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Holiday 4th of July cruise review


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(this is only MY experience, your mileage may vary. I have not been compensated in any way by any cruise line – well, except for that 45 day letter I got from Carnival a couple of years ago, but that’s all!)

To get the top 3 out of the way:

1) Brown water – didn’t see any, not once. We were on the upper deck (mid-ship, ocean view). I was looking for brown water, but did not see any, not in our cabin, not in public rest rooms.

2) Sewer smells – none, not any anywhere, not once.

3) “lower class” of passengers – we saw several guys in gym shorts with wife-beaters and ball caps in the dining room – but that was last year, on the Fantasy!!! This year, on the Holiday, there were very few t-shirts in the dining room ( our table was right up front, so we saw most everyone coming in and going out) – most all men had polo shirts (or the Hawaiian type shirt that their wives picked out for them!). Most women were in capris or sundresses. Elegant night – we saw no one that was not dressed appropriately.

All in all, a well behaved bunch: no loud drunks, no packs of unruly children (being a teacher, I would have noticed!), no bad manners in the Lido buffet.


Day 1

Our cast of characters: me (cc), my dh (rc), and some friends; kb and her dh (lb) This was kb’s first cruise, and lb’s first on Carnival.

We left our hotel, the Marriott on Airport Rd. at around 11 on the morning of the 4th. No line at the port garage, we just pulled right in, the porters unloaded our luggage, and off we went to park. Note: the credit card reader IS working in Mobile now, she told me they just got a new system, cost was $75 for the 5 days. Parked, rode the elevator down, and through security. My leg brace set off the metal detector, so I got to be “wanded”. I had 2 bottles of wine in my carry-on, they never asked about it – could have been liquor! (OK, that was in my checked luggage…sshhh, don’t tell). We went right through the zig-zag lines without trouble, by the time we got to the check-in desk the lines were full and they had started to sit people in the chairs (they would have a couple of rows at a time get up and move to the lines, a pretty good system – keeps you from having to stand in line for a long time). We walked on board at 12:15. Easy, quick, painless. Up to the Wharf on the Lido deck for lunch. Roast beef on a baguette, yum!

We spent the time before muster wandering around a bit, got a DOD card2964306770059432091S500x500Q85.jpg


then we sat by the aft pool (that would become a habit!). Muster was easy, we started off in the Bus Stop area (inside, air conditioned) for most of it, then we went up to deck 10 – right outside the Wharf for about 5 minutes. No problem with me using the elevator (stairs and this knee do not mix). Only one gripe, and here it comes….. we started to sail before the muster was over. That’s the only time we’ve ever had that happen. I like to be up top, with a DOD in my hand, when we start to move. But, I did make it a few minutes later!


We had the late seating for dinner, in the Seven Seas dining room (aft). Food was pretty good, best (IMO) was the lamb, I was disappointed in the lobster this time, but the shrimp was good.

We all went to see the show on the first night – comedy with Kim Harrison (redhotmommy.com) – she was pretty funny. We saw her again the next night for the adult comedy, too.

Towel animal, a seal? I think? Maybe… (and the chocolates were there, too!)


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Day 2

Rc and I went to the dining room for breakfast, our routine for all mornings on a cruise. Kb and lb got room service. We all met up at the aft pool soon after, and started our cruise routine: Sit, read, talk, drink, laugh, eat, repeat! (not always in that order!)



rc and I decided to go to the buffet for lunch…. We remembered why we don’t do that! Too many people, long lines, not enough tables. I would much rather sit and let someone wait on me. Oh well, at least the food was good!


The Captain’s reception was tonight. Drinks were easy to get, but no snacks this time.

Tonight was “cruise elegant” night. Everyone in the dining room seemed to have read their Capers and knew what to wear! We saw a few tuxes, lots of prom dresses, and NO jeans!

Next: Progresso

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Your experience on the Holiday seems to mirror my last trip. Especially the conduct of the passangers. The Holiday gets a great group of passangers in my opinion. As much as I love NOLA the crowd on the Fantasy could use some lessons in manners. Most of my family lives in and around NOLA and it is my home away from home. Leaving the house shortely too spend the weekend there. I would still like to make one more trip on Holiday before she leaves us.

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We slept late and almost missed breakfast in the dining room! But we made it, just barely.

We all got off the ship, walked through the duty-free shops and got on the bus to town… drove down that 4 mile pier, amazing, I always wonder how long and how much $$ it took to build that.

We got tickets and rode the double decker bus for the 40 minute tour of Progreso. I love it... “don’t think it so much”, what great advice!



After the bus ride we walked down to Le Saint Bonnet



if you find their website, there was a coupon for a free margarita! We all had a coupon, and believe me, they did not skimp on the tequila in that free drink!



we all ordered food (whole fried fish, shrimp and lobster ke-bobs, stuffed shrimp, chicken quesadilla, and lots of guac , had some more to drink, and just enjoyed the company and the view of the beach. I think the total for all 4 of us was around $80.


After all the “fun” we had at Le Saint Bonnet, about all we could manage was a massage on the beach (45 minutes for $10, how can you beat that? We did tip well, they did a great job!)



Rc and I swam for a while, then walked down the beach, saw this boat, think that’s a wonderful name!



We got back on the bus and back to the ship. We did not make it to the show that night…. Too much “fun”!

Next: Cozumel

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We were docking at the Puerta Maya pier as we woke up. We ate breakfast in the dining room, then off the ship and down the new pier (well, newly rebuilt pier! This is where we docked the first time rc and I cruised to Cozumel – that was on the Inspiration, which was coming in as we left the ship).





We walked through the shopping area and to the taxi area, caught a cab to Paradise Beach. We were the 2nd group to get there, and had our choice of seats!



our spot in Paradise: front row to watch the Dads go out to the giant iceberg to rescue the kids that climbed up and can’t get down!



We did not get a wrist band (they are for the water toys: the giant iceberg, 3 water trampolines, an inflatable water slide – that was new this year- and some big floating mats)


We continued our routine of sitting, drinking, eating, talking, and just enjoying the day!



I think I would go to Cozumel again just for the guacamole at Paradise Beach! YUMMY!


Back to the pier for a bit of shopping. Kb and I decided to add to this guy’s tips for the day and get a bike ride back to the ship (I think we had too much “fun”!)



Fat Tuesday’s does not seem to send the “crawlers” back to the ship that Carlos and Charlies and Senor Frogs do at the other 2 piers! No last minute runners, no names being paged, just a quiet sail away.


Dinner was my favorite night, escargot, lamb, and Grand Marnier soufflé.

Again, we did not make it to the show …. You guessed it, too much “fun”!!! But that was the purpose of this vacation. My dh has a very stressful job, he really needed some down time.

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Last day at sea:

Same “at sea” routine as always: breakfast in the dining room, aft pool chairs with a book and good friends ( and a few DOD’s!). Lunch was in the dining room this time, it is just so nice to have that service. Then back to the aft pool chairs to repeat the routine! Lb and Kb went to the galley tour (we’ve done it a couple of times before, and I had to work on my tan). The DOD card was nice, and got used up by me, and a few frozen drinks found their way onto my S&S card, too! (rc is a beer drinker). I stayed out there until the crew had put up all the other chairs. Time for a quick nap and shower before dinner.


Kb decided tonight was the night…. This was her dessert:



Then back to the cabin to pack… the worst part of any cruise.

This was our towel “animal” for the last night:



A response to the nice tip we left him for keeping our cooler full of ice, and doing a great job??




We did not opt for self-disembark, I’ve watched that from a distance, and I really do not feel the need to be in that mass of humanity trying to be the first off… we always drive, so there is no flight to have to make. We had a nice breakfast in the dining room, then waited in our cabin for our number to be called (we were #14). It just took a few minutes to get off the ship, to our luggage, and get a porter. BIG TIP HERE: get the porter…. For a few bucks in tips, their customs line is WAY faster than all the others. They will either take your luggage all the way to your car, or out to the passenger pickup area. My knee was giving me a hard time, so we opted for the pickup area, rc went and got the car for me. We were on the road out of town by 9:30… headed home. Of course, no trip on I-65 is complete without a stop here:



That is a family tradition! We always stop for lunch on the way to the beach.


Final thoughts: The Holiday IS what she is, older and smaller, but in my opinion, she’s “the little ship that could”, and she does. This is the only ship I’ve been on twice, and I would love to be able to get one more in before she leaves for Spain, but surgery in the fall will prevent that. We had a great time.



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How was the water there in Progreso? Was it fairly clean?


It was cleaner than when we were there a couple of years ago, I don't know if it's just timing, or if they have cleaned up the area??? If you have been to the Gulf coast in Florida, it kind of reminded me of that. Not crystal clear, but clean and cool!

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Thanks for a great review. I know you based your review on your own experience, but I was on the same cruise and have to agree 100% with everything you said. It was a great cruise on a great ship. We have never had better service. Every crew member we came in contact with was friendly and seemed eager to help in any way needed. And we never came in contact with any bad or unruly behavior from any of our fellow cruisers. Mobile is a great port. I don't know how they could make embarkation/debarkation any easier. Thanks again for a great review, and thank you, Holiday for a great cruise.

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I really enjoyed your review. Loved the Holiday---but am excited to be on the Fantasy's first cruise out of Mobile in November.


Thanks for the pics and ideas for Progesso. Haven't been there in several years and your day and activities sound perfect to me! Now to go find that coupon! Do you have a link?

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I really enjoyed your review. Loved the Holiday---but am excited to be on the Fantasy's first cruise out of Mobile in November.


Thanks for the pics and ideas for Progesso. Haven't been there in several years and your day and activities sound perfect to me! Now to go find that coupon! Do you have a link?


Here's the link:




You have to buy food to get the free drink, but I think it was worth it. We sat for a long time just enjoying the day, never felt rushed or pressured to order more. Great service and food.

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Thanks for a great review. I know you based your review on your own experience, but I was on the same cruise and have to agree 100% with everything you said. It was a great cruise on a great ship. We have never had better service. Every crew member we came in contact with was friendly and seemed eager to help in any way needed. And we never came in contact with any bad or unruly behavior from any of our fellow cruisers. Mobile is a great port. I don't know how they could make embarkation/debarkation any easier. Thanks again for a great review, and thank you, Holiday for a great cruise.



I talked to a lot of people on board, and it seems like our experience was pretty much the norm, the only complaint I heard was from one guy who seemed to get all his food later than the rest of his table, and that sure didn't ruin his vacation! I agree about the embark/debark, too. Sure wish I could get another one done before she goes, darn!

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Thanks, everyone, for the kind words. I have always loved reading reviews with pix, so I thought it was time I tried to "give back" a little! It was fun, re-living the week. I'm going to take some notes during our Legend cruise, and do another one! :D

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Thanks again for the review. I have a question about the massage on the beach in Progreso. Can you tell me what you wore for the massage? A swimsuit? We are thinking of doing this. All my swimsuits are one piece. Do you slip the straps off your shoulders, or what?



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Thanks again for the review. I have a question about the massage on the beach in Progreso. Can you tell me what you wore for the massage? A swimsuit? We are thinking of doing this. All my swimsuits are one piece. Do you slip the straps off your shoulders, or what?




I had my swimsuit on, it was a tankini. She just pulled the bottom edge of the top up, and slipped the straps off. Not a "skilled" massage like you would get in a spa, but paired with the margaritas from Le Saint Bonnet and the ocean breeze, it was wonderful!! :D Enjoy!

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My family and I were also on the same cruise. Had a great time. Been on several other cruises with other companies. Agree the ship is older and smaller,,,but remember, it wasn't that long ago people were flying across country just to get on that new fancy ship!


Crew was very friendly. Food good and plentiful. Good pizza. :eek:Drinks did their job!:eek: Cabin always was clean and no signs of brown water.


Been to Progresso before but went again just to bring the kids to the beach. Heard a lot of this: "Lady, want a massage?" Lady, want a massage?" I was sad that no one said to me: "Hey fat sweaty guy, want a massage?"


Cozumel is great. Getting on and off the ship was easy. Spot a porter a few dollars and make it really easy on yourself. Also, don't forget to say "GEAUX TIGERS" to the Customs Agent that is an LSU Tiger fan!

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Loved the review. We leave on August 1. It will be the first cruise for our kids. They are really looking forward to it. Do you know how much the wrist bands at Paradise Beach are?


I think they are $10. Have a great time... get some guacamole!

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