOW." That is where I'm at right now. Point in case.


I went to the trusty golden arches for my lunch on my way back, not able to stop b/c I had to get the rental car back at a certain time. I ordered easy to handle food. 10 piece chicken nuggets and they gave me a large fry b/c I ordered a large unsweet tea (I just wanted them to upsize the tea, not the fries, but they did anyway). Tempting to eat all those fries down in one gulp. In fact to everything without thinking.


Another point. Where normal people order food at a restr. and get a huge plate of food, they probably sit there and think or say.......look at all that food. Where I skip that part. I simply pick up a fork and start eating and think about it later when I'm bloated and feeling too full b/c I just dug in.


Back to my first point. So, it was probably easier for me being in the car and having to pay attention to the road and not food, but I tried to measure out the fries to about a small order as I ate and then stopped. Then I waited and I ate 5 chicken nuggets. Then I made sure I finished my large unsweet tea (my chiro says sometimes we confuse hunger pain with thirst and I hadn't got much in that day b/c I was driving and didn't want to pull over every 5 mins.). I ate that much and stopped. I drove the rest of the way without eating anymore. I did finish it when I got home, but I actually had 21 points to eat after counting that full meal anyway. I got home around 3:30. So, I waited until I felt hungry, then started cooking. I cooked another chicken breast with seasoning and had another one of those lightly sauced pasta steamables with broccoli. Serving size of course.


Did I mention I came home to my brothers older dog.........he had a accident......all over himself and his bed and then tracked it through the house before I realized that it was all over him. That was fun to clean up.


Thanks for the article Gathina. I know it has sugar in it, but is 32 grams that much sugar for one drink? I don't know, maybe it is. I just read an article too about myths about diets. It said that the myth that all calories are created equal is wrong. That the calories you get from a 600 calorie burger is not comparable to a 600 calorie salad b/c of what the ingredients are. This is something I've been asking for a while and I'm glad I got a answer. I will re-think my smoothies though. I tried making one with a frozen mix that all you needed was milk, but it was horrible....it got all frothy and it was way sweeter than the MCd's. I guess maybe I'll try making my own when I get back home.


Gotta get my water in today and then some. Maybe go for 100oz to try and catch up from yesterday.


I think I will go for a salad today. I can make a good salad from subway.


Good Choices.

Edited by Gathina
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Hi everyone,

Thanks for the information about all those drinks. It makes me glad I have weaned myself off of beverages with the exception of water (of course). I do have unsweet iced tea sometimes if out at a restaurant, black coffee (one mug every morning, drink it black), and 1% milk after workouts sometimes. I also indulge in wine or beer every so often... but not many sugary drinks. I used to drink diet and gave that up. I decided I would rather have a "real" coke every month or so and not feel bad about it. But once I gave up diet coke I'm not really wanting any carbonated drinks at all anymore.


Oh, one thing I do if I really want something refreshing is half organic orange juice (not from concentrate, squeezed oranges only!) with half sparkling water (the no cal kind). That is really good too, but I don't have it very often.


Today we got another box of vegetables! This week we received a LOT. Six heirloom tomatoes, 3 small cucumbers, a gorgeous red and orange bell pepper, spinach, 3 heads of lettuce, asparagus, basil, and something called garlic scape. I googled it and found out it is the stalk of the garlic plant, and only available 1-2 weeks per year. Most people online are recommending making pesto with it, so I might do that with the basil and garlic scape. I think I could sneak in some spinach in the mixture, too. Pesto is great on a lot of things, and I could freeze it too.


I have a grassfed chicken defrosting in the fridge, so I might roast that this weekend and have a salad and sauteed asparagus to the side. Not sure about the tomatoes - I can always eat a caprese salad (YUM), but maybe I'll do a marinara sauce instead, because I can freeze that if we don't get to it. Cucumbers will go into salads, maybe the bell pepper too. With all that lettuce, lots of salads this week. I was thinking I might do asian lettuce wraps again this week, too.


It's hard to use up all the produce sometimes, but we do cook in a LOT and it makes it fun to try to use everything up, kind of like a challenge. Last weekend I made a lasagna but used eggplant slices (roasted for about 10 minutes before going in) instead of about half the usual pasta noodles. ALong with tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and zucchini. I like to sneak in extra veg like that all the time. :)


No progress yet this week, but right now I'm just concentrating on eating healthy and trying to get a few workouts in, too!!


Good luck all!


P.S. Brooke, your dinners look tasty!

Edited by RachieLnnn
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You make me jealous with your cooking!!




Ironically, WW just put up an article about smoothies and how to make them.


I went to the pool yesterday and though I was nervous about it, I went in anyway. I started just doing some laps in the deep in, vary from forward, to my sides, to my back, all arms, just legs, etc. Treaded some water. Then I almost drown. Really. We have camps in the summer and this basketball camp coach thought it was a good idea to randomly bring 20 some teenage boys down to the pool for some exercise. Well 20 some boys took up most of the pool, the lifeguards were totally thrown off, they had no idea. I got trapped in the corner of the deep end while they were doing exercises on the side of the pool. When I saw a break I went to swim over to the shallow end where there was a little room and they decided to start doing front kicks.......all 20.......do you know what kind of ripple effect 20 guys kicking their legs in the pool has.......I do. I swallowed like two big gulps of water, I was gasping and thought for just a moment the life guard would come in after me. I'm not a strong swimmer.......I can get from one side to the other. I don't like my head below water b/c I'm still scarred from the intense infections from water in my ears as a child. So, needless to say I was glad to make it to the other side. Hey, at least I know what it might be like if I went overboard on my cruise.........:rolleyes:. Anyway I tried to continue just some resistance walking at the shallow end and then they all came over there and did more stuff. I was kinda mad. Obviously, they didn't let anyone know they were coming down there and they took up the entire pool. I heard one kid cuss and there were small kids around.


After 15 or so mins. they finally left and I had about 20 more mins before the pool closed to exercise. To beat it all I went back in the locker room to get dressed and I had left my gym bag in there and the little girls from the camp that were in there when I left had thrown my clothes on the floor and tossed my panties across the room..........................didn't take the money in my bag.........no just played with dirty underwear. Is this what Justin Beiber is doing to 9 year old girls? Geeezzz. I guess I'll just take my stuff into the pool with me this time. I'm not used to not trusting ppl at my workplace.


I'm gonna skip lunch and try to hit the pool again today. I hope those kids aren't there again. I mean I have to not take a lunch to get there before they close the pool, so I would like to use it.


Anyway. I made some guesses this week that has put me over. Mistakes that seem to be costing me. I won't get to weigh until Sunday b/c the scale is at home and I like to weigh in the mornings. Maybe it will help......maybe it will hurt.:rolleyes:


BK: biscuit


L: Leftover sandwich from eating out yesterday. I had a side salad (which ended up being a big salad b/c this place lets u make your own) and a ham/turkey/swiss with lmt and chips. I ate half the HTS and couple bits of chips, but I ate all of the salad. I put the leftovers in the fridge. I hope they held up b/c I do hate soggy bread and nasty lettuce.


S: Milk


D: I'm running out of good options. i went with steakums and 2 small pieces of steamed corn on the cob last night. I might go home and steal from mom's fridge, lol.


W: Hoping I can get a swim in w/out teenage boys in the pool and little girls stealing my underwear.:o


I've been kind of breaking out with some small welps on my skin and my hair has been getting lots of bumps.......I told my boss this and it just happens we then talked about Drs. and I mentioned I was allergic to sulfur drugs.........then I said my brother has high sulfur in his water. She wondered if I was having a more mild reaction to the sulfur in the water since it was probably not as concentrated as what is in drugs.


PS-my brothers little dog was eating poop on the recliner last night......geez.


Good Choices.

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Hey everyone!!! Looks like everyone is doing good! Rachel, congrats on your weight loss! Jess, keep up the work, you'll see more results. Kim, I talk to you often on FB (if it's the same Kim, haha!) and hope you're doing better about your Dad. Brooke, do you guys have a water filtration system on your house or no? Sorry to hear about all the guys in the pool. How inconsiderate. I mean, I know it's a public pool, but to all be in the deep end when someone else is, I just find that rude.


I've still been tracking what I eat. We went to dinner at Bahama Breeze for my husbands birthday Wednesday. My mom and Grammie ordered 3 appetizers!!! Why? Because they were happy hour prices! They got the onion rings, chips and avocado dip, and chicken (fried) sliders.

Well after our eventful day of coming home to a half surge-fried house, I had had it up to HERE and indulged. Only had 3 onion rings, a few chips and split a chicken slider with DH. Then for dinner I ordered their Jamaican Grilled Chicken with green beans. Most places butterfly their chicken, so I immediately cut the chicken in half and ask for a box so I can take the rest home for lunch tomorrow. I didn't even eat the green beans, just saved them for my lunch too. Didn't go over my calories either! Yay!!!!


Since the dust has settled with the house mess, we've only lost a few small electronics, but the major one is our alarm system, 2 fridges, deep freezer and possibly our water heater. The power guy who did the work on our power coming into the house is a complete idiot!!! He didn't spare 2 seconds to come turn off my power at the meter, so when he reconnected the neutral wire at the pole coming to my house, it sent thousands of voltage through my house at once. i got home, noticed a few things weren't turned on (this was after they fixed the wire) and we got it narrowed down to what was tripping the breaker (and why certain things weren't on) and it was a melted, had caught on fire, surge protector. All the surge protectors did their job, so we didn't lose everything like I thought we had. I should really post a picture because it could've caught the whole house on fire!!! I've tagged myself in my husband's pictures on Facebook. I am unsearchable, but if you give me you're name, I can search you, lol! Unless I can find you through Brooke's friends.


We had a warranty on one of our fridges, so they came out yesterday to fix it, free of charge!!!! The other one in the garage is a crappy old one, so we'll have to replace that, we can't tell if the deep freezer is working or not, we're going to give it a few days. Our alarm system is definitely fried. They came out last night and looked at it. Their conclusion is that some other box that installer guy hooked up did it wrong which eventually fried the alarm. Well, go right ahead and fix it for free then! They'll be back out tonight, to do that.


Then I have a claim in with the power company because of all this. I'm waiting for a claims adjuster to call me, which I've been told would be 24 hours, and I've been told it'll be 3-5 days. So I don't know.


Today, I'll be having the other half of my Starbucks Cafe Moca nonfat / no whip, a banana (morning snack), cherrios (breakfast, already ate), lunch is probably going to be a wrap, and dinner will be something quick and easy at home. The alarm guy will be here from 4-7 and we usually go out to eat Friday night's, but since he'll be here, we'll just switch dinners from tonight to tomorrow. Dinner will probably be grilled cheese or something (whiteheat bread, country crock light, and Kraft 2% american cheese).


Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!

Edited by Mrs.C05
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Kim- I have been following the drama on your facebook......WOW.......I would have some onion rings too.........I probably would have had more than 3 though. I hope you get everything fix and they better do it for free!


I did get to use the pool yesterday without problems. Only like 4 ppl in there this time, so I stayed on the shallow end and did a few laps back and forth and some water aerobics moves I remembered. I got a good 40 mins. in I think. they don't have a clock in there.


I called ahead to applebees for a under 550 calorie shrimp and steak with broccoli (steamed) and a baked potato. I had some cereal later. I had the leftover half a sandwich for lunch with some hot and spicy chex mix and can soda. Not too healthy yesterday. But today is a brand new day and a brand new week too (I'll weigh on Sunday).


BK: egg mcmuffin and smoothie (I promise I will start making my own after I get back from vacation)


L: I think I will do a 6 inch sub from subway, turkey and ham, light mayo, apples and water.


S: I didn't bring one today........I have an orange on my desk.......I could go to the book store and grab some peanuts.


D: Who knows. I'm running out of stuff in my brother's fridge that looks eatable.


W: I probably won't do one tonight, but I hope to get home tomr. and get one in and then one on Sunday before we leave.


On a side note.......I wish I knew how to swim better b/c I think I'd get a great workout that way and our pool at the college is indoor so I could use it more (well we have a new swim team so I'm not sure, but). I don't do the swimming where you turn you head from side to side and bring your arms out and down and out.......the right way. I keep my head above water and put my hands out in front of me and bring the out and down and circle around and kick my legs too. I mean I have to be at least getting resistance, but I don't get a lot of laps b/c its a slow swim, lol. Oh well.......Its better than nothing.


Good choices

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Swimming is an excellent exercise! Anyway you do it, the water is resistance to your body, you're getting a workout. I don't do the crawl swimming either only the breast stroke. My dad was a junior olympic winner back in the day so we learned how to swim from him. His theory of how to get us to swim? Just throw us in the pool. Yep. My Mom about killed him. Seriously, lol!!! I love swimming where ever I can.


Tonight the alarm company is coming to install a new system so we'll be stuck at the house until he leaves. After that, we'll be going to Baldwin to walk around the lake.

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Thanks Kim. I figured just having to drag my mass through the water was a workout. I did some laps where I only used my arms or only used my legs. I switched from being on my stomach to being on my back. Did some walking and knee kicks and some in place jogging and just general stretching. It did just feel good to do something different though.


I hope they fix you alarm. Out in the country where I live, we have no use for those, lol.


I decided on turkey from subway, but they had a deal for a 12 inch turkey for $5. So had her do half with lettuce and tomato (I added light mayo later) and one half plain so I could take it home for dinner. Solves the dinner problem. I got reg. chips (garden tomato basil), but I only ate half a serving (save some for dinner) and I added apples (freebies) and a chocolate milk. Now I know the chocolate milk wasn't the best idea, but I wanted some chocolate and I figured it was better than going to the bookstore and probably picking up a candy bar or two. I just had half of the chocolate milk bottle (6oz) and I had a handful of almonds with it (10 pieces). I'll probably take throw the rest of the milk out b/c I will be on vacay next week and it kind had a leak in the lid and I don't want to try and transport that in my car.


I will probably clean my brother's house, do laundry, pack up my stuff tonight, so while its not a actual workout.......it will be movement.


I will try and enjoy the last bit of central a/c and cable tv that I can......lol.


Buying some clothes. Purchased a few things from OSP plus today. I found a new site with some awesome dresses.........the one I wanted got sold out last night though :(. I found another one (2x more) and found a discount code, but when I tried to order it, it said my card was not authorized and then my cc company called and said someone was trying to use my account. Now I know it was ME and this company is not a fraud (I did my research), so I'm not sure what the problem is. Oh well, I'll take it as a sign. Now I'm just waiting for ON to give me a coupon code to help take a little off my shopping bag there. You guys know I'm in cruise mode now:D

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