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Cruising to Healthy


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Thanks for the ideas girls. I will have to give them a try.


I didn't swim last night. My insecurities kicked in again. There were some other Faculty and Staff in there when I got there and (guys) I just didn't want to be in my one piece in front of them. I got home and turned on the A/C with every intention of going up there and using my bike when it cooled down. Yea, I went to bed at 8pm. Ever just want to be asleep. I wasn't really physically tired, I think it was mentally.


I had some meatloaf (deer) with mashed potatoes, light toast. I did indulge in those stupid Reese Pieces. I did this as a gut reaction to Verizon sending me a crappy replacement phone. Yes, an emotional reaction and I went to food instead of exercise. I really need to change this habit. But I did put them down. I sat down and thought through all my frustrations with Verizon and decided that there are more important things to get upset about.


Weigh Ins:


Sat: 326

Sun: 327

Mon: 328.3

Tues: 327.8

Wed: 326.4

Thur: 325.4


I'm kinda seeing a pattern here.................


Okay, so I went back into WW and checked out my points again. I looked over the rules and I'm complying. One thing I did find is they let you manually adjust your points value 3 points up (if you are losing too fast) and 3 points down (It didn't say if you aren't losing, but I would assume that would be the case). They don't truly encourage this (why would they, they would be admitting that their program has flaws), but I think it might be what I need to do. I would go from 51 points a day to 48 points a day. Not a huge change and I still have weekly points. I want to wait until Friday, my normal start over day, to change my points. Then I will have a true starting point to realize any changes. I don't know how this will fair, as it seems I got over my daily points reg. (WW says this okay as long as you have weekly points and I most always do). I'm wondering if my body, which has been used to 51 points, will want more and therefore eat more into my weekly points. I don't want to be really strict and not go over dailies b/c then if I do it in the future I might gain b/c of the additional Points. I guess I will just have to see how my body reacts.


Exercise: Well, as you noticed, when I go home.......I go into "lazy" mode. That's why you have noticed that I go straight to my workouts after work or take off early to get them in (time restraints). Well, I don't know how long we will be without the pool or gym, so I'm thinking of trying to find a place in town that holds a Zumba class. At least I'm know Zumba a bit and I know I get a workout from it. I would take the class long enough to find out when the gym or pool would be open for use again.


So, yesterday........I had ate my cereal and then I got to doing a few pieces of work and kept looking at the yogurt on my desk. By the time 11am rolled around I just put in back in the fridge. I did eat the watermelon, but I don't think its as "heavy" as the yogurt. I did eat the yogurt, but I ate it after lunch along with my V8 a hour later. I think that was a big deal b/c I was listening to myself and not eating when I didn't want to. Now, if I can do this better at night (I think I just don't have enough stuff to keep me busy and my mind off food). I do try and stay out of the kitchen though.


BK: Cereal w/ skim milk, grapes


L: peanut butter sandwich on honey wheat with cheese stick, V8


S: I'm going with yogurt here.


D: Mom made a few dishes the other day, so I will be eating on them.


W: Okay I have a chiro apt. at 5pm, then I have to drive 45 mins to the nearest Verizon store to show them that they sent me a crappy replacement phone. I will see when I get home if I have time to exercise or not.


This cruise needs to get here...............


Good Choices.

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Gathina...that recipe sounds delicious. I am thinking that would make a great dinner for tonight.


Brooke...you are down today! Yaaay! I think your new approach to WW sounds great. Is there a gym near you that may give you a month free to try them out? I don't want to pay for a membership either (and I can't find the time to go between work and kids anyway). I stick to my stationary bike. So, maybe you could snag a free month until you know what is going on with the gym/pool at work. Just a thought. Yeah, I would never wear a bathing suit in front of co-workers. I don't think I will ever get over that one.


I agree with going into lazy mode at home. Yesterday, I had it in my head that I would get on the bike as soon as I got home from work. I planned that all day and stuck to it. Other times, I don't get on it until 9pm. Luckily, I am not effected at all by exercising late. I still sleep well.


Yaaaay. "Time of the month" lbs are gone. Thank god. Now to lose some more before the next time. I often feel like I am playing catch up. Lose a few, gain a couple. But, at least I am still on a downward trend. I do have to say that being older (42), it is much harder to lose weight than it was 10 years ago. It takes twice the effort. :(


I would also like to announce that I am in a double digit countdown to my cruise. I am excited, but so not ready. I actually have to buy some new clothes since my boys love to announce that "Mommy, I can see your underwear" because my pants are too big. :o


Have a great day.


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Yea...Down 7 lbs..the detoxing is working..

Need to step up on the work outs not doing them everyday and I need to..

Brooke I have a question for you do weigh and mesure everything your eating? I really think most of the time when your not loseing it just means your cal are to high.

I also think we think something is a serving and its not.

Take peanut butter a serving is 2 teaspoons now most people put way more than that on bread. bread other one 1 slice is a serving not 2.

I think if you start weighing and mesureing your food you will find you have been eating to many cal..Also check out you v8 if your drinking the small bottles I think you will find they have 3 or 4 serving in them,

Just a thought.


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I found these "sneaky" vegtable/fruit smoothie recipes..to me they sound worth the try...green smoothies are very good even though the veggies sound icky..nothing ventured, nothing gained, right? Note it says to add the greens to "taste"...


Banana Carrot Smoothie



  • 1 Banana (ripe is best - frozen if desired)
  • 1 cup Apple Juice (or apple slices and water)
  • 1-2 cups Baby Carrots (or chopped carrots)
  • 1 cup Plain Non-Fat Yogurt (or any yogurt you like)


  1. Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth
  2. Enjoy.

Green Slime Smoothie



  • 1 Banana, cut in chunks
  • ½ Apple, cored and chopped or sliced
  • 1 cup White Grapes
  • 1 cup Fat-Free Vanilla Yogurt (or Plain Yogurt and ¼ teaspoon vanilla)
  • 1-2 cups fresh Spinach Leaves


  1. Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth
  2. Enjoy.

Go Green Smoothie



  • 2 pears (cored and sliced or chopped - as ripe as possible)
  • 2 cups fresh Spinach leaves


  1. Place all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth
  2. Enjoy.

Green Smoothie Tips


ANY fruit smoothie recipe can be made "green" (into a fruit and vegetable smoothie.) Try adding a little spinach or other green, leafy vegetable to your favorite fruit smoothie recipe.

  • The trick is to start with the fruit and add the greens to taste.
  • Start teaching your kids early that "green is good." Read them "Green Eggs and Ham" if you have to and then dare them to try it!

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Thanks guys for the suggestions I will def. give some of them a try.


Well, the phone saga came out with a happy ending though there were times I thought not. I had to take the replacement phone b/c they said my complaints were valid. So, I did. I then get it all set up and come to find out that the icons that light up at the bottom (its a droid) don't go out when they are suppose to.....in fact, they don't go off at all, even when the phone is turned OFF. So, the store was closed by then and I went home and tried to calm myself. I called this morning by chance they might could help me find a way to turn the lights off (that I didn't know about) and after explaining all the trouble I've gone through the lady told me she would ship me a new phone and give me 1 month free off my next bill. I was really relieved to hear I wouldn't have to yet again drive 45 mins to the nearest store. I was nice and polite as I could be and I'm thankful that she was the same.


Needless to say I got home around 9:30pm and still had to take a shower. So, not exercise for me. But I did half good with my dinner out. I had a basil chicken sandwich (I did have the fries though). The chicken was grilled on panini bread with spring lettuce, basil leafs and a pesto mix and I think slice of cheese (though it didn't state that on the menu).


Weigh ins:


Sat: 326

Sun: 327

Mon: 328.2

Tues: 327.8

Wed: 326.4

Thurs: 325.4

Fri: 326


So, my lowest weight for the week is 325.4, which is .2 lower than last week's lowest number. I'll take it.


I did go ahead and lower my points this week by 3 points, bringing me down to 48 points a day. I hope this is what I need. Although I would have been curious to see on my normal points if I hit around 325 as my lowest again, then I think I would know for sure that I was in maintenance. But, my goal is to lose weight and I can't waste time experimenting.


BK: Kashi Cereal (2 servings) and skim milk


L: Peanut butter sandwich on honey wheat, cheese stick, and V8 (its the can and has is worth 2 points on ww b/c it has several servings of several veggies in it, so you have to count points)


S: Greek Yogurt (found this is a better snack) and grapes


D: Probably meatloaf with potato salad (mom makes her with mustard as the base, not mayo) and green beans.


W: I will have to think about this.


Good Choices.

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Good Morning,


Happy Weekend (although it is the most challenging time for me food-wise!). I am off to a good start, though. My "time of the month" is gone and so are the 2 lbs that came with it. I am now down 39 lbs. Can't wait to hit 40.


Brooke - I am glad that your phone situation is being taken care of. Ironically enough, my mom has been having Verizon cell phone customer service issues as well. But, luckily, living in the Boston area, there is a Verizon store on every corner. I don't use my cell that often, so I made the switch from a hefty Verizon bill to Virgin Mobile with a prepaid plan. It works for me. Hopefully your new phone will be in perfect working order!


Keep us posted - and I know you will because you are so good about reporting in - how the switch to the lower points goes.


No plans for us today and I am happy about that. Our weekends lately have been so packed that there is no time to breathe. July is almost over. I am happy about that. It was very long month. One more month down puts me a little closer to my cruise, too. :D Kim

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40 is a big deal! You can do it!


I did really well with food yesterday. I had one of those days where I kept so busy food was the last thing on my mind. I didn't eat the yogurt or V8 at lunch, then I had to take off to take the phone (I had to return) off to the Fedex location (ironically.....in the city I didn't want to have to drive to again) and after that I was treated myself to a pedicure, a bit of "practical shopping" (translates to things like bras and stuff) and then I had like $13 left on a gift card to Buffalo Wild Wings, so ...........I got a grilled chicken sandwich and I did get a soda, but it was all to go. I for went the fries. I really was NOT hungry. I thought I would be b/c it was already 7pm by the time I place the order. I was thirsty b/c I hadn't got enough water in that day, but not really hungry. I took it home with me (45 mins drive) and didn't eat until about 8:30pm. When I opened the box they had put tortilla chips in there.....HUH? Okay, It was like 3 servings of chips, so I took out 2 servings and put it in the bag of tortillas we already have and I did nibble on a few of the chips, but the sandwich was enough so I fed most of them to Fat Dog (not helping her though). I put my own reduced mayo on it. I did then have some Reese Pieces and a glass of milk with my remaining points for the day. I didn't feel deprived at all.


Now, I didn't exercise, per say, but I did move more than I usually do on a Friday. I had to make two trips across campus, then some walking around the mall for a bit. Not actual exercise, but still.


Sat: 324.4


Good Choices.

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Just a quick message....


I hit my 40 lb loss! My next goal is to lose 20 by November 5. I think it's possible. I lost 20 in 6 weeks, so I am hopeful I can do that in more than double the time.


Have a great rest of the weekend.


Sooooo Amazing! You got this in the bag!

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You guys are great. Stats show that having a support system will help you lose more weight over time and I really think that is true. And though I've never really met any of you, your support really helps. Thanks.


Well, this weekend was interesting. I got the silly phone sent off and I'll be waiting for my new one at some point this week when they decide to fix the wrong address they typed in. But I got myself a pedicure, picked up a cute (on sale) shrug and some personals from LB. But I typed all that already.


Saturday, it was kinda weird. I spent the morning kind of lounging and then mom said that my had called and she had extra tickets to the Greenbrier Classic concert that night, so we packed a few things jumped in the car and drove up there. She had the RV parked up there b/c she had tickets to all the shows and had already been up there. It was a good show and it was fun, though the bed in the RV wasn't too comfortable and I didn't get much sleep (and my back was sore). We also got a chance to stop by my grandparents on the way back home for a quick visit. I visited with my Maw Maw for a hour or so, then I let mom take over and I went and took a nap on the couch for a bit. Got home and had just enough time for a shower, get some clothes ready and put some away and then to bed.


I didn't weigh on Sunday b/c I was in an RV..........lol.


Sat: 324.2 (I think that's what I put)

Sun: ****

Mon: 326.2


I went back and tracked everything. Sun. I splurged a bit, but I fell in line on Friday and Sat. for the lower points. I just have to get the exercise in this week. I'm going for 3 days on the bike at home for 30 mins.


BK: Kashi cereal with skim milk


S: pineapple


L: Peanut butter sandwich, cheese stick, V8


S: greek yogurt


D: Mom will want to get rid of the meatloaf. If I don't go for that I might just had a tomato sandwich.


W: I need to start the week off so one of three days needs to be today.


Getting closer to the cruise and I'm ready.


I think I have the start of a Canker Sore.........problem caused by my cell phone saga, lol.


Good Choices.

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I completely agree. Having this board and my new-found friends is a great support. :D


Brooke - your choices today look good. I was doing well until my 5 year old handed me 2 of his chocolate chip mini muffins because he didn't like them. Well, Mommy does like them and ate them. I will add an extra mile to my biking tonight!


Have a good day.


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I had grilled chicken (6oz) with this bag of veggies that was unusual. Its frozen and you put it in a pot of boiling water for about 25 mins. It has small pieces of corn on the cob, whole red potatoes, shallots, carrots (slices) and celery. I put some salt on it and melted a little bit of butter over it. It was pretty good. Only 1 point for 3/4 cup. Then I did have some dessert. I had some oreos and milk. I remembered I had wanted some tortillas that day, so I didn't finish my milk and had a 1-4 chips. I went over points by like 2 points.


I didn't exercise. I need the gym to be open. I get home and my mind is used to doing nothing. I gotta either break this habit or find a way around it. Its hard too b/c I have to wait for my room to cool down with a/c too. I know it sounds prissy, but I will not be outside walking in this heat. I refuse. That is one thing I won't compromise on. I HATE unbearably hot weather (which is ironic b/c I cruise the Caribbean, but I can still find a/c).


Anyway..........after that whining.


Sat: 324.2

Sun: ****

Mon: 326.2

Tues: 325.4


BK: Kashi Cereal with skim


S: Grapes


L: Peanut butter sandwich, cheese stick, V8 (I know this is a repeat of a repeat, but I'm not tired of it yet and its filling and good for me, so I'll keep it up for at least til the loaf of bread runs out.


S: Greek yogurt


D: Hamburger with sweet potato fries (baked).


W: :rolleyes:


We are paid in full for the cruise now and the 70 day payment mark is next Monday! I'm hoping to see some price drops after that.


Good Choices.

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I am envious of your paid-in-full-cruise, Brooke! Since we opt to cruise on a theme cruise, the cost is double (or more than) and it takes us forever to actually pay it off. Our final payment (the scary payment) is due at the end of the month. Yikes!


I have not lost anything else. I am off today, so I am going to add a couple miles to my bike time. :) I am hope I am still smiling when I am on the bike. I know my butt will be sad!


Have a good day.


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Kim-Is it a Rick Springfield cruise? :D


I did get 20 mins on the bike. It takes FOREVER for my room to cool down (upstairs heat) and so at 20 mins I was miserable even with the ac and fan (I only gave it an hour to cool). But that is better than nothing. I did find out yesterday the new hours for the gym. Wouldn't you know that I finally took the gym bag out of the car and that's when I could have used it! Oh well, I put it back in today, so no excuses.


I had hamburger and sweet potato fries and 3 oreos for dessert.


I went over by 1 point.


I think of it this way. I'm actually really eating the 51 points that I was suppose to be eating. Instead of going over and eating more like 55 or 60.


Sat: 324.2

Sun: ***

Mon: 326.2

Tues: 325.4

Wed: 325.4


BK: Kashi cereal (the go lean crunch one, I changed it up so I wouldn't get tired, but its the same points), with skim milk


S: Watermelon


L: PB sandwich, cheese stick and V8


S: Greek Yogurt


D: I think I will do the frozen chicken tenders (6oz) maybe with a little bit of melted cheese on top with some garden tomatoes diced with some salt, pepper, cilantro or oregano (I don't know what I have) and a baked potato or what is left of those veggies I had the other day.


W: gotta get over to the gym. I know I was doing an hour in the pool, but that was weightless, I think I gotta work back up with the pressure on my back.


Mom is canning some pickles, green beans and she decided on tomato juice instead of canning the whole tomato. This is exciting b/c I can kinda blend my own V8 juice when she is done, lol.


Working on getting the canker sore to go away and just waiting on my cruise.........while I'm working, lol.


Good Choices.

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Kim-Is it a Rick Springfield cruise? :D



Absolutely! The fourth and final. This is the last year he is doing it. I am sad, but my our credit card could not be happier!


I am really dragging my butt around today. I don't know why I am so tired. I did well today with food and did my 10 miles. I planned on doing 12 as I did last night, but I just did not have it in me.


We are taking the kids to Six Flags tomorrow. Oh joy. I know I will probably eat something bad for me. :( But, I am sure the walking will help.


I am going to bed; have a good night and good day tomorrow.


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Kim: I KNEW IT! lol. Well, at least you experienced it. I've thought about themed cruises, but I just figure it would kill my relaxing mojo and talk about crowds, lol.


Well, the gym is opened, but they have moved all the equipment around b/c we are building a new athletic center and we are also converting the old weight room into classroom space, so the weights had to go someone (the new center isn't finished yet). It interesting, but the stuff still works, so no biggie, right? I did 20 mins. on the treadmill. I started at 3.0mph and was proud of that since it has been a while. But at 20 mins......I was feeling it, so I stopped. I did reps with weights and then 10 mins on the elliptical. So, about 35 mins. Oh I did squats too.


I called home to get mom to turn on the a/c in my room and she said she was making hamburgers..........eh okay. I had one with some shoestring fries (baked). I had some sherbert after that and I was good for the night, no struggles with wanting more.


Sat: 324.2

Sun: ***

Mon: 326.2

Tues: 325.4

Wed: 325.4

Thur: 324.4


BK: I went and picked up my Kashi Cin. harvest biscuits and their version of cheerios this morning. That Crunch stuff is kinda gross. First, its too crunchy and then when you let it sit in the milk a bit......it gets too soggy. Here I go with the texture of my food again. lol. I'll take that home, mom will probably eat it.


S: Watermelon


L: PB, cheese stick, V8


S: yogurt


D: Might have to do the chicken tonight.


W: I'm going try to go for 25 min. on the treadmill and do the bike instead of the elliptical.


I can't believe we are so close to the cruise already. I hope I can get a few more lbs off in the next couple of months.


Good Choices.

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Good morning ladies! Well we have 5 weeks until our cruise and by then I'm praying I won't any type of sick at all and be able to enjoy myself. I'm sure I will though, I always do! When I see that boat, pure excitement rushes over me, haha!!! Only this time, there will be a "third person" going with me. Yep, I'm pregnant and so far, so good. No problems, morning sickness or nausea. Yippy!!!! PLEASE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK YET, I haven't told EVERYONE yet. Waiting for my next sonogram to announce it. I'm 9w today so I will be 14w when we go on our cruise.


I'm so glad it's Friday, I've been working my butt off trying to get my work caught up from being on vacation. I have some much back log! Ugh!!! Oh well, in due time, it'll get done. May even come in tomorrow to get it done finally.


My foods? They haven't been the best since either I'm really craving things, or my mind is just saying "this sounds better than that" lol!!!

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Good morning ladies! Well we have 5 weeks until our cruise and by then I'm praying I won't any type of sick at all and be able to enjoy myself. I'm sure I will though, I always do! When I see that boat, pure excitement rushes over me, haha!!! Only this time, there will be a "third person" going with me. Yep, I'm pregnant and so far, so good. No problems, morning sickness or nausea. Yippy!!!! PLEASE DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ON FACEBOOK YET, I haven't told EVERYONE yet. Waiting for my next sonogram to announce it. I'm 9w today so I will be 14w when we go on our cruise.


I'm so glad it's Friday, I've been working my butt off trying to get my work caught up from being on vacation. I have some much back log! Ugh!!! Oh well, in due time, it'll get done. May even come in tomorrow to get it done finally.


My foods? They haven't been the best since either I'm really craving things, or my mind is just saying "this sounds better than that" lol!!!



THAT'S AMAZING!!!!! I bet you guys are over the moon! Its been a long time coming and I'm so happy for you :D


Don't forget that Ginger is a natural anti-nausea and they sell ginger chewing gum for pregnant ladies!


I guess its Virgin DODs for you missy. :rolleyes:

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Thanks Brooke!!! We're so excited!!! You know about it being a long time coming and finally! I'm glad everything has lined up for us this way. Now I'm able to give go through pregnancy and labor and delivery without worrying about my airway.


I'm not a fan of ginger at all, but I can handle ginger-ale, so I may take a pack of that on with me just in case. Or buy some ginger pills.


And yes, plenty of times already I've wanted to order an alcoholic beverage but "oh wait, you're pregnant." At least that'll cut down on our alcohol bill, lol! That or Tommy will be drinking for me. :rolleyes:

Edited by Mrs.C05
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I'm a lazy butt. I didn't go to the gym last night and I didn't exercise last night. I just didn't want to. I gotta get my exercise motivation back. But I still feel so much better about food. I'm not feeling hungry and I've been able to say "No" with no issue. Yesterday, my boss and I walked over to run some errands and she stopped by our newly opened campus Starbucks. OMG, the pastries looked so good and then she ordered a Frapacuinno and it looked delicious! She offered to buy me one, but I just had to say no. I didn't feel hungry and lunch was in a couple of hours and I didn't have a clue how many calories was in that thing. I just kept thinking about the watermelon I had in the office.


Then, I went home for dinner and b/c I was feeling lazy :rolleyes: I fixed a tomato, reduced mayo, bacon (pre-cooked-has less fat) sandwich with 1 oz of tortilla chips and a couple of homemade dill pickles. I knew I had points leftover, so I decided to use 2 of them to eat those frozen veggies I had the other night with a bit of butter, so I could get two more servings of veggies in. Then I used the remaining for a treat of mint moose tracks ice cream.


Now, mom came home late and even though dad had ate a sandwich (though I offered to make him dinner) she brought home McDonalds :eek:. She had bought to Big Macs and a fried fish sandwich. Dad only wanted one Big Mac, so mom asked if I had already eaten. I would totally be lying if I didn't say that in the past (if dad hadn't seen me eat) that I would have said "no." (That's addiction for you) This time the words, "Yes, I already ate" rolled off my tongue very easily and my stomach didn't even protest. Then she asked the follow-up question that could have been a downer, "Do you still want to eat the fish sandwich?" I could have said yes and really dug into my weekly points. Every logic said I could b/c I had been so good and I had plenty of weekly points and I started over tomr. But, "No, I'm fine." And I was.


Okay, so Big Macs and fish sandwiches aren't my fav. at the golden arches, but it is McDs and I could have given in. So, simple. Especially since it was right there and mom would have easily just walked it over to me. I wonder if I would have said to "no" to french fries...........oh well, can't dwell on what might have been.


Sat: 324.2

Sun: ***

Mon: 326.2

Tues: 325.4

Wed: 325.4

Thur: 324.4

Fri: 325.6


It looks like I'm going with 324.2 as my weight for the week. But if you notice......there isn't a 327 in that bunch of numbers. In fact, the numbers are lower overall. I think that is a good sign. And this picking my lowest weight for the week is really giving me positive vibes and encouraging me to do things like, saying "no."


BK: Kashi Cin. Harvest cereal with skim milk


S: Strawberries


L: PB, cheese stick, V8 (I think I'm done with this for now)


S: Yogurt (I didn't need this yesterday, stayed full until I got home for dinner)


D: Well, the parents will be out for the night, so mom gave me a coupon for Applebee's under 550 meals, so I thought I would call in a order for that. I usually get their asiago steak and shrimp with the veggies and baked potato. It comes with red potatoes, but I just like the baked potato better, so I add some points to it.


S: I notice I still eat after dinner, usually a dessert of some sort. I've been trying to be better about the amount and the type, but I might as well be honest, I have another snack after dinner.


W: Well, we are probably helping some of my co-workers play musical offices today, so I might get some exercise from that. Otherwise the gym is open and if I can motivate my lazy butt I will go over there.


Good Choices.

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The crowds are not bad on the Rick Springfield cruise. The first year, it was about 1200 people and years 2 and 3 about 700-750. It is extremely well-organized and generally the crazy fans behave. I am an amateur fan compared to some of the crazies out there. I just love to relax, be with my hubby and my friends, drink many margaritas and soak it all in.


Mrs. CO5 (Sorry, I don't know your "real" name). Congratulations on your pregnancy. Is this your first? Along with ginger ale and gum, you may want to bring along some sea bands to wear on your wrists. I used those on a cruise from Boston to Bermuda - a very rocky journey - and I was fine. Of course, I wasn't pregnant. I lived on Sprite with my first. Don't know why - I am just thinking the fizzy bubbles helped. Chances are if you have not had morning sickness yet, you won't. I never did with both of my pregnancies. But, better to be safe than sorry, so bring all of your preventative measures. Enjoy your trip, as this will be the last alone time you have for a very long time. :D


My boys had a great time at Six Flags on Thursday. My only food issues - drinking soda all day (something I had pretty much given up), eating popcorn, and then pizza at 8pm. But, I was right back on my best behavior on Friday. We did do a lot of walking at the park, including many many many trips up the stairs to the water slides.


Brooke - it looks like you are doing great!! With the tweeks that you have made with your eating, your body should be responding before you know it. :) What is your favorite Kashi cereal? I used to eat the "Good Friends" one years ago, but it had so much fiber hubby called it colon blow. Gross, I know. I need to pick up some better for me cereal. Yaaay for your for avoiding the McDonald's temptation. That's excellent will power.


Gotta get breakfast for the kids and start our day. We have nothing planned, and that's just how I like it. Kim

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Good luck with doing nothing. Haha. I'm pulling out cruise clothes today!!!! Well, first I have to clean and then I will pull them out, haha.


Its so nasty today, cloudy.....probably going to rain, but I guess thats perfect for cleaning.


Mom showed me how to make pickles last night. One day I will probably be thankful she did, but last night I was just not into it. Probably b/c she didn't "ask" but "told" me to do it. Somewhere inside me is still that resistant teenager.


I did go a bit over my points last night. I did feel a bit hungry though, so I had some Kashi cereal.


Kim-I like the Cin. Harvest biscuits (easy to count and cin. is a natural apt. sup.) and I just got the "Cheerios" and they are pretty good too.


I didn't exercise, but as you can note below I'm down another lb (technically). It seems like I'm trending 1lb a week and that was all I ever wanted from the beginning of trying to get over this "hump" and so I will NOT complain. I'm sure we all like to see a couple or three lbs every once in a while, but as long as I'm going in the right direction I feel good about it. Now, this week I'm going to NOT be lazy and try to hit the gym more. If I could do the one 30 min. session last week (I guess I could say 35 for the squats and weights), then I can do a couple more. So, if I up it to 3-30 mins. Like I said......after manually taking my points down I don't want to overdo it. I mean playing with calories and stuff can do a lot of things and since I don't know the exact science behind WW I want to be smart. So, I figure I just go a little at a time. I can't wait to see if Zumba comes back, b/c I really think switching up exercise every once in a while is really healthy and helpful. I think I will send an email to the new swim coach and just let her know that at least one person is interested in using the pool and if she could be kind and have some hours that staff members could use it. She is a new to our school, so she might not know these things, so I just figured I'd appeal to her. I mean, I think the swimming was really good for me. In fact, the chiro thinks that the strange sensation in my back (the tingles and soreness) wasn't my back or nerves, but muscles......that I just hadn't been using. The swimming made me use muscles that my body wasn't used to using, which is good.


With all these factors I hope to be just a little bit healthier by the cruise, which is just a 1/4 goal point. I get to take a fitness class on the ship with my spa room (its free) so I'm excited about that-its a sign-I know it, lol.


So, to recap-I started re-started at the weight 330lbs and I'm currently-323.4-that is down 6.6lbs. I started this thread at 352-that means 28lbs down. So in two years I've lost an avg about 20ish lbs and kept it off. So that is another accomplishment. It means I've thought enough about myself that I didn't gain it ALL back and PLUS some. Which seemed to happen in the past.


I'm cleaning and picking out cruise clothes today, so it might not be formal exercise, but I will be moving.




BK: I'm going to eat my Kashi cheerios cereal with 1% (thats what mom bought) milk


L: Ummmmmm, Idk.....I never plan weekends. I got plenty in the fridge to choose from




S: IDK, lol. This is why weekends probably have more points to them, but thats why I start over on Friday.


W: Cleaning


Good Choices!!!!

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Jumping in here to say "terrific thinking!"..


Good thing you said no to the Frappucinno..try close to 500 calories depending on the size..even the "skinny ones" aren't so good...and the pastries aren't that far off either. I checked their website once for calorie count as I like the espresso brownies..but at 450 plus calories for a brownie, I tell myself "I have the rest of my life to eat this crap, I don't need it today"..do that long enough and then when you finally do have on it just doesnt' taste the same.


And look how your mind kicked your stomach to the curb over the fish sandwich!


Keep up the good work..Menina




I'm a lazy butt. I didn't go to the gym last night and I didn't exercise last night. I just didn't want to. I gotta get my exercise motivation back. But I still feel so much better about food. I'm not feeling hungry and I've been able to say "No" with no issue. Yesterday, my boss and I walked over to run some errands and she stopped by our newly opened campus Starbucks. OMG, the pastries looked so good and then she ordered a Frapacuinno and it looked delicious! She offered to buy me one, but I just had to say no. I didn't feel hungry and lunch was in a couple of hours and I didn't have a clue how many calories was in that thing. I just kept thinking about the watermelon I had in the office.


Then, I went home for dinner and b/c I was feeling lazy :rolleyes: I fixed a tomato, reduced mayo, bacon (pre-cooked-has less fat) sandwich with 1 oz of tortilla chips and a couple of homemade dill pickles. I knew I had points leftover, so I decided to use 2 of them to eat those frozen veggies I had the other night with a bit of butter, so I could get two more servings of veggies in. Then I used the remaining for a treat of mint moose tracks ice cream.


Now, mom came home late and even though dad had ate a sandwich (though I offered to make him dinner) she brought home McDonalds :eek:. She had bought to Big Macs and a fried fish sandwich. Dad only wanted one Big Mac, so mom asked if I had already eaten. I would totally be lying if I didn't say that in the past (if dad hadn't seen me eat) that I would have said "no." (That's addiction for you) This time the words, "Yes, I already ate" rolled off my tongue very easily and my stomach didn't even protest. Then she asked the follow-up question that could have been a downer, "Do you still want to eat the fish sandwich?" I could have said yes and really dug into my weekly points. Every logic said I could b/c I had been so good and I had plenty of weekly points and I started over tomr. But, "No, I'm fine." And I was.


Okay, so Big Macs and fish sandwiches aren't my fav. at the golden arches, but it is McDs and I could have given in. So, simple. Especially since it was right there and mom would have easily just walked it over to me. I wonder if I would have said to "no" to french fries...........oh well, can't dwell on what might have been.


Sat: 324.2

Sun: ***

Mon: 326.2

Tues: 325.4

Wed: 325.4

Thur: 324.4

Fri: 325.6


It looks like I'm going with 324.2 as my weight for the week. But if you notice......there isn't a 327 in that bunch of numbers. In fact, the numbers are lower overall. I think that is a good sign. And this picking my lowest weight for the week is really giving me positive vibes and encouraging me to do things like, saying "no."


BK: Kashi Cin. Harvest cereal with skim milk


S: Strawberries


L: PB, cheese stick, V8 (I think I'm done with this for now)


S: Yogurt (I didn't need this yesterday, stayed full until I got home for dinner)


D: Well, the parents will be out for the night, so mom gave me a coupon for Applebee's under 550 meals, so I thought I would call in a order for that. I usually get their asiago steak and shrimp with the veggies and baked potato. It comes with red potatoes, but I just like the baked potato better, so I add some points to it.


S: I notice I still eat after dinner, usually a dessert of some sort. I've been trying to be better about the amount and the type, but I might as well be honest, I have another snack after dinner.


W: Well, we are probably helping some of my co-workers play musical offices today, so I might get some exercise from that. Otherwise the gym is open and if I can motivate my lazy butt I will go over there.


Good Choices.

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Well, I was productive this weekend, maybe not important stuff, but fun stuff. I did my cruise fashion blog and got it up. Changing clothes is a workout, lol.


I did dip into my weekly points a bit this weekend, but I still think I did well. The gym is open this week and my lazy butt needs to get over there.


Sat: 323.4

Sun: 323.6

Mon: 325.2 (Kinda a jump-I will have to police myself a little)


BK: Cin. Harvest cereal with skim milk


S: They didn't have any single serving fresh fruit this morning at the grocery. I was disappointed. So I went with a bag of mixed apples and oranges.


L: I made some low carb pasta, with deer hamburger and tomato basil sauce for lunch the other day. I didn't eat it all (about half actually) and then put the rest away for today's lunch. I think that should be balanced.


S: greek yogurt


D: I gotta do some chicken. I'm tired of beef.


S: Probably a bit of M&Ms or milk.


W: I'm going for 30 mins.


Here goes another week.........I hope I keep the trend up.


Good Choices.

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