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Anyone Alternate Day Diet (JUDDDD or Johnson UpDayDownDay Diet)?


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Just stopping in to say..... AGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!


This is the first DD where I'm STARVING TO DEATH!!!!!!!!! I can't cheat (and don't want to) because my weigh-in is tomorrow. I'm gonna go eat some low-cal lunchmeat and some chicken broth.


I am so NOT embracing the hunger right now!!! :eek:



Okay, drama queen moment done....

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Elizabeth ~ Thanks for the offer to listen. I have this crazy thought in my head, though, that if I vocalize my worries, they'll come true! Crazy, I know. However, I have confided in my mother and husband, and they've been great support. I feel much better now. I think I'm just a worry-wart. Congratulations on the weight loss! Woo-hoo, that's awesome!!!! I'm thrilled for you!



Nora ~ Congrats to you, too, on the lb. lost! Keep up the good work. Oh, and yes, I would've been mad about the school situation.



Tammy ~ Hang in there! I'm having a hungry DD, too! I plan on weighing on Monday, so I need today and Sunday to be awesome DDs.


Five days... FIVE! with the issue we discussed previously. This is getting ridiculous. I know I'm probably not drinking quite enough water, but still. I keep thinking I'm going to try an all-fiber fast for a few days. Gorge myself on prunes and greens and Fiber One bars and guzzle water until my eyeballs are swimming. Something's gotta give here!


TMI, I know.


Have a great day!

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Hey Misty, I definitely feel your pain! I was at 7 days before I decided those chewable fiber things weren't gonna do it. I went and got some Correctol. Not ideal, but it got things done. I know at some point it can become very dangerous to your health...


I made it over my starving-to-death hump with my soup and lunchmeat. After work I have to get groceries, so that might be a little rough. My nephew (8 years old) comes over and spends the night on Fridays, and our little "tradition" is to watch Stargate reruns with pizza rolls. I think tonight we'll go to the football game instead. As hungry as I am, I don't think I could watch him have pizza rolls without me!!!


Wish me luck with weigh-in. If it's not good like I'm thinking, I'll be asking for advice.



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Hi Ladies!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing weekend. I sure have caught up on my beauty sleep!


I met a co-worker for breakfast yesterday morning and then went to the local farmer's market and stocked up on fresh veggies.

Bought myself some new fall clothes although the weather is still warm here I know it won't last long.

Misty- I love laughing cow cheese it is the best!


Tammy- Hope your weigh in went well.


Elizabeth- I have a theory about the over eating/pain thing. Mind you it is just my theory with out any scientific basis. I think the reason many of us over eat when in pain be it physical or emotional is when we are young even as babies our moms gave us comfort by feeding us. Food provides a soothing feeling. As we grew older and got a boo-boo often mom would give us a treat to make the hurt go away. So this is my theory on the food/pain connection.


Have a great one!


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Hey yall! I have decided to try this diet. Im at a plateau now for several months. Have gone from 218 in Feb 09 to 191 by April and have managed to keep it off except for the occassional pound or two one day and then gone the next. I take Adipex and exercise at least 3 days a week of 30 minutes elliptical at intervals and 30 or so of weights. Have gone down for sure from 18/20 to 14, 15/16 depending on the brand of jeans. I cruise in 2 weeks and again in February and hope to lose the other 50 by Feb. Hopefully, I will lose at least 5 or so in 2 weeks and have started really good today with water. I read one post where we have to really make sure we get our required 50g protein a day. A grilled chicken breast is 120 calories and a nonfat yogurt is 90 so im thinking this is what my daily meal plan will include: Tuna, applesauce, yogurt, pickles celery.

My only real question is that on the down days and for the kids or the Dh, what do you do about dinner? and for some reason i like to snack at night so how i deal with this? thanks for the advice and congrats to all on the weight loss!!! Kim



(Sorry i was rambling)

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Well, I didn't catch the white rabbit so that I could follow him to Onederland this week, but I'm still happy with my weigh in. 1.6 lbs. down this week! Woot!


Welcome, mkluvs2cruise. I'm not familiar with the need to get 50g. of protein/day...where did you read this? As for what I do about dinner, my husband knows that DD's mean "fend for yourself" days for him, and he's cool with that. I make sure I buy him husband-proof food at the grocery store (i.e. pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, etc...stuff he can just pop in the oven) and he's good to go. My daughter is only 19 months, so she's fine with a Gerber meal or grilled cheese sandwich. Hubby has his pizza rolls, baby has her sandwich, and I eat whatever my calorie budget allows. As for snacking at night, my suggestion is to put off eating until as late in the day as you can (that's what I do), and if you MUST snack, keep low cal foods like sugar free Jello cups, rice/popcorn cakes, and pickles on hand. But, if you can, learn to "embrace the hunger." Part of this WOE is having that aha moment where you realize you don't HAVE to eat everytime your belly rumbles. When I feel my belly growl, I try to imagine my body converting my fat stores to satisfy my energy needs. It helps most times. Good luck. :)


How was everyone's weekend?


7/13 215.2

7/20 211.4

7/27 210.2

8/03 210.6 (started JUDDDD)

8/09 206.4

8/17 207

8/24 204.6

8/30 202.6

9/06 202.2

9/14 200.6

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Misty- Congrats! So close to onderland.I know you will be there next time. So you have almost lost 10 pounds since being on this plan. Good work!


Kim- Welcome to our group! Good Luck.


Not much new with me. Monday came fast!


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lmao, Kim, sorry to keep calling you mkluvs2cruise; I totally missed where you signed your name at the end of the post! I never even noticed until Nora called you Kim, and I thought, "Now how in the heck did she know her name?!"


No, Nora's not psychic; she just knows how to read. :p

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Hi Ladies!


Welcome Kim! You've made great progress so far, it sounds like you've definitely got the determination to keep the momentum and the smarts to know when you have to do something to kick-start things! As for the challenge on DD's with the family - I'm single, so I've just got my 14 year-old daughter to worry about. I'm a creature of habit, so I usually eat the same staples on my DD. I do like Misty does and wait until later in the day to eat and then for dinner I have enough calories left to have a piece of chicken and green beans, both cooked with only water and some garlic salt. Olivia loves my chicken that way, so I make enough for the both of us and sometimes she'll just have a different side with hers.


I agree with keeping sugar-free Jell-O or other low-cal snacks. Pickles are a great way to satisfy the salty-crunchy cravings.



Misty~ OMG, you are SO close!!!!! This is the week, FOR SURE! Keep that motivation. You are doing SO awesome!



Cinndd~ Welcome! Yes, if you just google JUDDD you can get all the info that you need online. That's how I started and then read the book about a week later. I actually didn't find the book much help at all. (Just my opinion, of course!) And we might not be experts, but we can certainly answer any questions you might have.



All right.... now for my weigh-in. I lost ONE pound. (I have a thousand year-old scale that's not digital, so it sort of looked like 2, but I'm being conservative.) Normally I'd be okay with that, but since I didn't lose the week before, that's only 1/2 lb per week. Also, I did the plan PERFECT the last two weeks, so I'm a bit disappointed. I really hesitate to say this because I don't want to discourage the new folks, but of course everyone's body is different. Anyway, I'm going to give it one more week and see where I am before I consider making a change. That'll give me 3 more DDs... tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday and I'll do my weigh-in on Sunday. At that point, I'll be 7 weeks until my cruise, so I'll really want to kick it into high gear!


7/31 - 186

8/7 - 184

8/14 - 183 (started JUDDDing on 8/14)

8/21 - 180

8/28 - 179

9/4 - 179

9/12 - 178



Here's a question... I've been reading more about IF (intermittent fasting), which is basically what this is. Have any of you read about this? A lot of that info recommends doing a true 24-hour cycle instead of calendar days. For example, you would "switch" to eating or fasting at 6:00pm each evening. So today I might start at 6:00pm and eat normal until 6:00pm tomorrow. Then I would fast from then until 6:00pm the following day... and so on. The theory being that some believe it only takes 24 hours without food for your body to go into "starvation mode." The way we do it now, for example, is much longer than 24 hours. Today's an UD for me, so I'll stop eating this evening, let's call it 9:00pm. Even though we're eating 500 cals, we're essentially not eating all day tomorrow and then at our 24 hour mark, we still don't eat and go to sleep. Then we try to wait to eat later in the day, so let's say we eat again at noon that next day. That's a total of 39 hours with only 500 cals! Has anyone else read anything about this or have an opinion about it? I'm just wondering if this might be slowing me down. I'm tempted to try the 24 hour thing, but then either not eat at all on the DD part or limit cals on the UD part to say, 1500 cals or so. A couple of the blogs/articles I read about this also talk a lot about the psychological benefit of being able to eat at some point every day.


I don't know, just rambling... wondering if anyone has any input on that?


And even though I'm rambling... one last thought that made me chuckle last night. I was trying on a couple of things to see how close they fit for the cruise and you know what I realized I'm concerned about? Pajamas! LOL It occured to me that the nightgowns I normally wear at home might not be modest enough if I kick my covers off at night. I'm sharing a cabin for the first time .... with a boy! :eek::eek::eek: YIKES! LOL So I decided for the sake of our friendship, I better wear some pajama shorts at least... but they're a little snug. I know, I'm crazy. :D

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Tammy ~ You have GOT to get yourself a digital scale! I'm betting your weight loss is better than you're thinking... About IF, I haven't read much about it except for Dr. Johnson's stuff. In his book, he mentions that it takes as little as 48 hours for the body to go into starvation mode, hence the reasoning for not doing 2 DDs in a row. I didn't realize other studies were suggesting as little as 24 hours... Dr. J also specifically says that our DDs should be 36 hours long in order to activate the SIRT1 gene, so I'm not sure what to think...


Oh, and funny about the pj's. :) Splurge and buy yourself some new ones...I LOVE new pj's.

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Hi! I'm new here at Cruise Critic and I am new to both cruising (our 1st cruise is April 2010 on the Fascination) and new to Juddd'ing. I have been reading some info here and online and started this on September 1st.


My dh is also doing Juddd with me, so that definitely makes it easier. We both need to lost about 20-30 lbs and we hope to have it all off by the end of the year. Or at least by Cruise time, lol.


I hope to join in here and appreciate all the info that you guys have shared about this diet.



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Misty~ I know! My scale isn't even just not digital, it's ridiculously old. One of those, where to "balance" it, you move the dial thingy. LOL We have this thing called Select A Gift, which is basically a catalog we choose a Christmas present from our company. I already put my order in for the electronic scale. It looks like a good one, so I'm really excited about getting it. It goes 2 decimal points and measures BMI and a couple other things, too. I might not get it until closer to Christmas, though. :(


As with anything, I suppose there's a lot of conflicting information out there. The IF stuff I was reading didn't say anything about the SIRT1 gene, but still talked about getting all the benefits with inflammation diseases, etc. I don't know. I'll go with what works, I guess, and not worry about the rest. :confused:


I'm on a DD today and my tummy was grumpy (feast or famine, it seems) but so far doing good. I thought it might be a rough DD because I didn't sleep much at all last night, but it's good. I'm at 100 cals so far and will save the rest for after work.


Brandy~ WELCOME!!! Welcome to our JUDDD group and to CruiseCritic and especially to cruising! If you're anything like me, you'll be addicted after the first one!!! You've found a wonderfully supportive group here!


We're getting quite the little Carnival Fascination group here, too! A couple of us on the board have been on it and a few more of us have a cruise coming up on it. I tend to like the bigger ships, but the one next year on the Fascination will be different anyway because it will be with family. I think it'll be great!


Oh yeah, Misty... I LOVE new pj's too! (We are so much alike!) I think a cruise where I have to share a cabin is a perfect excuse for some new ones! Now if I can just get them in a size smaller...... ;)


Haven't heard from Elizabeth in a few days... you doing okay? I know this is a rough time, don't hesitate to lean us if you need to. And take care of that heart of yours. :)

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drop off the map for a few days and see how busy this thread gets! first of all, hello and welcome to Brandy, Cinndd, and Kim! There's always room for more and we're all in the same boat - almost literally for those going on the Fascination I guess, LOL.


Nora: I absolutely agree and it's been well established that we use food to make ourselves feel better - often because of the comfort our mums provided in childhood; no dispute there. I guess I am looking for an organic root too. We know for instance, that depression is more than just psycological and can be about an imbalance of brain chemistry. So i want to explore if there is an organic reason behind my overeating when physically injured - if I am subconsciously trying to provide missing nourishment that will help heal the body. I reckon if I have not fixed all the crap that's wrong with me psycologically by now, I'm not going to, so have to look at other possibilities;)


Misty: LMAO reading your "embrace the hunger" entry; today (dd) I am so frickin' hungry, I have embraced it to the extent that I think we are now engaged and picking out a china pattern.:rolleyes: So frustrated for you on your postponed trip to onederland! Did you take your earrings off? cut your hair before weigh in?:D So close! Never mind, you are almost there.


Tammy: 1lb lost is 1lb lost and not gained! so congrats. Interesting about the intermittent fasting - good luck with that - are you planning on starting it immediately? I think it is fascinating and wonderful that we all are adapting what works best for us, and sharing this info together.


Kim: hey, feel free to ramble, we like a good read. I am concerned about my protein intake too so usually have a soy protein shake on down days.


Brandy: that's terrific that your dh is doing this with you - will make it much easier that you are both pulling in the same direction


Went shopping on Saturday and bought a too-tight 2 piece swimsuit and a comfortable one piece (cause you never know...). It was actually fun and not too depressing; once you lose a little weight and see the body actually change you can envision it changing some more-15-17lb to go:)


hope all are having a great day; I'm off to have my lunch: warmed up cauliflower and green beans, mmmm, jealous right?:p



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well i THOUGHT I was done - then I read back a little.


Kim: I'm a night eater too and the only thing I've found that helps on DDs is to go to bed earlier - congrats on that great wt loss this yr


Misty: 5 days on sep 11??:eek: this is not okay...I hope you will speak to your dr about this and find out what's up. If you're sure you are getting enough fibre, fruit, water, etc then there is something that needs to be addressed. I know, I know, I may be old enough to be your mother but I'm not your mother so should not act the part...oops! too late.:p


Tammy: still laughing about your conversation with co-worker re: tahiti beach vs orthodontic waiting room - and he was right! One day (distant future) your lovely daughter will present you with grandchildren to love and lavish attention on. You will be a beautiful grandmother and at the end of the day...you get to hand them back to their mother. I adore my grandchildren and all 3 will be with us next weekend so their parents can celebrate their anniversary and tie one on free of responsibility; then they will pick up these lovely little ones on Sunday night and I will flop exhausted into bed, assured that I will have nobody else's bums or noses to wipe on Monday:D


ttfn, elizabeth

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Elizabeth... I'm STILL laughing my --- off!!! I think you and your hunger need to be careful or that sweet hubby of yours is gonna get jealous!!! LOL


And GOOD FOR YOU buying that two piece! You go girl!!!!


And I definitely know what you mean about the grandchildren. I keep my fingers crossed constantly that it's in the DISTANT future! LOL I'm very lucky to have a couple of young nephews (7 and 9) who give me my "kid fix." The 9 year-old loves it at my house and spends the night once a week. The 7 year old gets homesick, so he doesn't spend the night as much, but they're still at the snuggly stage and give me endless hugs and snuggles. And you're sooooo right... it's nice to know that they'll get to go home to mommy at some point. :)


Yesterday my DD went by pretty quickly and instead of eating right when I got home, I did my 45-minute pilates workout. I was so happy to realize that when it came time for dinner, I still had almost 400 cals left! I had a little bit of chicken and a YUMMY 170 cal egg roll. That hit the spot so much that it was hard to not have another one!


Not much else new for me today. My sister is ready to book today for our family cruise next year, so I'm going to help her with that after work before going out with my friends. My sister is so excited, she's just about crawling out of her skin. This will be her first cruise. Neither her or I have internet access at our homes, so we're going to do a slumber party with my stepmom next weekend to surf online for dresses for her. I'll get them both signed up for cruisecritic, too!

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Good afternoon, ladies! The baby's taking a nap, so I thought I'd check in.


Elizabeth ~ Good luck on your impending nuptials with Hunger. lmao, that was hilarious! Good for you swimsuit shopping!!! And yes, next weigh in, I will be sure to shave my legs, tweeze my eyebrows, clip my fingernails and toenails (eww), remove my earrings, remove my ponytail holder, floss, and exfoliate my entire body before stepping on! LMAO :D:eek::p


Oh, and about my 5 day problem....things have been better this week. I bought some Activia yogurt, but I haven't started eating it yet. Figured it was worth a shot. I also need to add more veggies to my diet, I know. If I can't fix it on my own, yes, I will speak to my doctor. My best friend is also a doctor, so that comes in handy. :) Thanks so much for your motherly concern, though! So sweet!


Tammy ~ I'm excited for your sister going on her first cruise! This is only our second cruise. Our first wasn't all that great, but we decided to give it another shot. What cruiseline are you booking for the family cruise?



Yesterday's DD was hard. I had a migraine, and like we've all said and discussed before, there's something about being in pain that makes you think you need to eat. Like you need to nurture yourself or something... I have prescription headache meds that usually work very well but they make me very dizzy, so on an empty stomach, you can only imagine how dizzy I felt! Not pretty. I contemplated several times turning it into an Up Day but I hated to do that since I wasn't really craving anything, ya know? Like I would be wasting the day or something.. Long story short, I made it with about 510 calories.


Today's Up Day, and I'm in a baking mood. The weather is cooling off around here, so I'm ready for Fall, which automatically makes me want to bake using pumpkin. I may make some Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies later, but I've already made my husband promise he would take the leftovers to work with him tomorrow. I CANNOT handle that kind of temptation on a DD!!!


What happened to our newbies?


Everyone have a great day!

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Misty~ LOL about exfoliating! And your first cruise wasn't that great? You didn't go on that one with my ex, did you? :eek: LMAO! Mine wasn't great, either, but it was because of him. That's why I go by myself now! :D


We're going on Carnival. As you can tell from my signature, I'm a Carnival person, at least for now. I want to get to 10 for the VIP status. And I guess for me, since I travel solo, I like knowing what to expect/how things work/etc. Also, they have the best solo prices. I usually pay about 160% instead of 200% like the other lines charge. I've got a couple of friends that work on Carnival ships, so it's nice to have a little inside scoop.


Am I remembering right that your first cruise was on a different cruise line? Can I ask what you didn't like about it?


I'm so sorry to hear about your migraine yesterday... must have been something in the air. I came down with one in the evening. What do you take for yours? I take Maxalt. It works, but only if I'm able to lay down for at least 2 hours right after taking it. Better than nothing.


OMG, pumpkin choc chip cookies. ROAD TRIP TO MISTY'S HOUSE!!!! I L-O-V-E anything pumpkin.


I did some more reading today about intermittent fasting. I'll share more as I learn more, but one thing I found consistent from every single source and that I've noticed myself is that if people are eating "bad" foods (white carbs/sugar/etc) that it makes the fasting time so much harder. That fits into what I've found with JUDDDing. The DD's are so much easier when I eat really good on the UD instead of eating crap (like right now I'm eating pudding.) A lot of the sources also say that people have to find the "method" that works best for them, but a lot of them end up liking the "condensed day" version the best, sort of like the Fast-5 program, where you pick a few hours and that's the only time you eat during the day. And they seem to be getting the same health benefits that Dr. Johnson talks about in his JUDDD book.


I'm just rambling..... I suppose I should get back to work. Or to reading this article about the naked motorcyclist. Of all the things I wouldn't want to do naked! :eek:

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Tammy ~ Our first cruise was with Royal Caribbean. The ship (Navigator) was breathtaking and the service was outstanding. I think the main drawback was that it was SOOO expensive! It was like $1600 for my husband and myself (whereas the cruise we're booked on now was only $848 for my husband, myself, AND my daughter). Also, we tried to do WAAAYYY too much, so it ended up being exhausting instead of relaxing. The food was just okay. And I think what bothered us the most were the rude and inconsiderate passengers! I remember, before we went, wishing some cruises were adults-only; I was dreading a bunch of kids running around, BUT the kids ended up being so much more polite than their parents! Being raised in the South, we were taught manners, like don't push and shove and wait your turn. When getting off a bus or tenderboat, we thought it was just common courtesy to let everyone from the row in front of you out, and then you proceed to go, but people from the very back were pushing and shoving in a big hurry to get off. If an elevator is already crowded, we'll wait for the next one instead of cramming in on top of people (I HATE people in my personal space!)


I'm not saying only Southerners have good manners! I hope you didn't get that impression!


I told my husband that we're going to hope for better-behaved shipmates this time, but if they're not, let's not let it ruin our time. If we have to, we can be just as inconsiderate as everyone else!


I also hear Carnival's food is better. Plus, we're going with family, so that'll be nice.


My headache medicine is Fioricet. As long as I take it at the very first sign of a headache, it usually works. However, there are warnings on the bottle about it interfering with the effectiveness of birth control pills, so I hesitate to take it sometimes. I tell myself that maybe it'll go away on its own, but of course, it never does, and then I've waited too long for the headache medicine to be effective.


I've heard of a lot of people combining JUDDDD with Fast 5. I may try different tweaks when I reach a stall.

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That always irritates me when I see or hear about rude people on cruises. I suppose with around 3000 people, you're bound to get some grumpies. I haven't run into very many on Carnival. I don't know how the other cruise lines compare because I haven't been on one, but on Carnival, most everyone is really just there to have a great time. I'm not shy AT ALL, so I make an effort to strike up conversations with everyone I come across, especially people that look grumpy because they always seem to perk up.


I think the food on Carnival is excellent. I haven't had much that I didn't like, that's for sure! There are some things that are so-so, but not the stuff I care about anyway. Some people opt to eat at the Lido deck for dinner, but I highly recommend the dining room... the food is really top notch there in my opinion.


Oh heavens no, I didn't think you meant only Southerners have good manners! I know exactly what you mean!


I've never heard of Fioricet. I'd be afraid to take it if it messes with birth control, too! (If I weren't single, that is!)


I'll read your review tomorrow...thanks for posting the link. I really like to read those.



Hope everyone else is good... everyone have a great evening!

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Hi all! I am starting The Alternate Day Diet tomorrow. We have a Carnival cruise booked to the southern Caribbean on the Victory on Jan 10th 2010.. I am hoping to lose about 30 lbs by then. It looks like you all are doing great on this diet!! Just wanted to introduce myself- I hope it is okay to post here!

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