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Where is Fun Ship Freddy???


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A blogger on John Heald's site insists that Freddy be "banned" whenever her special needs teenager with autisim is aboard CCL ships. Her request is always honored. The demands of one guest can and do impede the cruise enjoyment for others as this example personifies.


That is ridiculous!!! I never run into Freddy. Sure it wouldn't take much for her and her son to avoid him. Glad this isn't true.

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That is exactly the reason we didn't go to DisneyWorld until my DD was about 8. She was petrified of any kind of character ina costume. She even faked being sick to not go to school the day McGruff the crime dog was coming to school The only time my daughter ever did that.


LMAOROFL.....poor girl! McGruff is just trying to take a bite out of crime.

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Hi Linda,

Here are the blogs you posted on John's site in reference to banning Freddie with dates. I didn't say you banned Freddie from the ship, just from interacting with a roomful of other guests so that the needs of one could be met.



Also, I just talked with DJ’s favorite Club O2 director (Ria) who is on the Spirit. She is headed off on holiday soon. We look forward to sailing with you both again one day soon! Btw, DJ still remembers how you, Sarah and Jr. Powell “removed” Funship Freddie from the Past Cruisers Party on the Miracle 2006…so that DJ could attend!



You forgot to list one of your duties….

Funship Freddie Exterminator (well, maybe not exterminate…..just “keep away er” or better described as DJ’s body guard to fend off Funship Freddie)

Btw, please put everyone on notice…we are arriving early. We booked the 2 day (before the 4 day) for a B2B…so we will see y’all on the 15th


Hey Don and Carolyn, Big Ed and Adam!!!!

Looking good!!!!!! (you to John)

A BIG shout out to Malcolm….one of DJ’s heros for banning Funship Freddie from DJ’s presense on the Victory last year!

woo hoo!!!!!

Linda (Mom of your friend DJ)

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Hi Linda,

Here are the blogs you posted on John's site in reference to banning Freddie with dates. I didn't say you banned Freddie from the ship, just from interacting with a roomful of other guests so that the needs of one could be met.



Also, I just talked with DJ’s favorite Club O2 director (Ria) who is on the Spirit. She is headed off on holiday soon. We look forward to sailing with you both again one day soon! Btw, DJ still remembers how you, Sarah and Jr. Powell “removed” Funship Freddie from the Past Cruisers Party on the Miracle 2006…so that DJ could attend!





You forgot to list one of your duties….

Funship Freddie Exterminator (well, maybe not exterminate…..just “keep away er” or better described as DJ’s body guard to fend off Funship Freddie)

Btw, please put everyone on notice…we are arriving early. We booked the 2 day (before the 4 day) for a B2B…so we will see y’all on the 15th



Hey Don and Carolyn, Big Ed and Adam!!!!

Looking good!!!!!! (you to John)

A BIG shout out to Malcolm….one of DJ’s heros for banning Funship Freddie from DJ’s presense on the Victory last year!

woo hoo!!!!!

Linda (Mom of your friend DJ)


From the looks of it Linda has just asked that Funship Freddie not be at the past guest party. Do you know anything about Autism? While I admit that I don't know much about it, I do know that "characters" can cause issues with some people who are autistic. From reading Cruise Critic for a couple years now, Linda and her family have been on many cruises and by simply asking that Freddie not be at the past guest party, it allows her son to go to the party and not have any problems. I see no issue with that at all as if it were my son or daughter, I would want them to be able to enjoy the cruise at any cost.

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Hi Linda,

Here are the blogs you posted on John's site in reference to banning Freddie with dates. I didn't say you banned Freddie from the ship, just from interacting with a roomful of other guests so that the needs of one could be met.


1. They are comments on the blog.

2. You're not too familiar with the term "hyperbole", are you?

3. You're also not too familiar with the term "Autism".

4. Do you really think a past guest party would be much fun for anyone if an autistic kid had a total meltdown on account of a costumed character being present? Seems to me Linda's doing *everyone* a favor. So sorry your nose is out of joint, but seriously, how about you consider for once the greater ramifications rather than your desire to see some dude caper around in a big felt suit.

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Hi Linda,

Here are the blogs you posted on John's site in reference to banning Freddie with dates. I didn't say you banned Freddie from the ship, just from interacting with a roomful of other guests so that the needs of one could be met.



AGAIN....since you seem intent on running your mouth before knowing ALL THE FACTS..... here are ALL THE FACTS OF EACH CASE!!!



Also, I just talked with DJ’s favorite Club O2 director (Ria) who is on the Spirit. She is headed off on holiday soon. We look forward to sailing with you both again one day soon! Btw, DJ still remembers how you, Sarah and Jr. Powell “removed” Funship Freddie from the Past Cruisers Party on the Miracle 2006…so that DJ could attend



This was on the Miracle. Funship Freddie had already MADE HIS ROUNDS of this party. All Sarah and Jr Powell did was let us know WHEN FUNSHIP FREDDIE WAS FINISHED (can you read FINISHED) and then they escorted FF out one door and our son in the other. SO NO ONE MISSED THIS FF APPEARANCE....they simply assisted us WHEN FF WAS FINISHED!!!



You forgot to list one of your duties….

Funship Freddie Exterminator (well, maybe not exterminate…..just “keep away er” or better described as DJ’s body guard to fend off Funship Freddie)


Funship Freddie does not always attend the Repeaters Party. As someone who gets his schedule, there are many times when the Repeater's Party conflicts with a Camp Carnival activity where Funship Freddie is required to be.


Another consideration that Carnival will do is "keep Funship Freddie AT THE DOOR" instead of him wandering around the theater when FF does come to the Repeater's Party. Our son is allowed to enter BEFORE the doors are open so that he does not come in close contact with FF and then FF is kept AT THE DOOR so that our child can enjoy clapping for all his ships (something he loves to do) AND Funship Freddie is still out for all the see.


This was on the Imagination. Noonan had forgotten that Funship Freddie was to be kept "at the door" and Jaime had to remind him of this.




A BIG shout out to Malcolm….one of DJ’s heros for banning Funship Freddie from DJ’s presense on the Victory last year



This was the cruise where the Funship Freddie dedicated member just happen to sign off the ship the day we got on and CARNIVAL elected not to replace them since the ship was headed into drydock. If you had read the entire story which had been posted here on Cruise Critic at the time, you would have known that Malcolm also made sure that if ANY of the passengers asked to see Funship Freddie.....he had someone that would put the costume on and have them come to Camp Carnival for a private appearance.


Our son is the one that joked about Malcolm "banning" Funship Freddie so that is why I used that term.



In all 3 cases (out of the 31 cruises our son has been on) no one was "deprived" of seeing Funship Freddie if they wanted to.




And CERTAINLY in all 3 cases.... I NEVER EVEN ASKED .... MUCH LESS INSISTED (AS YOU POSTED) that Freddie be banned.




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I look forward to meeting you and DJ on the Dream in December. DJ sounds like a great young man and you are wonderful to make sure that not only he has a great time but that others around you are ok as well.



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That is ridiculous!!! I never run into Freddy. Sure it wouldn't take much for her and her son to avoid him. Glad this isn't true.


You are correct. For someone to "insist" something like that would be ridiculous....which is why is never happened. sanmarcosman had no idea what they are talking about. Which is how ridiculous rumors like this get started. Clueless people making assumptions based on a couple of statements ... when they do not know the facts.


We simply email the Cruise Directors before our cruise to get the schedule and let them know that a child with Autism will be on aboard and

in fact....just the opposite of "insisting that FF be banned"... .. I TELL EVERY CRUISE DIRECTOR in my email alert that our son will be on board

"we fully understand that unscheduled appearances can happen" which lets the CDs know that WE (as the parents) take full responsibilty should an accidental meeting happen. And a couple of times these accidental meetings has happened....but thankfully they have been after years of him learning to extract himself safely.


Carnival has been gracious enough to assist us with him.


But I would like to add that in 2002 (when we discovered on the Conquest that Funship Freddie was being introduced)....we thought we would have to stop cruising.


Why? Because this wasn't just "oh, I am scared and cry" issues. Our son had full blown panic attacks where he would lose all reason and harm himself in order to get away.


I can not tell you what a true blessing Carnival's assistance has been. 7 years ago, I did not know the extreme positive impact it has had in his life.


You see, we have used cruising has a learning tool. Because (life happens) and mascots ABOUND in today's world. Now someone would not really know this unless you have a child with this issue. (if we never see the Chik Fila Cow again...it will be tooo soon!!)


Over the years....we have been able to teach our son the ability to "compensate"....instead of hurting himself to get away....he now knows how to exact himself from the situation SAFELY.


It has taken years....but to have learned a lesson that helps him in every day life is invaluable.



In fact, on the Blogger's Cruise in February....Funship Freddie was in the main theater at the final meeting. Stephanie had let us know that he was going to be there....(since it was NOT on the original schedule).


Our son was actually about to be on one side of the isle...while Freddie was on the other. That is about as close as they will probably ever get....but what a testiment to what can be accomplished.

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What some folks do not realize is that Funship Freddie is a TRAINED DEDICATED position.


Someone from Camp Carnival (with no training) does not just throw on the Felt Costume and go run up and down the Lido deck.


That is why Malcolm arranged for a PRIVATE meeting if someone wanted to see Funship Freddie on that cruise....since it requires the "dedicated" individual to go out in the public areas.


The Holiday had the costume for the year of 2003 but all the dedicated characters had not been trained....so they did not have a FF on that ship during that time.

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Hi Linda,

Here are the blogs you posted on John's site in reference to banning Freddie with dates. I didn't say you banned Freddie from the ship, just from interacting with a roomful of other guests so that the needs of one could be met.




Since you love to QUOTE people...this is exactly what you said....



Originally Posted by sanmarcosman

A blogger on John Heald's site insists that Freddy be "banned" whenever her special needs teenager with autisim is aboard CCL ships. Her request is always honored. The demands of one guest can and do impede the cruise enjoyment for others as this example personifies.



You are wrong....period.


Please know ALL THE FACTS before making such idiotic statements.

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I look forward to meeting you and DJ on the Dream in December. DJ sounds like a great young man and you are wonderful to make sure that not only he has a great time but that others around you are ok as well.




We are going to have a great time. You can't miss him. He is 6' tall and only weighs 100 pounds. He also has Ataxia (which is a genetic muscle disorder) .... so he kinda bounces instead of walks.


He will have his Nascar cap on and his Gator lanyard. And he can tell you everything you "never wanted to know" about Nascar....but please understand that he doesn't talk to a lot of folks...so if you speak to him and he does not speak back.....he is not being rude. Sometimes he will just wave instead of saying hi.


And as with all teenagers....I am not allowed to "acknowledge" him if we pass on the Promenade...I might "ruin his reputation". LOL

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We are going to have a great time. You can't miss him. He is 6' tall and only weighs 100 pounds. He also has Ataxia (which is a genetic muscle disorder) .... so he kinda bounces instead of walks.


He will have his Nascar cap on and his Gator lanyard. And he can tell you everything you "never wanted to know" about Nascar....but please understand that he doesn't talk to a lot of folks...so if you speak to him and he does not speak back.....he is not being rude. Sometimes he will just wave instead of saying hi.


And as with all teenagers....I am not allowed to "acknowledge" him if we pass on the Promenade...I might "ruin his reputation". LOL[/


I totally understand about not speaking back. I promise not to take it personally as I was diagnosed with Autistic tendencies when I was very little. It has not affected me in any way. He just seems like a good kid.


And I understand about not ruining his Reputation.

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I totally understand about not speaking back. I promise not to take it personally as I was diagnosed with Autistic tendencies when I was very little. It has not affected me in any way. He just seems like a good kid.


And I understand about not ruining his Reputation.




There is so much more known about the Autism Spectrum than was known even 5 years ago.


It is definately a bewildering disorder. Especially since the one stuffed animal that our son slept with for years and "demanded" (LOL) that we bring on every cruise....was a Funship Freddie doll. :confused:

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It is definately a bewildering disorder. Especially since the one stuffed animal that our son slept with for years and "demanded" (LOL) that we bring on every cruise....was a Funship Freddie doll. :confused:


LOL.....very interesting. Sounds like a love/hate relationship :cool:

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On the Elation I got my pic with him at the Past Guest Party and he was in his tux & near the Camp Carnival area.


Then on the Destiny he was walking through the ship and I stopped him and got my picture.

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