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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Just a really quick post before bed...


Lexi is better, thankfully! Still a bit of a lingering cough, but I think it's mostly sinuses at this point.


Jason and I celebrated our 7 year anniversary yesterday. We, along with Lexi, went out to eat at the Olive Garden and exchanged beautiful cards when we got home.


I need some positive energy/prayers/good thoughts from you guys, if possible. There are a few things going on in my family right now that are not good, and I'm hoping things will turn around soon... So many bad things have happened in or to some members of my family this year, we'll be so happy when 2009 is over!!!


Tammy ~ Good job on the washing machine fix! Good for you! I wouldn't have had a clue where to begin! How did your daughter's appointment go? Did you make it through the food day?


Jennie ~ Way to go on the weight loss! 1.5 lbs is excellent! Good job on resisting fudge! I have had every intention of making some Christmas goodies to give out, but with aforementioned drama in my family lately, I haven't gotten around to it. It's probably a good thing I haven't as I don't have the willpower you have! A holiday tour of homes sounds fun! Makes me think of visiting Biltmore in Asheville, NC at Christmastime...It's beautiful!


Nora ~ Good luck on the quitting smoking and exercising! You go, girl! :)


Well, I'm off to bed. I think I've decided to cut myself some slack until Jan. 3, based on my social calendar. I've often heard eating sweets and such is bad, but not nearly as bad for you as the guilt you feel afterwards. It's the GUILT that does even more damage. So, with my knowing there's just no way right now, there's no point in fighting it. Jan. 3, 2010 is next weigh in (to assess the damage) and first back on the wagon DD.



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Good morning, Ladies!



Nora~ Wow, congrats on the last cigarette! I've heard that Chantix really makes them taste nasty. Great plan with the exercise, too. I'm sure that will help with the not smoking also. I'm glad the snow missed you, too. I think you're getting the same cold that we are right now. It's not crazy bitter cold like last winter, so I'm trying to not complain toooo much. I really think I should have been born to a Brazilian family, though! :)


Jennie~ GREAT job on the weight loss! And resisting fudge when you made it.... what was your strategy? I'm going to make some for my BIL and know it will be tempting. I think you're right about keeping busy helping. And you're so right...raising kids is hard. I knew it wouldn't be easy and there would be challenges, but I sure never expected this! Thanks for the prayer!


Misty~ Congratulations on your anniversary! Sounds like a wonderful way to celebrate it, too. :) I'm so glad Lexi's getting better. Sometimes that crud just hangs on. It's so hard with kids, too, because they don't know how to blow to really keep the snot moving. LOL I'm SO sorry to hear about drama/trouble with your family. I'll definitely be keeping you and your family in my thoughts. I know a lot of people who've had a rough year in 2009, so I'll double-pray that 2010 is a fresh start. You know we're here to support you in any way we can! I think it's a GREAT idea to cut yourself some slack. You're right about the guilt. That can set us back worse than just eating bad. You're smart to not try to fight it.



Well, my appointment with Olivia Monday night was pretty neutral. It was just the initial assessment, with lots and lots of questions. The positive thing is that she was at least mostly honest with the lady. My concern is the same as it was at the last 3 counselors.... unless they see it firsthand, there is just no way for them to really understand what she does. When she's calm, like at the appointment, she's very reasonable, articulate, agreeable, etc. When she's mad at home, that goes out the window. I didn't leave with any renewed hope, but we'll see.


As for my food day yesterday... I gave myself the day off my diet plan and ate whatever I wanted. I didn't go hog-wild with portions, but definitely had myself a carb-fest. My body is pissed! LOL I peeked at the scale this morning and quickly jumped off (I restrained myself from throwing it out the window at least!) I'm back on track today and know I need a couple of really good days before weigh-in on Friday. I really think last week's weigh-in was a fluke anyway, so I have a feeling I'll show a little gain this week. Really if I can pretty much maintain through these next couple of weeks, I'll be really happy. That'll give me 6 1/2 weeks before my cruise to lose another 10 or so lbs.


All right... work is waiting for me... gotta run. Have a great day!

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hello all! No I didn't fall off the face of the earth:o. Quite frankly, I wanted to wait until I had a "good" weigh in before posting again. Looks like hell may freeze over before that happens so, here I am, feeling like a big fat failure but not quite throwing in the towel yet;)


Boy, I've got a lot of reading to do to catch up! talk later, elizabeth

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Oh Elizabeth, I'm so relieved. I was starting to wonder if something happened! I'm so glad you're okay. We're in this together for better or worse, so I hope you don't feel like you have to stay away when the weigh-ins aren't good. :( As you'll be able to tell from recent posts, we're all sort of cutting ourselves some slack with the holidays. There's no way to stay right on plan during this time. And to prove it.... here's my admission....


Yesterday I posted first thing in the morning that I was back on track after a big-bad off day Tuesday. Well, yesterday it took me less than 30 minutes after posting to blow it again... fudge/candy/etc. Yesterday ended up being worse than Tuesday! I'm sure it didn't help that I had a TERRIBLE day, crying all afternoon. In fact.... I ended the night sitting in bed watching a dvd on my laptop with a box of Swiss Cake Rolls. I ate three packs!!! :eek:


As you can imagine, I'm definitely not looking forward to weigh-in tomorrow. I really am back on track today, but I know I'll gain this week.


All right, I've gotta get back to work. I'm in a foul mood today and just trying to make it through the day without biting anyone's head off or eating myself sick. *sigh*

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Good Morning Ladies!


Elizabeth- I see the handsome Mountie I sent flushed you out :D. Welcome back you were missed!


Misty- Sorry to see you are having so many family issues. I know how that is. As I say about my siblings etc 'We put the Fun in dysfunctional'


Tammy- Hang in there. We all have bad days.


Jennie and Brandy- Hope you 2 are doing well.


Well I am putting the Chanitx on hold to after Christmas day. When I had to increase the dosage it made me very dopey and very nauseated. It was horrible. So I will try again the day after Christmas. I work at the Nursing home that weekend so it won't be too bad.


Has any one made an resolutions for the new year? I have. To stop yo-yo ing with my weight. I have gained and lost the same 10 pounds several times. Time to get past that!


Be good! and be good to you! ;)



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Good morning, Ladies~



As expected, I gained last week....


/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.4


I did okay-ish over the weekend until last night. With the Christmas stuff, I've decided to just not worry about it this week and I'll pick up after Christmas. I don't do anything for New Year's (except work), so I'll get back on track next weekend to undo some of the damage.


So is everyone ready for Christmas? I just have to wrap some things and put gift baskets together and do some more cooking/baking. I have one more thing to get my daughter, and that's all the shopping, thank goodness. My daughter spent the weekend with my sister, so we got a nice little break from each other. I got a TON done around the house, so I feel better going into the holiday week.


Nora~ I've heard the side effects of the Chantix can be rough. I can see why you'd not want to experience all of that during Christmas!


For New Year's Resolutions.... I don't usually make any concrete ones, but I'm with you on the weight yo-yo. I do that, too, only it's usually with more like 20 or 30 lbs. I've GOT to stop that.


Not much else going on here today. I get out of work early today, so I'm glad to have some extra time after work to do some baking/cooking.


Have a great day!

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Hi Everyone!


Tammy- don't feel bad. That is not all that bad for this time of year.


Going to neighbor's party tonight. Right across the driveway so no driving.


I think our luck is running out with missing snow storms. Now there is another brewing and could hit us on x-mas day. Oh well we won't be going any where.


Take Care!


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Hi Ladies..... just checking in.


Thanks, Nora. I've decided not to stress about it. :) How was the party?


It looks like we're all busy busy busy for the holidays. I wish I had more time off work. Doing everything at night and then coming in to work early (we're swamped from the weather) is really making me tired. I'll probably sleep through Christmas. My Christmas wish is to be able to curl up in a big warm quilt and take a nice middle-of-the-day NAP!


Everyone have a WONDERFUL Christmas!

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Just checking in. I guess I will be having a little break until after Christmas. We have a family dinner tonight, 1 tomorrow, 3 on Christmas and 2 the day after. I just don't see how I can do any down days with a schedule like that. Today is supposed to be a DD, so I am trying to eat very little and then choose a light item for supper. (we're going out to eat), but I'm not sure I can do DD at all on Christmas Day, nor do I know if I even want to try to. But I will pick back up next week and hopefully not gain to much. ;)


Well, I hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! I check back in later!

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Greetings all! my new years wish for all of us is that we learn much in the coming year: PAINLESSLY. Heads up for all the gentle reminders and lessons so we don't have to learn the hard way! LOL - periodically I will put out variations of the following into the universe: "yes, I know we are refined by fire, but thankyou, I'm feeling quite refined at present and not in need of any more development";)


Nora, I sure hope all goes well with the quitting smoking thing. I had a 20 year habit and initially started my quitting program by finding out how many I smoked in a day then smoking one less each day - ended up going to bed early a lot. Ultimately the shock-horror thing did it for me - I had a sequence of surgeries and couldn't make it to the smoking room and then 4 weeks after the last one, my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer. Haven't smoked since and that was 1991.


Tammy, I hope all goes well with your dd. You know, I saw a documentary some years back about behaviour problems and extreme food allergies. Just wondered if that may be part of the issue. Hang in there!


Misty: hope your family problems are being resolved. Try to remember that you can't fix everything and some things have to run their course. So glad you had a good time on your cruise - though clearly you were spoiled by your first cruise;); a case of "how you gonna keep em down on the farm, after they seen Paree". My first was on the titchy (comparatively) Celebration, and it seemed huge to me-well, I got lost a lot.


Can't believe how quickly this cruise is coming up(29th Jan). Not stressing out as much as I was. Have decided that I will no longer try on my size 10s, they look ridiculous and leave me depressed and food shoveling. I am a size 14 at present and will hit the boxing day sales and buy a couple of drop dead gorgeous dining room outfits in that size and a swim suit that will look good because it will FIT. I will not be getting rid of my smaller clothes though...one day they will fit:)


We will be picked up by my son in a few hours to go to their house for a few days. I am worried about the horrible roads out there (the kids live 45 minutes out of the city) and it is now 32 below with a windchill in the 40 belows:eek:. oh, comfort and joy.....:p


Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season, and let's not be too hard on ourselves. While self discipline is a positive trait, remember to be gentle on yourselves too - treat yourselves with the gentle loving care you would offer others in similar circumstances.


This is Elizabeth, climbing carefully off her soap box - poor old knees LOL - see you in 2010!

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This is the first time I have posted on this thread. I started JUDDD a couple of days ago and I am on my 2nd DD. I cruise on Feb 7th and hoping to get to a size 12. I am now a size 14. We shall see. I just wanted to jump in here and tell everyone to have a Merry Christmas and to remind myself and everyone that moderation is key this xmas season. Wish me luck on my dd. I am trying to stay out of the kitchen as everything looks edible to me, including the sink. lol

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Good Morning Ladies!


Krystal- welcome to our little group :)


How was everyone's Christmas? Santa was good to me. I got an Amazon Kindle reader. It is a hand held wire less device that you can down load books on. The books are less than 1/2 price. I have read one already.


I worked the weekend at the Nursing home. Had a few unexpected deaths. Guess the folks wanted to wait until the holiday was over to leave us. One of the other supervisor fell and broke her arm at home so I will be working on New Years day. That is ok and the $$ is good due to the holiday.


Hope all are well. Take care!



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Christmas was wonderful here. Lexi got so much stuff, it's unreal! My family was able to come together and enjoy each other and leave the drama aside for the day. Everyone raved over the meal I prepared, saying it's the best they've ever had, so I felt great about that.


The bad news: one of my best friends, who is 9 months pregnant, had a tragedy yesterday morning. Her house caught fire. Her husband and 11 year old son were gone on a hunting trip, and she was asleep in bed. She heard noises, which were windows breaking due to the heat, which woke her up and she was able to climb out the bathroom window. The fire destroyed the living room, but they think the rest of the house just has some smoke damage and they'll be able to get back in the house eventually.


I feel horrible for her but oh-so-thankful everyone is okay. She is scheduled for a c-section next Tuesday, and so far, the baby looks good.


My plan is still to start back JUDDDDing January 4th, and although I've enjoyed all the wonderful food, I'm looking forward to the diet again. It'll feel good to have some control again.


Welcome, Krystal.


Nora ~ I wanted a Kindle for a long time, but I was disappointed that the books were still $9.99 each. Have they reduced the price now? I'm jealous! :)


Elizabeth ~ Hope you made it to your holiday gatherings safely. I enjoyed your "soapbox" speech. :)


Tammy, Brandy, Jennie, hope you ladies are well. I hope to check back in soon.

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Good Morning Ladies!


Misty- I am so glad your friend is OK and the baby too. Houses can be re-built. I read a story on line where several children and 3 adults were killed in an apartment fire yesterday

in Miss. Very sad. A good friend of mine lost her mom and 2 younger siblings in a house fire when we were kids. This was in the days before smoke detectors. Fire terrifies me!


The new bestsellers are 9.99 which is less that half price of Hardcover books. when they go to paperback you can get them for 4-5$ sometimes cheaper. I also have wireless internet access too.


Elizabeth- I am so excited for you with your cruise less than a month away. Mine is not until April. Good idea to wear clothes you look good in. You can look fabulous at any size!


I should be hearing soon if I get my vacation time in April so please say a prayer or send me good vibes that it will happen ;)


Off to the Gym today. I restarted the Chantix on x-mas day. I am taking it at night so far so good :D


Take Care!


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Hi Ladies!


Krystal~ Welcome to the group! You are unbelievably brave to start a new plan during the holidays. Wow! I'm sure you'll be able to get down a size before your cruise. What cruise are you taking?


I'm so glad everyone sounds like they had a nice Christmas. This has been a long, hard year, so I'm not sad about the arrival of 2010.


Misty~ What a blessing that the drama was left behind for the holiday. I know that must have made your Christmas! Congrats on the best meal ever, too! It sounds like you're an amazing cook. Good thing for you that I don't live closer. I'd be knocking on your door all the time! :) Wow, I'm so sorry about your friend's fire, but what a blessing that everyone is okay. I would be afraid to ever go back to sleep.


Nora~ My fingers are crossed for your vacation! If you don't get it you'll have to reschedule your cruise, right? That would STINK! Congrats on starting back on the Chantix. We're all with you!


Elizabeth~ Amen to your new year's wish! And interesting about the food allergies affecting behavior. I'm going to look that up in a few minutes. We had our first real appointment with the new counselor and it went terribly.... but that's good. I'll explain.... The biggest problem we've had finding an effective counselor in the past is that they never see what Olivia's rages are like. Well, with this one, Olivia was in rare form. Well, rare for public, normal for home. This counselor got a pretty good glimpse of what we're dealing with. Given that, I think she may be much better equipped to help us.


Brandy~ Oh heavens, I don't think any of us could do a real DD for Christmas! I hope you gave yourself some leeway!



As for my plan, I'm finally back on track as of yesterday. I didn't weigh last week because I didn't want to see the damage that non-stop cookies, chex mix and fudge did. I'll bite the bullet and weigh this Friday to see where I'm re-starting from. My cruise is now 6 weeks from tomorrow, and I'd like to get one more size down. I was SO happy, though... the day after Christmas my daughter and I went shopping and get this! I bought a shirt without an X in the size!!! YAY!


Everyone have a great and safe New Year's Eve!

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Hi, girls! I guess it's been over a week since I've been on. I was really bad diet wise last week. But Christmas was fun!


Misty - I'm so glad to hear that your family all came together and got along. I have a few family members that have issues. Most of the time everything is fine, but I'm always wondering. But then I have a hilarious sister-in-law who turns it into a joke, and is great for lightening the mood. And I know your friend must be traumatized by the fire, but thank goodness she's OK. I can't imagine climbing out a bathroom window at 9 months along! I had to climb into one of our little windows when I got locked out of the house last summer. I'm so glad no one was able to video that little incident! There was stuff in front of the window so I had no place to put my feet, and the mini blinds were trying to strangle me.


Nora - I hope the Chantix restart is continuing to go well. And you must have been really good to Santa to get a Kindle! Do you like it?


Krystal - welcome to our group. I've only been doing JUDD for a couple of months. The first couple of weeks were the hardest for me. That's a good idea, staying out the the kitchen. I like to drink a lot of hot tea on down days. And I'm currently a size 14, hoping to be a 12 by my birthday on Feb 13th. I'm pretty sure I would have to lose about 15 pounds for that to happen. Maybe we can motivate each other. That's so exciting that your cruise is that soon! Which cruise are you going on?


Elizabeth - your cruise is even closer than Krystals! I'm so jealous!! And I am all for learning something the PAINLESS way. I just wish I wasn't so stubborn, it might make that a little easier. LOL I can't even imagine 40 degrees below! Well, growing up in Missouri, there were a couple of times it got 20-30 below. But that is some intense cold.


Brandy - good to hear from you. It's hard for me to do a down day when there is something fun on the schedule, too. I hope your Christmas was lots of fun.


Tammy - the 3 pound gain for Christmas week is not bad at all. You'll probably have it off by the end of the week, if not sooner. That's good that your daughter can spend some time with your sister. I always get along better with my teenagers after we've had a little time apart, too. Hope you got some much needed rest this holiday.


Well, I was really bad last week (before Christmas). I gained 4.5 pounds. Next year I will give away all the fudge I make! I should probably not make it in the first place, huh? But Christmas was good. It snowed on Christmas Eve, which everyone here in Texas thought was a "Christmas miracle!" :p It was very pretty. And I got a new lens for my SLR camera from my dh. My parents came down from Missouri, and they got to meet my son's girlfriend before they went back home. My daughter is home from the dorm for winter break, and that is going much better than it did last year. She is busy with a wintermester class, and spending time with her ex-boyfriend. (Not exactly sure how I feel about that.) But it's nice to have her home, even though her college is only 30 minutes away and I see her once or twice a week while she is there.


I am making myself get back on track this week. It feels good to be back in control. Hopefully I can stay on track until my birthday in February. We usually do a New Year's Eve party at our house, but my kid's both have other plans, and my husband and I just want to relax. I haven't even thought about a New Year's resolution.


Hope everyone has a great week!


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We were writing at the same time, Tammy. I didn't weigh last week while I was on my carb fest either. Good for you getting restarted! I think losing another size in 6 weeks sounds reasonable.


That's good that the counselor got to see the real picture. Sometimes if they don't see it, they don't know who is giving them the straight story. And some teenagers can be very good at manipulating the story and pulling on the heartstrings. Especially girls. Well, that's just my opinion. My daughter is more manipulative than my son. My son has a friend who is very manipulative with his mom. After he has spent time over at his house, my son comes home and tries the same stuff on me. Only my son just doesn't have the personality to pull it off, so it comes across as somewhat comical to me. But I try hard not to laugh, because that would just upset him greatly. ;) Teenagers! I hope your counselor can really help your daughter.

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Hello everyone!


Island Dreaming-Definitely like the idea of motivating each other since we have similar goal dates.


I will be getting on the Carnival Freedom on Feb 7. My husband and I are driving from Oklahoma to FLL. That will be the hard part for me. I get motion sickness pretty bad,ever since I was young. It helps for me to keep my stomach full at all times so I will have to be really strong. My friend waved swiss rolls under my nose yesterday and I still refused them. lol. My mother in law sent home two pies she made. One pumpkin and one pecan. I walk by those everyday. maybe a small piece twice a week. lol


Well I have been on this diet for 1 week and 1 day. As of this morning,today is a DD, I have lost 6 lbs. :D This makes me happy and gives me hope that this is possible.

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Jennie~ Thanks! I laughed when you said your son doesn't have the personality to pull it off. My nephew is the same way. He's young enough that I can still just laugh at him, though. :) I'm glad you had a nice holiday with family! And hey, your birthday is the day before mine! I'm sailing out on your b-day. I'll be sure to raise a toast to you!



Krystal~ OMG, you're going on the Freedom the week before me! I'm going on it Feb 13th. And... my friends from Oklahoma are going! Small world, huh? :) And WOW... six pounds! YAY! Good for you! What a great motivating start. I can't believe you pulled that off over Christmas week. I bow to you!

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Here I am. Red faced and ashamed. :oI have not posted but 1 time. I read all your entries and get so inspired then go to the kitchen for a munchie because I am sure I cannot do this.

This time I will.

My husband and I are starting a diet/ exercise program on sunday(01/03/10) He has lost about 50 pounds and still needs to lose another 50 or so. I need to lose about 25-30. My starting wieght is 178 and I need to be at 155 to 150.

Paul and I are going to weight in every sunday morning, we are both off that day. and measure the first sunday of every month. My goal for January is to lose 5 pounds. My cruise is in April. I should be able to lose at least 15 pounds by then.


Nora a little advice on the chantix. Stay with the .5mg tab., when it calls for you to increase dosage to 1mg take .5 morning and night. Your dr can write the prescription for the .5 mg for you. It helps keep the nausea to a minimum. And drink a big glass of water with it. That is how I finally quit. You can do it. Give yourself permission to do this.


30 years wasted, all that money!! What was I thinking?! :eek:



ps Happy New Year

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Happy New Year Ladies!


Well, I bit the bullet and weighed in this morning. Gained 5 lbs over Christmas. (Perhaps I shouldn't have feasted on wine and fudge last night????) I'm not happy about the gain, but not going to beat myself up over it. I almost didn't post my new weight, but the accountability here with you ladies helps me enormously. It's a new year and a new start!


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2



Patty~ Welcome back! We're all here to support successes AND challenges. I have a friend who always says, "it's not a sprint, it's a marathon..."

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Well New Years Eve broke me. I had homemade donuts, half a bottle of wine and a bottle of champagne. Drinking is my real calorie weakness. But I weighed myself this morning and I have only gaine half a pound soI am very happy. Today is my down day but drank last night and I always have to eat the next day. I have kept it to a minimum though and eaten only very low calorie stuff. I am sure this weeks weight loss won't be as much as last weeks but hoping to at least maintain.

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