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Cruising to Healthy


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thurs B- one wheat bagel, one hard egg, 1 6 oz orange juice

thurs L- one slice peanut butter on wheat, baked chips, ice water

thurs snack peach yogert

thurs D - grilled chicken, small baked potato, corn, fresh tomatoes, garlic toast

thurs snack ice cream


fri snack popcorn


I'm trying to log my food journal on her to make me accountable. It seems I am off a day but I work 3rds so i do not count the next day until I wake up - thanks

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fri B - 1/2 bowl honey oat -almond cereal, bannana

fri L - one wheat bread w/ peanut butter

fri D - 80 calorie soup chicken w/ vegetables


sat B - 1/2 bowl cereal, bannana

sat L - left over pasta

sat D- mexican - vegetables & chicken with rice


sun snack water & poptart

sun B


Thanks guys for letting me post my food log, it makes me accountable. I went grocery shopping and tried to just stick to heathy options. Bought my yogurt, cottage cheese, fruits, vegetables, and some lean meat portions for the week. Have cereal, oatmeal & eggs for breakfast options. My new favorite is the french onion laughing cow cheese on a 1/2 wheat bagel. Nice snack with grapes on the side.

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Sorry about Friday.........I just wasn't willing to write that day, lol.


I weighed in at 322.8, so up another .5lbs.


But I went and worked out with my trainer and it felt really good. After being off a week I could still do 25 sec. planks, so that was good and I actually felt stronger, which was weird.


I talked to him about food (I said, "not that you are my dietitian too" lol) I let him know that if I could not get my food under control by the end of Sept. I was going to the dr. and asking for an apt. sup. He hated that I felt that way, but understood my feelings about it.


I started tracking my food again.......I've gotten three days in a row tracked!


On Thurs. I went in the gym bathroom to gather my bag and a cheerleader was in there and she was hyperventilating, I guess from there workout, and she said, "I'm sorry, you just don't know how hard it is."


Okay, I knew what she meant, but I guess I was feeling sensitive about my gains, so I kinda let myself take it the wrong way (not too much though, but let the thought cross my mind.). I just thought, "What, you took one look at me and figured I could never know what it feels like to workout so hard you hyperventilate?"


Again, its not what she meant, but the thought crossed my mind. Of course, I walked out of the bathroom and made sure her friends and the gym manager knew that she wasn't feeling well and to check on her.


Then Friday, I went to leave and get my stuff and a student was in there and I didn't recgonize her at first, but she said to me, "You look great, btw. I worked here all summer and saw you come in, you are doing great."


Well, she didn't have to say that at all and God (literally) only knows why she did, but it was well needed at that point.


So, Sat. they had like a big craft thing in the city next to us.......I pretty sure we walked about 3 miles total, slowly, but surely. So, I felt good about getting out and walking although it was rainy and I hate craft stuff.


I have my gym bag in the car and plan on getting over there for at least 30 mins today.


And though I know I'm not supposed to ...........i weighed this morning and the scale said 319.0 and I measured my waist, chest and thigh.............and inch off all three.


I've promised myself that if I lose 3lbs by the end of sept. (starting from my last weigh in) that I can have a pair of boots I want. I love clothes and stuff, so I'm gonna start rewarding myself with them.


Welcome Joanne! I hope we can offer you some support on your journey and I'm sure you will provide inspiration and advice as well. Water aerobics is great! I did it for a while and we have a pool here at work, but the hours are funny, and I have to get into a bathing suit around college girls and guys............bleh.




You are gonna have so much fun. And putting it down on paper does really help!


Okay, I do have to get to work, lol.


Good choices!

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Brooke - I get that a lot of friends and family. When my friend and I would talk about losing weight (she wasn't overweight) she would tell me that if she ate a lot of bad foods she would be really really big too and it

"runs" in the family...so she says she works really hard to keep her body the way it is otherwise basically she would look like me.


So of course I understand what she is saying but still- ya know?


I recently went to my doctor and she's having my thyroid levels checked again. She said my last levels were so high that even if I was trying to lose weight I probably wouldn't and of course having a low metabolism doesn't make you want do anything. So hopefully we can get that taken care of so I can get more energy.


Maybe I didn't "work out" as much as she did but I still did a ton of sports in school, basket ball, soccer, swim team, walking, riding my bike all over town...but I still gained weight. It's not something I've put on suddenly. My eating habits were not good as a kid either...but all my friends were eating the same things..and one of them never joined any sports and was ALWAYS small and thin..like under 100lbs.


Even though I think people don't mean it the way they do...they would have a better understanding if they were us or if they had weight/health issues. Not all "fat" people have been lazy coach potatoes all their life to become overweight/obese. :rolleyes:

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hi everyone! Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Everyone sure is so busy! Including me. :) My older sister just had a baby boy so now I am an AUNT for the first time! Yay!

This last week has been really busy. I took a different commute to and from work which included 25 minutes of walking each way. BUT I ate not-so-great, so I was expecting a gain. But I actually lost a pound more than my low from a few weeks ago! Yay! It's so energizing to lose. I know I shouldn't make a huge deal out of it, becasue weight can vary so much, but it seriously energizes my whole day and motivates me to keep on going. Like if I had had a gain, I would not be as motivated to work out tonight. But now I definitely will, I want to keep going and see if I am able to break through to the next pound. The good thing is this motivation is like a giant snowball effect... except that when it's bad it can go the other way... which has definitely happened to me before too.

Brooke, I would have been seriously annoyed at the cheerleader too... saying that you didn't know how hard it was. Did you say anything back?

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Thank Jess and Rachel!


I didn't say anything too her b/c she was looking rather bad, I just walked out.


I guess I was just feeling bad about my choices lately and let my mind wonder to a bad place.


It didn't help that an old hs friend, who hasn't really talked to me in like 2 years messaged me on FB yesterday, out of the blue...........but right after she put up a new FB picture of herself and all the weight she lost.


I thought, "Surely, she isn't messaging me so she could draw attention to herself and her weightloss. Surely, she has a question or something." Nope, it was a, "Hey, how are you-I'm great-I'm going to concerts and enjoying my job and the house I bought and the 85lbs I lost in 6months," kind of conversation.


I try not to be pettie and she deserves to lose the weight just as much as anyone else, but its the way she did that.............just got under my skin. You guys are always supportive and I don't feel that any of us "rub" our loss or gains in anyone's faces.

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I didn't get to the gym yesterday..........my ear caused the motion sickness feeling again. I see the Dr. again Next Monday, so I will let her know that it makes me feel that way and I will be flying in a month.


I did fairly well yesterday. I'm still journaling and I only caved to a bag of M&M's yesterday, which I think was better than the Oreo Cakesters that I wanted. Maybe salad today in the cafe.


As I thought back on all the things that happened the last week.........I think I was getting a message. Get with it Brooke.........its your choice how well you do.............get over it and get to it.




Your so close............I'm totally excited for you!




Are you done with weddings this year? lol.




I saw you had a great time on your cruise........any good stories?




Thanks for the push.




How goes it your way............I saw your kids were giving you grief on getting up.

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Brooke - No the last one is on October 1 and I'm not thrilled about going because of the bride right now but oh well I will still put on a :D face and continue on.


I feel soo stupid today. I realized my doctors appointment was this morning at 8am when they called me yesterday to remind me. Well I thought I hadn't told me boss or written out a form (because I always seem to do that last minute) so I called and cancelled my appointment.


I come into work about 15 min ago and the girl at my desk is like "What are you doing here?" and I'm like huh? :confused: The boss told her I would be in at 10:30am. Then he saw me and asked what I was doing here and I told him I forgot that I had told him so I had cancelled my appointment. :rolleyes: Yeah I feel dumb. Oh well. Next time I'll write a reminder on my desk or maybe even on my forehead. lol

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sun B- McDonald's sandwich and coke to wake my A$$ up

sun L- granola bar

sun D- 4 chicken wings, they were so good. & water


mon B- honey nut granola cereal

mon L chicken noodle soup & bagel with laughing cow cheese, green tea

mon D flour tortilla with chicken and grilled veggies, chips & salsa, margarita (small) yum


tue B honey nut granola cereal & Blueberry poptart


I think I need to eat more snacks but not hungry usually grab a glass of ice water and that makes me full and sometimes bloated. I'm trying to stay away from fast food but sometimes I cannot help myself.


10 days to go I am on the home stretch for my Hawaiian Cruise. I cannot wait but about 4 weeks ago I met someone now I don't want to leave him behind as I will miss him terribly. I wish I could hide him in my suitcase LOL. Thanks to all that have been supportive of me!


Kim - glad you had a nice cruise


Brooke- you are doing great, we all have moments, so don't pull yourself down in the negativity. BE POSITIVE!


Jess- I hate when skinny people try to help you out with weight issues. I have one of those too and she can eat anything she wants and still reamins to be the same size as we were in high school, they have no clue, even though I know they mean well.


Annette- Hope all is going well with you


Joanne & Rachel How are you guys doing


I hope I have not missed anyone, at least I did not mean too

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I had a nonfat latte with an egg mcmuffin this morning. My co-worker suggested I add more protein to my breakfast b/c yesterday I got to the point of sick starving before lunch. I didn't know it came with cheese, the canadian bacon isn't bad, but If I'd know about the cheese, I would have asked not to have it. It was still only 7 points and had 18g of protein.


The trainer had to switch to this afternoon, but that is okay. I curved my exercise last night to only 30 mins, so that I don't over do it.




I'm glad I'm not getting invited to a bunch of weddings........geesh I couldn't afford it.




Thanks, I'm trying to get back on track, I guess sometimes it just takes some re-evaluation.


Good Choices.

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tues L turkey & swiss cheese sandwich, handful chips, milk

tue D chicken, green peppers & onions, sierra mist, garlic toast, salad


wed snack bannana

wed B mcmuffin, coffee

wed L turkey, bagel, laughing cow cheese, water

wed D tomatoes, cottage cheese, potatoe fried in olive oil, pork patty, strawberrys dipped in chocolate


thurs snack peach yogurt & ice water

thurs B

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Its gonna be one of those days I can already feel it.........my ear started hurting early this morning and I think the drainage is getting into my chest.......Oh Happy Day, lol


Meantime, I actually met a, I hope, decent guy on my dating site last night. He seems pretty interesting.......and not in another country, lol. We will see.


Trainer had to reschd. for today, but I got 20 mins in yesterday before my knee started hurting, so I was proud of that.


Still journaling, so that's good too.


Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!


Good Choices.

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Morning everyone


Not too much going on, on my end. Brooke good luck with the guy!;)


So they are doing a biggest Loser challenge at my work but I didn't start it and last night one of the girls convinced me to get in on it. So I came this morning (weigh in day) with my $20 bucks, but I guess I was too late to actually get in on the game because it's weigh in week 3 and the woman said it was too late for me but I could still weigh in for nothing every week. :rolleyes: Gee it's my scale they are using..thanks for letting me use my own scale on everyone's weigh in day. lol Yeah I guess I'm a little irritated by the fact I can't join in now. But honestly I didn't have the extra $20 bucks that week to give up- so oh well. But even though I'm just weighing in here - I joined another place in the town I live in that's doing something similar but has more tools too take advantage of - so that's a plus.


A good note - I'll be doing a kickboxing class tonight with some girls from work (free trial). :) If I like it, maybe I will sign up!

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Brooke- sorry we can't get you better, the ear problem is a hard one I had that 2 years ago and after 4x of going to the doctor he advised me to see a specialist in which they ran numerous tests and that is when they found out I had Meneire's Disease, Like a equilibrium problem only I have extensive water in the canal in of the inner ear. Gave me a low dose water pill and knock on wood I've not had any problems since. Good Luck with the guy.


Jess - it's your scale they should let yiou join in. Our City is also doing the biggest loser but it costs too much, so I did not join. I have found out there is only 2 people in the race as everyone thought like me too much money. we have to pay $25.00 up front then at every weigh-in $1.00 for every pound gained and at the end you have to pay the top 2 winners their percentage of weight. This could get costly.


thurs B- 2 eggs, wheat toast, 4 oz orange juice

thurs L - left over pork I put in a wheat bun voila sandwich

thurs D - chicken, green peppers and onions in a tortilla, I stir fry all the ingredients in olive oil, can you tell I have onions and green peppers growing out my ears from teh garden not complaining because it is coming to the end.

thurs snack small turtle sundae our local ice cream palace is closing today so I splurged today but I had a small and usually when I go I get an extra large sundae so I did well LOL :)

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That's crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But you will show them by kickboxing your way to fitness!




How close are you now????????????????????? lol.


Well, weigh in was disappointing since I thought I was doing so much better this week. 322.6.............still a loss tho, lol.


It might be that I relaxed my fitness for such a long time that when I started back I back to retaining some water in muscles and such. But I'll still have lost 1 inch in my waist, one inch around my chest, I gained and inch in my arms (but the resistance should be causing that) and I've lost 2 inches in my thighs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes it just isn't where you expect.


I have to present our new Grant handbook in front of the school of Science and math today and I have probably had half of them as prof. in undergrad.........I'm nervous, lol.


Good choices.

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Morning ladies! TGIF!!!! :D


Well I am still here didn't die last night doing kickboxing. lol I haven't really excercised hard since well before summer, so it was really a lot but I managed it and I was able for the most part keep up with the girls and make everyone laugh cause that's what I do to try to make the sessions fun. After today it's $30 a month to join and that's for 8 sessions (2x a week). So technically that's only $3.75 per sessions..so I guess that's a really good price. His normal hours are earlier..but he would change them for us (my work place) if we got enough people to join. We'll see what happens anyway.


Kimmer - It's like that here too except we don't have to pay the winner their percentage lost. It can be costly but if I think it will work or motivate me more then I'm up for it.


Brooke - Don't be nervous - just be your happy, vibrant self! :) Good Luck!


I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend..the day isn't even over and I'm excited already!!

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Ok girls I have missed you all soooo... My laptop charger was not working so I was using my hubbys laptop but could not remember the sign in info to get on here. lol


Ok So I jumped on here to catch up and take a break and while doing it my oldest daughter comes in to tell me that she had to get off facebook because the neighbor kept iming her and asking if her son can come over for an hour to play. Then her son just starts knocking on the door and I sent him back home I thinking come on really I have never did that to anyone (not sure how I just changed the font but it looks neat lol) I think my house phone is in the other room ringing and I have no idea where my cell phone is MIA right now but I am not going to look for it. I know that I could just go find it pick up the door and just say NO but I am just not good at holding my ground with someone who is pushy unless I am really mad or really think the person has done something wrong to someone. I read all the posts but now my mind is just in disbelief in the whole thing. I know it doesn't sound like a big deal but have u ever met someone that just really wants more and more and more??? This is not the first not to mention she has walked in my house one time while I was giving the kids a bath and went into my fridge:eek::eek: She then comes down the hall and ask if she can have one and I am like OK then I ask my daughter how she knew that I had those drinks and she said oh she went and looked. Now this is not a close friend and I even watch what I say to my friends on my phone because she has told me that her baby moniters picks up my house. I am not making this up. I didn't even use baby moniters with my son as a baby because I knew she could hear everything that went on in my house. AND SHE WOULD LISTEN I PROMISE! She has called my house and asked my kids to run a drink over to her. Now I love people I really do and I really want to help others who need it but I am not talking about something like a coke no she always wants the more $$ things like my CHERRY AMP which is a splurge for me or my Starbucks Coffee which was another splurge and I would only drink like a 3rd of one. I have a family of 6 and a husband that has been unemployed since June 2008 and going back to school. Again I really do want to "help" people but if you can afford to buy smokes and stand out in the yard gossiping with anyone you can then leave me and my splurges alone. LOL Ok enough ranting and for those of you wondering I always gave her the drink she wanted and after the 1st Cherry Amp she told me yuck she didn't like it and dumped it down the drain.:eek:


Ok later I will come back and be over my moment and get back to the point at hand. I might would have went to facebook and ranted in a "game" but she is probably waiting to see if I get online.

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Wow, some people have no sense of anything going on around them! All those things are rude beyond belief. My mom's best friend practically helped raise me when I was little, but when I go over to her house, I still ask permission to get something to drink, even though she says, "You know you don't have to ask." I still do b/c that was how I was raised.


I had to work half a day Sat..........only I could get sunburned in Sept. in VA, three days away from Fall.


My friend is in from Ireland and we have just been talking boys all weekend. She is like my skinny, Irish, counterpart, lol.


Well, here goes another week...........




You're so close!!!! I know this will be the hardest week.


Good Choices

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Saw the Dr. yesterday. She said to try the nasal spray again b/c i was inhaling it wrong. Okay........:o. Then we talked about my weight and some ways to help me. She wants to put me on an insulin drug called Metformin, that reg. ur insulin so it doesn't spike which apparently causes you to eat more according to Uncle Google. But it says you have to not eat things like bread, pasta and non-root veggies.............that's like my entire diet, lol.


In the meantime she did prescribe an apt. sup. called Merida, which I've been on before, but wants me to wait after my blood work comes in to see if I can be put on the Metformin b/c its less dangerous. And for those who want to know, she says a new weightloss drug is out that is like phen-phen, but is safer and will not effect your heart and Drs. think its going to help a lot.


I have to go for an ecocardiogram for my heart just to make I can take these meds though, so that will be sometime in the future.


Didn't pass out from my bloodwork this morning though, so Point for me!


Good Choices!

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Brooke- So glad that you did well with the blood work. I have heard of people using metformin before for weight lose. Well only one the other peoeple I know on it it's for actual blood sugar control. The other girl is 18 and has down syndrome and her drs are always monitering her weight because of the increased chance of heart issues I believe is what she says. She lost a big amount but her Mom also helps moniter what she eats so I am not sure if maybe she cut out the other stuff as well. My Mom in law had her dose increased to help with her diabeties and she lost like 30-40 lbs but has also been under a lot of stress so again don't want to make any promises but it does sound like something worth trying.


I hope all your test come back with good results. By the way I hate hate hate nasal sprays it makes me so nausea's I could not imagine using one and then the dr saying oh all that was the wrong way try again:eek:



Hope everyone else is having a great time.


Kimmers- I am going to send you a message on facebook about some cruise info. I think I just realized that you and one of my great friends will be on a cruise at the same time.

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Brooke - Good luck with the new meds!


Food Wise the weekends are my hardest. I didn't go out much because I was expecting company and they didn't end up coming so basically I wasted most of my weekend. Oh well. This week I'm back on track. Went grocery shopping yesterday, got lots of veggies to snack on and meals for the week. I did have a medium hot chocolate from dunkin donuts the past two days and that's the only thing I have really had that I shouldn't have but I still need to bring my own packets of the no sugar added kind and make them at work myself (plus it will be cheaper). Tonight I am going to kickboxing and I'm 75-80% sure I'm going to sign up. It's just hard to calculate that into my already tight budget but I'm gonna try to do it anyway because I need to, really.

My mood really improves when I take my meds and I try to get on the right track with eating and excercising. guess I should do it more often. lol


And those of you that saw my facebook post on the weekend...I didn't scream or swear at the mean woman at the post office. I just told her she was being rude..because she was. She had a huge truck parked next to my car and at the other side of my car was another car and yes I was parked correctly but after I got my mail I went to get in my car and the lady with the truck (she wasn't the driver, didn't see the driver in the truck) she tried to get into her car but her door wouldn't open all the way because of my car but I was still parked in MY space - though I told her "sorry" anyway. I said "Sorry, let me move my car so you can get in" and I was smiling and being nice, then she leans down and looks at my with the nastiest look on her face and yells "well if you parked right in the first place, I'd be able to get in!" and suddenly I was really ripped. I said "well you don't need to be nasty!" and she yelled "I'm Not!!" and I said "yes you are, you are being rude" and she had nothing to say.

#1 she was rude and #2 don't mess with me first thing in the morning. lol

Edited by Jesscap5
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Hi everyone, I haven't posted in awhile, I kind of fell off the bandwagon for a week or two there. Things have just been crazy here! There was also an incident I had with some candy corn and chocolate-covered peanut butter pretzels. :rolleyes: But I realized that I have less than 2 months until my France trip!!! Yay! Time to get in shape, though. Working out tonight!


So, let's see, what has been new. Well, I'm still down about 5 pounds from when I first started/posted, but I want to lose at least 10 more before my trip. I don't know if that is possible. I leave November 6th!


My hubby and I went shopping for coats recently. He handed one to me that I thought was at least 1 size too small - a little leather jacket number w/lots of zippers. I was a little embarrased because that was the size that he thinks I am - well, the size I was when we were married and he doesn't really know/notice when I change. LOL. So I reluctantly tried it on, and it zipped up fine, but was just a little tight in the chest. So that was good news! I ended up buying something completely different though - a bright orange wool coat by Michael Kors from Marshalls, it was half off. I really wanted a CUTE coat since I know I will be wearing it all around France everyday, and whatever coat I have on will be in 99% of my pictures!


I also ordered a pair of gray boots from Zappos and a pair of gray Puma sneakers to wear walking around... I'm excited. I think they might arrive today. I have a little bit of trouble finding boots that fit. The wide-calf boots that I previously ordered were too big, but regular boots are too small to zip up. So I finally just started looking at measurements. Some of the slouch boots can work for me, I think. Fingers crossed they are cute and FIT!


(P.S. We had people over last week when the wide-calf boots arrived, and my skinny friend was like, "Open them! "Open them!" because she is a shoe/boot freak. Well, I was embarrased because I didn't know if it would say wide-calf on the box. It ended up ok, but I hate when stuff like that happens.)


My back has been hurting a lot recently - so I haven't been working out like I should. But I need to get back on track! Trip planning is in the final stages and I am getting really excited. I know it will come up quickly and be here before I know it - hence why I need to start getting serious about maybe losing 1-2 pounds a week.


Hope all is well with everyone else - I have been reading but not posting. Brooke, good luck with the guy, and news there? Glad to hear the blood test went well. Annette, I cannot believe how rude some people can be!! You are totally in the right there.

Edited by RachieLnnn
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I feel ya, I gotta stop with the lattes........hot tea is just as nice and with splenda, no calories.




aww, your hubby is sweet, even if he doesn't know it, lol.




I didn't even see you up there, you got lost in between post. Welcome!


So, I had one of those...........JUST BLOW IT OUT OF THE WATER days. But I did go to the gym for 30 mins, not that it burned all the extra calories I took in yesterday. So, I don't doubt that Friday will be a gain, but today is a new day soooooooooooo.


I'm gonna workout at home tonight b/c I haven't any of my workout clothes washed. I need to go home and wash clothes for everyone. So, I'm gonna do that and just throw on some "around the house" clothes to workout in.


I don't think my haunted weekend is gonna happen for my bday. Everyone is busy or broke. Figures, I always have a pity party for myself on my birthday, lol. My bday hasn't worked out right since I was in middle school. But its way to early to start the pity party now.


My friends do what to take the train up to NY and NJ for a long weekend in Nov. b/c we have a friend that just moved up there, but I'm not feeling NY while they are all over the news for bed begs. I already attract blood sucking insects out here.




Good Choices.

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