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Diving Cozumel, Sand Dollar from the ship ok?


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Has anyone dove with Sand Dollar? That is the outfit on the excursion site Carnival says they use. I'd really perfer to dive with Deep Blue but with the taxi ride and extra gear needed it's cheaper to dive with the ship. I'm not planning on hauling any gear except my mask and wetsuit.


Padi Divemaster DM-163139





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Has anyone dove with Sand Dollar? That is the outfit on the excursion site Carnival says they use. I'd really perfer to dive with Deep Blue but with the taxi ride and extra gear needed it's cheaper to dive with the ship. I'm not planning on hauling any gear except my mask and wetsuit.


Padi Divemaster DM-163139





We have ALWAYS booked our own dive op at Coz. A couple used them on our last trip there and were very disappointed. We have used Papa Hogs several times and like them. I would look around since there are so many to pick from. I'm sure there will be some at the dock trying to get your business if you can't decide.

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Has anyone dove with Sand Dollar? That is the outfit on the excursion site Carnival says they use. I'd really perfer to dive with Deep Blue but with the taxi ride and extra gear needed it's cheaper to dive with the ship. I'm not planning on hauling any gear except my mask and wetsuit.


Given your experience level (DM) I highly doubt you would enjoy the diving with Sand Dollar. Cattle boat, inexperienced divers, most likely short bottom times.


Why only Deep Blue? Personal connection? If they know you, I'm sure Debbie can set up a pickup near to the ship to avoid the cab into town. You can walk to La Cieba/El Cid from the International Pier, The Caleta harbor / Presidente / Money Bar-Dzul Ha are a close cab ride from the Puerto Maya pier.


Another option you can consider is Dive with Martin. Their shop is located at the base of the International pier. They cater to more experienced divers and as a bonus they include rental gear in the two tank dive price. No extra charges. They may be your best option on price and location.


Have great dives no matter how you go.



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I used Sand Dollar when I went to Cozumel the first time. The total amount of people diving from the ship was 10 people. We had two dive masters and had 30 mins at 80 ft and about 45 mins at 40 ft. Not that I the most experieced of divers, but I liked them and I am looking forward to going diving in Cozumel again. I am hoping for the same experience again.

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sddiver, yeah I think you're right. I'm not up for any cattleboat drama :)


I guess I was just trying to save a few bucks but it's not worth messing with putting up with that.


I just reviewed an e-mail from Deep Blue on my query about diving with them. They leave at 9:00 so it should give me plenty of time to get to their shop. They only take 6-8 folks on each boat and match the divers to their experience level so that is the seller for me.


I dove with them for four days in April of 1998 and had an awesome trip. I had dove one day prior with Blue Bubble and they were good but while walking around I saw the sign on Deep Blues' shop on the side of the building that said "Extended Range Diving". I about jumped with joy!!




I dive NC wrecks as I live in Morehead City on the coast so this was just what I was looking for. BTW, if you come here dive with Olympus Diving, NOT Discovery in Beaufort. They are a rip off. Latest gaff: My buddies rented six tanks for three divers and got blown out and ms. bytch Debbie's cronies wouldn't give they ANY credit for the tanks and the tape was still on the tanks. If they treat locals like that........ beware!


Anyway, all of Deep Blue's rental regulators include dive computers, that's just how they rock for experienced divers. We only had four or guys on our boat those days and we were all experienced. On the third day we went to Maracaibo. The dive plan was to go to 140 to get along side the wall. It was awesome to say the least. We saw a huge turtle and some dophin in the distance. The current was very fast but it was fun. My dive buddy was a Norweigen Army soldier. He got narc'd and so did I. I could feel it, kinda drunk feeling and when I looked at my computer I was at 163 feet and he was about 25 feet below me, narc'd out of his head. The DM had to go down and get him but he was ok. We made sure to do a very slow ascent and a good long deco hang. Whew, kinda freaked me out ;)


The next day, my last, I went with them to dive the centoes at Dos Ojos (Two Eyes). That has been the highlight of my 19 years of diving. The cavens are HUGE. Max depth on the dive was 38 feet so I did it on the last day so I didn't have to worry about flying the next day. You can dive it open water because there are holes in the ceilings all over the place. The sunlight shining through is an awesome sight. There were rooms big enough to hold five or more houses. You never feel cramped in there either. The DM was cave certified and had on doubles and full cave gear. Deep Blue is a class act in Cozumel.


Thanks for the reality check, dood!



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I used Sand Dollar when I went to Cozumel the first time. The total amount of people diving from the ship was 10 people. We had two dive masters and had 30 mins at 80 ft and about 45 mins at 40 ft. Not that I the most experieced of divers, but I liked them and I am looking forward to going diving in Cozumel again. I am hoping for the same experience again.


Thanks 092306. You see I hear all this negative stuff about Sand Dollar, but never from anyone who has done a dive with them. It's all about what somebody else said. So it's nice to know that someone who has had a dive with them enjoyed it.:)

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Thanks 092306. You see I hear all this negative stuff about Sand Dollar, but never from anyone who has done a dive with them. It's all about what somebody else said. So it's nice to know that someone who has had a dive with them enjoyed it.:)



I dove with sand dollar and had a great time. They were all professional and knowledgable. there were 10 divers on the boat with two dive masters and two photogs. 6 divers in one group and four in mine. I would use them again. Scuba with allison also comes highly recommended for Coz. But for the OP I would suggest they not use the ships excurion. It sounds as if they would be annoyed at those less experienced than them. SO definately suggest a private excursion.

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I have also dove with Sand Dollar in Cozumel. The two tank trip was just fine. It wasn't crowded. All the divers on the boat were certified. In fact it was better than most cruise scuba excursions that I have been on.


If you have a chance to do the $60, video, do it. We still laugh when we see it.

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I have dove with many different operators at Cozumel, including Sand Dollar.


When coming in on a cruise ship, I have dove with Carnival (Sand Dollar) and without Carnival (local operator).


After comparing with people that dove with Sand Dollar on the same day I went local, sometimes they got a better dive and sometimes I got a better dive.


It is sure convenient to go with the ship (Sand Dollar).


I have a different opinion about diving through the ship in other places like Grand Cayman, Roatan, Acapulco, Puerta Vallarta, Zihuatenejo, etc.



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Scuba Mark,

I saw that like me you have enjoyed using Sand Dollar in Cozumel. I saw that you posted you have a different opinion about using ship excusion in Roatan. I am curious as to what your opinion is of that and why? Although I am not the most experienced of divers, and have dived in St Thomas and Cozumel. I am diving again in Cozumel and Roatan. I am using Anthony's Key in Honduras. I'm using them due to fact that I have never been there and am not sure as to what other dive centers are close to the port in Honduras. Also I like the piece of mind diving through a ship excursion gives. No logistical work. No paying for taxi to and from, no extra fee for rental equiptment, etc etc. I guess I am asking "Was there somethng bad you did not like in using Anthony's key?" If it is a yes you hated them, can I ask why? I am just looking for information. I still have time to make other plans if you are saying you hated the ship excurison operator. Also if you have a different operator that you used and liked, can you kind of guide in the the "right "direction. Thanks for the info

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In response to a few of the posters. I meant nothing negative in regards to Sand Dollar Sports. I've never dove with them, but are well aware of who they are. I've seen their boats on the water and their divers in the water. There are over 50+ excellent dive operators in Cozumel. What is different is the divers many ops cater to. When Jango originally posted with his Dive Master Cert noted and his past diving experience with Deep Blue noted, it was implied he was more experienced than the average diver. In my response I was giving my opinion on the choices he was weighing and what the best plan might be. Every diver is different in both experience and expectations and needs. I've never heard anything negative in regards to their safety record, professionalism, equipment, DM's ect. I'm sure they provide a great service to many many divers. It's just my opinion based on a good number of dives in Cozumel over many years. Among those 50+ dive ops there are a good number that cater to more experienced divers that would likely be a much better match for the OP. Nothing more.



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I agree with you sddiver.Your opinion was well stated and as one of the not very experienced divers, I appreciate your opinion. Sand dollar was IMO good. I am sure there are other operator who are better and worse. I did not think you said anything bad, evil or otherwise against Sand dollar. Here is a question for you. Since I am not very expereinced what company in Cozumel would you recommed to someone who has dived but not dived alot? I am mostly likely going to stay with Sand dollar,(if no other reason Logistically and piece of mind) but would love to know what other companies you have used in Cozumel? Do they pick up at pier and drop off? Do they work to make sure you get back to ship in time? Thanks for your opinion and information

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In response to a few of the posters. I meant nothing negative in regards to Sand Dollar Sports. I've never dove with them, but are well aware of who they are. I've seen their boats on the water and their divers in the water. There are over 50+ excellent dive operators in Cozumel. What is different is the divers many ops cater to. When Jango originally posted with his Dive Master Cert noted and his past diving experience with Deep Blue noted, it was implied he was more experienced than the average diver. In my response I was giving my opinion on the choices he was weighing and what the best plan might be. Every diver is different in both experience and expectations and needs. I've never heard anything negative in regards to their safety record, professionalism, equipment, DM's ect. I'm sure they provide a great service to many many divers. It's just my opinion based on a good number of dives in Cozumel over many years. Among those 50+ dive ops there are a good number that cater to more experienced divers that would likely be a much better match for the OP. Nothing more.




I fully agree with what your'e saying. I know you meant no slight on any of the other dive operations but I'm glad you pointed it out as it may have been taken that way by those who don't really realize what our banter was about. Some cader to new and less experienced divers and that is fine. We were all new at this at one time and glad to have them to turn to.



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092306 (Is that your zip code?)


There are so many dive ops in Cozumel it’s really hard to pick a ‘best one” for anyone. Given that, I will give you several to check out and see what might work best for you. Given you have been out with Sand Dollar you have been to the island at least once so you know the lay of the land. I will break the list out into three parts. The first group is the Big Op multi boat Hotel based operators. They each have a shop and dock located at l one hotel often multiple hotels. They often have 5 or more or even 10 or more boats operating daily. They cater to the vacation diver, beginner, and often more experienced divers who like the convenience of being located at the hotel or the association with the cruise line.

Aqua Safari, Dive Paradise, Sand Dollar, Scuba Du, Aqua World, Dive Palancar, Dive House, Dressel Divers and a number of others.


They often have bigger boats, often time with heads if that’s important to you. Rarely do they do surface intervals on shore, but keep you out on the water for what is often a shorter interval that often results in shorter bottom times. Boats are usually slower as well.


Next group is the independent single boat operators. Some of these may have at one point added a second boat. Let me know if someone knows any changes and I will edit. These ops offer much more personal attention, usually from a smaller faster ‘six pack” type boat. They cater to all type divers beginner to experienced and often give you the options on picking the dive sites (within reason) along with the other divers. If you have a group of 4 or more you can often get the boat to yourselves if they don’t have other clients that day. Or you end up diving with a couple or more divers. Only downsides on single boat operators is they may be booked up the day you want or if you are a single or a small group you may end up sharing the boat with divers of vastly different experience and you may not want to dive where they do or visa versa. Though often the operator may put a second DM on the boat so the groups can dive separate profiles.


In this group – Scuba with Alison, Scuba Tony, Liquid Blue, Living Underwater and a large number of others.


Next group is the independent multi boat operators. They are bigger better single boat operators that over time expanded to at least two or up to 5+ boats. They mostly operate the same six pack type boats, just multiple boats. They offer a similar personal experience but the big plus is that they can group their divers by experience or dive site preference or by who your friends are.


In this group – Blue Magic, Deep Blue, Aldora Divers, Blue XtaSea, Blue Angel, Dive with Martin, Papa Hogs and a number of others.


This is my favorite group as they cater to more experienced divers as well as novices but have the multi boat flexibility to group people if at all possible. One important note on the single boat as well as multi boat operators. They often but not always do computer diving. If you don’t have a dive computer they will either rent you or even provide you one. This is also a big plus as the bottom time profiles will be longer if you dive with a computer to calculate your bottom time as opposed to the tables. They most often also go to shore for an extended surface interval. Using the computers and longer bottom times will require you to have a longer surface interval to off gas before you do your second also longer dive. Often these as well as the single boat operators also provide various levels of valet type service, set up your gear, store and perhaps clean your gear if you are staying on the island. Provide snacks water ect for surface intervals. Many do intervals at beach clubs so there is also restaurant service available as well.


Two subgroups need to be mentioned as well. Big tank ops. Aldora, Living Underwater and Liquid Blue provide larger steel high pressure or low pressure tanks for everyone. Other ops will provide bigger tanks if requested. If you are an air hog and frustrated by short bottom times this provides options for you. If you are an experienced diver who wants maximum bottom times of an hour plus on deeper dives and up to an hour and a half on shallow dives they provide that possibility. Keep in mind these ops tend to charge more for their services than the regular size tank ops.


Also several ops also market directly at cruise divers those that I know of include Aldora, Eagle Ray divers amongst others often mentioned in this forum.


In summary every diver is different and every op here will welcome your business regardless of your experience level. Some do however cater to the more experienced as opposed to others. The island lends itself to multi level diving well. The deeper dives are further from town/ships and the shallower dives are typically closer to town/ships so as diving you are usually moving towards you ship as the day progresses. There are many places to go to shore to get a cab to your ship in the event your boat has mechanical issues or your time line gets narrow. So unless your port time is very short I can’t imagine any reason to us a ships excursion to dive here unless you just want to go the path of least resistance or want to put as little effort as possible in your diving. Most morning two tanks leave the docks at 7am to 10am, afternoon two tanks 1-3 pm. Check with the dive ops on what your pickup options are. Unfortunately the cruise lines control the piers and they want you to use Sand Dollar so they can make money off you. I don’t believe but don’t know for sure that any independent ops can pick you up off the pier, but there are nearby options you can walk to or cab to get picked up. In my opinion it’s worth it to put the effort in.


Any questions?



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Scuba Mark,

I saw that like me you have enjoyed using Sand Dollar in Cozumel. I saw that you posted you have a different opinion about using ship excusion in Roatan. I am curious as to what your opinion is of that and why? Although I am not the most experienced of divers, and have dived in St Thomas and Cozumel. I am diving again in Cozumel and Roatan. I am using Anthony's Key in Honduras. I'm using them due to fact that I have never been there and am not sure as to what other dive centers are close to the port in Honduras. Also I like the piece of mind diving through a ship excursion gives. No logistical work. No paying for taxi to and from, no extra fee for rental equiptment, etc etc. I guess I am asking "Was there somethng bad you did not like in using Anthony's key?" If it is a yes you hated them, can I ask why? I am just looking for information. I still have time to make other plans if you are saying you hated the ship excurison operator. Also if you have a different operator that you used and liked, can you kind of guide in the the "right "direction. Thanks for the info


My husband and I went cruising back in June and we dove with Anthony's Key in Roatan through the ship. There were 12 divers on the boat and 2 DMs, but instead of splitting into 2 groups of 6, it was free-for-all. People kicking you, punching you, and even a photog shoving people out of the way - it was cattle boat madness! The resort looked beautiful, and the DMs were very nice, but if we go back to Roatan on a cruise, we will be diving independently.


We also dove in Cozumel on said cruise with Scuba with Alison and had an absolute blast with her! Both dives were over an hour long, and both she and her DM Orlando found some great critters.


I wrote a review with pictures of our cruise, including UW pics from Grand Cayman, Cozumel, and Roatan. http://boards.cruisecritic.com/showthread.php?t=1023218&highlight=


Hope that helps!

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SDDIVER not a zipcode just an important date is all. WOW I wasn't expecting what you typed and i want to thank you. That is a hell of alot of information. I am going to go and look at some of the operators you said and we'll see what happens.


CRYSTALLIGHT33 I am surprised by what you said. I could see that happening, but what from I read from people that did not seem to happen. I understand that every dive operator and every dive is different, I will take a look into the operator you used. Thanks for the info

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CRYSTALLIGHT33 I email Allison and I guess within 15 mins, she emailed me back. She can only do an afternoon dive, I think she said it leaves at 2. I can't do it due to ship leaves at 5 Her webpage does look good. Well there is always next time

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That is very surprising. They must have had some bad experiences with cruise ship divers not showing up. What's really perplexing is that they are one if not the only op actually located at a cruise ship dock. You think with the potential business at their door step they would try to capture that business as opposed to making it more difficult.


092306, (Wedding Date?)


To bad about Alison, sounds like she already is booked that morning. A few questions.


You are going back? When?

Which Cruise Line?

Port times for your day there? Do you know if it's local time or ship time if they don't change clocks?



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I am on Carnival Valor sept 20 sailing we are in port from 8 am to 5 pm. I belive the time they use is ship time while in port and not local time.

Yes technically this is my wife's screen name but i used this more then she does

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To book with Martin it looks like you have to reserve the WHOLE boat if they know you are diving from a cruise ship :rolleyes:




Which is a great deal if you have a group of 4 divers because you'll have the boat to yourselves. You get to set the schedule and pick the dive sites.

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I am on Carnival Valor sept 20 sailing we are in port from 8 am to 5 pm. I belive the time they use is ship time while in port and not local time.

Yes technically this is my wife's screen name but i used this more then she does



So you will be in town local time 7am or perhaps 8am depending on the clock policy. Either way you should have plenty of time to get to most shops if you need rental gear or anywhere to meet a boat if necessary. Most any of the shops I listed above could accomidate your needs. Is it just you diving? Or you and your wife or perhaps others. If you can put together a group of 4-8 most ops will try to send a dedicated boat for your group. If you meet other divers over the first number of ports you visit, pitch the idea to them. You can always email the op the days before and with luck modify the plan. If you are on a dive boat by say 9am. You should expect to be done by 12:30 to 1:30. So you even have the afternoon to do something else as well. We are planning a holiday week cruise at the end of this year(If the economy improves). We have at least 5 divers in our group. Our plan is to have the dive boat drop us off at one of the beach clubs after our second dive where the non divers will be. A little lunch, some sun and cerveza's and back to the ship later in the afternoon.


If you are not having luck finding a shop, send Joyce at Blue Magic and email, tell her Rich from San Diego referred you. She should be able to get you out without any issues.






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Thanks alot Rich. I will take a look at some other shops and see what goes on. I probably but not definitely just use the ship due to the fact that with the ship everything is included. So to an extent it is easier that way. I realize that there could also be a down side to using the ship operator but.... for a diver who isn't that experienced, it is just easier to do. I realize that there could be better experiences out there but, I am going to be thrilled just to get back in the water. I appreciate all your info and help. I WILL DEFINITELY look up some things and we'll see what happens. Thank you again and I'll let you know what happens


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I think it depends on your vacation. If you are like me, and I am on a cruise with my wife staring at the water wishing I was diving, then you take the fastest and easiest dive, just to get one in. If it is a "dive trip" with the guys then it's Deep Blue or Martin all week. It's like do you want to go to the beach or swim in your hotel pool. Both are good just one is MUCH better. " Cattle Boats are OK, I just look at them as a teaching opurtunity. Sometimes you can help a new diver become as hooked as you are.:D:D

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