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3 months with no scale..that could be way scary..maybe just limit to once a week? Someone said they do that at WW..I think the once a week thing is a good idea because it takes the pressure off and then you dont have to beat yourself up every day if it doesn't budge.


I will mention something I noticed on your food logs..if you have an Atkins shake for breakfast I saw that sometimes you have another food with it..I thought Atkins shakes were supposed to be the meal and nothing else according to their program?? You might be adding more food because your hungry, but remember..for a few days you are going to be hungry until your stomach gets used to getting by with less. That's why they say to really take your time to eat, and sit at the table to eat because your more likely to eat what's there and nothing else.

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Ok i will try once a week for weight for a couple of weeks to see. I'm willing to try anything that i haven't already lol. The atkins shakes can actually be snacks, i think. Maybe u r thinking slimfast?


In any sorts i got 30 on the ellpt tonight bc it's the nephew day and moms bday so we ended up at mcds for dinner and cake. But after my nephew went home [he wanted to come home with us] i went upstairs and did 30 on the bike. I finally put batteries in the monitor and i forgot how basic it was. But i put it on interval setting and tho it felt like i was going as fast as i do at the gym, it was stating i was going like 15mph. Then i did the 3 set of 30 second planks.


Guess i need to hit walmart for some weights to add that in.


Ps- if things are misspelled or just don't make sense it's bc I'm using my new tablet and the autofill is funky plus the touch screen.

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Have a fab holiday weekend and happy house hunting Brooke!!


My goal for the weekend is to actually get on the exercise bike that has been sitting in my guest room unused for the past 3 years!


Just a question...what are planks?

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To do a plank, get on all fours, then extend your legs so that you are on your forearms and toes. Hold. Great an/core work. As you get more advanced, you can alternate lifting a leg and/or an arm. I like to do plank "walkups" where I start on my forearms then "walk up" to my palms. I also do planks and walkups with either my arms or toes on a Bosu.

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Hope everyone had a great long weekend. It was rainy in Orlando...not such a great holiday weekend!!


I wanted to share a website I found where you can input your foods and it will give you the nutritional information...carbs, calories, etc. (not WW points though). http://nutritiondata.self.com/user/login


Let's just say I had a rude awakening when I discovered that spices have carbs, and not just a few! I was thinking of doing a homemade taco seasoning until I input the recipe ingredients and found out the carbs would be comparable to the taco seasoning in the packet you buy at a store. Uhhh! So, I'm back to eating grilled hamburgers, steak and chicken with very little seasoning!! Sugar free jello is a godsend, as it allows me something sweet. I also will take a small bit of an Atkins bar (I cut one bar up into 6 pieces), for something sweet. Still trying to keep the carbs under 20 g a day.


The good news is I had an hour to kill before I picked up my son, so went to the mall to kill some time and I tried on a dress at Macys. I picked up an XL and it was too big!! Macys has their own brand of clothing, Style and Co and their clothes do run big, but I find them to be flattering. They also have plus sizes, which I have a closet full of, but most are too big now, fortunately. Anyway, here is the link if you are interested...great sales this weekend. http://www1.macys.com/shop/product/style-co.-dress-sleeveless-printed-twist-front-jersey?ID=677878&CategoryID=5449#fn=BRAND%3DStyle&co.%26sp%3D1%26spc%3D37%26ruleId%3D65%26slotId%3D14


Happy Memorial Day! Now off to watch The Bachelorette!!

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Well, I'll be honest and say my weekend eating really wasn't good. Just about finished off all my weekly points.........:(.


However, I did keep up with my exercise, not letting family time detour me from that.


Hopefully, being back at work will put me back on a better schedule.


I did see a little bit of difference in my measurements this weekend, about .5 to 1 inch in some places, so that was a good thing. But I kept to my promise that I wouldn't weigh. But I did get my last weight which was 317. Yep. Going back up. However, that gave me an answer to my question of if I was eating enough. I had up'd my points and was eating my weekly points too, so obviously........I've been eating enough if I'm going back up.


In the meantime. I'm gonna not weigh for a couple of weeks. Mother Nature will be here in about a week, so I might as well let her go on by before I step on the scale again anyway. It makes me nervous to go 2 weeks without looking, but I've done fine so far and haven't really thought about it too much.


BK: Mini pancakes-ran out of bk supplies and was just plain not into doing anything but hanging out this weekend, so I guess I'll have to re-stock this week sometime.


L: Probably going to grab subway b/c again, was lazy this weekend with chore related things.


D: I need to use the rest of my brussell sprouts before they go bad (if they haven't already) and I have a leftover blt sandwhich from dinner out, so I will probably eat those two things.


W: 60 on the ellpt. I'm sure my body will not like me after have 3 days in a row on the bike.


Anyway, Here goes a new week.


Good Choices.

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:) Had a rough eating weekend myself, being at the lake all weekend our weather was perfect. I am hoping all the Kayaking and paddle boating helped with some of the eating and drinking, I like beer way to much and when its sunny and 90 it just goes down like water.:o New week good choices. I didn't know about the spices either, I guess our food is meant to be bland so sad. Have a good week everyone.:)

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Best of luck to everyone getting back in the swing of thing. Congratulations on your inches lost, Brooke! That is great.


My newest find is Tyson grilled chicken fajita strips. They are already cooked and all you do is microwave them. I eat a bowl of them with melted cheese on top with a tiny bit of sour cream or put them in a salad. Great when you don't feel like cooking and only 1 g of carbs per 3 oz serving. Very tasty too...they use a lime flavoring that is very good!

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here's an update on (and a plug for) a program called Optifast that wife and I are doing thru a local hospital.


13 weeks into the program and I've lost 57 pounds and wife has lost 46. I've struggled all my life w/ weight (started this program at 325 and that wasn't the heaviest I have ever been). 11 weeks left in the program , but we will continue w/ dieting (actually more a matter of eating right) afterward. My initial goal was 75 pounds by our upcoming Dec cruise, but now I'm shooting to take off 100 total, maybe not all by Dec, but long range.


I'm here to tell you that this program works. Not cheap, but an investment in ourselves that we won't regret.

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Best of luck to everyone getting back in the swing of thing. Congratulations on your inches lost, Brooke! That is great.


My newest find is Tyson grilled chicken fajita strips. They are already cooked and all you do is microwave them. I eat a bowl of them with melted cheese on top with a tiny bit of sour cream or put them in a salad. Great when you don't feel like cooking and only 1 g of carbs per 3 oz serving. Very tasty too...they use a lime flavoring that is very good!


Wish I could heat up chicken. Something about reheated chicken and the way it taste......

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here's an update on (and a plug for) a program called Optifast that wife and I are doing thru a local hospital.


13 weeks into the program and I've lost 57 pounds and wife has lost 46. I've struggled all my life w/ weight (started this program at 325 and that wasn't the heaviest I have ever been). 11 weeks left in the program , but we will continue w/ dieting (actually more a matter of eating right) afterward. My initial goal was 75 pounds by our upcoming Dec cruise, but now I'm shooting to take off 100 total, maybe not all by Dec, but long range.


I'm here to tell you that this program works. Not cheap, but an investment in ourselves that we won't regret.


Good job! Glad you found something that works for you.

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Lets see,


BK: mini pancakes (1/2 serving) with a glass of milk


S: dry cereal


L: breadless ham sandwich, fruit cup (natural juices)


S: Some milk and protein powder for pre-workout snack


W: 60 mins...........on something.


D: Chicken and broccoli, maybe a stir fry


I have to say it is nice to have a free gym to go to, but I do have to deal with the inconsistent hours sometimes. They forget to tell you the schedule for the week or that it will be closed b/c the summer student workers aren't there..........then they have a switch over period between school year management and summer management............


But this is why I have a bike at home and why I've been making myself realize that just b/c I go home, doesn't mean I go sit on my butt. So, depending on if the gym is open or not........will determine what exercise I get, but 60 mins will be had.


Actually, I need to make some time up tonight. Last night I went home and got on the bike, but my head had started pounding (sinus pressure) on the way home, but I know that exercise can actually relieve a headache. So I took some meds and jumped on the bike for 30 mins. Now when I do the bike at home b/c of the angle of the bike, I have to stand up and move around for a few mins. inbetween the 60mins. When I did that, my head was still pounding, so I laid down for about 10 mins. It seemed to get better, so I got back on the bike, but after about another 20 mins..........it just wouldn't stop and was making me dizzy, so I stopped. But I got 50 mins in. I will try and make up the 10 mins today.


I'm actually thinking about putting in just a little more effort this week just to try and make up for my eating habits this weekend. I'm scared that I will start eating into workout points.........which WW allows, but its not a good thing.


Its those end of the night cravings. And I did use Gathina's trick, but I still managed to mess up a bit (over by 3 points). I used the trick over the weekend and it worked (one time that I knew I didn't need to eat anything else b/c it was already too much). I don't know if the solution is to leave a little extra points for the evening so that I just don't go over or not. I try my best to plant myself upstairs after exercise and a shower, so that its a longer trip and effort downstairs to the food.


Just had a thought from that.......oh lord.........I've used the stairs for a long time as a deterrent from food at home, but with my potentially new house......I will be all one level........my Master will look right to the kitchen. I will learn to shut the door and make a big poster size picture of me at 352lbs to put on the back:D.


Speaking of. It may seem as though I've made my decision about a house. I think I'm going with a modular home. It gives me all the elements I want and need in a house in my price range. I found a piece of land that looks promising and less than what I was planning on. I was going for one model, but I had some friends look at the 3 models I liked and we kinda all agreed that we liked the 2 others better for the layout.


The original one is just weird, the two bedrooms are right off the kitchen. Its a Galley kitchen, so long and there is a framed door way with really not hall and and the bathroom is in the middle and a bedroom on each side. Plus the bedroom design leaves hardly any floor space (the closets come into the room instead of being inset-I know its the same amount of room, but that makes it look smaller).


The one I'm leaning towards is a very open floor plan. The only problem I see is the living room doesn't give you much space to re-arrange b/c of where a tv would need to go. It will also be stretched about 4 ft to give me 1400sqft total (hopefully in the living room area).


Here is the floor plan:



The other house is a 4 bedroom on the model I looked at so I'm this plan is what it should look like at a three bedroom, I think..Minus the Morning room. Gives you the jist though.




Anyway, that's enough about stuff not doing with healthy living........


Good Choices.

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Hi Everyone,


Have been quickly checking in reading how everyone is doing, but haven't posted since the end of last week! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.....I sure did, it is always nice to be able to enjoy some time at home. That is such a precious commodity!


Sounds like everyone is doing well!


Brooke - I love the floor plans you are looking at. Look like very livable homes! Good luck. :)


On the note of eating late at night ~ that has ALWAYS been my biggest downfall as well. Before I made all the changes a year ago - I would eat relatively healthy all day long but at night I would totally eat and eat and eat. Definitely in a binge eating manner. Some night I would go to bed SO STUFFED! Most nights I would eat the equivalent of a second full dinner plus one or two dessert items within an hour or two of going to bed. (And I wondered how I got so heavy?!? LOL) As I have been reading Bob Harper's "The Skinny Rules" I have discovered that one of his twenty rules is GO TO BED HUNGRY ~ do not eat for at LEAST 3 hours before going to bed. Obviously, this is a tough one for me but it has given me new motivation. He explains that while we sleep we burn about 70 calories per hour (that's 560 calories a night for an eight hour night's sleep!). So our bodies can either burn through 560 calories of the food we have recently stuffed in our bellies, or we can go to bed hungry and our bodies will have to burn our stored energy. Now, each night if I feel tempted to eat late (after 8:00 p.m. for me because I go to bed between 11:30 and 12:00) I think of that. Do I want to cheat myself our of the opportunity to burn some stored fat??? The way I figure it ~ by not eating at night and allow my body to work it's nightly fat-burning magic I am using up over a pound of stored fat every week!

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Congratulations on the house, Brooke. The floor plans look great. I like the 2nd one better, too! I suck at reading floor plans, so couldn't tell from the separate little boxes, but is it a 2 bathroom home? I'd just think a 2 bath would have so much greater re-sale value. Just my non-professional two cents!! It will be so nice to have everything new! Best of luck in your new home!!!


Sounds like you are making exercise a routine in your life, which is the way to do it. I still struggle with that...made progress in that the exercise bike is plugged in and ready to roll, but I had an infection last week and was taking antibiotics and just did not have the motivation to get on. This week, that is the goal!!


I have always thought that the key to weight loss success is 80% mental. Any little mental trick you can do is so worth it if it keeps food out of your mouth. For me, we spend a lot of time at the theater (DS is in a theater magnet high school, plus we see most touring shows that come to town), and I remember when the seats felt uncomfortably small. It was really uncomfortable to sit for 2 hours or more in those seats at my heaviest, so to feel comfortable in the seats is motivation to me. So, when I want to eat, I think about how terrible I will feel squeezed into a small seat. That and I am still picturing my kids' high school graduation in a year and all the photos and how I want to look normal sized!! That, and I'm turning 50 in Dec. and don't want to be "fat and 50!," lol!


You did mention you don't like microwaved chicken, Brooke. Sorry...menopausal moment there. The instructions do say you can heat the chicken in a pan too, if that makes a difference. I did that when I mixed together chicken with shrimp for fajitas and it came out great.


May I suggest a George Foreman grill for your new home? We use ours so much...to grilling hamburgers, steaks, Italian sausages, chicken, etc. It is designed so that the fat rolls off the grill into a little catch pot beneath and when you empty the catch pot (for lack of a better term) and see all that fat...well, let's just say I'm glad it's going in the garbage and is not in our food!!


Have a great week everyone...tropical storm Beryl is over FL and we've had rain on and off all week and over the holiday weekend. I always feel bad for the people who are on vacation here when we have bad weather...if this was your one week for Disney and it is rainy all week, that is not a fun vacation!!:(

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Brooke, glad the mind trick worked..even a little..it's a practice thing..and if it only kept you from eating 5 more cookies or whatever, then it worked..progress not perfection..


Chicken...a new "find" recently...I was at a Chinese restaurant and they steamed a small chicken breast with some veggies and ginger and I got the brown rice..wow..I couldn't believe the flavor and the moistness of th chicken! It was nice with pea pods, some thin carrots and chinese cabbage. The ginger just made it "pop" in my mouth.


For a pint of it at $4 I thought it was a nutrition bargain..granted you need to eye ball the amount of rice but it was a healthy , cheap bargain lunch.


Could be another alternative..the chicken was so moist and better than grilled or baked.


I found a recipe "close" to what this was so will share it here..I plan to make it this weekend and it's only 250 calories a serving..chicken and veggies included.



Edited by Gathina
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Hi Everyone,


Have been quickly checking in reading how everyone is doing, but haven't posted since the end of last week! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend.....I sure did, it is always nice to be able to enjoy some time at home. That is such a precious commodity!


Sounds like everyone is doing well!


Brooke - I love the floor plans you are looking at. Look like very livable homes! Good luck. :)


On the note of eating late at night ~ that has ALWAYS been my biggest downfall as well. Before I made all the changes a year ago - I would eat relatively healthy all day long but at night I would totally eat and eat and eat. Definitely in a binge eating manner. Some night I would go to bed SO STUFFED! Most nights I would eat the equivalent of a second full dinner plus one or two dessert items within an hour or two of going to bed. (And I wondered how I got so heavy?!? LOL) As I have been reading Bob Harper's "The Skinny Rules" I have discovered that one of his twenty rules is GO TO BED HUNGRY ~ do not eat for at LEAST 3 hours before going to bed. Obviously, this is a tough one for me but it has given me new motivation. He explains that while we sleep we burn about 70 calories per hour (that's 560 calories a night for an eight hour night's sleep!). So our bodies can either burn through 560 calories of the food we have recently stuffed in our bellies, or we can go to bed hungry and our bodies will have to burn our stored energy. Now, each night if I feel tempted to eat late (after 8:00 p.m. for me because I go to bed between 11:30 and 12:00) I think of that. Do I want to cheat myself our of the opportunity to burn some stored fat??? The way I figure it ~ by not eating at night and allow my body to work it's nightly fat-burning magic I am using up over a pound of stored fat every week!


Totally makes sense!

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Congratulations on the house, Brooke. The floor plans look great. I like the 2nd one better, too! I suck at reading floor plans, so couldn't tell from the separate little boxes, but is it a 2 bathroom home? I'd just think a 2 bath would have so much greater re-sale value. Just my non-professional two cents!! It will be so nice to have everything new! Best of luck in your new home!!!


Sounds like you are making exercise a routine in your life, which is the way to do it. I still struggle with that...made progress in that the exercise bike is plugged in and ready to roll, but I had an infection last week and was taking antibiotics and just did not have the motivation to get on. This week, that is the goal!!


I have always thought that the key to weight loss success is 80% mental. Any little mental trick you can do is so worth it if it keeps food out of your mouth. For me, we spend a lot of time at the theater (DS is in a theater magnet high school, plus we see most touring shows that come to town), and I remember when the seats felt uncomfortably small. It was really uncomfortable to sit for 2 hours or more in those seats at my heaviest, so to feel comfortable in the seats is motivation to me. So, when I want to eat, I think about how terrible I will feel squeezed into a small seat. That and I am still picturing my kids' high school graduation in a year and all the photos and how I want to look normal sized!! That, and I'm turning 50 in Dec. and don't want to be "fat and 50!," lol!


You did mention you don't like microwaved chicken, Brooke. Sorry...menopausal moment there. The instructions do say you can heat the chicken in a pan too, if that makes a difference. I did that when I mixed together chicken with shrimp for fajitas and it came out great.


May I suggest a George Foreman grill for your new home? We use ours so much...to grilling hamburgers, steaks, Italian sausages, chicken, etc. It is designed so that the fat rolls off the grill into a little catch pot beneath and when you empty the catch pot (for lack of a better term) and see all that fat...well, let's just say I'm glad it's going in the garbage and is not in our food!!


Have a great week everyone...tropical storm Beryl is over FL and we've had rain on and off all week and over the holiday weekend. I always feel bad for the people who are on vacation here when we have bad weather...if this was your one week for Disney and it is rainy all week, that is not a fun vacation!!:(


Yea it has two baths, a master and a hall bath between the 2nd and 3rd bedroom.


We did have a G. Forman at home once, but I think it broke and we never got a new one. But it is handy and cooks quickly. If I didn't think I'd get in trouble at work, I would so buy one of those small ones and cook fresh chicken and stuff at work for lunch :rolleyes:.

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Brooke, glad the mind trick worked..even a little..it's a practice thing..and if it only kept you from eating 5 more cookies or whatever, then it worked..progress not perfection..


Chicken...a new "find" recently...I was at a Chinese restaurant and they steamed a small chicken breast with some veggies and ginger and I got the brown rice..wow..I couldn't believe the flavor and the moistness of th chicken! It was nice with pea pods, some thin carrots and chinese cabbage. The ginger just made it "pop" in my mouth.


For a pint of it at $4 I thought it was a nutrition bargain..granted you need to eye ball the amount of rice but it was a healthy , cheap bargain lunch.


Could be another alternative..the chicken was so moist and better than grilled or baked.


I found a recipe "close" to what this was so will share it here..I plan to make it this weekend and it's only 250 calories a serving..chicken and veggies included.




Looks yummy, will have to remember to pick up the ingredients.

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I wish my stomach would level out. I'm trying to remember to take a probiotic everyday. Its just bubbly and a bit upset at times. I don't think it ever fully recovered from that stupid stomach bug.


BK: Protein Shake (The Biggest Loser powder was on sale)


L: Chicken noodle soup and natural fruit cup.


S: Cheese and crackers


W: 60 min. on the bike.......waiting on the gym


D: bunless 73% hamburger patties and some baked fries (now this is what I'm counting on, but it is Thursday........and that is usually nephew dinner night at McDs) I've had it so much lately (being once a week for three weeks now) that I'm not craving anything, so a grilled chicken sandwich should cover it.


I promise I still haven't weighed though it has been tempting and I did stay in my points last night. Thank God that my week starts over tomr. I found my WW workout DVD yesterday and I know it has a 20 min. hand weight workout on it, I might try.


Now, if I can just get my real estate agent (cousin) to take a break from is out of town g/f then I might get the ball rolling on my house................


good choices.

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Fries: Here's another mind trick...if you do go for the McDonald's fry, put them on a napkin and "blot" them...you actually take out a lot of the grease..and I'd read somewhere you can save 20-30 calories and fat just by doing that..and when you see the grease that it sops up you might think "yuck, that could have been in my body".


On times that I've had no other option but a fast food place, (which makes me sick even if I do eat it and I like the taste of fast food even) I've actually gotten a kids meal and given the toys to my young friends. Sometimes you can even get 2% milk to drink in some of them, and the apple slices, a small hamburger (you could eat half the bun) and a kid size fry. Last week I wanted a milkshake from Sonic but online it was over 500 calories for a small..the kid size one was like 225 so I went for that.


small changes, big pay offs!



I wish my stomach would level out. I'm trying to remember to take a probiotic everyday. Its just bubbly and a bit upset at times. I don't think it ever fully recovered from that stupid stomach bug.


BK: Protein Shake (The Biggest Loser powder was on sale)


L: Chicken noodle soup and natural fruit cup.


S: Cheese and crackers


W: 60 min. on the bike.......waiting on the gym


D: bunless 73% hamburger patties and some baked fries (now this is what I'm counting on, but it is Thursday........and that is usually nephew dinner night at McDs) I've had it so much lately (being once a week for three weeks now) that I'm not craving anything, so a grilled chicken sandwich should cover it.


I promise I still haven't weighed though it has been tempting and I did stay in my points last night. Thank God that my week starts over tomr. I found my WW workout DVD yesterday and I know it has a 20 min. hand weight workout on it, I might try.


Now, if I can just get my real estate agent (cousin) to take a break from is out of town g/f then I might get the ball rolling on my house................


good choices.

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I wish my stomach would level out. I'm trying to remember to take a probiotic everyday. Its just bubbly and a bit upset at times. I don't think it ever fully recovered from that stupid stomach bug.


BK: Protein Shake (The Biggest Loser powder was on sale)


L: Chicken noodle soup and natural fruit cup.


S: Cheese and crackers


W: 60 min. on the bike.......waiting on the gym


D: bunless 73% hamburger patties and some baked fries (now this is what I'm counting on, but it is Thursday........and that is usually nephew dinner night at McDs) I've had it so much lately (being once a week for three weeks now) that I'm not craving anything, so a grilled chicken sandwich should cover it.


I promise I still haven't weighed though it has been tempting and I did stay in my points last night. Thank God that my week starts over tomr. I found my WW workout DVD yesterday and I know it has a 20 min. hand weight workout on it, I might try.


Now, if I can just get my real estate agent (cousin) to take a break from is out of town g/f then I might get the ball rolling on my house................


good choices.



Hi everybody,

I hate being the newcomer and just barging in on conversations - but I was in this thread what seems like a million years ago and so now I am back in the 'lose before you cruise' mindframe and I thought it would be good to take a peek and join back in. Something about hearing other people struggling with the same problem makes us all feel better. Good to know we are not alone! And it's so good to bounce all these ideas off each other.


Having said that, I just read posts which included crackers, chicken noodle soup, and pancakes as diet suggestions. When I am in diet mode...which comes and goes...LOL!... I try to eat as close to nature and unprocessed as possible. And white flour and sugar are my mortal enemies, followed closely by salt!

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