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Cruising to Healthy


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Hey Ladies!!! I'm still here and ready for my cruise!!! I'm still hoping Hurricane Katia turns or disipates or something. I just want a smooth sailing since I'm pregnant. Normally I don't get seasick on the cruise, and I haven't had any morning sickness or anything since getting pregnant, so I am really hoping this cruise will be nothing out of the ordinary.


Trying to get back in the grove of eating healthy, especially for the baby. I've had some cravings, but they are mainly soda and fries. The bad stuff of course!


Today was Cherrios with Fat Free milk for breakfast, a banana for a morning snack, lunch will be a flatout light (tomato flavor) with chicken and a pack of 100 calorie wholly guacamole. Best of all I found a 16 count at Sam's club for like $8! Those are normally $4 per 3 at Publix! Probably have a yogurt with lunch since it expires tomorrow. Tonight's dinner is one serving of Rosetti Ravioli with marinera sauce and homemade garlic bread. MMMM!!!


haha, I used to say I couldn't wait to be preggers to have an excuse to be fat and eat. Now they are all restrictive on weight gain and foods you can eat. No fun.


Have a great cruise...........at least enjoy some Virgin drinks!

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I am getting back into the swing of things. We did not have power for the better part of 3 days during and following the hurricane. Parts of Rhode Island are still without, so I feel grateful that our power came back on.


I was horrible with food while I escaped to my mother's house. I did use her treadmill while I was there, but I am so not a fan of it. I prefer my bike for sure. We are settling into new routines with the kids back in school. My baby boy started Kindergarten and my big boy is in third grade. September 1 is a great time for a fresh beginning with food and exercise. I am still down 50 lbs. and really want to lose 10 more before my cruise. Plenty of time!!


We are having tacos for dinner. I am really looking forward to that. We lost so much food after the hurricane, but unfortunately, we did not lose the cookies and chips. :D


Brooke...50 days. Wow! You can definitely lose 10 before then. I am right behind you, so let's do it together. :)




Kim, I at like 7.6lbs now, I want to hit 10lbs............another 10lbs...........eh.........I could try, lol. Just gotta get mother nature off my back and then I can settle in. I might try for another 5lbs. I have to see how long it takes me to lose the additional 2.4lbs. lol.

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Lets see............I had pizza last night. Yea, I know. But the good thing is that I actually had the points for it. B/c I ate bk so late yesterday and then lunch was delayed and I didn't eat as much as I usually do I had 29 points left for the evening. I thought..........usually I eat pizza without enough points.......lets try having it with enough.


Well, my weekend will consist of a photo shoot (by me) with our lil man (he will be leaving us on Tuesday) and the family. Then I'm going out to a winery for a movie on the lawn with some friends. Should be fun.


Next weekend I have a baby shower for a friend, so I'll be up North for a the weekend.


Sat. 322.4

Sun. 322.8

Mon. 323.4

Tues. 324

Wed. 323.6

Thurs. 323.6

Friday: 323


Well, its lower. And looking at my excel sheet, this is the most consistent week I've had and much lower than the others. maybe I can save the excel sheet as a jpeg and post it for you to see. My lowest weight was 322.4, which was the same as last week, so not loss, but no GAIN! I can deal with that. Now, I just have to get it down 2.4lbs to make 10bls. I can do this.


BK: Kashi and skim milk


S: grapes


L: luncahables ham and cheese sandwich, rice crispy treat (its so cute, tiny-probably the size it should be.) I'll add a cheese stick and the greek yogurt to make things more filling.


D: I've actually been craving like a spicy chicken sandwich from Wendy's. Its fried and no good for me..............idk.


Good Choices.

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Pretty lazy weekend for me. Saturday I spent the morning working on June 2010's cruise scrapbook. Man, I get so excited about being creative and then I get into it and my creative side gets so over excited I can't make decisions. lol. I need patterns to go by, so my creative side doesn't have to make so many decisions, lol. I still have to put the some more decorative pieces on them and then add the words and writing and then I'll be done. I think I will just go online on one of those sites and have them prepare a scrapbook for me on the Jan. one :D. I've used all the paper anyway.


Then I went out to a movies under the stars at winery. We hit up a local eatery first and I had chipolte catfish, with steamed carrots, blanched cucumbers, black beans, and some safron rice. They make organic, so there really wasn't any seasoning on anything, but the chipolte. The catfish was breaded, but I had save my points up knowing I would be going out. Then we each had a local beer. Of course we shared a bottle of wine during the movie. I had to get some more food b/c I don't drink that much and when I do its like a beer, not higher alcohol like wine. So I got a small bag of popcorn and I couldn't resist my first taste of fall with a pumpkin brownie ( I bought a round for all, lol). I loved the movie. I forgot how much I love Hitchcock. If you notice, he starts off really slow and almost boring........but he is the original master of suspense and it takes a little while to get to the exciting parts. Who else could make a movie with basically one set and keep you interested for about 2 hours.


Anyway, it was a late night (got home at 2am). My body was actually a little hungry from being up later. In the past I would stop my McDs and grab a cheesburger and fries (No kidding). I was thinking about it really hard, but I just told myself how tired I was and stopping would require more time and then I'd have all that food on my stomach late at night and it would throw off my next days WW points........I won!


The next day I tried to work on my scrapbook through the morning and got some more done, but I had planned to go over to my brother's that afternoon to spend some time with lil man and to take some family photos of them together before he leaves us. Poor lil guy. He was sleep and barely stayed awake during the photos and he wanted his binkie and my SIL tried so hard to get it out of his mouth, no go. But we got some good outside family photos of them together and I left a disc of all the photos I've taken with him with mom today (since everyone else doesn't have to work today). I'm gonna miss him and my brother was so sweet talking to him last night. I know they are gonna have a hard time with letting him go.


Anyway, I did pretty good about eating even though mother nature is trying her best. Cereal for a late riser breakfast (about 10:30) and I had a blt b/c it was so close to lunch. I had a snack of wheat crackers and chicken salad and some oreos (really a late lunch), then I was at my brother's until 8:30pm. My SIL cooked this spicy sausage, cheese, queso dip stuff and that was pretty much my dinner. Not the best, but I was proud when I got home that I didn't go and eat b/c my mind said I needed to eat a "real" dinner, even though I was content.


Sat. 323.4

Sun. 322.4

Mon. 322.2


I pray it continues to go back down. I'm scared to go back to the gym thinking it might cause me to gain b/c of muscles and water. Maybe not though. Probably won't affect it at all. I need to get back to the gym.


BK: As usual some kind of Kashi cereal


S: Bring back the fruit. I think it helped last week


L: Oscar Mayer combos and lunchables. I know its processed, but leftovers are hard to come by lately and the are quick and easy. I do like how they are lower in calories, sugar free and low fat condiments. That's gotta count for something.


D: Mom is off today..........she might actually have something cooked by the time I get home.


W: Okay, I'm gonna try for today. I think the vitas have kicked back in and my energy level is back up.


Good Choices.

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Well, a little bit of hormonal random eating last night, still better than I've ever been though.


It looks like rain for the next few days for us courtesy of that Lee storm. Oh well.........


They sent out an email that Zumba will start at the end of September. So that means I need to take my butt to the gym and prepare my body for the damage ahead, lol. I'm glad I'll get a couple of sessions in before the cruise. I have a hair apt today though......so I guess an intense W and T and then I have to leave for the weekend, but I think some dancing will be involved, so.


Sat. 323.4

Sun. 322.4

Mon. 322.2

Tues: 323


Okay, so I thought the exercise would make me go up, but now I'm seeing that it seems I'm leveling out again. I really don't think I need to down my points again just yet...........your all thinking it..........and I'm gonna need to do it..........the gym. But I can't do my stupid little workouts. I need to really challenge myself. On the news the other night, they said that it wasn't the duration of the exercise, but the intensity that really counted according to a new study, so maybe I can just do 20-30 mins, but in high gear.




BK: Kashi with skim


S: grapes


L: Well, its someone's birthday in the office and its an excuse for everyone to go out. Mexican........of course...........nothing on that menu that is good for you...........I will have to do some research.


D: (PS) did chicken breast cut up with birds eye rice and veggies)- Umm, I'm kinda partial to stopping and getting some soup and having a grilled cheese. Its nasty outside.


W: Hair apt.........


Here goes another day.........been working on my files........but the the VP called today and says she has a long list of writing I need to do via El President.........love writing on a dark, gloomy rainy day. Not.


Good Choices.

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Weellllllllllllll..............my direct boss resigned yesterday for a new position. We are all happy she gets to go do something she wants to (social work). But needless to say........I'm gonna probably get shafted with her phonathon work. Its where she supervises students Sun-Thur. from like 6-9pm and she still has to work all day. That's a long a** day and would def. cut into my workout schd. Plus I was all excited about Zumba starting again at the end of the month.


Okay, had to get that out. I don't know for sure at this point, but it could be a possibility and I don't think I can really say "no" to it either. The fact of the matter is that I'm the youngest, I'm in a lower position, and I have no "family" to go home to at night. I mean if you were a boss.......wouldn't you see the logic in that? I can't blame them. It might be nice..........simply b/c I SHOULD get OT for it. I mean I'm supposed to. My boss leaving said they would make me take comp time, but really.........there is no such thing as comp time here (a mean we take it, but that's like an hour here and an hour there.). I think if they ask me to do it would only be fair to give me OT. I could really use the extra money to save up for a down payment. My mom wondered if they would ask me to take the job...........I don't think they will, but if they did I'm not really sure I want it. The only thing I'd want from it was the promotion. The kind of work she did is absolutely creatively stifling. At least with grants I get to write, she works with money and gifts, reports, mailings........phonathon.......


The end all is i don't know what will happen, so I'm going to keep a positive attitude about it. I think we will all have to put some extra effort in after she leaves in two weeks.


On a positive note:


Sat. 323.4

Sun. 322.4

Mon. 322.2

Tues: 323

Wed: 321.4


That's what I like to see. Now I did do a detox tea yesterday, so I "cleaned" out my system. I'm drinking more water though, to help flush my system too (mother nature is on the verge). I wanna hit the gym today. I'm gonna try the intensity thing. I'm gonna do like 20 mins on the ellpt. but try and maintain a speed of 4.0. I can usually do 3.5. Then some weights and squats (If Zumba is coming I have to prepare my legs and knees for that).


So yesterday we went out for a co-workers bday lunch (and telling everyone about my boss leaving) and it was mexican. Well, I didn't get a chance to look up food, but I think I made a pretty decent decision.


1. I limited my chip intake-I ate about 15 with some dip (My boss actually inadvertently picked them up and dumped them in the basket down the table b/c they were almost out, lol. I didn't care...........she probably saved me.


2. Choosing the dish was hard. I'm not familiar with most mexican foods. I usually get a taco salad or hard tacos (3). Fried shells are not good though, so I wanted to try and stay away from that. I saw this dish (can't even tell you the name) that had two asada beef steaks, two grilled chicken breast, pica de gallo, rice and beans. I thought that 3 proteins and one carb was a good choice. Oh and three some taco shells. Well, of course it was a huge dish.


3. Not feeling the need to eat everything on my plate. I ate 1/2 of one the steaks, 3/4 of one of the chicken breast, 1/3 of the rice, most of the beans, and I used the taco shells. The rest I put in a to go box.........and presto! I had dinner. I'm sure the salt was OUTRAGEOUS! I was hoping the detox tea and all the water I drank would help with that. I actually drank a 16oz glass of water right before bed. I felt hungry, but I decided that it was thirst. I drank down the glass and then went to bed. Of course that meant I had to get up twice last night, but I think it helped.


So, I think I made some good food decisions yesterday.


BK: Kashi Cereal and skim


S: grapes ( I never got to the fruit yesterday)


L: Some sort of lunchable thing.


D: Still nasty and cold. Grilled cheese and soup, still sounds good.


W: Okay, 20 mins.......4.0 of ellpt.


Well, I think I got a price drop last night, it looks like only $40 total. It maybe the only one I get b/c there are only 4 rooms left in my catgy. But I guess its better than nothing right. I hope I get it.


Does anyone know if you pre-pay tips if they add that into the initial cost or add it at the end. I'm showing I paid $909pp and now its 889pp and I don't see where they added in the $140 for tips anywhere. I mean the total shows an extra $140, but I don't know where they added it in at. Oh well, I guess they will send me a form telling me if I got the price drop or not.


44 days................I gotta meet this goal!


Good Choices.

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Hi everyone,


So I am down another 0.4 pounds for a total of 12 pounds. Woo! I didn't quite break my barrier, but only 0.2 lbs more to go until I am in the next set of digits for my weight.


I made a really tasty dish the other night - I made a lasagna but used thinly sliced strips of zucchini in lieu of noodles. Very tasty. Also, we are getting a TON of zucchini lately! And I need to go pick up our weekly delivery of vegetables again today at lunchtime. It's always so exciting to see what we've gotten.


Brooke, I definitely would vote to do some high intensity to hep kick up your metabolism. However, if you are unable to do it for the entire time, try going as hard as you can for a 30 seconds or a minute, then resting for 1-2 minutes. Alternating like that will really keep your heart rate up, and you end up increasing your endurance and raising your heart rate for longer than if you were going at a medium pace for a longer amount of time. Here is a really interesting article on interval training from the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/03/fashion/03Fitness.html

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Hi everyone,


So I am down another 0.4 pounds for a total of 12 pounds. Woo! I didn't quite break my barrier, but only 0.2 lbs more to go until I am in the next set of digits for my weight.


I made a really tasty dish the other night - I made a lasagna but used thinly sliced strips of zucchini in lieu of noodles. Very tasty. Also, we are getting a TON of zucchini lately! And I need to go pick up our weekly delivery of vegetables again today at lunchtime. It's always so exciting to see what we've gotten.


Brooke, I definitely would vote to do some high intensity to hep kick up your metabolism. However, if you are unable to do it for the entire time, try going as hard as you can for a 30 seconds or a minute, then resting for 1-2 minutes. Alternating like that will really keep your heart rate up, and you end up increasing your endurance and raising your heart rate for longer than if you were going at a medium pace for a longer amount of time. Here is a really interesting article on interval training from the NY Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2007/05/03/fashion/03Fitness.html


I say any little bit counts..........good job!


Thanks for the article. Haven't had a chance to look at it, but I will!

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Well, I'm fighting mother nature and my emotions today. Lil man goes home today. :( I went over to say goodbye last night and my SIL was a mess. Poor thing. Of course I didn't break down until this morning, I think sometimes I just pick up on my brother's emotions. He doesn't often show them, but I can feel them and I know he had to be upset this morning.


I think God works in strange ways sometimes and send messages that he know you will hear. I was listening to one of the many country stations on the radio this morning. I had been flipping through to find songs, but I kept getting commercials, so I just stopped on one of the stations to out wait the commercials. When they came back on, they had a segment called, "Words to Live by." Its inspirational stories from people. The lady was reading about a man who found that happiness always has two doors, the one you enter, and the one you leave (of course only to enter again). Then she talked about people who rush through happiness b/c they think they deserve it and try to find it in everything and anything......seeking "Chances of a lifetime." But not knowing that God provides a "Lifetime of Chances." It continue about seeking happiness in the simple things and those who do that will always have a door of happiness to enter through out there lives. It talked about the value of having moments of happiness throughout your life instead of one big moment. At the end, I can't remember exactly, but it said something about God always providing a way to a door of happiness for those who seek it (him). Here is the kicker and what made me realize he was giving me a message......in his own funny way..................they went straight into a song...............



"Wishing I was knee deep in the water somewhere

Got the blue sky breeze and it don't seem fair

Only worry in the world is the tide gonna reach my chair

Sunrise there's a fire in the sky

Never been so happy

Never felt so high

And I think I might have found me my own kind of paradise"


I think that was about the point I burst into tears, but smiled the whole time.


So today will be hard. As I'm already hormonally unbalanced and my emotions are in high alert. Last night I rushed over to their house right after work and figured I would be there for a while. I pondered stopping and get Fast Food to eat, but I didn't. I went home around 8pm and we had leftover spagehtti for dinner (and I did have some oreos).


This morning I saw candy bars advertised on the gas pump and contemplated my need for chocolate and comfort.........but didn't. I've already though of having some pizza and bread sticks for lunch (this may happen), but maybe I will stop myself again. I think this is a true test of my ability to deal with emotional eating................


Sat. 323.4

Sun. 322.4

Mon. 322.2

Tues: 323

Wed: 321.4

Thurs: 321 (YAY)


I really hope I can see the teens before this cruise.


BK: Kashi cereal and skim


L: I should eat one of my luncahables.........pizza may win, but I will be reasonable about it.


D: I hadn't thought about it.


W: Obviously, if I went to say goodbye to lil man I didn't exercise. I think that is a good excuse, better than any I've had before. I will see if I can get there tonight. My back is in more pain that usual b/c of the pressure from mother nature and inflammation.


On a brighter note, I got $40 total OBC for a price drop!


Good Choices.

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separator.gifCheck you out, Brooke!! Yaay! Your efforts are paying off - keep it up. I am sorry that you are losing your little visitor. I can't imagine caring for a wee one and having him/her leave. I have a co-worker that has had a foster child for 4 years, since birth. She really wants to adopt him. They want him to go back with the birth parents - drug dealer father recently out of jail and the mother is currently in jail. It breaks my heart to hear her stories.


I had been doing horribly with food and exercise over the last week. I was away from home 5 out of the 7 days and made terrible choices. But....I am 8 weeks and 1 day from leaving for my cruise and I can do this. I got back on the bike today - it had been a week! I had done a lot of walking over the past weekend and I was on my mom's treadmill a couple of times last week, but not the bike. I felt great when I got off. I was able to get my 10 miles in and it was not difficult.


So back on track to get to a 60 lb loss by the cruise!!


I have a big weekend ahead...a Rick Springfield concert. :D As you all probably know by now (by my cruise signature), I am a big fan.


Have a great rest of the week.

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separator.gifCheck you out, Brooke!! Yaay! Your efforts are paying off - keep it up. I am sorry that you are losing your little visitor. I can't imagine caring for a wee one and having him/her leave. I have a co-worker that has had a foster child for 4 years, since birth. She really wants to adopt him. They want him to go back with the birth parents - drug dealer father recently out of jail and the mother is currently in jail. It breaks my heart to hear her stories.


I had been doing horribly with food and exercise over the last week. I was away from home 5 out of the 7 days and made terrible choices. But....I am 8 weeks and 1 day from leaving for my cruise and I can do this. I got back on the bike today - it had been a week! I had done a lot of walking over the past weekend and I was on my mom's treadmill a couple of times last week, but not the bike. I felt great when I got off. I was able to get my 10 miles in and it was not difficult.


So back on track to get to a 60 lb loss by the cruise!!


I have a big weekend ahead...a Rick Springfield concert. :D As you all probably know by now (by my cruise signature), I am a big fan.


Have a great rest of the week.


So you only have like 10lbs to go right? Super awesome and you can do it!

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Short day for me as I'm traveling to the North for a friend's baby shower. I figured if I had to go, I'd spend the weekend up there with some other friends. The shower isnt' until Sunday. Do people always have baby showers on Sundays? It seems difficult for those who have to travel........idk.


I fed my emotions yesterday................................Pizza, breadsticks, and soda for lunch. I didn't eat anything else though.............Grilled chicken sandwich, fries, unsweet tea.................pumpkin shake from McDs for supper. I didn't eat after that though. Stupid shake. I'd been dreaming about the blizzard from dq, but they haven't showed it yet. When I saw that.............it was all down hill. I felt bloated and full, but then again..........mother nature is having a ball today. I feel pregnant. So glad I only do this 4x a year.Anyway, like you want to know..............


Back on track though............I can do this. I'm going to be eating out all weekend, but I know I know how to make good choices and i will.


So, I'm going to try and upload my excel sheet I've been tracking my weight with to show the changes over the last month.


I hope you can see it. (Had to edit it b/c the attachment was too small) Hope this works.




Anyway, I'm still 321 today and that means 9lbs down. One more lb to go to reach my goal of 10lbs before the cruise and if I reach it within the next 2 weeks I think I will set another goal of 5 more lbs before the cruise.


BK: Kashi cereal and skim


L: lunchable


D: will probably be out somewhere or order in...........


W: None, maybe some dancing this weekend.


Well, about 4 hours to go..............


Good Choices and great weekends!


Edited by brooklynfc
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That spreadsheet is really cool. It's nice to see how the numbers are dropping over time. I think I might do something similar. My numbers haven't moved much lately. And I am a numbers person, too, like I have a feeling you are!



Way to go on the total amount lost. You are really close to your goal!


Last night, I made a broccoli soup recipe from Eating Well. It has a can of white beans in it, then gets blended up. The beans gave a nice creaminess to it, but added nice protein and fiber. It was a good recipe - great idea to add beans like that! You would never even know they were in there once it is blended. I doubled the recipe, so now we have the rest sitting in the fridge for leftovers.... yum!


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Ugh, what a long weekend. Ended up getting the wrong invite for the wrong baby shower...........but still met up with my friend and gave her the gifts.


Had a little bit of fun with the chinese buffet.......:rolleyes:, then tried to eat better the rest of the weekend. I did do more walking than usual, but you know how they say it takes a few days for bad eating to catch up with you........I foresee that happening.


Sat. 320.6

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 323.6


I really need to hit the gym, like two weeks ago. I'm hoping I won't come up with an excuse today.


BK: Kashi cereal and skim milk


L: Lunchable


D: I think I might just do a chicken breast, green beans and a baked potato.


W: 20 mins on the elliptical at 4.0.


Well, I'm in the 30s. Its so close.............


Good Choices.

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Best weekend ever. But not food-wise. The highlights...my son's birthday, a Rick Springfield concert (and an impromptu run-in with him before the show!), got back in touch with my childhood best friend after 25 years. But, the food was not good. I am getting into this terrible habit of doing well all week, exercising and then losing my will power and discipline over the weekend. Then, I have to play catch up all week. I need to break that cycle.


Today is better, but it's only 7pm. There is still plenty of time for me to mess up. I need to get the kids to bed and get on that bike. :(



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Best weekend ever. But not food-wise. The highlights...my son's birthday, a Rick Springfield concert (and an impromptu run-in with him before the show!), got back in touch with my childhood best friend after 25 years. But, the food was not good. I am getting into this terrible habit of doing well all week, exercising and then losing my will power and discipline over the weekend. Then, I have to play catch up all week. I need to break that cycle.


Today is better, but it's only 7pm. There is still plenty of time for me to mess up. I need to get the kids to bed and get on that bike. :(




You have the best luck, lol.


I feel you on the getting back to the basics.......its so hard sometimes. But we can do it.:D

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ugh, will have to make a chiro apt. b/c it seems my back is angry again.


I stuck with the 4 oz chicken breast, flavored with a bit of oil and spices in a skillet and baked potato. I didn't need the green beans. I had a Popsicle for dessert. I had a bit of snack in between, but I cut myself off and it was easy.


No workout. I was tired. I went home and took a mini nap in the chair and then went upstairs and played on the computer for a while, then went to bed and was out like a light. I have no idea why I was tired.


Tonight we are suppose to have to work late, so no exercise, but I'm going to be honest........I don't really care.


I have lost most of my motivation to exercise. I don't know where it went or why it left, but its gone. I'm hoping Zumba will fire up my desire again, but thats in another two weeks.


However, I'm going to see a positive (though I know exercise is important). I think we can all say that food is my major problem. It is my weakness and is where I make most of my mistakes and bad decisions. Exercise, simply countered some of those bad decisions and kept things from getting worse. I think I have been making several small strides towards eating better and making decisions that are in a more "normal" frame of mind where food is concerned. I think its okay that I concentrate on food for a while, but know that exercise will have to come back eventually. I know the moment I get back to it I will remember why I do it. Just have to get back. That's the hardest part, right?


Sat. 320.6

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2


BK: Kashi and skim


L: lunchable


D: Well, if we are still on for this after work thing I believe they were ordering pizza for us...............................God grant me the strength to only have one slice!


Okay, bring on the day.


Good choices.

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Brooke...if the exercise is not happening for you, then concentrate on the food only. You can build exercise into your daily activities - parking further away from a store/work, taking the steps instead of elevators, etc.


Years ago when I lost the most amount of weight, I did the first 50 lbs following Weight Watchers and with no exercise whatsoever. I joined a gym after I lost 50 and then lost 30 more. Maybe once you get more weight off, you will feel more energized and ready to build the formal exercise program back in. Don't beat yourself up. You know what your issue is.


I have been battling my own issues with exercise. For the past couple of weeks, I had not been doing my bike as religiously as I was. Today, I decided a new approach - 30 minutes a day period. I was concentrating on 10 miles a day and by the 8th mile, I had to push myself to the point that I just didn't want to do it the next day. So whatever I can do in that 30 mins is what it's going to be.



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Brooke...if the exercise is not happening for you, then concentrate on the food only. You can build exercise into your daily activities - parking further away from a store/work, taking the steps instead of elevators, etc.


Years ago when I lost the most amount of weight, I did the first 50 lbs following Weight Watchers and with no exercise whatsoever. I joined a gym after I lost 50 and then lost 30 more. Maybe once you get more weight off, you will feel more energized and ready to build the formal exercise program back in. Don't beat yourself up. You know what your issue is.


I have been battling my own issues with exercise. For the past couple of weeks, I had not been doing my bike as religiously as I was. Today, I decided a new approach - 30 minutes a day period. I was concentrating on 10 miles a day and by the 8th mile, I had to push myself to the point that I just didn't want to do it the next day. So whatever I can do in that 30 mins is what it's going to be.




Thanks Kim, I have to always remember not to bring myself down for failures, but remember my achievements.


I think the change in the weather has effected my energy level. My allergies have been kinda up and down for a while. I do try and move more. There were times when I would sit for 12 hours on a sat. and watch movies and only get up to eat and go to the bathroom...........now I try to use my time better. I still watch a movie, but I iron while I'm doing it.

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Well, had to work late last night and we had pizza and cookies and soda.........


Well, i did better than I thought. The slices weren't the super slices, but reg. ones. So I had one pepperoni and one cheese, two cookies (one later though) and about 12 oz of reg. soda. I got home and had a Popsicle.


Sat. 320.6

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2

Wed. 323


Well, at least its going down.........and if I log Sat.........then I only gained .6lbs. I can deal with that too. I mean, after losing and gaining 2-3lbs at a time.- .6 is nothing and I know why, so its an easy fix. One more lb to goal and I know I can do it.


BK: Skinny latte (that crisp air made me do it, lol), Kashi cereal and skim milk


L: There was a leftover hamburger patty in the fridge so I grabbed a bun. I don't know what I'm going to eat with it, but I'm sure I'll find something.


D: I don't know...........I have to think about it. Haven't really had time to look in the fridge.


W: Hoping I get motivated.


Hump Day..........lets get over it :D


Good choices

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My back is hurting again.......guess the chiro it is next week. Might as well make an apt. for right before I leave for the cruise too.


Just a mini rant: I'm totally upset about the lack of plus size Halloween costumes. They are very few if any that actually size up to 22/24 and well, you know they are more of a 18/20 b/c they are cheap. Plus they are all these "sexy" costumes. I totally get plus sizes wanting the 'sexy" choice too, but..........make them in the right sizes and give us some choices outside of that in sizes that will fit. I'm utterly disgusted and annoyed. Yea, maybe I shouldn't be fat..........but seriously.......you are a business and I'm a consumer........get a clue!


Rant over.


Sat. 320.6

Sun. 322.6

Mon. 323.6

Tues. 323.2

Wed. 323

Thurs. 324 (ugh)


Discouraging, but not overwhelming. Knew that eating would catch up with me.


BK: Okay, I know this is bad, but the thought of cereal again was not appealing at all. I got a ham and egg biscuit.


L: We will eat in our cafe for a lunch meeting


D: IDK at this point.


I'm just all out of sorts today.


Good choices

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I totally understand how you feel. I have been running at about 80% commitment lately (if that makes sense). Doing the right things most of the time, but then having some wine, or overindulging in something else. I'm not seeing the scale move. I'm pretty good during the week, but weekends are tough.


I have found a new favorite way to burn some calories. I just take my nook downstairs to the workout room, and hop on the bike while I read my book. Before I know it, large chunks of time have gone by! Now, I know I am not exercising strenously but it's a nice addition to my other workouts. I figure if I going to sit and read, I can go downstairs and do it on a bike. The nook is nice because you don't have to hold any pages open, it just sits there. Plus the nook lets you get free books from the library, whereas I've head the kindle only wants you to buy things off Amazon.


I could be better about working out though. Lately I have been so busy just keeping up with our vegetables! Yesterday I spend about 3 hours blanching corn, making marinara from scratch, cleaning and chopping broccoli so that it's ready to go, cleaning lettuce, etc. It does take a lot of work to keep up with it all, but it is so worth it, I know.

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