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Should I be responsible or cruise?


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The OP has been unemployed for 3 weeks and was at the same job for 19 years so not to worry whether or not I PAID into unemployment


OK, so what is the verdict? Ya gonna cruise or not. Just askin:)

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I would wager.........yes:D


He's going to need one after today. Heck he is probably wheels up as we speak. Heck, I'm ready for one. Let me see, where is that PVP number?;)

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We were faced with a very similar scenario. DH lost his job and we contemplated cancelling our Jan 2009 cruise along with not booking any others. We have since made a lot of changes to our spending habits, and with him at home, we cancelled our housekeeper, our movie rentals (he looks up and records stuff for us on the PVR), and reduced eating out by about 80%. He's also fixing up the house and taking care of all the errands, cleaning and meals. In the end, we aren't feeling the crunch being on one salary and our quality of life has probably improved.


Long story short, we are saving money and actually have cash to pay for cruises (wierd) so I keep on booking them. We are both working hard - in the home or in the office and I think we deserve these vacations.


In addition, a very good friend of ours was recently diagnosed with a rare and nontreatable form of cancer at age 42. Don't make yourself destitute but carpe diem!!!

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First off... it was not my fault I got laid off... two.. I am not taking anything I am not entitled to... third.. I never said I would collect for that week while gone as I no I would not be available to work. I am not collecting SO I can cruise, I just happen to be unemployed while cruising and perhaps I will even be employed by then so you can get off your high horse as I pay my taxes just like everyone else.



I never stated it was your fault you got laid off, as a matter of fact, if you are discharged for "cause" you cannot collect unemployment, so that was never a consideration.


Secondly, if you go back and read the original post, you will note you did not offer information about your financial situation, you only stated you were unemployed, collecting unemployment, and planning back to back cruises. If you are being objective, you would have to expect a certain amount of negative responses might be forthcoming when the facts were presented as they were.


Third, I do not ride horses.

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I have always wanted to do some sort of back to back cruise. I found what I think is the perfect one for us out of NO in September. We have friends doing another cruise on another line I don't really care for and their drink prices are much higher but they want us to join them. That cruise is from a port a half hour away. The B2B out of New Orleans would be $200 LESS with airfare for 9 days not 7 days and cheaper drinks. Now to me which to choose is a no brainer.... but now HERE is the catch! I am currently unemployed except for the hours I am allowed to work with my unemployment. At the moment I am actually making a tiny bit more then when I was employed. So.... now that I have the time to go should I since once I get a new job I probably won't have vacation for a year or... not go because I am unemployed?


Hey ManyMore, you are the one who asked the question as to whether or not it is irresponsible to take a cruise while unemployed. You are the one who wrote you're making a "tiny bit more" now. And yes, while you never did say you would collect, you never said you wouldn't either. This infers to many that you planned on collecting unemployment while on a cruise and you were asking others if this was irresponsible. Now you are unhappy with the replies that you asked for???


Did I miss anything?

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Hey ManyMore, you are the one who asked the question as to whether or not it is irresponsible to take a cruise while unemployed. You are the one who wrote you're making a "tiny bit more" now. And yes, while you never did say you would collect, you never said you wouldn't either. This infers to many that you planned on collecting unemployment while on a cruise and you were asking others if this was irresponsible. Now you are unhappy with the replies that you asked for???


Did I miss anything?


Yep. Mr. Missle you missed the fact that now you seem to be getting a little rough with the highlighted "you"

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There is something so wrong with this sentence to me....



Ok to yet another that jumps to some sort of wrong doing conclusion... there is a formula that the state works with... the last 4 quarters worked, take the two highest quarters earning and divide that by the weeks in those two quarters and then half of that. I happened to have 2 quarters that were much higher for me then my average, that they used, plus I am able to make up to a certain amount with my part time job and THAT is why it is a little more then what my "average" week was. So before everyone takes it upon themselves to assume there is something WRONG with the sentence, get your information.


Ok, let's bring it down a notch....flipped your hair in my face and everything.


I merely made an observation. Whether I was wrong or not, there is STILL something wrong with the sentence to me (you don't normally equate "unemployment" with "pay increase"). I just made a statement and offered advice you came here asking for...

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I am in shock!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:. I can't believe some of the answers I'm reading:confused:. Your job is to get a job, not live off the government:mad:.



These are my rules before I take a vacation.......I must have 8 months of household expenses in the bank. The whole vacation paid for before I leave. Plus savings in the bank. That's when I'm entitled to go on a cruise:D


those are your rules! Everyone has their own comfort level. Only the OP knows whether going on a cruise will cause financial hardship.


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those are your rules! Everyone has their own comfort level. Only the OP knows whether going on a cruise will cause financial hardship.



I assumed the OP was very young. When I read the question I thought "Out of the months of babes" The OP asked the question.....so I gave him my opinion.

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Not sure what your state's rules are, but in many states, receiving unemployment has the obligation of being available for work. If that is the case for you, then I would think you would NOT be eligible for unemployment and would be subject to legal penalties if you claimed it while you were on a cruise.


I would suggest calling the state and telling them your plans and see what they say. Or you could just do what many posters seem to be advocating; Steal some money from the state and have a good ol' time at taxpayers expense.


Why wouldn't they be available for work? If they by chance get a job that starts the next day- they could always find a flight home. You can complete your required job searches online usually. I've never had a problem leaving town while on UC- I continued my search for a job and was available for work if anyone wanted me!

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Wooo Hooo,OP, you sure are getting some flack for this question. My opinion is like many others, LIFE IS SHORT!!! SEIZE THE DAY, and right now,the TIME to go. If your finances are in order,even while being unemployed then go for it and have a good time! There are so many that are unemployed who are in less fortunate situations, yes. But I see no reason why you cant make the best of things and get on a SHIP! You may not get a chance to do this again after you go back to work FT.


Im a SAHM,and will be a PT student in the fall and FT in spring, and plan to use a pell grant to pay for school. Does that make us irresponsible for taking a cruise, since Im not paying for school out of my own pocket? I think NOT!!!!!


OP, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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There is something so wrong with this sentence to me....


Anyway, I say unless the cruise is already paid off, stay home and find work. Like someone else said, if you have to ask, you must be feeling guilty about even considering it.


Unemployment generally is based of your last 18 months of wages. I've collected UC and ended up making more than when I was employed. Why? Because my job turned part-time when the county didn't have enough money to pay everyone full time wages. I volunteered to move from my FT position to pt. After 6 months, they couldn't even swing the pt positions so we were laid off. My UC benefits were based off my last 18 months of work....only 6 months being pt. So, I made about $10 more per week on UC than working.


I don't think using UC is "living off the government." The OP worked and was laid off from her job. Most likely for reasons she can't control. You earn the "credits" and they are paid for by your employer. It's not like she's saving up her welfare benefits and selling her foodstamps to go on a cruise.

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I have always wanted to do some sort of back to back cruise. I found what I think is the perfect one for us out of NO in September. We have friends doing another cruise on another line I don't really care for and their drink prices are much higher but they want us to join them. That cruise is from a port a half hour away. The B2B out of New Orleans would be $200 LESS with airfare for 9 days not 7 days and cheaper drinks. Now to me which to choose is a no brainer.... but now HERE is the catch! I am currently unemployed except for the hours I am allowed to work with my unemployment. At the moment I am actually making a tiny bit more then when I was employed. So.... now that I have the time to go should I since once I get a new job I probably won't have vacation for a year or... not go because I am unemployed?


Remember, if you are claiming unemployment benefits weekly it will be hard to truthfully explain that "you were able to work" the prior week.....Just a thought.

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Sorry, but as a taxpayer, I have to say I am upset that someone would even consider using MY hard-earned money (paid in taxes) to take a cruise. I don't mind helping someone in need out, but unemployment money IMO should be used to pay necessary living expenses while someone is unemployed and actively searching for a new job. Drinking DODs doesn't count as "actively searching" for a new job and a cruise is certainly not a necessary expense.


If your cruise was paid in full (from your own earned money), then I'd say go and have a great time! But otherwise, please use your time and efforts to find a new job instead of planning a cruise. Then my taxes can go toward helping someone who will use their unemployment benefits for what they are meant for.


Relax...You are making some major assumptions here....personal ones even.

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Wooo Hooo,OP, you sure are getting some flack for this question. My opinion is like many others, LIFE IS SHORT!!! SEIZE THE DAY, and right now,the TIME to go. If your finances are in order,even while being unemployed then go for it and have a good time! There are so many that are unemployed who are in less fortunate situations, yes. But I see no reason why you cant make the best of things and get on a SHIP! You may not get a chance to do this again after you go back to work FT.


Im a SAHM,and will be a PT student in the fall and FT in spring, and plan to use a pell grant to pay for school. Does that make us irresponsible for taking a cruise, since Im not paying for school out of my own pocket? I think NOT!!!!!


OP, HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Right on, life is too short.

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Ok I am now going to put on my fireproof suit so here goes. You are obviously fit enough to work, yet you choose to work only enough to keep your unemployment benefits. Now you want our permission to go on vacation and in a sense have the people who are working and paying taxes, foot the bill for your cruise. I am sorry but in this economy I like many others have been forced to work harder and longer for less money than in better times but the keyword here is WORK. I would be sympathetic if this cruise had been planned before you lost your job and you were trying to justify going though you were unemployed. That is not the case. You don't have a job now and you want to plan a vacation while the rest of us pay for it. If you want my approval to salve you concience NO stay home and take the nine days and get a job so I don't have to continue to support you.

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Ok I am now going to put on my fireproof suit so here goes. You are obviously fit enough to work, yet you choose to work only enough to keep your unemployment benefits. Now you want our permission to go on vacation and in a sense have the people who are working and paying taxes, foot the bill for your cruise. I am sorry but in this economy I like many others have been forced to work harder and longer for less money than in better times but the keyword here is WORK. I would be sympathetic if this cruise had been planned before you lost your job and you were trying to justify going though you were unemployed. That is not the case. You don't have a job now and you want to plan a vacation while the rest of us pay for it. If you want my approval to salve you concience NO stay home and take the nine days and get a job so I don't have to continue to support you.

Please help me understand how we are paying for this. Thanks

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If you're going to be honest and not collect for the time you're unavailable, then you'll have a clear conscience about not spending your or anyone else's hard-earned unemployment funds or taxes on a vacation.


If you've been actively seeking work and it looks pretty dry right now, will 9 days make much of a difference?


However, you might not know whether you were being irresponsible or not until "if and when" your money runs out. Hopefully you'll land another job soon after you return, and you'll be glad you took the time to recreate (re-create!) while it was available.


I usually find when I have the money to vacation, I can't get the time. When I have time, I can't find the money. If you have both now, and are pretty sure you'll be solid in the future, and aren't hurting yourself or anyone else, go for it.


I haven't been able to vacation in 2 years and I can really feel the effects. Luckily, we've been able to squeeze in a 5-day cruise for some R&R this fall. Still looking forward to a B2B someday.


Hope this helps you make the right decision for you.

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Should I be responsible or cruise?


We can debate this all night and the original poster can provide more information BUT he/her answer is already in the title of their post. The OP said . . . . should I be responsible OR cruise. "OR"


So the OP is suggesting right in their title states that is is not responsible for them to cruise right now. In other words, should I be irresponsible and cruise? The original OP is admitting that it is irresponsible for them to cruise right now . . why, we don't know (money, feeling guilty, etc.).


Live your life now before your dead, you earned it, you should . . .whatever your response the OP already knows it's not in their best interest to take the cruise . . . .


So I say to the OP, you have you answer already, you don't need us to talk you into a cruise that (in your own words) would be irresponsible for you.

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Please help me understand how we are paying for this. Thanks


In a round about way we do all pay for unemployment. If I'm an employer and my unemployment rates goes up, that is passed onto the consumer of my product or service.


If I'm unemployed and receive other goverment assistance as a result of my unemployment such as free/reduce lunch for my kids, healthcare since I'm no longer covered on company insurance, etc. (not just unemployment pay), we the tax payers pay for this as well.


As a tax payer it is my duty to pay these taxes and would never choose to live in another other country than the USA (sure I'd like my taxes to be lower, who wouldn't). I don't have a problem paying these taxes. I do have a problem with people using the system though and some are making a judgement that the original poser is using the system if they take a cruise while on unemployment.


I don't know if the original poster is or is not, I'm not making a judgement call.

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I assumed the OP was very young. When I read the question I thought "Out of the months of babes" The OP asked the question.....so I gave him my opinion.


I can see your assumption. Unfortunately, people of ALL ages are susceptible to losing their livlihood these days. If the OP has worked for 20+ years, and contributed to the unemployed all along the way, I say take the cruise and enjoy yourself, get yourself together and look tan & refreshed for the interviews to come after the cruise.


Carpe Diem....Throw The Bottle!!!

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Ok I am now going to put on my fireproof suit so here goes. You are obviously fit enough to work, yet you choose to work only enough to keep your unemployment benefits. Now you want our permission to go on vacation and in a sense have the people who are working and paying taxes, foot the bill for your cruise. I am sorry but in this economy I like many others have been forced to work harder and longer for less money than in better times but the keyword here is WORK. I would be sympathetic if this cruise had been planned before you lost your job and you were trying to justify going though you were unemployed. That is not the case. You don't have a job now and you want to plan a vacation while the rest of us pay for it. If you want my approval to salve you concience NO stay home and take the nine days and get a job so I don't have to continue to support you.


She's been contributing to unemployment for 20+ years....and was laid off 3 weeks ago. Relax...Take a deep breath or the fire extinguishers will definitely be required.

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Not sure what your state's rules are, but in many states, receiving unemployment has the obligation of being available for work. If that is the case for you, then I would think you would NOT be eligible for unemployment and would be subject to legal penalties if you claimed it while you were on a cruise.


I would suggest calling the state and telling them your plans and see what they say. Or you could just do what many posters seem to be advocating; Steal some money from the state and have a good ol' time at taxpayers expense.


I am in shock!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:. I can't believe some of the answers I'm reading:confused:. Your job is to get a job, not live off the government:mad:.



Finally, a voice of reason.


I believe the economy is in a bad place because people

did spend.......money they didn't have:D


I couldn't agree more and for those who think the OP is the one paying her/his Unemployment I beg to differ. The company she/he worked for is paying their share too which makes prices go up from that company. I don't want to have to pay more for a product because people like OP abuse the system. JMHO

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