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Cruising to Healthy


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I just found a great low carb pasta sauce: Rao's Homemade sauce, $7.88 for a 24 oz bottle at Super Walmart, 4 g of carbs per 1/2 cup. They have all flavors, marinara, vodka sauce, fra diavolo. Very tasty and low carb. I'm making homemade meatballs tonight with the vodka sauce. Topped with freshly grated parmesan cheese, I don't think we'll miss the pasta!:)

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This is a great low carb recipe for eggplant parmesan. I used the Rao's sauce mentioned above instead of the low sugar Ragu in the recipe. It came out great!


Hope everyone had a good new year's. NYE is my birthday so we went to a Brazilian steakhouse...a wonderful low carb option. They bring rolls, mashed potatoes and roasted bananas for the table, but we asked them to take it all away and we just ate the many carved meats they brought to the table and salad. Low carb cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory completed our dinner! I did have a couple of glasses of champagne, but all in all, felt we did pretty well for the holidays.


DH is still doing Atkins and still losing. I think he's in it for the long haul and I know he feels better with less weight!


Happy New Year!

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Wow, whirlwind of crazy holiday time.


First day back to work since about 10 days. They say technically you are supposed to start your New Years Resolutions off on the 2nd, not the 1st. Saw that on Today. Maybe they were joking....


Anyway. Back to fully tracking, back to the gym........"Back to life, Back to reality........" lol:p


My new lunchbag my aunt gave me is a great inspiration. It has three tubs in it. Two little ones and one big one (sandwich size) and they all have measurements on the side. Smaller ones can hold up to 1 cup and the big one up to 2 cups. I basically decided to use the two small ones to house a veggie and a fruit. Then the big one is a protein and/maybe carb. Then mom got me a 20 oz Tervis Tumbler so that is making water easier during the day at work. Got in about 45 oz today.


Went to the gym for an hour......ended up doing 30. I got a nasty pain in my right hand side right between my hip and waist area. I would breath and it would shoot through me. I pushed for 30 mins. and then stopped. I hope it is just my lapse of staying off the elliptical this long and not my stomach problems. They aren't as bad, but I still get pains about mid-day with .......ummmm.......gas.......sourish. I've kept ups the probiotics and curved some spicy foods.


Got my lunch packed and in the fridge already.


Yay 2013

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Well. I guess I haven't really specified anything about a new outlook or goals so far. Though sometimes I don't think it should matter all that much. I'm on the cusp of just thinking healthy and not stressing myself over weight and calories.........but...........


I know I gained over my holiday break. I knew I would. Did I try to stop it. About 50% I did. The rest I didn't. I actually didn't gain too much, in fact lost a bit from the first week of holiday parties. Am I still up from my pre-cruise weight, yes.


Well. I started getting back on track slowly. Which meant curving the food again. Then moving more again. When I got back to work on Wed. gym went back into effect and then tracking food started again. Have a went off course a bit, yep. But I didn't want to rush back in, only to be disappointed with my weight tomr. I know it will be up. I have a delayed reaction to things and it will likely show what I did the previous week. I've already prepared myself for it.


And no........I don't care I could have prevented it........why did I put myself in the position.......blah blah blah blah blah etc.


Now that I've gotten back on track with exercise, tracking, routine the next step is hopping fully back on plan. The one thing lacking was staying in my point range. Sense I hadn't been tracking since last Sat. (my weigh day) then I don't really know how many points I've been intaking for most of the week. I can tell you the past two days. But since Saturday is my weigh day and restarts my weekly points for consuming and exercise I figured I would start from there.


I'll wipe my history clean and enter the weight I have come Sat. Morning. This is my starting point for this year.


My weight goal is: 50lb/year


Hefty goal for me. But why the hell not. I couldn't reach a small goal.......why not bring on a bigger one. In the end I've decided that goals are nice and they give you something to work for, but they aren't important. In fact, I've come to the conclusion that my weight doesn't need to be the put down in my life. I'm tired of it being the reason I can't or won't or feel bad, or look bad, or get judged by others. I'm happy and in the terms of medical, I'm actually healthy (bp is reasonable, no diabetes, no cholestrol, no heart problems or most any other "fat" problems). I'm also pretty, I'm smart, my friends say I'm hilarious at times, I work well with others, my family loves me, I have great friends and blessing abound. Tell me what do I have to feel guilty about? Why does being fat make me feel guilty? I HAVE NO FREAKIN CLUE!


I may never be "skinny" I sure as h*** will never be the 127-150 that my BMI says I should be. I'm built big. I'm built to have curves and I like them. I've looked in the mirror and the maybe I wouldn't mind a few areas to decrease in size to give a flatter look, but the rest of it does not disgust me.


Now all that being said........you're thinking. Dang, she is giving up! Or here she goes again.............:rolleyes:


Don't care, lol.


I'm not giving up. I would like to lose more weight. Will it be my undoing if I don't or it takes me a while to do it. No. Maybe all those medical problems will start showing up as my age goes up and my weight doesn't go down. I will have to cross that bridge soon enough. But the plan is for that not to happen. The weight has to go down.


Talk about mixed messages :o.


Point being that I just worry about it too much. I think about it too much. It over shadows the happiness I have in my life and the blessings I've been given. It shouldn't be that consuming.


So tonight I'm going out with friends and plan on having a nice hamburger with french fries and maybe even a coke (maybe I'll eat it all, maybe I won') and enjoying not my last burger but my last selfish indulgence (yes I meant selfish).


Things have to change and I think I'm okay with that at this point.


For the past three days I've been able to pre-pack my lunch every night. Did I know what I was going to pack? Not really, but I did pre-pack. One small step in the better planning direction.


I also managed not to be lazy and not wash my lunch containers out each night so I can pack. I've also been washing my dishes when I take them to the sink and putting them away (not food related really, but its a good change). I've been at least tucking my bed back in before I leave in the morning (never been one for making it up b/c I don't see the point unless people are around). I've been not throwing my clothes on the floor or not putting things back in their place right away.


I moved my exercise bike out of my room and into storage. Now you might be confused on this one. I did this b/c it took up way too much space in my room. But also I was trying to encourage less shirking of the gym. Too many times I told myself, "You have the bike at home you can do that and just go home." You know what happens when I say that, nothing. I go home, my mind clicks to lazy and I'm done. I thought if I didn't have a way to really exercise at home then I would be more better at keeping my gym days.


The positive thing is that I think starting next week the Y on campus will start offering a new fitness class every evening. Yoga, Boot camp, Zumba, and a few others. I figure I will try each one out then decide which ones I like and mix them with my gym workouts during the week. A change in exercise should be good for me anyway. Taking a class always pushes you anyway, you don't want to cop out if front of people.


My lunch containers are helpful too. They help keep perspective. Like today:


In the large container I put a medium baked potato (I'll use ICBINB)

In one of the small ones: 1 cup of chili con carne with beans (homemade)

In the other small one: Frozen peaches (thawed)


I have some pickles for crunchy/salty snack later


I havent' done well with little snacks though. I some deer jerky the last two days and one day I had greek yogurt. Didn't bring real snacks today.


Anyway, I'm sure people could find all kinds of things wrong with my choices, but they aren't me..........so :rolleyes:.


Can't wait to see the scale tomr. b/c it means a new start to new things.

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Hey everyone! Sorry it's been forever since I posted. But I have been reading posts. We've had a busy year, went on a few big trips, etc. but I've decided that this is my year for losing weight! Our office building just opened a gym for free. Nice elliptical machines and treadmills. So my plan is to go every night after work. If I do that, and don't even go home, then there's nothing else to distract me (doing laundry, starting dinner, etc.). It will just add a half hour or so to my work day.

Next, I've rediscovered whole grains... Barley. Bulgur. Quinoa. Etc. I'm making lots of soups and salads (with grains, beans, and veg) for lunches. I also restarted my fitness pal. It says I should be down 10 pounds by feb. 9th. So I'm going to really follow this plan for the next month, see it work, and let that motivate me!

Good luck everyone in the new year!

P.S. sorry for any typos, I'm typing on a phone!

P.p.s anyone going to watch the biggest loser?? Jillian's back, and there are young kids too. It looks good!

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Hello everyone!!!

I just found this thread and thought I would join in if y'all don't mind. :)

I have been on 6 cruises now and I am pretty sure that at the time I booked each one of them I vowed to lose weight before the cruise. (that has never happened) Well this time I have an excursion planned that will require me to be somewhat fit so I MUST lose some weight and get healthier and stronger. I purchased a fitbit for myself for my birthday. It tracks your steps, calories burned, sleep etc. I work in a sedentary job so I know that I do not move enough. I "plan" to start back at the gym next week. It's been a while since I've been there. :p Hoping to find some more motivation here.


Oh, the excursion is Stand Up Paddleboarding in Key West. :D

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Well here's to another year of losing weight. After I had my son last year, I lost a good amount of weight when allowed, then the holiday's hit, friends came into town, Grampa went into the hospital and then his funeral was to be attended, and then family trip. Now that that is all done and past, it's on to healthier meals, no soda's and more exercises. I have about 8 pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I know that is attainable from now til our cruise in March. It'd be really nice if I made it there before my NYC trip in mid-February but we shall see. My 10 month old son will be starting daycare for 2 days a week, Tuesday and Friday, starting this week. I know those 2 days I'll be able to get an extra workout in if I do JM 30 day shred or her 6 pack in 6 week. That should help out some.


Hope everyone else is doing good. Brooke, as long as you're happy with yourself, that's all that matters. You are a bright, smart, beautiful, funny woman that has a great happiness with yourself, that not many people have. I really appreciate your honesty here, because otherwise, this whole thread would be a fake.

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Well...........we got a new little one this weekend.....well my brother did, lol. Little Sqeaker is 3 days old today. Then we met up with a friend who just adopted her baby about 2 weeks ago. Two newborns...:D. Talk about hormones flowing. Too bad I don't have one of those husband thingies.


Anyway. Saturday I weighed in and I have my official start weight. I'm excited about starting over again. I don't care what the scale said and it wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be.


No exercise this weekend other than chasing the kids around and basic walking. Food wasn't terrific, but I've tracked it all and I may have went over dailies but I'm still under weekly by a good amount. Weekends are when I need the weekly points anyway.


I plan to work out Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Tuesday I have meeting with a bank about my house (hoping). I'm shooting for an 1.5 hours. I don't think that is too much. I think I should be able to handle that no problem. 2 hours is a little much for me in the gym. I'm not ready to spend that much time, though I need to.


I waiting impatiently for the workout classes to start. Not sure when the start dates are.


Got my lunch packed and ready for tomr. and I've already plugged in my breakfast, lunch, dinner and day snacks into my tracker. I have points left, but I figure thats good b/c I always seem to what something extra like a non fat latte (only 3 pts).


I need to download some more workout music. Some new music always helps me restart. Only so many times I can hear the same mix over and over again before I get burned out. I will reward my efforts this week (if I lose) with some new downloads. I think that will be a good reward.


I also weeded out my clothes over break and I'm gonna post some of the still nice items on a website for sale to earn some money. I think I will put it in a "Wardrobe" account for future clothing purchases.


Here is to my week..........

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:) Sounds like a fun excursion, good luck with the weight loss it is hard but I think now the holidays are done we will all be able to concentrate on weight loss. Good Luck.

Hello everyone!!!

I just found this thread and thought I would join in if y'all don't mind. :)

I have been on 6 cruises now and I am pretty sure that at the time I booked each one of them I vowed to lose weight before the cruise. (that has never happened) Well this time I have an excursion planned that will require me to be somewhat fit so I MUST lose some weight and get healthier and stronger. I purchased a fitbit for myself for my birthday. It tracks your steps, calories burned, sleep etc. I work in a sedentary job so I know that I do not move enough. I "plan" to start back at the gym next week. It's been a while since I've been there. :p Hoping to find some more motivation here.


Oh, the excursion is Stand Up Paddleboarding in Key West. :D

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Hello everyone!!!

I just found this thread and thought I would join in if y'all don't mind. :)

I have been on 6 cruises now and I am pretty sure that at the time I booked each one of them I vowed to lose weight before the cruise. (that has never happened) Well this time I have an excursion planned that will require me to be somewhat fit so I MUST lose some weight and get healthier and stronger. I purchased a fitbit for myself for my birthday. It tracks your steps, calories burned, sleep etc. I work in a sedentary job so I know that I do not move enough. I "plan" to start back at the gym next week. It's been a while since I've been there. :p Hoping to find some more motivation here.


Oh, the excursion is Stand Up Paddleboarding in Key West. :D


Sure, join in. :)


I thought my cave tubing would be my trail last cruise, but it didn't happen b/c of tendering issues. Oh well, always next time. I think my excursion goal would be horse back riding. Loved to do it as a girl, but the cruise excursions say you have to be 250 and under to do them. Leaves me out. Not a hard excursion just a weight limit.

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Morning. I've been posting randomly b/c I think its good to mix things up more. You def. get a different perspective of me when I post in the morning vs. evening. Its funny how my thoughts change during certain hours.




So I made it to the gym yesterday and boy was it bumping. I mean, our Y is more like a satellite location b/c its fairly small (one level). When I came in all I could do was the bike (was the only thing open) and when I finished there was nothing available. People were waiting for machines. I guess its the New Years crowd. I mean, to be honest. I've never been that crowd. I've been there and been steadily going now for almost a year. I guess when your pretty much skinny and just want to get more fit you make New Years resolutions to do so and head to the gym. We also seemed to have a lot of the student athletes in there b/c they hadn't opened their weight room up yet. I give them all about 2 weeks and the gym will be back to a better pace. I wish I had more time to go during lunch, but its such a hassle. I have to get dressed go over there then workout for about 40 mins. (maybe) and then clean up and get dressed and walk back over. No even enough time for a shower, so my workouts are not really hard during lunch b/c I don't want to be gross going back to work. Baby wipes can only do some much.


Anyway, excuses are important at this point b/c I have the time after work at this point.


After the bike I kinda cooled down for a little bit and decided to wait for the Yoga class at 6:30. I've never done it before and I thought WTHN. Of course I don't know anything about it so I didn't bring a mat (they only emailed us that morning it would be going on anyway), lucky I'm tight with the Director and he let me borrow one. Apparently, I'm not the only one who didn't realize to bring my own mat b/c we had to turn a few people away b/c they didn't have one. I guess I'll be going to Walmart and getting a yoga mat.


Anyway, I would like to say to all those people out there who said, "Anyone can do Yoga!" I call bull**** on you!!! NO, not everyone can do Yoga. And when I specifically asked about fat girls doing yoga and you said, "Yes." YOU LIED. I should know better than to ask non fat people about things. If you want my personal opinion I think yoga is for slimmer and maybe just not strong people who want to tone up. I mean really. There are literally poses I CAN'T do b/c my weight will physically not let me. I can attempt them, but to actually do them is impossible. I had to modify almost every move so I could at least try.


Sorry yoga lady but some of us have big butts and thick thighs so bringing our leg backwards and grabbing it with our hand is impossible.


Sorry yoga lady but trying to touch my head to my knees is impossible.........there is this thing called my stomach in the way.


Sorry yoga lady but sitting on my knees trying to grab my ankles and leaning forward and "not putting too much pressure on my head" is not even possible.


Now, I know that all sounds very discouraging from me. But in the long run I did try every move to the best of my ability/physically. Did if work muscles and my body, yes. Did I sweat, yes. Am I sore today, yes. Do I think I got a workout, yes. Will I try it again. Sure. I don't think my chiropractor will like it too much b/c of the twisting and extension of my back, but I guess he will get over it like he did zumba.


I thought if anyone was reading who was around my size and was thinking of yoga I'd give you a fair warning. I mean it was hard for my pride to sit there and not be able to do things, not to mention a bit embarrassing. But I'm pretty lucky that our Y is mainly our college community where I work and most of them are people I know and wouldn't be judge me in a negative way. I think I would be very apprehensive about doing it with people I didn't know. Its also a small class. Not only the emotional part of it (and I think sometimes people who aren't as heavy as me really forget the emotional baggage that goes along with this, when it comes to putting yourself out there to be judged especially when in the past you've been judged harshly) but the physical part of it was really hard.


Ex: I did accomplish a full plank instead of the modified I've done before, but when she asked me to go down like a push from a full plank........I simply did not have the strength to do it. Nor was I able to pull out of that and into downward dog without getting to my knees first and walking it up. I don't have the core strength, balance or overall strength to support my body weight at those positions to do it.


Will I get better with practice, I'm sure. But call it a fair warning.


I have my apt. with the bank today. I will try and make it back to the Zumba and cardio kick classes tonight (that is 2 hours of workout people). I will only have to drive into town so it want be the full turn around for me (which is why when I go home I don't usually come back out to the gym). I brought my workout clothes with me so that there would be no excuses if I had the time.

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Ok, your nemesis the "voice of reason" posting here..Happy New Year :)


Yoga..IS for everyone..it's just EASIER for thinner people. Thought check number one. You can't do the poses today, but each day as you practice you'll be able to do a little more. That's the reality of ALL exercise. Even thin people can't do the poses when they start out if they are not in shape.


Thought check number two: I seriously DOUBT everyone was thinking "look at the fat person trying to do yoga". I'm using your words as you said "fat person". I am fairly confident a LOT of people who see an inexperienced newbie have more respect for you that your at least trying. How do you know some of those people didn't start off like you? you don't.


At the Bootcamp I go to daily, the MAJORITY of the people there are VERY overweight..and last year I was one of the ones who couldn't do anything and I'd been an athlete most of my life. Fortunately I lost my weight last year and I'm back at the pace I'm accustomed to. Guess what, after 2 months, some of those women who couldn't do anything now lead the pack and EVERYONE cheers them on..one guy, who STILL has another 50 plus pounds to lose RAN an entire 10k and everyone cried when he crossed the finish line.


Thought check number 3: 40 minutes midday is better than 40 minutes of nothing or at worst, not getting it in at the end of the day. Lots of people just take wipes to sorta get through the day..it's not a total shower..but it can work. So maybe do only 30 minutes and then you have 10 to take a shower. 30 minutes is STILL more than what the average population does.


Thought check number 4: Everything in life is a hassle. Losing weight is, exercise is, work is, it's life. Going through a hassle can sometimes make you appreciate your goal more in the end when you have achieved it.


Thought check number 5: Who cares what your chiropractor says. Maybe it's time for a second opinion from another chiropractor. Many of them say stuff like he does "don't do this, don't do that" because they want you to keep coming to them.


Ok, I'll shut up now.. :)


Have a good day...Menina


Morning. I've been posting randomly b/c I think its good to mix things up more. You def. get a different perspective of me when I post in the morning vs. evening. Its funny how my thoughts change during certain hours.




So I made it to the gym yesterday and boy was it bumping. I mean, our Y is more like a satellite location b/c its fairly small (one level). When I came in all I could do was the bike (was the only thing open) and when I finished there was nothing available. People were waiting for machines. I guess its the New Years crowd. I mean, to be honest. I've never been that crowd. I've been there and been steadily going now for almost a year. I guess when your pretty much skinny and just want to get more fit you make New Years resolutions to do so and head to the gym. We also seemed to have a lot of the student athletes in there b/c they hadn't opened their weight room up yet. I give them all about 2 weeks and the gym will be back to a better pace. I wish I had more time to go during lunch, but its such a hassle. I have to get dressed go over there then workout for about 40 mins. (maybe) and then clean up and get dressed and walk back over. No even enough time for a shower, so my workouts are not really hard during lunch b/c I don't want to be gross going back to work. Baby wipes can only do some much.


Anyway, excuses are important at this point b/c I have the time after work at this point.


After the bike I kinda cooled down for a little bit and decided to wait for the Yoga class at 6:30. I've never done it before and I thought WTHN. Of course I don't know anything about it so I didn't bring a mat (they only emailed us that morning it would be going on anyway), lucky I'm tight with the Director and he let me borrow one. Apparently, I'm not the only one who didn't realize to bring my own mat b/c we had to turn a few people away b/c they didn't have one. I guess I'll be going to Walmart and getting a yoga mat.


Anyway, I would like to say to all those people out there who said, "Anyone can do Yoga!" I call bull**** on you!!! NO, not everyone can do Yoga. And when I specifically asked about fat girls doing yoga and you said, "Yes." YOU LIED. I should know better than to ask non fat people about things. If you want my personal opinion I think yoga is for slimmer and maybe just not strong people who want to tone up. I mean really. There are literally poses I CAN'T do b/c my weight will physically not let me. I can attempt them, but to actually do them is impossible. I had to modify almost every move so I could at least try.


Sorry yoga lady but some of us have big butts and thick thighs so bringing our leg backwards and grabbing it with our hand is impossible.


Sorry yoga lady but trying to touch my head to my knees is impossible.........there is this thing called my stomach in the way.


Sorry yoga lady but sitting on my knees trying to grab my ankles and leaning forward and "not putting too much pressure on my head" is not even possible.


Now, I know that all sounds very discouraging from me. But in the long run I did try every move to the best of my ability/physically. Did if work muscles and my body, yes. Did I sweat, yes. Am I sore today, yes. Do I think I got a workout, yes. Will I try it again. Sure. I don't think my chiropractor will like it too much b/c of the twisting and extension of my back, but I guess he will get over it like he did zumba.


I thought if anyone was reading who was around my size and was thinking of yoga I'd give you a fair warning. I mean it was hard for my pride to sit there and not be able to do things, not to mention a bit embarrassing. But I'm pretty lucky that our Y is mainly our college community where I work and most of them are people I know and wouldn't be judge me in a negative way. I think I would be very apprehensive about doing it with people I didn't know. Its also a small class. Not only the emotional part of it (and I think sometimes people who aren't as heavy as me really forget the emotional baggage that goes along with this, when it comes to putting yourself out there to be judged especially when in the past you've been judged harshly) but the physical part of it was really hard.


Ex: I did accomplish a full plank instead of the modified I've done before, but when she asked me to go down like a push from a full plank........I simply did not have the strength to do it. Nor was I able to pull out of that and into downward dog without getting to my knees first and walking it up. I don't have the core strength, balance or overall strength to support my body weight at those positions to do it.


Will I get better with practice, I'm sure. But call it a fair warning.


I have my apt. with the bank today. I will try and make it back to the Zumba and cardio kick classes tonight (that is 2 hours of workout people). I will only have to drive into town so it want be the full turn around for me (which is why when I go home I don't usually come back out to the gym). I brought my workout clothes with me so that there would be no excuses if I had the time.

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Ok, your nemesis the "voice of reason" posting here..Happy New Year :)


Yoga..IS for everyone..it's just EASIER for thinner people. Thought check number one. You can't do the poses today, but each day as you practice you'll be able to do a little more. That's the reality of ALL exercise. Even thin people can't do the poses when they start out if they are not in shape.


Thought check number two: I seriously DOUBT everyone was thinking "look at the fat person trying to do yoga". I'm using your words as you said "fat person". I am fairly confident a LOT of people who see an inexperienced newbie have more respect for you that your at least trying. How do you know some of those people didn't start off like you? you don't.


At the Bootcamp I go to daily, the MAJORITY of the people there are VERY overweight..and last year I was one of the ones who couldn't do anything and I'd been an athlete most of my life. Fortunately I lost my weight last year and I'm back at the pace I'm accustomed to. Guess what, after 2 months, some of those women who couldn't do anything now lead the pack and EVERYONE cheers them on..one guy, who STILL has another 50 plus pounds to lose RAN an entire 10k and everyone cried when he crossed the finish line.


Thought check number 3: 40 minutes midday is better than 40 minutes of nothing or at worst, not getting it in at the end of the day. Lots of people just take wipes to sorta get through the day..it's not a total shower..but it can work. So maybe do only 30 minutes and then you have 10 to take a shower. 30 minutes is STILL more than what the average population does.


Thought check number 4: Everything in life is a hassle. Losing weight is, exercise is, work is, it's life. Going through a hassle can sometimes make you appreciate your goal more in the end when you have achieved it.


Thought check number 5: Who cares what your chiropractor says. Maybe it's time for a second opinion from another chiropractor. Many of them say stuff like he does "don't do this, don't do that" because they want you to keep coming to them.


Ok, I'll shut up now.. :)


Have a good day...Menina




Sometimes you have to read between my ranting...........to see what I really said.

Now, I know that all sounds very discouraging from me. But in the long run I did try every move to the best of my ability/physically. Did if work muscles and my body, yes. Did I sweat, yes. Am I sore today, yes. Do I think I got a workout, yes. Will I try it again. Sure.


Will I get better with practice, I'm sure.

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LOL..not a "between the lines" reader..only in my professional life..


I take people at their word and what they say. Fewer opportunties to have miscommunication and misunderstanding that way.


Keep up the good work! :)





Sometimes you have to read between my ranting...........to see what I really said.


Now, I know that all sounds very discouraging from me. But in the long run I did try every move to the best of my ability/physically. Did if work muscles and my body, yes. Did I sweat, yes. Am I sore today, yes. Do I think I got a workout, yes. Will I try it again. Sure.



Will I get better with practice, I'm sure.

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Since monday I've done morning and evening workouts, which is walking for an hour. I need to get back in the swing of doing Jillian Michael's workouts to tone up this stomach but haven't found the motivation yet. I'm on the eating healthy, counting calories and walking wagon, now just find the JM wagon, lol!! Hope everyone's week is going good. Oh and no soda either!

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Brooke, I have to say, I'm extremely impressed by the fact that you did yoga! Good work! To an outsider, it seems like you have the working out part of the equation in place. The food portion counts just a much, if not more, in my opinion. Unfortunately that is what many of us struggle with. If you can apply your dedication to the food piece, you will be in a good place. And by dedication, I mean meal planning, bringing lunches, etc. If you can consistently do that, I think things will fall into place for you.


Something I'm focusing on is just to work really hard this month (but pick any short term goal) and am saying. OK, follow all the rules for just this short period of time, and see what happens. I'm supposed to lose 10 pounds by Feb 9th, and I'm down 3.5. I'm going to let those results inspire me to keep going. Ultimately, my goal is 40 pounds. I know you like to use "mind tricks" so hopefully this may help you too. You know you're good at maintaining, just need to kick things into high gear to get started! Even pick one day of following the rules, and see what happens on the scale. I like your goal of 50 pounds this year. Definitely achievable too!


I also wanted to thank you for starting this thread... For some reason it pulls me in to keep reading like no others do. I think it's due to your honesty! And you show the struggles, and not just success all the time.


Good luck!


P.s. mobile typing so forgive any errors!

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Since monday I've done morning and evening workouts, which is walking for an hour. I need to get back in the swing of doing Jillian Michael's workouts to tone up this stomach but haven't found the motivation yet. I'm on the eating healthy, counting calories and walking wagon, now just find the JM wagon, lol!! Hope everyone's week is going good. Oh and no soda either!



Girl, I hope you make your goal! I know you have been working hard to get there. I don't really have the floor space for workout DVDs right now, but maybe I will soonish.......and then I will have no excuse not to try ms JM's workout.

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Brooke, I have to say, I'm extremely impressed by the fact that you did yoga! Good work! To an outsider, it seems like you have the working out part of the equation in place. The food portion counts just a much, if not more, in my opinion. Unfortunately that is what many of us struggle with. If you can apply your dedication to the food piece, you will be in a good place. And by dedication, I mean meal planning, bringing lunches, etc. If you can consistently do that, I think things will fall into place for you.


Something I'm focusing on is just to work really hard this month (but pick any short term goal) and am saying. OK, follow all the rules for just this short period of time, and see what happens. I'm supposed to lose 10 pounds by Feb 9th, and I'm down 3.5. I'm going to let those results inspire me to keep going. Ultimately, my goal is 40 pounds. I know you like to use "mind tricks" so hopefully this may help you too. You know you're good at maintaining, just need to kick things into high gear to get started! Even pick one day of following the rules, and see what happens on the scale. I like your goal of 50 pounds this year. Definitely achievable too!


I also wanted to thank you for starting this thread... For some reason it pulls me in to keep reading like no others do. I think it's due to your honesty! And you show the struggles, and not just success all the time.


Good luck!


P.s. mobile typing so forgive any errors!


Thanks. I must say that it hurt and still does a bit and I don't doubt I look silly doing it, but........I do it anyway.


I feel like I'm putting in 80% in on the exercise part and only 20% in on the food part. I know this isn't right. I know it has to be split 50/50 or maybe in my case.........a little more on food for a while until I get it.


I'll let you know how I'm doing when I post my update, so I don't repeat.


I guess sometimes its easy to be honest with "strangers" than it is with anyone. I had bad habits in the past of hiding my eating. Sneaking food as a kid and hiding the wrapers or plates etc. I once hid a sandwich under my covers and forgot it was there and then I had staled crumbs in my bed. It was a mess. I don't hide food like that now, but I still don't publicize my eating too much. I'll go in the kitchen and eat a sweet standing up b/c I don't want to go in the living room and have my parents see me. They love me, but they love me enough to be thinking, "Not a good choice."


So honesty is important whether its a good thing that happened or a failure.


Thanks for sharing your story too! We all struggle in our own way, but we all have the same goal, to be healthier for our own good.

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Thanks Brooke! Getting weight off is 5x as hard as it is putting it on! Seems like it goes on within seconds, but to come off we have to seriously work our butts off to get to it! But hey, if that's what it takes, then so be it.


What is zumba? I hear of people doing it and how fun it is but never seen it done.

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Okay first of all I think I deserve some applause or a little dance or something




Last night I did and hour of Zumba AND Yoga!


I admit that maybe doing zumba first and then yoga wasn't the best idea. I was kinda exhausted after zumba and my muscles were tired, so some of the yoga moves were actually harder this time. I was soaked and spent afterwards. It didn't really help that the room we are in isnt' really meant for exercise classes. It was meant for more like nutrition or academic based classes. They have an area for a better ventilated class area, but its open for viewing and they didn't have the money to finish the wall to close it in. So for now its the classroom. It got so hot in there that the windows fogged and the floor and walls got moisture on them. I had to get them to give me a mop to try and dry the floor off before yoga.


Anyway. It was a late night and I was a bit hungry when I got home. Dinner came around 8:30, which is late for me. Thank goodness I had that protein shake. It was a two sandwiches and some green beans. Overdid it on the sandwiches, but lesson learned. I need to make sure if I do double workouts that I already have something at home waiting just to be heated up to eat rather than having to fix something. Note that I did have something entered in my tracker already, but it would have been 9pm before I got to eat.


So for the past 7 work days I've been pre-packing my lunch the evening before and sticking to what I packed. I admit to supplementing with a skinny latte or maybe even a bagel (my saving grace for energy last night I might say), but its all within my points allowance.


I did peak at the scale mid week and I'm only showing about 1lb lost. But that is normal and I'll take it if that is what it is. I was actually hoping for 2lbs, but I know that I wasn't fully on plan until Saturday so these things can hinder my work.


Today they have yoga at noon. I think I might do this and forgo evening workouts just so I can get home at a normal time tonight, but I'll still get in 50 mins. Although..........they have the cardio kick tonight and I haven't tried that yet and would like to. Decisions...........

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Thanks Brooke! Getting weight off is 5x as hard as it is putting it on! Seems like it goes on within seconds, but to come off we have to seriously work our butts off to get to it! But hey, if that's what it takes, then so be it.


What is zumba? I hear of people doing it and how fun it is but never seen it done.


Zumba is a dance aerobic class. They use salsa, hip hop, island, even country (depending upon the teacher) to put together dance moves that have aerobic benefits.


You can skip around this video to see what its like:


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Just a thought Brooke, but can you not eat a sandwich or something on the way to the gym? That way you aren't eating so late, aren't starving when you're done, and most of all, you have the energy and strength to do your workouts? I'm not saying you aren't or don't, but I know that when I do a hard workout without food, I get the shakes and feel weak.

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Thanks Brooke! Getting weight off is 5x as hard as it is putting it on! Seems like it goes on within seconds, but to come off we have to seriously work our butts off to get to it! But hey, if that's what it takes, then so be it.


What is zumba? I hear of people doing it and how fun it is but never seen it done.


Brooke gave a great explanation of Zumba. You can burn large amounts of calories doing it (some say up to 800 per hour). It really boosted my weight loss efforts and I don't mind the exercise because it's so much fun. The Zumba toning is great too. Slower moves with small weights. I try to go 3 to 4 times a week.


Sent from my LePanII using Tapatalk 2

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Well, I finally tried one of the Atkins frozen dinners...the crustless chicken pot pie. It was very tasty with lots of veggies (spinach, broccoli and cauliflower) as well as chicken in a rich sauce. I really enjoyed it and will keep them in the freezer for nights when I don't want to cook. They are a bit pricey, but not more so than other frozen dinners. I don't like to eat a lot of processed food, so would use them sparingly, but for a night when you don't feel like cooking, I think they are great!


DH has lost 18 lbs. in less than 2 months on Atkins. I must admit that I'm a bit jealous...we eat the same, but his weight is coming off sooo much quicker than mine is, AND he is drinking wine at night. Is there something about men's metabolisms that makes them lose quicker? He doesn't work out either, while I'm sweating on the exercise bike each night!!:confused:


I did get some very curious lab results over the holidays...my glucose was up, although I don't eat sugar and eat low carb. The nurse at the dr's office attributed it to over-indulging over the holidays, but I had the blood test right at the start of my Christmas break when I had not over-indulged in the least! After the test, we did have champagne (about 3 bottles over the holidays), so no telling what the glucose level is now!! They are repeating the test in 4 months, so I'm hoping this was just a fluke.


Tonight's dinner was low carb chicken parmesan...I used parmesan cheese to coat the chicken instead of bread crumbs and used the Rao's low carb pasta sauce. Very tasty.


Senor Frog's has openend in Orlando and we went last night...the one here is just like the ones in the islands...same congo lines with shots and waitresses walking around selling jello shooters. It was fun for a night, but I think I've had my fill and don't need to go back anytime soon!!

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Pcum: I know your a Publix shopper like me, check in the bakery..or if you shop at Whole Foods they have it..for Yucca bread, or Pan de Yucca. That is very low carb. You can make yucca cheese breads and they only have the flour from the yucca, egg, and cheese and they are like 7 carbs per roll. My Latin husband hooked me onto those from his county so I learned how to make them and it's VERY simple.


You can buy the flour, which is usually sold as "tapioca starch" at most major supermarkets, and I bought mine at Publix for about $2 pe bag...usually in the section where the Latin foods are. You could even use the mixture used to make the yucca bread for a crust for your pie if you rolled it out thin.


Pan de Yucca (also known as Bunelos)


Cooking spray

1 cup tapioca flour, plus extra for kneading

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 cups Oaxaca cheese or other fresh white cheese, such as mozzarella, finely grated

2 large egg yolks

2 to 3 tablespoons heavy cream, if necessary


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking pan with aluminum foil, and coat with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.


Combine the tapioca flour and baking powder together in a large bowl. Stir in the cheese and egg yolks. Mix until the dough forms a ball. Lightly flour a work surface and turn the dough out. Knead the dough with your hands until the dough is smooth, even-textured, and not sticky. If the dough doesn't come together or seems too stiff, then add cream, 1 tablespoon at a time, until it comes together and feels supple.


Divide the dough into 10 even pieces and with your hands, roll each into a ball. Shape the balls into ovals and place them 1-inch apart on the prepared baking sheet. Bake until the rolls are pale gold (not browned), about 15 to 20 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for 5 to 10 minutes and serve while still warm.




Well, I finally tried one of the Atkins frozen dinners...the crustless chicken pot pie. It was very tasty with lots of veggies (spinach, broccoli and cauliflower) as well as chicken in a rich sauce. I really enjoyed it and will keep them in the freezer for nights when I don't want to cook. They are a bit pricey, but not more so than other frozen dinners. I don't like to eat a lot of processed food, so would use them sparingly, but for a night when you don't feel like cooking, I think they are great!


DH has lost 18 lbs. in less than 2 months on Atkins. I must admit that I'm a bit jealous...we eat the same, but his weight is coming off sooo much quicker than mine is, AND he is drinking wine at night. Is there something about men's metabolisms that makes them lose quicker? He doesn't work out either, while I'm sweating on the exercise bike each night!!:confused:


I did get some very curious lab results over the holidays...my glucose was up, although I don't eat sugar and eat low carb. The nurse at the dr's office attributed it to over-indulging over the holidays, but I had the blood test right at the start of my Christmas break when I had not over-indulged in the least! After the test, we did have champagne (about 3 bottles over the holidays), so no telling what the glucose level is now!! They are repeating the test in 4 months, so I'm hoping this was just a fluke.


Tonight's dinner was low carb chicken parmesan...I used parmesan cheese to coat the chicken instead of bread crumbs and used the Rao's low carb pasta sauce. Very tasty.


Senor Frog's has openend in Orlando and we went last night...the one here is just like the ones in the islands...same congo lines with shots and waitresses walking around selling jello shooters. It was fun for a night, but I think I've had my fill and don't need to go back anytime soon!!

Edited by Gathina
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