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Cruising to Healthy


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Pcum: I know your a Publix shopper like me, check in the bakery..or if you shop at Whole Foods they have it..for Yucca bread, or Pan de Yucca. That is very low carb. You can make yucca cheese breads and they only have the flour from the yucca, egg, and cheese and they are like 7 carbs per roll. My Latin husband hooked me onto those from his county so I learned how to make them and it's VERY simple.


You can buy the flour, which is usually sold as "tapioca starch" at most major supermarkets, and I bought mine at Publix for about $2 pe bag...usually in the section where the Latin foods are. You could even use the mixture used to make the yucca bread for a crust for your pie if you rolled it out thin.


Pan de Yucca (also known as Bunelos)


Cooking spray

1 cup tapioca flour, plus extra for kneading

1 teaspoon baking powder

2 cups Oaxaca cheese or other fresh white cheese, such as mozzarella, finely grated

2 large egg yolks

2 to 3 tablespoons heavy cream, if necessary


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a baking pan with aluminum foil, and coat with nonstick cooking spray. Set aside.


Combine the tapioca flour and baking powder together in a large bowl. Stir in the cheese and egg yolks. Mix until the dough forms a ball. Lightly flour a work surface and turn the dough out. Knead the dough with your hands until the dough is smooth, even-textured, and not sticky. If the dough doesn't come together or seems too stiff, then add cream, 1 tablespoon at a time, until it comes together and feels supple.


Divide the dough into 10 even pieces and with your hands, roll each into a ball. Shape the balls into ovals and place them 1-inch apart on the prepared baking sheet. Bake until the rolls are pale gold (not browned), about 15 to 20 minutes. Cool on a wire rack for 5 to 10 minutes and serve while still warm.


Thanks for the recipe...I will give it a try. I do go into Whole Foods every now and then so I will look for the bread there too. I haven't seen it at Publix, but then again, I've never really looked. Sounds wonderful.


Thanks again!!

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You'd have to look in the fresh baked section at Whole Foods..not sure all have it..but the ones you make from scratch are addicting but for 7 carbs it helps the carb craving..if you can just stop at one!



Thanks for the recipe...I will give it a try. I do go into Whole Foods every now and then so I will look for the bread there too. I haven't seen it at Publix, but then again, I've never really looked. Sounds wonderful.


Thanks again!!

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Had a great weekend, eating healthy and still working out. Sunday was suppose to be volleyball but the water was too cold and even if it was warm enough, we didn't have enough players. Oh well. It was a good time with my family. I love those days.


Today I've logged all my food, and my workouts. I'll be doing 2 1hr walks and the JM 30 day shred. The 30 DS will be just in time for my NYC trip, and then when I get back from that I'll do JM 6pack in 6 weeks, which will be good timing for our cruise! So much going on in the next few months! Next month is my birthday and NYC trip, then in March is our anniversary, Ethan's 1yr bday (Eeekks!!! Where has the time gone?!?!) our cruise, my Grammie, Mom and sister's birthday (a lot of birthdays in March!), then in April is my sisters birthday and her daughter/my niece's 7th bday. Then we have a break for a bit, lol!

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Just a thought Brooke, but can you not eat a sandwich or something on the way to the gym? That way you aren't eating so late, aren't starving when you're done, and most of all, you have the energy and strength to do your workouts? I'm not saying you aren't or don't, but I know that when I do a hard workout without food, I get the shakes and feel weak.


Yea, but I don't want to pack my lunch and dinner. I want something cooked and fresh at least at night a few times a week. Plus I've just gotten pretty good about pre-packing my lunch adding dinner in might detour that.

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Had a great weekend, eating healthy and still working out. Sunday was suppose to be volleyball but the water was too cold and even if it was warm enough, we didn't have enough players. Oh well. It was a good time with my family. I love those days.


Today I've logged all my food, and my workouts. I'll be doing 2 1hr walks and the JM 30 day shred. The 30 DS will be just in time for my NYC trip, and then when I get back from that I'll do JM 6pack in 6 weeks, which will be good timing for our cruise! So much going on in the next few months! Next month is my birthday and NYC trip, then in March is our anniversary, Ethan's 1yr bday (Eeekks!!! Where has the time gone?!?!) our cruise, my Grammie, Mom and sister's birthday (a lot of birthdays in March!), then in April is my sisters birthday and her daughter/my niece's 7th bday. Then we have a break for a bit, lol!


Lots of events coming up for you! Exciting!

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Lots of events coming up for you! Exciting!


You're not kidding! I ask my Mom each year how she got us all gifts growing up? She had Christmas in December, my baby brother's bday is January, mine is February, my older sisters and my Mom is in March, and my younger sisters is in April. Talk about back to back! Lol!

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So last week I spent 4 hours in the gym in three days. So that was good.


My weight only changed by .8lbs. Sad, yes a bit. But still determined. There is no loss as to why I only came in at .8lbs. My eating habits, though better, weren't fantastic. I'm also curious as to what kind of effect this bloating and gasiness is have on my weight. I will just have to break down and go to the Dr. I suppose. I've done all I can with OTC stomach cures.


Good news is that I'm on day 11 of pre-packing my lunch on work days in a row. And I have made a chart of my exercise for the week. Its easy when the gym provides classes almost every day and with a range.


Monday: Is 30 mins. fast pace on the bike or elliptical, then hour of yoga


Tuesday: 1 hour of zumba


Wednesday: One hour of zumba and 1 hour of yoga


Thursday: Yoga at noon for 50 mins (an hour if I walk over and back I think is okay to say though).


Friday, Saturday, Sunday: Days off for recovery. Though I'm sure I will stay more active than my normal work day.


Now we all know here that food is my demon. Its the hardest for me. I break all the time. I'm gonna try again to approach it step by tiny step.


1. Over eating (meaning over eating my WW points)


I admit that this weekend was over the top for me. I just LET myself eat. Though a few times I did STOP and say, "really Brooke?" and it detoured me for that moment and that food. Didn't stop me from eating all my daily points and inbetween Sat. and Sun. eating all my weekly points (I still have M-F to go :rolleyes:). So guess who just put HERSELF in a position to HAVE to eat within my daily points only for 5 days straight? :cool: This cool chick, right here. I guess I created my own goal and challenge this week.


Goal this week for not overeating: 50 ww points per day and not a one over!


Once I conquer the over eating part (I know it sounds general, but in my head I know what I'm talking about) then I will move on to another food "problem" and see if I can tame it. My hope is that I will go through each one and then find myself in a better relationship with food and then my weightloss can really start.


B/c if we are all being honest here, I know how you guys like that, then my exercise is really just counter acting and equaling my eating habits. Its not subtracting at all. Maintaining is a good thing, but not right now. So, In the next couple of weeks I may not see the scale drop too much, but I know that coming to terms and meeting challenges that food gives me is still a win. Food is NOT the enemy, it just a hill on my highway.

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So how many points are you going over by, if I may ask? If you say it's counteracting with your exercising, and you're only maintaining your weight, is all this planning and hard work worth it to just maintain the weight? Maybe I'm being out of line, but I personally I would be mad with myself if I was busting my @$$ to "only maintain the weight". I know, I know, everyone has their own opinions, but I'm just asking.


Are you on myfitnesspal Brooke? You used to post on here what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.....

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So how many points are you going over by, if I may ask? If you say it's counteracting with your exercising, and you're only maintaining your weight, is all this planning and hard work worth it to just maintain the weight? Maybe I'm being out of line, but I personally I would be mad with myself if I was busting my @$$ to "only maintain the weight". I know, I know, everyone has their own opinions, but I'm just asking.


Are you on myfitnesspal Brooke? You used to post on here what you had for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.....


I have to agree with you Mrs. CO5, what is the sense of doing all this exercise with very little success, I would be annoyed too if I were putting in all this time at the gym, Brooke, hopefully someday you will figure out the food part, but until then you are not going to see anything, yes I think you are just sort of rewarding yourself with food after all this exercise and maybe thinking you will still lose the weight, unfortunately it does not work like this. Like you say now you just have to get the food part right. Good luck to you.

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This thread is way too long to go back and look, but if you're struggling with the weight Brooke, have you looked at lapband? I know it's been mentioned, but can't remember why you don't want to/can't, whatever the reason is, do it.

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And Brooke, I do not want you to feel like we're attacking you. I am trying to help you and figure out why you aren't losing weight, and based on what you're telling us here, it just isn't adding up. Is the full truth here in this thread or no? You have already admitted that you don't put all your food on here, or you weren't.


I'm not a big fan of Dr. Phil, but his life quotes that I love is here:


One of them being:

Life Law #2: You create your own experience.

Strategy: Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating results.


You cannot dodge responsibility for how and why your life is the way it is. If you don't like your job, you are accountable. If you are overweight, you are accountable. If you are not happy, you are accountable. You are creating the situations you are in and the emotions that flow from those situations.


Don't play the role of victim, or use past events to build excuses. It guarantees you no progress, no healing, and no victory. You will never fix a problem by blaming someone else. Whether the cards you've been dealt are good or bad, you're in charge of yourself now.


Every choice you make " including the thoughts you think " has consequences. When you choose the behavior or thought, you choose the consequences. If you choose to stay with a destructive partner, then you choose the consequences of pain and suffering. If you choose thoughts contaminated with anger and bitterness, then you will create an experience of alienation and hostility. When you start choosing the right behavior and thoughts " which will take a lot of discipline " you'll get the right consequences.

Edited by Mrs.C05
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I have to agree with you Mrs. CO5, what is the sense of doing all this exercise with very little success, I would be annoyed too if I were putting in all this time at the gym, Brooke, hopefully someday you will figure out the food part, but until then you are not going to see anything, yes I think you are just sort of rewarding yourself with food after all this exercise and maybe thinking you will still lose the weight, unfortunately it does not work like this. Like you say now you just have to get the food part right. Good luck to you.


Bearface, are you on myfitnesspal?

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Bearface, are you on myfitnesspal?


No I am not on myfitnesspal, I have been reading this thread for the last couple of years and just want to see the OP succeed, we all know the struggles of losing weight and what we have to do. I liked your quote from Dr. Phil, so very true.

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It is sad that I put in a lot of work in the gym and then kill it with food. But if I could tell you why I do it, then I wouldn't be in this situation. Some say, "Just stop doing it." But that is just being a smart ass (not any of you). There has to be a reason for self sabotage. I'm trying though.


It is a real hard challenge not to go over my daily points b/c I have no padding in weeklys. But I think two things will happen.


1. Maybe I won't go crazy and eat all my weeklys in two days anymore

2. I'll learn to eat within my daily points better.


I'm hoping each week I will get better and better with food.

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Maybe it is time to get professional help. I know you stated before that you can't take time off work but your health is more important. If you went to an eating disorder center for a few weeks they could help and find the reason for your over eating. Your health is way more important than your job!

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It is sad that I put in a lot of work in the gym and then kill it with food. But if I could tell you why I do it, then I wouldn't be in this situation. Some say, "Just stop doing it." But that is just being a smart ass (not any of you). There has to be a reason for self sabotage. I'm trying though.


It is a real hard challenge not to go over my daily points b/c I have no padding in weeklys. But I think two things will happen.


1. Maybe I won't go crazy and eat all my weeklys in two days anymore

2. I'll learn to eat within my daily points better.


I'm hoping each week I will get better and better with food.


I don't know how WW entirely works so I don't know what you mean by "padding" but I do know it's based on a point system instead of looking up the calorie and fat contents....but it's basically the same thing. Counting points or calories, its the same thing. I'm gathering padding means points leftover at the end of the day to use up....right?


It sounds like you need to find healthy/full fullfilling foods with less points, so you have more of a padding, but then again, why do you need padding? Do you want padding so you can have that brownie after your workout?


I found a WW Points chart giving me what each food is in points. Can I ask how many points you can have? I'm trying to gather a little menu that could help you out.


And here is your problem right here:

1. Maybe I won't go crazy and eat all my weeklys in two days anymore


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I don't know how WW entirely works so I don't know what you mean by "padding" but I do know it's based on a point system instead of looking up the calorie and fat contents....but it's basically the same thing. Counting points or calories, its the same thing. I'm gathering padding means points leftover at the end of the day to use up....right?


It sounds like you need to find healthy/full fullfilling foods with less points, so you have more of a padding, but then again, why do you need padding? Do you want padding so you can have that brownie after your workout?


I found a WW Points chart giving me what each food is in points. Can I ask how many points you can have? I'm trying to gather a little menu that could help you out.


And here is your problem right here:

1. Maybe I won't go crazy and eat all my weeklys in two days anymore




WW has weekly points and daily points. You get 49 points you can use for the week if you want or need to. But you get daily points. I get 50 points a day.


So eating all my weekly points in two days is not as bad as you think it is. It just means that what I said, If I wanted to have some ice cream and I had already has my daily points I could have it with my weekly or a better example is if I mis calculated some points during the day and went over my daily points, the weeklys can be used. WW tells you to use the weekly points for those times when you want something extra or have a wedding or party to go to. Some people don't touch them. Some people go ahead and evenly spread them over the five days and use them. WW even lets you use your exercise points (points you earn for the exercise you do) for food swapping if you use all your daily and weekly points. I've never done that. I think that is completely defeating....yea I know the irony there.


For the two weeks I've basically eaten:


1/2 c oatmeal with 1 c 1-2% milk and 2 tsp of sugar


No snack mid morning


Sometimes a skinny vanilla latte and I confess to a bagel with cream cheese at least twice last week. But I've forbidden myself this week.


about 1-2 cups of protein (more like 3-4oz), 1 cup of veggies, 1/2 c some kind of fruit (sometimes canned or frozen). 1 serving of carb (usually bread slices or wrap, sometimes potato)


Shake or protein serving for lunch


3-6oz of protein, carb serving, 1 c veggie. I rarely eat fruit at night.


Usually something sweet like some hot coco mix with milk cold, or a snack cake or graham crackers with pb.


Now that is during the work week M-F.


Weekends are another story. I have much more access to food on the weekends. If I stay busy I can stay out of the kitchen, but if I'm bored or just being lazy then its very hard to stay away. My ploys are usually to plant myself upstairs (so its harder physically to get to the food) with my Netflix and water. Or take a nap, to kill 2 hours of not eating. Or sleeping in late enough I only need to eat two meals.


Weekends are my recovery days from my week workouts. B/c my chiropractor said that I needed those if I was going to push more in the gym. But I try to stay in motion for the most part (chores and such).


I really think when I get my own place and can control what food comes in better then weekends will be easier. Won't know until it happens.


I can't leave work to go into a treatment place. I'm not trying to be rude when I say this, but this is the real world, not tv. I don't have the money for a treatment center and I def. wouldn't if I quit my job. I MIGHT could see if my insurance would cover some counseling outpatient, but I doubt it.


I wanted lapband,but they want you to lose weight before they will approve you. If I can't lose 50lbs on my own then the surgery can't even help. Plus again, money. My insurance won't cover it. Its like a $24,000 surgery.


There are all my answers, not excuses b/c you asked and I answered. :p


I go to the dr. tomr. to see if I have something wrong with my digestive system or if I'm just crazy. I'm leaning towards crazy....:rolleyes:

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Why are you having digestive issues? Is it because you're not digesting food the way a body should, or is because you're not losing weight?


So I'd imagine you are going over your daily points later in the week because you're using your weekly points in 2 days, right? You say it isn't bad in eating your weekly's in 2 days, but if you're going over your daily's because you have no weekly's anymore, then yes, it is "bad". Then you aren't following the plan.


Could you not workout every other day so you aren't taking 3 days off in a row? You're body really gets in a routine and if it's the same 'ol routine then you'll plateau and be stuck. The moment you change it up, you'll probably start losing again. That includes what you eat as well.


Brooke, we've all been reading this thread for such a long time, and we all want you to succeed in getting to your goal weight, whatever that might be. But to see you do this to yourself (the eating your weekly's in 2 days, having a donut because you've worked out for 5hrs total in the gym this week, etc. etc.)....."Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating results."


I hope you can figure somethings out and stick with it. Are you up for challenges? My friend and I give one another challenges to do and we honestly do it, just to push one another with our health, exercise and healthy foods. I'm going to see her next month, so I will "see" if she really is doing them, lol!

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I echo this. I'm not on WW but I did google it to understand it, and I am coming up with the same conclusion everyone else can see and has said. Your not following the plan. We all want you to succeed. You know what to do and how your supposed to do it but can't for whatever reason.


Maybe you should go see a therapist to see why you keep sabotaging yourself. That might be the most productive thing. There's no point in doing exercise if your going to "eat" what you might have gained in terms of calorie loss. And I'm sorry, but I disagree. There is no such thing as a "healthy" overweight person. You might have low cholesterol and low blood pressure due to good genes and eating right, but all that excess weight still puts a ton of pressure on your organs and other body parts and that's not healthy. You identified your own issues in terms of "home envrionment"..lack of structure, activities, etc. Get some hobbies. Sleeping a long time to avoid food is what people do to avoid things when they don't want to deal with them...they think sleeping off something makes it better, it doesn't, it makes it worse. The food is still going to be there and your still going to have to deal with it when you wake up. Maybe your family can be considerate of you and put the food out of sight so you won't be tempted.


It's all up to you. In the end your the only one who controls the food from gong into your mouth.


Why are you having digestive issues? Is it because you're not digesting food the way a body should, or is because you're not losing weight?


So I'd imagine you are going over your daily points later in the week because you're using your weekly points in 2 days, right? You say it isn't bad in eating your weekly's in 2 days, but if you're going over your daily's because you have no weekly's anymore, then yes, it is "bad". Then you aren't following the plan.


Could you not workout every other day so you aren't taking 3 days off in a row? You're body really gets in a routine and if it's the same 'ol routine then you'll plateau and be stuck. The moment you change it up, you'll probably start losing again. That includes what you eat as well. Your chiropractic can do all the adjustments in the world on your body but that's only temporary until the weight comes off the joints, muscles, etc.




Brooke, we've all been reading this thread for such a long time, and we all want you to succeed in getting to your goal weight, whatever that might be. But to see you do this to yourself (the eating your weekly's in 2 days, having a donut because you've worked out for 5hrs total in the gym this week, etc. etc.)....."Acknowledge and accept accountability for your life. Understand your role in creating results."


I hope you can figure somethings out and stick with it. Are you up for challenges? My friend and I give one another challenges to do and we honestly do it, just to push one another with our health, exercise and healthy foods. I'm going to see her next month, so I will "see" if she really is doing them, lol!

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So I went back to the first page of this thread and it was started in May 2009 and you weighed 345lbs. You originally wanted to get under 300lbs by 2010....what happened? What is the lowest weight you've gotten to throughout the last 3-4years?


My husband weighed 240 at one point, and knew that his back 'problems' were because of his weight. Most of the time back problems are, however people don't think it is. Once he lost his weight, his back problems disappeared. Could your back problems be because of your weight?


In 2009 was when I was at my lowest weight of 102lb and although I was happy with how I looked, I knew it wasn't a healthy weight. A lot has happened in 4 years; airway surgery with a 6 week hospital stay, family trips, had a baby and Grampa's death, however, I've still managed to get back on track with my weight. Moreso now than ever, I want to be healthy for me and my family.

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Brooke I'm going to be brutal here. I think you play at this. I do not belive you really want to do the work its going to take for you to be at a healthy weight. You seem to lack the comitment it takes for this. You come up with a million reason why you haven't lost the weight. I don't feel like you really try. I know this seems mean and maybe it is. But really you have all of us cheering and praying for you to make it. When in truth its a game for you. Your a smart girl you know how to follow a program you choose not to. As Dr phil would say you get a payoff from this. Whats your payoff I think for you its all of us trying so hard to help you. G is correct in saying there is no healthy over weight. You say your healthy your not you have back problems your knees hurt going up steps. These are 60 & 70 year old problems not someone in their 20s.

We can't do this for you. YOU have to really want this. And I don't think you do. The really sad thing here is that the people on this board care more about you and your health than you do! If you put 1/2 as much engery in to having a healthy lifestyle as you do coming up with reasons why you don't you would be at your goal weight.

I say all of this becuse I do care!

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Maybe nix taking another cruise and use the funds instead to invest in a qualitiy medically supervised program, or a one week stay somewhere for a weight loss camp as someone else suggested. Then reward yourself with a cruise.


If you want to lose weight, you have to be willing to learn what it's like to face pain and walk through it..the pain that you can't do it your own way, the sacrifice of it. You have the rest of your life to eat the #$%@ that makes you gain weight. You can live without it for awhile and learn how to eat correct amounts..eventually.


I don't think Mrs. Co5 or Lhanson are being brutal. They are being real, and honest and sometimes the truth really hurts even if it's right. If you want to be serious, be willing to do what it takes and do it whether you want to or not. I'm glad it was pointed out that this thread started in 2009. 3 years..wow!

Edited by Gathina
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I know you guys only want to help. And you cant do this for me. Its sad that its been three years. But im not complaining and im not mad about it. Frustrated is the better term. I dobt want to be mad bc that is only going to hurt me.


I hate to point this out but weight struggles are NOT the same for all. Most of you need to lose 30-50lbs. Most of you started ss skinny ppl. I have NEVER in my life been skinny or just in a healthy weight. So my struggles r different from yours. I dont know how great it feels not to be fat. I dont have a references. Dont know what im missing. I can feel fat, look it, have sches and pains but its all very normal to me.


I guess nothing has really struck me as important enough to really try. Msybe it is s game and a losing battle. Maybe i should just do nothing until i can do it all. I mean thats what i hear you saying. Whether its what you mean or not. Food maybe killing my weightloss but its helping many other things like my strenghth and well...my BP has never been so low. I will assume my labs look better too.


So y cont. Exercise if i defeat it? Bc its one step forward and is probably the main reason im not 352lbs again or more. This thread may go on for another year for me or another 5 and if you guys want to stop reading bc im too frustrating then i underdstand. Its annoying when solutions seem so easy and ppl dont get it. Who wants to keep watching a train wreck happen.


Me. Ill just keep crashing until i finally find the breaks in my own way on my own time.:D

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Sorry was typing on my phone and hit submit before I put a few more things.


I do like your bluntness and I don't think your rude. Though I've always said that whenever anyone points out flaws or problems its very natural to get defensive. When you guys ask me questions and I answer them with what I believe is honesty I often get, "That's an excuse." It may be, but its also an answer to your question and a reason too.


I know my life just isn't that interesting that you hang on pins and needles to see what I have to say day by day and I know I'm guilty of skimming what people write too and not really reading everything.


I appreciate that you care and maybe you do more than I actually do.


I'm not booking another cruise, btw. I thought I had said that but maybe I told someone else. My budget for the next 6-8 months will be close to the edges b/c I have to get my savings up to $3,000 and then I need to pay my grandad on the land at $300 a month and I also need to raise about $4,000 to put a partial downpayment down on my house. So..........total is about $7,000. I will be pinching what I can between now and June. Then I'll have a house payment and such that goes along with a house. My budget will only allow for about $100 a month for vacation fund. So it will be a while before I cruise again, probably another year, maybe less if I can get a room mate to share expenses (but I won't depend on that).


My dr. wants me to go in for a sonogram on my gallbladder. He says I could be showing signs of a stone (which is common for fat people-my words not his). I'm not in serious pain. Just bloating, gas, queasy, and throwing up for no reason (apparent) over Christmas. Which he says are warning signs. Won't go in until next Thursday.


This morning I weighed ( I do my official day weigh in and mid-week) and I was down 2.5lbs since Saturday.


I'll only be in work for about 2.5hours today, but made the decision to come in b/c I needed to workout tonight anyway. Zumba for an hour and then Yoga for an hour tonight. Tomr. I'm doing Yoga for lunch tomr. 5.5hours in the gym this week in 4 days. Not bad. Pat on my back, my sore, aching back.


My Dr. seemed impressed with that amount of exercise and what I was doing. Though I was not there for my weight he did ask me about it. I haven't been to the Dr. Since last April (pretty good for a fat girl) and I weight the same according to their records. He isn't one to ask "Dr." questions, but he can be blunt. I think I shocked him by being blunt back.


Who cooks and brings the food?


Me: I live at home so most of it gets done by my parents.


Him: Ohhhh, you need to move out then.


Me: I agree. I'm on it.


Him: So who feeds you (or something like that)


Me: I do. Its my problem.


Him: Raises his eyebrows.


Me: I'm working on it, no promises.


Him: Okay, I believe you.

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