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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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hello out there! dd today and I'm making it a good one - really want to be back to 177 tomorrow morning - and anticipating going to bed REALLY early to achieve the best poss outcome. My dd tip is to have a big bowl of washed lettuce leaves in the fridge - no nutrutional value but they satisfy the need to crunch and fill you up (definitely going to have 0fat dressing to dip with it though).


Nora, we usually do get the flu shot but this year the health region is holding off on the regular one in order to provide a mass immunization for h1n1. I have mixed feelings about this as the regular flu will hit a generally healthy pop harder symptomatically than h1n1 has proven to. On the other hand, if all of us have the h1n1 shot, then our more vulnerable people will be more protected. Our First Nations (Indian) communities do not enjoy the same quality of health as do most of us, so have been especially hard hit. The urologists have someone come in to administer the shot to all of us each year, which, considering how many pts we have who are immuno-compromised, is a good idea.


misty: I never heard that about the flu shot (mercury) - sounds scary. Just chatting with a coworker who doesn't believe in immunizing at all!:eek:! I think there is validity to careful consideration of these things but would sure hate to see a return of those diseases that wiped out populations. if one in a thousand didn't get their kids immunized I guess it would not put anyone in danger but if all thousand said no...? I've heard about the autism theory-so little is known about autism so it very well may be triggered in some individuals by the shot. Of course, it is also true that in car crashes some people have died because they were using a seat belt but on the whole, more have been saved because of them. So who knows?


As for vit D, I guess they are seeing more and more vit d deficient people because we are protecting ourselves from the sun! I found out i am and now take supplements regularly; it really makes a difference with depression I guess. Speaking of depression: today, the sun has disappeared and as I look across the river from the 5th floor, the houses on the other side are obscured by...SNOW!!!!! Horrible great lumps of it falling out of the grey sky. I have enjoyed the look of snow but only from my own window, when I didn't have to go anywhere in it and had my hands wrapped around something hot - or intoxicating. Then I could rhapsodize eloquently about the beauty of the changing seasons, yadda yadda. Today, it's a matter of, "oh crap, I have to drive home in this..."


whine whine whine - never mind, a good weigh in tomorrow will make up for all of it so keep your fingers crossed for me.


Hope you are all enjoying a great day - and better weather than me;) - elizabeth

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Good Morning and Happy Friday!


Well I fell off the wagon yesterday and had some pizza. I have been doing the no flour and sugar thing. I woke up this morning with a banging headache. Lesson learned. Also had my hair cut and colored yesterday and that leaning back in the sink always makes my head and neck muscles tight. Enough whining from me ;)


Weighed in. Stayed the same which is OK with me. TOM and all. The joys of being a woman!


The Vaccine debate. Here is my 2 cents on that. As a former pediatric nurse- I do not think there is a link to vaccines and Autsim. Often the signs of Autsim occur at the same developmental stage when the majority of the shots are given. If you look back through medical history we all had the same vaccines with the same minimal amount of themersol which is the mercury in the preservative. Not many from our generation have autsim. Now here is another interesting fact. Fish and seafood have a much greater level of mercury than vaccines. Now doctors are telling pregnant women not to eat more than one serving of fish per week during pregnancy. Interesting and confusing!


I also think that we have better knowledge these days to diagnose Autsim than in the past. So I will get off the soap box now. :D


Hope everyone is doing well!


Snow!!! Already yikes! However the weather man here did say that 4 letter word as a possibility for us next week. I am so not ready for it.


Have a good day!


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:cool:Well I'm back to where I was before my little breakdown. No idea how much I gained during that time but suffice it to say - nothing fit and I felt like hell, eating constantly. If I were to guess I'd say there has been 10lb gained and lost in the last month.


Aug 10: 187

Aug 19: 181

Sep 11: 177

Oct 8: 177


Onward and upward - except for the number on the scale that is;); we're off to the kids' place this weekend - hope you all have a good one:D - elizabeth

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Hi everyone,


I've been lurking on your thread for a few weeks now and finally decided to give this diet a try. I cruised in September and came back with a 5 pound weight gain and decided that was the time to start. I've been dieting for years and seem to fluctuate between 150 at my lowest, to about 175 at my highest. My actual highest ever was about 5 years ago when I was up to 210, but that hasn't happened since. Right now I'm hovering around 163, but I'd love to get back to 150.


Anyway....I was reading your thread and decided to get the book and read all about this diet for myself. I decided that the Monday after returning from our cruise on September 26th was the day I'd start and I weighed in at 170.5. I started with a dd on Monday and stuck to just the protein shakes (Myoplex low carb - 110 calories each) and I had one for lunch and one for dinner. I also had one cup of coffee in the morning and LOTS of diet soda all day. Oh and my typical shot or two of fat free Reddi Whip...gosh I love that stuff. Basically I was well below my alloted calories for a dd. It really wasn't even too hard and when I really wanted something, I just told myself that I could have that "tomorrow" and that seemed to work.


On Tuesday, my first UD, I didn't want to go crazy, so I had Fiber One for breakfast, like I always do....and then one cup of coffee and a Vitatop (100 calorie) for mid morning snack. Oh...btw...I get up at 4:00 AM, so mid-morning snack is about 8:30 AM. lol.


For lunch I had a cup of Fiber one yogurt, one of those new tuna cups and a 90 calorie pack of Quaker Mini Delights chocolate drizzle rice cakes and a small bag of Baked Lays for lunch. Then dinner was a plate of whole wheat spaghetti. I didn't think this was too bad.


Anyway....I really stuck to the DDs and didn't cheat at all and by Saturday morning I'd already lost 5.5 pounds !!! Woohooo.....I LOVE THIS DIET !!!!


Mentally, its the best diet I've ever been on, because I can just tell myself I can have that "tomorrow" and I don't feel like I'm depriving myself. THen when the UP comes, most times I don't even want whatever it was I wanted the day before !!!. It's been almost 2 weeks now and I've lost another pound , so my total so far is 6.5 for 2 weeks. I'm excited about that and I hope the losing continues.


I do go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week, but I think I'll probably need to be more sensible about my UD choices to really get better results down the line. Right now I'm just loving that I can have one little piece of candy if I want and not feel like I'm totally derailing my diet.


And I do have more energy and I'm hoping that the idea that my body never goes into "starvation mode" will work for me.


I hope it's ok that I jumped in here and joined your group.


I'm actually cruising again at the end of this month, so I 'm trying to get down a few more pounds before then....and then I'll be getting right back on JUDDDD when I get back.

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wow! 6.5 in 2 weeks what a great start!


Yes, like you I really enjoy the whole "I can have that tomorrow" vs. the standard diet thinking: "I should never have that again". and then tomorrow comes and sometimes I do and sometimes I don't have the desired edible. This just feels like something a person could do forever - and it is easy to get back into it rather than with some plans that make you feel like you're a failure if you slip, this one has built in "slippage" options:)


Glad to have you aboard. - Elizabeth

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Well, I haven't posted in awhile. So hello to all of you. I hope everyone had a good weekend.


Welcome Colleen! Looks like you are off to a good start. That is too funny that your kids are know your ud and dd's.


Welcome, Ellen! I see you are going on the Fascination. My family and I will be going on there in April and I think several other Juddd'ers have been or are going on there too. You'll have to let us know how great it is. And what a great first loss. It took me the whole month to lose the same as you did in 1 week.


Nora, Elizabeth, Tammy & Misty, I hope all of you are doing well. I hope to check in more often this week.


My dd's have been tough this week, but I made it through them. I haven't weighed since the 1st and I am kinda afraid that I may have gained some. I haven't cheated, although I did have to have 2 UD's in a row, but I also haven't been exercising as much as I should have.


Well, have a great evening!

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Hi Everyone!

Elizabeth- Congrats on not gaining. I know you have had a rough few weeks.


I got some chores done over the weekend that I have put off. One was to get rid of a bunch of clothes that are now too big. I brought 2 large shopping bags and several things on hangers to the Resuce Mission. It is good to get rid of the 'fat clothes'


A new week and a new start for all of us! I vow to get to the gym 3 times this week. Have been slacking off. But that is my goal for this week.


Any one have a goal for this week?


Have a great Monday!



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Just a quick post to report my weigh in results...down 1#. I'll take it!


I'll have to address everyone individually later... Got a lot of errands to run today.


Hope everyone has a great day!


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/06 199

10/12 198

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Goodmorning everyone. Today is a DD for me and even though this is week three, I'm sticking with the protein shakes cause it's just easier and I can grab it and go. I'm using the low carb Advantage shakes that only have 110 calories each, so with two of those and probably a half a can of fat free reddi whip LOL, I'm still way below the 450 calories I can have. I think I need to start being better on my UD though. I'm not going totally crazy, but I'm not really watching either. We had spare ribs and french fries this weekend and I had a bagel for breakfast. If I still have a loss this week and I can get away with eating like that, I will be THRILLED !!!!!.


I managed to get to the gym 3 times last week and I'm hoping to get 4 in this week. I have to go immediately after work and if things get scheduled then, I can't get there....but so far, this week is looking good for 4 visits.


I am slightly adjusting my schedule this week so that I have an UP next Sunday as it's my sister in law's birthday and we're going to their house for dessert. So I'll do a DD today and a medium day tomorrow and an UP on Wednesday and I should be good to go.

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Good morning, ladies!


Nora ~ I know what you're saying about how autism symptoms show up around the same time immunizations are given, and that's why people think there's a link. It's not necessarily cause and effect... I made my peace with getting the necessary vaccinations for Lexi. I did my research, talked to my doctor best friend, and prayed on it and came to the conclusion that I was getting her shots on the proper schedule. My doctor friend said what Elizabeth said about how the diseases we're vaccinating against are dangerous, and she told me a story about a little kid in California (I think) who's mom chose not to vaccinate who ended up contracting either the Measles or the Mumps and died... So sad. Even though the rational me knows there's probably no link between the autism and vaccines, the mommy in me still worries sometimes. Worry is what we mommies do, right? Great job on getting rid of "fat clothes"! That's a great move... I think if we keep the "fat clothes" around, we are unconsciously or subconsciously giving ourselves permission to gain weight again, so good for you!!! My goal for the week is to work out at least 3 times and build up my stamina again so that I can tackle the Slim in 6 workout program.



Elizabeth ~ Woo hoo on the weigh in!!! How awesome that you're already back down to where you were before! And I love how you worded about built in slippage...so true!!!


Ellen ~ Welcome to our little group! Good job on the weight loss! Let me know how your medium day goes. I've yet to attempt one.


Brandy ~ Hope your weigh in goes well... Don't get disheartened if it doesn't. I've had a couple of weeks where I've gained, but then the next week, I start losing again.


Tammy ~ You alright?


My weekend was okay. Stuck to true alternation last week and was hoping for some great results on the scale. I only lost 1 lb., but I'm okay with it. I think I just need to come to terms with the fact that it's time to reign in my UDs and maybe even start counting calories on them, which I am very reluctant to do. The great thing about this WOE is it only feels like a diet every other day, but if I count everyday, it'll be an everyday diet again... BUT I only have 6 weeks left until the cruise :eek: so it's time to step it up. My (unrealistic) goal was to lose 40 lbs. by then; I'm only at 17.4 now, so my revised goal is 23 lbs.

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hello all! just lost the post i wrote - it seemed to not want to take it and then, after a minute or 2 of watching the little circle go round - i was notified I was no longer on the internet! So going to try to post this first before attempting a more specific post.

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Happy Hump Day :D


Tammy- Hope you are OK and can post soon.


Elizabeth- I hate it when I lose a post. I know when I tried to get on this thread this morning it would not open.


Misty- Your progress is great. I am sure you can get more weight off before the cruise.

I bet you reach your revised goal.


Brandy-Hope things are going well for you.


Ellen- I heard on the TV today we have snow headed our way! I am so not ready for it.


Not much new going on. Have my monthly book club meeting tonight. We meet for dinner and discuss the book we read the past month. We also have a few laughs too.


Hope everyone has a great day!


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Hi ladies!



Truth be told, I haven't really been okay for the last week or so, but I'm hanging in there. I'll spare you the gory details, please just send positive thoughts/prayer/karma my way. I've SO missed you gals!


In brighter news.... I have stuck 100% to my plan and lost another 2 pounds at last Friday's weigh-in. I peeked at the scale yesterday and was VERY happy, but I'll wait until my official weigh-in this Friday before posting it, so I don't jinx myself!!!



7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169



Welcome to our group, Ellen! Sounds like you're off to a fantastic start and have a great frame of mind to do it.


I started eating some fish and I think that's helping keep my cals down on my slightly skewed version of my DDs. Based on what I saw yesterday on the scale, I think it's helping. I don't love fish, but I don't hate it, either. I splurged on some fresh fish from the butcher instead of the frozen stuff at the store and it really is good. Boy does it need butter, though! I've been really good and haven't added any. :)


Speaking of being good..... we had pizza and cake at work today... at that God-forsaken table right next to me and I didn't touch any of it!


Elizabeth~ Congratulations on getting back to where you wanted. Believe me, I know how much grieving and dealing with emotional issues can take over your whole body and soul.


Nora~ I'm so jealous you have a book club! I wish we had something like that around here. A friend and I have thought about starting one, it's just hard to make the time. Do you have some all-time favorite books? I'm quite a book fiend.


Misty~ OMG, you are so brave to do the Slim In 6. I ordered it and think I lasted about 3 minutes before I thought I was going to die. I haven't picked it up since. Maybe I'll use you as my inspiration to open it again.


Brandy~ GREAT job sticking to your DDs even thought they were tough. Don't you feel a great sense of accomplishment when you make it through a rough one?


Ellen~ Let us know how the MD goes. None of us have seemed to be able to get that quite right and switching the UD and DD seem to be a bit of a block for most of us.


Nora said the S-word! SNOW! Yikes! We keep hearing rumblings about that here in MI. I hate winter with a passion. It's not the snow I hate, but the cold. I hate being cold almost more than anything. My friend that's going on my February cruise is a meteorologist for the National Weather Service and said that we're supposed to have a mild, El Nino winter. I hope he's right!!!!

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So glad to hear your voice again Tammy! I figured something unhappy was happening for you and marvel that you managed to maintain your eating plan through it. Well done:D. For those of us who use food emotionally, to get through a tough emotional time without self medicating in this way is a sign of real internal healing:). If you need to talk about it - you know where we are...


Well I am doing my first all water fast today. I have to as last weekend was thanksgiving in this part of the woods and we spent several days with my ds, ddinlaw and lovely grandbabies...these people had goodies on the table EVERY day and it was more than I could resist. I ate steadily from Friday night to Monday night. Nobody's fault but mine - I'm just not accustomed to having bowls of chips and bags of chocolate in the house. Didn't have any will power last weekend - I hope I can find enough today to get me through.


Whiteworld out there today - I am so sick of this. we were supposed to have a lovely long autumn of sunny days and glistening colourful leaves; so much for el nino...don't know where that kid is but he ain't here.:mad:


have a great day all and wish me well in my water quest - the works kitchen being full of cookies and nanaimo bars and donuts, oh my!


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I'm not really sure what to tell you about the MD that I did....and who knows if I did it correctly or not, but this is what I did.


I had a DD on Monday...just protein shakes, coffee and diet soda. On Tuesday I figured I'd allow double the amount of calories I can have on a DD, which would be about 850 - 900.


I had my usual Fiber One for breakfast, a cup of coffee around 8:30 and for lunch I had a 50 calorie cup of yogurt and a 90 calorie bag of rice cakes. For dinner I had a hand full of pretzels and a Lean Cuisine Macaroni and Cheese dinner. Still well below my 850 - 900 I was allowed, but I wasn't overly hungry, so that's all I ate.


Yesterday was then my UD. Now when I weigh in this weekend, we'll see if that made any difference or not. I figure I can do this to switch my days if I know something good is coming up that I'll definitely want to be able to eat for.


Only two more weeks until I cruise, so I'm trying to be extra good cause I know once my feet hit that deck and I hear that first "doing" from my S&S card, all dieting goes OUT THE WINDOW !!!!!! My mouth is already watering thinking of the fresh mozzarella/tomato/pesto on focacia from the deli...yummmm

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Just checking in. Not much to add here and not a lot of time either. It sounds like everyone is doing pretty good. Hang in there, Tammy, and I hope your week gets better. :(


Well, today is my dd and so far I've only had a little bit of Vitamin Water. It's hard for me to drink plain water first thing in the morning. After I get something with some flavor in me, then I can drink it. Just a couple more hours and then I can have some lunch. Yum.

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Thank you all for the encouragement! *big hugs*



Ellen~ That's exactly what I was wondering about your MD... what you ate and how you planned it out. It sounds like you did it perfectly! Great job! When do you sail and on what ship??? I think you're sailing the week before me. And then Misty's close behind later in November. Isn't it great when it's coming up so quick?!?


Elizabeth~ If you make it through a whole day water fast, you are my hero. No, scratch that... my UBER-HERO! I've done a 2 day fast before, but never could have done it with just water. I had to at least have diet soda. Just remember that holidays are just always going to be off-diet times. Holidays and cruises, that is! I'm sure we will all indulge at Thanskgiving and Christmas. Getting back on track afterward is what's important. As for my avoiding the emotional eating, I just kept repeating that mantra (sometimes even out loud, sometimes even yelling it outloud at myself!) "Nothing I eat will make me feel better, this has nothing to do with food!" I guess it helped. Although, for the first time ever, toward the end of last week I was actually so stressed I couldn't eat. That's never happened to me before. Things have settled down a bit now, so I'm back amongst the eating! :p


Speaking of soda... and on a totally random note... I just discovered Diet Mountain Dew Ultra Violet. It's purple and tastes just like Smirnoff Ice! YUM! I've technically given up soda, so I only have a few sips a day, but wow is it yummy!


Brandy~ I'm the same way, I don't like plain water in the morning. I do it, but don't like it.

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I'm sailing on the Carnival Fascination for a Halloween cruise with my girlfriend from high school. We leave on Halloween day and we're trying to figure out what kind of costumes to wear that don't take up much packing room. We're still not sure what we're doing yet LOL. I"ve never done a "girls" vacation and we're SO looking forward to it.


Smirnoff Ice !!??? Really?? Ohhh I can see I'll have to try some of that, because I LOVE Smirnoff Ice. Thanks for the tip.

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Hey, ladies!


I'm still inexplicably down in the dumps. Crappy, rainy, dreary day here in Tennessee.




Nora ~ Like Tammy, I love books, as well! What is your favorite genre/authors?


Tammy ~ Good to have you back, though I'm sorry to hear things are still tough for you. As Elizabeth said, you know where we are if you need to vent. I would tell you how awesome you've done on the weight loss this week, but I, too, refuse to jinx you. :) Let us know tomorrow so that we can give you cyber pats on the back! As for the Slim in 6, I've had it for several years. I tried it before my wedding (2002). For the program, you're supposed to do the first tape for 1 week, the 2nd tape for 2 weeks, then the third one for the last 3 weeks... Well, I finally got to the 2nd tape on my 6th week! I don't know if I could ever follow the program as it's supposed to go! However, I am always incredibly sore the day after I do it, especially in my legs and butt. So I plan on incorporating it into my workout routine even though I won't follow the program as it's written. Oh, and same question to you as I asked Nora---fav authors/genres?


Elizabeth ~ AWF? You go, girl! I've wanted to attempt that a time or two, but never had the guts. I wish you success!! Evil, evil b'day cake near you! Hang in there!


Ellen ~ Thanks for the MD info! I think I'll attempt one the next time I need to change my schedule for a special event. Can't wait to hear about your cruise and your opinions on the ship! This will be my first cruise with Carnival, so I love to read reviews! And how fun to do it on Halloween!


Brandy ~ Good luck with the rest of your DD. I'm having a tough one for some reason. I'm fantasizing about a chili cheese hot dog..... And I don't usually even really like them. ??? I think my monthly gift must be on its way, lol.

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:)things have started moving in the right direction again! I'm going to try to make every Thursday a water day; there were times of unpleasant hunger cramps but they didn't last long - in a way it was good to be reminded that there are so many in the world for whom that is a daily experience and not a cure for overindulgence; puts things in perspective.


Books: currently reading a couple of bios (Delta Burke and Be****r Bhutto) and a scary John Saul. Enjoy history books covering the Tudor and Elizabethan eras. My favourite author is Nora Lofts.


Tammy, your "be strong" letter really did help! I reread it several times during the afternoon. Love your mantra when compelled to eat emotionally and will borrow it - thanks.:)


Misty, so sorry you are feeling blue; hope the clouds lift soon for you. Had to laugh when I read the start of your message to me : "AWF?.." for a minute there I thought I saw a t between w and f:eek::D


Ellen, what fun! Have you figured out your costumes yet? Boy, I would have done that first. I love masquerades. My husband and I met at a "come as your favourite god or goddess party". I've always been partial to the Snake Goddess and wasn't going anywhere bare breasted, so went as her High Priestess. Cecil misunderstood the theme, threw a dirty white tablecloth on and came as a lowly roman slave...;)


Brandy, I know it is scary to weigh in when you aren't sure about the outcome but if it isn't working for you, don't despair; you may just need to tweak the program a little as others have to make it work. Keep your chin up:)



Nora, has the snow hit yet? It's all melting here HOORAY, and we are going to have some nice light jacket/heavy sweater weather coming. I plan to grab every minute of it. on nice days the river bank is packed with joggers, cyclists, strollers, and bench warmers - especially after a cold snap. Makes one more appreciative I suppose than if all your days are sunny.


So here's my update:


Aug 10: 187

aug 19: 181

Sep 11: 177

Oct 9 : 177

Oct 16: 176


have a great weekend all!

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