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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Thanks, Nora

I hope others come back and post. I was gone so long I thought I would miss so many posts, but everyone is just gone :mad:


Misty- you need to post again, I see your smiling face everytime I come back to this board because you are the first one on this page, but I am hoping to hear from everyone, and the pages will change!!!


How is everyone and everything?

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Ellen and the rest of you--


I hope I can say, "I'm back," and mean it. I told my husband today that tomorrow IS GOING TO BE A DOWN DAY. No "I'm going to try to make tomorrow a down day." IT WILL BE. I'm so sick of feeling the way I do. SO, SO sick of it. I may even take Phentermine to help me get started. I know, I know, it's bad for me, but so is being obese.


So, I'm willing to start posting again if y'all are. I hope you all are well.

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It's 11 a.m. on my first day "back." I took a Phentermine at 8 this morning, and so far, I'm feeling great! The Phentermine has made me thirsty (as it's supposed to) so I'm chugging water, which is helping with belly rumbles. I'm hungry, but it kinda feels good to be hungry for a change instead of shoveling in junk and feeling guilty about it!


Hope the rest of the day goes well.


I hope all of you decide to come back and post. I didn't realize how much I missed this until now. :(

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Great that you are back Misty!

I intended my restart to be last week, but had so much happen. Grandson ended up it he hospital (asthma like symptoms and could not breathe. In for a day and a half) and with my daughter due with his baby brother in a week, I stayed in the hospital with them. I also was giving her a Brunch Shower on Saturday, and so was running around like crazy when I could get away so things would be perfect!! So my DD will start tomorrow. I promise! I will be right there with you, Misty!


I will post a pic of her shower cake. Ducky themed! The brunch turned out great!

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Ellen, I hope your grandson is better! That had to be scary!


The pics are great! I love the cake; did you make it? I'm partial to ducky themes myself since that was my daughter's first birthday party theme!


Speaking of cakes, I made one I haven't posted yet for a friend of mine's baby shower. Her husband is a firefighter, and the baby's room will be decorated in fire trucks and such. Here it is:





I still need practice at my cake-writing. I can only do block letters right now, and they're not even great, but I was still proud of this cake. And she loved it!

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I am back from our cruise. It was wonderful. I weighed myself on Sunday morning, I gained 9 lbs!! I took the stairs up 2 to Lido down 3 to dinner. I took the elevator 3 times in 7 days. My husband who ate like a pig gained 1 pound.

I guess I will be starting over again.


I am glad to hear from Misty again.

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  • 4 months later...

I won't post too much until I know if anyone's still out here.... I just wanted to say that I've really missed you ladies. My life was thrown into complete upheaval (hell) in March, which is why I haven't been on here. I'm trying hard to regain some sense of normalcy, but have a feeling that will be a ways off. During that mess, I gained back 15 of the lbs I had worked so hard to lose. I'm really just now getting back on track.


Before I ramble too much more.... hope everyone is okay... I've missed my JUDDD girls!

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Hi, Tammy and Nora! Long time, no post for all of us, huh?


I fell off the wagon and was then run over by said wagon...


I've gained back ALL of the weight I lost and then some. I honestly don't know what happened.


I've tried doing JUDDDD again but have been unable to get back in the swing of it. Everytime I try it, I fail for one reason or another. It's hard when you're supposed to prepare meals for a family. I feel like a slacker if I don't make supper, but then I can't say no to eating that supper after it's made.... I toy with the idea of trying one more time, though...


I did join a gym back in July, though. They were running a special of $0 enrollment fee and $19/month BUT you can only go 3 days/week and you have to choose your days upfront. The choices they give you are either Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday or Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. I chose WFS. I started working out on July 28th, doing Zumba on Wednesdays and Fridays and just using the various machines on Sundays. So far, I've only lost 3 lbs. doing this. I've been "cutting back" on my food instead of following a strict plan, and I think that's what my problem is. I have to either write down my calories daily and not go over 1500 or so, OR do the JUDDDD thing again....


Anyway, Tammy, I'm so sorry to hear you've been having troubles... Nora, good to see you're still around.


Looking forward to the next post...



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I decided to start JUDDD again after a very indulgent summer. Lots of traveling and not much in the way of regular exercise, just the busyness of life!

I am happy to discover my browser directed me to this board when I typed JUDDD into it to reaccquaint myself with the rules of the diet!!!

I am glad some of you just happened to come the very same week! :)

Yesterday I did a DD and now I need to make sure of my calories and the dos and donts of this diet again. Wish me luck. So happy to see some of you back and I hope we can begin to help each other along once again.


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OMG, I'm SO happy to see you ladies here! Sounds like we've all had a struggling (with weight at least) summer. For like two months I swear I said to myself every day "I stayed on track when I was on the JUDDD board, why don't I get back on there?"


I think I am the queen of excuses. I could have a party or outing of some sort on Friday and use that as an excuse to completely blow it for the entire week. Gee, wonder why I gained 15lbs back? I also found I'm completely an emotional eater. I have to admit, I still don't understand why entire boxes of Swiss Cake Rolls don't solve all my problems! :rolleyes:


Ellen~ Good for you getting back on track! I'm definitely wishing you luck and recommitting to be as much support as I can. I know you joined the board a little later, so I'm not sure if you realized that we were all sort of doing different plans? We all started out on JUDDD and then tweaked things and changed things up and all sort of ended up on different plans. We all clicked, though, and really found each other's support helpful, so we stayed together on the board.


Misty~ I cracked up about the wagon! LOL I know making meals for your family has always been one of your biggest hurdles. That's great that you're going to the gym. Do you like it? I haven't tried Zumba, but heard it's fun. Have you thought about using the WW points thing as a guide so you can still cut back without having to count exact calories but still eat what your family eats? I've been doing that, this is my 3rd week, and while I'm losing a little bit, I just know that I'm extra sensitive to carbs, so I think Saturday I'm going back to my protein plan I was on when I was doing so good last fall/winter. (ps... I still think of you when I hear a Jason Aldean song :D)


Nora~ Are you still doing WW? My friend has lost 40 lbs doing it. She doesn't have a very hectic life, though, she admits that makes it a lot easier.


So the one really positive change I've made (only for a week, but still) is that I've started doing good workouts. I'm doing the Hip Hop Abs and really like it. I almost can't wait until it's time for the next workout. I just got the Jillian Michaels 30-day shred, too. My intention is that as I get back on track losing weight, that I start reshaping also.


I wonder how Elizabeth is doing? It's been so long... I just hope she's okay. :(


Does anyone have a cruise coming up? I'm doing a short 5-day with my family (me, my parents, my sister and her hubby) on Oct 2nd and then have until February to really get to where I'd like to be with my weight/size.


Chat with you all soon!

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Gosh, it's so good to be posting on here again! I'm like you, Tammy, I feel like I did better and held myself more accountable when I posted here.


Ellen ~ good to "see" you back! Good luck with JUDDDing again. How did your DD go?


Tammy ~ You'll have to share your throne as Queen of Excuses with me, I guess. I'm good at that, too. I've noticed one really bad habit of mine is thinking that I deserve some sort of fattening treat if something is stressful or I'm sad about something. It goes something like this: Lexi has been so difficult today! This potty training is going to be the death of me. So I deserve a whole Totino's pizza for lunch.


Yes, I'm loving going to the gym. I feel a lot better. I've often said being the weight I am and sitting on the couch feels a lot different than being the weight I am and at least exercising and trying to do something about it. It changes your perspective. However, it is disheartening when the scale doesn't cooperate. I feel like I'm working out like a madwoman all week and then the scale doesn't reflect it. You should try Zumba if you ever get the chance. It's so much fun and SUCH a good workout! My instructors always wear one of those Body Bug things that monitor calorie burn; on average, we burn between 600-800 calories in one 50 minute class! That's amazing, especially considering how much fun it is. I'm drenched with sweat when class is over, so I know it's a good workout. That Hip Hop Abs you do...is it a DVD with like 3 or 4 different dance routines on it? I used to have one like that...I can't remember if I still have it somewhere or not. I've not tried the Jillian Michaels one...let us know how it goes. I always enjoyed Turbo Jam and Yoga Booty Ballet when I was using DVDs a lot.


I tried WW once before, quite a while ago, but I didn't like it as much as just plain ol' counting calories. I guess from all my experience calorie-counting in the past, I'm pretty much a whiz when it comes to what foods have what amounts of calories. Keeping up with the points was more difficult to me. I wish you luck on it, though!


Yes, I'm still a huge Jason Aldean fan, and so is Lexi. I laughed when I read that you still remembered that!


I wonder about Elizabeth, too...and all the rest of "the gang." Sue, Brandy, Susan, Patty, Vickie, Janey, Michelle....y'all still out there anywhere? Jennie (IslandDreaming) and I found each other on Facebook a long time ago. She's still JUDDDing, and she looks fantastic! It has really worked for her!


No, I don't have a cruise planned right now, though I've really had the fever for the past few months. My girlfriends and I discussed taking a cruise next Fall (2011), just us gals, so I got really psyched about that idea. I researched and made spreadsheets of available cruises and even put an envelope in our safe marked "Girls Cruise" to start saving up some spending money. BUT I get the feeling it may not work out afterall...some of the girls are hinting that they won't be able to do it. I was so bummed! You're going on the Fascination, right, Tammy? That's the last one I did....Fascination out of Jacksonville (Dec. 2009) to HMC and Nassau. What are your ports of call?


Ladies, I thought I'd share something with all of you since we're all in the same Wanting-Desperately-To-Lose-Weight boat. This is something I posted on my FB page a couple of months ago after I went to the gyno for my yearly exam (yuck):


My Doctor's Weight Loss Advice:

So I went to the doctor yesterday for my yearly exam, and I told her how I've been struggling with weight loss. She said, "Let me tell you what I did to lose 15 lbs. in 3 weeks and keep it off." Of course, I was all ears, and I thought I'd share what she told me with those of you who may be wanting to diet.


She said she read an article in a menopause magazine about how to lose weight. The main premise of the article was this: 1. Always eat breakfast. 2. Eat something different for breakfast every morning, but always keep it under 200 calories. This is enough to jumpstart your metabolism for the day without going overboard on calories. The different foods for breakfast idea is supposed to keep your metabolism guessing. Examples include a packet of oatmeal, a piece of toast with peanut butter, a piece of fruit and a yogurt, 2 scrambled eggs (not cooked in oil or butter), a protein bar, etc.


She added another step to the weight loss plan, and that was to go buy some Sketchers Shape Ups. She said no other brand will do; has to be those, for some reason. I stopped by Kohl's on my way home from that appointment and bought a pair. :)


I'm going to give these suggestions a shot, and I thought others may be interested since the advice came from a doctor.

I bought the shoes, but never really tried the breakfast idea...I don't know why I didn't. What do y'all think about those suggestions? Also, does anyone have any experience or know anyone who's done the HCG Diet?

Okay, that's enough for now! So good to be back! :)

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Hi Ladies!


Misty, we must be reading each other's minds. I was just hitting the "reply" button when my email popped up with your post. :)


I had a frustrating weigh-in Friday, which just confirmed that WW isn't the plan for me. I gained 2.8 lbs after no cheats and exercising every day. So I'm back on my no-carb thing today. Might as well do what I know works. I'm going to start posting my weigh-ins again since that seemed to help me in the accountability dept. I know it takes up a lot of space on the post, but you gals don't mind, do you? Here's where I'm at:



7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178

9/18 - 180

9/25 - 178

10/2 - 171

10/9 - 169

10/16 - 165

10/23 - 163

10/30 - 162

11/6 - 162

11/13 - cruise

11/20 - 165.2

11/26 - 161.8

12/4 - 158.8

12/11 - 153.4

12/18 - 156.2

12/25 - Christmas

12/31 - 161.2


1/8 - 156.4

1/15 – 153.4

1/22 – 152.6

1/29 – 151.4

2/5 – 150.8

3/26 – 159.6

4/2 – 158.2

4/9 – 158.2

4/16 – 156.8

4/23 – 159.2

4/30 – 159.2

5/7 – 158.4

5/14 – 160.0

5/21 – 161.0

5/28 – 159.0

6/4 – 162.4

7/9 – 169.0

7/16 – 170.8

7/23 – 166.4

7/30 – 167.8

8/6 – 166.4

8/13 – 166.8

8/27 – 166.2

9/3 – 165.2

9/10 – 168.0



Ellen~ So how was your first week back on JUDDD?


Misty~ Yeah, the Hip Hop Abs are a DVD set. They're kind of like dancing, which does make it kinda fun. The Jillian Michaels one makes me want to drop kick her. I'm only on level one and it's SO hard! There's something about her personality that doesn't quite click with me, but maybe that abrasiveness is what I need. Like at one point we're doing jumping jacks, everything on my body is jiggling, like almost to the point that it hurts, my windows in my house are shaking, I'm wondering what the neighbors are thinking is going on....... and right at that moment she said something like, "Now don't wimp out. Don't tell me you can't do jumping jacks. I have 400-lb people who do jumping jacks." I was like... hmmmm.... guess I better do my jumping jacks! LOL


I totally do the "I deserve this" thing with food, too. Things have been an absolute nightmare with Olivia, and I would actually say (sometimes outloud) that I deserved this or that because of it. I need to tell myself that no matter what stressful thing is going on, I DESERVE to stay on track and love myself by eating right!


I totally agree with your doc about eating breakfast. No matter what diet I've tried or read about, they all say that eating breakfast gets the metabolism going. The thing I see in her suggestions you posted is there are never carbs on their own. Many nutritionists say that if you eat carbs, to always combine it with a protein. I've thought about those shoes, too. What do you think of them??? Do you feel a difference when you use them?


I've never even heard of the HCG diet... so I guess I don't know anyone on it. I'm going to look it up now, though!


Everyone~ I hope everyone had a great weekend and have the week off to a good start.


I started writing this like 3 hours ago, so I better just submit! Crazy day at work!!!

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Well, I'm not part of the old gang, but I'd love to join the group! I started today with my first DD. Doing well so far. Surprisingly I'm not hungry and this is the time of day I'm usuallly raiding the pantry!


Oh well, I hope to get to know you all better!



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Hi Jocelyn! Welcome to the gang! Congratulations on getting started, what a great step! So your first DD is going good, that's great. And not hungry... you must be doing something right. Sometimes for me it was almost like a game to see how good I could ration my cals and get the most bang for my buck... and sometimes that kept me busy enough to not get too hungry.


Feel free to share with us your goals/struggles/whatever you'd like. We're pretty open around here!


I see you're going on the Freedom next year. I did the Freedom in February and loved it! I love that class ship. Have you been on it before? How was the Dream??? My cruise buddy Anthony and I want to try one of the super big ships next.


Misty~ That reminds me, I forgot to respond about the Fascination. That's exactly the itinerary we're doing in a few weeks. I could take or leave Nassau, but I'm anxious for HMC. We're going to try to get a cabana. It will be very strange cruising with my family (I'm used to just doing whatever I want) but I think it'll be so much fun. Any input on HMC???

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Tammy ~ Good for you for keeping track of your weight all this time. I just kinda....gave up, I guess....


I can see why you'd get annoyed with Jillian. I have a feeling I wouldn't care too much for her workouts, either. Did you ever watch her on her show, Losing It with Jillian? She was tough but yet more sensitive in that one that she is on the Biggest Loser. I still don't think I'd want her as a trainer, though, but, like you said, maybe her form of "motivation" would be a good thing.


I always eat breakfast (yeah, you don't see me skipping very many meals...) but keeping it below 200 is a toughy. My favorite breakfasts are a bagel with cream cheese (300 cal) or a pop tart and a glass of milk (350 cal). I'm not sold on the shoes, but then again, we don't wear shoes in our house (I'm a germophobe). Maybe if I wore them all day while I was cleaning and such, I'd feel a bigger difference. They are kinda fun when you wear them, though...You kinda feel like Tigger, lol.


Did you ever read up on the HCG diet? I keep considering it... but it's a 500 calorie/day EVERYDAY plan...and I keep thinking, if I can't do it every other day, what makes me think I could do it EVERYDAY??? The HCG (which I would try the homeopathic oral drops instead of injections) is supposed to keep you from feeling hungry, though... I don't know... I'm reading up on it quite a bit at the Low Carb Friends website. There's a whole forum devoted just to it... It's so tempting because they say you lose an average of 1 lb./day!


HMC is sooooo nice! There's nothing much you need to know about it... Just prepare for a beautiful scene! Oh, don't expect any cell phone coverage while you're on that island. We didn't tender over with Jason's parents (they wanted to sleep in), so we told them to text us when they got there so we could tell them where we were... Yeah. That didn't work so well! I enjoyed Nassau just because we did the Blue Lagoon excursion (on our own...not offered by Carnival). We did the dolphin encounter, so you get access to their private beach all day when you do one of their animal things (dolphin encounter, dolphin swim, sea lion encounter).


Jocelyn ~ Welcome! Good job on your first DD! What did your first DD menu look like?


Well, since Tammy was brave enough to post weights, I guess I will, too (even though Tammy has done and is doing SOOO much better than I am...don't gag when you read my numbers, k?)



7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

9/21 199.8

9/29 198.4

10/06 199

10/12 198

10/18 196.6

10/26 195

11/06 195.6

11/13 195.2

11/28-12/03 cruise


1/18 208.8

1/23 206

7/28 224 (started going to the gym, but no structured diet yet)

8/9 220.8

8/16 222.4

8/26 220.2

9/2 221

9/9 220.2


When I stepped on the scale in July, I was expecting a gain, but I honest-to-goodness didn't think it'd be above my starting weight last time (215). I literally dropped to my knees and sobbed....I couldn't believe I had let myself gain again, and gain soooo much. At 224, I was a mere 9 pounds lighter than I was the day I had Lexi.... I was (and am) so ashamed... I'm exercising very well now, so if I can just figure out what kind of eating plan I want to do (just "cutting back" doesn't work for me...I need structure), I think I can do it this time...

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Hi guys! Thanks for the warm welcome.


Well, my first DD went well. I ended up taking in 355 cals. and lived to tell about it!


Tammy: I see what you mean about trying to ration the calories. I found that I would see how long I could go before I "needed" to eat. Keeping busy with my boys baseball games definitely helped! We enjoyed the Dream. It was my DS's first cruise and they had a lot of fun. They didn't know they were going until we got to the port. It felt a little bit crowded at times compared to when we cruised on the Legend but I'd still cruise her again. I'm excited to see how it compares to the Freedom. The overall layout looks the same but with less people so that should be good.


Misty: I can see what you mean about the HCG diet...500/day would be tough. I've been eyeing those toning sneakers as well. New Balance came out with a pair that doesn't look too bad. I may try them. I'm on my feet all day at work so maybe that would help burn a few extra cals.


I give both of you guys credit for tracking you weight. Here's my confession....I haven't stepped on the scale in months. I know I've gained because my clothes just don't fit well anymore. But I know if I get on the scale it will put me in a mood for several days. It's funny how one little number can cause havoc and stress. So....my "mini goal" is to weigh myself after one full week of JUDDD and go from there.


OK...off to work...keep up the good work ladies!



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Good morning, Ladies :) I woke up with a monster headache that I can't shake. Ugh.


Misty~ I only watched "Losing it with Jillian" once and didn't really like her then, either. I can see that she is totally committed to helping people lose weight, and clearly she does, there's just something about her.


One thing that really helps me for breakfast, regardless of what diet I'm following, is to make breakfast mostly protein. It really helps me not get so hungry before lunch. Mid-morning is my worst snack-y time.


The HCG Diet... holy cow!!! I read very briefly about it and I can't imagine how anyone could do that. The foods on the allowed list aren't that much different than what I eat, (mostly protein) but to only eat 500 cals every day seems extreme. I will admit I did that when I was a teenager once and lost 40lbs in one month. That was the only time in my life I was actually skinny. Of course one cheeseburger and it was all over. LOL My biggest worry with the HCG thing would be the complete lack of nutrients. I'll have to read more about it, but I thought exactly what you said. If I can't do 500 cals every other day, what would make me think I could do it every day??? That being said.... I'd do an awful lot to lose a pound every day!!!


Ooooooooo.... I can't wait for HMC!!!! We're taking two-way radios, my parents and my sister don't have texting anyway, so we'll be safe. Hopefully we'll get the cabana, so I'm sure we'll be getting offboard together.


No one's gagging, Misty! We're all in the same boat here, Sister! If it makes you feel any better, right now I'm only 11 lbs from the weight I was at when I went in to deliver Olivia. When I started last year, I was 7 lbs over that weight! So believe me, I know what you're feeling. It sounds like the gym is really a positive thing and that's a huge step! I'm so much like you, I need structure. Moderation just doesn't cut it for me. I have to choose a plan and stick to it, all-or-nothing. That can be a blessing and a curse, as we both know!!!


Jocelyn~ I'm anxious to hear about your 355 cal menu, too, if you're willing to share? One thing that really helped us when we had down days was to "embrace the hunger." We almost learned to "enjoy" that feeling. Chicken broth and sugar free Jell-O were my best friends. LOL


A surprise cruise at the port? How cool! How old are they? The Freedom didn't feel crowded to me at all. I think you'll like it. It's kind of in between the Legend and the Dream as far as size goes.


I think we all know, all-too-well, the stress with weighing when we know we've gained. :( I think weighing after the first week is a great mini-goal. You may be surprised and feel a little difference in your clothes even just after the first week.


Speaking of clothes being tight. I'm wearing jeans today that were way too big for me in February. And now they're snug. Grrrrrrr.......


Back to work for me.... You ladies have a GREAT day!!!!

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My 335 day consisted of a protein shake for breakfast (it had 25g of protein which held me over very well). Apple for lunch and a Special K protein bar for dinner. Lots of water of course.


My DS's are 8 and 9. They had a blast on the cruise. They were planning our next one before we got off the Dream!


BTW...I feel the same about Jillian. DH got me her Kettlebell workout for Christmas and after doing 10 min. of it I returned it. I think I'm turned off by the ugly faces she makes. She's a little too manly for me as well. Do you guys get Fit TV? I love the Cathe Freidrich (sp?) workouts for weight lifting. She's quite tolerable compared to Jillian.


Well, I'm counting down my last few hours of UD...I think I did pretty well. I tried not go crazy with cals. Did you guys stay under a certain amount on UD's?


OK...gotta go lurk on the Carnival boards!



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Hey, ladies!


Hubby and baby are feeling bad today...I think it's just allergies/sinuses, but I'm not sure. Jason called in sick to work today. Thankfully, I'm feeling fine.


Still pondering the diet issue... I think I've pretty much come to the conclusion that, if I do decide to give HCG a shot, I need to wait until after the holidays. Right now is just too hectic of a time to attempt it, I think. I was looking at a calendar last night, and I was like, nope, I have a dinner party on Oct. 23rd...then comes Halloween (and the evil candy)...and Thanksgiving...and Christmas parties....and.... you get the drift. I think 1 round will take a minimum of 7 weeks (and that's 7 strict weeks...no cheats), so it just won't work right now.


Now, to JUDDDD or not to JUDDDD...that is the question. :p


Jocelyn ~ I think a lot of us would wait as long as possible on DDs to eat. I know I always made myself wait until after noon. Having a filling breakfast (like your protein shake) is probably a good thing, too, though. Gets your metabolism revved up while still keeping you satisfied for a while. While I totally see your reasoning in waiting until after week 1 to weigh (because I TOTALLY know how seeing that number on the scale can ruin your whole day/week), I'd love to see your first week results! I hope you see great success with this WOE. Oh, to answer your question, no, I never kept up with my calories on UDs...I KNOW I would've done better if I had kept UDs in check. My problem was treating every UD as a cheat day.


Tammy ~ I've been reading Pounds & Inches (the book for that HCG diet), and the theory is that the HCG hormone helps your body release stored fat to burn as energy while you're restricting your calories to 500. The author says that, under normal circumstances, one's body will resort to burning up the "good" fat (i.e. fat that cushions organs, the pads of your feet, etc) and muscle tissue when calories are restricted BEFORE it even gets to the stored fat (on your butt and thighs, abdomen, etc) BUT the HCG is supposed to correct that. I dunno. I asked my doctor friend about it, but she more or less told me she didn't have time to research it to give me an educated opinion right now. :(


I hate to run, but Mommy duty calls.

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Good morning ladies,


Another DD for me. It's 8 and I haven't eaten yet..going to try the "see how long I can go" method you guys mentioned. So far, so good. I'll probably stick with the same food as my last DD....I'm definitely a creature of habit!


Misty~sounds like a good idea about waiting until after the holidays....I think that would be really difficult. Hopefully your family is feeling better today.


Hope you gals have a good day!

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