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  • Location
    Stone Mountain GA
  • Interests
    making jewelry, painting, reading, cruising
  • Favorite Cruise Line(s)
    cunard as a child/carnival as an adult
  • Favorite Cruise Destination Or Port of Call
    anywhere where the tide comes in

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  1. Good Friday Morning Dailyites! 74 mostly cloudy- that's what the computer says.however it says nothing about how humid it is We had sprinkles aka rain yesterday, but no big storm. I worked 4 hours in LA, then printed the rest of my Orlando gig, had a one on one training session on the phone, and then started calling Orlando. For every campaign we have to sign a new form for rehire....even though i'm already working and the only time I should have to do it is when I am gone for 30 days, each campaign requires it. However neither I nor Chuck know how to sign papers when they are set up in Word, but I know that my "real boss" who I dont actually work with, but I am part of his group, knows how to forge my signature, so I asked him if he would forge it, and send it back to Mark. Mark was adamant that it be signed before I got on the phones, but since Mike agreed to sign for me, I got to work. I took DH out for breakfast yesterday at our favorite BBQ place, and picked up dinner at the same time, so we had sliced BBQ pork, Brunswick stew and he had potato salad, and I got the coleslaw. There is enough for dinner tonight , so we Q again! I have an appointment with the vein doc this morning, I was doing really well for 3 years post surgery, but after I fell taking the trash down the driveway (was that in May or April ?) my ankle has been swelling each day. I dont want to have another surgery, so I hope that I can find a way to put that off and still be "swell free." The vet called yesterday, turns out Munchkin has several types of parasites, and they are setting aside some meds for her. Without knowing how much they are, and these vets still take cash I need to call and find out how much to bring, but then it will have to wait until Monday to pick them up. I like the quote. When we read, we find out that some of those dark secrets we hide, or things we think, are often thought by other people, and then we dont feel so alone. We all read the daily, and I never feel alone here. Mexico scenes, but Uxmal is my favorite, and I have no idea where those pictures are-and then the last picture is from my favorite museum in Atlanta.
  2. @0106Misty of Chincoteague was a must read book. I loved it. Being the daughter of a man who grew up on a horse breeding farm, all things horses were in our house. I still have Justin Morgan had a Horse, but that is it. Because of course the farm Dad grew up on was a Morgan horse farm.
  3. Good Thursday Morning Dailyites! for weather update-see @StLouisCruisers cloudy, humid, strong storms, repeat, NOAA looks like our next 7 days are REPEAT, but the weather persons say less chance of rain...( I guess here it depends on where you are standing). During last night's rainstorm, I heard a crack, and felt the earth move, not sure if it was one of our trees, or a neighbors. It didn't take out the power...knock on wood. Gotta walk the dog, get something to eat, pick up some food for dinner tonight, and then work 3 hours for the LA job, and 4 hours for the FL job. I hope you all have a wonderful day! New Orleans
  4. @rafinmd I hope the pain can be resolved, keep us updated on your trip to Urgent Care. And if you can, sneak a nap in today. Ok, I'm done whining! There is nothing but to do the right thing around home. I wish the day was a few hours longer to get things done, but to quote my boss from the 80's, All you can do, is all you can do, and all you can do is enough. Off to learn about my new campaign, I love you all!
  5. Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! It's 73 cloudy, rain expected 80% chance.... I lost my connection to NBC, I have watched the Today show for years, so now I am watching it not live on Peacock. With DH's not so great report yesterday, I am letting him sleep in. He says he knows that he should walk, and as early in the day before it gets too hot, but the right foot is still swollen, and red, and I still think he needs to see someone at ER, but he refuses to go. Two days ago he and I talked about him retiring from his part time job, that he hates, doesnt do well at, and even before this latest botched surgery, couldnt sit for more than an hour at a time in a real chair. He called his boss on Monday, no answer. He tried again, no answer, and then right before we were going into the hospital his boss called him, told him to take care of himself, that he had a job when he was ready to come back to work, so DH thanked him, didn't retire, and kept saying that he really wants to work. I made a major decision based on his memory, I got the pill cutter out and took the drug that they want to wean him off of, and cut 7 pills in half, hid the rest of them, and put the halves in his pill bottle. Turns out that even though the pain doc told him to only take half, he had continued to take the whole pill. Now he cant. The docs have given him Wellbutrin with the directions on how to take it, and what day to put his smokes down, he has yet to take it properly. So he keeps "restarting" the program. The MRI s that he had yesterday was to see how close the cancer has grown to his brain. I am hoping that the results will be discussed when he has his next appointment with the oncologist. I have taken over all of the household chores, along with walking the neighbors dog (still) and am trying to figure out at what point do I take over his bills, and banking. I am still sleeping on the sofa, which is not the coolest room in the house, but I am sleeping better. The furbaby alarm clock does not allow me to sleep past 7 no matter how many times I pet the alarm.... Last night I found out I am getting moved to another campaign, so I will be working two campaigns again. Split my time, the bosses said. How many hours a week? Work as many as you can. So I will have to be working between doctor appointments. Now I am wondering, if they aren't going to ask me to work during my vacation.🙀 Seasonal pictures from my bird sanctuary walks and "the island" walks-Stone Mountain Park.. and this is how I have been feeling recently-
  6. @Vict0riannI have found over the years with DH and cancer, that the surgeon is just that, and your treatment options are through the oncologist. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that your oncologist is up to date with all the new treatments. DH had the first of two MRI's- the next was one rescheduled for a month from now, but thank Goodness that the hospital DID DO both MRI's today. They too thought the reason for changing the second one, was just stupid. (something about we cant schedule two exams at the same time in different rooms. Well the technician and nurse re thought that rule. Bless them. The nurse did tell me that DH told them he was in a lot of pain today, and they told me that he had fallen asleep, they are not sure if he was moving too much, but she said, the results did not look as good as last years. Which goes back to what the oncologist said-that this time the cancer has come back very aggressively. Another long day, with Krispy Kreme donuts involved....needed a snack before we got in to traffic. Thunder storms coming in, guess I should attempt to make dinner. @dfishPlease just be still for the rest of the day! I am sure there was a reason the nurse told you to enjoy the patio and drink coffee all day. Take care of yourself. You too @kazu! Rest and dont over do!
  7. Hoping this works - I had to restart part 2. This time we spend time in town, for several days We visited the Maritime Museum (the one that is south of town) this is a view from the museum. We went to Granville, and ate our way through the afternoon. I had my vacation NA beer- OUr full day excursion to Victoria and the Butchart Gardens- in the rain, After the gardens, we could either walk through town, or visit the British Columbia Museum (where the bus would pick us up) BFF went for a walk, and DH and I chose the museum- yes I a a dinosaur freak! Loved these scenes with taxidermied animals The next day we visited local museums in Vancouver-on the way to finding one of the art museums, we found a quiet demonstration. Or art installation, not quite sure. We stayed at the Holiday Inn in town. Close to some great inexpensive restaurants, some wild nightlife, but while wild, not noisy in this hotel. We sat out in the evenings, and watched the world go by. I would recommend this hotel. And I would love to go back to Vancouver!
  8. The vet visit was fine, and under a hundred bucks. Not by much.They needed a urine sample, and had to squeeze her to get it, She is not happy right now. I thought at first that sprinkles was referring to rain. Instead it's those wonderful crunchy ice cream toppings, in Boston they call them Jimmies. My grandfather and I used to walk down Commonwealth in Cambridge to Brighams and get coffee ice cream cones with Jimmies. I have been to Vancouver twice, once as the debarkation port, (when BFF treated to us to a wonderful day with a private limo and lots of high mountain places) and as an embarkation port, where we spend 5 full days wandering the city. So lets start with the one day visit- Our driver really wanted to drive us around and show us where all the famous people lived, after being on a ship surrounded by people we opted out on this part of the tour...in fact begged him to not bother. Chinatown- Totems in Stanley Park The harbour lighthouse Views from mountain one-did I tell you I hate heights, when swinging in a cable car? I told BFF and DH to sit down, and stop moving! Panic attack! Once on land no matter how high, I am OK. View from mountain two- the guys went further up on those itty bitty ski left to go up into the wind turbine- I got a different view from the ground.
  9. Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites! I'm off to the vets this morning. I will return! It's another Momma Munchkin day, but I have to find her first. LOL.
  10. @dfish prayers for you and the medical team on Tuesday. @JazzyVI hope they can figure out what is causing the vertigo tomorrow. Maybe your body is yearning for being on a rocky ship. I know my brain is. Each evening I have what I call Kitten time, when I put out temptations on the kitchen floor, and all the kittens and the old "kittens" come together and feast. I never have to worry about sweeping up the floor, there is never a crumb left. But now the elders are tired, and the kittens are charged up and ready to go. Sweet dreams my friends, may you dream of your own "temptations".
  11. @Nickelpenny and @GTVCRUISER I too like what you both did with your tiles. I have two tiles, and they are called coasters. We left a little after 9 this morning, and didn't get back until 6. Immunotherapy I guess went well, with the new Covid arriving, I sit in the waiting room, masked up, while he is in the back with the other immunotherapy folks. I go up and sit in the car or sometimes go to the shop and buy gnomes for my collection or candy for DH. He likes the Sunkist gel candies. I didnt stop at the shop at all, I was hoping his walking would improve, and we could visit the gnomes and candy together, but he is now using his cane, and he couldnt walk that far. I got lunch at the hospital cafeteria which serves the worst food. Both of us got heartburn from a cheese burger. We sat in the car, had lunch and waited for the next appointment. Next appointment was for pain management. Turns out the edema might MIGHT be caused by a new medication that he started taking for his nerve sensation that was caused by the radiation. When they increased the dosage, his arms and feet started to swell. So they are backing him down to half a pill, and then off of it all together, and then try gabapentin...again. And this doc addressed the fact that DH is having kidney issues, which neither of us had been told about. So some drugs wont work for him. Off to fix din din, and wipe out the remaining left overs.
  12. @rafinmdI always enjoy reading the meal that you had on what day, and where. You mention crisps a lot so last year when we were on Nieuw Amsterdam every time they had crisp I thought of you and ordered one-found this picture while going through last years cruise pictures- Have a great day!
  13. I thought Casual Pi was Cobbler. Good Monday Morning Dailyites! it's cloudy 71 degrees. Very Humid. But cool enough that the air is not on. I think I need to get a new dehumidifier. Yes, I do realize I talk about air pollution, planning the trips you have to take so that you dont drive all over, and I do realize that that is what most of you do anyway. And I complained last night, and then sat down and watched car races. Yesterday was be someone day, I was just being my normal nuts. @Cruzin TerriWhen my brain gets into the "what if" cycle, I remind myself that I am not in charge, there is a reason for everything, try to figure out if it's Karma and/or a time to learn something, and accept that sometimes life is not all smiles and sunshine, and turn it over to my higher power. That and it would be nice to have someone come sit with the DH so that I can have a little me time. LOL. I get some on Friday, when DH has a zoom meeting with one of his docs, and I will be having a vein appointment. Take care.
  14. @StLouisCruisers If you want less hot and humid, I'll see you at the end of October. I think we are all in the same soup together this year. I guess i'm not pleading to the correct people about stop driving for one day a week. Stop putting gases in the air, one day a week. Falls on deaf ears. I am about to have ice cream, and sit down and watch a car race. And then to bed.
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