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Wow - after looking through her Myspace photos, it all makes so much more sense...


Boy! You aren't kidding! And she's got that moronic video of hers posted every possible place she can. I even saw something written in Russian! She's a real piece of work...

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I got an e-mail saying there was a reply to a comment on my on the You Tube site. I went there to check it out and the video is gone. It says there's been a copyright claim by a "Erica Constantineau ", whom I believe is one of our noted first amendment activists. :p


I googled her name, and her myspace account has LOTS of pictures, with places to comment.

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Dang I have missed ports on different occasions I guess I am behind on protesting.


OOps I remember now I had to scramble to find a pool chair before others realized we had a sea day.


I guess those people that were complaining did not like the pools or the water. Oh wait they were on a ship weren't they.....


Well seriously as I am sure many have posted. Enjoy the time you have on the ship. Its your holiday.

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I think this is great comedy. I would have love to have seen this in person. I probably would have shouted back at the lady with exactly the opposite of what she was saying....that or use as much sarcasm as possible to make them all look stupid. Too bad Jon Stewart or Steven Colbert weren't on the ship...they would have had a field day.

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If you eliminated all of the passers-by, curious, people just having a drink at the bar, or others caught up in the moment, there may have been 6 people involved in the actual event. The deck 3

railings are lined with people just wanting to know what is going on. I have a feeling that if the loudmouths had been led away in handcuffs, there would have been a mighty applause.

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Just be careful about harassment. It's a funny thing these days... (besides... she's got a gun)....





I agree... I know this woman made a fool of herself and reconfirmed her foolishness by posting it on Youtube.. but all of you who are commenting and harrassing her and following on to her myspace account.. should be careful..


You are becoming no better than she by posting these comments... I get it .. its funny..especially in the beginning.. but I think it's getting past funny now..



Not telling anyone what to do but there are cyber stalking laws...

Just advising.;):)

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I am NOT stalking this woman! There's a difference between stalking and wanting to know what kind of a person you're dealing with. And if she hadn't posted herself all over the internet, then there would be nothing to read would there? Stalking and harassment is the crude emails and private messages she has sent to many people, simply for expressing an opinion different than hers.

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I am NOT stalking this woman! There's a difference between stalking and wanting to know what kind of a person you're dealing with. And if she hadn't posted herself all over the internet, then there would be nothing to read would there? Stalking and harassment is the crude emails and private messages she has sent to many people, simply for expressing an opinion different than hers.



The emails she is to have sent are equally crude.. But when you seek out someone's myspace page or youtube page you have an option to respond or not visit the page...



You can do what you want to do, of course...but is she really worth it?

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I think the whole point is that when she posted on YouTube, The comment section was open to solicit comments. The fact that the comments were 99.9% negative led her to not only NOT admit that she was wrong, but to stifle anyone else's opinion on her YouTube page. If you notice, she also posted the fact that she has other social networking pages, yet apparently doesn't want to network.... At least with anyone with an opinion that runs counter to her's. Personally, I think that she doesn't know when she has been defeated.


I do not suffer fools lightly. If these people were on my cruise, I would make sure that they were laughed at every time they appeared in public. Nobody gets away with ruining my much-earned vacation

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I think the whole point is that when she posted on YouTube, The comment section was open to solicit comments. The fact that the comments were 99.9% negative led her to not only NOT admit that she was wrong, but to stifle anyone else's opinion on her YouTube page. If you notice, she also posted the fact that she has other social networking pages, yet apparently doesn't want to network.... At least with anyone with an opinion that runs counter to her's. Personally, I think that she doesn't know when she has been defeated.


I do not suffer fools lightly. If these people were on my cruise, I would make sure that they were laughed at every time they appeared in public. Nobody gets away with ruining my much-earned vacation



I agree with you Achmed.. -

But it's also her perogative to delete whatever comments she wants to.. just like Cruise Critic

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Just be careful about harassment. It's a funny thing these days... (besides... she's got a gun)....



Anything she has willingly posted on the internet (email addresses, personals ads, etc) are fair game. Now, if you are sending numerous emails to her...that is a different story. However, if she was dumb enough to use the same email address for her different 'interests' she is certainly fair game for the exposure.

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  • 1 month later...
Anything she has willingly posted on the internet (email addresses, personals ads, etc) are fair game. Now, if you are sending numerous emails to her...that is a different story. However, if she was dumb enough to use the same email address for her different 'interests' she is certainly fair game for the exposure.


I may not know maritime law but I do know a thing or two about the laws here in the US, especially harrassment and stalking, after all if you read the things on my YouTube profile you will see that I participate in Victims Advocacy work having been a victim of stalking, and domestic violence. I can put my information on the net on my pages on those sites, others on those sites cannot. I do not care that my real name is attached. As one member said before, I have a gun and if some crazy individual wants to take things that people on here put up about my real life info and show up at my doorstep, then Florida law states I have the right to defend myself and my home if in fear with deadly force... I would strongly advise against it because it is illegal and someone could get hurt, especially if they show up at my home. SO having my real name attached does not bother me.


TO address most of everything else that is or has been said, let me start by saying this, I don't care if people hate me for having my opinion, or for having taken this video. There are always two ways to look at things. I may not agree with all of you. I may not have known as much about Maritime law or Cruise vessels. It was after all only my third cruise. I can admit when I am wrong about things I say, don't know how many of you that have been attacking me for months can say the same. I stand up for what I believe in. I let the comments flow on my page for a while. When people started being nasty, I was nasty back... "Do unto others" and all of that good nature. If people didn't like me being confrontational back to the them, well then they should have taken their own advice and not posted. No one asked any of you to come onto my page and watch my video. I put the video up for friends and family to watch, for the cruise guests that were a part of it, and there were over 750 people that were apart just to let you know. I also put the video up there so that a national news station could download for 12 airings to help out the lady who is speaking in the video (who by the way is not one to make fun of, she donates her time to helping the needy and unfortunate during our hard recession) so making fun of her looks, speech, weight, etc. is not only childish but shows a lack of intelligence as well on all the peoples part who did this. And many of you want to say that we have no intelligence.


I don't care if you don't like me, don't like what I have to say. Fine! You are all right in a way. We all have the right to our opinions. My family, including my husband (who is a wonderful man for standing up for his wife when people make nasty sexual comments about me that are of a sexually harassing nature) has fought in many wars for those freedoms that you are all coveting so grandiosely, and I for one enjoy those rights. I have my right to put my video up, I have the right to fight back against all the haters who said really nasty things (including the girl who originally posted the slut comment first to which I responded), to all the people sending me sexually disgusting emails, and posting all those things on that website that did infringe on my copyright. When that video was posted on the newstation with my name on it, it gave me the copyright information I needed, where I don't have to have it listed in the copyright office with a professionally filed license of copyright. It is now marked forever my video. I wrote him an email, yes it wasn't nice, and I warned him to take it down himself (SINCE YOUTUBE DOES NOT HAVE PERSONEL THERE 24/7 - THEY HAVE AN AUTOMATED 24/7 LINE, PEOPLE ARE THEIR MONDAY THRU FRIDAY 8-8) before Monday since it was the weekend. I warned all the other individuals that were taking part in the harassing posts on that sight that dealt with not only me but my husband who up until that point had not been involved. That is where I drew the line.


You want to talk about me, call me names, go ahead - You can't say anything that probably hasn't already been said, and you can't say anything about just me (not bringing any of my family into it) that I haven't already heard or said myself. But I will not allow things to be said about my husband. You all want to grandstand about me and my video because you think I am stupid and oh no I don't know that cruise vessels are ruled by the country that makes them, who cares. Talk about lack of class, intelligence, and a human soul. Who are you to pass judgement on someone you know nothing about. So you looked at a video, or you saw stuff on google, or you went on my myspace account.


You don't know that I help in my community, or that I am a honor student in college, or that I help find homes for stray animals, or I give money to the needy. YOU DON"T KNOW ME... and frankly I am glad, because I don't want to know a bunch of people who go on a website thinking it is alright to say some of the things you have said. You wouldn't be happy if someone was doing it to you, or to your family... so why should I be. So yeah I have networking sites on my page, so what if I don't link them or want to network. Who cares, it is my right, my life, my pages on those sites, and no I don't want to have people on my myspace, facebook or any other site I use that I am not friends with... most of those sites are for friends and so why would I put a bunch of mean spirited people on my page to view my life. Yes my stop is not private but that is because I am not ashamed of who I am, what I believe, my life, my loved ones or friends, or anything else. OUT OF THE 6+ BILLION PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, some select few don't like me or my video. It is not the end of the world for me. For those that love Carnival, good I am glad. Good for you, keep cruising on them. I don't like them, and never will again. Most of the crew doesn't even like them either. Ask them candidly and they will tell you, like they told all of us everyday the entire cruise!


I took the comments option down, not to censor opinions that didn't agree with mine. I happen to like debate and discussion, it was one of my favorite things in high school. I don't mind a good in depth debate, but I know how to see both sides. Like I already admitted, I wasn't that smart in what I said, maybe we shouldn't have done our assembly like we did and instead had it in the main theater. WHATEVER! But you weren't putting comments on to debate, you were putting comments on to degrade, hurt, to ridicule, to harass both formally and sexually, and to be as profane and vulgar as possible. Since it was my page on the site, I made it only possible to comment with my approval. That pissed you all off, well I am sorry you couldn't handle that. Grow up.


I have said my peace, think what you want, say what you want about me... But stay off my myspace page if you don't like me or you want to say nasty things about me. Don't go to my youtube page for the same reasons. AND DON"T POST MY PERSONAL INFO BESIDES MY NAME ON HERE OR ANY OTHER SITE, because I do know the law and that is illegal for you to do without my permission. I don't even have to warn because you should know better. Do it and I will not hesitate to go as far as I can against you legally for it.


Happy cruising to you all, and yes I won't be doing it again any time soon!

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Talk about someone looking for attention!


Resurrecting a thread that's been dead for a month and a half, still wondering why a video that was posted on a PUBLIC video website would be watched by EVERYONE, when you CAN set it for public OR private, and then wonders why what happened, happened.


When all SHE did was take the video. The video was never about HER. It was the tubby ringleader.


Talk about trying to steal someone elses thunder!


Your 15 minutes of "ahem", FAME, came and went before it started.

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Yet you all knew immediately when I did and responded to a post that has been ended for over a month now. Which one of is us is more wrong???


You *do* realize that when you respond to a thread, no matter how old, it immediately goes to the top of the list of active threads on the main page, right? How in bloody blue blazes could we *miss* a new response. :rolleyes:


Quit trolling and go attend to your YouTube page. You'll find no succor here.

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You *do* realize that when you respond to a thread, no matter how old, it immediately goes to the top of the list of active threads on the main page, right? How in bloody blue blazes could we *miss* a new response. :rolleyes:


Quit trolling and go attend to your YouTube page. You'll find no succor here.


And yet again I say to the person with the sleeping dogs lie comment, which one of us is more wrong??!!!

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And yet again I say to the person with the sleeping dogs lie comment, which one of us is more wrong??!!!


Probably me, for bring enlightment to an unwilling and thoroughly ignorant mind. :rolleyes: You're right, you're a lost cause. I shall now just laugh at you silently instead of keeping you from further embarrassing yourself.

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Probably me, for bring enlightment to an unwilling and thoroughly ignorant mind. :rolleyes: You're right, you're a lost cause. I shall now just laugh at you silently instead of keeping you from further embarrassing yourself.


At least we can agree on something and I hope you get a good laugh... and I agree with the post after yours... think she nailed all of it (you, me, them, and everybody else) quite succinctly. :D

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At least we can agree on something and I hope you get a good laugh... and I agree with the post after yours... think she nailed all of it (you, me, them, and everybody else) quite succinctly. :D


Actually, I am a he, and my post was directed at one person and one person only. I'll let you figure out who that might be.

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