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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Good Morning Everyone!

I am doing much better today. Now that the dust has settled and the time off drama is resolved.

Got the time off I needed. Booked a 7 day cruise with Norwegian for 2/27-3/6/10. We leave out of NY city so we can drive down.


The stress has been good for me. Lost another 1# so down 5 in the past week and a 1/2.

Speaking of protein drinks I have found a very tasty one. EAS Advantage. I bought the chocolate fudge flavor. Has 110 calories no sugar and 2 gms of protein. I am not usually a fan of these drinks cause they taste horrible. As I said this one is tasty and kept me full for several hours. I bought mine at a target. 4.50$ for 4. Thought I would put that out there for your down days ;)


Hope everyone is doing well. We are having a heat wave. All the way up to 42 today :D

beats the -10 last week for sure.


Talk to you soon!


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Hi Ladies!


Gosh, my new job assignment is keeping me sooooo hopping during the day. I was trying to keep up on some of the reading on my Blackberry in the evenings, but that's pooping out on me this week.


It really sounds like everyone is doing decent, holding steady or losing. That's awesome!!!!


I weighed in this morning and lost 3.0 lbs. I'm very excited and so close to my first goal! I even wore my "goal" jeans yesterday!!! They were definitely more snug than I'd like, but if I stay on track for the next 4 weeks before my cruise, I should be able to boogie down comfortably in them. :)


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2

1/8 - 156.4

1/15 - 153.4

Misty~ Hope you're hanging in there....

Nora~ OMG, what a hassle with your vacation! I'm so glad you were able to get some time off and find a cruise that fits. You'll be leaving right after I get back. At least now you know you can fully look forward to it! Great job with the weight loss, too! The EAS shakes are really good. Almost all of their products are good.

Krystal~ I cracked up when I read your post about the rum! That sounds so much like something I would do. LOL How did the weigh-in go today??? *fingers crossed* You're rockin' the weight-loss so far and I know you can keep it up! You're doing fantastic!

Sue~ I feel your pain, I have a daughter that causes me a lot of stress, too. The thing that helps me best is to keep telling myself that nothing I eat will fix this problem right now. Sometimes I even say it outloud and yell at myself. Yes, I'm a bit crazy, but it has really worked. I think it's great to pull out and try on clothes before the cruise, too.

Jennie~ Sorry about your disappointing weigh-in. Hang in there and stay on course. And GIRL.... DEFINITELY weigh only after a DD!!!

Brandy~ That's awesome that your church is doing that. What a great way to get in shape and fellowship with each other!

Patty~ Great job!

Elizabeth~ Are you still with us, Darlin? Miss you!

Sorry this was a bit short again. Who knows when I'll have time to keep up like I used to, but I'll be here and there. :) Everyone have a great weekend!

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Good Morning Everyone!

I am doing much better today. Now that the dust has settled and the time off drama is resolved.

Got the time off I needed. Booked a 7 day cruise with Norwegian for 2/27-3/6/10. We leave out of NY city so we can drive down.


The stress has been good for me. Lost another 1# so down 5 in the past week and a 1/2.

Speaking of protein drinks I have found a very tasty one. EAS Advantage. I bought the chocolate fudge flavor. Has 110 calories no sugar and 2 gms of protein. I am not usually a fan of these drinks cause they taste horrible. As I said this one is tasty and kept me full for several hours. I bought mine at a target. 4.50$ for 4. Thought I would put that out there for your down days ;)


Hope everyone is doing well. We are having a heat wave. All the way up to 42 today :D

beats the -10 last week for sure.


Talk to you soon!



Hi, Nora! I just said "good-bye" to you over on the Explorer 4/15/10 board! I've been reading this thread and other info about JUDDD and I've decided to give it a try. I'd like to lose about 15 -18 pounds by the April cruise. It sounds like you are having success with this. Any special tips? I just got two boxes of the Advantage shakes at Sam's Club yesterday and have started my first down day today. I'm at 158 and would like to get to about 140 or so (I'm 5'8"). i lost weight on Atkins a few years ago but I didn't like eating all that fat and to tell you the truth, I'm not much of a meat eater altogether.


I'm glad you found a cruise that will fit you schedule. It's too bad your boss couldn't help you out with the April dates, but hey....any cruise is better than no cruise!

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HI Susan! Welcome


Everyone say Hi to my friend Susan ;) we chatted on the RC board before I changed crusies.


One of the things the gals have said is to wait to eat as late in the day as you can on a DD and go to bed early!


We have a great group here.



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Thanks for the warm welcome, Nora! I don't think I'll have too much problem on the down days as I've found that if I keep busy I often don't realize it's even mealtime! My problem is when I just squat myself in front of the TV or computer...I seem to get the "munchies" then. So....I'll just have to keep busy! I'm sure I can find lots to do around the house.

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Well, I started this plan yesterday, having only Atkins Advantage drinks. For "dinner" I put the drink into a large wine glass and sipped it slowly....seemed so decadent that way! Got on the scale this morning for my starting weight..154.5! Less than I thought it would be. I've been eating South Beach for a few weeks now so perhaps that had something to do with it. Since I'll be doing my down days on M-W-F, this weekend I'll be UP but will still stick to South Beach.


I feel a little like I'm intruding on a solid group here because I read all the posts from the beginning and you all seem to know each other so well! So, a little about myself. I'm 62, a widow with no kids. I'm retired (YAY!) from 14 years with a non-profit social service agency where I was the IT department...just me, responsible for 12 locations over 4 counties. Stress was HUGE! Before that I was a Naval Officer for 7 years and then a Juvenile Probation Officer for 11 years, so I've had a rather eclectic career. My sister is my cruising partner...she lives about 11 miles from me. Her husband has no interest in cruising, so he gives her his blessings on our cruising obsession.:)


Thanks again for the warm welcome. Have a great weekend, everyone!


SW - 154.5 1/16/2010

CW - 154.5

GW - 140 by 4/1/2010

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Welcome to our group, Susan. You're not intruding at all, and you're not the only newbie. I just joined a couple of months ago. I like the 100 calorie shakes too on down days. I blend the chocolate one with coffee ice cubes and splenda. I'm also doing M-W-F as down days, and UP on the weekend, but not too up. I can't lose anything unless I reign it in on the UP days.


Tammy - yeah for the 3 pounds, and putting on your goal jeans!! You are going to look so good on your cruise!


Nora - sounds like the scale is moving in the right direction for you too! And I'm glad it's above freezing for you finally, at least for a little bit. And that your vacations days got worked out. I bet you can't wait for your cruise!


Sue - hope your getting through your stressful week OK, and that next week is much better for you.


Krystal - 9 pounds in 3 weeks is great! Here's hoping that all your clothes fit by the cruise. But even if they don't, you're going to have an amazing time!


Misty - how are you doing this week?? I've been thinking about you.


Well, I switched my weigh-in day to Saturday AM. And I lost 4.5 pounds last week! I'm so excited about that. I know some of that is because I'm weighing after a down day instead of an up day, but I'm still excited. I'm trying to get plenty of exercise to keep my metabolism revved up. My birthday is in 4 weeks, and I hope I can lose 11 more pounds by then. My husband is losing weight too. He's just eating less and making healthy choices, no specific diet. And exercising. I hope he is able to stick with it. He looks like he feels better. He has been pre-diabetic and had high blood pressure in the past, and he hasn't gone in to the doctor for awhile. (I think because he knows they'll diagnose him with something.)


I'm sure this has turned into one of my long posts again. I'll get going now. Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

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Hi all :)

I stumbled across your thread and hope you dont mind me jumping in ! I have a few questions I hope I can get help with :)

I will start my first down day tommorrow. I weighed myself this morning and was 140 Ideally I would love to lose 20 pounds but realistically hoping for 15, My cruise leaves in about 4 months ( 140 days I think )

I was doing weight watchers for the past 2 weeks and lost 6 pounds but I found myself miserable :(


1)I have done some research on this diet and heard its ok to do your Down days as Monday, Wednesday and Fridays, the rest of the week as Up days. I know most do alternate day but does anyone do the M,W,F down days?


2) My plan for my down day is

Breakfast Strawberry bananana smoothie 70 calories

Coffe with fat free creamer 50 calories

lunch soup at hand chicken noodle soup 70 calories

Dinner eggbeaters with weight watchers bread and ketchup 160 calories

snack a gogurt 100 calories

Total 450 calories

Does this sound like a good meal plan for down days?


3) I drink ALOT and I mean ALOT of diet soda. Go through three 12 packs a week. I cannot stop cold turkey cause the doctors advises me against that. I tried once and went through serious withdrawals :(

Is diet soda bad for this diet? ..it has 0 calories..I am gonna try and alternate 1 cup of water for every can of soda


Thanks for letting me join :)


SW 140

CW 140

GW 120

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I have 9 weeks until I leave on a RCCL 11 Mexican Riviera Cruise on the Radiance of the Sea. I started an Alternate-day-fast diet on Nov 16th and lost 13 lbs by Christmas. Then with Christmas, New Years and my mother's wedding (she's 74 and he's 82, I fed 150 at the reception without a caterer!) I kind of lost my way. I still fast a day or 2 a week when I can fit it in and have not gained anymore but with over 2 months left before the cruise I'd like to start losing again.


I stumbled across this thread and was really surprised at how active it was (thanks Misty, Nora & Tammy). I'm not good at commitment (probably why I can't keep to a diet for more than 3 weeks) but I'd like to try to stay true until my cruise. You all seem to be working it out and I'm hoping to join with the last few newbies to see if I can look a little better by March.


The ADF I was doing had nothing to eat every other 24hours with weekends off. I liked it because I didn't have to try to count calories on my DDs and had no chance of overdoing it. I did drink lots of water, iced herbal tea and learned to like sugar free gum. 5 lbs a week those first 2 weeks were nice too but I did feel too weak some days to workout and we will not talk about the "grouch" side effect my family had to deal with on DDs.


There was a recent study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition on ADF where they fed the participants a 350 cal lunch on DDs with no snacks or cheating the rest of the day. I just seem to be one of those all or nothing kinda gals. Once I start eating I have a hard time reining myself in.


This JUDDDD sounds alot like what I was doing but more workable. I think I'd have to pack a 500 cal day pack and just stick with it.


I saw that someone on the thread was trying Resveratrol but I didn't catch how it worked. Can anyone fill me in? Any one try Muscle Milk? I agree about the EAS Advantage shakes. They are good.


So, my goal is 20 more lbs before my sailing. I hope you guys can help me although, just reading you has helped already.

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WOW! I'm so excited to have new folks here! Welcome Vickie, Tammy and Susan!!! You've picked the greatest group ever. I'm like Vickie, pretty much all-or-nothing, and don't stick to diets for more than a few weeks. I never could have done this without these ladies. Even just yesterday, I was feeling weak and asked myself (outloud like a crazy person!) "What would the gals on the board say to me???" It helps!


If you've read through some of the posts, you've probably noticed that some of us have "tweaked" the program or switched to something that works better for us, but we all stick together.


Susan~ I think you've got a great, realistic goal before your cruise. I noticed you are incorporating the South Beach plan. I don't do that specifically, but I do my own version of a strict low-carb, low-fat, high-protein diet. I factor in the UD/DD approach by just being extra careful on "DD" about how things are cooked, portions, etc. I've found that carbs are the key for me. I feel AMAZING not eating them. That's my JUDDD "tweak."


Tammy~ Another Tammy... yay! :) To answer some of your questions... Yes, I think a lot of people do DDs on M-W-F. Some people try to do a "medium day" on one of the weekend days. I could never do those, but I think Misty has success with them. Just be sure to weigh in before the 2 UDs. With the M-W-F DDs, I would weigh first thing Saturday morning. Your menu sounds perfect for a DD. It looks like it'll keep you satisfied all day, too! I'm a diet soda drinker, too. I drastically cut down when I started the plan, and even quit for a while. I think you've got a great plan if you can alternate a glass of water with each soda. You'll find that you start craving the water more and more. I know, I know, I didn't believe it, either! LOL


Vickie~ We all got off-track over the holidays. Especially with a big wedding thrown in there! As I said, I'm an all-or-nothing person, too, so I definitely understand where you're coming from. I think packing a 500 cal "pack" is a great idea! I wish I had thought of that! Then there's no guessing or making decisions based on cravings/boredom/etc. I think Nora was the one that tried the Reservatrol. I never tried it, but maybe she could give some insight. I've never tried muscle milk, either. Sorry.


Jennie~ WHOHOO! Great weight-loss! Seeeee.... weighing after a DD helps! I think you'll find that it helps in the long-run, too. Not sure why that would make a difference, but it does.


Hope everyone is having a great Monday so far and had a great weekend. I am happy (THRILLED) to report that it was a nice, pleasant weekend with my daughter. The first in a long time, so I'm on a bit of a high this morning. :) Also, for accountability's sake, I have to report my "cheat" this weekend. My daughter made a cake and I wanted to dive in face-first. After fighting myself allllllll weekend, last night I decided to give myself a little slack and I cut myself a piece that was literally only 1 inch square. LOL And you know what... I didn't feel the least bit guilty! :D She was calling me "cheater" the rest of the night. haha.


Oh yeah, and I found the BEST new thing. Panda Express Mandarin Sauce - you can get it right at the grocery store. I cooked about 1 Tbl in with some chicken (no oil or anything else) and honestly thought maybe I was in Heaven. It took allllll of my willpower not to make another batch! LOL


All right, I'm rambling, so I better get my butt working. I'm feeling less-than-motivated today. The good thing about this new work assignment is that the days fly by. Let's hope today's that way. HAVE A GREAT DAY!

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Welcome Vickie and Tammylyne!


Tammylyne- I too used to be a diet soda fanatic! I only drink one or two a day now. I cut down with alternating water and soda. I was worried about all the artificial sweetners I was drinking. Your plan for DD looks good.


I am doing well. Stayed on plan over the weekend. I am still doing south beach but having an Upday here and there. I am eating carbs on my up day. Will do weigh in tomorrow.


I am so glad all this cruise thing is settled! Now I am getting really excited.


So let hear from you all! We are here for you!


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Good morning, Nora. I'm sorry I won't get to meet you on the Explorer, but I look at it this way....I can be jealous of you because you cruise a LOT sooner now! But, the days are ticking by and before you know it your cruise will be OVER and you'll be envying me for setting sail on the Explorer! Have a great day...and to everyone else, too!

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Welcome, Tammylyne and Vicki! It's exciting to see our group growing.


Tammylyne - I'm one of the ones who does the DDs on MWF. I try to not go overboard on the weekends. Your menu looks good. I see some protein in there. That always helps me get through a down day better, making sure I eat some protein. I don't think there's any prohibition on the diet soda. I think the sodium might make you retain fluid, but this diet is supposed to have a diuretic effect. The alternating with water is a good idea.


Vickie - your goal sounds very reasonable to me. I'm with you, I have trouble sticking with diets long term. At least with JUDDD, I can occasionally have something I really like. I can do anything for one day! The 500 cal pack is a great idea.


I wish both of you great success! Can't wait to hear how your first week goes.

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Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!!

I was soo hungry today at work I could of ate my desk and in fact I did eat a toothpick :eek: I also got very shaky and dizzy. ( I have low blood sugar) :(

I am sure it wont be this hard always and its just my body getting use to this..I am determined to stick with it for at least a week!!

I have to be careful and not complain though cause my hubby is a PITB :p He likes curvy woman and everytime I try to diet he will come home with a dozen cannolis and a card then acts hurt if I wont eat his surprise gift lol. When we met I was 103 pounds, when we married I was 118. At 140 and size 10 this is the heaviest I have ever been..He says this is the best I ever looked .. I remember when we got married he asked me to go off my diet cause I was looking too skinny :confused: Soooo I will only try and go down to 120.. a happy medium I guess :::sigh:::

Soo funny as I sit here typing my little one is cracking up..she is across the room and says mommy it sounds like theres a storm in your belly! Your belliy is thundering..I have never had such hunger grumbles in my life !


I am gonna go nap and hope the tummygrumbling doesnt keep me up :o

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Vicki you are brilliant!! I have a terrible time sticking to 500-600 calories on a down day. I try to pack my lunch every day but packing all day will keep me out of the candy aisle. I work in a retail store.

I weighrd in on Sunday and I weighed 176. I gained 1.8 lbs.YUK I was not too good on DD. I will let you know how this works next Sunday.



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I've discovered something strange....I'm not having any problems with my down days, but I'm sort of afraid to eat on my up days! I know the instructions say you can eat anything you want just so long as you don't deliberately overeat, but I can't even seem to find the will to eat normally. For example, today I had 1 egg and 1 slice of whole grain toast for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and some chili for dinner. That's it! If I eat too little, does that mess up the "science" behind the plan? I haven't been hungry, so I didn't want to get into the habit of eating even though I didn't feel the need to. I hope I'm making sense here....:(

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I've discovered something strange....I'm not having any problems with my down days, but I'm sort of afraid to eat on my up days! I know the instructions say you can eat anything you want just so long as you don't deliberately overeat, but I can't even seem to find the will to eat normally. For example, today I had 1 egg and 1 slice of whole grain toast for breakfast, a salad for lunch, and some chili for dinner. That's it! If I eat too little, does that mess up the "science" behind the plan? I haven't been hungry, so I didn't want to get into the habit of eating even though I didn't feel the need to. I hope I'm making sense here....:(


From what I have read and please correct me if I am wrong..but consuming too little calories will lead your body to go into "starvation" mode. I also read though doing 1100-1500 calories only on your up days will lead to more of a weight loss but anything under 1100 is not good

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Okay, ladies. I haven’t shown my face around here because I’ve been so ashamed. I didn’t accomplish a successful DD in the last two weeks. The first week, I failed the first DD, then the second, then gave up. The following week was TOM, so I used that as an excuse not to try.

However, today, I finally had a successful DD after 2 months off plan! I came in at 485 calories! Woo-hoo! It’s about time! I’m not sure why I’ve had such a hard time getting back on the wagon. I almost blew it today, too! I took Lexi to the mall to have her pictures made and walking by Chic-fil-a made my mouth water! It took every ounce of willpower in me to keep walking! I think I may do the MWF DD thing this time, though. I think part of my problem was all the Saturday social obligations that kept making me have to "alter my schedule," and that threw me off. I think maybe, at least for a little while, if I just go ahead and say okay, Saturdays are always UD’s, it may help me psychologically. I weighed in this morning and will weigh again Saturday to get myself on a Saturday Weigh Day schedule.


Okay, now to address all the posts I’ve not addressed yet…


Welcome, Sue! Good job on your first week—4 lbs, awesome!!! I also like the Special K protein water. I buy the packs you mix in with your water. The only flavor I’ve tried so far is pink lemonade. Have you tried any others?


Tammy ~ Excellent job on the 5 lbs lost last week! And OMG, I just made it to your next weigh in post…another 3 lbs! You rock this weight loss thing! So glad to read about your pleasant weekend with your daughter, as well. I don’t think you’ve mentioned anything about her therapy lately (forgive me if I just missed it)…how’s it going? And I don’t think anyone would consider a 1 inch square piece of cake a cheat! Good for you for being able to have that and only that….once I had a taste, I would’ve inhaled half the cake and washed it down with a quart of milk! Panda Express Mandarin Sauce, huh? What section of the grocery store is that in? I’m always on the lookout for things to make DDs more bearable.


Patty ~ Way to go on the 3.2 lbs lost your first weigh in! Oh, crap, now I read your next post about the gain….I’m sorry! When you say not too good on DD, what do you mean? Are you going way over or just a little or what?


Brandy ~ How’s the church exercise program going? That sounds like an awesome way to exercise! As for your question as to whether or not I was writing things down, the answer is no. I just wasn’t in the right mindset to diet. I’m not exactly sure why. I would tell my husband, "I’m going to attempt a DD tomorrow," which more-or-less gave me permission to fail because I said attempt with a roll of my eyes like, "Yeah right!"


Jennie ~ Like the other girls said, always weigh after a DD! I’m glad your post DD weigh in treated you better! How come your hubby doesn’t give JUDDDD a shot?


Krystal ~ Excellent job on the 9 lbs. When’s your cruise, what cruiseline, and what’s your destination? Sorry if you already posted that info before…


Nora ~ Sounds like you’re doing well, too! I’m so glad you got your cruise straightened out! I’m looking forward to trying to EAS shakes. I never have before, but I could use something like that on DD’s. Do they keep you satisfied for any amount of time? I hope South Beach is treating you well.


Welcome, Susan! Yes, keeping busy on DD’s is key, and, as Nora mentioned, so is going to bed early, lol. I like to run errands on DDs but I have to be careful that they don’t involve grocery shopping. It’s also hard when, like today, you pass by a food court in the mall and smell all the food as your belly rumbles… But yes, definitely the more things I can find to occupy my time, the better I do. I also like to nap on DDs when my daughter takes her afternoon nap. I know not everyone has that luxury, though. Oh, and I love your synopsis of yourself! You sound like a very interesting lady! Oh, and as for your UD question, I say eat whatever makes you satisfied. If you don’t feel hungry, I really can’t see the point in eating anything else, can you? If your calories are around DD level, I could see bringing them up a bit, though. How many calories would you guess you ate on your UD?


Welcome, Tammylyne! Your DD menu sounds perfect! I know a lot of people find much more success when they have their DDs meals planned out in advance. As for your diet soda habit, it’s good that you’re trying to increase your water intake. Man, that’s a lot of soda! I also use diet sodas to help me through DDs, but I only allow myself one/day. What kind do you drink? My choice is Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper or Coke Zero. My husband is kind of an enabler, too, but definitely not because he thinks I’m too skinny! Not that he’s ever said I was overweight…I’m just not naïve enough to think he could possibly think his 5’2" 209 lb wife is skinny! He’s an enabler because he loves to eat just as much as I do. Although I can’t imagine feeling anything but fabulous as a size 10, I know we all view our bodies differently, so I wish you much success.


Welcome, Vickie! You’re one of the big reasons I posted today. I felt so guilty when I read "Thanks Misty, Tammy, and Nora!" since I haven’t posted in a while, lol. How did alternate fasting treat you? Were you miserable or did you find it not so bad?


Good grief, I cannot let myself get that behind again! Thanks for bearing with me. To keep myself motivated and reminded why I’m doing this, I’m going to post my weights. Yikes.


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/06 199

10/12 198

10/18 196.6

10/26 195

11/06 195.6

11/13 195.2

1/18 208.8


OMG, that hurts! I guess I need to face reality, though…. Good luck to all this week! WE CAN DO THIS (and I mean me, too, dang it! I CAN)!


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What kind do you drink? My choice is Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper or Coke Zero. My husband is kind of an enabler, too, but definitely not because he thinks I’m too skinny! Not that he’s ever said I was overweight…I’m just not naïve enough to think he could possibly think his 5’2" 209 lb wife is skinny! He’s an enabler because he loves to eat just as much as I do. Although I can’t imagine feeling anything but fabulous as a size 10, I know we all view our bodies differently, so I wish you much success.


Thanks Misty :)

I am a die hard diet pepsi drinker. I even travel with a can in my purse for emergencies :eek:


I wish I could feel good with the size I am now. Hubby says and I agree I have a very warped perception of my own body. But in my defense I cannot tell you how many people have no problem mentioning my weight.

I ran into a gentleman a couple months ago whom I havent seen in 15 years, (when even I admit I was too skinny, not cause of dieting but I was always a skinny kid). When he saw me and I swear He said "Holy poop you gained soo much weight" What happened to the skinny girl that worked at so and so :rolleyes: Then 2 weeks ago a coworker came up to me andsaid You gaining weight Tammy? your giving J-LO a run for her money! :( I can go on and on but you get the idea



Misty it looks like you gained your weight over the holidays. Doenst everyone gain over the holidays? LOL

Dont beat yourself up! Today is a new day and with the help of everyone on these boards we are here for you!

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Thanks for your responses, Mistydisa and Tammylyne. I would estimate I had about 750 to 800 calories. I had a feeling that was too low. I think the main reason I haven't eaten that many calories is that I haven't been snacking. I believe that was a significant part of my pre-JUDDD calorie intake. I don't eat that much at meals, but the snacking can get out of control sometimes...not because I'm particularly hungry, just out of boredom, or habit, or whatever. Also, because I'm trying to stick to South Beach on UDs, I've really cut down on my FAVORITE food....BREAD! I could eat toast any time of day. And I've emptied the house of all my favorite snacky things. Tomorrow is another UD, so I'll make real meals and maybe try to get around 1100 calories or so.

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HI Everyone!

Had weigh in :






So that made me smile ;)


Misty- So good to see you back. The important thing is you are back at it. I got below 190 for a short bit and gained. No use beating our selves up over this! Time to move on.


Susan- I agree if you are too low on DD you may go into starvation mode and it will slow down your weight loss. I agree you have had an interesting career. Where in PA are you? I am not to far north up in Syracuse off 81.


Tammylyne- How tall are you? I say phooey to those folks that commented on your weight. Next time some one says you gained weight. You can say you sure got ugly!

:D You can alway lose weight. But there aint no cure for ugly! Heard that from one of the red neck comedy guys on TV.


Have a great day everyone!


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Wow, Nora....6 pounds in 10 days is GREAT! Isn't it good to see the results of your efforts?? I'd be smiling too!


I live in Macungie (Ma-CUN-gee like "gee whiz"), which is just outside of Allentown (yes, the one Billy Joel made "famous"!). It's from a Lenape word meaning "place where the bears feed." It's in the heart of PA Dutch country about 50 miles north of Philadelphia. I've never been to Syracuse, although I go through your state farther east whenever I visit my younger sister in Maine. A friend's son went to Syracuse U for an architecture degree a few years ago.


I'm going to make an effort to get around 1100 to 1200 calories on my up days. Sounds funny, doesn't it...here we are, trying to lose weight, and I have to TRY to eat more calories!:confused:

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Hey, Misty!!! It makes me happy to hear from you. Tammy is right, we all gain weight over the holidays! One year, I decided to take off dieting and just maintain. Somehow, my holiday season lasted until the next August, and I gained 50 pounds. Not good at all. You are doing great to get back on plan! I hope the MWF plan works out well for you. I'm not sure why my husband doesn't try JUDDD. He usually wants to try his own thing and be completely different from me. Which is fine, but he has trouble sticking with a plan for very long. It would make things easier if he did JUDDD.


Tammylyne - those rude people who comment on your weight! Grrr! I just don't know what to say. Nora is right, you can't fix ugly.


Tammy - I too am glad to hear that you had a good weekend with your daughter! I'm going to look for the mandarin sauce. I love Chinese food.


Nora - your weight loss is awesome!! Congratulations!


Susan - I found that my weight loss stalled when I wasn't eating enough on UDs. But that's the trick for me, the balance between eating just enough and clearing out the kitchen! LOL Good for you, emptying the house of snack food!


Have a good week, everybody!

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HI Everyone!

Had weigh in :






So that made me smile ;)


Tammylyne- How tall are you? I say phooey to those folks that commented on your weight. Next time some one says you gained weight. You can say you sure got ugly!

:D You can alway lose weight. But there aint no cure for ugly! Heard that from one of the red neck comedy guys on TV.


Have a great day everyone!




WTG on the weight loss Nora :)

I am a couple hairs shy of 5"5.. Actually 5'4 and 3/4 lol

linkerbink..snacking is my biggest problem too! But I also like everything drenched, my salad has to be drenched in dressing, my spaghetti swiiming in gravy ect.. and Carbs are my favortie thing in the world :(

Today was my upday :)

I will tell you what I ate and it may seem like alot..but let me tell you..I CAN EAT...so this wasnt too bad..have no clues of the calories

Breakfast coffee with fat free creamer and a buttered roll

Lunch Black Bear 98% fat free ham and american cheese on an onion roll with Kraft Light mayo..had some lays light chips with it

Snack about 12 oven baked crackers with wispread port wine cheese spread on it

snack..salad with asian ginger spray on it

Skipped dinner and at 6 chocolate chip cookies with a glass of milk lmao

Its 11 pm and I am real hungry I think its knowing my down day is tommorrow

Tommorrows plan will be

Breakfast a shake 70 calories

snack 2 pickles 10 calories ( I love pickles LOL )

Lunch soup 140 calories

snack 1/2 cup of grapes 30 calories

Dinner eggbeater sandwhich on weight watchers bread with ketchup

145 calories

snack healthy pop mini bag 100 calories

Total 495...

I got dizzy on my down day on Monday..hoping it doesnt happen again :(


Also wanted to share something yummy I found

It is a salad spritz. It is made by shoprite. I got the asian ginger spray and oh my it was yummy... The spray is 10 calories for 10 sprays..so basically 1 calorie per spray..an excellent alternative!!


PS.. I stepped on the scale today..I know I should wait until saturday morning but I was down to 138 LOL.. I hope it stays at that by Saturday!

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