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Cruising to Healthy


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Hi everyone!


Sorry it's been awhile since I posted! Kim, I'm sorry that your cruise was not perfect, but it sounds like you had a blast anyway! Way to get right back on that bike! Brooke, I don't know if I ever responded to your question about initial feelings when I met my DH... we were friends first, then spent a few years not seeing each other very much, but then when we got back together again to hang out, there were definitely feelings there all the sudden! Weird since it took awhile to develop. But I think you did the right thing with not pushing it if you weren't feeling it. See if things develop, and if not with him, then you are available for someone else! :)


I've been really staying the same lately, weight wise... I want to push through to the next set of digits, so I'm hoping that I can do that before the years end. It's only about 3 pounds away. I thought it might be a good mini-fgoal through the holidays. My problem is that I make like 6-7 different types of Christmas cookies each year! But I will just have to bring htem into work and to parties and stuff so that I don't eat them all.


I think I've finally gotten over my Halloween candy fix. Ugh. I have been pretty good about portions, having only 1-2 mini candy (like mini twix, kit kat, etc.) BUT them problem is that I am having it everyday. Nothing wrong with a treat once in awhile, but not everyday! That's just sugar that is not giving me any nutrition and really doesn't even taste all that good, to be honest. A co-worker recently gave me a bite of a dark chocolate caramel topped with sea salt, and it was SO DELICIOUS. It really made me think wow, it would be so much better to splurge every once in awhile with a really rich and delicious piece of chocolate that tastes GOOD, as opposed to junk candy (that's what I call it). That way I'm actually really enjoying it, without just eating it mindlessly, you know?


In regards to portion sizes at italian restaurants, and just in general - I read somewhere that if the food is even mildly palatable, the average person will keep eating until their plate is empty. We have switched to eating off our salad plates for this purpose. Also, I went to the doctor for a checkup, and she was pleased with me having lost about 10 pounds since last year. Yay! I told her that I still want to lose around 25 more. She said that if I am sharing meals with my husband, he should get 2/3 an I should get 1/3! She said that we need to remember that women need fewer calories than men. She also said I should work out 4-5 days a week. I told her sometimes I have a hard time fitting it in, and she said that on days where I don't work out, maybe I just take the stairs up to my apartment (I'm on like the 18th floor), to at least move for the day.


Well, I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year! I'm excited. I want to make a lot of things from scratch - apple-orange-cranberry compote, green bean casserole with fresh green beans and mushrooms, sausage-sage stuffing, mashed potatoes, and of course the turkey and gravy! I also want to make some sort of dish with squash/sweet pototoes, but I need to see what we get today in our farm box. We are still getting stuff! It goes until the first week in December. Lately we've been getting a lot of squashes, brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli/caulifower, etc. The other day I just roasted a bunch of broccoli and cauliflower florets, tossed in olive oil and salt and pepper, for about 30 minutes at 375 degrees. They were wonderful!!! At the end I tossed a little bit of fresh parm on them. Yum.


Have a great week everyone!

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Hi everyone!


Sorry it's been awhile since I posted! Kim, I'm sorry that your cruise was not perfect, but it sounds like you had a blast anyway! Way to get right back on that bike! Brooke, I don't know if I ever responded to your question about initial feelings when I met my DH... we were friends first, then spent a few years not seeing each other very much, but then when we got back together again to hang out, there were definitely feelings there all the sudden! Weird since it took awhile to develop. But I think you did the right thing with not pushing it if you weren't feeling it. See if things develop, and if not with him, then you are available for someone else! :)


I've been really staying the same lately, weight wise... I want to push through to the next set of digits, so I'm hoping that I can do that before the years end. It's only about 3 pounds away. I thought it might be a good mini-fgoal through the holidays. My problem is that I make like 6-7 different types of Christmas cookies each year! But I will just have to bring htem into work and to parties and stuff so that I don't eat them all.


I think I've finally gotten over my Halloween candy fix. Ugh. I have been pretty good about portions, having only 1-2 mini candy (like mini twix, kit kat, etc.) BUT them problem is that I am having it everyday. Nothing wrong with a treat once in awhile, but not everyday! That's just sugar that is not giving me any nutrition and really doesn't even taste all that good, to be honest. A co-worker recently gave me a bite of a dark chocolate caramel topped with sea salt, and it was SO DELICIOUS. It really made me think wow, it would be so much better to splurge every once in awhile with a really rich and delicious piece of chocolate that tastes GOOD, as opposed to junk candy (that's what I call it). That way I'm actually really enjoying it, without just eating it mindlessly, you know?


In regards to portion sizes at italian restaurants, and just in general - I read somewhere that if the food is even mildly palatable, the average person will keep eating until their plate is empty. We have switched to eating off our salad plates for this purpose. Also, I went to the doctor for a checkup, and she was pleased with me having lost about 10 pounds since last year. Yay! I told her that I still want to lose around 25 more. She said that if I am sharing meals with my husband, he should get 2/3 an I should get 1/3! She said that we need to remember that women need fewer calories than men. She also said I should work out 4-5 days a week. I told her sometimes I have a hard time fitting it in, and she said that on days where I don't work out, maybe I just take the stairs up to my apartment (I'm on like the 18th floor), to at least move for the day.


Well, I'm hosting Thanksgiving this year! I'm excited. I want to make a lot of things from scratch - apple-orange-cranberry compote, green bean casserole with fresh green beans and mushrooms, sausage-sage stuffing, mashed potatoes, and of course the turkey and gravy! I also want to make some sort of dish with squash/sweet pototoes, but I need to see what we get today in our farm box. We are still getting stuff! It goes until the first week in December. Lately we've been getting a lot of squashes, brussel sprouts, cabbage, broccoli/caulifower, etc. The other day I just roasted a bunch of broccoli and cauliflower florets, tossed in olive oil and salt and pepper, for about 30 minutes at 375 degrees. They were wonderful!!! At the end I tossed a little bit of fresh parm on them. Yum.


Have a great week everyone!


I'm glad I'm not crazy. I just though maybe I was stuck in my theatrical romantic idea of what should happen, but its good to know that others have thought and felt the same.


You always talk about the most delicious things. I need to marry a chef........thats all there is too it. I'll never make it on my own fixing food, lol.

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Lets see I had to get a bit inventive for dinner. Mom has been getting home late, so I have just been starting something. Well, seeing how the fridge is so bare right now it was hard, for me. I'm not usually inventive and throwing things in the microwave or oven is always easier. But I thought, why not have breakfast for dinner. So I got some eggs out to scramble, but we only had one strip of pre-cooked bacon left and then some sausage patties from Sunday. I saw a tube of reduced fat cresent rolls and just put things together in my head. I crumbled up the sausage, sprinkled some cheese and wrapped it up in the rolls. I think dad needed a snack later, lol. I had some ice cream, but two of the rolls and 1/2 cup of eggs was good. Although, I have some drainage going on and I was way queezy last night.


Sat. 322.6 (I weighed after being up all night from the ghost hunt and having a biscuit on my way home, so...)

Sun. 321.2

Mon. 320

Tues. 320.6

Wed. 320.2

Thurs 319.2


Wow, was not expecting that AT ALL! I feel kinda uneasy about logging it though b/c I know next week is Thanksgiving and I know I can't really trust myself. Something about family, no judging, good food, pretty much 12 hours worth............grazing is inevitable.


I don't know if I'm getting sick or just reacting to the weather, allergies, but this drainage and tickle in my throat could be a cold (probably from our little bugger having his little fingers all in my mouth-I couldn't help it, he is learning to grab things and I didn't want to stop him). Maybe if I'm sick during Thanksgiving, I won't eat as much...........is that bad or what?:rolleyes:


BK: Oatmeal, I really what something hot to drink.......I might have to grab some tea from downstairs.


L: Okay, I don't know if I want just a pb sandwich or the leftover lasgana. I think I will have to gage how icky I feel by lunch. If it stops raining, I might just go grab a thing of soup. We have a new food cart on campus, called the Crazy Cuke. It has wraps, salads etc. Its suppose to be healthier stuff. They are open today, I might see if they have any fresh soup.


D: Ha, think last night was grasping at straws...........wait.


W: Trying the elliptical again.


Okay, Thanksgiving plan of action....................try not to gain...........:rolleyes:


Well, Friday restarts my weekly points and any points I earn from exercise. Sooooooo, I'm hoping to not get into any of my weekly points..........save them all for Thursday. Maybe get some walking in at home, cleaning, just moving to earn some exercise points too, but not use them. This is the best I got. I could say, I'm going to control what I eat. I think I've learned by now............that this will just be too hard. I will certainly try though.


Good Choices.

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You always talk about the most delicious things. I need to marry a chef........thats all there is too it. I'll never make it on my own fixing food, lol.



Before I met my hubby (I was 36) my food groups consisted of pizza, ice cream, sugar and fat! Hmmm, maybe that hasn't changed enough...:rolleyes: My hubby used to do all the cooking, and he's good at it too. Over the last couple years I have started cooking too. I'm home since I cannot find a perm job and we wanted to eat healthier. We've been eating out too much and now need to get back on track.


Here's to a great day!

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Before I met my hubby (I was 36) my food groups consisted of pizza, ice cream, sugar and fat! Hmmm, maybe that hasn't changed enough...:rolleyes: My hubby used to do all the cooking, and he's good at it too. Over the last couple years I have started cooking too. I'm home since I cannot find a perm job and we wanted to eat healthier. We've been eating out too much and now need to get back on track.


Here's to a great day!


Maybe I'll get better when I move out and stop eating whatever mom brings in, lol.

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After today I have two more days of work then three days off! Exciting! I had some baked fries last night with a soda and ice cream.........healthy, I know. But my stomach wasn't up for the hot dogs mom wanted to fix. I actually ate less with what I ate. No exercise b/c of whatever this is settling in just made me so tired and a bit dizzy. I'm trying to take a decongestant at night to keep it from getting to anything worse. Dad started the stove last night though, so don't know how much that will help. Gotta find my humidifier. My head feels clogged, my one ear hurts and my throat is scratchy. Lovely. I think I've started my hibernation stage.......all I want is to wrap in a blanket and eat comfort foods. Curses!


Sat. 322.6 (I weighed after being up all night from the ghost hunt and having a biscuit on my way home, so...)

Sun. 321.2

Mon. 320

Tues. 320.6

Wed. 320.2

Thurs 319.2

Fri. 319.2


Well, I guess 319.2 is my official for this week. WOW! This means I met my initial goal and now I can start my new one. WW says I will have lost 10% of my body weight at 297. I want to lose 25lbs, which is more like 294. So, I just put the 10% goal in on WW. Really, I just want to see a 2 in front of my number, so that will be just fine if I met 299, lol. I haven't see that number in about 7 years. The holidays will test me, I know it. I really just need to focus though. I will hold onto the great feeling of accomplishing 10lbs.


BK: I had sausage gravy and biscuits. I KNOW. Hey, great way to start off a new goal Brooke.......I couldn't do oatmeal again. But, I made better choices with what I ate. I scraped off a lot of the gravy and just used what was kinda soaked into the biscuit. It had eggs with it too, but I ate less than half of them. They tasted kinda funny, so why eat them, right? Normally, that whole thing would be gone and licked clean. I feel good about leaving the majority in the box and throwing it in the trash.


L: I have Lasagna still b/c I had a grilled cheese and cup of soup yesterday.


D: Probably pizza........its Friday and dad will leave to go hunting again. Although, being a grandpa has set in b/c he normally hunts on thanksgiving, but he said he would come this year.:eek:.


W: I might go and take a walk around campus at lunch for fresh air, but just leisure.


I'm gonna warm some tea up and hope that helps my headache blooming. Might stride across campus for a gingerbread latte later.......lol.


Good choices.

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Well, went shopping on Sat. and did some leisure walking, so hopefully that will help. Mom and I got most of our gifts.........Grammy def. spent some $$$, lol. Had toast for BK, but it lasted until we got lunch around 2:30pm. I did decent. I ordered the lemon pepper grilled chicken and it comes with rice and two sides. I choose green beans and a baked potato. I ordered a salad with it though. I ate half the salad, half the baked potato, only one of the chicken breast. I ate all the rice (1/2 cup I think or less) and green beans. Mom and I shared a "drink." I did bad that night though with McDs b/c we were in a hurry to get dad something to eat and then I was going over to help my brother and SIL decorate with the kids. Yep, apparently the 4 year old did not have a good day, so he was sent to bed before I got there. I just hung out with the baby for a while.


Sunday I woke up with nothing to eat for BK. Had to wait until mom came home from the store around 11:30am after being up since 9:30am. That is the positive thing about the Zija, as long as I have that in the morning, I can stave my hunger for a while and still feel good. I actually go the dishes put away, sink cleaned and laundry started. We went for a visit to see the kids that morning and then back home to finish some work before they brought them over that night so mom and dad could have some peace and quiet for a while. I had oatmeal for BK, mom bought me a grilled chicken and fries for lunch and I shared some pizza with my nephew for dinner. I kinda lliked that part, he could be good for a diet if I had to share all my food with him, lol.


I still used a few of my weekly points. I had hoped not to. But I think I'm just used to eating that way on the weekends. I will just have to be careful on Thursday. I'm hoping for the gym today and tomr. to earn some exercise points for cushion.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319 (almost got 318.8, lol.)

Mon. 320.2


I figured after being more than liberal with how I used some points lately. I need to watch that from now on.


BK: I'm having corn flakes, not exactly nutritional, but I couldn't do oatmeal again and I'm trying not to do fast food.


L: ramon and 1/2 of pb sandwich. Its was just easy.


D: I'm thinking just a hamburger, homemade.


W: Elliptical for 30 mins, hopefully.


Two days of work this week........I don't know how productive I will be. I'm thinking of doing some cleaning and purging.......maybe some moving of stuff, so when we get back I can feel organized.


Good choices.

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Well, no exercise and I really needed it, but my brother called and on the way to pick up the kids the belt broke on his truck and he needed me to pick one up and bring it to him. Lucky, in between he was able to get his wife to pick up the boys. I thought I would go home and get on the bike at least, but then the boys came home and I couldn't resist loving on them. :p


I'm kinda hoping the boss lets us sneak out early today since its our last day of work for the week. Since its nasty, I was also hoping it would motivate me to go get on the bike for a while. I'm already up.........


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319 (almost got 318.8, lol.)

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 321


I'm gonna do a detox tea today, I was gonna wait til after thanksgiving, but I haven't been............yea.................so I think its needed.


BK: corn flakes


L: ramon and pb sandwich


D: I had spaghetti last night b/c my brother asked me to stay for dinner. Ate too much bread though........argh. I think I might stop by the store and get some stuff to make taco salads for me and mom and I want to pick up some ingredients to see if I can come up with a good way of making Pumpkin Pie Ice cream Cake.............of some sort. I think I can do it on a whim. I never really liked real pie, so I though this could be a way to contribute to the feast and get something I like, lol.


W: I'm just lazy this week.


I did do some "crunches" playing with my nephew, lol.


As long as I know the consequences of my actions............then..........:rolleyes:




Good choices.

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just a quick one..



Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319 (almost got 318.8, lol.)

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 321

Wed. 319.6


Did shredded wheat for BK


Tuna, low carb pasta, mayo for lunch


Some skittles


Ironed half the morning, then dragged down all the Christmas stuff from upstairs for mom.........so I got some exercise in climbing up and down stairs.


Got my new red coat and I'm SUPER excited that it fits and is SUPER cute on top of it...........plus, looked back on the site and they went back up on the coat to $200.........they had it on sale for $119 when I got it and then I got some money off the total order so it was probably around $93....pretty good I think.


Got my sweaters too, and they are thin, but will be nice for working inside of a office. I have to wear a cami underneath anyway b/c they are a little low cut. I'm excited that they look a little big on me and so does another shirt I bought (26/28) and the shirt I bought that was a 22/24 fits me perfect.


I really hope I don't do too much damage this Thanksgiving, but its only one day and I know that if I fall off, I just climb back on and I KNOW I can do that. Heck, if I can only gain 3lbs on a 7 day cruise, then get it off in two weeks..........Thanksgiving should be easy.


Just a little note. This morning on Hoda and Kathi.........they said the average person eats 4,500 calories on Thanksgiving. That's one person and that does NOT count breakfast and late night snacking.


Just think, I was eating about 3,500 to maintain a weight of 350lbs. I was almost eating a Thanksgiving meal every day. :eek:


So I was going to make a dessert, but then I heard what people were bringing for dessert and I really don't like any of it, so I decided...............why tempt myself with something I will eat?????? So, I won't and hope no one changes their mind on dessert and I might save just a few calories.


I hope to be running around after the nephews too.......so maybe that will help.


Happy Thanksgiving you guys!


Good Choices (and maybe just have fun for one day):D

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Can't really tell you the damage done yesterday, but I can say I had one plate, and small servings, but I did snack a bit the rest of the night. That's probably what will get me.


I did try to play with the kids a bit and at the end of the night, instead of getting a ride up to our cars - up my aunt's really steep driveway - I walked up. I know it wasn't a lot, but it was something. And though I was out of breath when I got up there, my legs didn't almost give out and I didn't have to take a break.


Oh, my granddad took one look at me and said, "You've lost some weight." Well, he would be the last person I would think would notice, but it was def. nice to hear.


My points all start over today and so I need to def. get back on point. I'm not saying I can get back to healthy, but back on point is good for now.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319 (almost got 318.8, lol.)

Mon. 320.2

Tues. 321

Wed. 319.6

Thurs. 320.2

Fri. 319.4


So, I lost .2lbs this week. But I will take it and hopefully I won't gain next week b/c of bad eating habits this week.


So, that takes me to 1lb towards my 25lb goal.


Hope everyone had fun with their families.


Good Choices.

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How many calories do you burn standing in line at Walmart for 5 hours? :confused: Probably not as many that were in the pop I drank! :eek:


New Kinnect game, more exercise!


Man, I would love just to get a Kinnect! It would a great additive to my Zumba and fun exercise. Especially, when Zumba isn't going on and for the winter when I can't get out.

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I do NOT even want to think about what I ate yesterday. My body gets one taste of overeating and it just hangs on to that desire. I'm really gonna have to do a 360 on this one or I will have some serious problems. I hope to get on the bike again today too.


Sat. 319.2


Going to get some present wrapping done today, try to clean out my car when it warms up a bit and maybe put out some of mom's decorations she didn't get to. Hopefully that all will help.


Meanwhile, I slept in a bit........b/c I could........so I'm icing my back a bit and then I'll make some oatmeal and have a slice of homemade bread my aunt gave us.


I have some leftover tuna noodles, just about 1/2 cup, so I will try and eat that for lunch with some leftover green beans.


I will have a snack of spinach dip and some tortillas (just to keep me from eating it at 11pm at night........*cough*


Not sure what will be on tonight.


Good Choices.

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Last day of rest before work again. I've enjoyed being semi-resting. Though I expected my weight to suffer, but I've been more active at home than I am at work all week, so I think it might come out even next week.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319


I'd be okay if I came out even this week. That would be an accomplishment from past years. Can't wait to get back to work and use the gym. I actually have 16 days of work, then Christmas break. I think I will take off the few days at the beginning of the week that we have to work, just to make it a complete two weeks. I don't think my aunt is doing Ireland anymore, so I'm not going to worry about time anymore. I still have 4 vacays and 3 personals. I'll say the personals for the winter time when I might not be able to make it to work.


Anyway, I'm just spouting stuff off. Got some of mom's Christmas stuff out. Put up a few outdoor stuff, but I couldn't remember how she placed a few things, so I left them. Got the Christmas dining room stuff out and placed too. Wrapped presents and watched Christmas movies.


Today will probably be relaxing.........maybe..........might have to see the nephews today.


Good Choices.

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Holy cow, I have been in a funk. That unfortunately has been coupled with some mindless eating. I need to snap out of it. I had a really hard time re-adjusting to non-cruise life. Now the holidays are happening and it's just not a good match for me. Ugh!!


My main goal right now is not to gain weight. I know that there will definitely be some indulging over the next weeks, so that is my plan. My smaller size jeans are still fitting, so that's a good sign. I am down 4 sizes in jeans and since I sold all my fatter girl pants, I need to stay in my less fat jeans. :p


My house is nearly decorated for Christmas - that was my exercise today. Lugging boxes, putting up the tree. I tend to clear off all shelves, surfaces and decorate. It's like re-decorating the house. The tree is up and the lights are on. I will do the ornaments tomorrow.


I am sad that I don't see a cruise countdown any more. I wish I could add a Club Med countdown! (I am at something like 340 days...)


Have a good week,


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Holy cow, I have been in a funk. That unfortunately has been coupled with some mindless eating. I need to snap out of it. I had a really hard time re-adjusting to non-cruise life. Now the holidays are happening and it's just not a good match for me. Ugh!!


My main goal right now is not to gain weight. I know that there will definitely be some indulging over the next weeks, so that is my plan. My smaller size jeans are still fitting, so that's a good sign. I am down 4 sizes in jeans and since I sold all my fatter girl pants, I need to stay in my less fat jeans. :p


My house is nearly decorated for Christmas - that was my exercise today. Lugging boxes, putting up the tree. I tend to clear off all shelves, surfaces and decorate. It's like re-decorating the house. The tree is up and the lights are on. I will do the ornaments tomorrow.


I am sad that I don't see a cruise countdown any more. I wish I could add a Club Med countdown! (I am at something like 340 days...)


Have a good week,




What is it about family and holidays that just says, "I need to eat more" ????


I'm trying to get back on track too.

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Had a morning meeting and then spent so time unloading on my co-worker, lol. She is just a good listener. Now its on to work.


I think I'm just in hope to get back on track this week. I stayed true to myself though and tracked all I ate (well, not on Thursday b/c I started over on Friday, but from then on). I've managed to use all my weekly points, but 2. Oh YEA.........good job. Why my body thinks that it gets one day of stupid eating and it can just get all crazy is .........well............annoying. I guess it didn't help that I didn't really go anywhere Friday, Sat. and Sun. So being bored was hard and easily replaced with snacking. Although I did try to be active.


Now, the hard part will be staying in my points the next 4 days b/c I don't have any weeklys to help out. I really need to do this to force my body back into routine eating. Lets hope I can.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319

Mon. 320.6


Already seeing an up in weight, but 319 is the lowest and is the same as last week, so if I can just maintain, I will be okay with that.


BK: I had skim milk and 1/2 serving of Frosted mini wheats. Still can't get back into the oatmeal right now. Had it over the weekend b/c there was nothing else to eat that was healthy in the house. But good note is that I went to my morning meeting and came back and ate breakfast. Got halfway through it and wasn't feeling it, so I just stopped. If I get hungry later........I'll have a snack or something.


L: I bought some light Progresso chicken noodle to eat.


D: Leftovers, most likely. Have plenty of "sides" just gotta find the protein.


W: Haven't heard if there will be a zumba tonight or not. Regardless, the gym is a must today.


Well, this weekend was full of good surprises and some downers too. Umm, I will say this to you guys b/c you don't know my family personally, but those who have my Facebook, please don't post anything about it. My SIL took 4 pregnancy test this weekend.............all POSITIVE. They are going to the dr. hopefully today for more test. Truly a gift from God if she is.


Great news right? Only thing to spoil it (only for a bit though) was my dad throwing his annual tantrum. Poor mom, she gets the raw edge on this one. 34 years of marriage and he still had these little fits about her not really caring about him. Had to throw a pillow over my head to be able to fall asleep. Then of course the mood in the house the next day was a downer. Wouldn't talk to her except to randomly complain more. At one point he called me a liar (saying I lie for her). Not saying me and mom haven't ever lied to dad.........I mean for various reasons............nothing bad though. But this time I wasn't lying and he kept accusing me. Let me just say that I had to excuse myself to my room to keep from giving him back what he'd been giving out. Unfortunately, I've picked up on my dad's temper, don't know if its environmental or inherited, but its there. It can be nasty too. Lucky, I have more control over it than he seems to over his. Hints, why I went upstairs. His little tempers have gotten him in trouble with me before, but b/c I live in his house I try and show some respect. He called me callously "stupid" one time. Strike one. Now I'm a "liar." Strike two. Not saying that I don't love or will not always love my dad, however, one more strike will lose him my respect. Don't know what he could possibly call me to get a strike 3, but I will know it. Needless to say..........his attitude needs to blow over soon b/c come next week........with hormones involved...........controlling my temper may NOT be possible.


But I got to escape and spend time with my nephews and there is nothing like the smile of a baby to make you forget all the stupid things in the world. So, after that and spending time with my brother..........I felt better. I pretty much just went to bed when I got home that night, so no idea if dad's tantrum was over.


Start back of work this week. We have 16 days until Christmas break where I will get about 2 weeks off. Kinda hope it stays busy so the time will fly. Can't wait to give our little boys all the presents for Christmas.


Auntie Broke, just bought herself a tv...............Cyber Monday got me. I'm now going to have to go back to my budget and redo my "Christmas Credit Card" payments again. I always over spend this time of the year and I know I will have to make several payments to pay them off completely. But that is the benefit of credit cards. Most of the time I have them paid off the next month if I use them. I'm just thankful I have a job and can afford to make payments.


Only one more person to buy for and that is mom. No clue what to get her. I always get her something, not just a gift card. She says she wants shoes, but my taste and hers are so different I don't think its safe for me to get her some. So, I'm kinda waiting to see if something else comes up.


Anyway, long winded today


Good Choices.

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Well, things seem to be pretty normal at the house. Dad must have stopped pms'ing.


We got official news that my SIL is pregnant. She is high risk though, so she will have to be really careful and rest a lot. They will be doing weekly sonograms. She had two miscarriages years ago. But b/c both were very dangerous miscarriages they have to keep a close eye on her. So, we will all have to do some serious praying for the next 9 months.


Of course with that news I had to go home a celebrate with the family, so non gym. But I did do 100 crunches. I read a blog and the girl challenged herself to do 100 crunches a day and her readers too. So I though it might be nice to try for at least a week.


I went for comfort food for dinner, but I didn't eat much at work yesterday. I had 30 points left when I went home. So I took advantage and got some fast food. I still came out on point.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319

Mon. 320.6

Tues. 321.8


So, this is probably b/c of Thanksgiving and the other days of eating too much crap. But last night as I was feeling so bloated, I realized that mother nature is upon me. Could explain the craving of foods, but not being satisfied when I eat them. So a gain next week could be bad due to mother nature and eating habits. I hope to cut her off though.


BK: Corn flakes. Eventually, I will start eating healthier breakfast.


L: Light chicken noodle soup.


D: .................................


W: I have to get my hair cut at 6, so I decided to only take a 30 min. lunch take off at 4:30 and hit the gym before I have to go get my hair cut.


Lol, I think this is the earliest I've ever had cruise nightmares. Had one last night. Realized I was going on the cruise and when we were flying I realized that I never really finished packing. I was missing like one of my cameras and stuff, lol. I think it was b/c my stylist was asking me to bring pics of the cruise for her to see, lol.


Oh, the other thing is I've been slacking on water lately..........gotta up that too.


Good choices.

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Hey everyone!


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and congrats to your SIL and brother, Brooke! How exciting.


I have been eating a lot of treats lately... snacking and such. Need to STOP! We have so many leftover things right now. Luckily, we had some friends over last night, so I put out cheese and crackers and olive dip leftover from Thanskgiving. After they left I brought it all into the kitchen, but forgot to put the cheese and dip (had cream cheese in it) into the fridge overnight. So into the trash it went this morning. I feel bad about wasted food, but once I heard someone say that if you don't need the calories, it's either wasted a) in the trash or b) in the form of fat on your body, so that helps. Plus, it had sat out the entire night.


We also had half a homemade pumpkin pie, which I do like, but I noticed yesterday that there was already some fuzz growing on it. It must have been really moist. So into the trash that went, too. I don't eat fuzzy things. ;) It's actually a good thing, because I could throw it out without feeling guilty.


Other than that, we have a lot of leftover sides and turkey... I'm getting sick of reheating leftovers though! :cool: I did make a really nice broth in the crock pot with the turkey wings, legs, and neck, along with onions/carrots/celery/etc. Put it all in the crock pot with water and a few hours later you have turkey broth! I did get some meat from the wings so I might do a turkey noodle soup or something like that. Or maybe a southwestern theme soup or something.


I think tomorrow or maybe next Weds. is the last week for receiving vegetables from our farmer. I have about 5 winter squashes on my counter, so this is a good thing! We need to catch up on it all! Plus we have loads of broccoli, corn, and bell peppers frozen from this summer to catch up on.


This is the season of parties and drinking/snacking, so I'm going to institute my rule of one glass of water for every drink. And try to stick to veggie trays... I also usually make around 6-7 different types of Christmas cookies every year. So I am debating not making them at all, only making 1-2 types, or something... I'm not sure yet. It's hard when your holidays are so firmly connected to food!

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Hey everyone!


I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving, and congrats to your SIL and brother, Brooke! How exciting.


I have been eating a lot of treats lately... snacking and such. Need to STOP! We have so many leftover things right now. Luckily, we had some friends over last night, so I put out cheese and crackers and olive dip leftover from Thanskgiving. After they left I brought it all into the kitchen, but forgot to put the cheese and dip (had cream cheese in it) into the fridge overnight. So into the trash it went this morning. I feel bad about wasted food, but once I heard someone say that if you don't need the calories, it's either wasted a) in the trash or b) in the form of fat on your body, so that helps. Plus, it had sat out the entire night.


We also had half a homemade pumpkin pie, which I do like, but I noticed yesterday that there was already some fuzz growing on it. It must have been really moist. So into the trash that went, too. I don't eat fuzzy things. ;) It's actually a good thing, because I could throw it out without feeling guilty.


Other than that, we have a lot of leftover sides and turkey... I'm getting sick of reheating leftovers though! :cool: I did make a really nice broth in the crock pot with the turkey wings, legs, and neck, along with onions/carrots/celery/etc. Put it all in the crock pot with water and a few hours later you have turkey broth! I did get some meat from the wings so I might do a turkey noodle soup or something like that. Or maybe a southwestern theme soup or something.


I think tomorrow or maybe next Weds. is the last week for receiving vegetables from our farmer. I have about 5 winter squashes on my counter, so this is a good thing! We need to catch up on it all! Plus we have loads of broccoli, corn, and bell peppers frozen from this summer to catch up on.


This is the season of parties and drinking/snacking, so I'm going to institute my rule of one glass of water for every drink. And try to stick to veggie trays... I also usually make around 6-7 different types of Christmas cookies every year. So I am debating not making them at all, only making 1-2 types, or something... I'm not sure yet. It's hard when your holidays are so firmly connected to food!



I guess that's why everyone goes on a diet in the new year, just to get the Holiday weight off. Wish all I had to get off was holiday weight....:rolleyes:

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Well, I did get to the gym. I did a good 30 mins on the elliptical. I felt good, but I started getting shakey at the end. I don't know if this is b/c I'm out of "practice" or something else. But I made it.


But b/c I was shakey, I thought maybe my blood sugar was low and I had to get to my hair apt., so I knew I wouldn't eat soon unless I stopped. I thought about what I could do that wouldn't be too bad. I was thinking about a meal, but did I really need fries???? I needed protein. So, instead of getting a meal with a fry I just got two grilled chicken wraps. Now, they have some cheese and ranch on them, but they come in as 5 points each. So 11 points for two, which would be the same as a wrap and fries. But without the extra fat from the fried food and more protein. I think it was a good decision. Went home and had plenty of points, so I had a slice of cake I made this weekend and some pretzels. Still made it on point. Thought my bad habits or mother nature is quickly catching up.


Sat. 319.2

Sun. 319

Mon. 320.6

Tues. 321.8

Wed. 322


Its okay. I've seen a gain before and I've managed to get past it, over it, and onward. This week will come out even obviously b/c I'm doing the lowest weight, but next week is probably when I will see the gain. I will try hard not to though. Another same weight will be good next week, if I can, lol.


BK: I'm having a skinny gingerbread latte with my corn flakes


L: Light chicken noodle soup


D: Maybe grilled cheese and a baked potato


W: I will do my crunches today, but give the gym a rest. I might do the bike at home, but we know how I feel about exercising at home. I did 100 crunches on Monday. I did 50 at lunch yesterday and was going to finish with 50 more at home. Well, lets just say, I might should have started off slower with the crunches, I'm just really sore. I will go for 50 today. I guess I will just have to do an extra 50 at some point.


My brother texted me last night to see if someone could come over and help with the kids. He has to work on Sat. and since my SIL is supposed to be resting he didn't think she could handle the 4 yr old and the baby alone. So, the plan is that Mom will take the 4 year out. I will go over and keep my SIL company-ie-make sure she is resting and help her with the baby. We will help any way we can.


Like 12 more days of work before break.................


Good Choices.

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