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Parents... this ? is for you!


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I coach basketball and am often in gyms with lots of kids. One Saturday my oldest and I were walking from the gym and a little boy was running and dribbling the ball in a hallway. I reached out and placed my hand in his chest stopped him and told him no running or dribbling. His dad walked up and started to give me what for, as a woman in her 80s or 90s walked by. I pointed to the woman and said "Hows your son going to feel if he knocks someone down and really hurts them." He was still all up in my face about me touching his kid. I heard later that he was bad mouthing me and an elderly gentleman told him to "shut up and grow up."


There are some people with no consideration for how there actions affect other people. Oh, and I still stop kids from running in the halls.

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This is a great question and there is no right answer. Ideally, the answer would be to speak to the offending child in a firm, but non-aggressive tone. Unfortunately, it is not always that simple.

For their own safety, we teach our children not to talk to adult strangers (because, for example, an adult should never have any reason to stop to ask a child for directions or help them find a lost pet). So when you as an adult take the initiative to talk to a child, the natural reaction of the child, the child’s parents and any other people around is that the adult is doing something inappropriate. In addition, like it or not, it is a fact that a man stopping and talking to a child is considered much more dangerous/threatening than a woman talking to a child.

So I think there are ways to do it, but as an adult, I think you have to be very careful to be stern, but not threatening. You should definitely keep a safe distance (i.e., for your own safety, so your actions shouldn’t be misconstrued) and I would strongly discourage any physical contact.

Another poster has pointed out that some behavioural elements are subjective. For example, taking food from the buffet. Most people will use tongs when appropriate. But when you’re selecting a large muffin from the top of a basket of large muffins, it can be awkward and not always necessary to use tongs. The reason for the utensils is so that you don’t come into contact with food that you’re not taking. There are some cases when it serves no purpose. And people will draw that line slightly differently.

Similarly, some adults will try to stop behaviour that they feel is dangerous. I've been in situations where my child is climbing on something (i.e., at a playground, not climbing on something where they shouldn't be) and another adult has tried to tell him to stop what he's doing because he might hurt himself. I simply let the other adult know that my child is quite agile and he's a pretty good judge of what he can handle.

So I’d hold off on correcting behaviour that falls into any sort of subjective category. Otherwise, go ahead if the situation arises!

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Chic Dining Room....there was an adult table and, right next to us, a kids table. The kids were out of control...standing on the chairs, racing around the table, etc...terrible...and parents did nothing....every night.


The parents were right there and chose to do nothing. Confrontation would have caused a scene and ruined dinners. The parents need to STEP UP and be parents!



I would tell the kids this is a dining room not a playground and if the adults wanted to say something about it. Feelings just would have been hurt. They can get over it or leave mad I don't care. I would have enjoyed the rest of my dinner in the dining room. Once I finished my dinner a request would be made to the Maitre D and wait staff to police the dining room better. If the kids want to have fun, let the adults fix their plate on Lido and the whole family can eat up there. I have no problem correcting a childs behavior, and if an adult needs their attitude adjusted I don't mind doing that either. :eek: I'm a firefighter so I'm use to the heat FLAME AWAY.

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Well, my 4 dd's never let me go anywhere alone on the ship anyway. So if any unruly kids encountered our family of 6, they would probably move aside as we are the party, so to speak. We take up the whole elevator, take a good chunk of space at the buffet as we move along nicely, and we form a rather long line at the ice cream machine. We are also considerate of the elderly and disabled as far as the elevator space is concerned and we do not take advantage. Yes, we are perfect cruisers.;)


Why do I say all this? Because we are a quiet, respectful large group we have found that no one really bothers us. We don't bother anyone else, so they don't bother us. However, we have had elevator issues, albiet not many. We all just shoot them a look. Have you ever seen the look on some idiot 10 yo's face when a 19, 15, 14 and 8yo shoot them a look!!!!! It is priceless and it shows me that the idiot 10yo is aware of how stupid they are acting!!!:D:D:D:D

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Was it an all day tour? I think the "scenery changes" help as well. But it seems that they were pretty much in one location for most of the day.


We did excursions both in Jamaica and Grand Cayman with our 7 month old. Jamaica's tour was about 3 hours and Cayman's was about 3.5 hours. You know your child better than anyone else and you know their disposition and tolerance levels. I'm glad that all of you were able to have a good time on your excursion but I can't imagine having my DS on a tour where they sit in a boat for 6-7 hours while I'm off somewhere else, as the previous poster had stated.



Yup we were in 1 spot the whole day - and I could tell the little guy was just hot and uncomfortable and BORED!! He had just a small space then it was in his stroller and then back on the floor - we all had just 1 small area to put our stuff & flippers let alone a stroller??? So they took over the back end of the boat. I just felt so bad for him and the grandma then after sitting in the boat and the captain trying to talk over the screaming child describing the area and the rum/punch I felt sorry for US!! Not relaxing at all.


As far as the child getting hurt - I would cry all day too OUCH!!! That would be very miserable - this just was not an excursion meant for a small child - they should've even taken him in the water maybe that would've kept him entertained? I got the impression that they were just oblivious (sp) to everyone else they paid for it so they didn't care - they didn't even try to calm him when everyone was back on the boat - I would've at least apologized to the other passengers and tried harder to calm him but at that point he was beyond calming probably anyway.

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That's totally understandable though. Hell, if something like that happened to me you better believe I'd be crying a wailing for at least a few minutes! Sounds painful! Hopefully people were understanding with the situation. That's a little different than leaving a two year old on a boat with his grandma all day during an excursion. Staying all day at grandmas is one thing....staying all day out on a boat during an excursion...totally different!


The problem was we were one of the last ones on so not many people knew why she was crying. To make matters worse my kids have always been off the height charts and while she was only 4 at the time she was as tall as most of the 7 year olds in DS's 2nd grade class. I did get some dirty looks from others on the excursion who didn't know she was crying because she was hurt. I'm sure some of them might have thought she was too old to be crying like that too. Sometimes we need to be careful not to judge others without knowing all the facts.

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There have been many threads about children misbehaving onboard a cruise ship, especially by the pool (and hot-tubs), elevators, and in the hallways (by the cabins). So this question is for you parents: How do you want us to stop your unruly child's behavior if you aren't around? OR if you are there but just don't care??


You do ANYTHING regarding my child's behavior, I will be coming to find YOU.

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You do ANYTHING regarding my child's behavior, I will be coming to find YOU.


I would hope. that by the tone of your post, you were the 'perfect' parent and that your children were also just as 'perfect' in their behavior onboard. Otherwise, I would feel that you were threatening me and anyone else that might 'correct' your child's behavior.


After reading ALL the posts, I feel confident that most of us would step-in if they felt a child was putting himself (or others) in danger. As a parent myself, I just couldn't stand by and let it happen (even if it was YOUR child!) And I would be sure BEFORE I did anything that it was warranted.


As far as running down the halls, pushing elevator buttons, butting in line at the buffet line or using their fingers to grab at food... I will still give them the 'look' and if you come to find me.. so be it!


As a Christian AND a mother... I won't let you scare me out of 'protecting' your child, or any other person that might need help due to an 'unruly child'.

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Well there ya go Gammy....someone came out to play.;)


Well, I was waiting for at least one person to disagree with me... just not so venomously!


Giving a child 'the look' or asking them (in a firm but kind tone) not to do something that is harmful to them or others shouldn't be seen as being out of line. That's one reason why so many children today don't listen to adults. They know they can do almost anything and get away with it.. esp by their own parents! It's a shame. Oh well... sign of the times, I guess.


Also I wanted to tell you that I enjoyed your review and pictures of your cruise KGF! Very nicely done. I'm afraid I'm one of the women who would be 'fawning' all over your baby boy! He's a cutie... :)

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There have been many threads about children misbehaving onboard a cruise ship, especially by the pool (and hot-tubs), elevators, and in the hallways (by the cabins). So this question is for you parents: How do you want us to stop your unruly child's behavior if you aren't around? OR if you are there but just don't care??


Last December we cruised over New Year's Eve and there were a fair amount of children on board. My teens knew that I could show up anywhere at any moment to check on them. I was walking with my 14 y/o to meet his group near the atrium elevators for some food eating contest. The group was being loud and obnoxious. I asked, as we approached, 'would you act like that in front of your mom or dad?' My son, who wasn't even part of the group ..yet .. turned all shades of red, joined his group and went off to the Lido to eat .. LOL Priceless Moment!


So, I think a verbal acknowledgement of bad behaviour will get most to stop and move on. As a parent I do not have a problem with this!

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I work in a hotel that is atrium style. Which basically means it's all enclosed and open up to the top floor. This apparently means that adults can leave their children unattended and do one of many things. Go across the street to the bar and get drunk, leave certain children here while another child attends a baseball tournament, or get drunk in the parking lot when the weather is nice. WRONG!!


I don't have enough fingers and toes to count the times I have called the police and reported a child abandonded because we cannot find their parents. And I have no problem doing this. It is not my respnsibility to watch your children. My contract does not anywhere include the word "babysitter". So don't come crying to me to either bail you out of jail, or that you got a ticket.


Now I must throw in that I don't go out looking for these kids that are unattended. Every single time I have called the police it's because they have done something that when I was growing up, would warrent an A** whooping! One clear one that still stands out in my mind was the child that thought it would be fun to dangle from floor seven, and then swing into floor 6 over the balconies.


With that being said you all can probably guess, that yes, I am the type of person that would say something to you children, to you, and to your group if you are with one.


Hope I don't run into any of you on my cruise in November if you don't plan on watching your kids!

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You do ANYTHING regarding my child's behavior, I will be coming to find YOU.

Would you prefer in some of the situations listed here that instead of having someone calmly asking your child to stop splashing them in the face or only push the elevator button for the floor they need that the adult just call security instead?


For those of you who have called security - what do they do? What disciplinary actions are taken?


I can imagine most teenagers would rather deal with a polite request from an adult over ship security.

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I have a situation similiar to the lady with the hurt 4 year old. My son is now 10 but has always been WAY big for his age. He has Sensory intergration issues as well as aspergers, a form on the autism spectrum. If you saw him on a cruise you wouldnt look at him twice. He looks ans sounds like a "normal" kid. However due to his traits it may seem like he is misbehaving, when he is not. One of his traits is not being able to distinguish between someone being literal, sarcastic etc.If a stranger said something to him , he could have a complete meltdown. If someone yelled at him he would burst into tears etc. That said he is either in CC or with us, but being a night owl he doesnt comprehend people being asleep at 10 on vacation. HE also has 'ONE VOICE". which I contantly tell him to lower all the time :) He also may forget if we are going to florr 6 8 etc on the elevator, and due to his autism he likes to do little kid things ie pushing the button for the floor we are at. So yes he has pushed 6 for our cabin floor, when I remind him we are going to 8 etc so we are guilty of pushing an extra button. Or running down the hall to our cabin.

I remind him constantly that people may be sleeping etc, but sometimes the excitement overtakes him.Guess my point is dont always asume that parents dont care etc, and if you do say something to someone elses child state what behavior is wrong and why , firmly but nicely.

My son also has an occasional meltdown where he cries etc, We go to a private location but Ive people say wow your kid is spoiled etc because they dont know his issue. When his meltdowns happen there is really no reasoning with him , it just has to run its course. Usually about 20 min later he is right as rain:)

If he was in trouble of hurting himself, another etc I wouldnt mind someone stopping him by saying something nicely firmly etc but I dont want anyone yelling or threating my child. I do think amreica has become a bit too pc because like the other poster said when I was little if I did something wrong somewhere, you knew mom and dad would know about it before you got home!

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I have a situation similiar to the lady with the hurt 4 year old. My son is now 10 but has always been WAY big for his age. He has Sensory intergration issues as well as aspergers, a form on the autism spectrum. If you saw him on a cruise you wouldnt look at him twice. He looks ans sounds like a "normal" kid. However due to his traits it may seem like he is misbehaving, when he is not. One of his traits is not being able to distinguish between someone being literal, sarcastic etc.If a stranger said something to him , he could have a complete meltdown. If someone yelled at him he would burst into tears etc. That said he is either in CC or with us, but being a night owl he doesnt comprehend people being asleep at 10 on vacation. HE also has 'ONE VOICE". which I contantly tell him to lower all the time :) He also may forget if we are going to florr 6 8 etc on the elevator, and due to his autism he likes to do little kid things ie pushing the button for the floor we are at. So yes he has pushed 6 for our cabin floor, when I remind him we are going to 8 etc so we are guilty of pushing an extra button. Or running down the hall to our cabin.

I remind him constantly that people may be sleeping etc, but sometimes the excitement overtakes him.Guess my point is dont always asume that parents dont care etc, and if you do say something to someone elses child state what behavior is wrong and why , firmly but nicely.

My son also has an occasional meltdown where he cries etc, We go to a private location but Ive people say wow your kid is spoiled etc because they dont know his issue. When his meltdowns happen there is really no reasoning with him , it just has to run its course. Usually about 20 min later he is right as rain:)

If he was in trouble of hurting himself, another etc I wouldnt mind someone stopping him by saying something nicely firmly etc but I dont want anyone yelling or threating my child. I do think amreica has become a bit too pc because like the other poster said when I was little if I did something wrong somewhere, you knew mom and dad would know about it before you got home!



I have wondered at time if my son has SID but haven't had him tested....Everything you ahve described is my son. Part of the reason I don't get him tested is that I don't want bad behavor justified by the disorder.disease...whatever the situation is...I have learned how to handle it for the most part and when to fight with him and when it is better to just let him learn that when mommy says somethign he should listen.


Even I am bad about saying something to him like how many times have we pushed the 6 button and now you push 8.....then his feelings are hurt or he calls himself stupid or all sorts of other things. And the more you try to talk and reason with him the WORSE the situation gets. There are times that ignoring him actually does him some good.


One example I have is we were at an ihop with my grandmother and my son ordered french toast...well at home we have french toast from the freezer that comes in strips and this was french toast whole you would have thought that someone just told him that they were going to take every toy away from him and make him work or something with how upset he got. Then he went under the table to pout. My grandmother....thinking she knows all things.....was like you need to take him to the bathroom and whip him....which does happen at times don't get me wrong...but I knew that it would involve a BIGGER scene of me crawling UNDER the table to drag him out then litterally DRAG him to the bathroom scream his head off as if I was about to beat the living day lights out of him rather than what was really going to happen....which would cause so many other things. Under the table...no one saw him other than us he wasn't being loud or obnoxious....other than to my grandmother...and after about 5 mins or so he was up and ready to eat his food as if NOTHING had even happened. And he was all happy and smiles and everything else. It would have taken 20 minutes the other way. And don't think that he didn't get punished....he did once we were home and he was a little more clear headed and so was I.


I have learned to remind him that it isn't going to be like we eat at home. Or that it wont taste EXACTLY the same as the other place you like. But you should TRY it. If I had let that one instance stop us from going out to eat all together then he wouldn't learn that things happen and change in life he wouldnt learn how to act in public. It has been about 2 or 3 years since then...I think he was 5...MAYBE even 4 at the time...I know it was shortly after my father had passed away and that was 5 years ago this coming Jan. He is 8 now in the body of a 10-12 year old and does a LOT better at places. He has deffinately improved since then and it is because we CONTINUED to go out to places and keep teaching him. I will admit that we do still havve some meltdowns...it happens even to me but he is learning to handle them and himself a little better. Sometimes change can make a child totally flip out. Even something like choose to use a different elevator or taking a different route to get to the same place. Or a drastic change in temprature. Even a smell can trigger something.....For some reason when we go to lane bryant...doesn't matter what store...I have been to about 5 differen't ones with him....and they do something ot him to make him act out more so than normal. Things he wouldn't and didn't do in the other stores we had been in and didn't do in the ones after. I have asked them if the pipe in a smell and they tell me know...all I can think of is maybe the soap or whatever the clothes are washed in.


It would be nice if they would make a button on the elvator to clear all the previous buttons pushed....I have even pushed the wrongbutton before then had to make an extra stop...you would think with the technology we have that it would be able to do that.

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My DD is 14, which warrants a little more freedom...she goes to CC but it always seems to be a "teen hang" after a while...and then they seem to "hang" wherever they want! So I always find her in a gang of relatively well behaved kids on the Lido eating or on the Promenade taking pictures...I have the CUTEST picture of the whole gang at the "Old Time" photo area! Anyway, she knows her boundaries...stay in the group, no going into staterooms (especially MINE!) and keep your shoes on!! ONE of my biggest pet peeves (and the one I am LEAST successful in enforcing!) But anyway, if anyone saw this group of 7-10 tweens/teens running in the halls, vandalising, splashing, hurting other kids, making a mess, etc, you have my permission...in fact, I implore you...call Security, give them "the look", speak firmly...heck YELL at them (although that is usually not the most productive use of anyone's time or energy...IMHO!) but please do not put your hands on them or threaten them...that could get out of control and cause MORE problems than it solves!!


As a side note...on my last Glory cruise, my ex-BF and I were seated at a table of "young" couples next to a table of 8 children...the oldest of whom was at MOST 12 years old and the youngest about 4. I thought "Oh great! This is going to be a nightmare!" but nope! They were better behaved than most adults...I complimented them very loudly (so their parents at the next table could hear) on how nice they were behaving! They were thrilled (and the sweet grandma took my arm and told me how much she appreciated my noticing and commenting!) Had they been MISbehaving I would have commented just as loudly but it would have been directed at the parents at the next table...but first I would have asked my server to handle it!!

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I would hope. that by the tone of your post, you were the 'perfect' parent and that your children were also just as 'perfect' in their behavior onboard. Otherwise, I would feel that you were threatening me and anyone else that might 'correct' your child's behavior.


After reading ALL the posts, I feel confident that most of us would step-in if they felt a child was putting himself (or others) in danger. As a parent myself, I just couldn't stand by and let it happen (even if it was YOUR child!) And I would be sure BEFORE I did anything that it was warranted.


As far as running down the halls, pushing elevator buttons, butting in line at the buffet line or using their fingers to grab at food... I will still give them the 'look' and if you come to find me.. so be it!


As a Christian AND a mother... I won't let you scare me out of 'protecting' your child, or any other person that might need help due to an 'unruly child'.


It's interesting seeing your interpretation of what I typed. At no point have I threatened you.


I'm reading your petty complaints while remembering a time when I was in the pool with my then 6 year DD, who was maybe three feet from me. When I looked over, she was being held under water by a boy who was smaller and probably younger, and am wondering at what point should I have started my staring.


Good gravy Marie.

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Thank you for letting us know that you will seek us out and thank us for stepping up when you were unvailable.


First off, anyone who knows my posting persona knows I am never far from my child, on a ship, or anywhere. She's never stepped foot in a club, and makes her friends on her own without the NEED of organized activities. But I also realize she is a child, and although she has 9 cruises under her belt, she will probably do a kid thing now and then. And when she does it in front of YOU, and I miss it, I'm not counting on you or anyone to step in (barring a life threatening situation).

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You do ANYTHING regarding my child's behavior, I will be coming to find YOU.



:confused::confused::confused: Why would you make a statement like that? What do you



If you were not with your child when an incident happend, like her

splashing someone in the pool, are you saying you would go after

someone who asked her to not splash or be more careful while others

are swimming?

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It's interesting seeing your interpretation of what I typed. At no point have I threatened you.


I'm reading your petty complaints while remembering a time when I was in the pool with my then 6 year DD, who was maybe three feet from me. When I looked over, she was being held under water by a boy who was smaller and probably younger, and am wondering at what point should I have started my staring.


Good gravy Marie.


Interpretation is in the 'eyes of the beholder' and as you can see by the posts AFTER you, that others aren't as sure what you meant either.


As far as my 'petty' complaints... The 'look' is for children who are being unruly. Those kids who choose to run down the halls yelling and screaming and not paying attention to those in wheelchairs or on canes! Or if it's after midnight and no one knows where their parents are! Or how about the kids who deliberately disobey the 'adult only' rules and cause all kinds of havoc because once again, their parents don't care and they know it! As far as the buffet lines... don't get me started! I have seen children run to the front of the line, pushing and shoving people out of their way, and then grabbing with their hands that have just wiped the 'snot' off their noses! Petty you say? Maybe to you but this type of behavior definately should have been stopped years before!


As far as me feeling 'threatened' by your post... it was the way you worded it! When showing the post to others (BEFORE I responded!), most people felt the same way as I did. They wouldn't want to meet up with you out of fear of how you might react. I don't know you so how am I supposed to know whether it was meant as a threat to me or anyone else should they say something to your child...


I began this post because of other threads started about children misbehaving and HOW BEST TO HANDLE THE SITUATIONS. Not because I wanted to 'complain' about so-called petty things. I was only giving examples of things that I had witnessed and whether or not I handled it correctly. AND to see how others respond to unruly children.


I would NEVER, EVER touch a child that's behaving badly. I would also NEVER raise my voice nor yell at a child either. Nor would I be upset at children that are just being children. My post is for handling the kids that are doing things that could be harmful to others OR are misbehaving due to no parental supervision and because they know they CAN. That's the reason for my thread ...

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They wouldn't want to meet up with you out of fear of how you might react. I don't know you so how am I supposed to know whether it was meant as a threat to me or anyone else should they say something to your child...



And if that scares you, imagine running into a nutcase on a ship.


After almost 25 cruises, I have seen more misbehaviour BY ADULTS who know better, than from kids who usually don't. And in both instances, it usually ALWAYS goes back to the adult.


BTW, although I don't see your concern for the outcome of my incident, I will complete the story.


I took my daughter out of the pool after making sure she was OK, and waited to see who owned this kid. When I identified the father, I immediately went to him to tell him what had happened. As I completed, he turned to his kid and asked if he actually did that (which at that point I figured he'd deny it). When he said YES, the father lifted the kid by the arm and carried him off into the unknown.


I never saw either of them again.


You wanted an opposing view from a parent. You got it.

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You do ANYTHING regarding my child's behavior, I will be coming to find YOU.


And if that scares you, imagine running into a nutcase on a ship.


After almost 25 cruises, I have seen more misbehaviour BY ADULTS who know better, than from kids who usually don't. And in both instances, it usually ALWAYS goes back to the adult.


BTW, although I don't see your concern for the outcome of my incident, I will complete the story.


I took my daughter out of the pool after making sure she was OK, and waited to see who owned this kid. When I identified the father, I immediately went to him to tell him what had happened. As I completed, he turned to his kid and asked if he actually did that (which at that point I figured he'd deny it). When he said YES, the father lifted the kid by the arm and carried him off into the unknown.


I never saw either of them again.


You wanted an opposing view from a parent. You got it.


Ok...sorry I'm a little confused and just want to understand. I'm not attacking just wanting clarafication.


In your first statement you say "You do ANYTHING regarding my child's behavior, I will be coming to find YOU."


But then in the second quote you tell a story about something that happened to YOUR child.....not a case in which someone told YOU what YOUR child was doing wrong. Just trying to follow.


That said....let's put the situation out there...


If for some reason, your child was acting out....running around the pool screaming like a maniac, turning the hot tub into a splash fest, or doing something that would endanger them or others and someone gives them a look or tells them calmly to desist....what would you do?

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I'm the parent who typed the information in the last parent thread that riled everyone, so I'll chime in here since I'm probably the reason this thread is here to begin with.


What I said in the last thread was this: If some drunk is sitting on the edge of the pool with his 3rd "bucket 'o beers" and my kid is playing in the pool and splashes them...I dare them to say a word to my kid. (this was what the context of the other thread became as opposed to JUST hot tubs) First of all, it's a POOL! They are wet. If you don't want to be splashed, take your drunk butt up to the top deck. You won't miss the belly flop from up there, either. Kids are SUPPOSED to play in the pool and pools are made for swimming, splashing, and having fun for the kids. If you don't want your pretty hair-do to get messed up, then get out of the pool. DUH!


To me, all of that is common sense and if someone fussed, or really even said a WORD to my kids for that, they'd regret it. However, I do not allow my younger kids in the hot tubs because I feel like it's inappopriate for them. My oldest is 15, he's allowed if it's not an adult only and he enjoys them like most adults do.


My kids are ONLY with me or the camps. They love the camps and ask to go. They cannot sign out themselves because we don't allow it. So, there's no way they could press elevator buttons, run in hallways, etc... They're with me and they know without a doubt I'd snatch them up if they behaved that way. They love the dining room and not only act appropriately, but roll their eyes at some of the adults who act like they've never seen more than one fork at a place setting.


Even my oldest has a walkie talkie and must beep me if they are leaving the designated area. He is NOT allowed to roam the ship. He's fifteen. That doesn't mean anything more than he's a walking hormone and ANYONE who let's their teenager just roam is asking for trouble, in my opinion. Do I trust him? Yes. Am I stupid? No! ;)


My kids aren't angels, but they ARE kids. If they are playing in the pool, then YES, you might get splashed. It wouldn't be purposefully done, but they do play and enjoy themselves in the appropriate areas and I consider the pool to be one of those. For those that view the pool area as an adult area that should remain completely splash free...I'd say you should buck up and pay the cost for Costa. Kids are going to be on Carnival, RCI, X, NCL, etc... they are family lines, after all.


With all that being said: Yes, I would probably have an issue with someone saying anything to one of my kids unless they were doing something that was dangerous to themselves or others. (again, mine are in camp or with me, so I KNOW this isn't going to happen) I also think that some people's ideas of what's "appropriate" are completely different than mine. One of the posters in the other thread flat out posted that he was raised in a time when kids should be seen and not heard. I think that's just horrific.


My children are people and I treat them as such. How can they learn respect if they aren't given any? Can you imagine someone telling you that you should be seen and not heard? Would you REALLY want to do anything they asked? I know I wouldn't.


At any rate....that's my genuine answer. :)

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