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The website I got them from is www.myrecipes.com


Its all the recipes of Cooking Light, Health, Real Simples and Southern Living magazines. What I also like is that you can put in search words for "vegtarian", "meatless", "low calorie" "5 ingredients or less" and it will spit back all the recipes imaginable.


:) Love the portabella burgers, the meatloaf sounds good I will have to looks for a recipe for it.I agree little things do make a big difference sometimes.:) Brooklynfc hope things are going good with you. I listened to a good book that gave me some good ideas its called The Wallstreet Diet you might want to check it out. I don't live by diet books but I listen to them on my commute to and from work and try to pick out pointers that will help me be successful with trying to lose weight.:)
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Sat. 315.2

Sun. 316


Yea, its sad.......I wanted to see another lb this week, but you know I've been slack on the carbs lately......and I can see the difference in how I feel and obviously the weight. So, today and tomr. I'm gonna do the bare min. carbs. Meat and veggies mostly. I'll get back on track and back on losing weight. I think I will also do my detox tea. I had a terrible "stomach ache" last night and it was probably from heavy carb intake.


We had terrible storms here with hail and tornado warnings all over. I was out late superivsing a dance at work, so I woke up late and getting a late start. Gotta get my spring clothes out and hung up and laundry done too. I'm hoping the bit of dancing I did last night will help me out a bit.

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The website I got them from is www.myrecipes.com


Its all the recipes of Cooking Light, Health, Real Simples and Southern Living magazines. What I also like is that you can put in search words for "vegtarian", "meatless", "low calorie" "5 ingredients or less" and it will spit back all the recipes imaginable.

Thanks one of my favorite sites and love cooking light magazine.:)

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Just checking in since it's been awhile. I am noticing a trend towards lower carb diets as well as more vegetarian dishes. I have decided to give the low card thing a try. I feel like I have been just buried under bread, pasta, starchy vegetables, rice, crackers, etc. Those foods are huge triggers for me - I just can't have a little. So, I am avoiding those foods and adding more fresh vegetables and fruits (although I am learning fruits can also be high carbs, but I would think that a banana is a much better choice than a bagel), yogurts, etc. So far, I feel lighter and more energy. I have not gotten back on the scale because I really get hung up on that number and obsess about it. I will know when I have lost from my clothing. I was down 60...that number is closer to 45 now. :( :mad: :eek: I am so unhappy with myself, but no more excuses.

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Brooke, I follow mostly low carb in combination with WW. I get 26 pts a day, but I work out 13 hours a week, so I need to consume more than that to lose. I typically eat 33 pts per day. Here is a typical menu for me.


2 slices ham preworkout (1 pt)


B: 2 hard boiled eggs (4 pp), 3 slices Canadian bacon (1 pp)


AM snack: low fat string cheese (1 pp)


Lunch: Salad with chicken (3 pp), 1/8 cup cashews (2 pp), low fat cheddar stick, cut up (1 pp), and assorted veggies (6 pp total)


PM snack 1: Almonds or pistachios (5 pp), 2 Lindt dark chocolate truffles (4 pp)


PM snack 2: 1 tbsp natural peanut butter w celery (3 pp), spaghetti squash w 4 oz 96% lean ground beef, tomatoes, and italian seasonings (3 pp)


Dinner: some type of lean meat (3 pp; chicken, pork cutlet, sirloin), spinach and mushrooms sauteed in EVO (2 pp)


Total of 33 pp


Hope this helps a little. If anything, maybe it can spark some ideas.

Edited by Chigirlcruzin
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Just checking in since it's been awhile. I am noticing a trend towards lower carb diets as well as more vegetarian dishes. I have decided to give the low card thing a try. I feel like I have been just buried under bread, pasta, starchy vegetables, rice, crackers, etc. Those foods are huge triggers for me - I just can't have a little. So, I am avoiding those foods and adding more fresh vegetables and fruits (although I am learning fruits can also be high carbs, but I would think that a banana is a much better choice than a bagel), yogurts, etc. So far, I feel lighter and more energy. I have not gotten back on the scale because I really get hung up on that number and obsess about it. I will know when I have lost from my clothing. I was down 60...that number is closer to 45 now. :( :mad: :eek: I am so unhappy with myself, but no more excuses.


I'm trying low carb with my ww at my doctor's request, it seems to be doing okay. Its hard, but I think it will be worth it.


You can do it, don't worry about what has happened, this is the now and know that you did it once, you can do it again and then some.:D

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Some fruits have high water content..always try to go for those kinds of fruits (so says my brother in law the nautropath doc)..watermelon, cantelope, plums. Apples are good for fiber and filling. Grapes have a lot of carbs as do bananas. Sometmies I cut up chunks of watermelon and freeze them and use them for slushy smoothies, or just eat it like sorbet.


Veggies with high water content.almost all the green ones, especially Asparagus, Celery, and Cucumber Starchy ones you want to eat modestly-like potatoes, sweet potatoes, etc. They are good for you, but ones you want to eat only a few times a week. A lot of times I make a veggie soup, with low sodium broth. It's easy to make baked sweet potato fries..you can spray them with cooking spray and sprinkle a little seasoning and then bake them. Kale is another good one..you can make kale chips the same way and somehow the baking brings out a sweet taste to them. YUM.


The main thing I think is small changes make a big difference over the long haul. Even taking a walk during a break or lunch time is still more than what a lot of people do, or drinking an extra glass of water a day, eating out only 2x per week instead of 4, etc.


Just checking in since it's been awhile. I am noticing a trend towards lower carb diets as well as more vegetarian dishes. I have decided to give the low card thing a try. I feel like I have been just buried under bread, pasta, starchy vegetables, rice, crackers, etc. Those foods are huge triggers for me - I just can't have a little. So, I am avoiding those foods and adding more fresh vegetables and fruits (although I am learning fruits can also be high carbs, but I would think that a banana is a much better choice than a bagel), yogurts, etc. So far, I feel lighter and more energy. I have not gotten back on the scale because I really get hung up on that number and obsess about it. I will know when I have lost from my clothing. I was down 60...that number is closer to 45 now. :( :mad: :eek: I am so unhappy with myself, but no more excuses.
Edited by Gathina
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Brooke, I follow mostly low carb in combination with WW. I get 26 pts a day, but I work out 13 hours a week, so I need to consume more than that to lose. I typically eat 33 pts per day. Here is a typical menu for me.


2 slices ham preworkout (1 pt)


B: 2 hard boiled eggs (4 pp), 3 slices Canadian bacon (1 pp)


AM snack: low fat string cheese (1 pp)


Lunch: Salad with chicken (3 pp), 1/8 cup cashews (2 pp), low fat cheddar stick, cut up (1 pp), and assorted veggies (6 pp total)


PM snack 1: Almonds or pistachios (5 pp), 2 Lindt dark chocolate truffles (4 pp)


PM snack 2: 1 tbsp natural peanut butter w celery (3 pp), spaghetti squash w 4 oz 96% lean ground beef, tomatoes, and italian seasonings (3 pp)


Dinner: some type of lean meat (3 pp; chicken, pork cutlet, sirloin), spinach and mushrooms sauteed in EVO (2 pp)


Total of 33 pp


Hope this helps a little. If anything, maybe it can spark some ideas.


I haven't been using peanuts in my diet, maybe I can add a few of those. I think I just need to use Uncle Google to get some ideas. I like quick and easy stuff, but I find when you are dealing with proteins (meat especially) that isn't always possible.

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I think I read somewhere your mom does the cooking in your house?


For meats, have you ever considered just buying a small mini crockpot for yourself and cooking whatever meat you need in that? That can be a real time saver. If you did that on a Sunday, then Sunday night you could buy baggies and portion out your servings for each meal over the next couple of days. That would be a pretty good timesaver...then you can just grab and go.


I haven't been using peanuts in my diet, maybe I can add a few of those. I think I just need to use Uncle Google to get some ideas. I like quick and easy stuff, but I find when you are dealing with proteins (meat especially) that isn't always possible.
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Sat. 315.2

Sun. 316

Mon. 316


I hope to see a decrease some this week. I know I indulged and that is probably why I'm seeing this. I'm also having some trouble with my BC and it kinda not doing what it is supposed to do, so I'm concerned that might be causing some retention of water or blot. I was waiting to see if it went away, but it hasn't so it might be time to call my dr.


BK: Shake/w/banana


L: Tuna cup/light mayo/veggie or fruit


D: I keep pushing the stir fry back, I'm not sure why I'm resisting it, I usually love it and its easy, taste good, low in calories............I will try again tonight.


W: Zumba



I tried to keep carbs lower yesterday (114) b/c of my 197 friday and 324 on Saturday. Went a little over board to say the very least. I guess we all have our moments, but now I have to be even more strict.


So, I've planned to do a few days of lower than my daily target of 150. Hopefully, it will make an impact. I doubt I will make my lb loss this week, probably a gain. I hope not its not the 2.2lbs that I'm showing so far, that would be very very sad.


Good choices.

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I haven't been using peanuts in my diet, maybe I can add a few of those. I think I just need to use Uncle Google to get some ideas. I like quick and easy stuff, but I find when you are dealing with proteins (meat especially) that isn't always possible.


I hear you. Trust me, none of what I posted takes more than ten minutes to prepare.

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Sat. 315.2

Sun. 316

Mon. 316

Tues. 315.2


Well, at least is a step in the right direction, but I have a feeling I will so a gain this week..........sigh.........brief pity party..............okay. My stomach feels icky today too, so something is going on. I don't know if it was the influx of carbs or my system just being silly. Idk.


BK: Shake w/banana, ls bacon


L: PB simple style w/ arnolds thin wheat bread, pineapple, and one of my diet cupcakes (3 ww points w/out "icing"-I made chocolate b/c I've been craving it and thought.......hey at least these are low calorie)


D: I need to google something. But I did finally eat my stir fry.


W: 30 mins. bike at home


So, our gym is closed until Wed. for ac updates, zumba will be on Wed. Of course, I have schd. an apt. to meet with a modular builder that afternoon...........so no go. I knew that I couldn't be lazy and not exercise with the numbers I'm showing so I did jump on the bike at home for 30 mins. Now, it wasn't the same level I get when I'm in the gym. Being at home just seems to make me not put in as much effort..........but I will go with, "Something is better than nothing."


Good Choices.

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Day 3 of my low carb effort and I am down 3 lbs. :) It's really really really hard and I don't think I could do this forever. But, I need a jump start and incentive to keep going, so this may be it. Fingers crossed. I have not done any bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. No junk food either. I did exercise both Sunday (40 min walk - I never realized how many hills my neighborhood had!) and Monday (30 min on bike). I feel great!


I went back to tracking food on Spark People. It seems easier to use this go around; I think they have made some changes to the way you enter food. My recommended calorie range is 1,300 to 1,700. The past 2 days were closer to 1,200. I don't feel deprived, but I know that you do need to eat a certain amount to be healthy. I think I will just go with it what I am doing and know that there will always be times that my caloric intake may be a little higher.


I have to do this. No choice.



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Day 3 of my low carb effort and I am down 3 lbs. :) It's really really really hard and I don't think I could do this forever. But, I need a jump start and incentive to keep going, so this may be it. Fingers crossed. I have not done any bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, etc. No junk food either. I did exercise both Sunday (40 min walk - I never realized how many hills my neighborhood had!) and Monday (30 min on bike). I feel great!


I went back to tracking food on Spark People. It seems easier to use this go around; I think they have made some changes to the way you enter food. My recommended calorie range is 1,300 to 1,700. The past 2 days were closer to 1,200. I don't feel deprived, but I know that you do need to eat a certain amount to be healthy. I think I will just go with it what I am doing and know that there will always be times that my caloric intake may be a little higher.


I have to do this. No choice.




You are doing great! Knew you could do it!

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Sat. 315.2

Sun. 316

Mon. 316

Tues. 315.2

Wed. 315.6


Well, I have to say at least this week has been consistent. I guess I will have to suck up the 2lbs and just hope I can get it back off in a weeks time. I still don't think it was all my food choices that caused this, I really think something was and may still be up with my BC. Frustrating.


BK; Shake w/banana, ls bacon.


L: 91 lean hamburger patty, strawberries, cheese stick


D: I did hamburgers last night b/c I was just plain starving. No clue why.......better add some more food to the middle of the day. But I felt all bloaty yesterday so I didn't eat much b/c I felt icky. Then I get home and I'm starving. Lucky I controlled myself. So probably something with chicken tonight.


W: 30 min. on the bike.


Got in 30 on the bike and I tried to push harder too. I'm just feeling bloated and my stomach feels icky and I'm not sure what is causing it. I stopped drinking diet sodas, thinking that was it. I drank 32 oz almost straight last night to see if that would "flush" anything out. But still feel tight in my stomach. Maybe I need a yogurt or something. Whatever it is, I think it might be behind my gain, but I won't blame it on something I'm not sure of. I just really hope I can make up for this, otherwise it puts me 2 weeks backwards. That is really frustrating. I'm hoping the fiber in the fruits and adding some fiber veggies to dinner will help with whatever is going on. Maybe just too much protein?


Oh well, I've done worse before and haven't quit, so I guess I will suck it up and move on.


Good Choices.


NEVERMIND, I see it............my carbs slowly have been creeping back up and I've been missing some points everyday too............NO WONDER Geez. Well, at least I've pinned it.

Edited by brooklynfc
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Sat. 315.2

Sun. 316

Mon. 316

Tues. 315.2

Wed. 315.6


Well, I have to say at least this week has been consistent. I guess I will have to suck up the 2lbs and just hope I can get it back off in a weeks time. I still don't think it was all my food choices that caused this, I really think something was and may still be up with my BC. Frustrating.


BK; Shake w/banana, ls bacon.


L: 91 lean hamburger patty, strawberries, cheese stick


D: I did hamburgers last night b/c I was just plain starving. No clue why.......better add some more food to the middle of the day. But I felt all bloaty yesterday so I didn't eat much b/c I felt icky. Then I get home and I'm starving. Lucky I controlled myself. So probably something with chicken tonight.


W: 30 min. on the bike.


Got in 30 on the bike and I tried to push harder too. I'm just feeling bloated and my stomach feels icky and I'm not sure what is causing it. I stopped drinking diet sodas, thinking that was it. I drank 32 oz almost straight last night to see if that would "flush" anything out. But still feel tight in my stomach. Maybe I need a yogurt or something. Whatever it is, I think it might be behind my gain, but I won't blame it on something I'm not sure of. I just really hope I can make up for this, otherwise it puts me 2 weeks backwards. That is really frustrating. I'm hoping the fiber in the fruits and adding some fiber veggies to dinner will help with whatever is going on. Maybe just too much protein?


Oh well, I've done worse before and haven't quit, so I guess I will suck it up and move on.


Good Choices.


NEVERMIND, I see it............my carbs slowly have been creeping back up and I've been missing some points everyday too............NO WONDER Geez. Well, at least I've pinned it.


Good morning:)


You mentioned eating too much protein, that could be a problem over time, you really do need fiber to keep things moving along;)


Have you ever tried taking acidophilus? very good for the digestive tract, keeps the digestive tract humming and you would not have to worry about eating yogurt, this is like a replacement. And it will help keep you regular, just a suggestion.


Yes eating too many carbs will send that number on the scale up:rolleyes:but your still on the right track, keep up the good work:)

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Sat. 315.2



NEVERMIND, I see it............my carbs slowly have been creeping back up and I've been missing some points everyday too............NO WONDER Geez. Well, at least I've pinned it.


D'hoh! I hate it when that happens... track intake in my head and think it's not so bad, but then write it down and OOPS!


You're doing great, Brooke. btw, change in diet, especially away from breads and sweets can make your tummy rebel for a couple weeks or even more (especially with little cheats here and there). Just stick it out and you'll feel great in no time.


Keep up the good work.

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Good morning:)


You mentioned eating too much protein, that could be a problem over time, you really do need fiber to keep things moving along;)


Have you ever tried taking acidophilus? very good for the digestive tract, keeps the digestive tract humming and you would not have to worry about eating yogurt, this is like a replacement. And it will help keep you regular, just a suggestion.


Yes eating too many carbs will send that number on the scale up:rolleyes:but your still on the right track, keep up the good work:)


The funny thing is I take fiber powder everyday, so I didn't feel like the extra protein should be a problem and then the veggies should help too. Idk, I bought some flax mill yesterday and I hope I can find a receipe or two to use to make something yummy and full of fiber/low in carbs.



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D'hoh! I hate it when that happens... track intake in my head and think it's not so bad, but then write it down and OOPS!


You're doing great, Brooke. btw, change in diet, especially away from breads and sweets can make your tummy rebel for a couple weeks or even more (especially with little cheats here and there). Just stick it out and you'll feel great in no time.


Keep up the good work.


Yea, its gonna cost me, but at least I caught it.

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;) I am learning some good things on this site and you are helping me stay on track. Thanks everyone, no matter how much you have to lose it is always a challenge.:)


Yea, I need to watch indulgences. But I'm gonna keep heading in the right direction.

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Sat. 315.2

Sun. 316

Mon. 316

Tues. 315.2

Wed. 315.6

Thurs. 315.4


HA! You know I think the is the most consistent weight week I've EVER had. Don't know if that is good or bad, but its something.


Still feeling bloated. I might have to do some oatmeal or use the flax mill I bought to help things out. You know, do one or two days of week of less protein and dairy and more fiber/carb stuff. In fact, I have some in the office and might dip a spoon of Lsugar PB in it and just eat some............that's how bloated I feel. I tried to drink lots of water, they say that helps, but it hasn't. How do diabetics deal with this.....:rolleyes:


BK: Shake no banana (just too many carbs to start the day with) used almond milk for 1/2 portion w/ atkins. 2 turkey sausage patties.


L: Cooked some steak'umms......though not the best, I cooked them last night with some onions and I'm gonna put it on a low carb wrap for like a philly sandwich thing. Cup of grapefruit, which I hope will have some fiber to help


S: lf turkey slices, cheese stick


D: Mom cooked some "stirfry" chicken and veggies last night so I just ate that. Saved my SW chicken for tonight.


W: Well, I'm struggling. The nephews will be coming over and I want to see them, but the gym is open again...........such a hard choice when you don't know when you might have to give them back, plus the 4 year old had to go to the ER when he smacked his head and cut it the other night, so I want to see him. Maybe me and him will do some racing or something.


Well, at least a lady in my buidling looked at me said, "You've lost a lot of weight, haven't you?" She isn't someone that typically takes the time to talk to people and she once asked my old boss (who was big) if she was preggers..........At least its starting to be noticed. Now I just have to keep on track.


Good choices.

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Sat. 315.2

Sun. 316

Mon. 316

Tues. 315.2

Wed. 315.6

Thurs. 315.4

Fri. 315.6


Well, not what I was hoping for, but then again..........Wow consistency.


I tried some flax seed meal with some hot almond milk and cin. last night, just to see.........mmm........not horrible, but not oatmeal like at all. I put some in my shake this morning........they need to make this stuff more powdery. I will find a way to use it, plus I think its helping with the bloating.


BK: Shake (atkins shake 1/2, almond milk 1/3 c, 2 tbsp of flax meal)


L: Grilled tilapia, from Gordon's. You can microwave b/c its pre-cooked. I think I remember liking these. Green beans with some butter and real bacon bits mixed in.


D: Well, DQ for a bunless burger probably, see below.


W: Relay for life is tonight at my work, so I figured I would go over and hang out and walk for the evening. I'm buying some pizzas for my sorority, but I will do bunless from DQ.


Played with the nephews yesterday, well......not a lot of playing, more like carrying around the baby (18lbs now, but 21 inches long), but considering my normal sedentary status after work........ its better than nothing. I also went to look at a house my cousin got a tip on (not on the market yet). The guy is still renovating it, but Its almost 2,000 sq ft and is two stories, 4 beds (kinda) and 2 bath. It was nice. He def. bought it as a foreclosure b/c there is still "people's stuff" all over the place and cobwebs. It was built in the 1940s, so its got some age and the rooms are kind chopped, but I think at the price he is potentially offering, it might not be too bad to knock out a wall to expand the living room. The bedrooms are decent sizes, kinda smallish. The 4th bedroom, I'm not sure about. Its about 20 ft. long and 5 ft across.........yea.........weird right? I'm gonna get my dad or brother to come look at it this weekend and maybe they will have some views on it.




Good Choices.

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:)Happy weekend everyone :) Good luck on this house Brooklynfc you have been looking for a while. Glad you got back on track, it can be so hard especially when your life gets busy. I have to say I had a really good week, after months of seeing the scale budge very little I seen 4 pounds vanish this week, I am hoping I finally got my body in the fat burning mode. :)

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