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Cruising to Healthy


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Scale shows 313.2 today


BK: 1/2 c oatmeal

1/2 c 1% milk

2 tsp of sugar


S: Turkey pepperoni and a banana


L: WW meal ham/egg/cheese/potato scramble (doesn't sound great, but I got a lot of protein packed in there at least. add a fruit cup (low sugar)


S: Turkey slices and fruit cup (low sugar)


D: Chicken, brown rice and green beans? I think.


W: I'm gonna try and head over to the gym (now its partially open again) and try to use the elliptical trainer. Not sure how long I can do it b/c I haven't tried for so long, but I'll see how it goes.


I can't shake this dizzy, buzzy feeling. Its so weird. But I could have it still from the congestion still coming out from the infection and the antibotic will be in my system for another 5 days. I've stopped taking the decongestants, thinking they might be causing it and the no sleeping aids for 3 days. I guess I will just have to give the anticiotic a few more days and see if the dizziness goes away.



Got a 25 min. workout in on Sunday, then the nephews showed up with Grammy and Grandpa, so I helped watch them for a bit. I suppose I got some weigh lifting in with the baby as he is getting more mobile everyday and its up and down, up and down..........walk me around kinda deal.


Good Choices.

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:) Hope your feeling better Brooke, I hate exercising when I am sick especially when my nose is plugged up. My DD is starting to feel the double digit excitement she asked me tonight if I wanted to do a Zumba class with her and her friend. Don't know about you but I really don't like Zumba for some reason I think its to fast paced for me to catch onto. Hope the gym works for you, I love the elipical machine. Here's to a good week for everyone. :)

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:) Hope your feeling better Brooke, I hate exercising when I am sick especially when my nose is plugged up. My DD is starting to feel the double digit excitement she asked me tonight if I wanted to do a Zumba class with her and her friend. Don't know about you but I really don't like Zumba for some reason I think its to fast paced for me to catch onto. Hope the gym works for you, I love the elipical machine. Here's to a good week for everyone. :)


I can't wait to hit the 30 day mark! So I know how she feels.


Zumba isn't bad, I did when they offered it at work. Most people didn't know the dances so everyone was learning. The only parts I felt silly were when we had to shake our bootys and drop it like its hot. I'm a staff member and doing that in front of a bunch of college kids felt silly. Oh well.

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I officially joined our YMCA that that the college is now partnering with yesterday. Right now all the construction is not finished and the new equipment isn't all there yet (Nov.), but its still a gym and has workout equipment (though limited numbers). When they finish they should have some classes, too bad it will be after my cruise, but then again...I will probably need some extra boost after the cruise :rolleyes:.


But I went in and got my card and got on the bike first b/c the elliptical machines were taken already (only 2). Now I did about 17 mins. on the bike b/c I programmed it for 20, but the elliptical became available and I knew if I waited the extra 3 mins. it wouldn't be. But I programmed it for 25 mins. to make up for it. I forgot how good of a workout it gives me, felt good. Hope I can get on it first this go 'round and then kinda cool down on the bike.


Oh, I weighed in at 313 today, down .2!


And I also didn't end up eating all my points yesterday. I know I need to, but I ate dinner and I ate a small bowl of grain cereal and I was really satisfied. I had about 10 points left. Now I did have 6 baked chicken nuggets and 20 frozen fries for dinner b/c I was tired from working out and didn't want to fuss over the stove. But still came out with those points left. Today I shouldn't though b/c I'm going out for lunch with my work for a bridal shower for a co-worker. I'm gonna try to stick with a grilled chicken (most places have that) and some sort of veggie. Its a new local place, so I don't know what their menu is.


BK: 1/2 c of oatmeal

1 c of 1% milk

3 tsp of sugar



S: Turkey slices and banana


L: Hopefully something grilled and veggies


S: Turkey slices and banana (trying to keep snacks light in case lunch isn't)


D: Chicken/brown rice/green beans


W: 25 on the elliptical and 25 on the bike..........try.


Here goes another day.


Good Choices.

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Well, I completed 40 mins on the elliptical yesterday and I was happy with that. Slowly working my way back up.


But the scale showed 314 this morning.......hmmm a # overnight, that is what used to happen, I thought I'd moved past that. But it could be a lot of things.


I did go out to eat yesterday and the menu was.........eh.........the smothered their grilled chicken in gravy and sauces and the prices were high. Since my boss ended up paying I went with the less expensive item, so etiquette won out, instead of good choices. However, when I ordered the hamburger and fries, I cut the burger in half and boxed up the other half to bring back for my afternoon (before workout) snack. I was totally full from the half of the burger and fries, so I didn't feel deprived at all. And come 4pm I was ready for a hearty intake before a good workout. Now, was it the best idea to keep the half of the burger and eat it as a snack, NO. But I was happy that I recgonized that I was no longer hungry and noticed when I was hungry again and used to protein pack to make my workout a little easier.


I ate taco salad (with deer meat) for dinner last night b/c mom had it ready when I got there. I counted up the points for the chicken/rice/green beans and it came out even. I got a protein/carb (some chips)/veggies. So, it worked. But the salt intake from the eating out and taco seasoning could be the up in my weight. I will just have to keep working.



BK: Oatmeal


S: Pineapple/turkey


L: grilled chicken slices (packaged) and 1/2 c brown rice with a sliced tomato


S: grapes and 3 oz of crab meat (fake)


D: I've been changing my mind when I get home b/c mom has usually started cooking already. I know I need to plan better, but after working out, its so much easier to let her cook :rolleyes:


W: I'm gonna see how 40 mins. feels again.


Okay, its 10 am and I'm ready for a snack and I had the dentist this morning so I gotta catch up for the day.


Good Choices.

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Hey everyone! I've been lurking and just reading. Hardly having time time post these days between work, my son and getting my exercising in. I am so close to 120, I can almost taste it! Ahhhh! Pre-pregnancy I was 108 but I will be happy with 115, which is my goal. Yay!!! This close in 6 months after having him is terrific! Granted, I lost 20lbs within 6 weeks which I am guessing was him, all that stuff and water weight?


I have a cruise in 3.5 weeks and I'm soooo excited! It's been over a year since being on one. The last 2 we went on was in Sept. 2011 and Feb. 2011. We usually do one for our anniversary in March, but we were welcoming our son into the world around that time this year. Now, for next year we booked an aft-balcony for March and I'm sooo flipping excited. We have had balcony's plenty of times but never an aft! Our son will be staying behind with my Dad and his gf.

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Hey everyone! I've been lurking and just reading. Hardly having time time post these days between work, my son and getting my exercising in. I am so close to 120, I can almost taste it! Ahhhh! Pre-pregnancy I was 108 but I will be happy with 115, which is my goal. Yay!!! This close in 6 months after having him is terrific! Granted, I lost 20lbs within 6 weeks which I am guessing was him, all that stuff and water weight?


I have a cruise in 3.5 weeks and I'm soooo excited! It's been over a year since being on one. The last 2 we went on was in Sept. 2011 and Feb. 2011. We usually do one for our anniversary in March, but we were welcoming our son into the world around that time this year. Now, for next year we booked an aft-balcony for March and I'm sooo flipping excited. We have had balcony's plenty of times but never an aft! Our son will be staying behind with my Dad and his gf.


I don't think I will ever know what 115 is like, but that's okay. Everbody has their comfort zone.


I love all the pics of the baby on FB, he is so cute. I use him to compare my brother's little boy's progress (he is about two months behind in learning skills).


I can't believe you get to cruise so soon, I bet it will be a nice break though. And I hope you enjoy your aft cabin. I have an aft wrap and I'm sooooo looking forward to it. I hope its all everyone boast about, I paid enough for it, lol.

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Morning. Well best intentions and horrible decisions..........


I know NO EXCUSES Brooke.


I saw 317 on the scale this morning. Ouch! That hurts.


I'm hoping this is just a few bad choices catching up with me and some too much salt intake.


I had decided by mid-day not to workout. I just didn't want to. Not an excuse, but even the experts say you need some time off. Maybe it was fate b/c my brother called later and told us they had acquired a new foster baby that evening and needed a little help trying to get everybody together that evening.


But on the other side I gorged and yes that is a good word for it. I gorged yesterday. I just wasn't feeling satisfied and it wasn't b/c I was actually hungry, something emotional no doubt. I haven't put my finger on it yet, but I'm trying to work it out b/c I know it will only be to my benefit to learn to see when I'm eating to hide my emotions and then learn how to work through it instead of eating.


I'm going to outline my eating yesterday just to expose myself for what I did b/c I think it will make a point to myself about just how stupid it was:


It started in the afternoon by adding in extra to lunch by:


Eating 1 c of rice instead of 1/2


Eating 5 oz of fake crab meat instead of 3


Eating a banana I didn't account for


Eating 2 tbsp of honey flavored Peanut butter I didn't alot for


Eating two hamburgers for dinner


Eating 1 slice of cheese pizza and two slices of thin pepperoni at my brothers


Eating one fudge cookie at my brothers



Yep. That's enough calories for two days for a normal person. Embarrassing. And not at all the way I have been eating lately either. This is why I know that something is triggering it.


I never felt over stuffed though........:rolleyes:..........I should have.


Anyway, this is going to be put behind me. I'm now going to let this fault go and move on to a day with new intentions.


BK: Oatmeal


S: 2oz of ham slices

1/2 c fresh fruit


L: 2 veggie burger patties (bocco burgers)

1 small tomato slices with some salt sprinkled


S: 2 oz of ham slices

1/2 c fresh fruit


WS: Workout snack (2 tbsp honey pb)


W: I'm gonna just go for it and try 40 mins. on the ellpt. and 20 on the bike, ending with some weights.


D: Grilled chicken and steamed veggies in a boullion base.


Now, obviously I didn't meet my challenge this week, well I met half of it. Still proud of myself. But doesn't mean its over. Just gotta try again. I'm gonna aim for 3lbs to get me to 309.


My body will adjust. It may be working against me right now, but it will adjust and I will move on. Slowly but surely I will win this.


Good Choices.

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Good Morning all

Leaving for our cruise Monday..Woo Hoo this is going to be so much fun

We are going with 28 other people. Still doing well with the weight loss I have added a few more good carbs to my diet I'm up to 15 grams a day.

Had the strangeest thing happen the other day. We had a huge street fest in town so I worked 13 hours. Ugh anyway my DH made homemade pizza for dinner so when I got home I was starving. We were so busy no one got a break to eat. Barely had time to pee:eek:. So instead of my normal of just eating the toppings on the pizza i ate a whole slice then 2 more of just toppings. About 30 min later I got the worst tummy pain so bad I wanted to cry. Totaly bloated out felt like I had gas but didn't.

Anyway my point is after not eating any white flour for months it really made me sick. This tells me just how hard this stuff is on the body

I was telling this to one of my coworkers and he said the samething happened to him when he ate white bread after not eating white flour for a long time. Just more proof of how bad white flour really is for you.

I don't think I will have any problem not eating sweet flour based treats on the ship. I never want to feel that crappy again. Just something to really think about.


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Wow, I felt so bad for you when I saw 317 thats 5 pounds in a few days.I think some it is water gain from all the salt but WOW. I was having a really stressful day last week and I ate a doughnut it was not even good,I felt sick for hours after eating it and I was even more stressed from burping up the nasty grease. It sounded good at the time :) I sure hopeI remember it next time. I have been trying to figure out the stress eating connection in my own life, it is a hard one to remember. Hope you have a stess free Friday.


Morning. Well best intentions and horrible decisions..........


I know NO EXCUSES Brooke.


I saw 317 on the scale this morning. Ouch! That hurts.


I'm hoping this is just a few bad choices catching up with me and some too much salt intake.


I had decided by mid-day not to workout. I just didn't want to. Not an excuse, but even the experts say you need some time off. Maybe it was fate b/c my brother called later and told us they had acquired a new foster baby that evening and needed a little help trying to get everybody together that evening.


But on the other side I gorged and yes that is a good word for it. I gorged yesterday. I just wasn't feeling satisfied and it wasn't b/c I was actually hungry, something emotional no doubt. I haven't put my finger on it yet, but I'm trying to work it out b/c I know it will only be to my benefit to learn to see when I'm eating to hide my emotions and then learn how to work through it instead of eating.


I'm going to outline my eating yesterday just to expose myself for what I did b/c I think it will make a point to myself about just how stupid it was:


It started in the afternoon by adding in extra to lunch by:


Eating 1 c of rice instead of 1/2


Eating 5 oz of fake crab meat instead of 3


Eating a banana I didn't account for


Eating 2 tbsp of honey flavored Peanut butter I didn't alot for


Eating two hamburgers for dinner


Eating 1 slice of cheese pizza and two slices of thin pepperoni at my brothers


Eating one fudge cookie at my brothers



Yep. That's enough calories for two days for a normal person. Embarrassing. And not at all the way I have been eating lately either. This is why I know that something is triggering it.


I never felt over stuffed though........:rolleyes:..........I should have.


Anyway, this is going to be put behind me. I'm now going to let this fault go and move on to a day with new intentions.


BK: Oatmeal


S: 2oz of ham slices

1/2 c fresh fruit


L: 2 veggie burger patties (bocco burgers)

1 small tomato slices with some salt sprinkled


S: 2 oz of ham slices

1/2 c fresh fruit


WS: Workout snack (2 tbsp honey pb)


W: I'm gonna just go for it and try 40 mins. on the ellpt. and 20 on the bike, ending with some weights.


D: Grilled chicken and steamed veggies in a boullion base.


Now, obviously I didn't meet my challenge this week, well I met half of it. Still proud of myself. But doesn't mean its over. Just gotta try again. I'm gonna aim for 3lbs to get me to 309.


My body will adjust. It may be working against me right now, but it will adjust and I will move on. Slowly but surely I will win this.


Good Choices.

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Happy Friday everyone! Another week done and getting closer and closer to our cruise! Ahhhh!!! I'd LOVE to see 115 before this cruise but I know that isn't likely. I know I'll get there though! Proud to say all my PP clothes fit me now, but are a bit snug. Gives me more reason to workout harder to get these last few pounds off. Yay!


Brooke, you are such a strong woman. I don't know how you aren't beating yourself up over the weight fluctuation. I could get on my soapbox and tell you all about calories, TDEE and BMR, net calories, TDI, etc but I'm not going to. The more you workout and/or the harder your workout is, the pounds will come off.

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Good Morning all

Leaving for our cruise Monday..Woo Hoo this is going to be so much fun

We are going with 28 other people. Still doing well with the weight loss I have added a few more good carbs to my diet I'm up to 15 grams a day.

Had the strangeest thing happen the other day. We had a huge street fest in town so I worked 13 hours. Ugh anyway my DH made homemade pizza for dinner so when I got home I was starving. We were so busy no one got a break to eat. Barely had time to pee:eek:. So instead of my normal of just eating the toppings on the pizza i ate a whole slice then 2 more of just toppings. About 30 min later I got the worst tummy pain so bad I wanted to cry. Totaly bloated out felt like I had gas but didn't.

Anyway my point is after not eating any white flour for months it really made me sick. This tells me just how hard this stuff is on the body

I was telling this to one of my coworkers and he said the samething happened to him when he ate white bread after not eating white flour for a long time. Just more proof of how bad white flour really is for you.

I don't think I will have any problem not eating sweet flour based treats on the ship. I never want to feel that crappy again. Just something to really think about.



Happy Cruising! I know it sounds weird, but I hope I feel that way about pizza someday, lol.

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Wow, I felt so bad for you when I saw 317 thats 5 pounds in a few days.I think some it is water gain from all the salt but WOW. I was having a really stressful day last week and I ate a doughnut it was not even good,I felt sick for hours after eating it and I was even more stressed from burping up the nasty grease. It sounded good at the time :) I sure hopeI remember it next time. I have been trying to figure out the stress eating connection in my own life, it is a hard one to remember. Hope you have a stess free Friday.


Yes, it was a shock to me too, which is why I'm hoping its salt or retention of some kind. I'm down 1lb this morning so that's good.


Donuts are so dangerous. I could eat their fluffy goodness all day. The glazed are lighter and less calories, but I tend to go for the cake donuts b/c I can only eat one of those.

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Happy Friday everyone! Another week done and getting closer and closer to our cruise! Ahhhh!!! I'd LOVE to see 115 before this cruise but I know that isn't likely. I know I'll get there though! Proud to say all my PP clothes fit me now, but are a bit snug. Gives me more reason to workout harder to get these last few pounds off. Yay!


Brooke, you are such a strong woman. I don't know how you aren't beating yourself up over the weight fluctuation. I could get on my soapbox and tell you all about calories, TDEE and BMR, net calories, TDI, etc but I'm not going to. The more you workout and/or the harder your workout is, the pounds will come off.


If I let the little picture get to me, I won't see the big picture. The big picture is that on Sunday I was 312 and that is what I will log. Gaining almost 5lbs in a 3 days says to me that there are factors at work that are unusually at play, though probably my fault. I have to be logical to move past them.


I'm hoping to be back at the full 60 min. workouts within the next week.

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I still can't put my finger on the underlying stress. I know its there b/c I've found myself clenching my jaw and teeth, which isn't normal for me.


I know of one stresser that was added last night. My Grandad (mom's dad, not the one who just lost his wife) is in the hospital with pneumonia and his bp was dangerously low. It was bad enough they had to discuss DNR. I went over to help my brother with the babies, which was fun with the battle of the crying babies :rolleyes:. We haven't heard anything about his condition this morning, but we are hoping its on its way to recovery. He is a stubborn man who could have saved all this from happening by going to the Dr. when he first started getting congested.


On another note, I'm down to 316 from yesterday. Though you guys know my deal. I log the lowest weight of the week, which was 312.


I got in 40 mins. on the ellpt. last night. My hip started aching, so I decided that was enough at that point. I plan to take some ibprofen before hand now to help kill that so I can try and hit 60 mins. again.



BK: Oatmeal


S: 1/2 c of grapes

2 oz of ham


L: 3 oz of chicken

1 c of brown rice

Forgot veggies..........


S: 1 veggie burger

1/2 c of grapes


W: I need to go see my Grandad so I need to decide if I'm gonna do a short workout after work or go to the hospital and then go home and try a long work out on the bike after.


D: Depends on the above actually.


Good Choices.

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Hope your grandfather is doing better. Good luck with your continuing weight loss.


I just started working full time, so have been trying to organize healthy meals...on the weekend I boil and peel my eggs for the week for breakfast (chopped up boiled eggs with a touch of mayo and real bacon bits). I also made a chicken salad today (boiled chicken with mayo, celery and a touch of splenda) to take for lunches. I also take romaine lettuce with the tyson steak strips (pre-cooked) with caesar dressing and parmesan cheese for lunch some days. Other days it's a McDonalds 1/4 lb. patty without the bun. I also take brie cheese, almonds, and slim jims for low carb snacks. Dinners are a meat and green veggie. Still doing the bike each night along with the hand weights. I haven't weighed since my last dr. visit, but things are feeling looser, especially my bras. I had to hunt through my drawer for smaller bras, so that was a plus!


Went out to dinner Sat night and had a steak and substituted sauteed spinach for the potato. I absolutely love sauteed spinach and could eat it every day. This was especially cooked well, with lots of garlic and a touch of some spice which made it a bit hot (in a spicy way). Wish I knew what they put in it. It was at Timpano's Chop House (Orlando), if anyone knows how they cook their spinach. I really don't miss the starchy potatoes or bread at all. It's the same with pizza...I feel so satisfied with a protein and a green veggie. I do agree that the white flour is not good for us and is not needed. Now, I could probably enjoy a slice of Chicago deep dish pizza, but not really worth the calories at this point!!


Hope everyone has a good week!

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Hope your grandfather is doing better. Good luck with your continuing weight loss.


I just started working full time, so have been trying to organize healthy meals...on the weekend I boil and peel my eggs for the week for breakfast (chopped up boiled eggs with a touch of mayo and real bacon bits). I also made a chicken salad today (boiled chicken with mayo, celery and a touch of splenda) to take for lunches. I also take romaine lettuce with the tyson steak strips (pre-cooked) with caesar dressing and parmesan cheese for lunch some days. Other days it's a McDonalds 1/4 lb. patty without the bun. I also take brie cheese, almonds, and slim jims for low carb snacks. Dinners are a meat and green veggie. Still doing the bike each night along with the hand weights. I haven't weighed since my last dr. visit, but things are feeling looser, especially my bras. I had to hunt through my drawer for smaller bras, so that was a plus!


Went out to dinner Sat night and had a steak and substituted sauteed spinach for the potato. I absolutely love sauteed spinach and could eat it every day. This was especially cooked well, with lots of garlic and a touch of some spice which made it a bit hot (in a spicy way). Wish I knew what they put in it. It was at Timpano's Chop House (Orlando), if anyone knows how they cook their spinach. I really don't miss the starchy potatoes or bread at all. It's the same with pizza...I feel so satisfied with a protein and a green veggie. I do agree that the white flour is not good for us and is not needed. Now, I could probably enjoy a slice of Chicago deep dish pizza, but not really worth the calories at this point!!


Hope everyone has a good week!


Having stuff for lunch at work, is the hardest part I think. I mean you are limited b/c of the what you have to cook with (microwave, really). It can get old eating the same stuff.

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Well, I got back down to 314 this weekend. Though I'm sure my eating habits didn't help. My nephews bday party on Sat. for most of the day and I worked that morning.


I honestly do think my body turns on me. I think it starts doing things to make me crave or want things I don't need. I mean if you've always had something and then you noticed it got taken away, would you fight for it (of course, in this thought I'm saying you want what got taken away, which is probably what my body does want)? This seems to happen every time I hit a new "milestone." The 330s, 320s, now the 3teens.........resistance happens.


I've made it this far and I've pulled through all the others, so I guess I will just have to keep fighting back and just like before it will give up the resistance and let me move on.


BK: Oatmeal


S: pastry (work meeting)

1 c of strawberries

10 slices of turkey pepperoni


L: Fake crab pieces

Some ICBINB spray

Tomatoe slices with some slat sprinkled


S: 2 tbsp of PB

1/2 c of pineapple


W: 50 mins. on the ellpt. depending on if other people want it or not. Technically there is a 30 min. limit on machines if other people are waiting, so I try and respect that if both ellpt. are in use. If so I'll just hit the bike up for a while.


D: Homemade veggie/beef soup with a tomato base. I had some last night for lunch/dinner and it was super tasty and hit the spot. Can't wait to eat it again for dinner. My protein and veggies all in one bowl.


Treat: I haven't been writing these and I think its a mistake not to take ownership of it. A small bowl of Chocolate cheerio cereal w/ milk.


I don't know why I have to make this such a battle for myself. But apparently that is how I work, but as long as I'm battling, it means I'm not quitting.


Good Choices.

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Having stuff for lunch at work, is the hardest part I think. I mean you are limited b/c of the what you have to cook with (microwave, really). It can get old eating the same stuff.


I guess I really don't mind eating the same old things, lol. My DH laughs at me because my breakfast is the same, day in and day out, whether it be a weekend or weekday...hard boiled eggs w/mayo and bacon bits and 1/2 an Atkins coffee. I really don't mind!


And, I love homemade chicken salad, so I'm fine to have it every day at lunch. In fact, when I run out of chicken salad and have to have a hamburger patty, I get upset! Some days I mix it with romaine and caesar dressing for a change, but I really don't mind eating the same thing. I think it just takes looking at food as a fuel for the body...I eat so as not to feel hungry, so I can get done what I have to do. I really don't view breakfast or lunch as eating for "pleasure". Since dinner is a more leisurely meal, that is more eating for "pleasure", but I'm fine with a protein and green veggie followed by a sugar free jello or a few cinnamon flavored almonds.


As I've said before, I think the key to this weight loss thing is 80% mental!

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Glad your doing so well, I used to eat a bologna sandwich for lunch everyday when I was in school and I never got tired of it, now as an adult I had to have something different everyday then a couple of months ago it hit me why don't I just eat Turkey and vegies everyday for lunch I like it, fills me up and I don't have to worry about over eating. I eat the same breakfast everyday also, a protien bar and a cup of coffee.:) I have a texture issue with eggs.




I guess I really don't mind eating the same old things, lol. My DH laughs at me because my breakfast is the same, day in and day out, whether it be a weekend or weekday...hard boiled eggs w/mayo and bacon bits and 1/2 an Atkins coffee. I really don't mind!


And, I love homemade chicken salad, so I'm fine to have it every day at lunch. In fact, when I run out of chicken salad and have to have a hamburger patty, I get upset! Some days I mix it with romaine and caesar dressing for a change, but I really don't mind eating the same thing. I think it just takes looking at food as a fuel for the body...I eat so as not to feel hungry, so I can get done what I have to do. I really don't view breakfast or lunch as eating for "pleasure". Since dinner is a more leisurely meal, that is more eating for "pleasure", but I'm fine with a protein and green veggie followed by a sugar free jello or a few cinnamon flavored almonds.


As I've said before, I think the key to this weight loss thing is 80% mental!

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I guess I really don't mind eating the same old things, lol. My DH laughs at me because my breakfast is the same, day in and day out, whether it be a weekend or weekday...hard boiled eggs w/mayo and bacon bits and 1/2 an Atkins coffee. I really don't mind!


And, I love homemade chicken salad, so I'm fine to have it every day at lunch. In fact, when I run out of chicken salad and have to have a hamburger patty, I get upset! Some days I mix it with romaine and caesar dressing for a change, but I really don't mind eating the same thing. I think it just takes looking at food as a fuel for the body...I eat so as not to feel hungry, so I can get done what I have to do. I really don't view breakfast or lunch as eating for "pleasure". Since dinner is a more leisurely meal, that is more eating for "pleasure", but I'm fine with a protein and green veggie followed by a sugar free jello or a few cinnamon flavored almonds.


As I've said before, I think the key to this weight loss thing is 80% mental!


Lol. I can do the same thing over and over again for a certain period of time, but its more of the trying to find things that won't taste nasty or bad cold, room temp. or microwaved that always gets me.

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My weight is leveling off........concerning the crazy fluctuation that happened last week. Well, I guess its only Tuesday, so I really probably shouldn't say that, lol.


315 the past two days. I know its up, but I will take some consistency right now.


BK: Oatmeal. Made too much........left it what I didn't want in the bowl.


S: pineapple and ham slices


L: 2 Veggie patties (they are 3 pts a piece) and a sliced tomato


S: 3oz of crab meat


W: Well, if baby sitting a 13 month old and a 5 year old counts........I will go there after work and they won't be home until 10ish, so I doubt I will get anything in. Its raining, or I would go for a walk around campus during lunch.


D: Hmm, I think my brother said they had roast and potatoes for the kids........I guess I'll eat that too.


My workout felt great last night. Only got in 40 mins. I was pushing it with that. Since it was raining yesterday the gym was more busy, but all the bikes were taken so I knew I should push it past the 30 min. time limit to make sure I got in 40 mins.


Good Choices.

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Still holding pretty steady at 315.


Watched my nephews last night. Its so fun to watch them learn and grow. The baby is learning so much. We played with his brother's kitchen stuff and he was taking lids off and putting them back on the right things. He was mimicking things I was doing. We had a good 20 mins of just playing.


I had about 2 oz of pot roast, 4 baby carrots, 3 marble size potatoes, some toast and cereal for a snack. I did drink a reg. soda too. I pretty much ate the 4 year olds dinner b/c he decided he just wanted cereal, which my brother said was okay if thats what he wanted. I heart those little guys.


BK: I splurged a bit.

1 McDs egg mcmuffin, no cheese.

1 sml wild berry smoothie


S: Ham slices a few slices of pineapple (I just haven't been wanting as much lately)


L: I think I'll grab some subway today. 6 inch turkey on wheat, apples, water


S: Turkey Pepperoni and finish off pineapple b/c my mouth is starting to break out.


W: Please let the gym not be busy so I can do a full 60 mins. on the ellpt. I really want to hit that level again!


D: Grilled chicken and some steamed veggies in boullion base. I just love the veggies like that. I think I will have to start doing it at work, but with the microwave and see if it taste the same.


I should have figured out the whole steamed in boullion veggies sooner. I know it adds sodium, but I knew I loved carrots when mom would make pot roast b/c they were soaked in the juices. It should have been a big hint.


Oh well,


Good choices.

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Life never goes as planned.......maybe this is why i suck at planning.......or maybe that is just an excuse. :D


I PLANNED to go out to eat for lunch, but the venue changed as my co-workers wanted to go to a new local restr.


I had the turkey club on wheat with some fries


I didn't eat any of my snacks b/c that was more than filling to last me.


Was finishing up my workout and my brother called me and said the boys had a hard visit with their mom, so they decided to have family dinner at McDs.


Had a grilled chicken with fries, diet soda. I stole two chicken nuggets from my brother and finished the night with a donut at home.


My excuse for the stupid donut. We got some emotional news about the boys, so I let it take over. It was pretty good news, but still shakey ground.


One thing I managed to accomplish was to get my full 60 mins. in. I had to do 14 of it on the bike until the elliptical was available, but I did the full hour.


Still holding at 315. Again, I may be up, but I'm not waining up and down 2lbs everyday and I feel good about that.


BK: Oatmeal


S: ham slices and pineapple (if its still good)


L: Leftover veggie/beef soup about 1 c and 1/3


S: Pepperonis and tomato


W: I will do it at home after my eye dr. apt. on the bike. I'll shoot for 60 mins. broken up with weights.


D: Okay lets try for the grilled chicken and steamed veggies again.


I'm still VERY proud of myself for pretty much maintaining my previous weightloss. Maybe I'm not losing like I should be, but I won't be negative thinking like that. The coulda's, woulda's, shoulda's are the kind of negative thinking that makes people give up. The false ideals, trying to force other people's success and motives, systems. Nope. I'm me and not anyone else. I'll find my groove and it will be on my terms that fits me. I know this. Nay sayers and doubters are only further motivators.


Good Choices.

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