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First time Trip Report - VALOR - 5th - 12th


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Debbie...looking forward to your final installment with with great excitement as well as a tinge of regret:(. This is definitely one of the best reviews ever but alas all good things must come to an end.:)


You have inspired me to write a very detailed review of my cruise in April when I go. Its a long way away but it is something to look forward to.


Thanks again for the great review

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We have taken a tour to the east side of the island and we really enjoyed it. This last trip, we had the cab to ourselves and had a great driver. We stopped at a bunch of neat places. There are a lot of AI resorts and beach areas that aren't seen from the road. We stopped at one place and were able to get some great pictures. I was able to get some good pictures just as the waves were breaking on the rocks. When we in Progresso, I wanted to buy this bag, but, decided to wait and I am glad I did. Where we got the great pictures had a little bar and a few things that you could buy. A little girl came up to me and was selling the same bag that I was going to buy and for $5 cheaper. My hubby got some fresh pineapple that was great. Between the two of us, we couldn't finish it. With the exception of the beach resorts, you can really get away from the crowds on the east side of the island. There was still a lot of hurricane damage, but, that is to be expected, look at Galveston, a year later. We were there is March and there is still a lot of work to be done. I hate to see your review come to an end.


We had slept in a LITTLE that morning, or we would have been up and out sooner,, and then I would have had some time to shop.. (DH is probably thankful of that, :D) As it was, we didn't get back to the pier area until just before we needed to get back to the ship, so I was taking pictures as we headed back. Had I known we would wait in line for 45 minutes to re-embark, I would have stayed at one of the bars closeby and had an extra drink :D


It's not over yet, 2 nights and one day left to go, if I can ever get it all finished,,,,, ;)

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Debbie, please add me to your list of fans. Your review is fabulous and I've been reading each installment with excitement, looking forward to our Valor cruise in September. These videos are really good--thanks for putting them up so that a non-snorkeler like myself can see what you all see while snorkeling!




You will have a great time on the Valor,,,, and I'm glad you are enjoying the videos.



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That looks like soooo much fun!!!!! It makes me want to go back to Belize! My husband and I didn river tubing in Ocho Rios last year and it was FABULOUS!!!! Thanks for posting the pictures :D


You're welcome singjenn !!


I love tubing, we do a lot of it down here in Texas too !!


Sometimes its the only way to spend a hot Texas day , only difference is, here, we get to drink while tubing,,, :D

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Great video of the reef.

also you stated:


"Have you ever noticed something ? People on boats, ships, anywhere on water, they are always smiling and waving. We take our boat out on a lake close to us, on weekends, and people are ALWAYS waving, the same as on cruise ships. I know, I know, something about the water makes people happy,,,,, ( maybe its because its the weekend, ? or they are on vacation ? ) and they smile....lol


Have you ever waved to someone in a car ? Why don't people in cars ever wave to each other ? lol"


We moved to a small farm community last year and everyone waves to everyone. DH and I will be driving in a car and sure enough a wave. I always say who was that and I always get the same reply - don't know they waved so did I


Love your review




Hiya Linda,,,,,


I think its more of a "small town" thing to wave when driving, but maybe we should make it a "big town" thing too,,,,


Then again,,,,,City folk might think you are waving something AT them and freak out,,,,,, :D

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Debbie...looking forward to your final installment with with great excitement as well as a tinge of regret:(. This is definitely one of the best reviews ever but alas all good things must come to an end.:)


You have inspired me to write a very detailed review of my cruise in April when I go. Its a long way away but it is something to look forward to.


Thanks again for the great review


Hiya Keith,,,,,


I think I'm been slowing this down because I don't want it to be over,,, <sigh> :(


I'm glad I've inspired you,, now I'll get to read YOUR much detailed report too,,, and make sure you take LOTS of pictures,,


We all love the pics !! :D

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We have taken a tour to the east side of the island and we really enjoyed it. This last trip, we had the cab to ourselves and had a great driver. We stopped at a bunch of neat places. There are a lot of AI resorts and beach areas that aren't seen from the road. We stopped at one place and were able to get some great pictures. I was able to get some good pictures just as the waves were breaking on the rocks. When we in Progresso, I wanted to buy this bag, but, decided to wait and I am glad I did. Where we got the great pictures had a little bar and a few things that you could buy. A little girl came up to me and was selling the same bag that I was going to buy and for $5 cheaper. My hubby got some fresh pineapple that was great. Between the two of us, we couldn't finish it. With the exception of the beach resorts, you can really get away from the crowds on the east side of the island. There was still a lot of hurricane damage, but, that is to be expected, look at Galveston, a year later. We were there is March and there is still a lot of work to be done. I hate to see your review come to an end.



Would you mind posting about it? Let's use the Board under Cozumel/Western Carribean so as not to hijack Debbie's posts. I'll ask over there as well.




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We headed back to the room, and sat out on the balcony for a while, sipping a drink and just relaxing before getting ready for our last elegant night.


I had snuck on those little mini Bailey's Irish creme bottles, and they were perfect for a balcony cocktail each evening. This had become a daily ritual,, DH could spend hours just staring out into the ocean while waiting for me to get dressed,,,,, lol He even saw porpoises following along with the ship late one afternoon. After that, he was out there all the time lol


Time to dress up again,,,,,,,,,


Now, I know a lot of people on here doesn't like to have to dress up, but I love it.

We gals don't get that many chances to do so in our regular lives.


For me and my DF, that's part of the anticipation of the dining experience on a cruise. I'm sure the guys could have done without it,, but, they were good sports and went along to make us gals happy. I know most of you women out there, probably feel the same way. lol


We were at the dining room doors a little bit after 8 and , yeahhh, they were already open. No waiting this time ! We had a great waiter and assistant all week long. They always remembered our drinks, and served them immediately after we sat down.

I feel horrible, because I can't remember THEIR names, but they did a great job !


Here's a few more food pictures,,,


Stuffed mushrooms,,,




Fried oysters,,,,





Another shrimp cocktail,,,,, I had them almost every night. I love shrimp,,,,





A table picture of the 4 of us,,,





DH had the escargot and I wasn't able to get a pic of it,,,,, he dug into it too fast lol, but he said it was great.








and DH got the barbecued cornish game hen,,, he said it was Great, it was one of the best meals he had all week long..



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Just as we were finishing dinner,,,,, it was time for the dining room show.


We loved watching the staff finally getting to cut loose and have a little fun after all their hard work.


They do seem to really enjoy performing for the crowd. lol


We were finally able to get some video of them singing and dancing......



Here's the link if you want to check it out,,,Again, its not professional but will give you some idea of their performance...






Some of them were really getting into it,,,,,,,, lol
















I think this waiter was a chippendale dancer in his previous life,,,,,, He had all the moves and you could tell he was loving what he was doing lol









I think our Asst Waiter was a little shy. I tried to get him to dance with me but he wouldn't do it... lol,,,, but at least I got a picture with him. He was a sweetheart !!





My only suggestions for the shows after dinner, is that they turn the lights up, then we could have gotten better pictures.

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After dinner, we headed to the Ivanhoe Theatre once again for the 10:30 show.


I don't think we missed a show all week. :)


Tonight's show was "Far from Over" . The dancing and the singing were really top notch. They have some great talent on their ship. After the show was over, we stopped by the photo gallery to do a scavenger hunt for our pictures. Found some and didn't find others, and then back down the Promenade deck just in time to see the midnight "adult" comedian show. Tonight's comedian was Allyn Ball. He was soooooo funny, and we laughed so much. The lounge was packed. Everyone likes the "adult" nights..... :D






After the show, we made a quick stop in the Piano Bar, to sing a few songs, and then decided to try our luck at the casino again. Earlier in the week, the guys had had luck on their side here, but tonight wasn't their night. They gave back to Carnival this night,,, but were still a little ahead when we left.


I want to know how you people win BIG when you gamble,,,,,,:p


There's a thread going right now, and reading what people have won makes me so jealous,,,,, I'm lucky if I win $20 in an entire night, much less thousands like some of ya'll have lol


By now it was pretty late, and we were all pretty tired, We'd had a long and fulfilling day and that comfortable bed was calling.


Poor DF,,,, he's not one to miss out on anything, and fell asleep while reading the next day's Capers.





Next day, our last day and night at sea !!

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You're welcome singjenn !!


I love tubing, we do a lot of it down here in Texas too !!


Sometimes its the only way to spend a hot Texas day , only difference is, here, we get to drink while tubing,,, :D



I love your review! You are doing a great job and I don't want it to end! I am thinking of trying this ship because of the way you describe everything.


I would love to try the tube thing but I don't like rides. Is it slow moving?? It looks pretty relaxing. Also, how was the hike to the water??



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Hiya Keith,,,,,


I think I'm been slowing this down because I don't want it to be over,,, <sigh> :(


I'm glad I've inspired you,, now I'll get to read YOUR much detailed report too,,, and make sure you take LOTS of pictures,,


We all love the pics !! :D


I will certainly try to do my best on all counts. If my effort is only half as good as yours I will be happy.

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Hiya wildcrazyatver,,,,,


Yes, we had a GREAT time,, !!


DH has a Canon SD750. When we booked this vacation, he immediately got online searching for an underwater housing that's made specifically for this camera. It cost $180, not cheap, but we figure over the years we'll certainly get our money's worth. It seems like we already did on this trip alone, lol. He also took videos with it,,, which I might put up if I get a chance, they came out really cool too !!


DF also had an underwater camera, but it was a smaller megapixel camera so the pictures didn't come out quite as clear,,,,


No, we never made it to Senor Frog's,,, I wish we'd had the time, It's always fun there :D



Well thanks for the info but i could not find that number on the net all i see fotr that item is a reg dig camera not underwater could you have mistaken the model need help thanks

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I love your review! You are doing a great job and I don't want it to end! I am thinking of trying this ship because of the way you describe everything.


I would love to try the tube thing but I don't like rides. Is it slow moving?? It looks pretty relaxing. Also, how was the hike to the water??






Thanks so much , I don't want it to end either,, :(


If you try this ship just because of my review, then I think Carnival owes me a commission, dont cha think ? :D Just kidding,,,, I really enjoyed the Valor, and the ports, and I don't think you could go wrong with this one.


As to the tubing, yes, you should definately try it. I wouldn't describe it as a ride, its not white water or fast in that respect, its just pleasantly floating down the river and totally relaxing, and the water was high when we there. The only area that might give you pause, was crossing the river at the beginning. The current was strong, but they are right there to pull you along if you have any problems.


I know they said when the water is low,, you have to do "butts up" a lot, because you will drag the bottom... lol


The hike to the water was at least 30 minutes through the jungle. Maybe a little more than that. The day we were there, it was pretty overcast during that part, so it was warm, but not horrendously hot. I will say, had the sun been out at that time,,, it would have been uncomfortable for the hike. That's why, when you reach the river and start tubing, it feels so refreshing. :D


If you have any medical problems, the hike part of it wouldn't be easy, but other that that, you should enjoy it. The jungle is fascinating to trek through.

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Well thanks for the info but i could not find that number on the net all i see fotr that item is a reg dig camera not underwater could you have mistaken the model need help thanks



Hi wildcrazyatver,,,


I think you might have misunderstood me. It IS a regular dig camera, its not an underwater model. What DH did was buy a water housing unit to COVER his regular digital camera, so he could use his regular camera underwater.


I hope that clears it up for you,,, ;)


If you need anymore information,,, let me know and I'll help you out all I can,,,, :)

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Stuffed mushrooms,,,





Oops,,,,,, sorry everybody,, I made a mistake here,,,, These are NOT the stuffed muschrooms,,, these ARE the escargot,,, lol


Just wanted to rectify that mistake,,,, I KNEW I'd gotten a picture of them,,, :D


Hubby said they were delicious, and loved them !!!

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Stuffed mushrooms,,,





Oops,,,,,, sorry everybody,, I made a mistake here,,,, These are NOT the stuffed muschrooms,,, these ARE the escargot,,, lol


Just wanted to rectify that mistake,,,, I KNEW I'd gotten a picture of them,,, :D


Hubby said they were delicious, and loved them !!!


Actually...the stuffed mushrooms looks just like this so you may actually have the correct photo. I do NOT eat escargot but did have the mushrooms. I remember the crusty, flaky "thing" on top was good!

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DH and I slept in a little the last day of the cruise. I know, you say, HOW could you sleep in your LAST day at sea ? lol Well,,, we'd been burning the candle at both ends all week, not wanting to miss out on anything, so it was inevitable it would catch up to us at some point.


But that's ok,,,, we'd had enough sun all week long, so we weren't planning on spending the day in the sun. We were a toasty brown by now,,, lol


DFs on the other hand, they like their toast a VERY dark brown,,,,,,,so they still had some cooking to do,,,,,,, lol


After having coffee, hot tea and danishes delivered right on time via room service,, we leisurely strolled out to the Lido Deck to find our friends. It was another glorious sun shining day as had been our first day. A fitting day for our last day at sea...


It was busy as ever, and the pools were full as always,,,,,












We found our friends,,,,,who were roasting on the hot deck,,,lol








And DF, who needed just a little more sun on his back, figured out a way to drink and sun at the same time,,,,,,,, He's such a smart guy,,,, ;)





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How many guys on this cruise would you say wore a suit for elegant night and how many just wore the shirt and tie? We always dress up but are considering downgrading a bit for this cruise.




I would say, the first elegant night was the "more elegant" of the 2 dressy nights. Maybe its because its the first , and because of the captain's reception and people are more prone to be dressier at the beginning of the cruise than at the end.


I would say most of the MEN were wearing suits or sportscoat and tie. Most of the younger adults and teenagers were wearing slacks and shirt and tie and the gals, short dresses.


Some were wearing tuxs, and long gowns,,( though I wouldn't call them ball gowns,,) I wore one the first elegant night myself and never felt out of place.


DH wore a sportscoat and shirt and tie both nights, while DF opted for a suit for the elegant night, and a shirt and tie the last.


I wish everyone would dress up,,, its just the experience of a cruise, and seeing everyone looking so nice :)

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