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I forgot to write, that on Friday I ate pizza and had a diet coke and rum. I felt guilty afterwards and so I said to myself, "Why waste time feeling bad, go do something that will make you feel better."


So, I tried to go upstairs and get on my bike for 30 mins. but little Fat Dog decided that she would try to get in the trash cans while I was upstairs, so I had to stop twice to go down and scold her. I just decided since I'd been up and down the stairs twice already, what's a few more times. So I did some stair climbing. I did 10 up and downs, about 15 stair steps. Was more out of breath and sweating in the 6 mins. it took me to do that then then 60 I do on the elliptical. My knees didn't thank me though.


Anyway, it was just a positive thing and a positive thought.

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As much as you'll miss him, the time for your husband will be crucial. I often watch my nephews so that my brother and SIL can have a date night to reconnect.


I know, I keep telling myself that my husband and I deserve this and need this. Lol! I know I'll be okay once we set sail. Now I am just trying to decide if it's a good idea to call or not to check in on him daily. I know it'll be expensive but I'll pay whatever it cost I don't care about that. Maybe call every other day? What do you guys think?


That's the way to think Brooke. Don't waste time feeling guilty about it, go work it off and negate what just happened.

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I know, I keep telling myself that my husband and I deserve this and need this. Lol! I know I'll be okay once we set sail. Now I am just trying to decide if it's a good idea to call or not to check in on him daily. I know it'll be expensive but I'll pay whatever it cost I don't care about that. Maybe call every other day? What do you guys think?


That's the way to think Brooke. Don't waste time feeling guilty about it, go work it off and negate what just happened.


I'd say, every other day. I think it might be harder on you if you called everyday. You'd probably end up missing him more. And remember you can use the Funville on the Carnival website, "Currently Aboard" board to create a thread to talk for free.

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:)After your first call you will know if you should call more or less, have a great trip. You have to be so excited.




I know, I keep telling myself that my husband and I deserve this and need this. Lol! I know I'll be okay once we set sail. Now I am just trying to decide if it's a good idea to call or not to check in on him daily. I know it'll be expensive but I'll pay whatever it cost I don't care about that. Maybe call every other day? What do you guys think?


That's the way to think Brooke. Don't waste time feeling guilty about it, go work it off and negate what just happened.

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stair climbing is a great workout, you really feel it the next couple of days. Keep up the good work, your days are going down fast.

I forgot to write, that on Friday I ate pizza and had a diet coke and rum. I felt guilty afterwards and so I said to myself, "Why waste time feeling bad, go do something that will make you feel better."


So, I tried to go upstairs and get on my bike for 30 mins. but little Fat Dog decided that she would try to get in the trash cans while I was upstairs, so I had to stop twice to go down and scold her. I just decided since I'd been up and down the stairs twice already, what's a few more times. So I did some stair climbing. I did 10 up and downs, about 15 stair steps. Was more out of breath and sweating in the 6 mins. it took me to do that then then 60 I do on the elliptical. My knees didn't thank me though.


Anyway, it was just a positive thing and a positive thought.

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I know, I keep telling myself that my husband and I deserve this and need this. Lol! I know I'll be okay once we set sail. Now I am just trying to decide if it's a good idea to call or not to check in on him daily. I know it'll be expensive but I'll pay whatever it cost I don't care about that. Maybe call every other day? What do you guys think?


That's the way to think Brooke. Don't waste time feeling guilty about it, go work it off and negate what just happened.


I have been checking in every couple of days, but not posting regularly. Maybe it's because I don't have a cruise in the works....we are going to Club Med in Cancun in November, though.


My husband and I have done 4 cruises without our kids. The are now 10 and 6, but when we started they were 2 and 5. I called every single day on the 2 cruises. We sailed Carnival and the rates were 99 cents a minute from the cabin. For the first 2 cruises, I called only when we were in port. I do suggest calling daily if you can. It will take the worrying off of your mind so you can enjoy your cruise. You deserve a break, he will be in good hands!

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Old habits die hard..........I wish they would just DIE.




BK: oatmeal


S: 2 oz turkey pepperoni

1/2 c of mixed berries


L: Bumblebee tuna lunch pack, but I'm throwing the cookie away or giving it away one. That should shave about 100 calories off.


S: Turkey slices with a low sodium 6 oz V8


D: Grilled lemon chicken tenders with steamed mixed veggies.


W: I'm gonna try and get a workout at lunch. I have a hair apt. at 5, so I can't do it this evening. So I thought I could take some more of the OT I earned and do a full hour workout at lunch and still can get off at 4:30 to make it to my apt.


I was thinking about it last night and my decision was just not to workout today, take a break. But the scale is not looking great this week and I KNOW (old habits not dying) why. So, why make things worse by not taking the opportunity to try and make things at least a little better with a workout? So this morning I went ahead and packed my clothes, some refresher make up and some baby wipes to take care of the sweat. It might be a welcome push for energy b/c the last 2 days have been rainy and dreary.


Last night some old snacking habits were in play. I let my emotions catch me. Got a call that my Pawpaw (the husband to my grandmother who just passed) was being taken to the hospital b/c he didn't feel good and his legs were numb. I had just had a dream about my grandmother just a about a week ago and I still think of her often. I think it just scared me and the fact that my other grandfather was just out of the hospital himself. Instead of dealing with my feelings I went straight to the kitchen and on auto pilot I fixed to hot dog buns with butter on them. Def. over my points for the day and this weekend wasn't any better. Just an all together bad week for eating, but decent for exercise.


I did manage to pump myself up and did 10 rounds on the stairs again. And the thing is......stairs scare me. I know, crazy right? But I really get unsure on stairs. Its like my balance is off. I always hold on to something when on the stairs and I look down and my feet to make sure they are touching the stairs. I've only fell down steps like twice in my life. Both times I really didn't do much damage a scrape and a busted lip. I guess its funny that I live on the second floor of my house and on the attic floor in my office building. But, maybe some stair workouts will help me overcome my uncertainty on the stairs and improve my balance. But again, my knees certainly don't like it.


Good Choices.

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30 days..................to lose 3lbs and I just feel like I'm not putting forth the effort. I mean I could really lose like 5lbs or even 6 or 7 in 30 days if I really wanted to, but apparently I just don't care about myself enough to push that hard. And that is more disappointing than anything.


BK: Oatmeal


S: skinny latte (I get one b/c they charged me for two yesterday and then they offered me one for free, which I'll get later this week).


L: Subway b/c we will have a presentation and I'll be over there anyway.

6 inch chicken on honey or reg. wheat with the light mayo/mustard/lettuce/tomato/pickles/jalepnos. Apples for a side.


S: Turkey slices and ls v8 6 oz


D: Maybe grilled cheese with tomato soup.


W: 60 mins.


Good Choices

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Sorry to hear about your grandparents Brooke! My thoughts and prayers are with you!


Tomorrow I'll be headed off on a cruise WITHOUT my son. I think this will be good for me and DH. I know he'll be well taken care of while I'm gone, but I do plan to call every now and then to check in. Ahhhh! Excited but scared, all at the same time!

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Sorry to hear about your grandparents Brooke! My thoughts and prayers are with you!


Tomorrow I'll be headed off on a cruise WITHOUT my son. I think this will be good for me and DH. I know he'll be well taken care of while I'm gone, but I do plan to call every now and then to check in. Ahhhh! Excited but scared, all at the same time!


I'm sure it will get better with every time you leave him with someone. But that first time feels like ripping a bandaid off. I think you said you were leaving him with grandparents..........just remember...........they raised you and your husband, so they should be just fine.;)

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Brooke, he's actually staying with a family friend that is like a 2nd mom to me. She's thrilled to keep him, has 2 of her own children and 2 grandbabies as well. I have no doubt she'll be fine with him. I'll report back on how I do, Monday, or even Thursday when I am the ship.

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Brooke, you cannot beat yourself up over not losing as you think you should. You've had a lot of stresses...the house issue, losing a grandparent, and then having another grandparent be ill. Give yourself a break!:)


I am struggling with the same thing. Starting to work full time the year my 2 twins are applying to college...seems like insanity right now. I was sick for two weeks on top of it all (working in the school, I think I see every sick kid!!)! My DS is applying to BFA programs in acting and musical theatre and the requirements are very tedious! I think you have a theater background, Brooke...any pointers on getting into a BFA program? He's in a theater magnet school and they prepare them pretty well, but it's still very stressful. That being said, although I've stuck to the diet very strictly, there have been some nights that I have just fallen into bed exhausted without exercising. My OCD makes me beat myself up over this, but I finally just decided to go with it and if I work out 5 out of 7 days, that has to be ok right now!! I think we all have to factor in life stressors! It would be wonderful if we could eat correctly and work out every single day, but life does get in the way sometimes!!


You are getting close to your cruise, Brooke. I hope you have a wonderful time. Can't wait to see photos of the wrap dress (haven't had time to check your blog in case you posted there). I like the versatility of that dress.


Mrs. CO5, have a wonderful time and try not to worry about your son!! Easier said than done, but it sounds like he has wonderful people watching him and will be well cared for. The week we go away, my kids will be with their dad vacationing in NYC and I will still worry and call when in port...and they are 17!! The mom thing never goes away!!

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Brooke, you cannot beat yourself up over not losing as you think you should. You've had a lot of stresses...the house issue, losing a grandparent, and then having another grandparent be ill. Give yourself a break!:)


I am struggling with the same thing. Starting to work full time the year my 2 twins are applying to college...seems like insanity right now. I was sick for two weeks on top of it all (working in the school, I think I see every sick kid!!)! My DS is applying to BFA programs in acting and musical theatre and the requirements are very tedious! I think you have a theater background, Brooke...any pointers on getting into a BFA program? He's in a theater magnet school and they prepare them pretty well, but it's still very stressful. That being said, although I've stuck to the diet very strictly, there have been some nights that I have just fallen into bed exhausted without exercising. My OCD makes me beat myself up over this, but I finally just decided to go with it and if I work out 5 out of 7 days, that has to be ok right now!! I think we all have to factor in life stressors! It would be wonderful if we could eat correctly and work out every single day, but life does get in the way sometimes!!


You are getting close to your cruise, Brooke. I hope you have a wonderful time. Can't wait to see photos of the wrap dress (haven't had time to check your blog in case you posted there). I like the versatility of that dress.


Mrs. CO5, have a wonderful time and try not to worry about your son!! Easier said than done, but it sounds like he has wonderful people watching him and will be well cared for. The week we go away, my kids will be with their dad vacationing in NYC and I will still worry and call when in port...and they are 17!! The mom thing never goes away!!


Thanks. I know I shouldn't, but sometimes it feels like I'm just doing myself in when I know better.


You will be right behind me on this cruise......I'll try to pick up some tips and recommendations for you.

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Well, I got my full 60 in again last night. I haven't missed a day of exercise this week so far and I'm proud of that. My back is feeling it a bit though, but nothing too painful, so I will just pop some meds and keep going.


BK: Oatmeal (1/2 c dry)

1 c 1% milk

3 tsp of sugar

Ummm, I snuck a mini butterfinger bar too...........:rolleyes:


S: pepperoni and V8


L: 4 oz of crab

1 c brown rice

1 c of green beans


S: Turkey slices and tomatoes


W: 60 mins


D: (Last night I ended up with eggs sandwiches and a bowl of fresh fruit, then cereal for snack.) Hmmm, mom made spagehetti for her and dad, so maybe I'll have that tonight with some corn or other veggies.



Okay, so I texted my friend last night (the ones that are going on the cruise with me) and asked if they would take me on a hike. They do hikes about 2-3x a year, I guess. Anyway, I've never actually been on one. I've always put it on the list of "Things I can't do b/c I'm fat." I have no doubt that it will be extremely hard and push me to my limits, but I think I should just start doing things despite my weight. I LOVE fall and the weather and the foliage, so hiking should be something I would want to do and accomplish, so why not?


I tried to hike when I was in HS, but I doubt I even made it halfway up. Now in HS I was probably low to mid 200s in weight, but I was literally a "knot on a log." No physical activity, no real exercise (gym class, maybe). So, I would venture to say my body probably though I was trying to kill it hiking up that mountain. That's how I felt anyway. My poor friend stayed with me near the bottom and didn't finish the hike. She was a good friend, but I always felt bad she didn't get to go (but her family went back up the next weekend and hiked it, so she did get to go eventually). Anyway, we are hoping we can grab a hike (weather permitting) in the next couple of weekends before the cruise.


Good Choices.

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Well 314 is what I come in this week. Up a lb from last week. I'm just wishy washing..........:rolleyes:


I'm not going to workout after work today. I think I might just go home and hit the bike at home. My back is twinging a bit and I have done 5 days of exercise so far.


I know.........if I want to not see 314 again I need to exercise, especially if I'm making bad eating decision.


I want to see how my back does and then decide when I get home.


BK: Oatmeal


S: turkey slices and tomatoes


L: Subway (lunch meeting)


S: I haven't been eating this one............


D: Idk.


W: We will see.


28 days....................so much to do at work..............


Good Choices.

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I just found the best drink at Publix...had to share. Sparkling Ice, flavored sparkling mountain spring water. Zero calories, zero carbs, zero sodium and gives you 10% of USDA recommended Vit D, B3, B6, B12, B5, and Biotin per 8 oz. $1 for a 17 oz bottle at Publix (this might be a sale price, not sure). I love the coconut pineapple flavor (I think mixed with some coconut rum, it would make a very tasty drink!); DD likes the pink grapefruit. There is also a blackberry flavor. It's my new fav treat when I want something sweet tasting after dinner!


Brooke (when you return) and others who have been on Liberty, can you tell me what the shade situation is on the beach Mahogany Bay? Having had several skin cancers removed, I try to stay out of the sun, but love to lie in a chaise on the beach. We are not sure that a cabana is worth the money though. I see they have clam shells to rent and we might go with one those, but on the private island Princess Cruises took us to, the clam shells were on the least desirable part of the beach, the rocky part where you couldn't enter the water (go figure, right??). I hope that Roatan doesn't do the same thing at Mahogany Bay. I read of some people actually packing their beach umbrella on cruises, and ours comes in a handy case that you can put over your shoulder, but DH likes to travel light and I don't think he'd be happy carrying that on the walk to the beach or on the flying beach chairs!!


Also, for those who have been, how are the Guys Burgers? In my head, I picture something comparable to 5 Guys (which I love!!). I will definitely be trying one (sans bun!).


Brooke, you must be getting excited, it's close now. I had a moment to check on your fashion blog and like the new stuff. I can't wait to see photos of the wrap dress. I also love the strapless short dress you posted on fb...where did you buy that? It looks so cute!


Have a good weekend everyone. I'm catching up on housework and helping DS finish up on college applications, fun, fun!!

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I just found the best drink at Publix...had to share. Sparkling Ice, flavored sparkling mountain spring water. Zero calories, zero carbs, zero sodium and gives you 10% of USDA recommended Vit D, B3, B6, B12, B5, and Biotin per 8 oz. $1 for a 17 oz bottle at Publix (this might be a sale price, not sure). I love the coconut pineapple flavor (I think mixed with some coconut rum, it would make a very tasty drink!); DD likes the pink grapefruit. There is also a blackberry flavor. It's my new fav treat when I want something sweet tasting after dinner!


Brooke (when you return) and others who have been on Liberty, can you tell me what the shade situation is on the beach Mahogany Bay? Having had several skin cancers removed, I try to stay out of the sun, but love to lie in a chaise on the beach. We are not sure that a cabana is worth the money though. I see they have clam shells to rent and we might go with one those, but on the private island Princess Cruises took us to, the clam shells were on the least desirable part of the beach, the rocky part where you couldn't enter the water (go figure, right??). I hope that Roatan doesn't do the same thing at Mahogany Bay. I read of some people actually packing their beach umbrella on cruises, and ours comes in a handy case that you can put over your shoulder, but DH likes to travel light and I don't think he'd be happy carrying that on the walk to the beach or on the flying beach chairs!!


Also, for those who have been, how are the Guys Burgers? In my head, I picture something comparable to 5 Guys (which I love!!). I will definitely be trying one (sans bun!).


Brooke, you must be getting excited, it's close now. I had a moment to check on your fashion blog and like the new stuff. I can't wait to see photos of the wrap dress. I also love the strapless short dress you posted on fb...where did you buy that? It looks so cute!


Have a good weekend everyone. I'm catching up on housework and helping DS finish up on college applications, fun, fun!!


Actually, I can tell you that now, as far as I remember. The last time I was at that beach there were a few coconut trees that provided decent shade sprinkled around the beach with loungers under them, close to the water. Of course, you need to get there early b/c when we showed up they were all gone. The beach is also close to the clam shells. They are behind the reg. free loungers. They are $20 (not sure pp) when I was there. The beach was busy when I was there last time and that was at the end of Jan. But I think we got off a about 11ish. I'm not sure what we are doing in Roatan this go round, but if we head there........I will def. double check and take some pics.


I wasn't able to take pics of the dress this weekend........I got a call from my brother on Sat. morning (8:30am-I usually sleep until about 9:30am) and he was in desperate need of some help with the kids b/c they were trying to lay tile in the bedroom and had just found out they had a home visit for the boys on Monday! So I played auntie all day on Saturday. But looks like I'm getting a new matresses (well semi used) and a bunch of 700 thread count sheets too b/c they bought a new king size bed. So I guess I scored on that one.


Anyway, I think I will try and go home today and take one in the dreary coldness that is our weather of at least the dress. Maybe I will try and do one outfit a day until I get all the cruise stuff posted. I have to work this Saturday, so I will probably be lazy on Sunday.


The dress I posted on FB is from Torrid. It was in their clearance section, it was originally $68. I got a 10% discount too (only saved me $2, but hey), so $30 with shipping cost. I saw it on a fashion blogger I follow early in the spring and LOVED it, but didn't want to $ for it. When I saw the sale, I snagged it. But its a 26 and obviously a fitted dress. Now the blogger was (she has lost 50lbs) a 26/28 when she wore it and she has fuller hips like me, but she is bigger up top. I'm hoping it won't be gaping up top. But for $30 (no returns!) I think I could find someone to take it if it doesn't fit.


Anyway, rambling........

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So I'm still weighing in about 314. I had a little talk with myself this weekend and have prepared myself to not be too disappointed if I don't see 310 before I leave. Being so disappointed will only allow me to sulk and then push me to emotionally eat, most likely. Its destructive behavior. I think that is a big part of staying in the game is to learn how to deal with the disappointments better. Maybe that's why I've managed not to gain back the weight I've lost already. Just staying positive as much as possible.


I've also learned some button pushers. As I was watching the boys this weekend, I found myself eating.......eating.......eating. It was silly. I always eat when I'm over there? Why? Its a very good question to ask. Am I just that comfortable there that I don't feel judge so I just relax and eat, but that doesn't make sense b/c I don't eat like that at home. I know its an emotional trigger, as is most of my eating. I think I have honed in on it. I think its the boys. I think I get around them and just mask all the emotions and fears I have about them. All the love I feel for them, but there is always that little voice in the back of your head saying, "What if they can't be ours?" Its probably also a reaction to being at an age where I feel like I'm ready to settle down and start a family. They probably push my maternal buttons. After all my SIL did get preggers after having the baby around her. So needless to say, I need to be mindful of these triggers and counter them.




BK: Oatmeal

1/2 of a venti skinny latte (I'll save the rest for later)


L: Bowl of 98% ff traditional progresso chicken noodle soup


S: Turkey slices and tomatoes with like mayo and mustard


D: Light spam

Baked potato


W: 60 mins.


You can see I took the morning snack out. I'm gonna see if this works. I'm not so hungry in the mornings especially if I have the latte with the oatmeal and the 16 oz of water. But I do need a snack of protein before I go workout, so I'm keeping that snack. Plus, my morning snack always seems to fall when I have a meeting or something at work. So its better to go.


Gonna be a long day of trying to pull some inspiration for writing a proposal piece due next Monday!


Good Choices.

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:) I tried skipping my morning snack and found I am hungry at night, so if you notice you are hungry at night you might want to rethink the morning snack. Are you reading any books? you might want to read one on emotional eating they have some suggestions that might help you. You should bring snacks when you go to your brothers, make sure they are healthy and something you will eat and not be tempted to eat the kids snacks, they can eat anything and burn it off, we can't. Good luck this week looking forward to your photos.






So I'm still weighing in about 314. I had a little talk with myself this weekend and have prepared myself to not be too disappointed if I don't see 310 before I leave. Being so disappointed will only allow me to sulk and then push me to emotionally eat, most likely. Its destructive behavior. I think that is a big part of staying in the game is to learn how to deal with the disappointments better. Maybe that's why I've managed not to gain back the weight I've lost already. Just staying positive as much as possible.


I've also learned some button pushers. As I was watching the boys this weekend, I found myself eating.......eating.......eating. It was silly. I always eat when I'm over there? Why? Its a very good question to ask. Am I just that comfortable there that I don't feel judge so I just relax and eat, but that doesn't make sense b/c I don't eat like that at home. I know its an emotional trigger, as is most of my eating. I think I have honed in on it. I think its the boys. I think I get around them and just mask all the emotions and fears I have about them. All the love I feel for them, but there is always that little voice in the back of your head saying, "What if they can't be ours?" Its probably also a reaction to being at an age where I feel like I'm ready to settle down and start a family. They probably push my maternal buttons. After all my SIL did get preggers after having the baby around her. So needless to say, I need to be mindful of these triggers and counter them.




BK: Oatmeal

1/2 of a venti skinny latte (I'll save the rest for later)


L: Bowl of 98% ff traditional progresso chicken noodle soup


S: Turkey slices and tomatoes with like mayo and mustard


D: Light spam

Baked potato


W: 60 mins.


You can see I took the morning snack out. I'm gonna see if this works. I'm not so hungry in the mornings especially if I have the latte with the oatmeal and the 16 oz of water. But I do need a snack of protein before I go workout, so I'm keeping that snack. Plus, my morning snack always seems to fall when I have a meeting or something at work. So its better to go.


Gonna be a long day of trying to pull some inspiration for writing a proposal piece due next Monday!


Good Choices.

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Had to get started on a proposal right away this morning, plus our headshots for work, so i didn't get to post. I'm having a bit of writer's block at the moment, so I thought I'd take a small break to clear my head.


I'm watching the kids tonight so I worked through lunch (had really kinda planned on that anyway) and I'm taking off early so I can grab at least a 40 min. workout before having to meet my mom to get the boys. Thought about going during lunch, but I was on a roll with writing then.


BK: Bagel with cream cheese-I was running so late from trying to primp for our headshots this morning.......and a skinny latte-grande


S: I considered the latte part of the snack b/c I nursed it for a while and 3 oz of crab meat


L: Bowl of the chicken noodle soup. I exchanged it for something else last time. and small than the palm of my hand cookie


S: V8 and a few slices of turkey


D: Whatever I cook for the kids I guess. Portions..........portions.........portions...........keep emotions at bay!


W: 40 mins.


Other: I had 3 smarties candies today. My very minor OCD kicked up and so I took them and separated them by color and then ate them one by one. Ton load of sugar, which I'm sure I will feel soon.


Okay, I know what this will sound like, but bare with me......I'm just trying to find some positives where there are mostly negatives at this point. It will keep me going.


I've been eating more of my Weekly points that normal. About half each week (25) and mostly on the weekends. That is what they are there for, but I think between not make great choices (even when I stay in points) and eating into those points I've hit the maintenance stage again. That's the negative.


The positive: By eating more weekly points my body is getting used to taking in a few more calories a week. Which I think is good b/c I will be on cruise ship with an endless supply of crap to eat and I know I will eat over what I get daily. So, maybe I will actually gain less (hopefully from moving and taking stairs and exercise) if my body isn't so shocked by the sudden increase in food.


I know, I'm grabbing at straws. Just let me have it for now.


Good choices.

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Thanks for the information on Roatan. Hopefully we will find some shade...if not, we will rent a clam chair.


I loved the photos of your wrap dress on the blog...so many ways to wear it. It is very flattering on you!!


I've been so busy with work and with getting my son ready to go on a college trip with his school on Friday. Been shopping after work and not getting home until 8-9 pm! I like the idea of keeping healthy snacks around...I always keep a can of the salt and vinegar Blue Diamond almonds with me, as well as a box of the small slim jims. When I am starving, I can take a few almonds or eat a slim jim to hold me over.


I am going to try not to gain too much on the cruise, but it's hard. My biggest thing is the mixers used in drinks! I love a nice cocktail, but not the sugary mixers and I like something a little fancier than a diet coke and whiskey. I plan to take some of those sparkling water drinks with 0 calories and carbs and mix with bon voyage rum for a bit more flavor. I tried coconut rum with the pineapple/coconut Sparkling Ice over the weekend and it was good, but coconut rum is 5 grams of carbs per oz, so not a great choice for Atkins. I think regular liquor (rum or tequila or whiskey) is less carbs. I am pretty fine with sticking to the diet with foods, other than maybe one night of a WCMC! I've lost my taste for bread, pasta, and potatoes and feel best when I just eat protein and green veggies. I will also take my crystal light margarita mix to Nachi Cocum, just as we did in March and order a shot of tequila, bottle of water and a salted glass with ice to make my own low carb margaritas!


It doesn't look like Liberty will be getting the drinks pkg by the time of our sailing, so no worries over whether or not to purchase it. I added up our S & S bill from last time and we came within $50 of what the pkg would cost for a week for 2, so it's about a break even thing with us and like my DH said, we really don't need to be encouraged to drink more!!!


Good luck with your proposal, Brooke!

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Thanks for the information on Roatan. Hopefully we will find some shade...if not, we will rent a clam chair.


I loved the photos of your wrap dress on the blog...so many ways to wear it. It is very flattering on you!!


I've been so busy with work and with getting my son ready to go on a college trip with his school on Friday. Been shopping after work and not getting home until 8-9 pm! I like the idea of keeping healthy snacks around...I always keep a can of the salt and vinegar Blue Diamond almonds with me, as well as a box of the small slim jims. When I am starving, I can take a few almonds or eat a slim jim to hold me over.


I am going to try not to gain too much on the cruise, but it's hard. My biggest thing is the mixers used in drinks! I love a nice cocktail, but not the sugary mixers and I like something a little fancier than a diet coke and whiskey. I plan to take some of those sparkling water drinks with 0 calories and carbs and mix with bon voyage rum for a bit more flavor. I tried coconut rum with the pineapple/coconut Sparkling Ice over the weekend and it was good, but coconut rum is 5 grams of carbs per oz, so not a great choice for Atkins. I think regular liquor (rum or tequila or whiskey) is less carbs. I am pretty fine with sticking to the diet with foods, other than maybe one night of a WCMC! I've lost my taste for bread, pasta, and potatoes and feel best when I just eat protein and green veggies. I will also take my crystal light margarita mix to Nachi Cocum, just as we did in March and order a shot of tequila, bottle of water and a salted glass with ice to make my own low carb margaritas!


It doesn't look like Liberty will be getting the drinks pkg by the time of our sailing, so no worries over whether or not to purchase it. I added up our S & S bill from last time and we came within $50 of what the pkg would cost for a week for 2, so it's about a break even thing with us and like my DH said, we really don't need to be encouraged to drink more!!!


Good luck with your proposal, Brooke!


Thank, I love that wrap dress, well worth the $80 and I see you like the other one too.........great deal for $30! I do hate that my fat knees show so much, but sometimes...........you just have so say, "So what!"


Isn't Gin a low or no carb liqour? My friend drank it and soda water all the time when she was doing a similar diet. Gin and diet sprite with a spirtz of grenedine might me nice.

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Sorry I didn't post yesterday. I've just been in a mood the last few days. Its a half pity party half........I'm okay......weird.


Anyway. I'm gonna stop posting my food for a while. I'm really tired of feeling like I think about food all day long, all week long........etc.


I will still track in WW though. I'm just going crazy with all this stuff. Try eating this, don't eat that, you're eating too much of this or that, not enough of this.......eat at this time or don't. Its all pushing me over the edge.


I wanna lose weight and I have lost some, clearly I know, not enough. But obviously there are some huge road blocks in my life concerning food (mainly). And to be honest, I don't know what to do. I can diet all I like.......for as long as I like and I think the results may be just as slow.


I'm going to keep trying, but I'm just going to try and look at it from another perspective. I'll let you know what that is, when I figure it out myself.


But this guilt and shame and disappointment that comes with dieting makes me feel worse than being fat.


I need a mental break (but still staying focused).


Good Choices.

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One my last cruise I gained 1lbs Stayed as low carb at at all my meals.

Now I did drink. I drank a lot of sparkling. low sugar I also did c- rum and soda with a small slice fresh pineapple very nice fresh and light.

Pretty sure the 1lbs came from the margarita the huge margarita I had in mexico. The avg margarita has 985 cal in it. I would say the one I had was atleast 3500 cal:eek:.

Brooke stay away from the grenadine its nothing but wasted cals.

I'm down other 3lbs but it seems like more my 12s are getting baggy.

So my next goal is to lose 35 lbs. That will put me at my target weight.

I really really want to be rocking a beach body for our next group cruise.

My DH said the sweetest thing to me the other day. We went to the beach and I was coming out of the water and he says I thought Bo Derick was coming over to see me...LOL BS I know but sweet just the same.

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