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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Aw, Ellen, thank you so very much! Your post really touched me...


Since you mentioned baking, it reminded me I never posted a picture of Lexi's Elmo cake I made for her 2nd birthday party, so here it is:



OMG That is too cute!! Lexi is a lucky child to have a mommy who takes the time to make something so nice for her.:)



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Hi everyone, I am new here and been reading some of your posts. I REALLY need to lose 30 lbs. Maybe more, but that would be a good start. i am 61 so it seems to be harder. Do you think this could work for me? And HOW DO I START?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Do you think I could lose 20 lbs by mid april? For a cruise, of course?

Thanks everyone.

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I started about 4 1/2 weeks ago. I started by reading these posts, especially the early ones to get pointers and tips. Through them I found the website of Dr. Johnson. Here is the link: www.johnsonupdaydowndaydiet.com

I have lost about 13 pounds but have incorporated lots of exercise.



The website will tell you how many calories for up and down days. There is a chart/calculator you use. I find this diet very workable. If I can't eat something today, there is always tomorrow and that makes it bearable for me.

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I started about 4 1/2 weeks ago. I started by reading these posts, especially the early ones to get pointers and tips. Through them I found the website of Dr. Johnson. Here is the link: www.johnsonupdaydowndaydiet.com


I have lost about 13 pounds but have incorporated lots of exercise.



The website will tell you how many calories for up and down days. There is a chart/calculator you use. I find this diet very workable. If I can't eat something today, there is always tomorrow and that makes it bearable for me.



Thanks Paris.....I think I will start tomorrow and see how I do. I REALLY want this.

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If you are starting a down day. the best shakes I think are the EAS or the Atkins for taste. Get the light ones, less calories. The light muscle milk had a weird consistency. Also, I learned from the lovely ladies on this thread to start your first shake as late in the day as you can and then you are not so hungry later. It works for me. I did the shakes the first two weeks like the website says, and then you can do whatever as long as you dont go over your calories (I only get 397 on DD)


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OK...so I've been doing this for several weeks and this past weigh-in I was UP 2 pounds! Obviously, I'm doing something wrong. Can someone give me an example of what he/she eats on an UP day? I don't have any problems with DDs, but I seem to struggle with what to have on the UPs. Would it help if I did low-carb on ups? HELP!!!! I'm struggling!:(

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Did you weigh after an UD? I only weigh on Thursdays, so everyother Thursday mine is after an UD and I do see a difference in loss. The Wii fit weighs me everyday, so I know I have daily fluctuations in pounds. Hang in there. Did you do the calculator on the website to see how many UD and DD calories you are supposed to have? My loss has slowed down as well. Let's see how we both do this week and dont give up.

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I do my DDs on M-W-F and weigh in on Saturday. I'm usually at my DD limit or lower, but I'm not sure what/how much to eat on up days. I've just decided that maybe I'll stick to prepared meals with established calorie amounts so I can be sure I get enough calories on UDs. I think I'm going too low on my ups when I prepare my own meals because I'm still on the mindset that in order to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories. I got rid of all my baked goods because I'm a sucker for a nice piece of bread and find it too easy to have just toast for lunch.


You've had such great results and I'll take your advice...I'll keep sticking with it because I REALLY want to lose those 14 pounds!:)

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I do my DDs on M-W-F and weigh in on Saturday. I'm usually at my DD limit or lower, but I'm not sure what/how much to eat on up days. I've just decided that maybe I'll stick to prepared meals with established calorie amounts so I can be sure I get enough calories on UDs. I think I'm going too low on my ups when I prepare my own meals because I'm still on the mindset that in order to lose weight you need to eat fewer calories. I got rid of all my baked goods because I'm a sucker for a nice piece of bread and find it too easy to have just toast for lunch.


You've had such great results and I'll take your advice...I'll keep sticking with it because I REALLY want to lose those 14 pounds!:)


Susan, I DO KNOW this much...that IF you don;'t eat enough your body stays in starvation mode. YOU MUST EAT TO LOSE. i know that is hard and THAT IS MY PROBLEM. I have the same mindset. Hang in there. I started today and it is my UP day and I bet I haven't had 600 cals....so I am already off to a bad start. I'll try to cram in some food tonight.

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Tammy, where are you?! I'm worried about you. It's not like you to not check in. I know I'm a good one to talk, but I quit because I wasn't following the diet; I can't picture you going off plan, so I'm concerned that something's wrong... Poke your head in to say you're okay, please.

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Tammy, where are you?! I'm worried about you. It's not like you to not check in. I know I'm a good one to talk, but I quit because I wasn't following the diet; I can't picture you going off plan, so I'm concerned that something's wrong... Poke your head in to say you're okay, please.


Misty, please come back and help us. You started this thread and I read several of your posts. WHAT a motivator. I need help. i made it through my first DD, but it was hard and i was hungry. Can someone give me some tips on what you eat on those days. AND on that calorie chart what is that box you can check different things on 20% reduction and it goes up from there. What is that?

Missy, don't give up.

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Hi Everyone!

Just a quick post before my trip. Have been busy getting ready. Thankfully I am done working. I have a dentist appointment for a cleaning today and then mani-pedi. We leave on Saturday. Of course mother nature dropped a foot of snow on us over night and schools are closed which is rare here.


Misty- I know how you feel. Please stay with us. I love hearing from you. As Ellen said you are not your weight none of us are. You are so much more!


Be good Ladies! I will post when I get back.



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I won't even pretend that I read all the pages to get caught up, but I read this page. No worries about me, I was on my cruise! I took a few extra days before and after the cruise to spend in FL, so that's why I was gone so long.


But now I'm back and almost ready to get back on track. My weigh-in before I left was 150.8. I'm not sure if I want to weigh in tomorrow or wait until I've been back on plan for a week. I think I'll wait. My clothes are all still fitting okay, but I drank like a fish all week and never passed up on the warm chocolate melting cake. And you know what... I don't even feel bad about it!!! :D


I have to tell you my little weight loss "win" during the cruise that made all the hard work worth it... I had bought this slinky, form-fitting dress for the cruise and was pretty nervous about wearing it. I've never had the confidence to wear something like that before. I'm usually trying to hide my curves. Well, I wore it and got SO many compliments! Strangers were stopping me in the hallways even! I felt like a million bucks!!! Once I get my pictures organized, I'll post one of "the dress." :)


Sorry such a short post... looks like we've got some newbies... hello! I'll try to get caught up more this weekend. Hope everyone is awesome! I've SO missed my JUDDD gals!!! *hugs*

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I won't even pretend that I read all the pages to get caught up, but I read this page. No worries about me, I was on my cruise! I took a few extra days before and after the cruise to spend in FL, so that's why I was gone so long.


But now I'm back and almost ready to get back on track. My weigh-in before I left was 150.8. I'm not sure if I want to weigh in tomorrow or wait until I've been back on plan for a week. I think I'll wait. My clothes are all still fitting okay, but I drank like a fish all week and never passed up on the warm chocolate melting cake. And you know what... I don't even feel bad about it!!! :D


I have to tell you my little weight loss "win" during the cruise that made all the hard work worth it... I had bought this slinky, form-fitting dress for the cruise and was pretty nervous about wearing it. I've never had the confidence to wear something like that before. I'm usually trying to hide my curves. Well, I wore it and got SO many compliments! Strangers were stopping me in the hallways even! I felt like a million bucks!!! Once I get my pictures organized, I'll post one of "the dress." :)


Sorry such a short post... looks like we've got some newbies... hello! I'll try to get caught up more this weekend. Hope everyone is awesome! I've SO missed my JUDDD gals!!! *hugs*


WOW, sounds like you had a GREAT time and AWESOME on the slinky dress. NOTHING quite like looking like a million bucks to boost a girls ego.

Yes, come back and HELP ME....i need HELP.

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I have been taking care of my 2 year old grandson who has a horrible virus. He has been totally down the past two days, laying around, not eating, coughing, fever. He is a little better this morning, so I am able to get on my computer.


Weigh in day was yesterday, and I am down 1.4 pounds from last week. A little under 14 pounds total. My weight loss has really slowed down and seems to flucuate daily according to the UP DD schedule. I only count what appears on Thursdays on the scale. I am glad I decided to pick one day to weigh and chart progress. This diet would really drive me crazy on the scale if I were weighing in every day. My wii weighs me and this is how I know about the flucuations, but I try not to pay attention to it until Thursdays!!


For the newbie- the chart with the percentages on the website is for how much of your calorie percentage you want eat on DD. I thinkthat is how it works, anyway. I never read his book. I picked the 20% because it was the fastest way to lose. Might as well try my hardest if I am gonna go for it, right?


Glad to see Tammy had a wonderful vacation. Welcome back.

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How has everyone been? Things are okay around here. It's a little hectic today, though, as I have repairmen here ripping out the old heat pump and installing a new one. Can you say, "Money, money, money, MONEY!" ? LOL. Oh well. I'm just thankful we have the money to replace it. It'd be a cold remainder of the winter without heat, not to mention a miserable, hot summer without air! I was really irritated about the whole thing because I just sold some stock a couple of weeks ago and was excited to have some extra cash lying around, but this heat pump is taking it all! However, I'm looking on the bright side and being thankful I had the stock to sell.


Tammy, good to have you back! Can't wait to hear all about the cruise!


Ellen, hope your grandbaby is better. It's so rough on lil' ones to be sick! Good job on the weight loss.


Pechez, are you hanging in there? Yes, DDs are very tough. As you may have read in previous posts, many of us find it easier to wait as long as possible on DDs to eat our first "meal". I, for example, always gave myself permission to eat anytime after noon. I'd wake up kind of hungry, then get hungrier as the day went on, just waiting on noon. By the time noon would actually roll around, I was usually like, "hey, I'm not so hungry anymore!" and I'd try to wait even longer. As for foods to eat, just read labels and find a few staples that you can always turn to on DDs. Veggies are great to fill in the uber-hungry spots, too, for very few calories. I'd often eat a whole can of green beans in the afternoon to tie me over for a while for only like 70 calories!


Nora, hope you're enjoying yourself!


Patty, thanks for the cake compliment! I really enjoyed making it. I'm making another one for a friend's baby shower in a couple of weeks. I'll post it as well, if it turns out okay.


Hope the rest of you are well....


I'm not back on plan yet. No excuses...I'm just not. Not losing hope yet, though, that I'll be ready soon.

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Boo Hoo now I am sick. I don't have the virus as bad as Caleb did, just the cough and sore throat. I had to take him for xrays because of pneumonia and he ended up on antibiotics and steroids. I am leaving for Hawaii on Saturday. I cant be sick, I cant be sick!!


I miss the encouragement like in the beginning, Iwill need it while I am in Hawaii because my cruise is right after that. Please come bak fellow JUDDD posters!!


Missy- sorry to hear about your $$$ troubles. Isn't it always something? That God you did have the money from the stock. We all have blessings we can count, don't we? You and yours will be nice and warm and have cold summer days because of your nest egg. Oh, I loved the cake too!

Elmo is Caleb's favorite and I made him a 1st birthday cake of Elmo. Fun.


Check in with you again on my wegh in day, if not before!!



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Looks like I am alone on the board this week, but today is my weigh in and so I will post anyway. I lost 1.8 lbs since last Thursday. The weigh in was after a DD. Gotta love a digital scale.


Hope everyone has a great week.

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Hi All I am back :D


I had a great time. The food was awesome! Gained 4 # not too bad.

We had horrible weather but we made the best of it.


I am going to join Weight Watcher's tomorrow morning. I will still check in on you girls though.


I still have the wobbles. Takes me about a week to get my land legs back. Sitting in front of the computer is tough!

I will check in later in the week.


Ellen hope you feel better. I had that virus on the last 2 days of my cruise.

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Just got back from Hawaii. I was really sick with an upper respiratory thing that kept me from exercising like I wanted. I gained 3 pounds :mad:. I couldn't stay on JUDDD with all the entertaining we did. I have 3 days until I leave for my 10 day cruise on the Equinox.


I don't know where everyone went, but when I get back from my cruise, I plan to go back on JUDDD and I hope you all are back here to send your encouragement. :D

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I am gettimng ready to leave on my cruise in 18 days.:D I have finally gotten my weight under control. I was on hormones. They were causing me to gain weight. I stopped taking them and dropped 6 pounds in A WEEK. I did not do anything different than I had been doing.:mad:

Have a great week.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I got back late last week and still am afraid to weigh myself! I ate and drank everything I wanted. The Celebrity Equinox cruise was so nice and all our stops were event filled. We had company as soon as we got home, so no time to post.


My husband says no more vacations until my tan completely fades! :(

The next countdown is for Paris. Our 30th anniversary this July.


Today I start my diet again, and hope to start the exercise tomorrow. Please help motivate me!!

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