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Cruising to Healthy


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Woosh, had an opening meeting this morning (2 hours long).


Okay, so let me just start with:


Sat: 325.6

Sun: 324.6

Mon: 325.4



Now, I don't like to see those numbers up, but I know why they are. I know I've been letting myself splurge a bit and then no real exercise, so obviously my weight should be up. But, the good thing is I know that and can simply correct it.


I have my gym clothes for today and I'm planning on starting with 20 mins on the bike, some hand weights, then 10 mins on the elliptical. These are low-impact exercise like the chiropractor suggested, so not to annoy my disk and then have it press on the nerve. The ellipitcal is good cardio, so I think it will be okay. Depending on my back, I want to split it 15/15 between the two and then maybe switch to 15 bike and 20 elliptical. That would be three days of 30 mins, plus weights. I'm gonna start there. The chiropractor agreed that doing the pool for so long my body might be in shock with weight baring activities and to take it slow and build back up. I will take his advice.


Now, though my weight is up and some of my weekend eating is the culprit, I have to say that I am really proud of how I handled things. I ate pizza with my SIL, Brother and lil man on Friday night (I brought it over and my SIL was so thankful). Then a shower on Sunday afternoon and my cousin's going party that afternoon.


So, I have to say I tracked everything really well, I did go over, but tracking is key too. My weekly points are still intacted at a good level, so not too much damage.


So, pizza and fries are my weakness, you all know this. I've been doing well at staying away from both or at least doing baked fries. I had two slices of pizza, but the breadsticks got me.................3 of them. But, no dessert and cut myself after that.


Saturday I stayed at home and tried to not eat out of being bored. I did eat pizza again that night just b/c I tried not to turn on the a/c (the bill was high last month) and it was hot and I put the pizza in the toaster oven and stayed out of the kitchen. Will I still use this excuse when I get a place (eventually) with central air..........probably, I like pizza. But, I made the choice to get the three smallest pieces and then put the leftovers in a baggie and right into the fridge. You guys know how I don't like fresh pizza. I stayed away from the leftovers.


Okay, so a shower and a cookout in the same day. I started off with oatmeal and stayed strong from snacks until right before the shower. I re-heated the two pizza slices left (still small slices) and ate those. They tell you not to go to these things hungry, so that was my intention.


I had one little (like mini) ham sandwich thing, a fruit Kabob (really), some veggies with a tsp of dip and 3 crackers. I had a thin slice of cake (I mean I like cake and it was thin) and one cupcake. After that.........I was done and stopped. Normally, I would have piled my plate with all the bad stuff and still had made a second trip. I felt good about what I ate and I was full.


I mean right after, we had to go to the cookout. Now my cousin's grandma can cook and I knew this would be hard. But I was already full so I listened to my stomach. Lucky, my uncles made small burger (like slider size) and I had one of those, a tbsp of some kind of none creamy pasta, 1/4 slice of baked mac n cheese, pickle and .5oz of chips with a fuzzy navel and water. I spent time talking and eating before even thinking about dessert. When I went back they had the eclair cake that my cousin's grandma is famous for.........mmmmmm.......soooo..........good. I cut 1/4 of it off and put two bit spoons of whipped cream (knew that was filling and low in calories). I had about four little spoons (mostly whipped cream) and my stomach protested too much. I didn't finish it. I had two more bottles of water before we left.


I can tell you that was a HUGE accomplishment. I ALWAYS overeat when at family functions and when there is a lot of food at my disposal. I would have normally had like two hamburgers, big handful of chips, pasta (she had three different ones), I forewent the bbq ribs, a big spooful of mac n cheese, 2-3 sodas or beer, dessert and probably would have went back for more. This would all leave me feeling busting and miserable for like two days. I was already getting bloated and knew I had to stop. So, I actually cut my normal intake (for both events) in half. I will take that as a victory over food and my emotions (b/c both events were full of emotions).


BK: Kashi cereal


S: Nope


L: peanut butter and cheese stick, maybe a little soda (i bought a 20 oz coke last friday fro caffiene and I actually drank 1/4 and put it in the fridge, another accomplishment)


S: maybe some greek yogurt, but I might eat that with lunch or apples with peanut butter.


D: I know mom bought more chicken. I might do my chicken dish I made the other week. It was simple and good.


W: I explained above.


Officially two months!!!!!


Good Choices.

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Good afternoon everyone.


Thank goodness my period pounds are gone. I was up a grand total of 3, but they were gone this morning. :) No new total to report, so 46 is still the magic number. I have been really focused the last couple of days and keeping my eye on the prize.


I am still a shopping fool this days, picking up summer clothes bargains wherever I can find them. I just ordered 2 more tops from JCPenney. I have good luck with their clothes and the website has a large selection. Last week, I got an order from Coldwater Creek. I loved everything I got, so much so, I ordered 2 more pairs of crop pants from them. Normally, it is pricey, but I hit their 50% of clearance items sale. Yikes, I need to inventory everything. I am not sure if I "need" to buy anything else. I tried on my formal night dress and it fits better than it did last year. Yes, I am wearing it again. I bought a different shrug to go with it; I needed a smaller one. :) It is a very simple long black dress (stretchy material, so it's very forgiving), beaded at the waist and a criss-cross back. I wore Spanx with it last year so it would fit. But, I don't think I will need them this year. Yaaay.


Brooke - great job keeping tabs on everything you ate. You owned it and that is a hard thing to do. I figure that as long as we are not eating the way we used to, that is a huge accomplishment in itself. Good luck with getting back into exercise. I think the bike and/or the elliptical is a great idea. Congrats on your 2 months, too. ;)


Have a great rest of the day.


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Kim-I just bought a few pieces too. Summer sales are great and some pieces are still okay for Fall too. Heard Levi has plus size jeans that are suppose to fit your figure and that they are great, but a bit expensive. I don't wear jeans much anymore b/c 5 days a week I can't, lol. I think also that on the weekends I can't really find a pair that I like.


I stuck to my food choice, mom brought home fried chicken, but I knew I could save a lot of calories by sticking with my grilled. This time I used less garlic and it was a good.


Did the gym and my body did really well. I didn't hurt and I didn't feel any inflammation either. I'm okay this morning too, so hopefully the lower impact is working.


Sat: 325.6

Sun: 324.6

Mon: 325.4

Tues: 323.4 (getting better)


They have a 5K run during our Family Weekend at the college. This year they are adding a 1 mile walk. I have to work for my job that weekend, but I think I might ask if I could just do the walk. I mean, technically........its work right, lol. I've never done a walk or run, so I think its a good start. I know I can't do the run, but walking a mile I should be able to do. I mean I do it on the treadmill. I'm gonna ask my boss. It will be the 1st of October, so less than a month to the cruise.


BK: Kashi cereal 1% milk


L: I brought the PB and bread. I had cereal yesterday b/c I left the bread in the car.............I don't mind the PB sandwiches. I'm starting to lose some of my cravings........food isn't so much about pleasure of taste anymore. I just know I have to eat something. I mean, I still love the taste of food (pizza and fries :rolleyes:), but I don't feel that .......:eek:..........to eat.


D: Umm, I might do a cheese burger, homemade. Mom buys lower fat frozen patties, but I can't believe that one patty is like 9 points! I mean after I cook it and pat off a lot of the grease, don't that decrease some of the calories? I mean, it certainly shrinks the patty. When I do a search in WW it gives me like Fast food burgers. I have to believe that I can make a healthier burger at home, right? Idk.


S: This is when I want a snack, so I should try and save some points for this. But I've been good about limiting myself. Choosing smaller bowls and plates to eat out of etc.


W: I'll go back to the gym for maybe a 15/15 workout and some weights.


Good choices.

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Good morning,


Well I had mexican food last night, and today I am feeling it. I feel bloated and have no energy. My plan going in was to stick with a Corona and 2 tacos, but then I found out they were known for their margaritas, so I got one of those, and then our food didn't come for like 45 minutes, so I ate some chips and salsa... ugh. I actually feel gross from eating all that crap. Today I'm going to eat really clean. It's so interesting how completely obvious my moods and energy levels are related to what I eat. I'm up a pound today, not really surprised, and actually surprised that it was not more.


I bought something called coconut water, because it is supposed to be really nutritious (has 4 times as much potassium as a banana, only 35 cal a cup, natural electrolytes, so like nature's energy drink). I poured myself a glass of it yesterday, and I hated it! But I know that potassium can help negate the effects of too much salt. So this morning, I gave it another shot. I poured just 4 oz or so, and drank it in 2 gulps. I think it is growing on me. I probably won't buy it again, but don't want the rest of it to go to waste! So Ill just drink little portions or maybe add some to a smoothie. I haven't made smoothies in awhile though.


Good choices, everyone!

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Rachel, Mexican is so hard. Those stupid chips and the base food is good for you, but then they add all the extras......and you get so much for the $ too. I feel ya.


Okay, in case you didn't notice........my part of the world had an earthquake yesterday. Ummm, thought the West Coast thinks we a wimps I'm gonna say boo to them. When the majority of the population has never been through an earthquake before...........it leaves you in shock. This is VA, this worst thing that happens to us normally is a bad thunder storm. Well, at least in my area. Not that any of us knew what it was. I blamed it on people moving furniture upstairs (i was in the bathroom:rolleyes:). I think I need a T-shirt :D.


Never the less, I did not go to the gym. Just something about being around a bunch of heavy equipment and weights after an earthquake that didn't seem right. Its okay though, I think it was smart to give myself a day of rest and then get back to it today. Let my back recover and then come back. Probably was the smart thing to do anyway.


Made a cheeseburger last night. Now, I had a craving for my spicy cheese dip and chips. Now we all know I can eat a whole bag of these things. I left myself some points for this. I used the chips as a side to my hamburger. I counted out 20 of them and measured out the dip. I let myself have what I was craving, but not to over indulge. If fact, it didn't taste the same. I bought new chips though.....could have been it.


Sat: 325.6

Sun: 324.6

Mon: 325.4

Tues: 323.4

Wed: 323.2


Hey, I may end up a lb up this week, but I still like that my numbers were up this week, but have fallen. Maybe my body is getting into a routine of sorts.


BK: Kashi and ff milk


S: I think I will eat an apple for the fiber and fruit. I've been laying off the fruit and veggies too much lately. I need to get them back in.


L: Peanut butter probably. I made an extra hamburger last night, thinking I would do a no bread burger, but dad ate it. :rolleyes:


S: I don't think I will need it


D: Maybe a chicken pasta dish. We have some low carb noodles......I think.....I don't want tomato base, I do want like a cream base or oil maybe. I used to LOVE alfredo pasta with fresh cup up tomatoes. Of course that is really fattening.


W: Okay, I think its safe to head back. I didn't feel any of the aftershocks they said we had. 15/15 and weights.


Good Choices.

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Hey Brooke, I meant to mention yesterday that I think the 1 mile walk is a great idea!!! The only organized things I've done is the 5 mile breast cancer walk every fall, and a 5K in 2009 that I trained for. I did the couch potato to 5K. BTW, I highly recommend that program, if anyone ever decides to do a 5K (you can just google it). Trust me, I am not a runner at ALL, and I was able to jog/run the whole thing (slowly). But I didn't finish last! :)


Anyway, participating in any type of group event is really fun and exciting, I think you will like it. Something about being in a large group that is all doing the same thing is really fun. Do you get a t-shirt?


That is crazy about the earthquake. I can't imagine what I would do, especially since you are not expecting them in your region. Who knew there was a faultline around DC?

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I can't even go near a bowl of chips and salsa without consuming the entire thing. My hubby made some awesome pita chips last weekend. It comes in handy to have a chef for a husband :rolleyes:. But, no he does not cook for me all the time, he works all the time.


I am now down 47. Yaaay. I was stuck at 46 for what felt like a long time and then got my stupid period. So, hopefully, I am on the right trend. I am super tired now and I really need to get the kids to bed. I need to bike. It has been a nice way to catch up on movies, too. I put a dvd in and bike away.


I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow - just a follow up to my physical. This is the first appointment I am not afraid to attend.


I am off. Have a good night. Kim

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Hey Brooke, I meant to mention yesterday that I think the 1 mile walk is a great idea!!! The only organized things I've done is the 5 mile breast cancer walk every fall, and a 5K in 2009 that I trained for. I did the couch potato to 5K. BTW, I highly recommend that program, if anyone ever decides to do a 5K (you can just google it). Trust me, I am not a runner at ALL, and I was able to jog/run the whole thing (slowly). But I didn't finish last! :)


Anyway, participating in any type of group event is really fun and exciting, I think you will like it. Something about being in a large group that is all doing the same thing is really fun. Do you get a t-shirt?


That is crazy about the earthquake. I can't imagine what I would do, especially since you are not expecting them in your region. Who knew there was a faultline around DC?


I hope I get the chance to do it, I need to ask like right now. lol. The first 75 to reg. get t-shirts........doubt they'll have my size though.


I can't even go near a bowl of chips and salsa without consuming the entire thing. My hubby made some awesome pita chips last weekend. It comes in handy to have a chef for a husband :rolleyes:. But, no he does not cook for me all the time, he works all the time.


I am now down 47. Yaaay. I was stuck at 46 for what felt like a long time and then got my stupid period. So, hopefully, I am on the right trend. I am super tired now and I really need to get the kids to bed. I need to bike. It has been a nice way to catch up on movies, too. I put a dvd in and bike away.


I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow - just a follow up to my physical. This is the first appointment I am not afraid to attend.


I am off. Have a good night. Kim


It feels good to break that mold doesn't it. I think I've felt the most positive lately.



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Well, I had my chicken 6oz with red pepper, black pepper, salt and I put a 1 1/2 tsp of that Jalapeno cheese dip on it. Spicy jalapeno cheese chicken is what I'm calling it. Then I cooked two small red potatoes with mixed frozen veggies with a bit of butter and pepper, salt, garlic. Had a big helping of veggies. I was a bit hungry while waiting for it to cook, so I had my dessert them. A 4 pack of Lance oreo like cookies. I had a few tortilla chips too (like 5). I had some tea after that, but I was good. I got hunger pains while trying to fall asleep, but I just tried to relax and send myself to sleep.......and I did.


Did 15/15 and weights at the gym. Gonna take today off and do Friday. My back seems to reacting well so far.


Sat: 325.6

Sun: 324.6

Mon: 325.4

Tues: 323.4

Wed: 323.2



I have to say that if I'm up a lb I will be okay with that. I would like it more if I just came out even though :). Its okay though, b/c I kinda like how I've been more consistent with weights this week. Going down every day, unlike the last couple of weeks where I went up and down. I think that is a good sign. At least I know I'm getting back on track.


BK: Kashi and skim milk




L: I brought a healthy choice meal. It looked decent and mom had it in the freezer. I thought I should break up the peanut butter sandwiches once.


D: I shoulda asked mom if we had taco supplies at the house. Might have to stop by the store.


W: Not today.


Saw the Nassau Senior Frogs on the news this morning.........Hold on Mr. Frogs........you are the only thing I like in Nassau!


Good Choices.

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New total to report...49. :)


This has been my trend - lose a few, stay the same for a week or two, then start losing again. I can deal with that.


Brooke - have you ever used ground turkey for your tacos? We have been doing that lately and I actually like it more. Great job working out. Just take it easy so you don't hurt your back. I often go to bed hungry. It's soooo hard not to go down to get something to eat, isn't it. I am sure that will pass with time.


I am off. I am thinking that I should be thinking (that's a lot of thinking) about doing something to get ready for this hurricane headed our way. I am supposed to take the kids to Newport, RI this weekend. I don't know what to do now. They just like staying in a different place, but our options for entertainment will definitely be limited.


Have a great day!

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Kim, I haven't tried turkey, just deer. I just had leftover sloppy joes in tortilla scoops with those leftover veggies. Mom called and had me put pizza in the oven. I'm glad I already ate and I just put one pizza in, so there would be leftovers for me to sneak (not that I think I would have).


Sat: 325.6

Sun: 324.6

Mon: 325.4

Tues: 323.4

Wed: 323.2


Fri: 322.4


Some I'm up from my lowest weight last week, but still a steady decrease....I'm still impressed.


Talked to my boss about the walk. She was thinking about a few of us walking anyway (its a fundraiser), but it is during our registration for our family weekend, so its still up in the air.


BK: I just ate actually........busy morning. Kashi and skim


L: I actually wanted cereal and one slice of bread with peanut butter yesterday so I still have the healthy choice meal left.


D: I don't know............Its friday.


W: 20 on the Elpt. and 10 on the bike.......at least I'll try.


Got a few things I ordered last night. Got a dress from fashionbug and thought it was made out of a different material. Its that see threw, kinda crinkle stuff. I usually hate that stuff just b/c it feels bad, but also b/c it doesn't have much give and it normally doesn't fit. I tried the dress on (a pretty straight cut) and it did fit. Now it was a size 28, but I'll take it. The design and style was cute, so I think I might keep it.


Good Choices.

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I can't do venison. Probably for the same reason why I can't eat veal or lamb. Just my thing. :o


I have made my 50 lb mark. :D Now just 50 more. :( If I lose 10 more before November 4, I will be satisfied. 5 lbs in September, 5 in October seems perfectly reasonable.


We are preparing for the hurricane. Oh joy. Of course, I had an end-of-summer getaway planned for Sunday to Tuesday, but it might not happen. I am hoping I can either leave really early Sunday and beat the storm, but we shall see.


Have a great weekend. Kim

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Well, I would say I'm perplexed by my weight at this point, but I'm not sure I am. Tiny bit worried, maybe. Here is what I'm thinking.


1. Mother nature will be here in about a week......


2. Starting workouts back at a slow pace might be impacting weight....


3. As always food can be an impact. I kinda stopped my fruit in take almost all together except for a apple here and there. I think maybe adding it back in, might help.


Never fear though. I just have to keep at it.


Oh btw,


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.8

Mon. 323.4


I ravaged my room on Saturday. Not really intentional, but just happened. I took the vacuum up and the next thing I know I had empty the canister 3x with dust nastiness. In an old house it just collects and I have like a berbur carpet, so it just gets mashed in the carpet. I also dusted every piece of furniture and ledge. I got froggy and turned my mattress and box spring up and got under the bed (loved all the stink bug debris) and then I decided to even vac my mattress........ewwww.......I think the white dust was dead skin. Note to self: vac you mattress more often. I was def. sweating by the time I was done. Then I went downstairs and ironed clothes and fixed a few holes and seams, hems etc. I wanted to get to my car, but didn't.


Ended up going to a friends house that night (they were all hunkered down at their parents house b/c of Irene) and I got there and they had already ate, but I got leftovers (steak and baked potato, 1/3 cup of ice cream and some cookies the kids made). Then I got to cuddle with my lil man (I stole him from mom, lol) and I got to show them I could change a diaper, then dad stole him from me. Its okay though b/c we went over last night and I got to cuddle with him some more. I have to say.......something about their little tiny sweetness that just makes you melt. I could probably hold him all day....I think my clock is ticking, but I just keep thinking about sleepless nights etc........lol.


So I got some exercise in this weekend. As usual I did dig into some of my weekly points, but I think the week is more structured and I don't need them, so having some on the weekends doesn't make me feel bad.


BK: Kashi cereal


L: I brought a hamburger patty and a baked potato leftover from last night.


D: Mom bought me some frozen veggies and intend to use them with some chicken b/c she stocked up on those, lol.


W: Lets go for 20/15 elp./bike. I didn't go Friday. I should know better than to try......I just wanna go home by the end of the week.


Tried to pack a few things neatly in my suitcase last night, just folding and stacking, going through what I had already. :D


Good Choices.

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Hi all,


Hope everyone had a good weekend! I had a fun one and am really looking forward to Labor Day weekend. I am working four 10 hour days this week so that I can have Friday off and make it a 4 day weekend. Needless to say, it's going to be hard for me to fit in exercise this week. I had a really active weekend, and today I was down 0.4 pounds, so that is a total of 10.4 pounds. It's the little things... hopefully this trend will continue. I think I will keep more of a running tally so that it makes more sense for you all. I would really like to lose 30 more, but I would be very happy at 20. If I lost 30, it would be what I weighed in high school.


Food wise, I had a busy weekend cooking up all of our vegetables. I made zucchini bread on Saturday, blanched and froze 12 ears of corn, blanched and froze 2 heads of broccoli, sliced and froze 3 green bell peppers, cut up a melon for snacking during the week, made homemade marinara with 4 tomatoes, made a dish of eggplant parmigiana with 2 eggplants, cleaned and dried 2 heads of lettuce to prepare for salads, made that tzatziki dip for snacks during the week, and for dinner on Sunday, roasted a pork tenderloin and made a broccoli and cauliflower gratin. WHEW that is a lot once I type it out! Brooke we both must have gotten the cleaning or homemaking bug in our system!


So we have some leftovers to eat this week. I also cleaned out the freezer yesterday (threw out anything that I couldn't remember what it was :eek:), and did 5 loads of laundry. We also still have some leftover salmon that a co-worker caught fishing. I think we'll have that tonight with green beans, since I am working late it will be nice to have a quick meal.


Kim, GREAT job on the 50 pound mark! That's awesome.


I hope no one was too affected by the hurricane!

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Rachel good job and that is a lot of cooking!




Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.8

Mon. 323.4

Tues. 324


I have to say I'm thinking its mother nature. I'm feeling bloated this morning. So I'm going to chuck it up to her.


I had meatloaf with half a baked potato and 1oz of grilling beans. I had some oreos and a ice pop.


No exercise b/c they never announced the fitness center hours. I got them today though..........


BK: Kashi cereal and skim milk


L: I bought those Oscar Meyer lunch things. It has like the thin bread, sandwich meant, jello, crackers........its about 400 calories total I think. Not bad.


D: Stir fry probably.


W: I'll get to it I know I will today.


Ugh, I'm just tired. It has to be mother nature.........I'm just dragging and feeling like a balloon.


On that note.


Good choices.

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Hi everyone,


Well, somehow I am down another 0.8 pounds this morning, for a total of 11.2 pounds! Woo! Only 0.6 more to go until I break into the next set of digits for my weight. So that is definitely my goal this week.


I think what is working for me lately is just watching my portion sizes and not really snacking a lot. I've also been eating so many vegetables so that they don't go bad! I'm very much on-again/off-again with tracking my calories. On some days, it seems pointless, because I eat very similar things and I know I will come out fine. Then on other days, it seems intimidating (like if I eat out or make something very complicated), because I don't even know how to track some stuff, and I just don't do it.


I think I will be fine if I stick with cereal/berries/milk OR yogurt/granola/fruit for breakfasts. Sandwich and fruit/vegetables w/dip for lunch (or a salad), and a simple dinner... I know roughly what all those things are calorie-wise, and if I eat them, I know I will be in my range. On days where I have to eat out, or attend an event, I will just make the best chocie possible and move on... Anyway, that is my new philosophy. Also, this way it is not really a diet, but just the way I eat now.


Good choices everyone!

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Sorry I have been out of touch for a few, but I have a great excuse...a hurricane. We survived, but were without power for the better part of 3 days. I packed up and went to my mom's, but returned this afternoon to lights on. :)


Food has not been too bad over the past couple of days. I even did my mom's treadmill, so I got my exercise. I am just happy to be home and back into a routine. I will be staying off of the scale for a few days, so nothing new to report there. ;)


I am off to bed.

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Hi everyone,


Well, somehow I am down another 0.8 pounds this morning, for a total of 11.2 pounds! Woo! Only 0.6 more to go until I break into the next set of digits for my weight. So that is definitely my goal this week.


I think what is working for me lately is just watching my portion sizes and not really snacking a lot. I've also been eating so many vegetables so that they don't go bad! I'm very much on-again/off-again with tracking my calories. On some days, it seems pointless, because I eat very similar things and I know I will come out fine. Then on other days, it seems intimidating (like if I eat out or make something very complicated), because I don't even know how to track some stuff, and I just don't do it.


I think I will be fine if I stick with cereal/berries/milk OR yogurt/granola/fruit for breakfasts. Sandwich and fruit/vegetables w/dip for lunch (or a salad), and a simple dinner... I know roughly what all those things are calorie-wise, and if I eat them, I know I will be in my range. On days where I have to eat out, or attend an event, I will just make the best chocie possible and move on... Anyway, that is my new philosophy. Also, this way it is not really a diet, but just the way I eat now.


Good choices everyone!


YAY........That's a big deal. Heck, I celebrate over less, lol.

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Sorry I have been out of touch for a few, but I have a great excuse...a hurricane. We survived, but were without power for the better part of 3 days. I packed up and went to my mom's, but returned this afternoon to lights on. :)


Food has not been too bad over the past couple of days. I even did my mom's treadmill, so I got my exercise. I am just happy to be home and back into a routine. I will be staying off of the scale for a few days, so nothing new to report there. ;)


I am off to bed.


I'm glad your okay. Our Irene damage consisted of a shelf falling off the wall due to the wind coming through all the open windows in the house, lol. Oh and Fat Dog hiding under my feet for most of the day.

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Lets see.........I'm being lazy and not going to the gym. I'm just physically tired, not to mention that I had a random meeting that threw a few things at me I have to deal with. But I've actually been hungry in the evenings and I'm wondering if I'm getting enough. I usually wait 20 mins and make sure its hunger pains (drink some water too). Of course the cravings from hormones are here and I think I've controlled them better than I have in the past.


I finally got my supply of Zija vitamin mix, so maybe that will help with the cravings, since I've been off of it for about 4 days.


I did go for stir-fry last night. I added red pepper to it. They say spicy food helps your metabolism. I like spice in my food, in fact I crave it sometimes, hints the jalapeno cheese dip I get sometimes. I usually eat the whole bag of veggies, but mom bought a family size one this time, so I decided to add more chicken and then cut everything in half. Of course I had to pick the actual red peppers out. I can do the powdered, but real red peppers taste disgusting to me. I added just a bit of low sodium soy sauce too. Then I put a few peanuts in it for some crunch. It was good.


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.8

Mon. 323.4

Tues. 324

Wed. 323.6


Well, at least it went down a bit. I tried to get extra water in yesterday to help flush out the bloated feeling. I have this "detox" tea from Zija. I don't use it that often b/c it has a diuretic (sp) in it. I know those are really that good for you b/c it flushes good and bad out of your system and can cause you to dehydrate too. They say to use it every night or every couple days depending on how you react to it. Well, I discovered the best thing for me (since I obviously weigh more than the average person) is to twice a week to use two tea bags and do a 16oz of the tea. I can tell it works b/c I get some mild craps (like gas pain) and I def. get..........:rolleyes:..............anyway. I also pour water down myself that day, so I don't have any problems there. I think I will take it down to 1 time a week though. I just don't like messing with that kind of stuff.


BK: Trying the Kashi Warm Cin. cheerios........eh.......almost too sweet for me. But its okay.


L: Yesterday I had that Oscar mayer sandwich combo thing. I like them. They have just the right amount of food in them. Everything is low fat or low sugar too. yesterday was turkey, low fat cheese, arnold's bread, sugar free mousse cup, snack (I mean like 1oz) size wheat thins (grey poupon for condiment). I added a 8 oz V8, very filling. Today I think I got the southwest chicken with about the same sides.


S: Yesterday I actually needed a snack in the morning (it was one slice of light wheat bread, 1 tbsp of peanut butter) I think now that I'm back on the vitamins I won't be needing a snack, but maybe until it gets back into my system. I have cheese sticks and one yogurt left.


D: I'm thinking BBQ and some of those left over grilling beans. the beans have protein. I don't generally eat them, the texture is hard for me.......but I'm trying to get myself to like a few new things and they taste good to me, just the texture..........I'm trying. Maybe some green beans too for a veggie and greens.


W: I really don't think I will. I will see though. I just want to be honest with myself.


Good Choices.


Oh PS- If my lowest Weight is 322.4.............it just means I haven't gained or lost.........can so deal with that.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Ugh, dentist........that stuff they use to clean your teeth makes me nauseous.


Just getting around to Breakfast.


I had bbq and 1/4 of beans last night. I had some toast and a Popsicle. I worked on my scrapbook a bit last night. I think if I'm not working out I need to do something constructive. So, I'm working on that a little bit each night.


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.8

Mon. 323.4

Tues. 324

Wed. 323.6

Thurs. 323.6


Looks like I will not lose anything this week, but as I said, thats better than a gain. Get through mother nature and I still have like 6 weeks left to get to 10lbs. I can do it.


BK: Honey kashi cheerios.....cin was too much


S: Got some grapes and watermelon


L: Southwest chicken oscar mayer meal with a V8 (minus the chocolate covered pretzels.....eww)


D: Meatloaf and some frozen veggies.


W: Nope.........apparently ragweed is up and I've woken up with a sinus headache every morning this week. Between allergies and mother nature.......its a crappy feeling week. Thank goodness my vitas are helping a bit or I might be completely useless.


50 more days until my cruise. Work has been amped on the politics lately and I just keep listening to the Zac Brown Band songs.........thank goodness he has like three songs about getting away.........lol.


Good choices.

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Hey Ladies!!! I'm still here and ready for my cruise!!! I'm still hoping Hurricane Katia turns or disipates or something. I just want a smooth sailing since I'm pregnant. Normally I don't get seasick on the cruise, and I haven't had any morning sickness or anything since getting pregnant, so I am really hoping this cruise will be nothing out of the ordinary.


Trying to get back in the grove of eating healthy, especially for the baby. I've had some cravings, but they are mainly soda and fries. The bad stuff of course!


Today was Cherrios with Fat Free milk for breakfast, a banana for a morning snack, lunch will be a flatout light (tomato flavor) with chicken and a pack of 100 calorie wholly guacamole. Best of all I found a 16 count at Sam's club for like $8! Those are normally $4 per 3 at Publix! Probably have a yogurt with lunch since it expires tomorrow. Tonight's dinner is one serving of Rosetti Ravioli with marinera sauce and homemade garlic bread. MMMM!!!

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I am getting back into the swing of things. We did not have power for the better part of 3 days during and following the hurricane. Parts of Rhode Island are still without, so I feel grateful that our power came back on.


I was horrible with food while I escaped to my mother's house. I did use her treadmill while I was there, but I am so not a fan of it. I prefer my bike for sure. We are settling into new routines with the kids back in school. My baby boy started Kindergarten and my big boy is in third grade. September 1 is a great time for a fresh beginning with food and exercise. I am still down 50 lbs. and really want to lose 10 more before my cruise. Plenty of time!!


We are having tacos for dinner. I am really looking forward to that. We lost so much food after the hurricane, but unfortunately, we did not lose the cookies and chips. :D


Brooke...50 days. Wow! You can definitely lose 10 before then. I am right behind you, so let's do it together. :)



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