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Cruising to Healthy


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What a crazy weekend of food!! We had a big 3 day family party with all the food to go along with it. I did try to make some conscious choices - like not having any fried items when the Chinese food made an appearance. I did drink way more alcohol that I normally do. :o Oops. Party is over, so I am behaving now.


I am approaching the 3 week to my cruise mark. My to do list might take longer than 3 weeks to complete. I need to get my act together and do things in advance so I can not rush around the last week in a panic. It's not just packing, it's prepping my kids and my house. My mom stays here and takes care of them while we are away, so I like things to be in tip top shape.



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What a crazy weekend of food!! We had a big 3 day family party with all the food to go along with it. I did try to make some conscious choices - like not having any fried items when the Chinese food made an appearance. I did drink way more alcohol that I normally do. :o Oops. Party is over, so I am behaving now.


I am approaching the 3 week to my cruise mark. My to do list might take longer than 3 weeks to complete. I need to get my act together and do things in advance so I can not rush around the last week in a panic. It's not just packing, it's prepping my kids and my house. My mom stays here and takes care of them while we are away, so I like things to be in tip top shape.




You Got This!:D

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Well, I spent half the day out of the office. I had a 1/2 a turkey wrap and some chips and fruit for lunch. That's what they had. I couldn't pinpoint what the sauce was on the wrap, so I decided 1/2 would be the best idea. I got a hankering for a pumpkin pie blizzard, so I watched my points to make sure I had enough to have a small one. Although, I'm not keen on having another for a while, this one was kind of gross. "Excuse me DQ, can I have some ice cream with my pumpkin?" The pumpkin tasted funny too and they left off the whipped topping. I paid $3.70 for that thing.........hmph. At least it put me off them for a while. No exercise as stated.


My boss was super nice and said since I'd have to drive all the back to the office for only like two hours just to go home. So, I took my lunch hour and went to get a pedi. I hope it last until I leave next week, lol. If not, I guess I can get a redo on the ship :D. But I did go home and worked from home a bit.


Sat. 323 (I had mexican and well........the salt alone people)

Sun. 321.8 (I detoxed with my tea and lots of water.

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.6

Wed. 320.2


I'm right on the edge. Can I hear a 320 PLEASE???


BK: Oatmeal, cheese stick, apple


L: The soup I planned on having yesterday


D: Mom made meatloaf, baked potato and green beans last night. She tried like a southwest style meatloaf though........i didn't dig it. I only ate half my portion. Maybe I can do the bbq tonight.


W: 30 mins on the elliptical. My back is still mad as I know for sure my SI joint is out of place, but I have an apt. next thurs before I leave. As its not too bad, I will just deal with it until them.


Can I just say...




I actually got a break from cruise nightmares last night. Instead I had a nightmare about getting fired. Oh subconscious..........you love to come out and play in my dreams don't you? I'm just nervous b/c we have the new guy who replaced my former supervisor (he isn't my new one) and a new girl replacing another person in our department coming in on Monday. But I kinda like dreams like this b/c they allow me to reflect feelings I wouldn't normally. I don't usually question my bosses, but I did in this dream.........it was kinda fun to make them feel nervous, even if it was just in my dreams.


On that note.....


Good Choices.

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Well I had a good workout yesterday and it felt good, the back didn't do too bad, though I played the intensity down just a bit. We had pizza last night. But I'm proud to say I only had two slices compared to my normal three. I had some ice cream afterwards, but I was still hungry. I think my body is adjusting to the increase in exercise. I did wait a bit and had a glass of water before eating the ice cream. I was still having hunger pains after the ice cream, but I focused my mind and just went to bed. I knew I had eaten enough.


Today I'm doing my detox tea. This usually affects my weight. The tea takes about 6-8 hours to work. It does cleanse my body of.........yea..........but it also takes a lot of fluid out too, so I have to amp up my water intake so that my body does not lose so much water that when the tea is out of my system in holds onto the fluid I put back in and causes a gain.


Sat. 323 (I had mexican and well........the salt alone people)

Sun. 321.8 (I detoxed with my tea and lots of water.

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.6

Wed. 320.2

Thurs. 321.2


I think that is eating out yesterday. I forgot about our staff lunch and so they took us out. I tried to be reasonable and ordered a baked potato and grilled chicken sandwich. I guess I didn't read b/c they brought me the grilled chicken sandwich with cheese, mayo and bacon on it. Hmmm. Odd selections. Anyway, I didn't eat all of it. I got my baked potato first so I ate all of that (they had slow service) then they brought the sandwich out about 10 mins later and I left about 1/3-1/4 of it on my plate (plus the chips they put with it, even though I ordered a baked potato.....). We sat there and had a meeting and I started nibbling on my chips out of being bored. So I picked it up and sat it at the edge of the table hoping they would come by and take it.......they didn't, but it did keep me from snacking more.


BK: Oatmeal, cheese stick, apple (its a fairly small apple brand, fits easily in the palm of my hand)


L: Well, the soup I have been not able to get to b/c of lunches out is not bad according to my mom, so I can't eat that. I didn't grab anything else this morning either. I guess I will head to subway for lunch.


D: Who knows..............


W: Break day.


8 days and counting. This time next week i will be trying to get through 7 hours of work when I'm really just thinking about cruising, lol.


Good Choices.

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Super exciting, Brooke...single digits!! I am so not ready for single digits. I am still shopping. :rolleyes: My house also currently looks like a hoarders house. I have stacked my dining room with boxes of stuff for a weekend long yard sale. I need margarita money. :D


I leave 3 weeks from tomorrow. I expect to start getting my act together next week. I am still hovering at 53 lbs down. I don't know if I am going to make my 60 lb goal - 7 lbs in 3 weeks is possible, but hard. I am going to do my absolute best to keep the food under strict control and exercise harder on my bike. If I do 18+ mph, I break a really good sweat for the entire 30 minutes. That is my goal. Maybe one last surge will help me make my goal.


As I click on "submit reply", I will then see the number 23. We leave in 22 days, though. It seemed like forever and now the time is flying by.

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Super exciting, Brooke...single digits!! I am so not ready for single digits. I am still shopping. :rolleyes: My house also currently looks like a hoarders house. I have stacked my dining room with boxes of stuff for a weekend long yard sale. I need margarita money. :D


I leave 3 weeks from tomorrow. I expect to start getting my act together next week. I am still hovering at 53 lbs down. I don't know if I am going to make my 60 lb goal - 7 lbs in 3 weeks is possible, but hard. I am going to do my absolute best to keep the food under strict control and exercise harder on my bike. If I do 18+ mph, I break a really good sweat for the entire 30 minutes. That is my goal. Maybe one last surge will help me make my goal.


As I click on "submit reply", I will then see the number 23. We leave in 22 days, though. It seemed like forever and now the time is flying by.


I believe you can make 60lbs :), you have made it this far.

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How in the heck will I ever be able to physically keep my mind down to earth for the next 4 days of work....................:confused::confused:


I'm already halfway gone.


Anyway, had bbq last night with chips and cheese salsa. Yea, not the best. And I had hamburger and fries for lunch with soda. Not my best day, but I was feeling really crappy from that detox tea, like sick almost. I think I will lay off that for a few weeks. But I did make a decision that is good. I made myself two bbq buns last night. I got through half of one and then decided.........I don't want the other and handed it to my dad. So, that was good. And today is a new week for my WW points, so that is also positive.


Sat. 323 (I had mexican and well........the salt alone people)

Sun. 321.8 (I detoxed with my tea and lots of water.

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 320.6

Wed. 320.2

Thurs. 321.2

Fri. 320.4


Well, that would mean my official weight is 320.2 for the week, putting me at a total loss of 9.8lbs (and I checked when i started logging weight everyday to see how long I've "really" been losing for and..) in the past 3 months. So, that is avg. about 3lbs a month. Not bad. If I make the .2lbs I need to make a round 10lbs I will be happy with that. Heck, I'm happy being this close. I could round and get 320 and take that, but I haven't really done that (okay, maybe last week, but I rounded up not down) and I don't want to cheat myself. If i stay at 9.8 or go back a little.........I still accomplished 98% of my goal. Those are good numbers.


BK: oatmeal, cheese stick, apple


L: Umm, lean cuisine something or nother


D: Hmm, parents will be gone tonight. I might order a dinner to go from applebees, one of their under 550 meals (the steak meal is actually around 390 calories, not bad if you drink a gallon of water to kill the sodium content).


w: Well I .........ugh, its friday.........I have my clothes with me. I almost left them at home, but I decided I would take them and give myself 8 hours to debate. I hope I come out a winner on this, meaning, I go.


7 days..........and counting. I think......gosh I hope so, I've bought everything I need to this morning. All I need really is some snacks and drinks for the road trip, but those can wait.


So, our potential 2012 cruise has moved to the first week of Nov. I have a work event every other weekend from the last week of Sept through Oct. Its okay though, I'll need a long vacation after that, lol. I've put in for time off, so I hope I can get it. Gonna by my FCC on this next cruise and hopefully book after my next paycheck in Nov.


I'll have to change my screen name to match Kim's brooklynfccruisinginnov. lol


Good Choices.

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When I picked my screen name, I never thought I would be cruising every November since 2008. But...this will be the last year, so I will have to change it to something sad.


I am doing well, but Mother Nature is making me fearful of the scale. So, I am staying off of for a few more days.


Brooke...another cruise in the works? How about you finish this one first? ;)


Off to bed...we are having the yard sale tomorrow and I need some sleep.



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Excellent job Brooke!! You must be super excited...you are leaving in a matter of days. Get packing. I will miss your posts though!!


I am still on track to meet my cruise goal. Let's just hope I can do it!


We had a bonanza two day yard sale this weekend. We made out really well - just enough to cover our anticipated sign and sail account. I got rid of a ton of stuff. I have also been selling a lot of my clothes on Ebay. I sold all of my fatter girl jeans (I am still a fat girl), so I can't go back now!


My hubby and I added an exciting activity to our cruise vacation. We are going to a concert in Boca Raton the next before we leave. I am excited because I have never been there, but it is for a...you guessed it...Rick Springfield concert. I know, crazy. I will be on the ship with him for 5 nights. But, why not add one more? There was actually a Groupon for this concert. I also found out that there is an Alamo car rental desk right at our hotel. We got a great rate too. So, we couldn't resist.


Dinner time for the kids. I think I am having salad and little leftover pasta. We shall see.



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Excellent job Brooke!! You must be super excited...you are leaving in a matter of days. Get packing. I will miss your posts though!!


I am still on track to meet my cruise goal. Let's just hope I can do it!


We had a bonanza two day yard sale this weekend. We made out really well - just enough to cover our anticipated sign and sail account. I got rid of a ton of stuff. I have also been selling a lot of my clothes on Ebay. I sold all of my fatter girl jeans (I am still a fat girl), so I can't go back now!


My hubby and I added an exciting activity to our cruise vacation. We are going to a concert in Boca Raton the next before we leave. I am excited because I have never been there, but it is for a...you guessed it...Rick Springfield concert. I know, crazy. I will be on the ship with him for 5 nights. But, why not add one more? There was actually a Groupon for this concert. I also found out that there is an Alamo car rental desk right at our hotel. We got a great rate too. So, we couldn't resist.


Dinner time for the kids. I think I am having salad and little leftover pasta. We shall see.





Lord, you must be on a first name basis with him by now, lol. To you get an invite for Christmas? lol Sounds fun though!!!


And thanks, I'm get that little twinge of excitement everytime I think about it.:D

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Cruise, cruise, cruise, cruise................that's my brain today. :D


I had an exciting weekend. Spent all day with my nephews from 8am to 10pm. We spent the morning giving the baby a bath and then the 4 year old and I went outside and learned to play in the leaves, or as he called it, "Working." lol. We played chase auntie Broke (my name) around the yard and hide and seek and once the neighbor kids joined in........I had dirt and leaves in my hair, lol.


Then it was shopping time and I spent one store walking around after him as he looked at every toy and asked, "Whats this?", "Do you see this?" "Lets Play." Then 2 hours walking around the mall, pushing him in the stroller. Wow, I def. counted some exercise points. I got some upper body workout carving pumpkins later (the four year old had no interest, but my brother humored me :rolleyes:)


Sunday, I slept in :D and then went and got the cleaning done, laundry, ironing, watched a movie and talked on the phone to my roomie for this trip. I meant to pack a few things, but never happened........I mean a few things got thrown in there, but not actually packed.


Don't know if you noticed, lol...........met my goal.


Sat. 319.8

Sun. 320

Mon. 320.6


I know the week isn't over, but as far as I'm concerned.........goal met. :D Now I just hope I come out even on this cruise. Between the walking, dancing and maybe one or two exercise classes (we get two free each), I hope to come out even with food choices, lol. But I plan on enjoying myself.


Although the pizza I ate may catch up with me.........I couldn't get away from it..........lunch last friday, lunch with kids of Sat. Leftover on Sun..........I think I'm good for now with pizza.


BK: oatmeal, cheese stick, apple


L: Lean cuisine, leftover breadstick ( they come by twos at Papa johns and I really only ever want one with a pizza slice, so I put the other in the fridge for later.........hey its a good step for me)


D: I don't know. I have zumba tonight, so I guess whatever I get when I get home.


W: Zumba


Just trying to wrap up work for the week. My boss said she would try not to "ping" me (email) a bunch this week. I told her to "ping" away, that I didn't want a pile on my desk when I got back, lol.


4 days.............and I need to pack, lol.


Good Choices.

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Okay, what is the deal with the pizza lately..........its everywhere. Came home last night and mom made pizza for dinner, lucky I already ate subway before Zumba, but really? Guess what the only leftover in the fridge was this morning for my lunch..............sigh.


Anyway, Zumba last night. Ugh, I was a little sluggish, but with my SI out it was a little painful at some points. But I still stuck to it.


I had planned on stopping for a small frosty, but got distracted by singing "Toes in Sand" on my ipod, so..........oh well. I did get home and discover pizza and I was still hungry after working out. I picked up a slice and walked around eating it. I walked back into the kitchen at one point and grabbed another slice and then went to sit down. When I finished the first slice...........I realized...........I don't want another one, so I stood up and put it back. I did eat a few skittles though.


Sat. 319.8

Sun. 320

Mon. 320.6

Tues. 320


I'm hoping I come back even, maybe take the stairs more will help.


BK: Oatmeal, cheese stick apple


L: leftover pizza


D: I have to get my hair cut this evening. I may run into town and grab a grilled chicken sandwich to kill time and eat before my apt.


W: None, my back is tired and fussy. I think I better just leave it at Zumba this week. I still haven't packed, so.........not like I have time really.


3 days. This is why I don't have time for another workout this week. Get my hair done tonight at 6pm and then Wed. I HAVE to pack, lol. Thursday............chiropractor and then home to load the car, maybe a shower to freshen up and wake up and then on the road. I hate to think about this, but.........its almost here..........and that means its so much closer to being over :(. Ugh, oh well........enjoy it while you can right?


Good choices.

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Congrats to you Brooke! It's great to hear the excitement in your posts meeting your goal and getting ready for your cruise. I can't wait to hear about it as I have more than a year to wait. Hope you have a terrific time!


And Kim, what fun for you! Nothing like a good deal on something that you'll really enjoy.


Been doing lots of yard work as it is leaf season here in Ohio. We also had to dig up our sewer line for the kitchen and replace it....hubby did the digging but I sure moved a lot of wheelbarrows full of gravel. Just kept thinking about burning calories.


Had a second interview this morning. Keeping my fingers crossed. It would sure help to have a perm job (as I've been doing temp work too long) so much easier to get in a routine and make better choices.



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I try to avoid pizza at all costs. I know I cannot just eat one piece, so I just don't eat any. It is hard when you have a work meeting or whatever and that is the only thing being served. I am facing that very thing Thursday. I am just going to eat something before I go. I don't want to blow it when I am so close to meeting my current goal.


I am down 54. I do trend - lose a few, then for 2 weeks (one of those weeks being my time of the month week) lose nothing, then I start losing again. As long as it is going down, I'm good.


I am working more hours this week and next week and perhaps even the week we leave. That will keep me away from food at least part of the day. In my off time (if that exists with having 2 kids), I am busy getting my house and myself ready to go away. Of course I am not as close to departure as Brooke, but I try to do a little each day.


On that note...time for laundry and washing floors. :(

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I try to avoid pizza at all costs. I know I cannot just eat one piece, so I just don't eat any. It is hard when you have a work meeting or whatever and that is the only thing being served. I am facing that very thing Thursday. I am just going to eat something before I go. I don't want to blow it when I am so close to meeting my current goal.


I am down 54. I do trend - lose a few, then for 2 weeks (one of those weeks being my time of the month week) lose nothing, then I start losing again. As long as it is going down, I'm good.


I am working more hours this week and next week and perhaps even the week we leave. That will keep me away from food at least part of the day. In my off time (if that exists with having 2 kids), I am busy getting my house and myself ready to go away. Of course I am not as close to departure as Brooke, but I try to do a little each day.


On that note...time for laundry and washing floors. :(


I'm hoping I won't want pizza for quit a while after this........lol.

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.................my suitcases are so full and there is like three of them!! I really need to work on my packing problem.


Got my haircut. It looks great, but now I fear trying to style it myself. I slept on the way she did it last night. Lord help me.


Mom baked cin. rolls last night, she is evil.


I see my eating habits from last week catching up



Sat. 319.8

Sun. 320

Mon. 320.6

Tues. 320

Wed. 321.2



BK: oatmeal, cheese stick, ran out f apples


L: subway, we have a meeting over there and if I'm going to walk in the rain...........I will have more than one reason.


D: Umm..........at this point I don't know. I have packing on my mind, plus dying my hair tonight.


W: If packing counts, then yes.


Gotta get myself organized and packed and ready. I'm seriously considering unpacking again and rolling everything instead of bundling. See if I get more room. I hate that feeling of having to search for stuff, it makes me seem OCD, but so true.


Good Choices. I will post tomr. But I doubt I will after that. You can just assume that my official weight for the week will be 320

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Have a great time on your cruise! I'm super jealous. Work has been really busy, the weather is not nice, and I need a getaway! We have been talking about potentially going to Mexico for an all-inclusive in January, so I really hope we find something reasonably priced that we can book! That way I have something to look forward to. :) Have a great time on your cruise, and I can't wait to hear all about it!


Kim, on that note, I'm jealous of you, too! Getting to go in November! :)


We have been getting an abundance of fall veggies... TONS of kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and all sorts of winter squash. Nothing is really inspiring me... I need ideas. I made a bunch of squash soup last week. I might do another broccoli and cauliflower gratin... yum. I have like 2 weeks of kale to use up, good thing it stores well... maybe I can throw that in a soup with white beans or something. Or maybe I can figure out how to blanch and freeze it...

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Have a great time on your cruise! I'm super jealous. Work has been really busy, the weather is not nice, and I need a getaway! We have been talking about potentially going to Mexico for an all-inclusive in January, so I really hope we find something reasonably priced that we can book! That way I have something to look forward to. :) Have a great time on your cruise, and I can't wait to hear all about it!


Kim, on that note, I'm jealous of you, too! Getting to go in November! :)


We have been getting an abundance of fall veggies... TONS of kale, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, sweet potatoes, and all sorts of winter squash. Nothing is really inspiring me... I need ideas. I made a bunch of squash soup last week. I might do another broccoli and cauliflower gratin... yum. I have like 2 weeks of kale to use up, good thing it stores well... maybe I can throw that in a soup with white beans or something. Or maybe I can figure out how to blanch and freeze it...



Thanks Girl! I can't believe I live on a farm, but you have better veggie choices, lol.

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I'm leaving tonight!!!! Gotta get through this workday and then I'm hittin the road.


Butterflies everywhere today.


Sat. 319.8

Sun. 320

Mon. 320.6

Tues. 320

Wed. 321.2

Thurs. 321.2


Yea, I haven't been drinking enough water lately and all that stupid pizza is catching up, but I will hold my head high b/c my lowest weight is still 320.


BK: I'm going to eat oatmeal and a cheese stick. I have to help another dept. today until one, so I need to take a snack with me over there to make sure my sugar doesn't drop.


L: Ummmmmmmm...............my mind was on packing not food


D: probably grab something on the road down to Bristol.


W: Umm, carry heavy suitcases............:D


Well..............I will try to write a nice review when I get back and hopefully I won't damage all the work I've done the past 3 months.


Bon Voyage, if I don't make it back here for a while.


Good Choices.

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Since Brooke is cruising today, I will be posting my weight daily. ;) No, I won't be doing that. But, I will report that I lost 57 lbs. I have been working a lot of extra hours and running around with my kids, so that has really helped. No time to eat I guess. I am still doing my bike, but increased my time/miles again. Every little bit helps.


2 weeks from today, I will be waking up in Miami ready to sail. So excited!


Have a great weekend everyone.


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