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Cruising to Healthy


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Well, I think I'm finally getting back to the me I know. lol


I did get in 42 mins. of exercise last night. That's just when I got tired and a little numb in my backside. The chiro suggested that I start doing interval training to help this. Do 20 mins of intense on the bike, then stop and try weights or crunches or walking in place........just keep moving, but at a lower pace. I think I will try it.


BK: That turkey sausage english muffin by WW

1 grande skinny latte from starbucks


S: 3oz Turkey Pepperoni and apple slices ( I switched a few things up yesterday)


L: 4 oz Southwest pre-cooked chicken breast slices (pre-packaged)

Shoepeg corn 1 c


S: Turkey slices/Sausage crumbles (1 oz of each b/c thats all I have of the turkey) and apple slices (I had to buy a whole container of them and so I better use the up b/c they go bad)


D: I forgot I had a work picnic thing that I had signed up for. Its hamburgers/hot dogs/chips/cookies kinda deal. So, my best best is to eat my hamburger without the bun, limit my chips and the cookie can be my treat (I'm gonna try and wait until all the flavors I like are gone, that should keep me from them at all)


W: It depends on when I get home. But Its on my radar and its friday, so it shouldn't matter what time I go to bed..........yea, I need to do it. I will.


313.6 today and that is the lowest I've seen in the three days I got to weigh. So that will put me up about .2 lbs. I'm okay with that. Basically it was even week, no gain, no loss.


I asked on the fashion boards, but.........


What do we think of this:I'm not sure about the material. I know I would have to wear spanx with it, but I fear it won't stay in place......LOVE the color, its my Irish blood kicking it, lol. And it can be worn many different ways too.



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Let us know how you like the SW chicken breast slices. I just bought some also to mix in a caesar salad. I haven't tried it yet though.


Your weight is soo good. Congrats!! That's one benefit of the stomach flu...losing weight!:)


I love the color of the dress. And, with your coloring, it would look great on you! My only concern would be the strapless part and making sure it stays up. But, I seem to remember your mom is handy with sewing. If the dress wasn't staying up on its own, maybe she could make some straps for you. For my wedding, my daughter got a strapless dress (she was the maid of honor), but it also had removable straps that could be buttoned off and on as needed. Personally, I think every strapless dress should have those!


You do so well on the bike. I'm up to 4.2 miles, but that's all I can do at one setting. I guess I should try twice a day and then double the amount, but it's hard to find the time. Thank goodness for crappy reality TV, because I moved the bike from the guest room to the family room, which has the DVR, so I can watch TV without commercials while I bike. So far, I've been watching Shannon Says (about Shannon Doughtry planning her wedding) and Melissa and Joan. Tori and Dean are also on now, so I will be watching them too. I find it inspiring to watch shows where the people are skinny while I work out. Makes it less painful to see the goal I am aiming for!!

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Nope havn't gone on the cruise yet we leave the 17th going with a group of friends 32 of us..Oh my..I did have my daughters wedding the end of june. Lots of prep for that.

I decided to go with lots of tuna , cheese and shakes for storm prep for me. And the more normal things for my hubby. I will run out Sunday and get him lots of fresh fruit and some junk food for his skinny butt.

Brooke I love that dress. Strapless always scares me to. I did just buy a strapless top for the cruise to wear under it I went with a crosslett hoping this will work, all the extra boneing and hooks crossing my fingers. I just dont trust strapless bras to keep the girls up. LOL

I really need to step up my work outs. I guess when you are over 40 the skin just dosn't come back as quickly. LOL:eek:


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Hey everyone,


Sorry, it's been awhile since I've checked in! Brooke, I am so sorry to hear of your loss of your grandma. I lost mine several years ago, and it gets easier with time. Now I'm able to look back and smile at fun times without getting teary. But it took awhile. Best wishes.


Sounds like everyone is on track or getting back on track. August was not a great month for me. I've basically stayed the same, although one success was that since signing up for Loseit, I've tracked every single day.


One thing I have been struggling with is weekends. We've had really fun, but full-calendar, social-type weekends almost every weekend lately. I have been typically gaining 1-2 pounds on the weekend. Lost of eating out and craft beer... Then over the next week, I lose those 1-2 pounds, and that is why I am staying the same. Grrr. I think I just need to realize that I don't need to "keep up" with the boys when it comes to beer. I'm going to a baseball game this weekend, and I will have a hot dog and a beer (the only time I ever eat hot dogs is 1-2 times a year at a baseball game). I just need to plan for it, and cut myself off after 1-2 beers. It is interesting since I have been logging everything, I can clearly see my deficit in calories going into the weekend, and then I end up eating/drinking them all back. But that is the learning lesson I suppose. For some reason, it's just taking me awhile to learn this lesson!


I've got this now though, and will report back on Monday to let you all know how the weekend went.


Got some fresh tomatos and made homemade cream of tomato soup with grilled cheese one night. Delicious! I use Ina Garten's recipe and I highly recommend it. I also have 2 eggplants from the farmer's market to use up, might make my eggplant parm by Mario Batali that uses roasted eggplant, not fried.

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Let us know how you like the SW chicken breast slices. I just bought some also to mix in a caesar salad. I haven't tried it yet though.


Your weight is soo good. Congrats!! That's one benefit of the stomach flu...losing weight!:)


I love the color of the dress. And, with your coloring, it would look great on you! My only concern would be the strapless part and making sure it stays up. But, I seem to remember your mom is handy with sewing. If the dress wasn't staying up on its own, maybe she could make some straps for you. For my wedding, my daughter got a strapless dress (she was the maid of honor), but it also had removable straps that could be buttoned off and on as needed. Personally, I think every strapless dress should have those!


You do so well on the bike. I'm up to 4.2 miles, but that's all I can do at one setting. I guess I should try twice a day and then double the amount, but it's hard to find the time. Thank goodness for crappy reality TV, because I moved the bike from the guest room to the family room, which has the DVR, so I can watch TV without commercials while I bike. So far, I've been watching Shannon Says (about Shannon Doughtry planning her wedding) and Melissa and Joan. Tori and Dean are also on now, so I will be watching them too. I find it inspiring to watch shows where the people are skinny while I work out. Makes it less painful to see the goal I am aiming for!!


The dress is actually interchangeable able, check out my last blog post for a video showing all the ways you can wear it. But I still wonder about it staying in place. I wear strapeless a lot during the summer time, so I'm not shy about it, but I wear more sturdy materials, lol.


The SW chicken was pretty good. I dare say the flavor was a little much. I didn't heat it or anything though (b/c I think re-heating chicken gives it a funky taste), so If you cooked it, some of the flavor might calm down. I mixed the pieces in with some shoepeg corn and about 1.5 tsp of ranch dressing for like a salad. Pretty good.

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:) I love the dress the style and the color are great. I'm so happy to see your weight going down (you to I know)Keep up the good work. I read that interval training is a good way to work out, I have been trying it and it seems to make the work out time go by faster.


The dress is actually interchangeable able, check out my last blog post for a video showing all the ways you can wear it. But I still wonder about it staying in place. I wear strapeless a lot during the summer time, so I'm not shy about it, but I wear more sturdy materials, lol.


The SW chicken was pretty good. I dare say the flavor was a little much. I didn't heat it or anything though (b/c I think re-heating chicken gives it a funky taste), so If you cooked it, some of the flavor might calm down. I mixed the pieces in with some shoepeg corn and about 1.5 tsp of ranch dressing for like a salad. Pretty good.

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Yesterday, I bought a pair of pants from a non-plus size store for the first time in I don't know how many years. I wanted to cry just a little bit lol. I have to get used to the idea that I might be able to shop in non-plus stores for my pants. Shirts are still another story, but we'll get there in time!


Not only that but the pants were buy 1 get 1 free that day, so double score! I went because 90% of my pants that I wear, I'm swimming in at the waist (most are 18s). I can wear 14s from Lane Bryant and I yesterday bought 16s at NY and Co. I felt a little weird in there, like they were thinking "what is this fat girl doing in here, she can't wear this" but I think it was all self inflicted.

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Yesterday, I bought a pair of pants from a non-plus size store for the first time in I don't know how many years. I wanted to cry just a little bit lol. I have to get used to the idea that I might be able to shop in non-plus stores for my pants. Shirts are still another story, but we'll get there in time!


Not only that but the pants were buy 1 get 1 free that day, so double score! I went because 90% of my pants that I wear, I'm swimming in at the waist (most are 18s). I can wear 14s from Lane Bryant and I yesterday bought 16s at NY and Co. I felt a little weird in there, like they were thinking "what is this fat girl doing in here, she can't wear this" but I think it was all self inflicted.


Congratulations!! Yes, I think we need to get the "fat" image out of our heads so we can shop in regular stores!! I was also surprised when plus size pants no longer fit me properly.


I was going over old photos last night to get the kids' senior year memory pages ready for school and I was so upset to see that 10 years ago, I was a size 10. I don't know how I let a 10 lb weight gain balloon up to a 100 lb. weight gain!:confused: Never again. I'm more than half way there, but it's still disheartening to see how much I gained in such a short time! Oh well, I'm reading Joan Rivers' book, "Bouncing Back" and let me tell you, that woman has had more ups and downs than the elevator at Tower of Terror! Very inspirational...you can only move forward. The past is over and the future is all we've got.

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Congratulations!! Yes, I think we need to get the "fat" image out of our heads so we can shop in regular stores!! I was also surprised when plus size pants no longer fit me properly.


I was going over old photos last night to get the kids' senior year memory pages ready for school and I was so upset to see that 10 years ago, I was a size 10. I don't know how I let a 10 lb weight gain balloon up to a 100 lb. weight gain!:confused: Never again. I'm more than half way there, but it's still disheartening to see how much I gained in such a short time!


Unfortunately, life takes over, for many of us. I was fine in High School - though I thought i was a whale, I weighed 125 - 130 lbs, but all the girls around me were even thinner so i always felt like I was fat.


Then in college, I gained the "freshman 15" about 2 or 3 times. I guess that by the time I was 23 I was about 170 and felt even more horrible about myself. In 2003 I remember I weighed in once at 199. That was scary. I didn't want to see the 2 in the front. Thankfully, I never did. Now, I'm 183ish but really would KILL to get down to the 160s. I don't know if I'll ever get there, but, I'm at least on a path of some sort having lost 10 so far since i'd never lost weight ever before. I need to start to lift weights - but so far haven't gotten the motivation to go back THERE yet. (by THERE i mean the dreaded gym membership). I don't find anything fun about going to the gym. I find it to be very wrong, actually lol. I wish there were more fun ways of getting toned - but my arms are doing the MAJOR bye-bye wave and it's really getting me down. I presume weights are the only thing that might help firm that up. Boooo.


I gotta convince myself of the next steps to this journey. I can't let myself get overwhelmed - and can't let myself get complacent. It's a tough journey - for sure.

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Yesterday, I bought a pair of pants from a non-plus size store for the first time in I don't know how many years. I wanted to cry just a little bit lol. I have to get used to the idea that I might be able to shop in non-plus stores for my pants. Shirts are still another story, but we'll get there in time!


Not only that but the pants were buy 1 get 1 free that day, so double score! I went because 90% of my pants that I wear, I'm swimming in at the waist (most are 18s). I can wear 14s from Lane Bryant and I yesterday bought 16s at NY and Co. I felt a little weird in there, like they were thinking "what is this fat girl doing in here, she can't wear this" but I think it was all self inflicted.


Yay! I have to admit that the only reason I look forward to smaller clothes....smaller price tags.

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Yay! I have to admit that the only reason I look forward to smaller clothes....smaller price tags.


Too bad we can't all be men. Their price tags are HALF of what we pay. I took my boyfriend in with me to lane bryant and asked him how much a pair of jeans should be. He was like 20 bucks. I was like, try 70. He nearly had a heart attack.


Men don't realize how lucky they are. They are typically paid more for the same job, and their personal care/clothing is WAY less. How is that fair??????

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Unfortunately, life takes over, for many of us. I was fine in High School - though I thought i was a whale, I weighed 125 - 130 lbs, but all the girls around me were even thinner so i always felt like I was fat.


Then in college, I gained the "freshman 15" about 2 or 3 times. I guess that by the time I was 23 I was about 170 and felt even more horrible about myself. In 2003 I remember I weighed in once at 199. That was scary. I didn't want to see the 2 in the front. Thankfully, I never did. Now, I'm 183ish but really would KILL to get down to the 160s. I don't know if I'll ever get there, but, I'm at least on a path of some sort having lost 10 so far since i'd never lost weight ever before. I need to start to lift weights - but so far haven't gotten the motivation to go back THERE yet. (by THERE i mean the dreaded gym membership). I don't find anything fun about going to the gym. I find it to be very wrong, actually lol. I wish there were more fun ways of getting toned - but my arms are doing the MAJOR bye-bye wave and it's really getting me down. I presume weights are the only thing that might help firm that up. Boooo.



You could always buy some weights and lift them at home. That's what I do...standing under the ceiling fan in front of the DVR, lol! I know with my schedule, that I'd never make it to a gym, so I do the stationary bike and lift hand weights at home. I'd love to find a good used bowflex machine to kind of mirror the equipment they have at a gym. But to be inside, out of the FL heat, under a ceiling fan set on full blast (with the A/C turned down to 72...menopausal, don't you know:))with the DVR on some crappy reality show works great for me right now!

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So I finally get to see 312 today. 312.4 to be exact.


Im still not back time my program, I admit, I will get back to eat, but even my slacking is not as bad as it used to be.


I really hope to keep this up.


Congrats on the weight loss! 312 is the lowest you've been since I started reading this!! That's wonderful. Wish I knew how to post your happy dance, but you are so deserving of one!!!:)


Too bad we can't all be men. Their price tags are HALF of what we pay. I took my boyfriend in with me to lane bryant and asked him how much a pair of jeans should be. He was like 20 bucks. I was like, try 70. He nearly had a heart attack.


Men don't realize how lucky they are. They are typically paid more for the same job, and their personal care/clothing is WAY less. How is that fair??????


And, the fact they can be ready to go in 30 minutes! No hair or makeup issued to worry about!! My DS and DH don't even dry their hair (well, DH doesn't have much to work with, lol), meanwhile DD and I struggle with the blow dryer and chi!! Then, I spend 10 minutes trying to put contacts in, 20 minutes on makeup...it's a process!!! Thank goodness for my miracle pill, otherwise as a menopausal woman, I'd be soaked in perspiration by the time I had my makeup on, which is so NOT an attractive look and kind of defeats the purpose of the makeup!! Yeah, men have it a lot easier!! But, they will never hold a baby in their arms and look down and wonder at the miracle that the little creature lived inside them for 8-9 months!! So, I guess it's all worth it!

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But, they will never hold a baby in their arms and look down and wonder at the miracle that the little creature lived inside them for 8-9 months!! So, I guess it's all worth it!


Theoretically neither will I, so....where does that leave me? lol


38 and not going to start a family this late. Didn't find the right guy, and well, the guy I'm with now is 17 years older than me and we both wouldn't find it fair to the child should I even risk the pregnancy.


This world is too screwed up to have kids, for me anyway. Mass murders at movie theaters. People shot dead on the streets of NYC for no good reason, etc etc. Just getting worse and worse. :(


Anyway, I still say men have the better deal lol

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Theoretically neither will I, so....where does that leave me? lol


38 and not going to start a family this late. Didn't find the right guy, and well, the guy I'm with now is 17 years older than me and we both wouldn't find it fair to the child should I even risk the pregnancy.


This world is too screwed up to have kids, for me anyway. Mass murders at movie theaters. People shot dead on the streets of NYC for no good reason, etc etc. Just getting worse and worse. :(


Anyway, I still say men have the better deal lol


Oh my goodness...so sorry to imply that every woman should have kids. I definitely know it's not for everyone. One of my best friends is child free by choice!! What's important is that people do what is right for themselves!


I think I'm just particularly sappy these days because my twins are seniors and heading off to college soon. That and being menopausal, lol!!


Yes, when you look at everything going on in the world today, it does seem like it's all rather falling apart. The latest shootings in NYC were just senseless! Same with the movie theater shootings. So sad!!

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Oh my goodness...so sorry to imply that every woman should have kids. I definitely know it's not for everyone. One of my best friends is child free by choice!! What's important is that people do what is right for themselves!


I think I'm just particularly sappy these days because my twins are seniors and heading off to college soon. That and being menopausal, lol!!


Yes, when you look at everything going on in the world today, it does seem like it's all rather falling apart. The latest shootings in NYC were just senseless! Same with the movie theater shootings. So sad!!


I have def. seen an up rise in my generations decision not to have children. I don't think its a bad thing though. There are plenty of people out there having children that they don't want or don't (or won't or can't) take care of properly. If more people thought about having children out of love and sprinkled with some logic then we might not have shootings and mass murders.


There are all kinds of sides to this issues and I just think it makes us all different and unique where no one is in the wrong, just different.


I'd love to be a mother one day, God willing and the circumstances able.

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Well the scale was up today 314 again, but I think I let things slip through the cracks this weekend. But a full week ahead of me and my work week usually keeps me on track b/c I have less time to snack and I can't make bad choices as easily. Plus exercise comes back in at full force this week.


BK: 1 canadian bacon egg english muffin from WW

(I thought I'd mix up the diet for a bit for bK, thought I might have to add a smaller portion of oatmeal in for a snack b/c it does help with my digestion)

1 grande skinny caramel latte

(I realize these aren't the best of choices, but it is skim milk, shot of coffee which is horrible for you, the sugar syrup is probably the worst thing, but I think its probably min. It does help me get my 2 servings of milk in)


S: 1 banana

3 oz of crumbled sausage


L: 1 c of tomato soup made with water

3 oz of turkey slices

1 pack of apples


S: 1 banana

2 oz of turkey pepperoni


D: BK for dinner I think. A nice egg scrambled with the rest of the sausage crumbles with sliced tomatoes


W: 60 on the bike in intervals of 20 with weights in between.


Students will start back the first week of Sept. so the campus will be buzzing again. And we start our busy season. This is when I'm a little worried about my habits and diets. They seem to get lost in the bustle of some of the weekends I have to work. Mostly, I have to eat what is available b/c there is no where to store food within grasp or heat it and usually barely enough time to grab some. The only positive thing is that I usually get some walking, or "running" about in that will add to my exercise. We kick off this weekend, as I work on Sunday to help welcome students back.


Good choices.

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Well, I seem to be at least getting back to my routine a bit more and staying within my guidelines, so that makes me feel better. My firm frame of mind is back, so its easier to fight off bad thoughts. Though, I am wondering how Mother Nature will go.....hmm.


BK: canadian bacon/egg/lf cheese/english muffin WW


S: 1/3 c of oatmeal

2/3 c of milk 1%

Gonna try splenda



L: Homemade potato soup that my mom was so nice to make this weekend, so I need to try and help eat some of it. I broke down what was in it and tried to count the points that way:

1 medium white potato (in my serving)

1 link of Italian sausage

1 c of 1% milk

sprinkle of cheese


S: 3 oz of turkey slices

1 pack of apple slices


D: Grilled Chicken

Mixed veggies


W: At least 50 min. with intervals of hand weights.

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Well, I was feeling unmotivated last night, so the bike rendered only 30 mins workout. I've been feeling so tired and just bleh lately. Couldn't figure it out until I remembered that mother nature was just around the corner. It clicked then. I'm proud that I made myself do 30 mins. I did it at a good clip and I knew if I pushed for more that I would just do it half a**.


BK: WW english muffin (They had some of their bk stuff on sale 5 for $10, so I thought I'd give them a try for a change for BK (something a few of you have recommended), but I made sure it still had a good balance of carbs and protein.


S: Turkey pepperoni and apple slices


L: I will have to break a bit here b/c I just completely forgot to plan for lunch today, so I will go with a 6 inch chicken breast on wheat from subway and purchase a milk for a protein shake later. Brought a banana.


S: Protein shake


D: I had steak and veggies last night. The veggies were perfect! I was so excited that I enjoyed them so much. Just boiled them (broc. carrt.) in some beef boullion and melted a little pat of butter on top with a sprinkle of salt. Perfect texture and taste. Tonight I will do some chicken with frozen veggies I have.


Splurge: I did splurge (within my points) last night, but on okay choices. I had a bit of chocolate cheerios cereal, 1 WW dessert, and I tried the new Healthy choices frozen greek yogurt. All together, it was about 500 calories. I'm glad I stayed in my points, but I wish I hadn't been so greedy.


W: Lets hope my motivation is back on track, but it will just have to suck it up I guess. 40 mins. and weights


We booked out hotel for the cruise and I'm excited about that. One less thing to do. Plus I have part of my spending money put away already.


I was 314 this morning. Its going down though. I started at 314.8, I believe this week (I'm not writing it down), so its going in the right direction. And as in the past, I'm being way more consistent in my weights than ever, so I will take that as a good sign. I really hope to see 311 this week. It would put me on a 1lb a week stretch and that is good enough for me.


Good Choices.

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Congrats on the weight loss!


What hotel did you book for the cruise? We are still debating on whether to go down a day before or drive down the day of the cruise...decisions, decisions!


Hyatt Regency downtown. Its really close to port and my friends are members, they also give gov. rates and my friends work for the gov. We got it for $130, which by downtown rates is about $100 off.

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Hyatt Regency downtown. Its really close to port and my friends are members, they also give gov. rates and my friends work for the gov. We got it for $130, which by downtown rates is about $100 off.


Thanks for the recommendation. I'm still not sure what we are doing, but it's good to get recommendations on places other people use. I have seen the Holiday Inn Bayside mentioned along with the Intercontinental, but both seem a bit expensive. My DH works for the State of FL, so maybe we could also get a gov't rate.


Thanks again for the recommendation.


I am trying to be organized since school started and I am working full time again. I boil enough eggs for the week (10, as I have 2 each morning) and peel them and put them in individual tupperware containers, so each night, I just have to chop them, add mayo and bacon bits and my breakfast is ready for the morning. I usually don't finish them before I leave, so I take the leftover with me for a mid-morning snack. I also have about 1/2 of an Atkins coffee shake in the morning.


Lunches: either a caesar salad with jerk turkey breast or SW chicken strips or a McDonalds 1/4 lb. burger with cheese and mustard, without the bun. I also made chicken salad this week to take to lunch: boiled chicken breast mixed with mayo, celery, and a tiny bit of splenda.


Dinners have been more chicken salad, jerk turkey breast and cheese, or hamburger patties (homemade) without the bun. I made chicken and yellow rice for the family and kept some chicken breast out for me to make the chicken salad.


Still doing 4.2 miles each night on the bike along with the hand weights. I have actually come to enjoy the exercise....never though that possible, but it's the one time I make time to watch TV, so I always have some reality shows on the DVR to watch. Bachelor Pad alone worth 2 nights of exercise!:D


Central FL escaped Issac's wrath...schools around us were closed Monday and some even closed on Tuesday, but Orange Co. was open and we got very little of the storm; just lost power for about 30 minutes one afternoon, which was odd considering the sun was out at the time.


Thinking of those in New Orleans...

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P. I can give you some good Miami recommendations (my stomping grounds). Bayside to me is an over-run tourist trap area and I don't find it to be the safest though there are a lot of people there. Overpriced everything.


If you want a good govt rate and have a car, I would go to the Marriott Biscayne Bay a stone's throw from the port. I can get a gov't rate there for around $99-$109 per night. If your a rewards member ususally they give you the rooms with a nice view of the port. One time they gave me a high floor with 3 walls of windows and I could see 5 ships going out. On South Beach there is a Marriott courtyard too. Sunny Isles in North Miami beach is a great area too , or even Hollywood Beach (Westin Diplomat)


If you do drive, you might consider staying in Delray Beach or Boca Raton north less than an hour. More "beachy-kitchy" kind of town. I love Delray as you can walk to the beach, clubs, bars, shops, restaurants, you name it. There is a Residence Inn and also a Marriott close to the beach and some great mom and pop places.


You could consult with Trip Advisor...that's a great resource for reviews and prices.




Thanks for the recommendation. I'm still not sure what we are doing, but it's good to get recommendations on places other people use. I have seen the Holiday Inn Bayside mentioned along with the Intercontinental, but both seem a bit expensive. My DH works for the State of FL, so maybe we could also get a gov't rate.


Thanks again for the recommendation.


I am trying to be organized since school started and I am working full time again. I boil enough eggs for the week (10, as I have 2 each morning) and peel them and put them in individual tupperware containers, so each night, I just have to chop them, add mayo and bacon bits and my breakfast is ready for the morning. I usually don't finish them before I leave, so I take the leftover with me for a mid-morning snack. I also have about 1/2 of an Atkins coffee shake in the morning.


Lunches: either a caesar salad with jerk turkey breast or SW chicken strips or a McDonalds 1/4 lb. burger with cheese and mustard, without the bun. I also made chicken salad this week to take to lunch: boiled chicken breast mixed with mayo, celery, and a tiny bit of splenda.


Dinners have been more chicken salad, jerk turkey breast and cheese, or hamburger patties (homemade) without the bun. I made chicken and yellow rice for the family and kept some chicken breast out for me to make the chicken salad.


Still doing 4.2 miles each night on the bike along with the hand weights. I have actually come to enjoy the exercise....never though that possible, but it's the one time I make time to watch TV, so I always have some reality shows on the DVR to watch. Bachelor Pad alone worth 2 nights of exercise!:D


Central FL escaped Issac's wrath...schools around us were closed Monday and some even closed on Tuesday, but Orange Co. was open and we got very little of the storm; just lost power for about 30 minutes one afternoon, which was odd considering the sun was out at the time.


Thinking of those in New Orleans...

Edited by Gathina
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P. I can give you some good Miami recommendations (my stomping grounds). Bayside to me is an over-run tourist trap area and I don't find it to be the safest though there are a lot of people there. Overpriced everything.


If you want a good govt rate and have a car, I would go to the Marriott Biscayne Bay a stone's throw from the port. I can get a gov't rate there for around $99-$109 per night. If your a rewards member ususally they give you the rooms with a nice view of the port. One time they gave me a high floor with 3 walls of windows and I could see 5 ships going out. On South Beach there is a Marriott courtyard too. Sunny Isles in North Miami beach is a great area too , or even Hollywood Beach (Westin Diplomat)


If you do drive, you might consider staying in Delray Beach or Boca Raton north less than an hour. More "beachy-kitchy" kind of town. I love Delray as you can walk to the beach, clubs, bars, shops, restaurants, you name it. There is a Residence Inn and also a Marriott close to the beach and some great mom and pop places.


You could consult with Trip Advisor...that's a great resource for reviews and prices.



Biscayne was on my list, but my friends are members with the Hyatt, so we decided to go with it. Plus their gov. rate (state, federal) never disappeared, Biscayne (doubletree, Marriott) was only their for a limited time and was still higher. I read the reviews and they were mostly good. Def. try trip adviser for some good reviews.

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