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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Hi again~


Hey I was just sharing this with a girlfriend and couldn't believe I hadn't showed you yet! This is my final goal reward. If, I mean WHEN I get to a size 8-10, this dress is going to be my reward. My intention is to be able to wear it on Valentine's Day (my b-day) on my cruise. They even make it to order using your specific measurements, so it'll fit perfect.



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tammy it's gorgeous!! get it in blue and I'll be on your doorstep to borrow it.


misty you must be some kind of masochist. I can't bear to think about food let alone look at it in any of it's delectable forms during a dd :p. I have a friend who keeps recipe books in her bathroom....always knew it was awful but never knew it had a name before: food porn addict:D Still LMAO


hope you enjoyed your buddies day out. have a great weekend all - elizabeth

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Hello- My name is Nora and I am a food porn addict :D


Hi Gang!


Misty I know all about food porn. My Dh and I were looking at a menu in a resturant and I said this is food porn. Thought he was going to fall out of his seat laughing.


My sis is now at the rehab facility. It is much closer to me. Of course I know most of the staff there too. She is doing well. Sore but doing well.


Well got up this morning and had my coffee. my neighbor called and asked if there was something wrong with the water. Turned on the tap and had none. I looked out the window to see water gushing down the street. Had another main break. Same place as 2 years ago. So went most of the day without H20. They finally had it fixed around 5pm.


So that was my exciting day. Off to do errands tomorrow.


Have a great weekend!


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Misty: here's cecil's pumpkin pie recipe:


1 can pumpkin (16 oz)

1 can lo-fat evap milk (13 oz)

2 tbsp marg/butter

2 eggs

3/4 cup splenda

1/2 cup Bisquick

2 tsp vanilla

2 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice

(C uses: 1 1/2tsp cinnamon;3/4 tsp ginger;1/4 tsp cloves)


350 degree oven

grease pie plate: 9 x 1 1/4 or 10 x 1 1/2

blend all ingredients about 1 min

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:confused:no idea why it entered- my computer may be possessed;)


bake until inserted knife comes out clean - 50 to 55 mins


Cecil worked this out to about 21 points for the whole pie and I think there are 50 cals per point. Plonk some low or no fat whipped topping on it and it is delicious! - elizabeth

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I'm doing a happy dance! I finally reached the 20 lb. mark! I lost 1.6 this week, for a total of 20.2! Yay!


Elizabeth ~ Thanks for that recipe! I can't wait to try it! I was in the computer room last night (Down Day) checking out my food porn again, lol. There's something about browsing recipes and thinking, "I can make that tomorrow" that comforts me! Weird, I know!


Tammy ~ GORGEOUS dress! It's so elegant! Now that's a heck of a reward motivation right there!


Nora ~ Hope you had a good weekend. Glad your sister is on the mend!


Brandy, Ellen, hope you guys enjoyed your weekend, as well.


Mine was great! I SOOOO enjoyed my day out with my girls! We shopped 'til we dropped! I got most of my Christmas shopping done. We had a long, leisurely lunch at my favorite restaurant (Mimi's Cafe). We found great sales and I had coupons for many of the places we went. Sunday, my husband carved our pumpkin into the shape of Elmo for Lexi. She enjoyed it. Just an all-around good weekend. :)




Here are my numbers:


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/06 199

10/12 198

10/18 196.6

10/26 195

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well done Misty!:D 20 lb!! I'm so happy for you and can't wait til I can say the same:)


did hubby do that freehand? fantastic job and Lexi must have loved it. enjoy the pumpkin pie -




Thank you! No, he printed a template off the internet. He placed it on the pumpkin, poked holes all throughout the outline, traced the outline with a marker, then used his Dremmel Tool to carve. He's an engineer so he's handy that way, lol. :)

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Good Morning!!!


Misty- Congrats on the 20# !!! Amazing Love the pumpkin. We are doing ours tonight.


I saw an idea in a magazine. I am going to take various cookie cutters and use those to cut shapes into the pumpkin. Looked good in the magazine.

What concert are you going to?


Tammy- Very pretty dress. enjoy it in good health! :D


Elizabeth- Would love to hear the name change story. I have all kind of crazy ideas in my head. Was it because...

You were a porn star?

You had an affair with a high power political official and caused a scandal?

You are really a wealthy heiress and wanted people to stop pestering you?

Just didn't like your given name? LOL I am kidding! I love to live precariously through others. :D Think Nora needs to get out more ;)


Ellen- You leave soon! Enjoy.


Brandy- Are your little ones all excited for Halloween?


Have a great day Gals!



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Just caught up on reading everyone's posts. It sounds like all of you are doing well. I had weigh in on (well, now I can't even remember when I did it), anyways, lost 1 lb which brings my total to 8 lbs since September 1. I only have 8-10 lbs to reach my realistic goal. And it seems like it is all in stomach. Ugh.


Misty, I do the same think on dd's with food. I will sometimes go to the Carnival board (on here) and look at the thread with favorite foods. It helps me think about when I get on my cruise, I'll be able to have any of that.


Well, let me go find some lunch. It's a dd, so not too much.

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Hi Ladies!


Misty~ WHOOOHOOOOO!!! Way to go passing that 20# mark! That's got to be super-motivating. Maybe the food-porn is working! I'm so glad you had a great time with the gal-pals this weekend. I think us women need things like that more often! What a cute pumpkin! Did Lexie love it???


Elizabeth~ Do you bake that pie without a crust? I think I'll make that for my parents who are on WW.


Nora~ LOL I love your "ideas" on why Elizabeth changed her name. Maybe she was a wealthy-heiress who had an affair with a high powered political official and then the scandal sent her into being a porn star. THANK GOD Cecil saved her from that life! LOL Elizabeth, you know we joke with love! :D


Brandy~ Great job on the pound lost! Those last 5-10 can be tough. Stick with it and it'll happen. I didn't know there was a favorite food thread... gotta check that out!


I'm temporarily proud of myself right now. I was going to go get some of my favorite Lee's chicken for lunch today, but remembered how close I am to my cruise, so I ate a cup of bullion instead. It was still yummy, so it's all good. I tried on about the last of my "cruise clothes" this morning and very tentatively tried on my very favorite outfit. The pants are just a touch snugger than I want them to be, but I'll definitely be able to wear the outfit on my cruise! I drove to work SO HAPPY! :D


And speaking of our upcoming cruises, I thought I'd throw this out there since some of them are coming up quick..... How much do you think is reasonable to gain back on-board? Obviously I'd like to not gain any, but as strict as I'm eating now, and with no alcohol, I know that's not realistic. I can do mostly low-carb, but I know I'll have some drinks and at least a little bit of the warm chocolate melting cake at dinner. So I'm thinking if I try not to gain more than 5 lbs, that might be okay. Do you think that's realistic??? Also, do they have scales in the gym?

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Nora ~ Post a picture of your pumpkin...Sounds pretty. As for the concerts, they are

Concert 1: REO Speedwagon, Styx, and Night Ranger

Concert 2: Jason Aldean


My husband is still saying that he's "not telling me not to go" to the concerts but he's basically said he'll never forgive me if I get sick and bring it home to him and Lexi and subsequently ruin the cruise.... Aaahhh!


Brandy ~ Good job on the pound lost! You're soooo close to goal! Glad to hear someone else shares my appreciation for food porn. :D I have also checked out the Carnival food thread on here, lol. I made sure I read what desserts were great and which were not. I don't want to waste my time on a mediocre dessert! :)


Tammy ~ Yes, Lexi loved her pumpkin. She points at it and says," Mo-Mo, Mo-Mo, Mo-Mo!!!" Good for you on fitting into your skinny clothes! Gosh, that has to feel so awesome! As for how much weight to gain on the cruise... I'm thinking I'll give myself 5-7. For you, however, you may want to count on a touch more even. I only say that because you're doing LC, and from what I understand, when LCers eat carbs again, they immediately gain some water weight. However, going by what I've read from others, that water weight quickly vanishes with just a few DDs. So what I'm saying is cut yourself some extra slack because those first few pounds will only be water. This is my first Carnival cruise, so I have no idea about scales... I don't know if I'll even weigh on the ship. I may just enjoy myself and not assess the damage until I get home... Haven't made up my mind yet.


DD today. Got my recipe site ready to go! :D I'm going up to visit my parents, brother, SIL, and niece tomorrow, so I have to bake pumpkin bars (there, Tammy, that's for your next dream, lol) today. I hope I can refrain from nibbling! Have a good one!

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Misty~ OMG, pumpkin bars??? You're KILLING ME!!!! LOL Any pumpkin treats are my FAVORITE! Pumpkin bars sound SO good right now! I can't wait until Thanksgiving. I obviously will allow myself to eat whatever I want and I fully intend to make something yummy and pumpkin-y. AGGHHHH!!!! ~~~~~ As for desserts on Carnival, you MUST try the warm chocolate melting cake. It is SO good. There are copycats in the stores, but nothing like what's on board. And speaking of food porn, my friend Anthony that I'm going on the cruise with in a couple of weeks, loves that cake so much, it's our joke that it's his porn for the week. We always joke about leaving him alone with it. LOL Oh, and the coolest part about the desserts (or any of the food) is that if you don't like it, just ask them for something else. You can order as many items as you'd like to try. Every now and then I can't decide between two things, so they just bring both. ~~~~~ Good point about the water weight. 5 lbs probably isn't realistic coming from LC. Most of the time I actually lose a few pounds on a cruise because I do so much more walking and dancing. Maybe that will help me keep things in check. I like your thought about not worrying about it until I get back, too.


I almost blew it last night after coming home and finding my daughter had broken almost EVERY one of her rules. I was so ticked, I just wanted to eat something sweet. I could hear you all encouraging me in my head, so I had some chicken and cottage cheese instead. There was a raspberry toaster strudel in the freezer BEGGING me to eat it. :eek: I told it to BITE ME! LMAO!!!!!

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Hi Gals~


I'm just here to vent and keep myself accountable. I'm having a rough day and although I keep telling myself that cheesecake will NOT help, I really don't believe that! I'm going to have my chicken for lunch like a good little girl, but would love to dive face-first into a box of Little Debbies or something. :(


Did I mention I NEED A VACATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tammy- Hang in there! Just think your curise is just a short way off and all the really good food you will have there. Nothing you can have now would compare and is so not worth it!


Elizabeth- Hope I did not offend with my oddball sense of humor ;)


Misty- I have seen all those bands in concert. 'Back in the day' You might want to get some Airborne and take that for a few days before. It is an all natural immunity booster invented by a school teacher. It is a powder you put in a drink. Works like a charm when I have to fly. Most of the viruses are air borne in nature. So that will give you a boost.


Hope every one is doing well!



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Nora, not offended in the least, in fact, I had a good laugh at all the speculation; it just makes the truth seem rather lacklustre so I think I'll go with: it's a witness protection thing...yeah, that's the ticket, witness protection...;)


Having a bit of a struggle of a week actually. In my religion Halloween has a different significance than for most - it's a time to say goodbye again to all those who have passed on in the previous year; so I am thinking about my mum a lot - and eating the freaking chocolate bars I KNEW I shouldn't buy until Saturday!! Hence, there won't be a weigh in on Friday:o- still planning to do the water fast on thursday though.


Tammy! don't undo all your hard work! You are almost there and THEN you can do some indulging. Take it from one who knows - with recent experience - you will feel even worse afterwards;emotional eating has a momentary relief feeling followed by a lengthy "unpleasant regret" feeling. BE STRONG!!


"do they have scales in the gym?" - LMAO still over that one. Don't do that to yourself! who the heck knows whether they do or not - I know they have well outfitted gyms on the ships - i poked my head through the door on the conquest ;) but scales????


Oh the pie is a "crustless" although the bisquick falls to the bottom to form a sort of crust.


have a great day all, Elizabeth

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Elizabeth- Sending you a cyber (((((hug)))

I am a little down today too. Today would have been my Dad's 92nd birthday. He was a die hard Yankee fan. Tonight is the first game of the World Series and I will route for the Yanks in honor of my dad.


OK I won't tell a sole I know you :)

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Thanks Nora I appreciate that. Hope you enjoyed the game and I'll bet your dad was there with you!


Well I think fasting is the way to go for me. The thursday fast day was quite easy even during an emotionally trying time. Once I start eating,even on a dd,it's often so hard to control. so I think I'm going to add a second awf day to the week. Maybe after 2 water days next week I'll have a good weigh in:D


Had my H1N1 in one shoulder and regular flu in the other on Wed - the "hinie" is still a bit tender but I'm glad I've got them.


Have a good weekend all - and get rid of those leftover goodies on sunday morning if you can (food bank, day care etc) - Elizabeth

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Hi Everyone!

Working at the Nursing Home this weeked so HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!


I hope the weather holds out here for the kids. Do enjoy them coming to the door.


Elizabeth- The Yankees lost :( But my dad would have hit me up side my had if he read my previous post. Route/root and Sole/soul. Duh. Dad always corrected everyone's English and would cringe when my brothers said "Aint"


Hope everyone is well!


I got the seasonal flu shot but still waiting for the H1N1 to arrive here. Have a great weekend!



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Hi Ladies!


Unfortunately I don't have much time to write, so just a quick check-in....


I had my weigh-in yesterday and lost 1 lb. Normally I'd be disappointed, but I went down another size this week, so I'm uber-happy about that! I was busting the seams of my 16's when I started and my 12's are loose and comfy now. yay!


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162


I'm happy to report, I stayed strong on my emotional day(s). This week is my "blank pill" week that I have every three months, so as usual I've had a migraine all week. Those make me want to eat, too. I've got one more week, I'll weigh-in next Friday right before I leave for the airport and then it's par-tay time!!!


Elizabeth~ You crack me up about the scale. I know you're right. :)


Sorry I can't write more right now.... everyone take care and have a GREAT weekend! I'll write more soon!

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:)YAY TAMMY!!! 162lb!!! You are exactly where I want to be and I am so happy for you!!! Well done - you worked hard for this and you deserve it. With such a pretty face, you must be drop dead gorgeous now with the bod to match.


Nora, I wonder if your dad was standing behind you tut-tutting when you wrote "had" for "head":D? I've looked back on a lot of my posts and wondered how the heck I missed this word and mispelled that one - and I proofread before I post:o! Are you doing anything special for the residents for Halloween?


We're above zero here and the snow has melted so the kids should have a good time. A bit concerned about this years being a Saturday though - a lot of bigger "kids" will be driving from boozy party to party when the littler ones are crossing the road, wearing masks and tripping on costumes. What an Eyore I am - probably have an ulcer by now just from watching people try to cross the busy road I live on.


Have a great weekend all, have fun, -elizabeth

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Hey, everyone! Sorry I've been MIA for a few days...been kind of hectic around here.


Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! Lexi scored! She ended up with pounds of candy (ugh), 2 new outfits, new hair clips, and $40! This kid racks up everywhere she goes, lol. We had a blast! She was an adorable ducky. :)


Tammy ~ You're doing so awesome with the weight loss!


I'm supposed to weigh tomorrow, but I'm not looking forward to it. Ended up having 2 UDs Friday and Saturday. If I don't gain, I'll be content.


Sorry to run so quickly and without addressing each individual post, but my house is a disaster area! Hope to hear from y'all soon!

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Hi, everyone. Can I join your group? You seem like a great groups of ladies. I started the diet a week ago. Well, I actually did it for a week about 3 weeks ago, and lost 4 pounds. Then I went on a group trip to Mexico to do medical clinics. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep up with it while I was there. So I restarted when I got back. I think I've lost about 4 pounds this week. I weigh in tomorrow.


I'm 42 years old, and have 2 kids (19 yo dd and 17 yo ds). We are planning a cruise for next August, and I would like to lose at least 50 more pounds before then. I'm 5'8". I would be happy with a size 10, ecstatic with a size 8. I think it's doable. I've lost about 30 so far since January with just watching calories and exercise. It is just so much slower this time around than when I was in my 30s. Dang! That's really got me frustrated, but also motivated, because I know it just gets harder the older I get. I've got to get-er-done this time for good.


I like the JUDDD, because you at least have some days where you can eat something you like (within reason). But the DDs are hard for me. I have headaches and am really wiped out by the end of the day. I always go to bed early. I'm going to try the suggestion of waiting till later in the day to eat my first meal.


I'm looking forward to getting to know you all. :)



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hi Jennie and congrats on your substantial weight loss this yr!:) Like you, I've discovered that age plays a big role in wt loss - the body just wants to hang onto it now; wonder if this has something to do with my growing stock of crap in closets, shoeboxes, etc:D - can't let ANYTHING go anymore


Misty! Do they actually give out money in your neck of the woods?? wow, I know where i'm trick or treating next year ;). I had way too much stuff left over this year - felt bad about not loading kids up earlier. Got the bag of left over chocolate bars, et al, into the trunk by 9:15 pm for Cecil to take to the daycare where he works. Okay I removed a handful of mini aeros first:o


Nora I hope your "interesting" weekend was "Good-interesting"


Going to try to water fast tomorrow and Thursday - bit nervous about it as, if I fail, I may sabotage myself Thursday too. What a weak weenie huh;)


have a happy monday all, - elizabeth

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